Red vs. Blue Complete | Season 10

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dan_Of_Time πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It is criminal they skipped the credits on this one.

What an absolute quality season. RvB10 is special to me because its the first season that came out after I had watched the rest of the show. So many good moments of humour and story all tied up with some incredible animation.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dan_Of_Time πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The end of both the Bungie game era and the Burnie/Matt era. god i’m gonna miss it.

I know everyone loves 13’s ending, but for me, this is the best ending of the series. Everything that’s been built up since Season 1 pays off here, and it’s all great.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Karsen-Iberra πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I just wish that Grif was dead.
Put a bullet through his head.

Literally two lines of lyrics and I can't get it out of my head.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Animegx43 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was honestly the end of the red vs blue storyline for me. I don’t think we ever reached the complexity that this season gave, and how good of a villain they made the director

edit: A lot of people really do love chorus don't they

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gokaigreen19 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Best season imo.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DTJB10 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
helios i hope i'm pronouncing that correctly the bad voice of driftball as your homeplated but you have not performed any work in the past 13 minutes and 42 seconds that strikes me as rather inefficient oh uh sorry i was just trying to uh you know how do you get a new window you know like the you know like a new window what's a button thing for that i believe the keys you are looking for are alt tab oh yeah thanks little guy wait who are you you don't look like the normal hollow projection that is am the ai designated as delta from project freelancer wait you're a project freelancer i mean aren't those the bad guys there is no need for name calling i submit that project freelancer is neither good nor bad much like your own forces we are merely two groups dedicated to obtaining different results that's that's deep it's like it's like there's different universes but you know there's don't encourage him he's already long-winded as it is god but you two would never stop chit chatting i'm not sure that was entirely necessary he seemed open to the logic i presented him perhaps he would have allowed us to carry out our mission sorry i knocked out your new friend now you two will never get to have a beer together i believe that would have been unlikely regardless show time yes sir these guys love their holographic locks i'll let delta take a peek in their system while i try to disable it manually curious what's curious that's code for bad isn't it i've detected an anomaly inside of the system something that is not supposed to be there diverting subroutines to investigate don't get too curious in there i need your attention on this lock do not worry agent i have already rectified several instances where you want to trip the alarm system wait why give me back my leprechaun an alarm has been remotely triggered wait wait wait i can do this i can do this just give me a moment sir i have yet to see you successfully open a lock in the field and this alarm will only hamper your progress okay now don't you start in on me too you've been talking to wash again um what target is locked what's the target delta what are they doing taking more direct measures you knew about this possibly don't know who it the enemy dog is ready to rock with no stalling i see anybody playing games falling back i put the first bullet in you myself carolina what are you doing here i need your help i'm tracking the director project freelancer and you're my best bet for figuring out what holy's hiding in holy you know everybody donated was always talking about his holes sorry constantly trying to get people to look at him and whatnot come on sarge he's dead now he was shot remember oh right probably has a few more holes in huh what too soon what's the appropriate amount of time that can go by for that joke to be okay oh whatever your big blue baby shut up sarge what are you doing alive carolina you're supposed to be dead this is impossible that's a funny thing to say for a guy who's literally a ghost uh yeah actually he's not a ghost uh he's a computer program he gets holographically projected on her armor when he wants to talk to us seismographic computer programs caboose you say the craziest thing sometimes what an imagination on you yeah i don't know what that first word means but it's not the same i will allow it hey how we doing in here wash you got epsilon out good we can't hold them off much longer they're not too happy about us breaking in let me see what i can do to help that same old carolina i guess coming back from the dead doesn't change anybody washington why are you wearing blue armor why are you wearing my armor oh um oh yeah yeah they sort of used me to replace you on blue team replace me i would really use the word replace but there's no word for take over for you and make everything better almost immediately so we just never played when did this happen oh do you remember when you went into the memory unit and then everyone was sad yeah it was right after that right after i left well it was right after you know but you know it was like five or ten seconds you gotta be kidding me life is short episode we had to move on i think i just got dumped by caboose this is unfucking believable yeah it's it's not me it's you epsilon they just needed to even the teams it's really not would you guys stop calling me epsilon i'm church now oh we sort of called it new guy church you know sometimes what caboose just finds it easier the armor color confuses him as do a lot of things let me get this straight agent washington you took my name too it's only in certain circumstances like when we talk to him or need to fill out paperwork we're saying happy birthday to him you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me well this is awkward you know i think the quickest solution would be a good old-fashioned thing of their eggs with my trusty shotgun any tankers we're fine well it's worth a shot you win this round blue but i'll be back actually this guy's been kicking her ass i'm kind of glad to have you back sure will be nice to have an idiot and charge the blue team again thanks it's great to be needed everyone front and center now sir enemy fighters approaching five wheel counselor let's send them back to the scrapyard it appears we are now taking fire release the drop ships get the team in position well that went to hell quicker than we thought out of the frying pan into the we're going to need a new insertion point york was supposed to open the leader's hanger for us it wasn't my fault we'll have to settle for the main hangar which one is that the one with the shooty things coming out at us never a dull moment huh i'd get your team ready we're gonna come in hot you heard her we're going for the main hangar be ready for anything so much for a smooth ride what's the matter feeling sick hey i'm not the one that needed a barf bag on all our family trips how are you feeling are you up to this hey would you want to say wash it's just giving up your ai was a big deal i thought maybe i'll be fine worry about yourself you're awfully quiet oh just trying to prepare myself hey worst comes to worst we'll just get kicked off the leaderboard at least us ladies will be sticking together right damn it opening right all together use your pack correction only you don't want to end up like georgia wait what happened to georgia nobody knows i never found him are you sure these things are safe now battle station we're under attack no [ __ ] we're under attack what do you think we're doing rolling out the red carpet no ass face look oh hell not again sorry about that okay where's that security override come on damn it oh that's not good hey guys thanks mike floaty everyone enable craft food okay okay i got it i got it oh man why do cars hate me they know we're inside wash north secure that hallway south see if you can access the leader's location we don't leave without him got it i'm already on it cg get me where the hell is ct intruder get them you didn't wait for me to start i'm hurt i was worried about you didn't think you'd be able to get away you don't know the half of it they stepped up production here this ship was captured by the enemy i'm surprised there's anything left in the databanks not everyone follows protocol you should know that better than anyone you really think they found another artifact how could nobody have discovered that when they were processing the wreckage they didn't know where to look and they didn't have what you have sir we are in position awaiting your signal wash take that right side where's everyone else working on an extraction plan they should be here right about now so damn you private griff you took out those two soldiers before i could administer my legal brand of red justice i wear simmons i don't know we found out the