Ikrimah ibn Abi Jahl (ra): The Pious Son of Pharoah | The Firsts | Sahaba | Dr. Omar Suleiman

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tonight before we get started with our with our lecture on we have a brother who's going to be embracing Islam with us so I'd like to welcome Carson if you can come up you didn't change your mind did you all right second okay so I'm going to have you repeat after me say Ashu ASU illu muhamad muham Allah Allah that was perfect all right in English now I bear witness I bear witness that there is no God that there is no God worthy of worship worthy of worship or unconditional or unconditional obedience obedience except except Allah Allah and that Muhammad and that Muhammad is his final messenger is his final messenger sh congratulations we want to welcome you to the community welcome to Islam and welcome to the Valley Ranch Islamic Center so this is your community from now on and uh after I finish the lecture if you're still around they're all going to hug you so in the meantime you're welcome to to have a seat and everyone please do welcome your brother may Allah bless you keep you firm and steadfast and protect you and allow this journey of yours to be blessed all the way through Allah inshallah T tonight dear brothers and sisters we're going to be continuing with the first and we're going to be speaking about the son of the Pharaoh of this umah and it's very interesting when you when you have someone who has such a prominent position in Islam as being the of this um and it shows you what the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that there are multiple pharaohs throughout history right you have the Pharaoh that we know you have the and then we have our as an um of Muhammad sallahu alai wasallam as a people and that of course was Abu jahal and we're going to be talking about his son but it's important to note that as time goes on as Generations go on you always have pharaohs and you always have tyrants and then you have Heroes that rise up against those tyrants and you have people that come from the households of those tyrants that turn out to be of the greatest heroes um and of those who carry and possess some of the greatest virtues in Islam and tonight as we talk about it's personally I'm going to say personally one of my favorite stories from the Companions and there are many of them that are like my favorite but I'll just tell you that uh if none of you name your kids after this then I I consider that I failed in properly conveying the virtue of this man many of you hear the name in the books of and this is not the same in the books of this is one of the great Companions of the Prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam who comes literally from the worst man in the S of the prophet sallallahu alai wasallam the ultimate villain in the life of the Prophet so he talks about a horrible human being who goes on to become the sword of Allah subhana tal we talked about such a horrible person that we could have spent a whole lecture just on the verses of Quran about him but tonight we talk about the son of Abu jahal and I literally I I have to say this if I was to talk about what aat what verses in the Quran speak about the evil of Abu jahal it literally would take me an hour why because ABD identifies over 80 verses 8 z 80 verses in the Quran that were revealed in response to the evil and the tyranny of this particular man it's enough to say that in the first verse is revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam Allah he says read in the name of your lord who creates that the second half of that Surah from verse 9 onwards is about Abu jahal actually speaks to the Pharaoh of this um do you see the one who forbids who forbids righteousness who Stomps on the necks of the Believers who breaks people's collar bones who murders people in the vicinity of the sacred who violates every single established Norm prior to Islam and after Islam his cultural and tribal Norms to oppress and to mutilate and to brutalize the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and his companions do you see this person this person who forbids righteousness this person who denies Who Lies doesn't he know that Allah sees him Allah mentions that this is a person that's going to be seized by the forl a man who will pay for his sins because of the horrors then he inflicted on the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and the most vulnerable of the companions this was the man who took out the slaves who became Muslim in Mecca and created a torture camp for the public to see and who who took a spear and stuck it through the Aban woman to make an example out of her that tortured the slaves in public that called for people to humiliate the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam in every way that incited in every way the man who made life unbearable for Muslims in Mecca the man who actually started the boycott against the prophet s alaihi wasallam that led to the death of his wife and his uncle Abu Talib the man who sped the assassination of the Prophet sallai wasallam during the Hijra who came up with the master plan you know on how to kill the prophet sallallah wasam so this is a brutal Tyrant and I want you to imagine that in the background of this brutal Tyrant who is the chief of who the prophet wasam called the Pharaoh of this um is his son he was from the heads of the ignorant ones just like his father and he was the successor of his father so here's the scene I want you to play all of those scenes of Abu jahal oppressing the prophet spitting torturing killing and I want you to Imagine by his side assisting him in every way watching in every way because he was deemed the successor of Abu jahal meaning Abu jahal is the head of benum the the Rival tribe that wants to kill the prophets simply because he belongs to benu Hash is the son that is being