Hakim ibn Hizam (ra): When Money Stops Mattering | The Firsts | Dr. Omar Suleiman

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I want to welcome you all back to the first alhamdulillah we continue we are on episode 130 so we're moving alhamdulillah the person that we're speaking about tonight I wish every single Muslim who Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has blessed with means will watch this and will heed the lessons what do I mean by that you hear of who else do you hear about when you think wealthy companion who's the other companion you immediately think of is right up there in terms of someone who greatly shifts with his story the perspective that we are to have of this world and a very special person do we have anys here by the way NOS in the house okay so hakeim is a very common name amongst the Muslims and this is of course uh the man who at least when you look through Islamic history most of those who are named uh if they were tracing back to a companion they are certainly thinking about he's a person Subhan Allah who comes from a particular place of lineage that we're going to talk about a person who is a scholar of the Soul who when you see that turn that he has in Islam becomes an absolute Gem of a human being and someone who clearly doesn't just gain perspective of the outer world but gains great perspective of the inner self in a very special way a person who occupies a high standing with Allah and with the people if he was to walk into the room you would immediately know that he was a man of great standing if you knew him before Islam you would see him and you would admire this man so who is this person and let's start with the lineage part right away you should understand when you hear that he's a relative of the great our mother so just so you know right away he is the paternal nephew of Khadijah so khad is his is his paternal Aunt so typically he gets introduced to us in the books of s through the biography of now let's talk about what that means and sort of give you a little bit of a perspective of the family background in this regard you've obviously it's been a long time since we covered the life of so just to refresh her on her father who is the grandfather of IB assid was the chief ofu Assad and if you were to think about abdb in mecah and his place in Mecca kid is the closest that will come to that in terms of nearness to him so I want you to think of ABD and we know his position in Mecca and as people that are extremely close to each other they hold similar honorable places in Mecca in terms of lineage more so in terms of wealth as well but they are honorable senior men in Mecca when you were to come into Mecca they once or or is amongst those who once defended the Kaa against its desecration so he's considered one of the custodians of Mecca at the time in that regard when Allah subhah wa tala spared the Kaa from the attempted destruction from abaha coming from Yemen uh ABD mutalib and went together to Yemen to congratulate sa bin who's the the ruler that succeeded ABA so you kind of I just want you to get the picture noble man along with ABD mutalib they traveled together to Yemen as they both were considered Protectors of the Kaa they congratulated the ruler after ABA their children married each other so's son marries saf Saia the aunt of the Prophet wasallam the daughter ofdb marries the son of and you can think about again who's a son of is so this kind of gives you a little bit of their picture in Mecca at the time uhid passes away in the Battle of f some of the the the battles of the days of ignorance well before Islam and before he gets to see what comes out of our mother in her marriage to the prophet sallai wasallam and the birth of the beautiful children that would come from and our mother of course you go through all of the children up until so that gives you that side of the family in terms of where is going to come from now just quickly for those that are taking notes the children of wa it if you were to think of a chart and I apologize I didn't get to make you one I was going to try to make a chart I didn't get to make one on time you have the father of you know on the prophet used to hear the sister of khad and he would immediately rush to her voice because she resembled khad so much this is and then you have two more Sons no who is considered this was a man who staunchly opposed the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam no and Noel had one son that became Muslim we don't know anything about him except that he became Muslim and he migrated to AB and then finally you have the youngest brother hamam so ham passes away before Islam and his one son that we are going to learn about today is now it's very interesting cuz last week we gave you a picture of the birth of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam the neglect of the orphan Sall alai wasallam the best of Allah's Creation The Orphan who adopted the world the image of am giving birth to himat as a young teenager and the father has already Di died the image of holding out the prophet alaihi wasallam and no one taking him in except for the image of the Prophet Salli wasallam then going to Abu Talib Abu Talib being passed around as a baby who is transitioning from house to house because of the crime of being an orphan who had no money to offer that's the birth of the Prophet Sall alhi wasallam you compare this to the birth today an extraordinary birth so was born about 13 years before the prophet sallai wasallam about 13 years before the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he has an incredible birth story which clearly Dustin him for greatness now you'll often hear the story of being born in the has a story an authentic story of his birth in the Kaa and there's a context to that which you can kind of parallel to the life of the messenger as a baby remember that qur raised the door of the Kaa so that only the elites could access it and when you see the images today of only the heads of state and you know very special people being granted access that's exactly