Halls of Stone Solo Paladin Boost - 800k xp/hr

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in today's video I'll be showing you how to boost in the halls of stone on a prod Paladin this boost has been popularized by Mages and has proven to be a very good alternative to questing the experience gains for my ALT when I was doing this for myself were around 200 000 experience per run using two heirlooms which means that we can boost someone sitting at the portal for around 800 000 experience per hour and that calculation was done at four lockouts per hour the best part about this is that the boosting prices for halls of stone are currently 600 gold per run this means 2400 gold an hour just in boost in Gold this doesn't even take into account the 100 or more gold we'll get per run from the loot so this is potentially the best gold maker right now in Wrath classic assuming you're charging something similar to what the Mages are charging so now let me show you how I'm doing it on a prod Paladin if you have any questions about this run or you want to discuss it further make sure to join up in the Discord linked down below here is the spec and the gloves that I was using when I came in here this is actually an exact copy from my director and keep boost nothing has changed all as far as the spec goes that's why I'm also using Glyph of holy wrath here this is not going to be useful in holes of stone so you can change the third glyph over to whatever you want but everything else is exactly the same and it's pretty standard as far as farming goes here's the gear that I was using when I was making this video I just want to go over a few different things here starting with my weapon I did pick up the Horseman's baleful blade from the hollow's end event it's actually a pretty good DPS sword and my damage actually really went up changing over from the red sword of Courage because the damage range on this weapon is much much higher than the red sword of Courage so that really increases our melee damage so it's actually a pretty decent pickup for doing stuff like this where you're fighting large amounts of mobs and you need to do big melee damage on certain targets so pick one of these up if you can otherwise if you can't maybe look for another DPS sword that isn't the red sword of Courage because while it is a great defensive sword it's not amazing as far as offense goes secondly I want to talk about levanthor's Talisman this is an absolutely amazing defensive trinket with a offensive slash defensive on use so it's a very very nice trinket to have I recommend that you do heroic Violet Hold every single day to try and pick one of these up because this trinket alone accounts for I believe around four percent of my total avoidance and it all goes straight into block and block is actually looking really nice I'm sitting at 1659 block value currently and when we judge with this Librium it goes up to around 2 000 so we can take really really big hits without taking any damage when we pop holy Shield we have well over 100 avoidance so it's actually very very nice to reach that over 100 with holy shield and even when we don't have holy Shield re-doubt comes into play so we're really getting into those higher avoidance levels which I really like to see it kind of reminds me of TBC the third thing I want to talk about is Dark Moon card greatness everyone knows this is an amazing trinket but I got a lot of comments saying oh you know this this trinket is way too expensive blah blah blah I can't afford it so I can't do this but in order to counter that point I actually ran this with only one and trinket equipped so this entire video I filmed it with no Dark Moon card greatness I only had levanthor's Talisman on which is a perfectly obtainable trinket and this is all the gear I was using my second trinket slot had nothing in it as you'll see I pull it up in my character sheet during the video so uh don't worry if you don't have dark moon card greatness it is not a requirement it is just a recommendation it is a big DPS increase so if you can get your hands on one great and if you can't then don't really worry about it it's not a big deal so to start this runoff we're going to pull the first group of dwarves as well as the two constructs here and we're gonna nuke these targets down starting with the dark room third just these are the mobs that cast lightning bolt at you over and over and over and that nature damage can really stack up pretty quickly so you want to make sure to Nuke those targets down as fast as possible the dark Rune Warriors are not really a threat they don't do anything at all so don't worry about them too much but the unrelenting constructs you'll see these throughout the dungeon they do have a stun ability as well as a charge and a self-destruct that they do at low HP the great thing about the self-destruct is even if it kills the mob and the boosties will still get full experience for the kill so you don't actually have to kill them all the way down to zero you can actually just run away from their self-destruct and then they will die on their own and you get full credit for it so it's actually pretty nice but the third just do have this lightning bold ability and they just Spam it on you from range and it gets very annoying so they're going to be probably the biggest problem in the dungeon so make sure you kill them first for this first pull you're going to want to use seal of command and you'll notice I'm also using a good amount of consumers because we're making so much money in this dungeon that it's actually worth it to go ahead and spend money on those consumes to kind of speed your runs up a bit so I'm using a flask of endless Rage which is the attack power flask it's only about six gold on my server as well as some strength food and I also had a strength scroll in my bags that I just threw on but I don't recommend buying Scrolls it's not really that big of a deal for the next pool we're gonna grab two groups of dwarves in either one or two of these Giants the Giants are not really important what's important here is that we get at least two groups of dwarves and kill them this is because in the next pull after this one we're actually gonna use rocket boots and pull the remainder of this circle and if we left these dwarves alive it'd be just too much lightning bolt damage on us and we wouldn't be able to handle it so it's