warthog and he was right behind me prison wow nice entrance dude very thrilled hey i don't need all that flash some of us have respect for the fundamental hey what did i tell you before you know you're not allowed to use words that have to turn fun in them i'm riding with you next time he actually stopped at the train tracks that's the law we were under fire still the law simmons only you can manage to make a high-speed chase boring thank you sir what is that song uh it's a bolivian orchestral mashup obviously you haven't heard of them yet thank god for that i still don't understand why did you guys rescue me don't blame us blame mrs fuzzy [ __ ] yeah um actually it's miss fussy britches she gets really mad when you say it wrong she wanted to get you out of that memory watson something about you being the geneticified and mental imprint to my calling of that professor what's his puss can somebody translate that i don't speak huckleberry yeah the mean lady wants to find the director and since you have all his memories you might know where he went wow that actually seemed too correct for you caboose there must have been some part of that that you didn't understand when she finds it work good to throw him a very big surprise party ah there we go sure as long as surprise party means shooting him in the face and then walking away in slow motion surprise well you know i hate to break it to you but i don't know how much help i'm gonna be i mean i may have the director's memories but that doesn't mean i remember them yeah i have the same problem i barely remember any of my own memories and none of anyone else does well you better start remembering blue and what's griff nearly died three times today it's like fate was laughing at me why don't you just take him already i gotta say i'm pretty surprised to see you taking orders from a blue sarge what you didn't want to come let's just say you seem to know a lot of women with quick tempers you got a fetish or something i guess you could say apparently want to talk about it no want to talk about it with no okay everyone load up now points are in your huds alternate navs uploaded to your secondary objectives think oh uh right everyone just say sync whenever she says that oh sink refrigerator you guys not used to getting orders oh we're used to getting them all right we just aren't used to doing much with them we're retreating oh okay yeah that's usually step one in most of our plans sink easy bake of it let's just go what do you mean the leader's not here exactly what i said his last check in his upstairs in the main deck but his call sign just appeared in their internal frequencies he's broadcasting for mountain bone valley meaning he's not here g are starting to sound like a broken record fine change of plans everyone we're heading into the junkyard this is beginning to feel more and more like a setup you would not believe the time i had getting back it's nuts out there let's go people what no welcome back all right welcome back what are they off to in such a hurry found the leader he's hiding out in bone valley we're going all the way over there after what happened to georgia would someone please tell me what happened to georgia dude you do not want to know i really do though time to get out of here you too i can't not yet if they weren't to you before they definitely will be now come with us connie i'm not gonna lose what's going on why are we stopping we've been driving for hours and we've got a lot more ground to cover so let's keep moving listen lady i know this is your first road trip with us but we've got a system and that system includes snack breaks bathroom breaks and stopping to take pictures of funny road signs that's ridiculous not as ridiculous as bonner street so close dude so close it's out there simmons we just have to have faith that we'll find it i should probably go stop her from killing your friend um tucker i just noticed something something really bad yeah me too dude i think i've got a girl ratio peaked like five years ago uh no no tucker um yeah we we forgot to bring church wait did you just now realize that church isn't here he's not gonna be pleased about this one calm down [ __ ] we didn't leave him behind uh yes but you see i'm not seeing him so where is he you don't want to know catch you're so small i would like to feed you a small cracker how you liking the new place tinkerbell you mean your disgusting storage unit what how is my storage unit disgusting well for starters i had to delete 50 gigs worth of crap just so i could fit in this thing oh hang on a second dude you didn't delete my uh home movies folder did you and that brings me to my second point what a bunch of worthless idiots yeah they're idiots but they're not that bad once you get to know them you know we almost managed to trap the meta the last time we were here but you didn't no i guess not i don't get it everything stopped maybe they're retreating nothing left out here but a bunch of junk this is four seven niner i've lost visual on targets it's like they all just left sir their outpost is disabled and it looks as if we have driven off the remaining fighters well good riddance to bad rubbish counselor indeed sir all enemy systems appear to be offline wait what is it evasive maneuvers fire no where away sir new course laid in are you sure you don't want to stay and finish this i left our guests go go get inside now what are you doing get in here use your jet pack i don't want to end up like georgia oh everyone okay back there never better thanks for asking what the hell just happened people tell me accomplished your mission negative sir their leader escaped well looks like the enemy lives to fight another day again that is most unfortunate i'll accept ct sir she's gone agent i expected it to be bigger why you've seen mine it's small too yeah but he's green how does that even make sense hey wash quit staring you're making it nervous yeah it's just they're so small small yeah but you wouldn't believe what it can do besides you better get used to it you're going to have one of your own soon enough give me a break it's all right theta come on out people just want to say hello to you i don't know there's so many of them and they're so big you see i'm not the only one who thinks size is important i'm just gonna let that one go it's okay theta they're all friends of mine for reasons beyond my comprehension they're looking at me that's because they want to meet you this is york and wash hey there little computer dude give it a rest wash theta i have a friend just like you his name is delta really yeah here you want to say hello to him um york it's okay man just for a second hello theta i am delta it is nice to meet you hello see everybody here is nice isn't that right delta agent north i do not feel qualified to make a judgment about humans with whom i have only limited experience also nice is a rather subjective term oh yes everyone here is nice within standard acceptable deviations delta and that's my sister over there south we're twins i have a sister you do we have many siblings what do you mean by hello everyone i hope you're ready to begin our test delta i believe you know the protocol about communicating directly with other ai units i apologize sir i will log off don't i want you to help administer the test gentlemen if you will take the floor okay just like we practiced are they all going to watch of course they want to see if you're as good as i said you are really well i guess that's okay that's the spirit come on let's do this delta i expect you to follow protocol at all times we were only attempting to make the new unit more comfortable my fault sir i asked him to the new kid seems kind of shy agent north was paired with theta for a reason his nurturing nature is best suited to care for theta's unique personality yeah he is used to looking out for people isn't he quite delta your skills are more analytical in nature if i may disagree theta has made double the number of declarative statements since my appearance that indicates a hundred percent increase in confidence since we modified our interaction strategy i think that speaks volumes to my caring algorithms you make an excellent point delta let's begin the test begin the test as you may recall agent north used his equipment in the field on a previous mission he was able to successfully maintain a deflective shield for 3.4 seconds in order to block an explosive projectile attack and somehow managed not to kill himself in the process the maneuver only had a 0.1 percent chance of success and he performed at 999 more times i'm rather certain he would have been obliterated on each one hey i'd rather be lucky than good any day you usually aren't luck will only take one so far i am in the business of getting results let's see what theta can do delta reduce shield strength by 50 percent modifying power dropping beta use remaining power to compensate for critical tiles okay add variables acknowledged great job vader stop talking to me you'll mess me up right sorry reset your objective now is to eliminate all tips begin i thought the shield works both ways there's no way for him to attack beta analyze turret rate of fire adjust shield to match okay sorry firing on my mark ready all targets eliminated test complete excellent work wow wow that was incredible yeah what did i tell you and we're sure they don't get any bigger dude you are killing