Halo Infinite: A Hopeful Disappointment

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This is the first video I've seen that's actually generated some excitement for me.

He is critical of the graphics and audio, but the game really is starting to look fun to play.

I love how bits of armor are shot off, and I'm glad he pointed out the methane poofing out of the grunts and dissipating. That's a new detail. The grapple has limited uses and cooldown.

The way he implemented music when you first walk onto the ring gave me chills, I honestly think that alone could've made people so much more excited.

I'm worried that there may be a lack of epic cutscenes.

I really need to see multiplayer.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

best critique ive seen so far

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/gustavethegr8 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love act man!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/manchild1111 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
by the rings halo infinite gameplay has finally been revealed oh my god yes it has showered down upon us like a golden stream of odsts microsoft's xbox series x has struck back against sony's playstation 5 in the battle for console supremacy and it's clear what everyone wanted to see most yeah boy you homie the one and only [ __ ] master chief now i initially wanted to do uh an entire recap of the xbox series x's gameplay reveal but halo infinite is just a little too spicy you know you gotta take that dish away from all the others and kind of digest it on its own so that's what we're gonna do but part two is on its way now before all the gameplay reveals microsoft made sure to let us know that every first party title everything we're about to see is available through the xbox game pass and let me tell you fellow gamers there is no better deal out there but before we get into halo infinite i have to change into my alter ego [Music] the anime man this video is sponsored by xenon zard an anime themed digital card game with exceptional graphics for mobile devices battle alongside your personal ai choose from 16 different ones stand aside joey wheeler the ai will adapt to your play style giving you advice and support as you outwit your opponents craft your own deck with over 500 cards and seven different types of cards with the unique mana movement phase you can use mana to summon minions or transfer mana from weaker minions to summon stronger ones but it's not enough to battle against just the computers you need pvp test your strategies against other real life players and claim victory xenon zard is truly the game for anime fans and if you download the game using the link in the description you have a chance to win 240 cards that's almost too much anime to handle this is a july exclusive event so download the game now make sure to share your experiences online using the hashtag xenon zardachi once again download using the link in the description thank you xenon zard for sponsoring this video and now halo infinite after two incredible teaser trailers and a wealth of speculation the long wait is over and my blue balls have been relieved or have they many of the big questions we've been asking have been answered somewhat in this reveal what will the art style look like is this an open world game the wait for gameplay and information has been truly agonizing it's mind-blowing to think halo 5 came out five years ago it was surreal just witnessing the next chapter of this incredible franchise that i've been around for years so we're gonna look at things in depth with the gameplay reveal and i'm gonna give you my thoughts on a lot of the little details and overall aspects of halo infinite you know things that you might have missed or maybe not paid as much attention to so the main menu looks pretty damn dope if i say so myself and i reckon that this is some kind of teleportation fast travel system because halo infinite is going to be open world those rings we saw way back they're still relevant now one thing i noticed immediately this main menu music sounds like halo that was not the case for four and five i'd say the overall story setup is pretty promising brohamer and master chief are essentially trapped on this halo ring trying to find a way off so that bro hammer can you know reunite with his family the dialogue for chief is perfect brohamer is just a little weird he came off way more sympathetic in the initial trailer than he does here oh you are breathe no breathe god steve downs is [ __ ] incredible now it's also clear that the banished are going to be the main threat in this game so 343 are building off of halo wars 2's story important to note that bro hammer says i saw condors over there i know i saw clone wars over there you know what a condor is it's that super [ __ ] badass vehicle in halo wars 2. we probably won't get to fly one but i'm going to hope for it nonetheless i also do like the chemistry between the two i think it was well written and the music was emotional and i was invested we're outgoing [Music] so now that it's confirmed it's going to be an open world game that brings up an entire discussion about the storytelling because the series has traditionally been linear you know mission by mission but this is obviously going to have you tackle missions in whatever order you please so will the story feel disjointed if you spend like five hours doing side missions and then catch up on the main plot maybe but that is your choice as the player the question is will these cutscenes have the same level of quality and polish as the ones early on and now we're talking baby that is a perfect first place to start with halo infinite although it's kind of weird that they didn't play any sort of music i feel like that could have been really impactful [Music] maybe [Music] also there is going to be wildlife hopefully more moa's our first slice of combat and this is when i got a little worried number one the textures just something