what the prophet s didn't want to happen right mentioned that if he Could reconstruct the Kaa but it would be a fitna for the people it would be a tust for them he would bring the door back down because people used to enter the CA and exit butr elevated the door so that only the elites could access it so you had to be of a special caliber which totally defeats the purpose right a special caliber to enter into the Kaa so as far Asim his mother she entered with a group of women into the and as she entered into the Kaa she went into labor and she fell down and she was too into her labor at that point to come out of the Kaa so they basically coached her in her pregnancy and her delivery in the Kaa and was born inside the so he's destined for something clearly imagine that right you know you think about like a woman who gives birth on like a flight or in a restaurant and gets a free gift card for the rest of her life what do you think of about this right a guy who is born a boy who is born as his mother just happens right the of Allah happens to be entering into the Kaa and this is a sign of his shut of the honor that Allah subhana T will bestow upon him one day certainly so he's born 13 years before the prophet Salli wasallam he comes from a lot of money's wealth was largely inherited from her father so the whole family is extremely wealthy extremely prestigious and very well-loved they're not a family that have any negative negative traits associated with them they're not people that get involved in hurting others they're a loved family and khad represents the best of that the best culmination the best woman of all of those qualities but comes from that right he comes from that family very wealthy 13 years senior to the prophet s alaihi wasallam the nephew of Khadijah and of course in those societies that we've as we've already established the nephew is like the son right the the the the these are these are basically your parents at the time right so khad is a motherly figure toim and he takes to a special love to the prophet sallallahu alaihi was so he basically becomes like an older brother to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and the Prophet sallai wasallam is in the family he's someone who is a good friend of the messenger of Allah it's implied that he attends the wedding of the Prophet Sall alaihi wasallam and the momentous occasions of the Prophet Sim is there so he's there for the wedding he's there for the bestow of the beloved one of the prophet in fact remember the story of z uh we actually learned learn it from a narration from was kidnapped as a child and sold into slavery right that's the whole story of Zade he was kidnapped sold into slavery and they had the slave market at the time right so Zade is in the slave market and he enters into the life of the Prophet Salli wasallam through hamam says about himself he said I I was a merchant I used to always go out to Yemen and I'd go out to a sham greater Syria and he said and I used to make a lot of money I was really good at what I did I was a good Merchant and he said and I'd come back and I'd spend that on the poor people of My Tribe by the way was most famous for spending on the POR she literally had a tent or or like a marker in front of her home that indicated come come over here if you need to be taken care of has that same Spirit of caring for the poor spending on the poor not to the level of our mother but it's the same type of attitude spend on the poor so he said uh said I found and I gifted him to my aunt she marries the prophet sallai wasallam and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam immediately develops a beautiful relationship with says do you love z Oh Muhammed and the prophet Salli wasallam said I do soad said he's yours the prophet wasam frees Zade and makes him his adopted son instead soim is the beginning of the transition of Z into the life of the Prophet so he's there for the wedding he's a part of the the means by whicham the loved one of the Prophet comes into the life of the messenger Sall alai wasallam he also lives up to his name hikma wise he's he's a wise man and what's narrated about him is in the time of the Prophet wasallam which was the house where all of the decisions would be made so the wise men would gather no one would be allowed to enter into Dar nadwa to give an opinion unless they were 40 years old except for him he was allowed into there and he was asked for his opinion when he was only 15 years old so that was the wisdom that he had that was the brain that he had he was wealthy he had good character everything is Paving the way for him to embrace Islam but you know what there is arrogance there is ego and then there is indifference there's a person that is so bogged down by their worldly Life by their career they don't even think about religion this whole Dean stuff this whole religion stuff I don't got time for that I'm going to Yemen I'm going to Syria I'm going to this place I'm going to that place I'm in the marketplace I don't really feel strongly one way or the other because I'm busy that's a diagnosis of he's not an enemy of the Prophet wasallam but he's also not interested in being a Muslim he's barely in Mecca anyway he's always out and about right so he's making the two Journeys and you have to think that back then you know you don't take flights to Yemen and to Syria we talked about how devastating that Journey was in terms of the family of the messenger so if you're going to Yemen and to a sham on an annual basis if you're just making those two trade routes you're someone who's always on the road right your natural disposition is you're always on the road you are always trading he is not someone who is involved in religion not in the Affairs of the Prophet wasallam or in the Affairs of Mecca however we do find sympathy he has sympathy and he still loves his aunt khad she's like his mom so when the boycott happens on and which would ultimately claim the life of abuali andad right the family of the Prophet wasam placed under such severe restriction hakeim had an interest in