me with that sarge how come every time the blues get involved in something stupid and dangerous we get dragged along too you know what they say keep your friends close and your enemies within range of your primary firearm sir i realize you can shoot him i realize that we agreed to help washing carolina but how do we know that they're going to help us what do you mean i mean if we run into trouble do you really think they'll stick their neck out for us well for a backstabbing double crossing no good dirty rotten blue that wasn't too bad what a ringing endorsement i'm more worried about carolina what if after all this is over she decides to get rid of us why would she do that i don't know to tie up loose ends to cover her trail don't you watch spy movies they love that [ __ ] my god man get a hold of yourself you're making us look weak in front of the enemy hello listen i don't want to hear talk about secret double crosses or mysterious subplots or freelance or conspiracies anymore we've had enough of those going on around here as it is but don't you think sorry sorry i can't really talk right now simmons i've got to go secure a perimeter over at the shady spot over there i liked it better when we only had to fight you yeah this tape is pretty awesome right now right tucker right church hello uh where's the rest of your team looking for something leads information anything you said maine had been through here right well yeah but that was ages ago then look closely don't tell me hanging around these morons has turned you soft hey she said morons that's us tucker shut up let me listen the meta was attempting to transfer energy from these turbines into his suit it was the only way he could keep his equipment running poor maine carolina it wasn't your fault but it was my ai none of us could have known what would happen yeah well sometimes i'm not so sure what we were told that the ai were specifically designed for each of us north was chosen for theta york had delta but sigma was mine what are you saying you really think the director didn't know what would happen carolina that's ridiculous he always had little experiments he just forgot to take a few extra variables into account and what about now the whole world thinks you're dead do you think he knows you're coming for him yes i do and for once i look forward to proving him right the director was always hard on you dude he said hard on gotcha they're gonna hear you he was hard on all of us oh come on you gotta let me have that one quiet you're gonna give away your position i've got about five positions in mind for her now i'm serious yeah you're right but you have to admit he was also pretty hard on himself that's it i'm doing it tucker bow what are you doing here okay take it easy carolina we just wanted information epsilon look if you two are planning on dragging us around wherever you want the least you can do is fill us in i'll fill her in matching sucker sorry you and your squad are on a need to know basis and right now you don't need to know anything seriously jesus you're worse than texts okay that one was on you get out fine we're leaving already hey chucker i need you to leave i can't actually do it on my own carolina you've gotta calm down don't tell me how to lead my squad washington now sweep the area and report back to me when you're done on it boss and as the director accurately predicted in his thesis on the subject we see the cognitive impression modeling can be segregated from the host naturally this remains an inherently deconstructive process but most of all the biggest concern of any full ai entity is the prospect of rampancy which we covered last week of course our ai units are what we call fragments so there's very little chance that a personality sub-routine can run off unchecked are there any questions yeah i got a question why do we need to learn all this stuff ai theory is like vehicle maintenance south if we're going to use this equipment any equipment we need to know how to care for it oh yeah like a coffee maker or a vacuum cleaner that was rather rude oh crimea river light bulb no not the same as that well i don't even have one because someone didn't bring enough to share so why am i sitting through this elementary classroom [ __ ] i don't have one either south that's only because you gave yours to maine he needed to be able to communicate after his injury oh yeah that's the only reason you did it you're a real hero carolina it's not like maine has much to say anyway i would like to say just how appreciative the two of us are for carolina's sacrifice agent carolina if anyone can excel without an ai unit what is you thank you sigma and agent texas of course that goes without saying right i notice she doesn't have to attend class agent texas doesn't need this training what the director is trying to say is that agent texas has already completed her ai theory coursework i think that's enough for today if i'm a counselor i have just one last question oh come on on the different levels of ai awareness and rampancy melancholia anger specifically the fourth stage of rabbits metastability yes yes the meta stage in which an ai can be considered fully human that is only theoretical sigma no ai has ever achieved such a state but it is possible in theory but but possible possible i find that very interesting remember sigma you are not even a full ai you are what we call a fragment so something of that magnitude would be even more difficult for an entity such as yourself well as the director always says it is important to have ambition why yes it is class is dismissed sigma are you coming yes yes yes yes i will be joining you shortly hey hi hi karen i yeah excuse me um have you seen church lately uh yeah he and i were supposed to hang out after we rescued him tell your friends to stay out of my way or else or else what or else they'll bring out my ugly side oh oh come on caroline i bet you're really pretty under that armor what i mean you know i mean who has it i mean i understand there's some helmet hair we all have helmet hair time time but you know yes um so anyways uh what did you want me to tell churchill tucker again just try and put that into words explosion you know i'm beginning to think simmons might have had the right idea about this carolina chick see i told you normally i would agree with simmons but in this case that would also cause me to agree with griff therefore i will simply grunt ambiguously hey did carolina come this way we've got to get going soon right we've been meaning to talk to you about that about what this whole finding the director thing you mean the mission yeah that we were thinking now that we've helped you find church we should probably just let you handle the rest you know wouldn't want to cramp your style that whole freelancer thing you're good at that so you're abandoning the mission red team never abandons the mission we're just accepting an alternate mission of different risk less risk less is different securing the front lines of red base going home is risky on what scale well we haven't been there in ages who knows what kind of nefarious nerdy whales have moved in on our territory i guess you're right what well you are wanted criminals of the unsc i wouldn't be surprised if they were setting up an ambush for you right now what i suppose i can't stop you anyway i'm gonna go find carolina good luck one second thought you could probably use the extra help yeah we're sticking with you never abandon the mission semper the simpering thing facility is clear find anything nothing we didn't already know figured as much this place was a dead end sorry boss the structure we're going to next you're positive our target was there i know what i saw that's why it's on our list but i know what i saw and it doesn't make any sense all the more reason to investigate all right then let's go let's go find ct to the director of project freelancer dr leonard church director allow me to introduce myself i am a representative of the newly formed unsc oversight subcommittee our organization is charged with the protection of high-level assets of the military one of which recently went missing these assets are entrusted to our programs as a privilege not as a right as such they will be safeguarded with the utmost care in these dark times mankind has the opportunity not only to prove his humanity but to earn it well the third craft this afternoon let's see who else is arriving i look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship for our two departments yours truly malcolm hargrove assistant to the oversight subcommittee champions it's her i can't believe he trusts that [ __ ] after what she did to us there she is come in come command tell the director she's here what is it it's nothing come on congratulations director another successful test a new fragment was harvested this morning councillor founded a match this morning that is ahead of schedule our time grows short find it a match director wyoming reported in and you won't like what he found sir agent carolina information never displeases me it's ignorance that i find unforgivable report it's like you said ct is with them you know what to do i do not need to remind you how valuable our technology is carolina she doesn't have an ai sir and she wasn't exactly the best agent ct will be an acceptable loss but a armor must not fall into the wrong hands i understand will we be the only