Haley Strategic Thorax Plate Carrier
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Channel: Haley Strategic Partners
Views: 193,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Haley strategic, plate carrier, body armor, thorax, thorax plate carrier, Haley strategic plate carrier, Travis Haley, carbine, multicam, special operations, garand thumb, administrative results, milspec mojo, Haley thorax, Haley strategic thorax, warrior poet society
Id: U9q0E3uLASc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
$350+ , yikes!
Though many consider this "overpriced" (which is incredibly subjective, especially in the tactical gear community when people are paying 200% upmarking on Ferro slings), I see the THORAX as competitively priced compared to the other offerings on the market.
The LBT G3vs is $362 and has some of the same features, while lacking in others. The Crye SPC, after acquiring all the necessary components to accessorize this to the same degree as the THORAX, will come in little under. The TYR PICO, which is probably the closest comparison to this, is nearly twice the price. Spiritus literally forces you to buy all the components seperately and comes in around the same price as well.
Lol Administrative Results is in the intro clips.
It looks good honestly, but not mind blowing. I really wish they had a better QD option for the cummerbund at launch. I’m sure it will be a quality piece of kit for whomever grabs one. Personally I’ll probably wait to see what aftermarket mods people come up with for it first.
Haley Strategic is a brand I'm interested in. Travis Haley himself seems like a really chill dude.
This was a really long video about a plate carrier but doesnt really show the plate carrier.
Some long awaited product overview videos finally dropped today for the new Haley PC
Thorax Plate Carrier Components
Thorax Plate Carrier Accessories
Personally I'm most excited about that placard, I think it's a great way to marry the 3x KYWIS a lot of guys like to run with a little bit of storage space but not a whole pocket like the MK4 and D3CRM have