trying to take care of his aunt and trying to take care of the People by extension right so he's entering into this from the perspective of being family not from the perspective of being a Muslim I don't care about the idols I don't care about Islam just you know this is wrong and I want to help in some way that I possibly can and realize Subhan Allah the nobility of our mother khad khad did not have to be in the boycott which is one of the most poetic tragic beautiful ironies of it all could have stayed back with her people but she wanted to be with her husband and as a result of that suffering she would die right soim who's her nephew would secretly bring food to her and you know what would do she'd distribute it to everyone else soam wants to take care of his aunt Khadijah our mother wants to take care of the umah so she distribute the food amongst her people and actually had an interesting practice you know what he would do is he would go to the valley outside of outside of the place where they were boycotted and he would take grain and he would take food and and goods and he would load them onto some camels and some some animals and then he would strike them in the direction of benu Ben right so he was trying to send Goods in at night he was secretly trying to help he was someone who generally had a good disposition good heart wants to help wants to support not hostile to Islam but you know what not really interested in becoming a Muslim so he's someone who is still you know metant for Islam and it shows very early on now that he fight against the prophet s alaihi wasallam kind of how remember the prophet Salli wasallam said about the Battle of that there are some people that were brought out in the Battle of bad against us look they don't want to fight us their people just brought them out they were forced out amongst them was the uncle of the Prophet didn't want to fight the prophet wasallam he came to the battle he just put his hands down until he got caught basically right I'm not trying to kill the prophet s alhi wasallam but their people brought them out and they drove them out against the messenger of sallallahu alai wasallam there is not a single narration of him you know carrying a sword or fighting or killing but he was present and in fact when he used to take an oath after Islam he would say he said by Allah who saved me from fighting or being killed on the day of bad why because if he would have died on the day of bad he would have died a disbeliever he would have died an enemy to the prophet Salli wasallam so after he became Muslim that was his oath alhamdulillah who saved me from being present on the day of bad or being active on the day of bad and potentially killed on the day of bad so that's his disposition there's some indications he may have been present in again no real explicit nature except for something from his son later on who we'll talk about who saw him crying one day as a Muslim later on in life and regretting that you know how could I be there in B and against the prophet wasallam and swearing that he would never fight the prophet sallai wasallam again right that's all we kind of get in terms of a hint so you've got the profile in mind right here's something that makes him also interesting he visited Medina to come visit the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam still not as a Muslim to give him a gift interesting Subhan Allah so Muslim IM Ahmed he he says he said look Muhammad wasallam was the most beloved person to me or of the most beloved of people to me in the days of ignorance so he said when he received prophethood and he migrated he said I bought this really special it's a suit from Yemen it was like a reddish suit from Yemen that belonged to the I mentioned his name for a reason all right so some it was like a royal suit he said I wanted to give it to the prophet as a gift not as a prophet just as you know an old friend family member someone I loved and I cared about and I thought it was befitting to Muhammad sallallah alaihi wasallam so I bought it for 50 DS it's expensive suit he said and I came to the prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam to give it to him as a gift in Medina and the prophet Salli wasallam he refused it now here is a a beautiful lesson in the Integrity of Da the prophet Salli wasallam did not want it to come off as a bribe perhaps he didn't want there to to be any type of transactional muddying of the waters in this right so the say he refused because of the circumstances not cuz he wanted to hurt his feelings because of the circumstances you're you know a disbeliever who's opposing us we're in this strange situation right now where our own people have run us out to accept the gift from you there's some sort of normalizing of relationships it's strange it doesn't make sense so the prophet refused it kindly right not like get out of here and and you know I'm going to kill you if you don't become Muslim I have no interest in this no he refused it Slice on but graciously said well I bought the suit and I'm not leaving until you take it so the prophet Salli wasallam he said he said then sell it to me I'll buy it from you is stuck now because he brought as a gift to the prophet Salli wasallam and the prophet sallam doesn't want to disappoint him but he doesn't want to muddy the Waters of the so he said I'll buy it from you so finally agreed to let the prophet Salli wasam purchase the suit that he brought as a gift uh to him now this gives you by the way a little bit of uh richness to the story from the shm the of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam the description of him there's a very famous narration that says I saw the prophet standing on the pulpit one day the prophet was giving and he was wearing that suit right and he he said I've never seen anyone look more stunning than the prophet was looked in that suit like he's already beautiful he's already the most beautiful being that you would ever see you put a suit of royalty on him as well wasam he's wearing the clothes of a noble man from Yemen right a