groomed to be the successor the chief of benum so when Abu jahal presumably takes power in Mecca his son is the Crown Prince all right just to give you the visual there's also something else to keep in mind here the prophet s wasam saw something even in the Pharaoh of this what did the prophet s wasam see in Abu jahal what did he see in him anyone tell me no he saw positive things in him too he saw his potential to be a leader Prophet Salli wasallam made Dua oh Allah give Victory to Islam to the more beloved of the two to you or who is meaning the prophet recognized that this man is a leader if he changes his heart and if he takes that strength and he puts it to good use he could be one of the greatest leaders of the Muslims now here's the plot twist what the prophet s wasam saw in him if he would become Muslim would become the reality of almost two decades later CU had the qualities of his father he was big he was strong he was wise Abu jah's nickname was actually Abul ham the father of wisdom but he became the father of ignorance because of his blind rage towards the truth he was was eloquent when you saw you saw his father and Subhan Allah it's really interesting because Omar and Abu jahal right are pretty much the same prototype before Islam filters them out Omar had a son that was a copy of him Abdullah Omar Abu J had a son that was a copy of him right and out of these four the only one that's going to die in ignorance is going to be the father of ignorance who was given chance after chance and the prophet s alaihi wasallam was so patient with him for over a decade calling him to Islam calling him to stop his transgressions against the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam so here is growing up in this environment with his father the Pharaoh now I'm going to put up this chart really quick and this is going to be one of those things that the students who want to actually go back and and and look at the family tree inshallah can do so and appreciate B can we put it up okay I wanted to just put together a little chart that shows you the connection between and so there are other kids that are involved here but at least by looking at this you can visualize the relationship between and's wife and so if you look at the top there you'll see and right so the two Elders that make up their children on one side you see and his sister F okay on the other side from the children of their other kids and we've spoken about them you see who is is going to show up in the story of at the very end so he's ik's Uncle Abu jah's brother alar was one of the main enemies of the Prophet S alaihi wasallam as well he fought the prophet wasallam all the way until fatah and then he became a Muslim on the day of the opening of Mecca as well so he fought the prophet s alaihi wasallam for 20 years along with Abu Jah so is the son of Abu jahal obviously and he's married to a woman named um who is both as you can see the daughter ofam and the daughter of f so marries F you know what you get out of this it's funny cuz like uh my brother once made this comment about the Arab families a lot of them are not family trees they're family spirals you know so benum was marrying inside the tribe right maintaining the lineage of benum inside the tribe so KH is's cousin uh or KH rather yeah he's ik's cousin and is married to his cousin so there's a lot of relationship between and as well as his as well as his wife uh and there's a lot of enmity towards the prophet s wasallam within this family and so this is a whole family that's bent on defeating Islam on fighting the prophet Salli wasam and making sure they eliminate Islam in every single way so let's go on insh now to where this all takes a turn himself inherits the hatred of the prophet he hates him because his father hates him right and for all of those years the transgression is all coming from his father towards the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam and the weak Muslims and is assisting in that and even other non-muslim leaders would tell Abu jahal calm down you are way too much you're hurting you you know you're violating all of our standards you're giving us a bad name your torture is going too far this rage however in's life towards the prophet is going to take a turn in the Battle of bed in particular Battle of bad obviously qur surrounds the Muslims they think that they're going to wipe them out they outnumber them in every way they're already celebrating Abu jahal is leading the army of quray against the Muslims and I'll give you the story first and foremost From abd's perspective ABD said I was standing on the side of the Muslims obviously on the day of bad and I looked to my right and to my left and I had these two teen teers and I looked at them and I was like I wish I had like some some serious men that were next to me like why am I between these two teenagers so he said he like I got to admit I was hoping that I'd be between like two serious Warriors like why am I between these two kids so he says so one of them tapped my shoulder so I looked at him and I said what is it he said he said Uncle which one of those is Abu jahal can you imagine it like a teenager like Taps he's like which one of those is Abu jahal so I told him what do you want with Abu J like what are you going to do to Abu Jal realize Abu J is the size of Omar he's a mountain of a man what are you going to do to Abu J he said he's a med kid he's never met Abu jahal in Mecca he said I heard that he used to abuse the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he said I'm going to find him and he said when I meet him one of us is going to survive that meeting but not both of us the other kid Taps his shoulder and says which one is he ABD points him out so these two kids are known as the two mu and two young Ms may Allah be pleased with them both two young teenagers that were there in the battlefield