Doom's Brutal Dark Age | The Dark Ages | FULL Doom Lore EXPLAINED

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the Dark Ages take up a pretty significant part of the Doom timeline with several important moments that occur these are the arrival of the doomslayer the start of the Unholy Wars the creation of the Dooms Slayer in the Divinity machine and the civil war between those who followed the maker and those who followed the Wrath with the confirmation and trailer of Doom the Dark Ages we have so many questions about what we saw as a l guy and having created a huge deep dive into the timeline I thought we'd explore this a little more this game is set between Doom 64 the Lost Levels and doom 2016 and I believe it'll explain exactly how the Doom Slayer ended up in that sarcophagus so which period of the Dark Ages does this new Doom game take part in what led to the Dark Ages and does this age end in this video we explore the dark ages of Doom before he became a hero he was a super weapon of gods and Kings to understand exactly where and when the Dark Ages is set we have to go all the way to the planet of arent denur and understand the history of its people to set the stage well before the arrival of the Doom guy the people of arent Earth thrived under the worship of The Wraith it was because of the gift of wraith Essence and their magic that the strongest of the agenta had been able to claim the land from the mighty ancestral shortly after this the agenta constructed Grand cities and crowned their first king king omero the father and to protect the cities and people from barbarians and other dangers the king established the order of the night Sentinel to protect them and the sleeping wraith they worshiped in the temples these were the strongest and most resiliant Warriors of the agenta and they focused their minds on the Perfection of the art of Conquest this was an exclusive order and no Outsiders were permitted to join the group no matter their achievements the night sense now utilized the technology the scientists invented alongside wraith magic to develop energized swords Spears and Blades although this order was established to Aid Argent denur the population still suffered with other issues the night Sentinel were an integral part in the structure and Society of Argent denur and Incredibly important part of the story to come now as the ages passed The Wraith left the population to their own devices and went to sleep it was because of this that the land suffered with natural disasters and barbarians killed innocence the People Prayed to their gods for help but they did not receive anything this age was referred to as the time of grief however in this time of depression from the skies came the maker Angelic beings of power the maker introduced themselves as gods and offered the agenta knowledge and eternal peace in the Holy realm of erdu upon the death of their physical form all they wanted in return was their worship although the agenta had woried The Wraith for ages they felt abandoned by them to help his people the reigning king of this age King rrex accepted their offer and the population changed their religion to the worship of the maker as an order whose Foundation was etched into the worship of The Wraith the night Sentinels still watched over The Wraith but they too adopted their worship to the maker in this change a new age of peace and prosperity began as promised the agenta were gifted with great knowledge as the maker worked with arenton Scientists to develop new technologies Weaponry war machines and constructions led by the KH maker her species truly wanted to help the agenta expand one of the greatest gifts the population received was the knowledge of space flights a way to explore further than they ever had before Sentinel warship of both maker and Argent design folded space to access new regions powered by wraith energy the night Sentinel and other agenta explored new worlds under the banner of the maker some were colonized into new regions for the grand civilization the species they encountered were also converted into the maker Faith with the same promises they had been offered and for some planets that did not cooperate or reacted aggressively to the arrival of the agenta they were met with hostility from the might of the night Sentinel Army the night Sentinel were not only the strongest army on their home world but they also became a strong force in the universe this was the Golden Age of the agenta on their exploration of space the bethan clansmen came across an ancient habitable Ms and the construction of the city of HTH began some even explode Earth and set up small settlements there however not everything was as it seemed the maker had brought order and prosperity to Argent denur for those who broke the law or deviated from the path of the maker they were ordered to fight in the Coliseum if they died they died but if they Rose against every trial inside they were given the chance to fight for Argent denur as a part of another Army and continued to spread the word of the maker it gave what remained of their life purpose the maker species were messengers of the father an entity of incredible power yet he had disappeared and the car maker had no idea where he was this impacted her species immensely as the kmaker was designed to exist for a maximum of 10,000 years to guide the maker and upon the end of this lifespan another KH was then destined to be made to continue the Reign without the father and his power to continue the cycle the reigning KH simply stayed and she became susceptible to corruption erdu her home also relied on an immense amount of power to function without the father she felt the pressure to supply it but she struggled to discover a source that could help as the years passed the dark lord sensed her weakness and Corruption and tapped into it she was told that a chosen one would threaten her Rule and Destroy her species in desperation the KH reached out to the king of this age King Rowan and she explained that she had for seen a Schism in the blood of the agenta and that a test was required to identify who this was under her instructions maker scholaris was tasked by her to construct a device for this test this instruction resulted in the development of the Divinity machine powered by an element of the dark lord those suspected by the KH of being the chosen one were ordered to enter the machine in the chapel of Purity they were told that it would cleanse them of all impurities those who stepped into the machine were then driven insane and their souls destroyed despite the death of countless Warriors over the years the agenta complied and accepted this holy RIT to be a part of their worship unaware