royalty from Yemen so when the prophet wasam was giving in that it was something of of of grand of a grand nature that's actually documented in the sh of the Prophet s wasallam and it seems and Allah knows best this is that same suit now here's the thing this the story continues the prophet s wasam gave it to Usama the beloved one the son of the beloved one of the Prophet Salli wasallam so he gifted the suit to like the prophet Salli wasallam it wasn't really his thing right so he gave it to so saw us wearing it and he looks at him and he says are you wearing the suit of think about it was a freed slave right you talk about nobility and lineage in the way that these people think and is the son of a freed fact he's the son of two right freed slaves so he said are you wearing the are you wearing the Garment of the and look at what Usama says not out of Pride but to show him the beauty of Islam he said he said yes and W I'm better than him and my father is better than his father like what right I'm better than him and my father is better than his father I went back to Mecca and I told the people of Mecca what happened and they were like totally amused by this what is he talking about they still don't understand how Islam privileges people on the basis of TAA on the basis of piety and it does away with all of the tribal nonsense that existed before soam again hostility very low indifference to religion High Noble in many ways kind of aloof to the entire call of the Prophet s alaihi wasallam wasn't particularly a wor Sher when it comes to the idols and when it comes to the things in Mecca as well and that's why you'll find the following statement when was coming into Mecca before fat meah before the conquest of Mecca we've talked about the enemies of the Prophet Salli wasallam right some of these people the prophet s wasam is forgiving them for the cause like Abu sufyan you don't put Abu sufyan on the same scale as the early companions or these great no like the prophet was letting him go they were they were people that the prophet Sall was overlooking their transgressions against Islam for the sake of Allah and alhamdulillah as time went on their Islam settled in their hearts and they became who they became alhamdulillah right but there's a different category here too and the prophet Salli wasallam as he was entering into Mecca he said there are four people that sh is beneath them polytheism is beneath them like I it's almost like I don't understand how they're still polytheists how they're still mus and he said he named four and and we've already talked about previously may Allah be pleas with them so the prophet saying like these people are way too intelligent they're too Noble sh is beneath them there is no reason why they should have held out this long and the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam is clearly intending to forgive them and this is where it gets very interesting because you find multiple narrations in one of the narrations when the prophet s wasam enters into Mecca he doesn't just say whoever enters in the house of Abu he says and this is authentic from so stay with me with this narration because it has some depth to it whoever enters in the house of Abu sufyan he's safe now why did the prophet mention Abu sufan to win his heart over right said look this man is a chief of his people you want to soften his heart to Islam don't treat him like an enemy anymore say whoever enters his house is safe is not an enemy of the Prophet wasallam so it's a different category relatives the people we've been talking about like Abu sufyan and others relatives people who this whole Affair has unfortunately put them on the opposite side but their family there's no reason for them to be in this way not hostile some of the is also mentioned house was just that big and we'll talk about that he had a huge house right so there's a there's a logistical component but you can't just reduce it to logistical component the prophet sallai was doesn't just think in terms of logistics here and the last one one day maybe we we'll talk about was the chief of so it's it's a way of bringing in everyone sort of big tent approach now to bringing everyone back into safety and bringing them into the ties of Brotherhood and the prophet was said whoever shuts his door in his own home is safe right so there's a there's a softening of the heart there's a softening of the ties but it's not like Abu sufyan the brother of the Prophet like it was a lot of hurt and pain like it's not like the prophet can't look at him or has deep trauma because of what he did to him uh it's just why now why did you wait so long you were so distracted by your money so distracted by your wealth so distracted by your pursuit of this D you missed out right so on that dayam Embraces Islam officially Embraces Islam on the day of fatah also because he's older than the prophet s Ali wasam his children are also companions as well so his children hisam kham Abdullah y and his wife all Embrace Islam as well so his entire family Embraces Islam with the prophet s now when he Embraces Islam remember this is a man who is known to do great things right and one of the questions that he asked the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam is the basis by which when someone becomes Muslim we tell them all of your good deeds have been preserved and all of your sins have been forgiven so it comes from an authentic Hadith that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam when he accepted the shahada of like you remember he pulled his hand back like wait a minute am I forgiven for all the horrible things I did to you has the opposite problem like what happened to all the good stuff I did it's literally the opposite approach opposite question to the prophet s wasallam so he says he said do you see that there are some things that there are some things that I used to do that were good deeds in the days of I used to establish the ties of kinship I used to free slaves I used to give a lot of Charity to people like does all that go away do I have any reward for it