to defend the prophet Salli wasallam on that momentous occasion andd says that in the Battle of bad they both struck Abu jahal from both sides like they came at him from both sides but he was so big that he fell to the ground and even though they both struck him clean hits he was still alive and abdah who was physically right the shortest of the companions he climbs up onto Abu jahal and looks him in the eye realized that Abu jahal one day almost killed IB for just reading Quran around the Kaa he he stepped on his collar bone and broke it beat him unconscious and now stands up on him and looks down at Abu Jal and Abu jahal looks at him and says you have climbed a difficult climb oh Shepherd of sheep you little Shepherd what are you doing who do you think you are to climb on top of me and he asked by the way who's winning the battle you know I'm not able to fight anymore but I want to know who's winning the battle and he said Victor is to Allah and to the Messenger s wasam oh enemy of Allah finishes him right and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam comes to the Pharaoh of this um who died like the Pharaoh of Moses right in a humiliated way and one of the sahab even saw him being dragged into the Earth as if it was something Angelic like Moses like M drowned the Pharaoh of his day and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam called out to him and he said have you found the promise of your lord to be true for I have found the promise of my Lord to be true they said they said oh messenger of Allah did they hear you and the prophet says Prophet wasallam said they can hear just as well as you can hear but today they're unable to say anything all those days of taunting and cursing and beating and torturing and now the Pharaoh dies a miserable fate of this um dies a miserable fate now he inherited hatred when he sees his father on the battlefield he shouts and he starts shouting rage at the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam now he wants to kill the prophet wasam for personal reasons before it was the hatred of Islam that he had because his father was the Pharaoh now the prophet s wasallam is he's the one who killed my father and his rage takes a different turn talks about that like this is something that consumes him at this point he sees the prophet Salli wasallam in a different light and so comes the Battle of now comes the battle of here's how it looks Abu sufyan is commanding the middle is on the left he has 700 troops is on the right he has 700 troops and so this is the command ofr this day and of course orchestrated the uh the victory on for the other side and killed all the archers of the Muslims as well was one of those who fought fiercely in the Battle of against the prophet Sall wasam his wife umake was beating the ward drums so she was one of those that was singing lyrics of death against the Muslims beating the ward drums I mean this is a family that hates the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam severely so finishes was meant to be a genocide of the musl Muslims right they tried to surround Medina from every direction and wipe them out once and for all was not satisfied after because the prophet sallam was still alive and he said I will not live if the prophet sallam is living Muhammad needs to die because he killed my father that's his mindset now he while this is happening is the chief of benum so he actually assumes Abu jah's position in society so in mechan society he's really at the top of the ladder now right he's really at the top of the ladder alongside Abu sufyan and and sort of the next generation of of leaders now and [Music] then comes to and tells him that he's thinking about converting to Islam who blows up at him now remember the family chart he's khaled's best friend he's khaled's cousin and he's married to's niece so and are like this so when KH tells him I'm thinking about embracing Islam says you want me to embrace the religion of the man who killed my father he can only see the prophet in that light you want me to embrace the religion of of the man who killed my father and was the one who called the leaders of qur against KH initially but then stopped the scuffle because it was about to become a blood bath in Mecca but he's the one who initially alerted the leaders of quray against khed when Khaled went out to become Muslim then comes the day ofat uh and when the prophet Salli wasam returns to Mecca we know that the prophet Salli wasallam did not want Bloodshed on that day right the prophet s wasam did not want Bloodshed on that day this was going to be a legacy of forgiveness forgiveness for the same people who killed the family of the Prophet Sall alaihi wasam who killed many of the Muslims who drove him out of his land the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam comes in to Mecca with the same Spirit of YF of the Prophet Joseph and he even repeats his message there is no blame upon you today the prophet was forgives all of those who killed his family members all of those who attempted to kill him and gives a general amnesty to Mecca but as they're coming in if you remember from the lecture of and are still fighting so they attack the flank of khed and khed is able to Ward off their attack now on the side of the Muslims and he kills 12 men warning off the attack and and saan flee the scene so I want you to think about how bad is the prophet has forgiven Mecca right the prophet Salli wasallam named he said that even if you find him clinging to the Kaa under the cloth of the Kaa take him out that's how bad he is this man is plotting against the prophet s alaihi wasallam to the very last moment so he's forgiving Mecca he's even forgiving Abu sufyan but is still attacking still abrasive towards the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam he's blinded by his rage but after khed now on the side of the Muslims warded