about the textures just took me out of the experience because i was so hyped and thrilled yet i was like disappointed because i expected it to just be this mind-blowing spectacle and yet i can't say that it looks better than halo 3 reach 4 or 5. i honestly can't say that on a positive note shooting the grunts has this blue mist this methane coming out and i thought that was a really cool detail shield recharging sound effect if you zoom in and slow it down you can see a lot of textures popping in and out in the background in the foreground and right here you can see some grass again something to be worried about but let's keep watching now when i saw the phantom that's when my excitement really turned into like is this it is this what it's going to look like because you put this phantom what we've seen of it compare it to a phantom from reach or halo 3 or any other game honestly this does not look incredible this is not mind-blowing it's supposed to be mind-blowing this is a next-gen console xbox series x you've been toting it as the world's most powerful console show us that show us that power so i started to get really worried here but that soon dissipated a little as i saw the glorious warthog and just how open the level design is i mean it looked and felt like the second mission of combat evolved but expanded exponentially and then sprinting confirmed [Music] years of sprint debates at the academy wasted look before you [ __ ] yourself over the fact that sprinting's gonna be an infinite we have to see multiplayer first okay to me it doesn't matter in the campaign this is gonna be a big ass map you're gonna need to sprint multiplayer is an entirely different story the warthog drives so well and then this odst style map got me really excited because it felt like infinite is going to take pieces of every single halo like the best parts and really evolve them you know you've got your tack map upgrades database view missions there's likely going to be a ton of collectibles lore codex you'll also notice some type of reward or currency next to the difficulty icon meaning that missions around the world are likely going to vary in difficulty and reward now at this point i really started to hone in on the hit markers and you know spread of the weapons which still has that halo 5 feel i'm mostly fine with that but the combat looks incredible when homeboy picked up the heavy assault rifle oh oh that [ __ ] was so awesome i think the way the combat plays out in this game the way it's portrayed is incredible adds depth and variety i just hope they have enough different types of enemies to make it not feel so repetitive also having some type of linear missions and not just open world i think is going to be very much necessary you can't just go 100 in the open world direction for halo that's that's going to be jarring for people now another thing i saw here is there's no weapon icon when you're going to pick up a new weapon this was a problem in halo 5 and it was incredibly frustrating to be in an intense fire fight and like need to swap your gun but not know exactly what your next weapon is going to be you know unless you read that text which you don't always have time for sometimes your brain just sees the weapon icon bam surprise [ __ ] the armor shred mechanic for the brutes is very cool feels like it expanded upon the brute design in halo 3. and by the way this is the first time we're going to fight brutes in a shooter since reach baby equipment has also returned one time you throw it out gives you an advantage this is [ __ ] awesome for sandbox gameplay in multiplayer and campaign now there's also the grapple hook and the return of the spike grenade both incredible however i felt like the ways in which the person playing used the grapple hook weren't all that creative or jaw dropping the new weapon the ravager looks sick the way the music picks up as chiefs going up this elevator but again graphically leaves something to be desired music however perfection the ravager seems to be a replacement of the concussion rifle uh without the physics and also burst fire so all the new weapons to me were fantastic i think they rely on burst fire a bit too much but they look like a lot of fun to use also the brute yelling out die for the banished and then throwing a suicide grunt that is an awesome mechanic another thing to notice is that the grapple hook is on a cool down and it has limited uses and it looks like there's going to be different weapon variants because of the text on screen when the player walks past them there's also going to be some type of scan feature to see objectives and stuff now what's really cool about the grapple hook in this situation is i'm pretty sure you could have run to the left or the right or even all the way around and come over the top to engage the enemies in this position and that's the type of like free-roaming play style that i think is awesome but this brings up the question what is the penalty for death because if you just respawn like it's destiny and there's no no punishment you won't feel as much on the edge of your seat like you would facing down a rocket launcher flood on legendary obviously grabbing the fusion coil and throwing it is badass despite my complaints about the overall graphics i think the particle effects are pretty dope this showcase was awesome in giving us a taste of a lot of different weapons and types of combat slight vehicles and all that the new brute they showed just made me think hey where's atriox so after the reveal i sat down and just thought about everything i'd seen and my biggest concern is the graphics people have said well it's an open world game there's going to be so much rendering going on at a single time and i'm like well gta 5 looks incredible for 2013 red dead redemption 2 all these other open world games look better than halo infinite in my opinion the biggest problem is this does not look next gen the combat looks fantastic but the graphics do not impress me and people are speculating that