Call of Duty Streamers Don't Understand Halo

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Awesome analysis. I thought this was spot on.

A great deep dive on the streamer/entertainer’s perspective on modern FPS.

I’ll echo the most key point IMO, it’s not like the average person / halo fan would actively hate a BR, rather, exactly as the act man highlighted, nobody wants a game to bite off more than it can chew. I don’t think anyone wants to have the campaign or multiplayer quality and dev time sacrificed for a mode that isn’t core to halos identity.

One thing that wasn’t touched on, how many people don’t expect a BR eventually for halo infinite? I can’t see a dev team making such a brilliantly realized world like infinite’s zeta halo without plans to use that environment in some way.

They even seem to taken all of the initial steps to making an awesome BR mode, zeta halos layout is essentially modular with the pillar design. Floating island chunks that are separated by small seams of hex-pillars, easily rearranged to create a new experience. Mix and match, add new biomes. New campaign DLC = new biomes/regions to add to the BR map(s). Bases that could easily act like stores, awesome sandbox with equipment and upgrades/weapon variants, vehicles, skins, everything.

I am very excited for halo infinite to ship with high quality of its core pieces. And I will also be very excited when halos version of a BR rolls around eventually.

👍︎︎ 111 👤︎︎ u/xxsciophobiaxx 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

"It's not Halo that needs a BR. It's you."

So true.

👍︎︎ 221 👤︎︎ u/Logondo 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Totally agree with this. Twitch stream view counts are a small view into whether or not a game is successful. He gives SSB as an example, but there are plenty of others. DOOM has been a very culturally relevant game w/o having hardly any presence on twitch, and it was successful because it went back to the basics. Bottom line is if Halo is fun and accessible, lots of people will play it.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/CartographerSeth 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

I agree with the act man

Halo first needs the main content first, it needs forge and campaign co-op before a br

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/ThePrototype_1 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Completely agree with Actman.

Halo campaign and free multiplayer will do just fine on its own, cant wait to play them! And later on would love for 343i to launch a Battle Royale sometime next year.

👍︎︎ 135 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

They're COD streamers....what'da'ya expect?

👍︎︎ 104 👤︎︎ u/Lord_Zahkrosis 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

I watched the whole video earlier and nearly agree with him on everything but on one thing he didn't really mention.

Is the niche of their audience, the reason why these streamers want Halo to have a battle royale is to transfer their audience without losing in viewership/money. Their brand is on BR and Halo is a game that they want to play but know full well that their audience won't stick around

👍︎︎ 93 👤︎︎ u/Crespo2006 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Halo does not need a BR... because it's simply not ready for a BR. Act Man has done this take brilliantly. Every Halo fan wants to see a BR but not right now. Right now, we want a true spiritual Halo game that has most of what we have asked for. An Open Sandbox Campaign, a fully fledged and addicting multiplayer, and soon to be a superior Forge mode and so much more.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/SpeedyAzi 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Really liked the video.

Act man tells why he thinks Dr. Disrespect wants a BR is because of the fear of losing numbers of he switches game to enjoy. Pretty much this is the fear of content creators.