off the attack andan fled to Yemen and this is where the story of in Islam truly Begins the prophet Salli enters Mecca and he forgives everyone he offers a general amnesty to Mecca and this shocks the enemies of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam because by every single standard he had the right to take revenge on those who harmed him any law of War he had the right sallallahu alaihi wasallam to kill the people who killed multiple people who crucified Muslims who carried out all sorts of massacres but the prophet s wasall was bringing hearts together he announces the general amnesty and this softens the hearts of many of the former enemies of the Prophet s alaihi wasam like wow he really is different he really is different like we did all this to him if we were in his shoes we know what we would do to ourselves and so some of the most vile enemies of the Prophet sallai wasallam enter in upon him to personally seek his forgiveness and the prophet Salli forgives them amongst them who was beating the wardrob and chanting lyrics of death you know inciting qur to attack the Muslims and has now fled to Yemen and they don't have a cell phone right so you can't call up she has no idea she knows her husband fled to Yemen but she's not in touch with him anymore but she enters upon the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and she introduces herself and she says yah I'm coming to you as a Believer as a Muslim and someone who wholeheartedly affirms your message at this point and she doesn't just ask forgiveness for what she did she says oh messenger of Allah I've heard that you basically have commanded that my husband my husband is and I've heard that you commanded that he be taken out even if he's holding on to the cloth of the CA Oh messenger of Allah I'm asking you to forgive him and to Grant him safety and I'll bring him back to you and I'll make sure that he doesn't harm you what do you think the prophet s without any hesitation the prophet Sall says he's safe he has amnesty right so the prophet s immediately grants him amnesty and forgives him so now um she has to go find him wherever he's fled and tell him that the prophet Sall has forgiven you you're okay now come back to Mecca and let's start over so has to go on this journey tells the story from his side what's happening along the way of the journey tells the story from her side gets to Yemen and he realizes we're still too close to it wasn't called Saudi Arabia back then of course but we're still still too close to Mecca I need to get out of here so the irony of it all is he's going to board a boat to where abisinia habas where they persecuted the Muslims and caused them to flee two decades ago tried to run away there and now wants to flee to ABIA and beg the Nashi for Refuge the successor to the Nashi of course the successor to for Refuge so says I get on a boat in in Yemen to cross the sea to abisinia to modern day Ethiopia and he says that while I was on the boat right on this boat with all these people they're strangers this huge storm comes and the boat starts to turn right and left and we all thought we were going to die and he said then the people that were with me in the boat the captain calls out and he says says Oh My People sincerely pray to your Lord because no one will save anyone here except for him and he's like God I'm surrounded by Muslims here too right they're they're they're everywhere these Believers are everywhere and so he said I'm looking around these people start praying to Allah they start supplicating to Allah and what does Allah actually uses this in the of the that if they are riding in the boat and the the ship starts to shake that's you know a certain thing overcomes you where you connect to your one God right everyone calls out to Allah when the turbulence strikes right you see the most sincere Dua on the plane when the plane starts shaking everyone makes Dua to Allah at that moment everyone calls on to God so says everyone arounds me around me is praying to to Allah and he said and I realized that that moment if Allah is the only one who saves us on the sea then surely he's the only one who saves us on the land so he actually traces Faith entering his heart to that moment he says that's where there was a turn for me like Allah was sending me a message like if only Allah protects us when we're on the water then it's only Allah who protects us when we're on the land in any case the boat shook so violently that said it came back to Yemen so he never actually made it to abisa to habas and his heart has changed a bit right that experience that a near-death experience changes you right his heart has changed a bit towards Allah subhana T towards god um on the other hand is coming to Yemen as a Muslim the story has plenty of twists and turns by the way omim had a Greek slave from the days of jahia from the days of ignorance and she said that as we were making our way to [Music] Yemen along the way of the journey basically the Greek slave tried to seduce her and Tred to harass her right and so he actually made an attempt on her and so now this whole journey has changed for her too she's going out to save her husband but now the man that she brought to accompany her to to Lead the Way of the journey right uh harassed her tried to seduce her so now this journey means something different so now she's thinking survival and she said that while I was fleeing away from him I found my husband in Yemen I asked about him I found my husband in Yemen the first thing I told him was that I came with this man you know who was who you know to find you and he he actually made an attempt on me so this is before they have any conversation went and found the man and killed him right away right like that part of the journey is done right they haven't even talked about Islam yet they haven't talked about the prophet s alaihi wasallam the whole