the game is made with ray tracing in mind that wasn't active in the demo people have pointed out that it is just a demo there's a theory that what we saw was downgraded because it'll have to run on the old xbox one as well the stream itself had some lag and technical problems i know i saw god [ __ ] damn it strive and when you're done with this war we can't get away from here are a way what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] wait here yo this buffering is insane the gameplay trailer looked a lot better in my opinion so the demo might have just been messed up whatever the case my excitement kind of dipped down every time i thought about the graphics and that's the problem with a game that has such a long development cycle you expect to just blow your tits right off and i was blown away but that was because i was like finally it's actually happening halo infinite gameplay mechanically it looks pretty damn slick the movement seems less focused on enhanced mobility while still retaining some elements that modernize it alongside other shooters and the art style has vastly improved from halo 5. it seems to be a mishmash of both eras of halo new grunt models beside the older ones what we saw definitely captured the spirit of halo exploring wide open areas freedom of choice a sandbox game vehicle combat wide variety of enemies with interesting ai let me put it this way i am not impressed by the graphics but i want to play the game so badly without e3 and pax and no announcement of a beta who knows when anybody is going to be able to test out halo infinite and because of the graphics some of the enemies did look kind of plasticky at times the music really shined and even the man himself marty o'donnell could appreciate it subscribe to his channel they've been tapping into that aspect of halo that we talked about emotional equity when you hear the halo theme it has so much more weight than a song you aren't familiar with i think 343 is truly listened to what fans want it's not that we hate their version of halo but rather we're missing the old classic bungee feeling and you can have both that's okay the problem with halo 4 was it seemingly ditched every artistic choice that the previous games had made combining the strengths man all i've wanted is for halo to feel like halo and this does without a doubt the sound effects did not stand out they felt fairly generic i don't know what to say i mean listen to the assault rifle from other games the new brute warchief is called esheram and from his small snippet of dialogue well he doesn't invoke the same intimidation fear and aggressiveness that tartarus did in halo 2. and the prophets learn of this that they will take your head when they learn fool they ordered me to do it of course i'm biased but i hope he can become the next tartarus and represent the brutes or that they'll at least give atriox some more screen time and character and have him show down with the chief now we're not done fully discussing the trailer but right now for better context let's look at some information that we have now alana pierce in her video says that this is actually an early build of the game which whoo breath of relief but not really because we're like four months from release if this wasn't an early build i would be deeply worried now alongside the reveal chris lee the studio head of 343 posted to halo waypoint and i'll highlight and summarize what i think are the most important points chris lee says our narrative team is crafting a story that will be entertaining and exciting for all players so don't worry if you're new to the halo universe or i have no idea who the banished star from the beginning our vision for halo infinite's spiritual reboot was to create a story and experience that's inviting to new players and welcomes them to fall in love with halo the same way many of us did years ago without any prior knowledge required i can take the headphones off man beautiful beautiful baby that's what i've been talking about man you remember halo 5's like promotional material dude there was like 17 novels and 37 comic books if you wanted to understand like podcast or animated tv series it was like you can create a story in a narrative that appeals to new and old fans and halo 5 just didn't i have no idea how we got to where halo 5 started from the end of halo 4. i still don't know so the biggest success with halo infinite and 343 is the design philosophies they are taking they want it to feel like halo they want it to play like halo they want the story to appeal to everyone and that's just incredible seems like the basis for the gameplay is taking the second mission of combat evolved and just turning that into an open world because truth be told that's probably one of the best missions in the franchise and chris lee talks about that when i first stepped out onto the halo ring and combat evolved all those years ago i was transported and immersed in a mysterious awe-inspiring alien world extending into the sky with halo infinite we're now able to give players more freedom than ever before to explore a sprawling halo ring this demo shows off just a small section of the open and expansive world we've crafted to deliver an epic master chief experience you know what this means there's gonna be flood you're on a halo ring you get to exploit there's gonna be [ __ ] flood on it man mark my words consider the mart i take back what i said the flood should be in halo infinite this next section talks about how halo has always been defined by its sandbox the collection of weapons vehicles and characters that fuel emergent gameplay and freedom encounters throughout the campaign the team is building on the legacy of this iconic sandbox while evolving and infusing it with new offerings exactly what i want to hear despite what you may think about me i don't want the series to just re-release halo 3 every few years i want new [ __ ] too and it really seems like the abilities with the grapple shot are going to be incredible throwing