and the prophet Sall wasam said Subhan Allah he said you embraced Islam with all of the Good Deeds that you have done before it meaning all of the good that you did before Islam is now preserved with Islam so when someone becomes Muslim not only are they purified of the sins The Good Deeds are purified of what would have held them from being rewardable in the right so that goes away so we take it from this narration and of the beautiful narrations who is now the second cousin because Zu is the first cousin who is the most prolific narrator of the of the prophet wasallam he narrates about him um that he freed that in the days of ignorance he freed 100 people from slavery and he donated 100 camels in charity and then when he became Muslim he freed another 100 people from slavery and he donated another 100 camels like it's all accepted by Allah subhana tala through his becoming mus musl many of the about the virtues of freeing people from slavery come from and his way with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and his way with wealth now here's the thing if you've been following the last few weeks there's this point where people Embrace Islam at fat mea at the conquest of Mecca and then they kind of learn something in h in the Battle of H right you keep on following this trajectory if you've watched the last five six weeks that it's and then it's right and then there's like these conversations the the new converts in meca everyone's trying to figure out where they stand with the prophet Salli wasallam after the battle of H which is the first battle that now everyone fought on the same side right and the prophet s alaihi wasallam was giving more money to who of the spoils this is a very easy question by the way so don't overthink it who was the prophet giving a lot of money to from The Spoils of War the new converts from right to soften their hearts to solidify their place in Islam Prophet was giving them more of the spoils and he guaranteed the an that he will go back with them in Medina and that they were still privileged in his eyes sallallahu alaihi wasallam but this was a different type of thing is someone who liked a lot of money and he gave a lot of money so he's wealthy and he likes being rich but he also gives money too okay so you've got a profile here and the prophet of course said If the child of Adam was given one Valley of gold what would they do they'd want to turn it into two valleys of gold that's how we are as human beings right you always like to gather more and more and more if Allah gives you one Valley of gold you don't go alhamdulillah for the valley of gold you say how can I turn this into two right soim is a rich man and he comes to the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam in I asked the prophet for a share of The Spoils of War and he gave me then he said I asked him again and he gave me another batch of wealth said I asked him a third time and he gave me a batch of wealth but this time the prophet s alaihi wasallam said to meim ohim like look I get Abu sufyan and safan and some of these others let me talk let me real let me be real with you as my brother right you're someone we grew up together I know you and I want you to hear me out it's ironic that it's he said that this money is green and sweet not because they used to have dollar bills American dollar bills all right green meaning uh like when Allah mentions right that it starts off green and then it becomes yellow and then it rots away right so it's green as in it looks Evergreen it looks perfect it looks just right right and it's sweet then he said sallallah alaih wasallam whoever takes that money without greed Allah is going to put blessing in it so don't try to take so much money just just take the little and if you take it without greed without attachment Allah will put bar in it and whoever takes it with greed in his soul will find no bar in their wealth Allah will not bless that wealth for them and then he says to him he said he's like a person who eats and never gets full don't be a person who eats and never gets full and he says said the upper hand is better than the lower hand meaning what the giving hand is better than the receiving hand give charity don't be someone who gets addicted to this money give from that charity don't ask too much instead be asked be someone who gives and he said wasam and whoever is whoever abstains whoever seeks to be financially independent Allah will help them become financially independent and whoever seeks to be self-sufficient in a more wholesome way Allah will make them self-sufficient so uh you know whoever abstains is to abstain from asking right whoever abstains Allah will make it for them so they don't have to and whoever seeks to be self-sufficient Allah will open the doors for them to be self-sufficient he's giving like this crash course on how to approach money like I know you've done this for a long time and this is your way of thinking and you have to remember number is in his 70s now he's an old man the prophet is 60 plus so that means he's at least 73 years old he's lived his whole life looking at money in a certain way and the prophet sallai wasallam is saying I need you to switch your perspective don't get addicted to it take it without greed don't take more than you have to and give and give and give and give said I said to the prophet s wasallam oh messenger of Allah by the one who sent you with the truth I will never ask anyone for money again so long as I live on this Earth until I die like I hear you that's it this is the last time I'll ever ask anyone for anything I'll never burden anyone with an Ask ever again in my entire life so he took an oath on himself he said from now on I'll be I'll never be I'll be the giving hand I'll never be the asking hand the receiving hand for the rest of my life I'll be this hand I won't be this hand as if that one conversation with the prophet s wasam completely blew his mind and changed his entire perspective on money he's been thinking about it a certain way now you think differently I'm always going to be the