conversation is about protecting his wife at this moment and her getting away from a man that tried to hurt her right tried to harm her and then after that's done now the conversation is to happen so is happy to see his wife he tries to approach her as a husband approaches a wife and she says no no you can't touch me he says why not she says I'm a Muslim and you're a mushrik he says what what are you talking about she said no I'm a Muslim now and you need to save yourself from destruction Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam is a man of forgiveness and generosity and he's showing you Mercy he he's telling you you're forgiven so go back to him and she basically says to him look don't just save yourself from destruction in this life cuz the prophet s did he condition people becoming Muslim to give them amnesty in Mecca the general amnesty no you didn't have to become Muslim but it was the amnesty and a lot of people became Muslim through that amnesty right so she's saying don't just save yourself from destruction here but save yourself from destruction in the as well this man is a prophet of Allah it's enough of fighting him enough of this transgression come back with me to Mecca as a Believer so basically resolves that between what happened on the ship and he's Blown Away by the Forgiveness of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam the fact that the prophet is even willing to give him a chance and now his wife um is a Muslim too and he's like I can't live without you I don't know what's happening here so he says finally I told her let's go back to Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam so now the journey continues is coming back towards Mecca with his wife what a journey for the both of them and wants to come Embrace Islam with the prophet Sall alaihi wasam after harassing him tormenting him fighting him for two decades and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam as he's sitting in Mecca he says to the people that are sitting around him he says is coming to you as a muhaj and as a Muslim he's coming to you as a migrant and he's coming to you as a Muslim so clearly it was divinely communicated to him that had a change of heart so he's telling the companions look is coming back and he's coming to you as a migrant and he's coming to you as a Muslim and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said do not insult his father Subhan Allah don't hurt his feelings don't talk bad about his father do not insult his father the Pharaoh of the um don't insult him because he says sallallahu alaihi wasallam that insulting the dead neither reaches the dead or benefits the living you're not going to get anything out of insulting Abu jahal in his presence he's free now and we're not going to hurt him we're not going to taunt him now subh this is actually says because was his cousin right Omar is from this this family and narrates that that every time would see he' talk about how bad Abu J was he hated Abu J I mean everything Abu Jal did to them and then came to the prophet Salli wasallam and complained this is later on so the prophet sallai wasallam said let not one of you curse the dead in a way that you cause grief to the living it's not worth it so here the prophet is telling the people in Mecca look this man's coming back to you don't talk bad about his father because you're going to hurt him there's so much to unpack here is Abu jahal evil yes he's literally the Pharaoh of the umah there are ayat of Quran about him but the prophet s wasallam understands that loves his father what would be the point of hurting him what would be the point of reminding him of who his father was and what his father did Prophet s was trying to win Hearts here he's trying to build a community of hearts and it's important here which shows us right that you know sometimes we think of these things in a black and white way and it's not all black and white there is complexity here to human emotion that's to be taken into consideration especially when you're trying to bring people together right so the prophet knows is coming to him as a Muslim he sees s wasam and coming to him and the prophet s was says from far away as is approaching with a lot of hesitation now if he's on the other side he'd trick the prophet sallai wasallam right he'd kill him right at the spot so he's approaching with some hesitation and the prophet Salli wasallam said welcome to the migrant who rides towards me so he greets him with a lot of love and some of the scholars say calling him a is also in a way of saying to him about time cuz like everybody else around you has migrated to Medina now and and done what they were supposed to do before the fat before the opening of Mecca but here you are coming as a muhaj to your land in Mecca you're coming back to Mecca as a migrant seeking safety so comes to the prophet wasallam and he puts his head down and he stretches out his hand to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he said oh messenger of Allah what is it that I should say what do I say like where do I even start so the prophet s alaihi wasallam has him repeat the shahada and is highly emotional so he says to the prophet ask Allah to forgive me for all those times I fought against you for all those times I cursed you for all those times I obstructed the way to you seek Allah's forgiveness for me now by the way again like the prophet s doesn't have to do all this stuff he could say look I already let you go at least you know slap on the wrist like you've been at this until the very very last moment but the prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam raises his hands and he said oh Allah oh my Lord forgive him for all the hostility he directed against me for all the battles he fought against me seeking to put out your light forgive him for everything bad he ever said about me in front of me and everything bad