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is the true face of heresy one who would subvert our faith and incite rebellion against the high council no you need a battle royale that's what you need in order for this game to go longer than three weeks after launch from a spectating standpoint it needs this heretic and those who follow him must be silenced their slander offends all who walk the path what would you have your arbiter do what's up everybody this is the act man here and today i'm talking about halo infinite's new campaign overview so let's jump shed game what there's no battle royale coming out infinite's gonna die in three weeks after launch mark my words consider them marked but can we not talk about this right now there's no battle royale then halo infinite will be the biggest missed opportunity in gaming that i've ever seen did you miss that whole cyberpunk thing that happened you know i really don't want to get into this right now infinite doesn't release with a robust and well-made battle royale it will be one of the greatest gaming failures in history all right cool it dog that's not why we're here anyway as much as i love halo i don't see it lasting a month without vr multiplayer arena shooters are just dated at this point all right now you're done [ __ ] up i'm taking the gloves off you want the gloves off they're off so here we are again in another discussion about how horrible it is that halo infinite is not launching with a battle royale mode why won't you die but this time i was provoked i was attacked and so i woke up this morning and chose violence and i wouldn't be throwing my hat into the mix if not for doctor disrespect because his comments and reactions to the halo infinite campaign overview were well let's just say i fell for his trap card i i i see like 11 12 13 year old demographic here maybe 14 15. excuse me but then any older than that it's kind of pushing it excuse me bro if that's what you think of halo fans then you'll be shocked when i tell you about the demographics for this little-known franchise called call of duty but this isn't just about the two-time champion of the nba jam blockbuster tournaments this is about the streamer mentality overall and how people look at the battle royale genre most of the streamers they talk about i do have respect for as entertainers and the ones that i'm not familiar with i don't have anything against them that's okay right you can disagree with someone on the internet and not hate them hold on let me let me look this up yeah well let's just say it's all right for this video so i'm gonna be talking about doctor disrespect a lot before we go any further you need to know that he doesn't hate halo i don't think any of these guys do or want to see infinite fail as an fps god it would be heresy if he didn't respect halo of course he does and i'm not disrespecting halo no no no no no come on come on lady china not disrespecting halo i grew up on it and he has a lot of great things to say about halo infinite i love the map design i love what i what i had experienced in multiplayer and for those that just want the halo infinite multiplayer experience and think that i said that the game's going to die no no it's going to be well popular you're goddamn right don't get me wrong i'm not challenging these guys to a 1v1 on guardian where the winner takes all i'm just challenging the ideas i'm sure the big question on your mind is why is there an obsession with wanting every new shooter to have a battle royale mode but the question i'm asking is much more important where does this obsession come from am i the only one that thinks the halo battle royale would be fun no you're not like no this guy's trapped in a box in his little multiplayer box from 2005. no come join the outside of the box thinking come join us next level thinking outside of the box thinking new gaming experiences come join us no i don't think i will i don't think i need to explain the popularity of brs they've had a top spot in twitch's most watched games and on steam charts obviously having a br is gonna draw in more players i don't think anybody's complaining that halo infinite would have too much content if they had a battle royale on top of everything else but you see there's a key point these big streamers seem to miss when they say a game will die if it doesn't have battle royale that key point live viewer statistics are not the only way to measure a game's success and it sure as hell is not the most important stat it's like they're blind did we just erase the last five year history of streaming and the effects of streaming on the gaming space and the shelf life of games and the enthusiasm around the communities that are built around these games i mean do we just completely do we just want to completely forget the history i'm glad doc said this because he's not wrong i just think maybe he's overlooking something let me rephrase this did we just erase the last 16 year history of youtube and the effects of youtube videos on the gaming space and the shelf life of games and the enthusiasm around the communities built around these games i mean do we just want to completely forget that history if you're someone who's implying that live streaming is the best and biggest form of promotion an influencer can give to a video game you're sadly mistaken especially if you try to hold up twitch's most viewed games as the holy bible on what's popular or not here are some fun facts for you in 2021 twitch has had around 140 million monthly active users uh youtube has over 2 billion if we're going by straight raw stats in every single category except one youtube is 10 times bigger in scope than twitch is that one category coincidentally is live stream views just because a game isn't super popular on one platform or isn't watched as much through this type of content doesn't mean it's not popular somewhere else case and point [ __ ] minecraft [Music] our smash ultimate man the live stream reveal of sora got how many viewers like over a million how many people are streaming smash ultimate right now i rest my case i hardly ever watch people stream in smash bros ultimate but three years after the game's release i still consistently watch content from little z king of skill mock rock asom sauce introspective check those guys out by the way they're great obviously if a game