important to get a couple of these groups down so that the next one is more bearable and much easier in this circle you're going to notice a new mob type called the Elementalist these guys have a haste buff that they will apply and cast lightning bolt at you as well as summon the little wind spirit guys who are also gonna lightning bolt you so they're also a priority Target although they're not as import important as the therages because the theory just actually does more damage with their lightning bolt so it's important to kill those first then the elementalists and then whatever's left over after that these little cracks in the middle of this circle make great Los locations and you can stand in here and not have to worry about being smacked from behind so I do recommend that you use these small crevices and back your character in that way you're not getting hit from far away if you do plan on looting while you're selling this boost I highly recommend that you get used to looting during combat these Giants are not going to die quickly and we're gonna drag them into the next pull so if you want the loot you have to pick it up now before we move on there's not really going to be a chance for you to come back and grab it and if you do that then you're probably going to be wasting valuable time that you're going to be picking on the Boost so it's more important I would say to go for time than it is to go for loot if you find yourself with extra time at the end then you can come back for the loot but other than that try and pick it up on your way that way you don't have to spend too much time backtracking so you'll see what I did there was I killed all the dwarves the giant was still live but I knew it was time to move on because killing them takes way too long so we came out rocket booted around the remainder of the circle pulled everything else and then went directly back into one of these cracks for this one I typically swap over to seal of light because we do have a generous amount of mobs here these Giants do hit hard and if your block value is not too high then you might take a good amount of melee damage here so swap over to seal of light make sure you're keeping your sacred Shield up this is also a very good time to pop your levanthor's Talisman if you're wearing one for that extra block value and make sure to Target the third just first because they're going to be lightning bolting you and you're gonna have a lot of stuff going on here for the most part as long as you are pressing your buttons on cooldown and you're always judging light and hitting with hammer the righteous on multiple targets with your seal of light this pull is going to go just fine just remember you also have a reduced cooldown on your lay on hand so you can use it once per run very useful make sure to also keep up your sacred Shield at all times it's very important and if you really need to you can bubble and heal back up as well jumping right into the next pole here we wasted absolutely no time there once I I noticed all of the elementalists and the third just were dead we moved directly on to the next one we pulled the Warriors and the Giants with us because they're just gonna increase our damage and they're not really a threat to us so it's better to just keep on going and try and get our time as low as possible to maximize the amount of gold we're making from the Boost I only pulled into the very first group here as I want to get these two ranged mobs down first the third just and the Elementalist and then we'll move on again after any spellcasters are dead we're gonna move into the northern hallway and pull the padding giant as well as the two constructs in here at this point we're going to be reaching the limit of the range that we can grant experience to the portal so after we've got these mobs pulled we're actually going to bring them back towards the top of the stairs to come into this Northern hallway and I feel like that's a pretty good area for killing these things I haven't tested the exact range you can get experience from in here but it's somewhere around here so if you notice that your Boosty is not getting all the experience that they should then it's probably right here as long as you're killing things around these stairs kind of in this General vicinity you'll be just fine just watch out for the kinds of of constructs you have the Raging constructs do high melee damage the unrelenting constructs as we talked about earlier have a stun and a self-destruct and I believe the last one is called a lightning construct or something of that nature and they just have a bunch of lightning spells unrelenting constructs should be your number one priority before moving on to the lightning constructs and then finally ending with the Raging constructs this poll is the acceptable time to actually kill these mobs and drop combat and do whatever you need to do before we move on to the next poll which is going to be more up the northern hallway the damage in the next pull is pretty high so we don't want to drag any extra mobs into it just kill everything you have here before you move on for this next pull we're going to be pulling all of the remaining mobs on the Northern side of the dungeon which I believe is in total seven constructs so it's a really high damage pull if you find that you're having trouble with this you can try slowing it down or maybe just drop the number of mobs that you pull here by one or two but to maximize The Experience gain we're just gonna pull everything all at once start by grabbing the two mobs on the right side of this outside area and then we're gonna run down the hallway and and pull the three patrolling robots that go around the little lightning thing then we're gonna rock a boot back down the hallway and pull the remaining two constructs while also kind of making a quick stop over at Brandt to pick him up for some extra damage he'll just kind of follow you and smack the robots I don't think he does very much if anything at all but uh it's kind of funny to hear him like smacking the mobs around and then he dies at the end because he can't take all the AOE damage so it's kind of funny um but for a little bit of extra DPS I think you can add bran into the mix again we're going to be pulling this entire thing back down to where we were before that way we make sure that we're in the experience range of the portal holes of