BEST PLATE CARRIERS 2022 (Crye Precision, Spiritus Systems, Velocity Systems, Ferro Concepts)

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hey what's up everyone justin from core performance here with a video that we've had a lot of people requesting since we came out with our first uh play care video a couple years ago and then we just got absolutely bombarded and we're not able to actually finish up the series so this time we freed up a lot more bandwidth we're dedicating a lot more production resources to it and we're going to kick off our plate carrier series fresh this time in 2022 and what we're going to do this time is kind of a broad overview of these five carriers okay and what we have from left to right is the pharaoh concepts fcpc v5 the velocity scarab lt our ice blade exo the spiritus systems lv119 and the cry precision jpc 2.0 these four carriers here on the outside represent uh the thinking on infantry fighting systems and play carrier design up kind of until this point starting about maybe five years ago uh till uh just recently and uh then we included our exo as the fifth carrier sort of as the representation in the thinking looking forward the purpose of this video is kind of a broad overview to give you guys some things to think about for your application and considerations that are not typically covered but are very important and things that i kind of took away from my own experience as being outsized importance if you will uh and and not really things that i was able to find solutions for very easily when looking for different solutions for my team so hopefully you guys will find this really interesting let's go ahead and get started okay so the first thing that we're going to cover is price not because we feel it's the most important but because it's going to be something that everybody wants to know about everybody's going to ask about one thing that we want to make sure that we cover is that all we're doing is going off of the manufacturer's suggested retail price on the actual manufacturer's websites now also one thing that we want to kind of throw out there for everybody to think about and wrap their heads around is that when it comes to life-saving life-preserving equipment may not be you know the kind of thing that you want to start with price when it comes to life preserving life-saving equipment for you your teammates your family your loved ones etc less is actually more thing might be something you want to consider in other words you know maybe it's better to have fewer pieces of kit but have the highest quality the absolute best uh stuff out there and go a little bit slower you don't have to have everything all at once it's best to you know buy things that are best in class that you can hang your hat on and you can trust with your life so with that out of the way let's go ahead and dive right into it this is the pharaoh concepts fcpc v5 which has an msrp of 385 dollars next up is the velocity system scarab lt which has an msrp of 329. and then we have our ice plate exo what we believe is the our vision for the future of infantry fighting systems starting at 645 and then the spiritus systems lv119 a totally awesome carrier with some really unique capabilities at 320 dollars and then last certainly not least because it is the perennial market leader the cry jpc 2.0 uh tipping scales at 250 remarkably uh that's not something that we normally associate with cry right where it's the least expensive option in this array of options from across the market but uh there are rumors that you can get a jpc 1.0 on krei's website uh for around 215 or so um but this is just the 2.0 and that's all we're focusing on so that's 250. okay so next up is what we feel is tied for number one as the most important factor or consideration uh whenever you are evaluating your play carrier and that is wait wait tied with thermal regulation for the most important we'll get into why but basically both of these affect your physiology tremendously and as you can see in this table right here we've laid out all of the play carriers from the lightest to the heaviest top to bottom okay and the reason why you really want to consider weight can be summed up with this great parable from bill bowerman for those of you that don't know bill bowerman's co-founder of nike ignore present-day nike and just think about the great nike that once was when bill bowerman and phil knight started it and bill bowerman who is a legendary track coach at the university of oregon figured out that when you add one ounce to a track spike over the course of a mile it is the equivalent amount of lifting of 55 pounds just think about that for a second so there's really a reason why everybody in the community talks all the time till we're blue in the face about ounces equal pounds and pounds equal pain it's because it affects every part of your physiology your endurance your mental acuity your metabolic consumption your caloric consumption okay all of those factors come into play with weight so check the chart out look at it strongly consider weight when it comes to your plate carrier for your mission or your application all right next up is plate bag compatibility so when it comes to plate bag compatibility there's really only kind of two things uh that you're looking at right because if you're gonna wear a play carrier you're gonna carry rifle armor uh there's an argument to be made for pistol armor but we're not gonna get into that that's for another video those two considerations really are an e-sappy plate or a swimmer cut plate so what we're going to do now is show you how each one of these