forces sent out on this mission sir leave personnel decisions to me agents just do your job it's time to cut the head off the enemy once and for all yes sir so how do you even know this carolina jig oh texts used to tell me stories you mean tell alpha stories oh yeah i guess you know whatever it's hard for me to know whose memory i'm in oh yeah same thing happens to me with things i'm in like my helmet that's why i wrote my name on the inside of it i used my tug that was hard to do now i can't pronounce my drive so how many people are you i don't know a bunch i guess are they all [ __ ] yeah a dozen different fragments we all have the same shitty circle of friends lucky us that's really great theta thank you i worked super hard on it hey theto you mind if i talk to north for a second uh okay need you to shut down while we chat okay delta two you know it's the rules it'll be okay i won't talk too long okay all right what's up i need to ask you about something oh okay shoot i need to ask you about the alpha where did you hear that word same place you heard it up here what's an alpha wash are you eating inside your helmet maybe delta said they got the helmet waste disposal out of beta that would make my eating more efficient can you believe that maybe he is getting more personable it's not an alpha wash it's the alpha theta thinks about him a lot more than thinks really he's he's obsessed delta ii you know how all the units call each other brother they call this one father no that's not right creator yeah i thought the director would be their creator haven't you been paying any attention in class ai's aren't created they're copies of someone but our ais are just fragments which begs the question where's the original so this alpha thing is what creates a fragment jesus will you swallow for god's sake it creates them yeah theta isn't clear it creates them or something yeah it's the or something part that has me worried no no this one goes here that one goes there so what are you gonna jump out of this rectum and they're killed like i was saying we ready just about running final checks now all right you heard her everyone on board great all right come on d let's go it's about time let's get this mission going whoa whoa whoa hang on a minute what is that thing this is delta our new edition your new edition is pretty small i said the same thing delta has a computer program he helps us figure stuff out he's an ai oh a.i huh what's the a stand for artificial i know what the [ __ ] it stands for what's it doing here it's like one of those robots that takes people's jobs and puts them out of work i don't think so what are you looking at i said put it over there pay attention hey guys get a move on hang on a minute you green guy do you know how to fly a plane no i do not oh right or cool then everybody on board not over there over there just quit screwing around and put that thing back where you found it this is four seven niner we are wheels up and engines hot leave the light on for us command roger that 479 good luck thanks come on 479 are out man i would hate to have that guy's job this where you found the body yep she's right up there we'll see take me there sink out of my cage man where was this chick back when we had that awesome tank bitch's love tank i don't get it what is she looking for you tell me i don't know half of what's happening these days you found me here remember oh yeah you were actually kind of a badass that time dude i'm kind of a badass all the time you guys just happened to notice it then all right that's not true i never noticed it look the point is she's not telling us everything i just don't understand why who knows man i've tried everything i can to get some info out of her i tried hitting on her i tried sleeping with her i tried making out with her sounds like a complete effort dude no kidding i used the whole playbook i even used my best pickup line hey baby did you fall from heaven cause i've always wanted to bone an angel tucker be honest have you ever had sex with anything besides an alien church the more important question here is do you know any girls who aren't complete [ __ ] that won't sleep with me sorry dude that seems to be all i have in my life you're like the worst wingman ever of all time we parking indeed we are the enemy base is right below us how far below do you really want to know probably not do i want to know 75 000 feet ah that's high no wonder you guys need computer programs yes that's very high that is approximately 14.2 miles thanks dee you do not need to do that anymore automatic conversion routines offline what's the plan well we know they're ready for us i figured that they have defenses pointed in every direction except except they're probably not looking straight up they're probably not looking straight up you thinking about a dive bomb oh no sort of but if we did a dive bomb our engines would register on their thermals let them know that we're coming i'm thinking something else probably want to tighten that harness oh no express elevator going down i think i'm gonna be sick you know these suits are supposed to eliminate all waste you could probably throw up in your helmet and it would take care of it for you yeah you should test that watch you two are [ __ ] actually we were never able to get the vomit disposal patch beyond beta asian washington would likely drown yikes way to kill the mood dude hey york send that little green guy up here dee you heard her front center may i be of assistance hey buddy i need you to tell me when i can fire the jets at the last possible second you know to avoid crashing please don't say crashing i understand to prepare i will need to calibrate for your reaction time fine go ahead when i say mark you say sync mark think calibration complete so we're good i have a high degree of confidence we will be able to complete this maneuver wait a second why did you just blink like that that was just a standard maintenance routine dude did you just make a backup of yourself confidence is one thing but it is always prudent to prepare for failure that's a dick move green guy i apologize if i have a dick move prepare to fire engines on my mark five four three hey yeah you ever wonder why everybody out there they're here i didn't think they find me so quickly it was only a matter of time let's deal with this all hands top side we are under attack this is not a drill let's go people boom we got a time that's just right wait for my mark me first from here but i might have a way to contain them putting up a hail mary i need you to guide me okay say the best offense i got this yeah you got him thanks for the help theta you are welcome okay we're moving york you guys can handle this from here right handle it sure i mean i nearly got blown up a minute ago and now i'm paired with the squad's second worst fire but sure we can handle it you really think i'm the second worst fighter no i was being nice you're easily the worst the [ __ ] oh okay time to fight fire with fire agent mayne isn't that the soldier from the freeway the one that shot you in the throat i thought so them hello gentlemen hey you sure he's good to fight so soon he was hurt pretty bad as compared to whom agent york you two don't look so good yourselves hello brother sigma protocol dictates that ai units are not to communicate directly with each protocol is just another way of saying rules remember what the director says there are no rules on the battlefield besides we ais should really stick together excuse me i'll be right back i'll be honest that one kind of gives me the creeps yeah i hear you come on let's move well hello what a pleasure to see you again pleasure's all mine [ __ ] come here with you oh my robot arm oh you [ __ ] stop it stop it stop attention blue team we would like to propose a temporary truce so that we may discuss our current situation do you accept i don't get it you don't think we're fighting or something maybe it's a trap i doubt they're smart enough to think of that but then again neither are you how do you know that are you in with them yes we accept so what's up it's our mutual friend slash enemy slash companion or friend denim opinion for short we're all starting to get a little concerned about carolina really did these concerns start before or after she left us to die in the desert dude not now the heat is killing me doesn't your helmet have cooling fans yeah but i sweat so much they short-circuited jeez we haven't even been in the desert that long the desert these things broke during basic training yeah i'm sorry i don't see how any of this applies to the trap guys look we need to focus now i realize that's asking a lot of you especially since we're all a little uneasy around carolina no uneasy is sitting next to a homeless dude on the bus yeah we've got a trigger happy psychopath it's like she's some sort of half woman half shark except the shark half has been given cybernetic powers and the woman half is also one quarter jaguar okay okay okay we're all terrified of the scary freelance lady that's why we need to stick together it's just us against them them we can't trust wash at least not as long as she's around all right then tooth fairy what's the plan we need to figure out exactly what carolina is up to and why she isn't telling us anything okay i'll go ask her oh yeah i promise not to bring up the trap no caboose look just don't okay fine what would you like me