giving hand I'm never going to be the receiving hand again and I'm going to change the way that I think about money remember this oath as we get to the later years of his life that he took with the prophet was then you find he narrates practically all Hadith or all of his Hadith and they are quite a few are about money so if you wanted to teach money or how to approach wealth as Muslims you should just teach a course on how narrates from the prophet Salli wasallam because he's clearly asking the prophet sallai wasallam a lot of questions because he still has a lot of money and he wants to know how to handle it so he narrates that the prophet sallai wasallam said to him said the prophet was said the best is that which you give in excess of your wealth now uh I'm Translating that way because as the scholars say in the of the the explanation of theith means you pay off your expenses and whatever is left over donate right like you always think about they say money is sitting in the bank account and it's being wasted that doesn't mean it's Haram to invest no we know the famous Hadith of the man who would uh invest 1/3 spend one3 on his family and give 1/3 in sodak but the point is the prophet Salli was is saying like that wealth that comes after your expenses that you don't even need give it and start with those who are closest to you so give of what Allah subhana T has given you that you don't even need for your immediate expenses and start with those that are nearest to you so he gets a message here from the prophet sallallah also he said that the prophet once gave me a din to go and buy a sacrificial animal so he's with the prophet s in and the prophet s said go buy me a sacrificial animal so he said I took that one dinar and I bought a sheep for that dinar then I sold that sheep for two Dinars he's really good in his in in the marketplace he said I figured I could turn the Sheep around I looked at the Sheep I said no this one will go for two dinars right he's a businessman and there's nothing wrong with that so just by his own business sense he said I bought this sheep for one dinar but it's really worth two Dinars he went and he sold it for two Dinars then he went and he bought another sheep for one dinar follow the the logic here then he came back to the prophet s was and he gave him back the DIN and he gave M sheep do you see what happened here the prophet s gave him one he took the one he bought a sheep he said that's worth two sold it for two got two bought another sheep for one dinar so now he has one sheep one dinar he comes to the prophet he says here's the DIN and here is the Sheep the prophet wasam then made Dua that Allah would bless him in his trade right you get a Dua from the prophet you blessed in your trade something very special about that you also find that narrates the famous Hadith he said a man comes to me in the marketplace and he wants me to sell him something that I don't yet possess you hear this Hadith in home financing quite a bit so he said should I sell something I don't yet possess the prophet s wasam said don't sell something you don't yet possess so we learned that from he also narrated The Prophet wasallam said that two parties in a business transaction they have a right to anull that transaction as long as they're still in the discussion of it like as long as they're still together and they haven't yet separated and if they tell the truth and they make everything clear in the transaction like no one tries to cheat the other Allah will put Baraka in the transaction so no one's trying to cheat the other Allah is going to bless that transaction and if they lie to each other and they deceive one another all the Baraka of that transaction all the blessing of that transaction will be lost so he's teaching you Halal financing he's teaching you bar he's teaching you how to use your money properly how to earn your money properly how to think about it because the first thing you'll be asked about with your money on the day of judgment how you earned it and how you spent it and he narrates some other Hadith from the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam for the sake of time I won't go into the rest of them uh just to continue with the story so you get the you get the gist wealthy businessman charitable and and is someone who becomes very concerned about Halal risk Halal sustenance after he becomes a Muslim and never asks anyone for anything and is extra careful to make sure there is blessing in what he does the prophet sallai wasam passes away and the narration in alkari when the time came to distribute The Spoils of War abak Abu Bakr would call and would not take his share basically the way that it worked was every Muslim got a share from the spoils refused the share of the spoils he calls him to give him his share and he he refused is like wait a minute that's on you if you want to take it and you want to give it in s that's your business but I'm not going to meet Allah having cheated a Muslim take your share says no I don't want it I took an oath with the prophet Salli wasallam I'll never take anything from anyone again said take your share says no he gets so frustrated he calls out and he says he said I want all the Muslims to come here he said I need you I need you to Bear witness I need you to all bear witness that I tried to give his share and he refused to take it is like I don't want to meet Allah with this on my neck on the day of judgment refuses it soim does not take anything that he doesn't earn directly in the marketplace it's like I'm not taking it anymore and Subhan Allah as the narration says that he was this way all the way until he passed away until the day that he died now by the way plot twist died at the age of 120 years old he's one of the longest living companions some of the scars actually say the longest living companion of the Prophet Salli wasallam and there is a relationship between s and the extension of your life right he lived to 120 years old this is in bukari and Muslim by the way this is not like just in the books of s 120 years old and he refused to