fusion coils or grappling to melee to traverse grapple to get into a vehicle holy [ __ ] that would be so awesome you know your homies driving the warthog and you got the flag and you [ __ ] jump into the warthog dude oh my god the potential grapple into vehicles make it happen three four three now i don't entirely believe the validity of his statement on the slip space engine and how good the game is going to perform because i didn't see that but i'm still hopeful this next passage talks about how halo infinite is coming to steam official which will continue microsoft's goal of establishing the franchise's presence on pc a great move but at the same time i'm worried about how many real reasons there are to get an xbox series x if you can get the game through game pass if you can play it on an xbox one if you can play it on steam what is the incentive to get the new console then the pc version is promised to offer best in class optimization those of you dissatisfied with mcc's pc optimization you'll have your day in court objection now this next passage talks about the flighting program and ya boy is ready to serve i am ready to play halo infinite i will do my duty and play test and give my feedback i'll whip out two plasma grenades and detonate them if that's what it comes to now i'd also like to point out that michael wolff the marketing lead made a post on xbox.com short post where he talks about historically awesome halo marketing campaigns like starry night i love bees we are odst hunt the truth halo infinite is in crunch time right now i mean we got a maximum of four months before it's out the door so these marketing campaigns are gonna need to rev up those fryers to generate the hype train now ryan mccaffrey made a post on ign another short post where chris lee said halo infinite is the start of our platform for the future we want infinite to grow over time versus going to those numbered titles and having all that segmentation that we had before it's really about creating halo infinite as the start of the next 10 years for halo and then building that as we go with our fans and community kind of sounds like bungie's destiny 10-year plan remember that except this actually looks like it has a good story and it's fun so now what this confirms to me is that halo infinite is going to be a long-term investment and commitment by 343 and microsoft but it won't be like free to play or a live service game but we should expect substantial updates that build upon the story and gameplay in meaningful ways the start of our platform for the future there was also the become trailer which was really freaking awesome i mean those graphics looked next gen i felt chills going down my spine watching that how it feels to chew five gum it all means nothing [Music] until you step inside new five gum stimulate your senses also if you didn't see the gameplay trailer was real quick and showed off things like the energy sword lightning grenade the battle rifle got a quick glimpse of that now it's important to discuss things that weren't there which was a lot no sign of lock or the arbiter or halsey lasky palmer fire team osiris blue team the guardians cortana basically nothing from halo 5. there wasn't even a click like five second clip of multiplayer or forge or some new game mode or some other crazy [ __ ] hopefully all that stuff will come in time and i'd like to point out that if this game is going to be heavily invested in by 343 and microsoft i hope they listen to fan feedback just like ea and dice did with battlefront 2 and add those things that people want to see so bad like the revenant the falcon if we just keep asking for that [ __ ] over time we should get it halo infinite is like stuck in this weird place of being a spiritual reboot but also having to carry around the decomposing corpse of halo 5's narrative and and like figure out what to do with it where can we bury this so so we can move on and it mostly seems to be building off the narrative of halo wars 2. the lords just feel scattered and disorganized it's not so much what they showed was underwhelming but how long it took to get here that makes it feel underwhelming i want more and i know i shouldn't according to this reddit thread and alana pierce's video that the game would have come out earlier but they reworked the entire story because the criticism of halo 5. and i'm sitting here like oh [ __ ] did we do that i think i've rambled long enough i'm going to give halo infinite the benefit of the doubt graphics were not impressive in the slightest bit but mechanics are most important and mechanically what i see is a [ __ ] ton of fun it's this glorious combination of new and old halo vibes that makes me excited the principles of what made the bungee game so awesome with some modern iterations and elements from 343's games this close to release though there still is a lot to be concerned about but what do you think holy jesus what are your thoughts on halo infinite put them down in the comments below like the video if you enjoyed it enjoy the new brute meme spread it around that's all i got for today this is the act man signing out peace listen up spartans it's steve downes the voice of master chief sierra 117 subscribe to the act man for awesome content and finish the fight master chief out
Channel: The Act Man
Views: 1,590,974
Rating: 4.7968149 out of 5
Keywords: halo infinite, halo infinite gameplay, halo infinite trailer, Halo Infinite Reveal, the act man, act man halo, act man halo infinite, 343i, 343 industries, Xbox Games showcase, xbox series x, ps5, ps5 vs xbox series x, halo infinite graphics, halo infinite reaction, Discover hope, halo infinite announcement, halo mcc, halo mcc pc, halo infinite review, halo infinite disappointing, master chief, halo infinite weapons, halo infinite story, halo infinite breakdown
Id: nzo5YuqsMDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 42sec (1662 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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