to ask her you could go ask her if she has the hots for me i think i might have felt an emotional connection the last time she hit me tyler you'd like to make an emotional hot connection with her trap got it oh that's even better okay a please stop saying the word trap and b you're an idiot okay how about ambush guys i'm serious we need something subtle a way we can get close to her without her knowing hmm hey caboose you're the one who put epsilon in that floating alien ball thing right hoverchurch could also solve crimes well how would you feel about putting him in something a little different oh [ __ ] you guys you're gonna solve so many crimes catch surprise we've got company coming cut him down hold this position yes i prefer not to be killed if at all possible york got any ideas no i don't know have we got any nukes you mean besides the one i'm going to drop on wyoming if he doesn't move the hell up yes i can see everything just fine for back here thank you we need to get in that bunker that's where ct and their leader are hold up how are we gonna get through all of this so far we're not maybe wyoming should trying them with knock knock jokes oh was that both of you shut up okay here's what we're going to do wash you establish a line on that side you work in wyoming that's the plan open fire carolina here i have no idea how she got here that's because she didn't is that who i think it is if what you're saying is true how could this have happened we need to get to the escape vehicle i'm not leaving them you don't understand they want me they don't care about the rest of you i know too much if i leave they will follow me quiet that room is guarded by turrets i can get past them if there was a way to do it i would have already done it york i need you to cut the power on the main complex a little busy out here just do it i'll see what i can do sounds like a good excuse to get out of this firefight good show mate still have a bit of fighting so much for that plan what now roger that don't forget our objective we're just here to retrieve the armor carolina i know what the [ __ ] objective is damn it we need to go i already told you i can't leave them most of them are already dead besides if we leave they have no reason to be here please let's just go while we still can connie come on you promised me you said we would be together i have all the information we need i have my armor we can take this to the right people and they'll they'll what connie i don't know make a deal with us keep us out of prison they'll help us come on we don't have much time actually you don't have any time carolina and you hey carolina the power's off we noticed what no thank you this was a complicated actually ct you have something that belongs to project freelancer and you know how the director hates to share you two are fools the director is playing you don't you see it ct stop it we know you've been feeding intel to the resistance for months is that who we told you we are they're not the enemy carolina we're the ones working outside the rules not them you don't know what the director's done he's broken major laws when this war ends we're all gonna have to pay for his crimes maybe some of us are already paying for that we need to stop talking ct no i know what you are tex and i won't take orders from a shadow what did you just call me you're coming with us ct this is your last chance no i'm not going anywhere with you actually we don't need you we just need your armory foreign is what the hell are you doing completing our objective by killing a teammate she's not a teammate she's a traitor damn it that's on you i guess you could explain how we lost a full suit of armor and failed to capture the leader of the resistance command we need extraction now i got him command read you loud and clear i don't know what's gotten into you texas but you better figure out the difference between your enemies and your friends connie connie here take the info it's not complete but it will get them started go find the new artifact just rest connie just rest now my steps you catch me safe if every hand too high so that's what happened to her armor apparently we never did complete our objective but why come out here what's the motivation i have a feeling this will tell us so uh how do you feel i feel like running over each and every one of you so pretty much the same as before yeah pretty much you know simmons i think i'm gonna let you call shotgun on this one that man this sucks what are you complaining about you finally got your own body my own body tucker i'm a [ __ ] tonka truck okay yeah but you could literally pick up chicks with this thing oh yeah because every girl just dreams about settling down with optimus prime hog caboose don't do that sorry all right places people here they come don't forget to shout surprise caboose shut up tucker bring epsilon over here i've got some questions for him god damn it any luck i think so all right data pad accepted looks like we're in business so uh what do you need church for i just told you oh yeah but i mean you could talk to me instead sup girl why on earth would i ever want to do that well you know we're a perfect match we're both super good looking badass rebel owners and we've got the same color armor greenish blue uh aquamarine turquoise hey what the [ __ ] color is this anyway listen it's important that we figure out what's on ct's data pad it might be our next clue to finding the director hey i know that thing wait you recognize this artifact hell yeah it was the biggest pain in the ass hi it's church yeah he has lost a lot of weight what oh yeah caboose transferred epsilon from a memory unit into that thing a long time ago where is it now i don't know who cares i do oh well in that case uh caboose tell her where it is right yes okay right yes i will do that yes right now well sarge you've always wanted to watch a blue dive looks like you're gonna get your wish after all actually griff it's always been my wish to watch you die all right yeah yep every night after you boys would retire to your bunks i would climb up to the top of the base and just wait hoping i would see a shooting star so that i could wish for your violence and unbearably painful demise okay you can stop now i even had a little jingle to go along with it please don't i just wish that griff was dead i hate you put up all this through his head simmons how do you know that song oh it's been in my dreams for years now it all makes sense oh thank god what i thought it was crazy when i woke up with that rifle in my hands well hate that the power music simmons why didn't you tell me about this oh shut up it wasn't even loaded how can you just leave an ancient alien artifact on the floor of a warehouse okay yeah hold on i mean to be fair you know we had already broken it uh oh that's not right oh i can't believe we came all this way for nothing you guys are not making my life easy right now do we ever good point so what's the plan now there's an island nearby that i want to visit shouldn't take more than a day or so that old fortress carolina i'm not sure trust me on this right you should probably listen to your instincts you stay here and keep the sim troopers from causing any trouble i won't be long all right everyone move into the temple it'll be getting dark soon hey wash where exactly is she going she lost something i think she just needs some time to try and find it again dear director the loss of military equipment is a severe infraction i should not need to remind you that all unsc property especially our more experimental technologies must be kept from the hands of our enemies at all costs in these trying times vigilance is paramount still training at this hour yeah she's been like this since we got back from the last mission you gotta be kidding me she's always been like this well yeah i mean she never did know when to stop but now it's like she doesn't know how to stop always training i guess the leaderboard beckons you know you don't have to watch over her i could say the same to you about south that's not really an answer so what are you doing awake theta couldn't sleep and if theta can't sleep ah one of the side effects they don't tell you about having someone else's voice in your head sure does take some getting used to doesn't it and delta's always running these probabilities well that seems annoying he says it's fun you know did you know that statistically you're as likely to get hit by lightning as you are to die in a pelican crash seems like it would be higher considering our line of work guess i'm due for a few lightning bolts complete a 6.3 increase in efficiency that round agent run it again fella resetting training room floor for next round we stayed uh up late often you're wondering if he gets scared a lot yeah guess i am well it happens mainly at night he likes when i walk the halls when we were kids my dad would have to drive south around in the car to get her to fall asleep it's kind of the same thing i wonder if they're all like this the ai is you know jittery nervous no not nervous anxious yeah anxious it's like delta thinks something bad is always about to happen i don't get it what do they have to worry about pelican crashes lightning strikes hey maybe they know something we don't why don't you just pull him for a night get yourself some sleep pull theta yeah he gets even more scared when i do that i feel obligated to help