Half-Life:Episode One | Black Mesa

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[Music] dr robertson please report to lambda reactor complex sector c material rail system is now operational good morning and welcome to the black mesa transit system the door's not responding to your password well let me see if i can get it open from this side this automated train is provided for the security and convenience of research can't get any worse than this the time is 8 40 7 a.m current top side temperature is 93 degrees with an estimated high of 100 and 5. [Music] the black mesa compound is maintained at a pleasant 68 degrees at all times this train is inbound from level 3 dormitories to sector c test labs and control facilities if your intended destination is a high security area beyond sector c you will need to return to the central transit hub in area 9 and board a high security train due to the high toxicity of material routinely handled in the black mesa compound no smoking eating or drinking are permitted within the black mesa transit system [Music] please keep your limbs inside the train at all times do not attempt to open the doors until the train has come to a complete halt at the station platform in the event of an emergency passengers are to remain seated and await further instruction if it is necessary to exit the train to say that personnel should be evacuated first please stay away from electrified rails and proceed to an emergency station until assistance arrives [Applause] [Music] a reminder that the black mesa hazard course decathlon will commence this evening at 1900 hours in the level 3 facility the semifinals for high security personnel will be announced in a separate secure broadcast transmission remember more lives than yours may depend on your fitness [Music] do you have a friend or relative who would make a valuable addition to the black mesa team immediate openings are available in the areas of materials handling and low clearance security please contact black mesa personnel for further information if you have an associate with a background in the areas of theoretical physics biotechnology or other high-tech disciplines please contact our civilian recruiting team the black mesa facility is an equal opportunity employer [Music] now arriving at sector c test labs and control facilities please stand back from the automated door and wait for the security officer to verify your identity before exiting the train be sure to check your area for personal belongings thank you and have a very safe and productive day morning mr freeman looks like you're running late you know barney's been pretty scarce around these parts guess his bar tab must have finally caught up with him [Applause] oh man you cut the ponytail [Applause] [Music] hey mr freeman i had a bunch of messages for you but we had a system crash about i don't know 20 minutes ago and i'm still trying to find my files just one of those days i guess they were also having some problems down in the test chamber too but i think that's all straightened out they told me to make sure you headed down there as soon as you've gotten to your hazard suit dr wilson please call observation tank one morning those tps reports have gotten progressively worse ah damn it i got explicit orders not to let you through without your hazard suit on doctor twin point dr draven and dr ankles please report to lambda reactor complex four i've been staring at this white board so long i'm beginning to see double system crashes terminal failures it's a wonder this whole place hasn't gone up in flames yet morning champ you don't want to keep them waiting any longer than you already have dr freeman i have no idea what we're doing we've been waiting all morning to begin the experiment oh get going what the hell do you try to break everything you touch gordon that was you know who's lunch hey catch me later you me and calhoun will go out and get that beer he owes you why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties hello hello could somebody get me some toilet paper no need to worry i'm sure it'll show up sooner or later welcome to the hev mark iv protective system for use in hazardous environment conditions automatic medical systems engaged high impact activated munition level monitoring activated communications interface online have a very safe day dr ben truman one five ah it's getting increasingly difficult to keep the rank and file and check what's up doc ready for another rousing day freeman ah gordon there you are nice of you to finally join us doctor we've just sent the sample down to the test chamber we've boosted the anti-mass spectrometer 205 bit of a gamble but we needed the extra resolution the administrator is very concerned that we get a conclusive analysis of today's sample i gather he went to some lengths to get it they're waiting for you gordon in the test chamber right come on then i'll walk you down eli has been busy making last minute preparations for the new experiment greetings eli morning izzy i trust this morning finds you well gordon good morning i'm glad you're here these last minute changes they're a bit strange to just izzy it's about to go critical good grief quickly grab this what in the blazes is going on with our equipment it was never meant to do this in the first place it's nothing we can't handle ourselves eli run along gordon we'll be but a moment by beckrell's ghost the radiation level is off the charts oh there you are everybody's been looking for you hombre ah here he is i'm afraid we'll be deviating a bit from standard analysis procedure today gordon yes yes but with good reason this is a rare opportunity for us this is the purest sample we've seen yet and potentially the most unstable now now as long as we follow standard insertion procedures everything will be fine i don't know how you can say that although i will admit that the possibility of a resonance cascade scenario is extremely unlikely i just don't feel gordon doesn't need to hear all this he's a highly trained professional we've assured the administrator that nothing will go wrong yes you're right gordon we have complete confidence in you well go ahead let's let him in now [Music] don't worry dr freeman you'll do just fine [Music] testing testing everything seems to be in order all right gordon your suit should keep you comfortable through all this the specimen will be delivered to you in a few moments now if you would be so good as to climb up and start the rotors that way we can bring the anti-mass spectrometer to 80 and hold it there until the carrier arrives one i'm seeing predictable phase arrays stage two emitters activating now gordon we cannot predict how long the system can operate in this level nor how long hey please work as quickly as you can overhead capacitors to 105 uh it's probably not a problem probably but i'm showing a small discrepancy in well no it's well with an exceptional balancing sustaining sequence we've just been informed that the sample is ready it should be coming up to you in any moment look to the delivery system for your specific go ahead gordon just lock the carrier into the analysis board standard insertion non-standard dispenser [Music] shut it down shutting down someone get him out of there and shut it down attempting shutdown it's not it's not shutting down so so uh uh [Music] oh [Music] you
Channel: Animux
Views: 760,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: half life, half life 2, half life alyx, black mesa, source filmmaker, source filmmaker 2, valve games, valve, source engine, source 2, animation, sci fi, gordon freeman, portal, steam, gaming, art, gman, csgo, videogames, headcrab, barneycalhoun, sfm
Id: X6iDd4wC3DU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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