is watched by hundreds of thousands of people there's some level of interest right and it promotes the game but that's not the only factor that determines if a title like infinite is gonna flop or succeed i find it ironic that these guys think every shooter needs a br at release in order to thrive but conveniently forget that warzone didn't release until modern warfare was already out for five months and what would you rather have ten thousand viewers watching a game that 300 people are playing or 300 viewers watching a game that 10 000 people are playing if you're a multiplayer shooter you want more players no you need a battle royale that's what you need in order for this game to go longer than three weeks after lunch it needs a br now first off why does a spectator standpoint matter to people that aren't streaming the game what difference does it make to anyone besides you beyond giving people this surface level impression that the game is popular if you're concerned about viewer counts and you're referring to twitch i'm also sorry because you're forgetting who the king of viewers is it's rewind time [ __ ] man the last three halo infinite videos i did got a total of like 2.6 million views nice that's pretty good that's pretty good but they weren't from a live stream so i guess it doesn't matter oh wait i got a few of those too and would you look at that the views aren't bad halo content on youtube has seen a tremendous surge in attention and relevance and when 343 posts a new trailer or gameplay video like they just did it usually hits at the top or near the top of trending you see this obsession that brs are essential to a shooter's success comes from the skewed mindset of people who do that for a living i mean do we play the campaign champs yes should we yes i gotta be honest i wasn't too big on the um the campaign stuff what you know what you know what i do like watching about this all i'm thinking of is battle royale this genre has been established as one of the hottest most profitable gaming trends of the last five years and it's still going strong but who are the ones advocating for that to continue you see in the modest amount of research that i did i noticed a common theme amongst the big streamers like nick marks dr disrespect tim the tatman courage jd dr lupo king richard and even osmangold that common thread is they all appear to be following the same script like they're all auditioning for the same part in a movie or something i love halo it's one of my favorites but ooh no battle royale kid there's no excuse for that i don't see halo infinite lasting x amount of time if it doesn't have a br listen when this game launches viewership's not going to be good okay it's going to be it'll be good for like a week but then it's just going to go it's going to slip right into that traditional sandbox viewership today one to two weeks maybe three to a month max and then i just i'm like okay i'm done now what i think these guys are really saying besides osmond gold of course is i don't know if i can sell my audience on me playing this game when it doesn't have a different version of the same thing i've been streaming for the last two to five years now as a fellow content creator my laser eyesight pierces through these types of statements and i see the insecurities hidden beneath let me give you some valuable insight on the thought process behind content creation especially for gaming channels but this also applies to making movies art music anything creative so you can understand where these guys comments are coming from pretty much anyone who has found success in making some type of content has struggled in ways you can't imagine to get to where they are now so when people like me nick marks doctor disrespect courage when we find success and better yet discover a way to sustain it we'll fight to the [ __ ] grave to see it last a bit longer even if it means we continued to play games we stopped enjoying years ago we're like gwyn linking the first flame knowing the flames will eventually die out anyways it sucks to be typecast or to feel like you're stuck doing the same thing forever because of a fear you've convinced yourself will become true if you dare to branch out the fear that doing anything else will cause the destruction of the paradise you built for yourself say the line bart i'm playing call of duty again you see it's not halo infinite that won't survive without a battle royale it's you or at least that's the impression you guys give off unintentionally i imagine but give yourself some goddamn credit you didn't get to where you are just because you played the popular game you have talent you're an entertainer a personality people will tune in just to see you so i need a battle royale to remain irrelevant and profitable with my br audience my br champs you only watch me for br you can stream halo infinite and still be successful even if you stream it for longer than three weeks or [ __ ] diversify you gotta diversify your bonds man you need to diversify your bonds [ __ ] imagine if we could go back to 2007 and see the current doctor disrespect playing ranked halo 3 are you kidding me where is the time machine okay boom you're one where's your brother oh yeah there it is too i know you guys had a sister ah three that's a triple kill i'm genuinely shocked that these guys who are all top of their game at first person shooters can't see the potential of streaming a ranked mode in a new halo game and kicking some [ __ ] ass in it people watch you guys play battle royale because of the tension and the story of each match and how that plays out what about the story about how you get to be ranked in the top one percent of all halo infinite players what about the story of people who grind league of legends trying to get diamond you don't think people want to watch that doc you are the snipe champion man this is the hardest sniper to use in halo history show me how it's done baby come on step it up maybe maybe he's not really the two time maybe he's just the one time or god forbid the no time watch your ugly looking mouth when you're talking to the two times but in the words of the light biggie smalls mo viewers no problems make no mistake about the apparent confidence of youtubers and streamers at the top i imagine they worry about their longevity more than anyone else because when