of the Khan's increasing corruption now with the backstory of Argent denur the night Sentinel The Wraith and the maker set up we have the foundation of the Dark Age the law runs so deep but these four factors are the most important in Hell the Doom guy had slaughtered every demon in his path for years Millennia aons he was feared by demonkind time flowed differently here the resurrector was a powerful demon and she knew that the Doom guy would never stop his endless campaign to rip and tear his way through every demon as they came face to face he killed her just like many of her kind however she had one final trick up her sleeve with the power she held in her final moments the resurrector launched the Marine across worlds and space onto a path of Perpetual torment a path through Doom way back into the first age of hell he was in a completely new place now and he would never return to the Earth he had known forced to fight in hell for many years then he was not in hell he was somewhere new the Doom guy had found himself on Argent denur just outside of the castle walls of Sentinel Prime unknown to the population of this planet they were on the verge of a Dark Age the events during this period are scattered which is why it makes so much sense that this is the setting of the new Doom game anyway the Doom guy was discovered by SEL soul soers he was bloodied covered in scratches and on the verge of death they discovered quickly that this Outlander was not from their world they could not understand his human tongue so the Warriors brought the human to The Sentinel priests de ranak de nilo and dig grav before them he spoke of guts huge guts and that he needed to kill them all despite his injuries they admired the fight he still still possessed and in Argentine tradition they sent him to the Coliseum to fight in this Arena this human Marine fought with everything he had he was noted to be crude and brutal in his technique his determination and charge echoed that of any true born Sentinel his war cry echoed through the arena with his Fury as he screamed rip and tear the spectators did not understand his human tongue but they cheered it back The Unexplained arrival of The Outlander interested the KH maker she had no idea where he had come from and ordered that his language was learned so that she could understand him the prisoners he fought against had no chance against his rage and following his major success he was offered a place in the front lines of the argentan army by dig grav yet the Marine still mumbled of demons everywhere that he had to kill them all the car maker asked that the outlander's wounds be dressed and that he be brought to her so that she could learn of the others he spoke of The Outlander spoke of lands and seen and creatures born of fire to the KH maker however she saw this as a place of power a place that could save her species as for the Outlander he was placed into arent D nur's Army on the eve of the Black Star just as the Doom Marine had warned the dark ones discovered arent denur out of swirling fiery Gates came horn beasts from the Timeless realm in their hordes they swelled the obsidian Forest of the Argentine overlandsummers charged to fight for the maker were dispatched instantly to fight off these interdimensional Invaders and protect the main cities this was the start of the Unholy Wars under the reign of King novic arent denur Dark Age truly began with a hatred for all of demonkind the Doom guy raced straight to the front lines to wipe out the demons he seemed to enjoy it and outlive many of the other the Warriors in the background the carmaker and her priests approached the king they wanted to understand this land that the Invaders had come from and pushed that the Warriors tuck the fight into the other dimension through their fiery Gates on the battlefield The Sentinel Warriors noticed the rage the human had King novic also noticed this and deemed him worthy of selection to fight as one of the night Sentinel and not of the common rabble this decision broke Artin and Sentinel history as no Arena born prisoner had ever fought for the night SEL yet his ability to Massacre demons was needed as he trained the hall Masters deemed him an undying unrelenting compatriot he rose each time he was thrown into the dirt Circle no matter how battered or bruised he was he still fought with a grim termination as his training continued he was taught the order of the night Sentinels history their ancient lessons of battle Brotherhood and he wore their armor he was no longer a marine as a night Sentinel he traveled into hell three times on Expeditions and each time he watched over and looked after those he fought with he was forged into a brother in arms under the command of the maker gods and King novic he was an ally and a weapon as the days passed the wars continued and the Warriors fought as hard as they could then the maker announced a new energy source to help them in their fight for arent durur arent energy something to power their weapons to slay the demons these vile forces had pushed the kingdom to the brink but but the worst was Yet to Come As King novic sat on his throne as the Black Star reached its Zenith just beyond the Mountain rise to the east a howling Darkness assembled this was yet another wave in this NeverEnding War under this time the demons walked with a monstrous Titan the dreadn the Knight Sentinel had been able to fight off the constant hordes and floods of demonic entities so far but this one was different a being of this size had never entered this realm before to anyone's knowledge as it walked closer to tarus nabad it destroyed everything in its path the night Sentinel led by Commander valon did their best to fight back this horde but even the Doom Marine struggled to take down the dread Nords as the fight commenced Sama maker heard The Whispers of the dark lord and he was convinced to bring the Doom Marine to the Chapel of Purity Place him inside of the Divinity machine reverse the polarity and activate it upon doing so the Marine became something else infused with the power of a God that powered the machine he became the Doom Slayer upon his arrival to the battle the Slayer plunged the blade of his Crucible into the Titan and saved the city he became a hero to all agenta with this great Victory the Knight SEL continued their fight with their super weapon they destroyed waves of demons and entered hell to fight the source however on one of their expeditions they discovered the city of nekroval the Warriors watched in horror as they saw the Fallen Souls of those they had fought with tortured in this Factory of Argent energy as they looked around they saw the familiar architecture of maker and Sentinel it was