stone is an excellent boost because it requires literally zero effort on the Boosty part they just have to Zone in every 15 minutes it's I mean you can't really get much better than that for this pull I primarily will be using seal of light for the first part of it and then once I've got a few mobs down and I know that I can handle the damage I'll swap over to seal a command and go from there make sure to watch out for that self-destruct damage from the unrelenting constructs that you will be killing first you can't interrupt the cast from the lightning constructs but you can do hammer of Justice on them to stop a cast so if you have a free Global and you want to prevent some damage then you can throw it on one of those guys this pull generally takes the longest out of any of the poles because these mobs have so much HP and there's so many of them a lot of times you'll get down to like two or three mobs and they'll be half HP so what I like to do during this part is just kind of Target whatever has the most HP once you get those unrelenting constructs down and just kind of uh try and Whittle them all down at the same rate that way at the end you're not left with one or two with super high HP values on this next poll I actually made a mistake and I pulled on accident without getting full health and Mana I think I was just completely zoning out and wanted to move on but what you should do is get full health and mana and then pull all three of these groups and loss around the corner to group them up what I did instead here was start with not full health and mana and then I was kind of hesitant because I realized I messed up and then I only pulled two and yeah it's kind of a mess and it wasn't as fast as it could have been but generally what you want to do is pull all three of these together so you can either do it like me all weird with HP or you can do it the right way with full HP and pull all of them these are the same exact types of dwarfs from earlier so the same roles apply just make sure if you grab all of them you're using seal of light because it is a good amount of dwarves and there's a lot of spellcasters here if you did it like I did then you'll want to kill the casters and then bring the Warriors into the next group if you did it like you're supposed to with all three groups then you just want to kill the entire group before you move on this next poll we're gonna grab the patrolling Giant and the two constructs at the end of the hallway and then turn around and bring them back to the southern part of the dungeon where we're gonna complete the Boost make sure you save your rocket boots because we will be using that for the next room once you get into this southern part of the dungeon pull everything into the first group of dwarves and then taunt the rocks on the right we're gonna have a big cluster of things to kill here and we're gonna have lots of damage coming in so if you need to swap over to seal of light here as well then that is not a bad idea for this part you can swap over to Shadow resistance Aura because the chiseling Ray that these guys do is actually shadow damage but it's not too big of a deal because when you do any sort of damage to them while they're channeling this they will actually stop channeling it so you want to make sure to keep consecration rolling at all times that way the ticks will stop them from doing more damage to you you're going to want to try and get the majority of this group down so that we don't have to bring it into the next poll however I did leave one construct up because I noticed he just had too much health and it was going to take me way too much time to try and kill him so I brought one construct with me into the next poll which is not a big deal what you're going to want to do now is rocket boots all the way through the next area and basically just pull the remainder of the dungeon and then we'll use bubble to stop all of the chiseling rays and range attacks and then everything will group up on you in one location this is actually a pretty big pool and there's going to be a lot of damage coming out so we're going to be using seal of light once again make sure to keep up your sacred Shield yada yada same thing as always try and kill this construct if you left it up and then move on to the dwarves right after periodically throughout this run I was using saronite bombs I believe it only is a few of them though I wasn't using them on cooldown but if you're an engineer and you're looking for some free damage these things are dirt cheap and you can cast them instantly you don't have to really worry about anything just kind of throw them on cooldown I think they only have like a minute cooldown or something crazy like that so it's a great way to add a little bit of extra damage into your AOE farming so check them out on your server if they're super cheap to make or buy then just go ahead and grab some it's just free damage you might as well have them in your bags after you've got this pulled down you've successfully killed every available mob within Halls of stone and there's nothing left to do but go out and reset from what I've seen on my druid I was consistently getting around 200 000 experience with two heirlooms equipped as far as pricing goes I recommend you try and sell this for 600 gold for solo boosting 300 gold for duo boosting and 200 gold for trio boosting other than that that's really going to be about it for today's video like I said if you do have any questions comments concerns please join the Discord and drop a message in there we got a great community of friendly gold formers who were just waiting to take your call so hop on in make sure you like comment and subscribe and I will see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: spacious94
Views: 85,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lbrs mage farm, lbrs gold farm, lbrs mage solo, solo mage gold farm, tbc classic mage farm., tbc classic, tbc, mage, farm, guide, tbc gold guide, mage gold guide, tbc classic mage solo, lower blackrock spire, blackrock spire, BRS mage farm, tbc mage solo farm, tbc classic mage, tbc classic gold guide, lbrs solo, wotlk, wotlk solo, paladin wotlk, wrath classic, wrath of the lich king classic, wrath of the lich king, wotlk classic, wotlk boosting
Id: 8ZHlkVaWqHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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