Gas Station Food Hacks

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- We've got the gas station food creations for your road trip vacations. ("Five Nineteen") - Let's talk about that. (fire blasting) - Gooooood Mythical Morning. - Mythical beast, your questions are like your neighbor's car, sitting in their driveway with a tank full of gas. And we are your morally questionable friends who are going to siphon that gas and put it into your car, so we can all get to burning man! - Our first question comes from... We gonna burn, man? - Yeah. - Lizzie Nute, who asks, "DIY road trip snacks." - Oh, that's not really a question, Lizzie. - No, it's not. - It's sort of like an order or a command, - Kind of a... - but you know what? - Yeah. - We are here to answer the call. - Yeah. We're gonna give you some snackage. Now, listen, when you're on your road trip or whatever, you can stop at the convenient spots, i.e, the gas stations, (Rhett laughing) and grab a little snack. - Yeah. - But you're not gonna eat like a king until today 'cause we're gonna hack it up, stack it up, so you can rack it up. - Oh, gosh. - Let's do this. It's time for a gas station (upbeat music) food hack attack. - [Rhett] First up, jerk tarts. Okay. So, yes, you can buy a pre-made sandwich at the gas station, (Link chuckles) but have you ever gotten a good look at those things? - Can't trust them. You cannot trust a sandwich at a gas station. - It doesn't look like the kind of thing that mama made. And it's not the kind of thing I wanna put in my mouth, but we have a way around that. We are gonna create a sandwich starting with something very, very special, Pop-Tarts. - Mm-hmm. - [Rhett] So, you're gonna just break out the Pop-Tarts. This is your bread, okay? And of course, you gotta have some kind of condiments and that's what Twinkies are for, Link. Could you break out - Mm-hmm. - the Twinkies? (plastic crinkles) - [Link] I got my Twinkie here. - [Rhett] Yeah. You're just gonna get all that cream out of the Twinkie ♪ Whoo ♪ ♪ Sing a little song if it makes you happy ♪ And you're gonna take that discarded Twinkie and you're gonna save that for later. - Yep. - None of this goes to waste. - You're gonna need that when you're out of gas and water in the middle of nowhere. - This is a long trip. - You're gonna be surviving. - As a matter of fact, you're just gonna wanna set aside a cooler. You're gonna wanna bring with you a cooler. That's just all the stuff that we're gonna discard from all the things. - [Link] Get rid of that. Save that for later. All right. So, there's a nice base layer. - [Rhett] Okay, and now, you gotta have meat, and the meat that is most readily available at every gas station of course is beef jerky. - Mm-hmm. - It's long-lasting. You do not need a cooler for it. You can go across the entire- - Whoo. - Oh, that is strong. Got some strong jerky. - That smells good. - [Rhett] So, just lay a couple pieces in there. - Yeah, right there. - And then, of course, you want this to be healthy, so you're gonna use a lettuce substitute. (Link laughing) - I got this green... - [Rhett] It's green sour belts. - [Link] It's green stuff in here. - So, just get the green ones 'cause we want the healthy ones. - Right. - Don't get those red ones. That's bad for you. - Well, it's like a tomato maybe. - Yeah. What? - Or a pepper. - [Rhett] Okay, it's just like a pepper, so it's still healthy. And then, you're just gonna put the top back on that thing. (Link laughing) - Look at that. - It's like- - That's just begging to be bit. - Yeah, what- It's like there's a mouth right there that says, bite me. - Take a bite out of it. And I'll take a bite out of the other end. - Oh. - [Rhett] You really gotta use your incisors. You really gotta get through that. (staff laughing) - Whoo. Hmm. - Yeah, look at that cross section. - Mm. (Rhett laughing) - [Rhett] So, I'm just gonna really just- - Nothing involved here - Mm. - [Link] should be apologized for. - Oh. - It's tough. You gotta really get those incisors in there. Get to that meatiness. (staff laughing) You completely destroyed our sandwich. (Rhett chuckles) - It's really like a jerky knot. - Yeah. - It's just like in wood. - Yeah. (laughs) - You can get a... I landed right on a jerky knot. Just like trying to nail into a wood knot. - [Link] But I would tell you right now, it's like if a tornado came through a gas station, - You had your mouth open? - And your mouth was open, (Link and staff laughing) you'd be happy. That is my conclusion. Jerk tart for the win. - A+. - [Link] Next up, gas ball. (upbeat music) All right. Now, if a gas station's got anything, it's cheese-flavored stuff. So, what we are going to do is assemble every cheese product that we've taken off the convenience store shelves. Then, you're gonna put 'em in a