take any wealth from anybody else he became the richest man in Medina says the richest the person who used to give the most the most blessed in his transactions because again he outlives he outes he outes those other companions he was known as the richest man in the Medina of the Prophet Sall and people of a like mind and a like Spirit become close he was a close friend of and when who was like him or he was rather lik cuz remains in the greater category right when passed away was one of the people who secretly buried him at night when he was assassinated a few more narrations about him and they become they're extremely touching Subhan Allah one of them is that he lived all the way to the time mua and when mu who came to Mecca he purchased from that means owned the place the famous actually owned it at some point became his property and he sold it to muaah for 100,000 DIN and Zu who's from the family right he's his second cousin because Zu is his first cousin he was upset with him and he said when he heard about it he said that the old man doesn't know the shikh doesn't know what he sold what he just gave away to mua like he has no idea how precious that was this belonged to us this belonged to qur this was a special piece for us and he just sold it to Mu so says to him you sold this the nobility of qur right and he responds to him and he said he said all no ility has gone out the door oh son of my nephew except for ta nothing's really left except for the most noble of you in the sight of Allah are the people of the most God conscious Consciousness so he said I purchased with that a home in Paradise I bear witness that I took the entire profit that I made off of that trade to mua and I donated it for the sake of Allah so there is no none of this nobility stuff none of these the royalties and it's it's uh you know uh what it gives us in terms of its memories and what it gives us none of that right that is all out the window I I sold it for the sake of Allah subhana waala we also find that when Zu passed away Zu um died and he had a lot of duts cuz he used to give a lot of charity and he used to always be in Jihad Subhan Allah Zu was in the battlefield and he was giving giving giving and he ended up piling up a lot of deaths so abdah he you know he tells the story with zu if you go back and you watch that episode we talked about the last conversation like what do I do about your debt he said seek help from Allah subhana it's going to come to you as you pay off those debts Abdullah Zu said that who came to me when my father passed away and he said how much debt did my brother leave behind how much debt did he have so I told him elf elf a thousand times a thousand how much is that now you guys are really tired I just wanted to make sure that it's time to wrap up the lecture a th time a thousand is a million all right so for the all theab in here million is not an Arabic word all right is how you would say a million right a thousand times a thousand so he said a million right that's if I was to round up the debt I've been left with a million dollars of debt from says I'll take care of half of that 500,000 so the stories of paying off someone's debt how Allah subh would spare a person on the day of judgment from paying off someone's debt imagine the nobility of this man who goes to a person in need knows he's in need and says here's half a million for me he's that Anonymous donor that shows up and says I've got it covered don't worry about it and he said he said I don't wake up a single day of my life seeing someone at my door who is is in need except that I know that Allah subhana is testing me and I seek the reward of that test from Allah so when I see someone in need I immediately clear house give give give I don't think about these things I'm going to give you one more scene from his life which will come back up in the series inall because it's it's one of my something I think about may Allah enable us to do ha and have an accepted ha I want you to think of the scene on the day of comes on the day of and purchases the freedom of any enslaved person he can see in sight 100 people he purchases their freedom on that day with his money clears house freeing people from slavery and then he brings forth 100 camels and 100 sheep Subhan Allah so he is immersing himself in s on the day of and the people are watching this scene on the day of with people who are are excited proclaiming their freedom with the animals being brought forth for sacrifice 200 animals from a single man to be sacrificed for the sake of Allah and the charity given and raising his hands to the sky and weeping in Dua to Allah for acceptance people are looking at him like what a man right like calling out to Allah in desperation oh Allah free our necks from the fire oh Allah free our necks from the fire like I freed these people oh Allah free our necks from the fire and the people this is actually an incident that happened the people all looked at him and they all started to cry and they said a word some of the people said a Dua on that day with what had happened with they said oh Allah this is your slave and he has freed your slaves and we are your s your slaves so free us from the fire oh Allah this is your slave he has freed your slaves and we are your slaves so free us from the fire meaning you are more merciful to us than H is to the creation of Allah subhana wa tala what a sight as the people are crying and looking at the outpouring of the the generosity of this man when he was passing away bukari says 120 years half of his life in J half of his life in Islam half of his life was in ignorance half of his life was in Islam as he was passing away in Medina peacefully in his bed his last words that are narrated by his son he I used to fear you and now I have hope in you I used to fear you and now I have hope in you so these were the last words that were narrated from him and he was buried in next to our Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam with the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam as Allah subh destined him born in the