in e-sappy or a swimmer cut fit in each one of these plate bags here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] all right next up is thermal regulation and what is thermal regulation and why is it important okay well thermal regulation basically is two things it's hydration and it's temperature regulation and it's temperature regulation of what's called your core temperature your t core and your t core is important because it affects every other physiological biological function in your body okay your ability of your muscles to fire create movement uh quick slow contractions your ability to process calories to create energy atp mck all kinds of things come into play with thermoregulation there really isn't anything more important to the healthy functioning of your heart and your brain your electrical and your hydraulic systems than thermal regulation now uh how do you do thermal regulation if you will well thermal regulation really comes down to three mechanisms of heat transfer and those are conduction convection radiation radiation has no relevance for this that really has to do with things like our ice shield hand warmer so we're really going to talk about conduction and convection conduction is the transfer of energy between two solid bodies and convection is the transfer of energy through the movement largely of air molecules okay so think of a convection oven or think of putting an ice block against your skin ice block against your skin is conduction and a convection oven is obviously convection moving air molecules around to transfer heat so the only system here that is built with thermal regulation in mind is isolate exo and it does that with the inclusion of ims pro the ability to integrate it inside or outside of the carrier itself for conductive uh heat transfer and also the ability to add icepens classic ventilation pontoons to facilitate convection none of the other carriers are built with those technologies um organic to them none from the clean sheet none from the ground up now we do have a new system coming out called catamaran which is going to be able to augment that which we'll show you in this b-roll here it's really really cool and while we're very proud of it it is an augmentation okay it's an add-on it's an aftermarket thing as we're the only carrier that has the organic capabilities from the ground up again is ice plate exo so again thermal regulation not something that really anybody's talked about up until now but something that we believe is going to be uh not only critically important looking backwards but it's going to be absolutely mission critical looking forwards okay next up materials material is hugely important because they play into strength abrasion resistance hydrophobic properties all kinds of things that you should care about when it comes to life-saving life-preserving equipment when it comes to the feral concepts scpc v5 it's made out of a combination of a laminate uh plus some nylon here and there and then a little bit of a material called tweeve that's also used on on the rest of these carriers the uh so good you know decent water resistance and that kind of thing but not particularly noteworthy in strength or any one area the velocity systems scarab lt is made out of traditional nylon uh it has tweev up on the shoulder shrouds and then it also has spacer mesh on the inside you're gonna to be careful with spacer mesh it is very absorbent and it does trap a lot of heat our carrier is made entirely of our ice plate exo laminate with the exception of our ice vents which are also made out of proprietary material and totally hydrophobic super strong totally awesome the lv119 really smart decisions here by spiritus because they don't use any spacer mesh and it also uses tweev and nylon to build the rest of the bag as well as velcro which everybody else uses also last but not least cry jpc 2.0 made out of nylon tweev and then some spacer mesh of two different varieties so pretty decent materials here not quite as good as the spirit it's not quite as high-tech as the xo and that pretty much sums up materials for these five carriers okay next up is cummerbund considerations well this is super easy because all of these designs can take all of these cummerbunds you can mix match play legos do whatever the heck you want only thing we would encourage you to consider with cummerbund is to strongly consider stretch stretch is super super important if you plan on actually using this carrier in a critical situation because running is gonna happen and when you run you're gonna have to breathe hard when you breathe hard you're gonna need to be able to expand your chest that means breathability that means elastic so we hope that that information and that framework was really helpful for you guys and figuring out the right play carrier for your application if there is a carrier out there that you guys would like to see uh and we didn't cover it here again these four being kind of mainstream and exo being kind of our vision of the future then let us know in the comments below and if there's enough of you guys that want that particular carrier and we think that it can impact enough people you know we'll do our best we can't make any promises but we'll see what we can do and until then stay frosty
Channel: Qore Performance
Views: 15,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plate carrier, hydration, crye precision, jpc, velocity systems, scarab lt, ferro concepts, fcpc v5, spiritus systems, lv119, iceplate exo
Id: VsxQXZjloiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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