Half-Life 2 Episode 1 But It's The Entire Episode In One Video

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[Music] tell me Dr Freeman if you can you have destroyed so much what is it exactly that you have created can you name even one thing I thought [Music] not [Music] long Char ch we'll see about that he has to be somewhere around here close any dog I think I found something drop what you're doing and help me over here oh my God Gordon I was so worried hey the gravity gun give it to him dog there Gordon dog's happy to see you I can tell okay dog go get the monitor set up so we can check in with my dad he must be worried sick about us he was so sure I wouldn't find you here citadel's really coming apart I still don't know how we got out of there the last thing I remember is brain falling huge explosion and then I heard vortigon next thing I knew dog was digging me out of the rubble it's all so strange we should come in it's my dad we've been trying to reach him for hours weit only he that we found you come on come in dad dad are you there Alex Alex come in hold on a sec there's so much interference hey dog give me a hand with this okay little to the right there we go hold it there we got it Dad Alex where are you please God tell me you're out of the city well not quite yet what but listen Dad we found him you found Gordon I don't believe it but listen you two have to get out of the city The Citadel could blow at any moment there's no question that it will I'm afraid our remote sensors indicate the process is accelerating toward a dark energy flare anyone left in the vicinity will be subjected to energetic events whose effects are beyond my powers of speculation the ravages to cellular material are imag stop dad oh dear Eli I'm sorry but surely there's no need for do alarm Alex is well out of Harm's Way by now well actually we're still at the Citadel what oh dear but there's really no time the core is exceedingly close to collapse why there's no way to get far enough without first well nothing short of a direct intervention in the core could possibly [ __ ] the reaction you mean going in into the core yes but it's far too dangerous to consider the chamber will be bathed in radiation well you do have the hazard suit if we found a way into the Citadel it's possible we Alex no but Dad Izzy talk some sense into her I'm sorry Eli but I don't see any other way it would help us evacuate more citizens we can do this Dad okay Alex okay okay just promise me promise me that you won't take a single unnecessary risk I promise I love you I love you too baby I'll be praying for you don't worry I'll see you soon yeah don't worry let's see if we can find a way into the Citadel from somewhere along the rim dog a little help please thanks okay boy pack up and meet us on the far side of this Ridge whoa what a drop after you Gordon careful why is that taking so long dog dog look out oh my god dog dog dog are you all right oh thank God you scared the hell out of me now stay with us and help us find the way over I cannot believe we're trying to get back in that place this isn't going to be easy well dog what do you think any ideas all right dog that's not too helpful there has to be a way to get across but how what about dog dog where are you going was it something I said huh dog what are you I think dog needs a few bolts tighten look out dog really that was a little close what's gotten into you huh how exactly is this supposed to help us what wait a minute oh no you're not serious are you well Gordon unless you have a better suggestion he is a robot he's done the m you uh did do uh huh I want you to get out of here as fast as you can go find dad we'll catch up don't worry all right all right I'll miss you too now don't worry about me I'll see you soon get in the passenger side Gordon brace yourself Gord okay dog let's do it before I change my okay careful hold on W pH good throw dog now go boy go on you'll be fine just uh-oh what now who hold on all right let's get off before the next ride starts holy crap my God this place really coming apart this is unbelievable I have no idea oh what a drop we've got to find a way down to the core I wish we had a map [Music] oh my God stalkers well they they shouldn't bother us if we leave them alone I'll just disable this field damn I can't get this down something's it's that stalker he's holding it from the other side we don't have time to look for another way around how are we going to get through [Music] here roller mines they could help us get out of here can you find where those roller mines are going I've got an idea how to use one here the [Music] oh you found one dad taught me how to reset the targeting system on these things a little extra juice in the right spot and it's on our side I'll hold it out where I can work on there it is it's a lot more unstable but it should last long enough to the [Music] St okay we can get through now let's [Music] go soldiers [Music] good thinking well that talk about unstable I really don't think we should hang [Music] around holy crap CRA we got to cross through that I'll be right behind you we made it what went going in [Music] here what the hell are those things H maybe this console has some useful information let me see if I can pin down a path to the core I could still deliver Earth but