i see why they picked you yeah well he has to face his fear at some point if they want to be human that's a good place to start what can i tell you i guess some things are just harder to face than others yeah night north don't stay up too late you need your rest round complete run it again that last round showed a 3.6 just run it again resetting training i think we all could use some rest okay i'll take the lead give me 15 seconds and follow sync sync fire detected cover recognition are you okay how bad is it york will not survive i'm sorry york sorry i didn't listen i just i don't understand why her why text text [ __ ] let me guess just wanted some information carolina i don't have a clue do you you and your friends just think i'm some bloodthirsty merc with a bad attitude but you know what you're wrong i'm much worse look you go and round up everyone i know just to bring me back and then you keep us all in the dark what the hell did you think was gonna happen carolina of course no one trusts you well i don't trust them epsilon i don't trust anyone anymore oh why not because having friends would ruin the whole psychotic loner [ __ ] thing you've got going on because that would be a real shame it's because i had a team once a team with the best training the best equipment and despite everything that they had that made them the best they still lied and stole and tore each other to pieces so you tell me how the hell am i supposed to trust a ragtag team of idiots when i couldn't even trust the people that were closest to me that's what i thought i never thought i'd say this but i can't sleep yes we know you've been shoveling food into your mouth for an hour yeah what's up with that it's a nervous habit okay no where the [ __ ] does someone find potato chips in the middle of the desert ah couldn't you're complaining caroline carolina's probably miles away by now the only thing we've got to worry about are sand fleas and that other highly trained operative on patrol outside wow you have a way with words that just immediately makes me want to kill myself look it's like your little fairy friend said i thought donut was your friend he means church all we've got to do is stick together and everything will be just fine well somebody probably should have told caboose that because he's gone carolina i'm done talking to you carolina i think i found something you might want to see really what might that be a memory delta we must be brief epsilon is struggling to remember remember what delta please don't good evening beautiful people it's a lovely monday night and i'm here with another adrenaline pumping journal entry courtesy of our good friend delta it can't be york please documentation is an important part yeah jiminy christmas forgive me for trying to lighten the mood so today i intercepted some interesting messages from our good friends over at project freelancer it sounds like someone is causing them a bit of trouble old news i know old news but here's the interesting part d give me a drum roll please i would prefer not to they said she she as in a lady not wyoming not maine but a former female freelancer has suddenly popped up on the pfl radar and if you know me then you know my money's on the gallon the greenish blue sea foam green turquoise whatever it is armor okay well at least if i had any money wait still no id on our female troublemaker but given what i know about south last location fairly certainly odds are in my favor again i must point out that from a statistical standpoint the hurricane delta continues to rain on my parade so when i finally see her again i think i've narrowed down my line to like two options okay here they are one hey there carolina if i said i like your armor would you hold it against me or two please focus what pickup lines are important did i ever tell you about how we met see i was out one night with my buddies they abandoned me in some ridiculous nightclub i think it's called herrera so i'm just sitting there at the bar bored out of my skull and i'm flicking this liar off and on then from out of nowhere she walks up she just grabs the light right out of my hand and she goes agent foxtrot 12 journal entry zero four two four intercepted another transmission from command today they have confirmed that agent texas continues to evade the response teams that she still does possess the omega ai nothing more to report york you know dee i bet if i had opened up with a pickup line i would have never seen her again why is that because she probably would have busted my other eye what would you have told her york i would have told her that i understand why she did what she did i just wish she hadn't i wish you could have learned to let things go i guess i should too why did you show me that because i know what it's like to spend your life chasing ghosts hello caboose hello agent washington caboose you know you're supposed to be in the temple with rest of your squad um yes uh well um but see um i am spying on you and why are you spying on me caboose well guess um since everyone is kind of scared of you and uh carolina we figured we should try and get as much information on you guys as possible so um where do you guys see yourself in the next five to 10 years caboose you realize that when you spy on someone no one's actually supposed to know that you're spying on them right oh yeah i know i just figured you wouldn't tell anyone wait what makes you think that oh come on aj i mean you know i'm pretty sure yeah we can trust you i mean we are friends friends i don't understand these are more than memory his journal entries were part of the data that wash recovered and they stored them in his personnel file which just so happened to be one of the many folders that yours truly picked up the last time i visited a freelancer facility not bad for a rag tag idiot if i do say so myself feel free to start begging for my forgiveness whatever you feel like in carolina not happening what seriously but i will thank you yeah well i'm pretty great church the director's still out there somewhere and i need to find him not just for what he did to me but for what he did to york and to wash to maine the twins to all of them and for what he did to you church i guess i forgot that in a way you were there alongside us too you know the more memories i sift through the more that sounds like a pretty damn good plan find anything that could help us out yeah it's a lot of stuff to remember all at once but i might be able to pull up some of the directors logs if you gave me some time well you'll have plenty of time on our ride back about that hey is there any way we can get back to the others that doesn't involve me carrying you wow church i didn't know an ai unit could get so easily embarrassed tell you what just tell your friends that you picked me up how does that sound remind me never let you talk to tucker again all right pack it up people we're moving where to now there's an old ship that crashed in a freelancer outpost a few years back outpost 17b you mean we're going back to valhalla back to our own base that's right [ __ ] you're finally going home and you're taking us with you pelican's over there that's where tex ended up you mean her body ended up there right show me wait what about the military this could all be a trap remember what are you talking about i told us we were fugitives of the law bandits cast out by society with no hope of redemption yeah and that the unsc would be waiting for us when we got back to base it was a possibility so let me get this straight hey church over here yeah hey what i can't talk too long my connection with carolina's memory unit's not so good what's up ah not much my first time here so i'm just taking it all in really enjoying the scenery what about you well i mean yeah you know now that you mentioned it the trees are kind of nice especially in comparison to the desolate environment of the sand and wait wait wait wait what is that it no that's not it what the [ __ ] are you doing with carolina hey calm down turns out she's more complicated than we thought like monopoly or like the board game church just because you want to get close to someone doesn't mean you have to end up inside them come on aren't you gonna say it no because i'm pissed off all right all right look guys i'm still on your side okay but if carolina is hiding something i'm gonna have to stay close to her in order to find it see proximity is the key i thought memory was the key oh yeah and the sword storage is key too caboose shut up hey i gotta go we'll talk later we should probably get a keyring so are you guys gonna give us anything to do just sit tight in fact don't do anything at all fine now that's the kind of order i can get behind next do you think she'll tell us to sleep in tomorrow or order us to stop bathing for a week wait what you've done that no i want to say no we've been sitting there for days if i sit any tighter i'll strangle my seat i'm not worried i could use the brake we haven't done anything exactly avoiding work is kind of what i do so if you think about it i've been on the clock this entire time i should be getting paid overtime for this you get paid overtime uh yeah time and a half over 40 hours dude time and a half and a half over 60. it's a shame there aren't any numbers higher than 60. what seriously i've never gotten it though one time i thought i did but it turns out you have to do it in just one