Dawn Under Heaven — A Halo Fan Film

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Why does Reddit ignore fanfilms so much? I don't think I've ever seen a fanfilm in any of the subreddits I browse get any more than a dozen upvotes

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Bocaj1000 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was great for a fan made movie. it has some pretty awesome scenery

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/RisingODST 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

This needs more appreciation. First Halo fan film that doesn't bore me to death and finally good looking effects.
But it still has the biggest problem: no budget and therefore mostly just some soldiers talking.

We really need someone to fund a fan film like "Vader".

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/SoKa0 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
Captain James Morning sir! At ease. Rosetta’s been given all the details of the mission, and the schematics of your battle armor. Understood Huxley tells me you haven’t worked with an AI since last June. Despite your history, ONI wants us to send you out immediately It’s only here for analysis and intel correct? Rosetta’s been assigned to carry out any task you require. Any questions? There’s a lot of civilians down there fending for themselves. Naval Intelligence may have their minds made up but, I need to know if this mission is completely necessary. There are no easy choices here. New Alexandria was one of Reach’s biggest cities, and it was wiped out. We need the relic to better defend ourselves against this alien invasion. It is absolutely necessary! It is absolutely necessary! Sir! Trust Rosetta James, good luck. All pods prepare to drop. Riley you with me? Yes sir, prepped and ready! Roger that. Listen, this won’t be like training skirmishes on Beta Cygni, I don’t think anyone’s seen a Covenant fleet this size. Just gonna have to focus on the objective. We’re going to find the relic, link up with Delta Company for extraction, and haul ass back to the Dawn. Understood? Just tell me which way to shoot Captain. Standby. Naval Intelligence wants an AI to run intel on this op but, you’re my number 2. Huh. It’s not my call. Let’s just get this done. Hello Captain Rosetta, Welcome to the Helljumpers. Is something wrong? My systems are nominal. Why do you ask? Typically Smart AI’s take human form. If we’ll be working together it seems reasonable for you to… Captain please keep all inquiries to the completion of our assignment. Rosetta, I want you to monitor our reentry, if there are any hazards or system failures along the way, you report to me. I am authorizing you to scan and relay intel, nothing more. Do you understand? Yes Captain. Control, this is Captain Kenneth James, Corporal Riley and I are green for reentry awaiting your orders. Copy, cracking the hull door in 5. Corporal Riley we need you to lower your heart rate. Riley talk to me. It’s nothing. Just wasn’t expecting to come home to this. I know. There are a lot of people down there thinking the same thing. Be advised, 5 seconds to drop. Drop zone is hot! All systems still green. Riley how’s our heading? Right in the bullseye. Beginning re-entry protocol. Do you copy? Affirmative, the target is right below us. I want you to engage… Radiation spike! Incoming jump signature! In atmosphere? That ship isn’t one of ours. Riley divert course! Trying! We are currently 42 degrees off course. Rosetta give me the shield status of the cruiser. The shields are online, 82% and climbing! Riley move! Almost! Oh! Let me help you sir! You’ve lost quite a bit of blood. It will take some time for your body to adjust to the fluid shift. Hand me that would you? Sure. Rosetta do you copy? The Private’s correct, you need rest. Where did Riley’s pod land? I don’t understand. How far are we from his pod? Did he get pulled out with us? Corporal Riley was killed on impact with the Covenant cruiser. Would you like to see the relevant data? No. What’s your name? Sir? Your name. I’m Captain Kenneth James, 25th Tactical, ODST. Private Zack Abram, 1st Medical Battalion, Delta Company. Delta, you’re my evac squad. That’s right. Thank you, for getting me out of there. Yes sir. Thank your AI, she dropped a beacon so we knew where to look. Abram? Captain James, Lieutenant Harper, 3rd Platoon leader. As you were Lieutenant. How’s the fight been on the ground. Grim. A lot of cities have been lost. My regiment has been evacuating civilians as fast as we can. Got it. I know your resources