not for out the portal destination is untable surely you can set the relay elsewhere there's no way I can survive that thank God it's just an old recording the host body you must be joking I can't possi oh all right Dam it if that's what it t just hurry he's right behind me oh SHO what the [Music] [Music] hell get out of here what the hell was that [Music] thing whatever that was it's gone now let's get out of here Gordon what's going on in there detected confiscation field engaged hey it's doing something to the gravity gun it looks like it did in Portal reactor i' say sec you'll sure come hand you [Music] stay a escap [Music] [Music] l [Music] deploy paralyzed deploy hello you see that got [Music] it [Music] looks like this could be a transport elevator to the [Music] core yeah we must be on the right track look up watch out more comprom heads up what's wrong with this lift can you get it going again great up there start her up again courney do what you do last time what's going [Applause] on good job here we go really moving [Music] now I think I see a stop down below let's get off there and see where it leads look out run that was close [Applause] [Music] this could be it Gordon careful Adam why are they hanging around it looks like they were deliberately trying to blow the reactor but why oh my God it looks pretty far gone I hope Dr Kleiner was right about this let's see if we can find a way through the control room the elevator's down in the court entry let me see if I can call it back to this level these readings are off the chart I hope it's not too late to re-engage the containment field good thing you know what you're doing well here's your elevator gordin I wish there was something else I could do to help hurry back R isation level [Applause] detected [Applause] [Applause] you [Music] come come [Music] come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] sh [Music] [Applause] [Music] ch [Music] h [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] a [Music] BL [Music] the the [Music] make Lo [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] keep Gordon you did it the containment system's back in place it won't last forever but at least we bought a little time while you were in there I did some poking around in the Control Data they were trying to start a chain reaction all right but destroying the Citadel is just a side effect since we took out br's reactor this is the only way they have to send a transmission packet back to wherever they came from I can't tell what the packet contains but it's important enough that they're willing to sacrifice the whole Citadel to send it off we need to get it back to my dad and Dr cleer at The Outpost right away I've been pulling down a copy whatever it is I have a feeling it's bad news for all of us there's something else it's Judith take a look I'm fairly sure I've pinned down the location of the project it's hard to say how much of it might have survived intact or whether there's anything remaining that could compromise our work if it were discovered by the combine we'll need to take a close look at it of course but I should be able to give a better opinion within a few hours if the side is where we think it is then it should be no more I'm going to cut this short we may have been spotted where the hell is she's in serious trouble we need to get this and the transmission packet to my dad he'll know what to do with it the packet's done copying I've got it right here now let's get the hell out of here oh I think they felt that I've secured an exit elevator it's this way come on run something tells me they don't want to this LT will take us to a train platform if we can hit your body it should take us straight out of the city hey the gravity guns back to well it was nice while it [Music] [Music] last ow that not company it won't be expecting this be ready look at him go coast is clear this is our train let's get in come on let's get in oh that was a nice clean getaway I don't know what's in this copy we made but they're not thrilled about us having it you know all things considered we're not oh no it's a stalker C God damn the combine this is what happens to you if you resist or if you're just in the wrong place at the wrong time God I hope you don't remember who you were all right let's see where this train is headed with any luck we should be well out of the city before it's too late thank God we're not on foot let's hope the worst is over it looks like you saved Our Lives again what's that oh my God bra yourself going it's moving that's it keep [Applause] pulling hold up a sec I I got to catch my breath okay well this might not be as easy as I thought we're in the same boat as the other evacu on foot to a train station let's head for the [Music] surface careful I hear trets they've been here so long C be here I can't see a thing I'm blind as a bat without that flashlight on we need to get through that door damn it's got a powered lock how are we going to get this open let's see if we can find a power [Music] box hey an air duct I've heard stories about you and air duct Dr Kleiner says whenever he locked himself out of his office you and Barney used to compete to see who could get in fastest without using a key a [Music] keep trying this keep your light on Ant Lion's here the combine's defense field