week because sworn it was monthly they told me i wasn't eligible for overtime i put in 60 hours a week weird well tell me they at least match your 401k fringe benefits i'm tired of all this waiting come on fellas now's our chance i don't know you know how i feel about taking chances sir here's ed lopez was shot here let's go get him back leave no man behind simmons no robot without his nuts no warthog unlubed that doesn't make any sense he's a robot simmons we can rebuild him and activate them at any time it gives us an edge over those pesky blues in the battle of ghosts versus robots robots always win except an anime no i mean it didn't make sense why we would do that he's an awful soldier but he's a great mechanic nothing's broken oh contraire lopez is broken you say so yourself he can get to work on that but but we would have to fix him in order for him to you see he's the you know what just never mind so you she's a boy yes i see the point it's just not the one you're making sir let's go yeah i think i'll stay here and take a siesta lopez would have wanted it that way that's siesta i don't know if i'm angry that he's [ __ ] responsibility or happy that he took my multicultural squad seminar to heart that was one of the best pep talks i've ever given i'm saying something but sir i give that seminar you made me work on it for weeks i even did the traditional quinceanera dance couldn't have been that great i don't even remember it let's go simmons hey they're all leaving you know what i'm gonna go see our awesome new base it's so much bassier than the old one i missed it so much so much for sticking together damn it did the training session go poorly agent carolina no it went fine just not good enough that is most unusual for you why does she even have a locker in here if she doesn't use our locker room i mean what is so special about her she does seem to get special treatment doesn't she strange considering she's not the best freelancer it's probably because of omega now gamma we're not meant to speak about omega you know the rules oh hello gamma does wyoming know you're talking to another ai i am not talking to another ai we are both talking to you who is omega he is one of our brothers he is the strongest of us an agent texas has him she uses an ai i don't think it's our place to say all the top agents have an ai well except you agent carolina you chose not to that lying this all makes sense now i have been an idiot she's not better than me it's all been omega omega's strength is unmatched i don't know if anyone could beat him at least not alone no not alone we are just fragments after all pieces omega in texas are something else but if we work together together what an interesting concept gamma together you've just given me an idea i do hope you'll use it well agent carolina ideas are some of our most potent weapons don't worry about me i'll be fine yes i'm sure you will be how do you feel i need to get back into the fight these targets just aren't doing it for me you'll be back in the field soon enough texas for now just focus on your training i'm tired of training i need something else have you noticed a change in your aggression agent texas i don't see how that is callana what are you doing here the training room is off limits when we when you're with your pet yes i know i don't care i need to talk to you you know counselor i think i am noticing a change in my aggression levels everyone please just remain calm carolina you can use the training room when you are next assigned i want an a.i an ai what has caused this sudden change of heart it doesn't matter i'm still at the top of the leaderboard not the top of the leaderboard and you can keep your comments to yourself i know all about your little secret what you really are the next ai that comes up is mine fill me in carolina what exactly is my secret both of you stand down all right carolina if you want an ai then you will have an ai in fact you can choose agents washington and south dakota are both due for implantation today we have two ai ada and iota ready for field testing which one of your teammates do you think you should delay i'll leave that up to you director no if she thinks our decisions are so easy then let her make one what's it going to be carolina and whatever i choose you will do that's right then i want them both excuse me carolina you cannot have them both yes i can these suits wherever they came from are designed to handle a full ai and as you are so fond of telling us these are not full ai they are just fragments and from what i can tell the newer ones are getting weaker all the time so i want them both or i'm sorry is that decision too tough for you counselor move agents washington and south dakota back in the schedule and prepare agent carolina for surgery i think if we let cooler heads prevail we will if you wanted to deal with cooler heads counselor perhaps you should have joined the coast guard prepper for surgery you won't regret this no he carolina i very much doubt that i will hey that was gutsy hope it works out for you when it does you'll be the first to know i look forward to it what this is [ __ ] south calm down calm down that's easy for you to say you already have an ai who the [ __ ] is she to take away our place our turn will come they've already put me back on the list for what ah you ever notice every time you open your mouth you make things worse sorry and 2 a.i why is she so special what's so special about either of them pick it up what are you doing in here you're never coming here i've come for carolina pick it up i i should probably uh i better go where is she look texas i don't know if you're looking for a fight or whatever it is you want but now's really not the time carolina just went into surgery we don't know when she'll be out so we're heading over to recovery to wait for yeah recovery one maybe you should come with us let's go you coming texas yeah go on york i'm right behind you this is the awesome new base looks the same as a shitty old base to me oh you're gonna have it here you know it's like our hope away from home that we can't ever get away from so let me get this straight it's just two bases in the middle of a box canyon yes but at one side a civil wall yes it is a supply of water wow you guys really know how to upgrade let me guess i bet this time we've got a tank with eight pedals instead of six ah don't be silly we don't have tank all right what have you got not much a few shell casings a dog tag i was talking to church oh sorry i hey what's up somebody call me yeah find anything yet oh not yet but the uh onboard computer program is an old friend of mine she's doing her best to help me out good keep it up wash is there a reason you're just standing there doing nothing get back to it um right yes sir boss you can't keep your secrets forever texas not from me never for me come on so how's the patient should be coming around any moment what's he in for probably for all the headaches he's been having did you ever get them after you earned delta at first they went away pretty quick though the other side effects were way worse what other side effects you know bleeding from the eyes ringing ears inverted penis he inverted what dude i'm just [ __ ] with you okay couple of headaches that's it so what's different about maine hey she's awake how you feeling champ i want a match right now okay just pick a piece of equipment you know how to use already or just grab everything and anything that works too i guess in a second phyllis now at first the voice of the ai sorry ais it will feel like a tickle okay just focus on that and we'll get clear trust them i know that'll be hard but i promise they'll help please i would stay to support you but she's really damn scary okay maybe you're both pretty scary gotta go anyone want to bet that one of them gets killed are you kidding i'm hoping one of us doesn't get killed just by one watching good luck ladies thanks i won't need it what the hell is going on here no matches have been authorized for no alison make the voices stop director we should sedate carolina immediately we have no idea how much damage to ai could no she made her decision let her be come on somebody help her what the [ __ ] is going on somebody get down here you are all dismissed do it sorry kid this is for your own good nothing nothing a dead end damn it not again hey watch it i'm still in here response teams beat us to the crash plain and simple we knew the chances of finding something here were slim okay well what about the bases blue base was swept clean as for red base any evidence that might have been there was completely destroyed during the construction of some kind of giant holographic projection room man those guys are really starting to find creative ways to ruin my life [ __ ] this is our third wild goose chase wash even after she's gone texas is still finding ways to screw me over you can't blame her for this time isn't on our side carolina any trails he left behind likely way cold years ago are you suggesting we give up of course not i was just good then go spread the word we're leaving but we just got here what's your point well don't you think we're pushing these guys a little too hard this place is pretty much home to them they may not be ready to leave it so soon yeah i'm real choked up about it despite what those idiots may think this is not a road trip this is a mission and i will see