are limited but, I need transport to Zeno as soon as you’re capable. Yes sir. We’re preparing a pelican now. My men and I are ready to recover Lieutenant Pearce and the rest of 2nd platoon. Get your men Harper, I need to brief you on updated mission intel. Captain… Rosetta I’m fine. Where’s my armor? Chief Shore, what’s our status? We ready to fly? I don’t know what you think this is Lieutenant. But unless you want to hop into a flying deathtrap, I’d give me some time to make the proper repairs. How much time? Weeks. But I can do it in 6 hours if we stay out of combat zones. We’ll do our best to stay out of trouble. Sir! You’ll have to excuse my ship, we took a few hits this morning, I gotta get back on it. Sir! Dakota, what is it? FLEETCOM issued another report. Multiple pings below the orbital defense grid. They think we’re going to see another fleet of enemy ships. That was six minutes ago, before the entire COMNET went dead. Rosetta can you confirm the com network status? That’s affirmative. Coms are blacked out on the entire territory. Dakota go round up Roland, I want him back here now. Yes sir. Keep a close eye on the horizon Rosetta. Can you tap into the city defense system? Already on it. Lieutenant Harper to all evac shuttles, what is your civilian load status? Over. About 82% capacity, loading as fast as we can. All quiet out there L.T. Whatever’s going on, the enemy fleet ain’t here. Captain I just lost contact with the defense grid. Orbital counterattack is offline. Harper I really hope our birds ready to fly. Dakota, Abram, Roland, get your shit and load the pelican. Pilots, get the civilians clear of the city! Roger that, liftoff in 10 seconds. Sir, I strongly recommend you find… Laura I don’t care about the repairs, we’re leaving! Rosetta are their any city defenses you can bring online? Against that battlecruiser? Negative. Come on! Come on! Laura we’re all in you’re clear to go. Please tell me she fixed this thing. Their firing up the main canon! Laura! I need two minutes! That won’t cut it! Riley we.. Rosetta we need a little help! I can override the afterburn dampener, put me in. Get that AI out of my ships computer, she’ll blow the engines! Do it! Clear the hatch! I’m hit! I can’t keep her level! Sigma-319 clear the ridge! Warrant Officer Shore, I’d like to offer my assistance. Sir. I request we divert course to escort shuttles to the Riviera. Negative. You know we can’t do that. Yes sir, but in light of the recent apocalyptic circumstances. I said no. Now check your gear, sit tight, the Captain needs a word. Hand me that Private. 27 hours ago ONI received a distress call from 1st Lieutenant Nathan Pearce of Delta Company. This is Lieutenant Pearce to Delta Dispatch, in possession of sensitive material. Some sort of advanced Covenant technology. Requesting immediae evac, my coordinates. Roger that Lieutenant, Delta-256 on station. Lighting up IFF tags now. How many friendlies? It’s just me. Pearce was on Delta-256 shortly after the Covenant started glassing the city. But he never made it out of Zeno. Your mission was a search and rescue, not any more. We now know that Pearce has been KIA, and the alien relic is at large. This is our directive, to secure and deliver the covenant tech to HIGHCOM. It’s been declared a tier 1 priority, and must be recovered at any cost. So that’s why they sent special ops. Do we know what it’s capable of? Not at the moment, which is why they want Rosetta to examine it. The Dawn Under Heaven is in orbit, right now, waiting to bring all of us back to Earth. So we need to move.. Captain, I need you up here. On my way. Did you know about Pearce being declared KIA? This ain’t right. None of this makes any damn sense. Pearce is dead, and now we’re taking orders from a special ops ODST. And that AI he’s got on him, she’s bad news. What are you talking about? Don’t you know where they come from? Harvested from living human brains. Carson from Echo Company's seen it. Nobody knows how reliable they are. And now it's our pilot. Forget the Captain. Forget the AI. Your job is to relay intel to me, and to not to trip over yourself. Now keep your mouth shut. Yes Ms. Shore? That is an impressive AI you’ve got there sir. She found us a good course. As long as one of you can see where we’re going. Battalion won’t tell us much, do you know what’s going on? No. Not entirely. It’s just, that fleet. And the entire defense grid going dark. Have you ever seen the Dawn Under Heaven Laura? No. It’s an incredible ship, Halcyon Class, with some of the finest crew in the UNSC. And its job right now, is to defend the low orbit space right above our heads. We are still in this fight. I grew up in New Alexandria, it’s here on Reach. It’s so clean and beautiful, right on the ocean. There’s a military base in the city. I would always see starships fly overhead. It was hit a week ago. The reports say that it was completely destroyed. Not many got out alive. And those ships, didn’t stop it. They weren’t the Dawn. Engine 2 failure! Shit! How far are we from the target? 