must have collapsed makes sense I can get a better shot if you knock them over Gordon gotcha looks like we we found a Troop Train what the hell is that h a combine zombie that's that's like a um a zombine right zombine get it okay crap look out it's got a [Music] Grenade what a h go God [Music] Medical Systems engaged morphine administered the up Shine Your Light in that corner down me fire get my a oh St you I can hear myself think you're lucky you got that Hazard suit nasty two there nice sh [Music] oh [Music] please let there be a way to the surface I don't believe it an actual elevator I would have settled for stairs you've got to be kidding I've worked with a [Music] pretty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] keep an eye [Music] on that one's going to fall Here Comes Trouble light them up [Music] a it's taking so long me Shining [Music] hey I hear the elevator I'll be becomes trouble grenade f anytime now it's here let's go let's get out of here that was close oh my God I hope it's still light [Music] out therefore I thank God it's still day let's get out of here cannot oh God no no no no it's locked I can't believe this hey up there hello can you let us out of here hello that's it see if the crank still works come on Gordon Crank That Thing great okay let's get to the train yard before the citad Clow the combine attempt to restore their Dominion finally certainly shall oh my God since this is in fact the first opportunity we have had to to speak openly of the baleful influence of the combine there is much ground to cover and in fact I hope to Institute a series of in the days ahead however for now we will have to content ourselves with some relatively meager Exposition the destabilization of the city 17 reactor has had repercussions that were not entirely unexpected although we hardly dared to speak this hope ahead of time the entire network of Citadel Rea something probably us Earth from the rooftops I was hoping we get a bit farther before they noticed us again we have here take this I can get a better shot if you knock them over now this good job seeing bur us shot [Music] I'll cover the street while you figure this out [Music] [Music] [Music] nicely done let's head [Music] upstairs let's do [Music] [Music] it sh [Music] he nice toss Gordon that sniper almost took my head off let me climb up and take a look at what we're walking into uh-oh they've got the street fortified up ahead you run Point okay I'll cover you from up here till you reach the far end when the coast is clear I'll catch up okay looks like I can get that ladder down to you let me shoot out the latch I might be a little rusty with this rifle nope guess I'm not en a sh d [Music] [Applause] a [Music] a hey hey glad that's over oh God looks like the reactor's back on track for a meltdown that transmission's going out after all I'd like to find another way around these buildings but we really don't have time okay let's get in come [Music] on good shot I think I think we just broke about 50 combine regulations what's that beeping sound away from the door I think we just broke up combine regulations what's that beeping sound get away from the doors detected than a [Music] fire what it's how you doing a [Music] get curing [Music] [Applause] skills [Music] a [Music] he oh [Music] oh he [Music] for [Applause] there you are I thought you might have forgotten about [Music] me [Music] uh-oh Here We Go Again Medical Systems engaged morphine [Music] and [Music] warning vital sence critical [Music] [Applause] automatic uh-oh here we go again [Music] [Music] oh [Music] get hold got go wait for me hey over here what are you still doing here everyone should clear out of the city the combine's not making it easy we're trying to get enough people together to force our way through to the train station people are meeting up in a safe house nearby can you take us there you bet let's go this way [Music] hey it's me open the door what's the password I'm not even going to tell you to shut up come on in previously certain protein chains important to the process of embryonic development were selected for this is no longer the case for those so inclined now would be an excellent time for procreation which is to say in layman's terms you should give doing your part for the Revival of The Bu we must make the most of the time we have as it is by no means certain how much time we have secured ourselves before the combine attempt to restore their Dominion as they certainly shall since this is in fact the first opportunity we have had to speak openly of the there is let's find another way up and in fact to Institute a series of BU in the day however for now we will have to content ourselves with some relatively mean exp the destabilization of the city 17 reactor has had repercussions that were not unex dared speak this hope ahead of time the destructive pulse forced a damper on the entire network of linked Citadel reactors thus for the time being I believe that all combine portals have failed to as well as all Communications system the combine complely stationed on Earth however State of Affairs as we once learned to our dismay even the relatively tiny fracture enemies were able to force wider as they p through in greater and greater numbers in addition to the completely xenic species there are many