it completed is that understood agent washington yes boss man what the hell happened to that guy didn't used to be a badass like human texts ow i mean just like you just like just you only you the only nobody else there he is spanish inquisition someone's been torturing him huh i don't think so sir he kind of looks like a scarecrow savages and they've erected this fence as a warning for civilized people to stay away it actually looks like a garden wait a minute is that compost sustainable farming environmentally friendly housing oh no what oh hey guys i thought i heard voices donut hi sarge long time no see i thought you were dead you know we sure seem to say that a lot these days i almost was that jerk washington shot me in the stomach but then my armor locked up on me kept me alive for a while until it unlocked again for some reason it was horrible do you know what removes blood stains from this armor not a lot i tell you i laid there forever wondering how i was going to get all that dark red out of this light red you know how did you survive when your armor locked you would have just bled to death and where did you get all new aging uh oh what sarge think about it medical attention fringe lifestyle choices you know what that means what wow look what the cat dragged in and by dragged in i mean spit out like a hairball hey guys simmons who's that doc behind us i think so simmons get my gun you're holding it sir oh right simmons i'm gonna need you to commence operation point my gonna knock but sir operation point my gun to dock was just a code phrase for operation point my gun at griff frat fine switch to operation point my gutter grip yeah actually sir that one was just what it sounds like sorry double breath hey you orange one where's the rest of your team how should i know you don't report into each other oh yeah i mean i get reports you might be the worst soldiers i have ever met hey i take offense at that what do you mean might be here they come let's move out hey guys did you find lopez yeah donut nailed him to a board he's staying here i thought donald was dead yeah we really need to stop saying that he almost was but doc fixed him up and now they live together they say hi by the way oh and they baked this banana bread how nice i'm gonna have to forget to send them a thank you card hey simmons when you say donut nailed lopez to a board i mean with nails okay had to ask no no i understand i should have been clearer that's my fault hey what's the deal we're leaving already that's right you got a problem with that uh carolina wait let me handle this tucker what do you want i want to know what you found out about carolina is she evil is she crazy is she crazy evil is she pretty oh yeah is she hot or she a dude guys i've got more important things to do right now what are you talking about you're supposed to be spying on her she's the enemy remember us against them hey you don't know anything about her tucker you have no idea what she's been through since when did look will you guys get the [ __ ] car so we can leave already thank you what was that about nothing i need to talk to you how's she doing no idea the docs thought she would have woken up by now but she's still under how long has he been there he hasn't left her side yet it's been days and he's dedicated you know your sister petitioned to get one of carolina's ais she didn't sure did i'll talk to her that's inappropriate yeah it appropriates a word so is vulture piece of advice one soldier to another you watch her something's different with you you have an ai right theta yeah take some getting used to i'll say well let's just say mine took a little longer than most i'm not sure i want to depend on him you've been uh pulling him i haven't used him in days does the director know no and he's not going to no one needs to know they have to stop him planting now i mean after this washes up for surgery next you're kidding me yeah time march is on so does project freelancer yeah lately it seems like we're getting trampled in the process hey call me when she wakes up or if she doesn't will do i think i'm starting to like her at least better than i did before yeah she grows on you still scary oh yeah plenty scary are you there are you there yes i'm here i'm here hello don't leave hey counselor are you there what what happened is everybody okay perhaps you should ask the director why does that mean something happened director please what is going on there was another incident security the schematics are just they're too complex i just need more time to work on them it's not your fault how can you say that of course it is was anybody hurt i am sorry yes yes washington and another die who who who died oh my god that's to fall camel we need stronger he'll break he's ready bring in the stasis units you three log off director we would like to see this you can't get near the artifact too dangerous your job is done log off as you wish get us another memory unit a new one don't let it touch anything else move all other equipment away from it that's right it's broken we broke it and we need you to fix it just like you've done before here take this use this to fix it make it better take away all that is broken that's right put them in here it is done welcome to the world epsilon today is your birthday hey simmons yeah you ever wonder why we're here you mean metaphysically no i mean why are we going through all this trouble just to find one guy i don't know he's evil or something yeah but so what i don't have a problem with him yeah but he's the one that started all of this you know he's the reason that we have to deal with the freelancers and the ais and the meta i mean when you think about it he's the reason why we're here yep he's a real dirtbag all right but even if he's six feet under we'll still be in the same damn spot uh sir all i'm saying is we made it back to base in one piece it even found the rest of our team so do you boys really think running off again will make things any better because the way i see it leaving this place is only going to make things worse i guess you have a point sarge shut up griffin church can't this wait no it can't carolina the guys are terrified of you what's your point my point is that they think you're a killer psychopath and you can't be trusted but i know they're wrong i know why you're doing all of this and i know you're not really crazy gee thanks church you certainly know how to make a girl feel special what i don't know is what happened between you and tex i don't want to you mentioned your name back on the island what does text have to do with anything well a lot apparently because every time i bring her up you act like you're gonna put your fist through something and then you do sometimes that's ridiculous i don't look i understand you're angry i'm angry too the director's a [ __ ] [ __ ] and we're gonna make him pay but text was your friend right my friend who the hell gave you that idea well she did look she was a total [ __ ] trust me i know but she told me once she would have given anything to save you i don't know what she meant exactly but if you really want to take down the director you got to pull yourself together you got to let it go you say that like i'm sad she's gone but i'm not i hated her i couldn't compete that doesn't matter anymore but even she couldn't find the director agent texas the best of the best how the hell am i supposed to do but she couldn't carolina if she was really the best then she would be standing here right now not you let it go what is that there are her dog tags wash found him in the crash texas didn't wear dog tags connie it looks like some kind of data unit can you tell me what's on it only one way to find out and hey if i'm not out in like three months don't bother coming and looking for me just move on with your lives okay agent texas allison if you're reading this then that means i escaped or well at the very least i'm probably not around anymore he is ready hand me the epsilon unit please i want to leave behind all the data i've been collecting about project freelancer i never could shake the feeling that something was wrong with the program the secrets the lies the manipulation smoke all of it obscuring a big damn fire i did some digging and now i know what the director's been hiding what he did sir agent washington is prepped the one law they don't just slap you on the wrist four i'm taking the originals with me as an insurance policy i leave this copy for you not because you are the best soldier in the squad but because i know that i can trust you the most after reading these files you will understand why good luck your friend connie stop it
Channel: Rooster Teeth Animation
Views: 332,256
Rating: 4.9475121 out of 5
Keywords: Rooster Teeth, RT, television, filmmaking, games, video games, comics, austin, texas, production, RWBY, anime, Camp Camp, RVB, red vs blue, Fan Service, cartoon, comedy, genLOCK, animated, animation, 2d, 3d, RWBY Chibi, red vs blue complete, rvb complete, rvb zero, red vs blue zero, singularity, halo, blood gulch, halo maps, movies, web series, machinima, Red vs Blue, reds, blues, red versus blue, rooster teeth, rt, matt hullum, burnie burns, geoff ramsey, joel heyman, funny, video game
Id: lq2KuU_omaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 44sec (9344 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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