42 kilometers. We’re not going to make it! Rosetta try and soften our landing. On it! Standby, we are about to get a visual on Zeno. Sir I need you to sit down! Captain? James! Buckle up back there, we’re going in hard! Grab that and keep us level! Troopers sound off! We’re green sir! Aren’t we boys. My seat could have used some more padding on that one L.T. Rosetta get ready to travel. Dakota get a redout of the terrain. Roland, Abram secure the perimeter. Roger that. Ready? Yank me. I want to ask you about your mission last June. The report details it pretty well. AI broke orders, crashed my pod. Not much more to it. You think I’m and equal liability. How’d you get your name Rosetta? It was given to me at my creation. What was your name before that? I don’t remember. I don’t think I’m supposed to know. I’m not your enemy James. I know you, you’ve seen terrible things. People you care about taken away. All I want is to help you. Ah! What's wrong? I... I... I... What was that about? I’m not sure. Be honest with me. Are you ok? Yes. I’m fine. We’re not going anywhere. The starboard engine damn near fell of the ship. I need time. Can you fix it? Course I can. I just want you to know what a pain in my ass this is going to be. I’ll get her purring again. Captain, we’re ready to move. Do what you can. We’ll be back in a few hours. Yes sir. I’m still in the fight too sir. Debris from the naval battle in orbit. We better move. Roland take point, Dakota you have our heading. Yes sir. Yes sir. Lets move out. Halt! Hold your fire. Lieutenant, what’s our status? Dakota? All clear sir. On your feet! Move on! Rosetta. I’m here. Are you reading any lifeforms? Nothing. The outer hull is riddled with targeted punctures. They must have lost pressure while in orbit. This is Captain Kenneth James to the UNSC Dawn Under Heaven. Does anyone read? Sir! FLEETCOM patched thru an emergency broadcast. All remaining UNSC forces are ordered to retreat off planet. We’ve lost Reach. Well let’s make this quick then. But sir! We have new orders. We should go back to the pelican right now. There’s only one way off this god damned planet Private! And it’s down there! Fall in! Wait. Halt. What is it? I’m picking up a strange energy pulse. It’s distorting my processes. Can you track the sources of it? There. On your display. Stop. Down there. That’s it. Say again? The relic, it’s here. Pearce was shot down two clicks away. Are you sure this is it? James. I don’t understand. This can’t be. That device, it’s not Covenant technology. What is it? I don’t know. Its readings are vastly more sophisticated. Let me take a look. I’m not putting you in there. It’s ok I can do this. I won’t put you at risk. Why? Oh... Rosetta! Ah! Evelyn. That was my name. I remember. They’re coming. The fleet of ships, their on their way. Whatever power lies dormant in this relic it’s our only option. I don’t want you to do this. Please James. I’ll be ok. Alright. Thank you, James. James! I can’t…. Rosetta! Rosetta! No! Damnit. Harper I want a status on that pelican now! Dakota! It’s something big! It’s coming from the north east! It’s a scarab tank coming this direction! Sir second contact! Nightstalker to Delta Company. Looks like you boys need a hot pickup. Get on line! Get back to the pelican! Standby we’re pulling out! Rosetta, if you’re in there, if you can hear my voice, I need you. I’ve got full power! Captain get in! All clear, everyone back there? We’re in. This is Delta-259 to the UNSC Riviera, requesting immediate assistance, over. Captain? I need Rosetta up here. I wish that were possible Laura. This is Delta-259 to the UNSC Riviera. Please respond.
Channel: Dawn Under Heaven
Views: 1,341,879
Rating: 4.8210673 out of 5
Keywords: halo, halo reach, halo ce, halo 2, halo 3, halo odst, odst, fan film, master chief, live action, 405th, armor, spartan, pepakura, 343 industries, bungie, microsoft, xbox, xbox 360, xbox one, pc, independent film, indie film, filmmaking, cortana
Id: mQooFjcGXeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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