cup, just a paper cup. - Yeah. - Get those for free. And then, throw it into the microwave. Check that out. And then, you take two Slurpee lids. Those are your ball molds. Now, there's a hole in the bottom of that. - [Rhett] Yeah. Well, I'm gonna catch that with my palm. - It is a little warm now, so be careful. And then, you wanna put the other one... You need my help here? - You need a buddy for this one. Just hold it. - [Link] Oh my gosh. Look at that white layer. - And then... Look at how cheesy it is. - Whoo. - And then, you're just... Get this back to me. - Yeah. And then, you wanna press it together. And then, that is a marriage made in heaven. - Yes. - And then, we take a little knife here and you just cut around the edge. - [Rhett] You're gonna wanna do this inside the gas station. They're gonna look at you funny. - [Link] You might draw a crowd. - [Rhett] You don't wanna take this... Unless you have an RV, you don't wanna take this back. - Well, what happens is you're drawing... - Oh, god. What the... (both laughing) Don't cut that out. - Get back in. - [Rhett] That's the perfect... That's the best part. - Goes back in. You may be drawing a crowd, but those are the people who are gonna be eating from the gas ball in a second. All right. So, there you go. In order to make this set, you gotta go over to the soft drink refrigerator, open that up. Just sit it in there. Keep an eye on it. - Yeah. - So, no one takes it, trying to get 7 Up. - Just keep walking, walking around the store, and they won't ask you any questions. - Right. Give that a good 10, 15 minutes. And you have the mold of gas ball, but we're not done yet. You wanna take some of your hard cheeses, which is basically like Cheetos and crackers and cheeses and stuff like that. Crush that up a little bit and then just give it a nice crust there. Oh, yeah. And now, we are at the dipping and eating phase, but instead of going cracker, we are gonna go full-bore pork skin. Get the party started, Rhettster. (pork skin crunches) Is that too much cheese for your needs? - No. That can't happen. (Link chuckles) - And check this out. (plastic crinkles) I got a little apple pie here 'cause you know you like to put some cheese on your apple pie. - Yeah. That is an American tradition. - [Link] So, let's slough this onto there. - Get a nice bite. Take that. It is really good. - [Link] Just sit down at the exit, eat this. People might start - Oh, there you go. - giving you money. - [Rhett] Well, the cheese organ. - Ooh. - I dunno what that is. Oh, good though. - Mm. - [Rhett] Next up, (upbeat music) the breakpush fast-up. Now, you can't have a successful road trip without a good breakfast. And what says breakfast better than one that you can push right (laughs) into your mouth. (Link chuckles) So, what you're gonna need to do is you're gonna get a Push Pop. - I'm pretty excited about this one. - Yeah. - This is the handiest thing we've ever invented. - Yeah. You're gonna wanna discard the contents of the Push Pop into the cooler. Remember that cooler is gonna be great later on. (chuckles) So, what you're gonna do is you're gonna get some of the breakfast items that you can obtain at a gas station and you're gonna load this sucker up just like a shotgun - Mm-hmm. - of goodness. - Oop. - You're gonna start with a hard boiled egg. Sometimes, they'll be in pickled form, but often, they're just in a little package - And then, I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna go straight down on it. - [Rhett] Yeah, just right... Just (raspberrying) Yeah, just... There you go. - Oh, did you hear that? - Yeah yeah, that was me. (Link slurps) (Rhett laughing) - So, my egg is down there. - Okay, so you can't necessarily find hash browns at most gas stations, but what you can find is a good hash brown substitute, (plastic crinkles) classic potato chips. - Mm-hmm. - So, you're gonna just wanna load those in there. Not too many, couple. Just a few. - Just a, just a, just a... Here we go. - And then, you gotta have breakfast meat. And the best breakfast meat (potato chips breaking) of course is sausage. And the best sausages that you can get at a gas station is that pickled red sausage. Like Tijuana Mama, they come in all kinds of great names. - I'm gonna take a nice cross section of this. - [Rhett] It's a nice processed meat. And there's really no pop to it. And now, you wanna add a healthy component. This is California after all. We're doing our best to share healthy eating around the world. You're gonna wanna throw - some yogurt in there. - Yogurt. - This also helps to create a gelatinous- - Gelasticity - [Rhett] Gellasticity. So, you're just gonna load it up there. - This is everything that you get in a good breakfast san- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. And now, the thing you're probably thinking is, well what about leakage? The way we solve that problem is with a banana plug. (laughs) So- - Hold that for me, brother. - [Rhett] Okay. All right. I know that's what you were thinking. You were like, what about leakage? We were prepared to answer that question. - Oh wow. - [Rhett] So, you're just gonna wanna just... (staff and Rhett laughs) Yeah, just come right across the top right there. And then, you wanna use that excess banana to just get some of that yogurt off. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah. And then, throw that whole thing in the cooler. (staff and Rhett laughing) - Always bring your cooler. (Rhett laughing) - And now, you just push it, push it right into your mouth. - It's a little slick on the outside. - Kind of a little trouble. (staff laughing) - [Link] I gotta... - Look. See, you can just... This is like a time-release breakfast. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Going on- - You can make these before you leave. - Then, you just... Hmm. - Oh that's yours now. (everybody laughing) Wake me up when you get to the sausage part. (laughs) You know what? You're covering so many of the food groups throughout this. Oh gosh. - Look at that. - [Rhett] There it is. - That's how it is, y'all. - [Rhett] Yeah, look at that. Look how it all stays together. - I want you to... - Okay. - All of that. (laughs) (potato chips falling) Get all of it now. You get a balanced meal, man. Now, he took it all down at once, which you don't have to do. Again, I recommend the time-release- - Pace yourself. - I recommend pacing yourself and doing a time release breakfast push up. The breakpush fast-up available only if you make it. - Yeah. - [Link] Next up, (upbeat music) candy corn dog. Now, pretty much any convenient store has got a hot dog, just rolling around on that conveyor belt that goes nowhere. - Yeah. - But you be hard-pressed to find a corn dog at a convenient store, and you are not gonna find a candy corn dog anywhere, - No, sir. - except here today, and when you make it, mythical beast. So, let's get into this. All right. You take yourself a Popsicle. Get rid of the Popsicle part. Then, skewer said hot dog from the rolly area with your Popsicle stick. And then, you're gonna wanna take some Rolos or a Caramello bar. (plastic crinkles) We got some Rolos here. Throw those into an extra large paper cup and then slap that puppy into the microwave. And then, you're gonna dip your dog down in it. So, yeah, you wanna get a good coating over that dog. - Just coat it and then you wanna turn it like that. - And then, you're gonna wanna grab some nerds throw those on a plate and that's gonna be your rolling spot. - Well, I'm not gonna roll. I'm gonna... - [Link] Oh, you got a different technique? (Nerds clinking) Oh, yeah, that. Ladies and gentlemen, you have yourself a candy corn dog. You want me to take a bite? (Rhett and Link laughing) - [Rhett] No hesitation. You just get a nice size bite. - Hmm. - and tell me how that feels. (Nerds falling) - [Link] It's like dinner and dessert and a little candy snack, all mixed into one. It's really good. (staff laughing) - It is good. - You actually like this? - Yeah, I do. The thing I like about it's the sweet and savory. It's not too savory and it's not too sweet. It's just both. - Right. (staff laughing) - It's just both. And now, pink pot pie. (upbeat music) Now, rarely if ever, when I'm on a road trip do I not say to myself, I could use a chicken pot pie. - Me too. - Well, how can I make a chicken pot pie from the gas station? Well, you gonna start with something you can definitely get, and that is a pizza. (laughs) - A pizza. - [Rhett] Now, as you can see, this pizza has some toppings on it. - [Link] Not for long. They are cooler-bound. - [Rhett] Yeah. That's right. So, you're gonna take all that off. - We just need bread, right? - [Rhett] Yeah. But we're not gonna just get bread. (Link and staff laughing) - Whoops. - Don't bring up the holes in our logic. (Link laughing) - We need pizza dough, right? - [Rhett] We need pizza dough. - We need dough for the pie. - [Rhett] Because we want it to hold up and this regular bread's not gonna hold up in the way that this is gonna hold up. - [Link] No. - [Rhett] So, you're gonna take the slough straight into the cooler. And now, you just have the dough. Now, you're gonna wanna take a wax-coated cup - Mm-hmm. - and you're gonna cut the top off as Link has already done. And now, you're creating a plug here. - This is the top for the pot pie. - This would be the top. Let's go right around there just like that, creating a nice little hole. Exactly the width of the chicken pot pie. All right, look at that. Absolutely perfect. Set that aside. - Set that aside. Yep. - Now, what you wanted to do is get a large enough piece