you're at the top there's nowhere to go but down i don't think these guys are preemptively passing judgment on halo infinite because they're greedy and just want to hop on the latest trends to make shitloads of dollars i hope that's not the case i don't think it is i think it comes from a sense of self-preservation and that might be hard to understand if you haven't clawed your way to gain an audience these guys are not worried if halo infinite will be a fun game because it is fun they know that they played it they had fun playing it that much is clear they are worried they cannot sustain the same audience while playing it and trust me they want to this should be apparent from the clips i'm about to show you yeah like it's it's 20 21 and we don't have a halo br yet you know what i mean but they're teasing it on twitter they're cool great imagine if halo released on time and they have to be jealous but right now it would take over everything because of where gaming is right now it really would it would take over everything it would take over everything man halo br is [ __ ] so easy it's just an easy make and if i'm wrong if they do if they do i'll see you guys later yeah i mean i've never i've never played i've been halo now nick marks almost said it he kind of implied it but it sounded like if halo got a br he would drop warzone right then and there never play it again i'll see you guys later maybe that's just hyperbole but doesn't that come across as a little desperate for something new doesn't it sound like he's been looking for something to take warzone's place for a long time now if you're that ready to jump ship but who knows maybe i'm just reading too far into this stuff when he was playing with dr disrespect in dr lupo tim the tap man is clearly worried about his viewer count as he asks the other guys how their stream is doing okay it's gonna be it'll be good for like a week but then it's just going to go it's going to slip right into that traditional sandbox viewership today with this i'm just curious i've got 120 000. okay i have 121 000 so that's a little low for me right [ __ ] but you actually have 120 000. no no my my average is lower than warzone straight up okay and that's fine i wanted to play this but it is lower but if but if it was a br it'd be it'd probably be higher it would be i agree my viewer count is lower guys it's fine it's fine i don't care i wanted to play this but it is lower comparison is the thief of joy tim meanwhile in this video the doc is concerned that 343 might [ __ ] up the battle royale if they do it and he can't stop thinking of br scenarios for halo possibly to escape the idea of eventually having to go back to call of duty i was looking at him like i was looking at this big team battle gameplay footage and i'm like looking at it just thinking to myself god i hope these guys if they make a battle royale i hope they execute it correctly you know what you know what i do like watching about this all i'm thinking of is battle royale like look at the vista look at the mountain in the background what's this structure way over here you know is there a sniper on top of that bad boy with a banshee this game would be sick with a battle royale man i mean just i mean none of this is no none of this is pulling me in you know be kind of a sick i'm just kind of thinking of just mechanics battle royale mechanics how you drop into a world imagine the start of this [ __ ] battle royale this 300 man battle royale battle royale again battle royale again i dare you i double dare you [ __ ] battle royale one more goddamn time and when he says i'm excited to have something in the rotation not to say that i'm not excited for a brand new halo game just to check out and if it's good boom we're in and i have something in the rotation it gets me uh gets me excited what he means is i'm excited that the concept of playing something different i just wish it was a battle royale and dr lupo throughout this is trying to rationalize why halo infinite should be launching with a br and how that would only have positive effects for the game which is wrong and i'll tell you why later yeah and what doesn't make sense to me is that you can literally still have the best of both worlds like why why not why not why not just don't play the br if you don't enjoy it just don't play the br and i would assume i could be wrong but i would assume that it'll probably bump the numbers in your multi-player up a little bit as well just a little bit maybe just slide them out you know obviously a lot of people might want to try to play the br and it might take a few players away but if you do you know similar to what cod has where you can like unlock things and weapon like upgrade your weapons and [ __ ] like that like i don't know or maybe camos you know now granted i only got these impressions after watching a few highlight videos on doc's channel so i'm not jumping the gun and saying well this is the full picture yet if you watch how they played infinite it's like they're treating every encounter like it's a one life mode yeah honestly honestly behind me behind me behind me shot down low they're both one shot three minute three minute three minute skewer that's a lot of sweating for a tech preview man i mean i'm not one to judge obviously you guys got people watching you you want to put on a quality show but it just sends the wrong message to me when i watch them playing this that message being each one of you is trying with all your might to enjoy this as if it's a battle royale instead of enjoying it for what it is these dudes are all fps multiplayer fanatics especially the doc who has nothing less than god-given talent and it's okay if you're not a huge fan of the single-player campaigns in these games but why are you watching a campaign video and talking about battle royale you're not even trying to be invested in it you're not even trying to give it a chance man it's like all i'm thinking of is battle royale you've let this battle royale concept invade your mind and it's like and it's blocking your sunglass take the sunglasses off doc and watch the campaign overview with clear eyes the streamers are blind arbiter but i will make them see halo fans expect way more from a single player campaign way more effort and that effort has to come from somewhere my issue with these big streamers is not that