he ever said about me when I wasn't even there anything he said about me in my presence anything he said about me in my absence whose face beams right with joy like you know he got that Dua from the prophet that supplication and he said I swear by I swear by Allah oh messenger of Allah I swear by by Allah oh messenger of Allah I will not I will not rest until I spend in the way of Allah everything that I spent against Allah subhana wa T's way and fighting for the cause of Allah just as I fought against the cause of Allah like I'm going to make this up I'm going to redeem myself oh messenger of Allah and he's essentially swearing ing to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam that I want to do everything that I did against you more for you so the prophet won his heart and Islam won his heart at this point not only did he become Muslim as IM narrates his Islam became excellent IM said would go on to distinguish himself as a man who endures the greatest trials for the sake of Allah subhana wa tala that's and his oath and this is really beautiful he narrates that the oath that would take you know he wouldn't just say he would say by the one who saved me on the day of bad there's something deeply profound about this the day of bad was the time that he turned against the prophet s alaihi wasallam truly like his heart was filled with hatred against the prophet because his father died on the day of v on that day of the battle and he realizes that if I would have died on the day of bad if Allah would have decreed that I would be dead on the day of B then I'd be just like my father in the punishment I'd be just another Mini lost in the dpin of history but Allah saved me on that day and Allah brought me to this position and what an amazing favor from Allah subhah wa tala so he would say I swear by the one who saved me on the day of you want more about how excellent his Islam became said it was said that never committed a sin from the day he became Muslim he was you know Brave in battle he would fast long into the days he would stand long into the nights and you would see him in the Masjid holding the Quran to his face at times and he was crying and he was saying the book of my Lord the words of my Lord like he completely transformed and Subhan Allah you have to think about how the rage that he had against the prophet s alaihi wasallam for his father who was the Pharaoh of the umah was blinding him from the beauty of faith and when he allowed Islam to enter into his heart look how much he changed which shows you that what the prophet sallai wasallam wanted for his father now was his reality and it was like whose heart completely changed after becoming uh or or or you know after being one of the greatest enemies of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he went around Mecca after the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he disposed of the idols alongside the prophet sallallah alai wasallam commissioned him uh on and when there was uh the battle of the uh he was one of those who went out as a commander under Abu bakik one of the things that regretted so much is that unlike his two friends he never got to actually be alongside the prophet s wasallam right he never got that that moment had his moment in had his moment in that and Beyond but he never got that right the prophet Sall passed away and he never got to be alongside the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam in those difficult moments but now he is commissioned under ab and as says was one of the Bravest Warriors strong Brave and he was someone who would bring about you know a sense of energy and Zeal to his companions in the battlefield and then it comes down to the day of yuk the battle of Y the Battle of Y which of course we've talked about in great detail over the last few weeks under is where the companions meet in this consequential battle against the Roman Empire and this was really the game Cher as we've said between the Byzantine Empire the Roman Empire and this small group of Muslims and I want you to imagine this day of yuk now and bringing it all back together from the day of on that day of you have commanding the Army you have leading you have leading one flank you have the brother of Abu J and the father-in-law of plunging into the battlefield and leading with great bravery so all of these people that once fought the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam and those who orchestrated against the prophet s alaihi wasallam are now in y and they're all on one side and they're all righteous and Pious men at this point who have completely changed their hearts and you have this man the son of Abu and is leading the Army he sees going deep and he's breaking swords and he's taking hit after hit after hit after hit and has this really emotional conversation with him he tells him don't plunge too deeply because your loss would be a severe hit for the Muslims we need you you're going too hard like I need you to be a bit more strategic about this you're going so deep and we're outnumbered by the Romans here like we got to be strategic about this and the last conversation has with the two men that were commanding the two flanks on the day of leave me you have a past where you got to be alongside the messenger of Allah wasallam you got to be there with the prophet sallallah alai wasallam alhi wasallam and me and my father were of the severest enemies of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam meaning you had your moment with the prophet S wasam I didn't have my moment I was his enemy in every single battle we fought and I never had my moment you had your moment and he says so let meate for all the evil that I did let me expiate for all the evil that I did at this point had donated he was a rich man he inherited the wealth of Abu J donated that all for the sake of Allah tala and now here he is in battle