of that to just stuff down into there. So, now you're creating the walls of the chicken pot pie and a chicken pot pie is only as good as its walls. - That could be on the box if we ever sell this. (Rhett laughing) - [Rhett] You really gotta stuff. You really gotta stuff. - It's gonna work. Gotta get rid of the excess here. And then, on the outside. - [Rhett] Just a little trim, little trim job. - There we go. - Okay. Perfect. - All right. So, now, we've got the shell. - Not that hard. Now, it wouldn't be a chicken pot pie without chicken. One of the best ways you can obtain chicken in a gas station is with some buffalo wings, (bag crinkles) also as a nice little spice. So, you just gonna just rip to meat off of the... There you go, just debone those wings. About one wings worth of meat should be adequate for what we're doing here. It wouldn't be a chicken pot pie without some vegetables, without some celery and some carrots. And of course, they have that if you got buffalo wings. - Mm-hmm. - you can get this little grab and go situation. So, you're just gonna get those down into some small bite-sized pieces and just insert them into your pie. - If you know that you're the one... (carrot snapping) - Okay. You can also do that. How about some celery? - [Link] A little bit of celery goes a long way. (celery crunches) (staff laughing) Right there. - [Rhett] Now, we can't get onions, but what we can do is we can get Funyuns. (bag slams) - Mm-hmm. We Have those, - And we can get some peas. And you're not necessarily gonna find any fresh peas, but you can get some freeze-dried peas that have been turned into some snack situation. - Mm-hmm. - [Rhett] So, I know what you're thinking. Why do you call this a pink pot pie? Well, when you use stuff like this, you're gonna potentially get a heart burn. And so, you just wanna preemptively take care of that. And you're just gonna want just a generous portion of this - Pink bismuth. - just in there. And then, you're just gonna place the top on there. - [Link] Put that on there. - [Rhett] And then, you're gonna get yourself reacquainted with the microwave. - [Link] Ding! There we go. Finished product. It's all in there. You got a spoon? - You're the one who spit in it. (Link chuckles) Why don't you taste it first? You gotta break through that layer. - You know what? We'll just remove that. Look at that. (Rhett chuckles) Look at that pinky. Now, you wanna make sure you get all the chicken - Yeah. - pot pie food groups. Mm-hmm. Here, get yourself a spoonful. - Oh, thank you. Thanks for asking. - [Link] Mm-hmm. Get a little bit of all of it. - Hmm. - Here we go. (staff laughing) Hmm. Like a king. - Yeah. - This is how kings eat at gas stations. - I can tell that I'm not gonna get sick. - Nope. Not gonna be sick at all. - [Rhett] Oh. No. - [Link] Pink pot pie, people. We'll post a recipe. - Okay. Well, we've solved a lot of problems today. We've helped a lot of people. And your next road trip - Ah. - is going to be amazing. - Don't forget to buckle up. Thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is? - I'm Tom from Nottingham in the UK. It's time to spin (trumpet music) the Wheel of Mythicality. - Now that you know how to make all that stuff, make it and send us pictures of your creations, using #gmmfoodhacks, (wheel cranking) wherever hashtags are accepted. And also, make sure you pick up the new Will it poster, available at - [Link] Yes. Click through to "Good Mythical More". We're gonna open your mail and give you some more unfettered road trip advice and find out what this is and how we are supposed to use it. - Interpretive dance. Every road trip (rhythmic music) starts off with a decision. Will I be the driver? How do I make this decision? Am I going to drive? Am I going to drive with my feet this time? Or am I going to drive with one foot and my lips? (upbeat music) - That's a big bladder, man. - I mean, sometimes I- - But how do you manage it? - I'll start peeing. - 'Cause you still have to go. - And then, two and a half minutes will pass sometimes. I don't know what my record is.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
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Keywords: rhett, link, rhett link, link rhett, rhett and link, link and rhett, good mythical morning, good mythical, mythical morning, gmm, gmm song biscuits, the mythical show, wheel of mythicality, mythicality, mythical, mythical beasts, rhettandlink, rhettandlink2, rhettandlink 2, season 9, road trip, roadtrip, travel, adventure, essentials, vacation, snack, traveling, advice, how to, rhett link travel, food hack, rhett link food hack, rhett link roadtrip, gmm roadtrip, rhett link road trip
Id: y2C7ee19L-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2016
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