clear they had been betrayed by the very gods they had worshiped upon their arrival to Argent denur the night Sentinel called out the maker The Souls of the Fallen agenta had been used as fuel to power erak this war and the angels this accusation triggered a civil war on one side the those who disavowed the maker and the awful acts they had committed against the agenta and on the other those who either did not believe their gods could commit such evil acts and those who simply did not care the maker had helped this planet Thrive and Argent energy had offered them incredible benefits a longer life no disease and a placing erdu upon their deaths to the indoctrinated masses this this was simply a test of their faith for years the Civil War raged on along with the war against hell night Sentinels on either side fought against their brothers those corrupted by Argent energy became new demonic entities dubbed Marauders the Knight Sentinel were desperate for an end to both Wars to at least stop their conflict with the maker and those loyal to them they came up with a plan with two main objectives the first was to take down the soul Spire in nekroval that transported argent's energy to erdu the second was to wake up The Wraith if the maker lost their connection to power surely The Wraith and night cenal Army would be able to take them out this was a solid plan but the corrupted priests were smarter even at this point the night Sentinel had no idea that these priests had betray betrayed their own kind Commander Valen had lost his son in this war and he had been plagued by dreams of his torture day grav approached valon and told him that the nightmares were real and that he had the power to resurrect him in return all he wanted was the keys to the seula of elements The Vault of the sleeping wraith Commander valon was desperate and in this moment of weakness he betrayed the Warriors he commanded and the old gods he had sworn to protect as he handed over the keys in order to reach nekroval again the hell priests offered the night Sentinel direct access to the hell City through one of their portals unaware of a Sinister plan at play the Dooms Slayer and the night Sentinel accepted this offer and they entered One By One The Night Sentinel found themselves separate ated and scattered all over the Twisted landscape of this Dark Realm all of them were picked off one by one until only the doomslayer and Commander valin stood this signaled the end of the doomslayer participation in Argent D nur's Dark Age he had been a warrior for gods and Kings Trapped In Hell once again Titans fell at his feet over his time there the demons feared him once again and he even acquired the prayer suit from a person or entity regarded to as the wretch the hell priests later lured the Doom slay inside the sprawling catacombs of kadingir sanctum and pulled down the temple above him in this rare weaken State the forces of Hell came together and placed him inside of a sarcophagus with the magic of this Dark Realm he was placed in stasis and and the sarcophagus was sealed without the night Sentinel to protect them the K maker the order of dig and those loyal to the maker helped in the Demonic occupation of arent denur as huge chunks of the planet were absorbed right into hell Doom's Dark Age began the moment the KH maker fell to the corruption this age had so many interesting moments the the arrival of The Outlander the start of the Unholy Wars the creation of the Dooms Slayer in the Divinity machine and the civil war between those who followed the maker and those who followed The Wraith from these when does Doom the Dark Ages take place the trailer has already been broken down so many times now so I'll just say what I got from it we can see that it takes place predominantly on Argent and hell it would make the most sense for it to take place just before and during the Civil War period the Doom guy has just become the Dooms Slayer but isn't viewed as a complete hero yet as a night Sentinel we fight with the other Warriors against the forces of hell and those who sided with the maker what I loved about Doom Eternal was that we got to see how this war came to an end we see the destroyed structures and mechs stuck in place from the trailer we can see that we'll be using them in the battle the Dark Age and Civil War period is fascinating we do not know how King novic died we may get to see Commander valum fight up close maybe we'll learn more about his son the maker and their technology is also featured pretty heavily in the trailer we see some sort of floating Citadel of maker design we see the Slayer preparing for a mission inside of a maker region I am 90% sure that the Slayer is the projectile being launched from the ship we may find out who made our prator suit more of the history of the night Sentinel the Wolves maker and even wraith they are still shrouded in so much mystery this has been planned as a more grounded version of Doom we have the classic super shotgun and also medieval Sentinel weapons the flail skull crunch weapon oh and the chainsaw looks incredible that was all I had to say about the trailer really as I wanted to focus this on the actual Dark Age law I for one cannot wait to find out more I also think that this game will focus more on the killing of demons with the KH maker the father and the other Godly creatures acting as more of a backdrop that was everything I wanted to say really if you enjoyed this deep dive then I'd love love you to subscribe to the channel like the video and comment your own theories finally I'd like to thank my GTI here patrons and channel members Jonas Lewis Queen Arby fluffy the dragon Chicken Guy 791 ruber Mendoza duke toenut or an X ASU Katana AJ Verona comfy BG games arivis arnest Blaze of Glory Cole Sherman yolly Rodriguez nabar 500 ver clone boy dry Phoenix and Logan Scott are you happy about this new Doom game what do you think of the new weapons and what would you like me to cover next please let me know in the comments below this is where our story ends check back soon for a new one
Channel: Skyrionn
Views: 56,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doom the dark ages, doom: the dark ages, doom the dark ages trailer, doom the dark ages gameplay, doom dark ages, doom the dark ages lore, doom the dark ages news, doom the dark ages info, doom the dark ages game, doom the dark ages story, dark ages, doom the dark ages ps5, doom dark ages trailer, doom the dark ages reveal, is doom the dark ages real, doom the dark ages reaction, the dark ages, doom te dark ages, doom the dark ages fr, doom the dark ages vf
Id: 4QJ9k9XZ9dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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