modified posthuman allies still remaining on Earth who will be doing their utmost to reestablish lines of communication and supp with the larger forces even so there is greater Reason for Hope than at any time for the past decade we have made in secret several technological advances which we will do our best I don't dream anymore Gordon Alex I don't believe it how the hell did you get out of the Citadel we're not exactly sure all I know is the vortigon had something to do with it but what about you Barney I'm doing okay just going crazy trying to found us a hell Gordon were you followed again we stole some information from the Citadel on our way out I don't know what it is yet but it's important enough that they've been hounding us the whole way here well that put some pressure on look we got to get moving you guys know about the evacuation trains right yeah yeah well we've been planning to make a push on the train station now it looks like we're going to have to cut a path through every chicken ship met cop who's having second thoughts about defending City 17 if Gordon and I took a separate route we could draw the combine away from you that would give you a chance to get the trains filled up before we get there really well if you say so now come here look over here okay cross this bridge over the rooftops is a safe path to the station you two head that way I'll hit the streets and round up everyone who's been waiting we'll meet you there sounds good let's go hey Gordon before you go I was getting tired of carrying this around listen I don't have many more of these so try not to lose this one okay go on across Gordon she's waiting for you you lucky dog you see at the station it's a gunship [Music] nice shot contact Reserve [Applause] activation hey a hospital keep an eye out for medical supplies let's do it a get back all down w wow I mean holy that was Jesus Gordon you're a real terror think it's dead maybe you should whack it with a crowbar just in case oh God not again BL lost detected [Music] so much for medical supplies I found a shotgun nice [Music] shot [Music] [Music] k burn [Music] [Music] him [Music] he [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] out a [Music] I after you oh no on [Music] what sh [Music] [Music] ah [Music] sorry about leaving you alone down there Gordon I got a bit swamped I see you did all right without [Music] Meed rantic medical engaged ad [Applause] minister light him up here they come get through the door [Music] a what kind of hospital is this aome [Applause] shot [Applause] insulations detected [Applause] what no a good shot get back [Applause] [Applause] [Music] at any rate the train station first as a m oh boy they're on to us better find Barney and get moving there you are I wondered if you were going to make it in time sorry to keep you waiting the combine's on our tail what's the plan I'm sending folks out in groups now like I said before if you can keep him safe and provide cover we might actually stand a chance of reaching the Escape trains sounds good send out the first [Music] group here we go this War's ever going to end over at go back and get another group I'll stay here and guard the gate [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] a take care of the citizens Gordon they're counting on you [Music] [Music] that cover me [Music] reest there keep your heads down we've got never make it it's it's okay they're safe go for another GR [Music] e [Music] [Music] sh fantastic ass kicking doc Freeman combine to think all I used to want to do was selling hurry up people we've got you covered keep your heads down hurry up people one lost detail [Music] warning Medical atten get the sh now that's the Gordon Freeman I [Music] know a take this behind you it was couching go for a minute there go get more citizens Gordon thanks frean [Music] contact at 243 [Music] ising on sign going [Music] in blood lost detected contact confir Target Point range 4 to the train people we'll make sure you get there safe and sound over there take this medkit cover me while [Music] IAD confir ammunition here take this medkit the oh yeah to the trains people we'll make sure you get safe and sound [Music] is you hurry up people that was [Applause] lost detected that's a keep them off our backs for a while you guys coming go on Barney they're not after you Gordon and I will draw their attention while you get the others away from here we can grab another train once you're clear okay then don't take too long about it yeah here let's open up this next track Bye Barney good luck see you when I see you I'll get a head start on the next train no time to lose [Music] [Music] you [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] on oh a more [Music] m [Music] you [Music] [Music] us it [Music] k m [Music] a it's be St ni [Music] be fantastic job Gordon you're my new hero I don't believe it I think we're actually going to make it out of here quick now let's get the train moving jump on Gordon I'm right behind here we go we did it Gordon [Music] here we go we did it Gordon oh my God the transmission's going [Music] out [Music] oh God
Channel: thediam0nddrag0n
Views: 1,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 46sec (8626 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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