Kaa 120 years later dies in Al with a life of s and charity and spending but a lot of regret as to why he didn't do it earlier and Allah subhana knows best Allah knows best that is the of Allah Allah knows best that he didn't become Muslim earlier on what a beautiful Legacy to have before I finish CU I can't do a whole separate lecture you know sometimes Subhan Allah the kids get left out here so his son Ham who's his oldest son you'll find him he's a Hadith narrator and he inherited the beauty of his father in terms of character soab actually has a separate chapter for hisam and hisam uh was someone that had a lot of habba a lot of presence that's how he's described and the prophet immediately loved him and in fact one of the beautiful narrations the prophet wrestled him once and the prophet s beat him so it's a family affair right right he was strong he had a lot of presence and the prophet sallai wasallam wrestled him a young man and the prophet wasam overcame him even though the prophet Ali wasallam was in his 60s he had a Nar he has a few narrations with that'll end with because it comes to something uh very powerful and related to the moment loved him he became like an immediate close friend of om why he used to enjoy in good and he used to forbid evil so he was someone who was like really really strict in a way right enjoining good forbidding evil and Omar used to say when he would say evil if it wasn't for me and being being alive this would pass right we're the ones we're kind of in charge here we got to make sure this doesn't happen so we're the ones that check evil together however Omar has a a pretty funny narration with him but it's also it it's one that we can take some wisdom from and perhaps you've heard it he narrates from Omar says that one day we were sitting and then hisam started leading the Salah and hisam was reading different than the way that I was reading it so think about yourself in Ramadan when and ahed and and Hamza start reading in those different and you go are you sure right are you sure this is okay so with Omar he's listening to him and Omar never heard this recitation of and he's older than hisam hisam is like a younger brother to him and he says like I wanted to jump on him basically beat him up for reading the Quran differently like I thought the man changed the Quran right so he said but I held myself I left him until he finished the Salah then om said I took his cloak and I wrapped his neck and I dragged him to the prophet Salli wasallam so this is in the time of the Prophet wasallam like I'm bringing you this this young manam he's changing the Quran new convert this young man is reading the Quran differently so he said I dragged him to the prophet s alaihi wasallam and I had his cloak around his neck like he's strangling and bringing him to the prophet s alaihi wasallam so he said so I brought him to the prophet and I said that I heard him reciting this young man reciting different than the way you taught me to recite Prophet said first of all let him go at the young man breach and the prophet wasallam said to him read so to him and then the prophet said to read so read and the prophet wasam said this is how it was sent this is how it was sent the prophet said the Quran was revealed in seven modes read of it as you want right so Adam next time you're reading if they come and choke you just remind them of this Hadith all right um so this was the way that this all kind of functioned at the time but why do I mention hisam so this is a very famous narration about hisam but I want to share this last narration because it actually did touch my heart as we think about the people of Gaza may Allah subhana give them Victory and give them Aid in this moment and they are never far from our hearts and our minds and as we live these moments with the sahab of the Prophet these Glory Days we ask Allah to restore the glory of this umah and we ask Allah subhana to allow us to see it and its and its beauty and its once again Hisham one day was in a sham in Syria and he walked by some people and they were being made to stand out in the sun and they were kind of put out in the sun not tortured not beaten but under harsh conditions clearly they were in trouble so Hisham asked the governor at the time he said why are they being treated like this and the governor responded and he said they're Christians and they're not paying the jizya they're not paying the tax okay and hisam quoted the most famous Hadith and and actually one of the only hadiths he he has from the prophet wasallam so he said to them I swear by Allah that I heard the messenger of Allah Sall Al wasallam say Allah will torture the people who torture people in this dun Allah will torture the people who torture people in this world Allah will certainly torture the people who torture people in this world and so Subhan Allah as I was reading it I just couldn't help I said you know what even though it's not it's a son but the fact that he narrates that again as you're seeing dear brothers and sisters what's happening with our brothers and sisters your lord does not forget may Allah subhana may Allah avenge our brothers and sisters may Allah compensate them may Allah overcome the enemies and the oppressors Allah may Allah have mercy and be pleased with and allow us to approach the in the way that he approached the seeking the may Allah open our hearts to that which is righteous may Allah subhana wa tala free our minds free our hearts from greed may Allah subhah wa taala allow us to see the beauty of the messenger sallallah alai wasallam and his example early on in our lives and to follow it to the best of our ability and may Allah gather us with the the prophet s wasallam with his family with his companions with the the [Music]
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
Views: 50,537
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Id: oMVk6sc9cIM
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Length: 63min 22sec (3802 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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