and telling KH KH you you don't know what it's like to be me you don't know the guilt that I carry having fought the prophet s was in every single battle and he said the last thing he said to he said he said I fought the prophet s alaihi wasallam in so many battles you want me to flee from the Romans today you want me to flee from the Romans today I said no way and he called out and he said who's going to go with me and said I'm with you and said I'm with you and they went forth and they had a major part to do with the victory on that day of Y and it was narrated that suffered over 75 wounds on the day of yuk his body was wounded in every direction on the day of yuk and then you have the beautiful ending of this man that comes up in many of the Ramadan fundraisers comes up in many of the Ramadan because if you read in the books of tus the books of spirituality there is a chapter called selflessness and under pretty much every explanation of the no one of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself this story will show up almost in every single explanation of this and it's basically after the battle of imagine the scene is laying and he's wounded over 70 times next to him or amongst the wounded that day the brother of Abu J his uncle and then just a few feet away from who was the brother of Abu jahal through his mother right he shared the same mother with Abu jahal and Abu jahal tortured him and brought him back to Mecca forced him out of Islam and Allah revealed say oh my servants who have transgressed against themselves do not despair from the mercy of Allah all three of them are now laying amongst the wounded and the water carrier he said I looked out to out to the wounded and the first person I went to was I mean this is one of the SS of qur one of the leaders khaled's best friend said I went out to and I tried to give him water and said go to my brother my uncle and check on him first so he said I carried the water and I went toam andam said go to and check on him first so he said I carried the water to and then said go to my brother so and so and so I went to him next and he said so I went around 10 men from the wounded and each of them refused the water and said go to my brother go to my brother go to my brother go to my brother he said and so I went back to and I found that he had died then I went to and he was dead then I went to aash and he was dead and then I went to the rest of the seven men and all of them had died that day so Subhan Allah the ending of is the opposite of his father and it shows you the power of redemption of a man and that this man dies as a Shahed and while his father was too blinded by his greed and oppose the prophet alaihi wasallam becomes the story of the story of selflessness that shows up in the books of but it doesn't stop with him his wife uh after dies after he's martyred she marries if you go back in the first playlist and you go all the way down the first KH we covered was actually not it was this khed who was one of the first Muslims so khed marries her on the night of the battle of which is known as the battle at the gates of Damascus brother Gan is here from Syrian form so we hear about suria and the famous stories of suria may Allah make it easy for our brothers and sisters in the Sham in Syria and in festine and all over Allah there's a famous bridge in Syria known Asim the bridge of and there's a story from the Widow of who was also again an evil woman at one time beating the Drums of persecution against the prophet s Ali wasam and now she's married to and she married the night before and he was martyred in that battle so she was married to him for one night and she picked up a tent pole and she was able to take out seven Roman soldiers by herself and she survived the battle so they named The Bridge the bridge of and then after KH passes away the person who marries her is marries and they have a daughter by the name of Fatima B Omar so Fatima the daughter of Omar Fatima also was the name of the mother of they had this one daughter Fatima and she passes away as well as a widow of they had one son between and whose name was also he became Muslim on the same day as his father and he died as a Shah on the day of yuk as well he's counted amongst the sh of Y and so therefore had no lineage that outlived him but Subhan Allah in this story again is is an incredible story of redemption shows you the way that a person's heart can change it shows you that a way the way that a man who is the son of the most evil that this um has seen could become one of its most righteous could become one of its most distinguished worshippers it shows you not to lose hope in people it shows you not to lose hope in yourself you know when you read a Hadith about those that killed 99 people and those that killed you know people who were forgiven for Grievous crimes you ask yourself did I commit these evil sins did I do these evil Deeds so it shows you the power of your own repentance and it shows you how Allah subh can write the story of a person so differently and what Allah subh saw in the heart of that made him so worthy of having this ending of a Shahid in the Battle of Y instead of a death on the Battle of bad fighting the prophet s alongside his father who was the of this um we ask Allah to be pleased with to be pleased with to be pleased with the righteous that have passed before us and to make us amongst the righteous as well we ask Allah to accept our repentance to forgive us for our shortcomings to show us mercy and to put Mercy in our hearts and to accept our Deeds despite their [Music] shortcomings
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
Views: 115,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 83kR1NKD2m8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 24sec (3144 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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