they want to battle royal and halo infinite because little secret for you i want one too my problem is that they want it for the wrong reasons and they want it at the wrong time and my goal isn't to attack the credibility or reputation of any of these guys just to point out why i think they're misguided here battle royale should never have been a priority for halo infinite's release and thank [ __ ] it wasn't let me tell you why halo fans have been waiting for this game since reach because it looks like a true successor to halo 3 the pinnacle of the series popularity and success obviously times have changed since 2007 and the same things aren't going to be popular but what people love about a franchise more or less stays the same you look at doom 2016 and do maternal that [ __ ] went back to the fundamentals of what makes doom doom metroid dread we're back to the fundamentals even modern warfare 2019 went back to the fundamentals of cod 4 and mw2 you see halo 5 was a game that catered to fans of advanced movement and was designed with an ultra competitive esports mindset which left casual players in the dust halo 4 appealed to call of duty fans in an extreme casual environment with loadouts and kill streaks which left competitive players in the dust and halo reach while more in tune with the series roots than four and five was kind of a spin-off that killed a lot of the hype in the eyes of the hardcore fans because armor abilities and loadouts got rid of even starts and also [ __ ] armor lock reach four and five are not terrible shooters they have and still can be fun at times but each one of them had their own share of controversy and the franchise's community and fan base continued to fracture and split because of that controversy this is when halo infinite walks into center stage throughout its development and reveals we have seen one of the most divided fan bases put back together and almost unanimously agree this new halo is on the right track i can't tell you how long i have been waiting to say that with this history lesson in mind can you imagine how [ __ ] pissed off the halo community would be if 343 pulled yet another 180 spin and said oh actually we're gonna divert attention away from the parts of the game that you're looking forward to to make a battle royale we know it's been six years since the last halo and i'm sure you all want us to chase current popular trends that everybody else is doing and that'll make us stand out and look unique by doing battle royale a brand new fresh concept the last [ __ ] thing i want halo infinite to do is go out of its way to cater to an audience that is not its core fans you had four and five let us have infinite for now out of its way is the key phrase here these br modes don't just fall out of the sky as a map designer himself i'm sure dr disrespect could attest to the time difficulty and effort it takes to make one and the last thing any of us want is a bad battle royale mode the halo franchise has so much more going on than most shooters there's so many sub communities within it with specific desires that it just needs to deliver i think everyone i think everyone in the world other than like poor die-hard competitive halo fans want to see a deal yeah and and what doesn't make sense to me is that you can literally still have the best of both worlds like why why not why not why not just don't play the br if you don't enjoy it just don't play the br despite what dr lupo is saying to try and justify this development of a battle royale would no doubt have resulted in less content in other parts of the game lest we forget black ops 4 and the campaign that never was but that's why people are upset at these kinds of comments that infinite can't survive or thrive without a br because you're diverting attention away from what halo should be doing right now and that's going back to the fundamentals we need to get back to focusing on the basics a master chief story with great writing the halo e soundtrack custom game options refine the art style armor customization forge big team battle sandbox arena shooter a multiplayer that appeals to casuals and competitors once the game launches after we get co-op campaign after we get forged then we can all start planning a battle royale together and i hope you're all there with me because when it does come out it's going to steal the [ __ ] spotlight we can probably make our own battle royale when forge comes out you just have to be patient we need to go back to the fundamentals man the combat evolved fundamentals you know why because that game evolved fps combat and halo infinite is changing the game radically first halo title to launch simultaneously on pc and xbox it's coming with game pass first halo multiplayer to go free to play triple a first person shooter huge budget free to play what first halo to create a truly open world campaign a battle pass that never expires monetization that doesn't affect the gameplay this is a checklist of every single call of duty fanboys dreams halo infinite is tearing down as many barriers to entry as possible so people have as few excuses as possible to watch someone else play the game when they could be playing it themselves halo infinite is looking awesome even without a br in conclusion do i agree with the doc that halo infinite would greatly benefit from a battle royale yes do i agree with him that it probably won't hit those same viewer counts without one yeah probably i mean it definitely will if you continue to stream it but in the grand scheme of things none of that matters we've waited on halo infinite for six years it's not going away in three weeks listen up spartans it's steve downs the voice of master chief sierra 117 subscribe to the act man for awesome content and finish the fight master chief out
Channel: The Act Man
Views: 1,848,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halo infinite, dr disrespect, halo 3, master chief, act man, the act man, halo infinite battle royale, battle royale, halo br, 343i, 343 industries, halo infinite campaign, halo infinite gameplay, halo campaign overview, halo campaign gameplay, tim the tat man, timethetatman, modern warfare 2019, warzone, modern warfare warzone, cod warzone, battle royale mode
Id: pcPB30uEGQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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