Overcoming Despair When We See Mutilated Bodies | Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman

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I think that I speak for the majority of us Subhan Allah that when you see the images that come out of particularly ra right now may Allah make it easy for them and give them victory AC their dead cure their wounded and Grant them safety and Tranquility sometimes the imagery produces a certain type of shutdown emotional shutdown that it's very hard for us to psychologically get over that and it has the impact the effect of perhaps diminishing our efforts or diminishing our Dua and so if you think about the range of emotions that get produced when you see people torn up into pieces when you see the meat of human beings trying to be identified put into grocery bags Subhan Allah things that were just not accustomed to seeing when you think about the range of emotions that it produces it actually helps you understand first and foremost the hikma of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam that he forbade something that was very specific and it was a practice of War back then and it has always been a practice of War which is to desecrate the bodies as a means of psychologically breaking down your enemies to crucify or to desecrate the bodies or to make an example out of them as a means of breaking down your enemy psychology that is something that the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam particularly prohibited and there's a wisdom to that that's very obvious that it contradicts everything about the of the Prophet about the mercy of the messenger sallallah alaihi wasallam but what about when it's done to us and so I wanted to kind of analyze through the SE of the Prophet s alaihi wasallam how he taught the companions to deal with gruesome imagery that was right in front of them and sometimes it just means analyzing some of the very specific incidents of the that we're already familiar with but through that particular lens so for example when you hear about and the means by which Abu jahal mared her right it's a very nasty form of literally tearing through her body right with a spear through her midsection someone has to pick up the pieces right and has to sort of come to terms with that and you can imagine the specific test to the faith of those that have to put the pieces back together right of the first Martyrs of Islam and what that can do to someone and how that can shut someone off and Subhan Allah one of those instant and I start with this for a reason is the inant of himself because himself was a victim of a heinous crime which made it very hard to look at him and that is that everywhere from the back of his head all the way down to his lower back the skin was completely burned off it was completely melted off why because his master used to torture him in Islam by taking burning hot coal and she would run it down the back of his head all the way down his neck all the way through his back to where if you looked at him it immediately struck you now imagine the people looking at Kabab and imagine Kabab himself now consider the Hadith that is very well known in the in regards to the subject that we are discussing today and that is the very famous Hadith that says that we complain to the messenger of Allah sallam and we said to him will you not seek victory for us will you not make Dua for us will you not ask Allah subhana tala to hurry up and conclude this affair for us it's getting too much for us it's getting too difficult for us and look at what's happened to me and look at what's happening to my brothers my sisters from the from the weak ones of Mecca the slaves of Mecca who were getting the brunt of it because they had no way to protect themselves in this moment and what did the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam do the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam spoke directly to the root of the matter which was that the imagery can blur perspective the imagery and the pain can blur the ultimate reward that you are seeking and he said Sall wasallam immediately he said alaihi wasallam that before you there used to be a people where a man would be put in the ground and buried halfway he's going to give you a very specific image sallallah wasallam can you imagine the prophet sallai wasallam said that the practice of this people was that when someone would become Muslim they would bury them halfway in the ground and they would slice them into two and the said this way and this way as a means of making an example out of them meaning what that there was a group of Believers that came before you that lived a very difficult time and can you imagine the psychological torture of seeing their brothers and seeing their sisters sliced into two and he said sallam and he said sallallah Al wasallam that they would bring uh these Combs of iron and they would be on fire and they would comb off the meat of people so that the only thing that would be left were the bones of these people Subhan Allah this is gruesome imagery that the prophet s is saying meaning this is not new what you are going through is not new people before you have lived these very gruesome times and he said Sall alai was and none of that would be enough to turn these people away from their religion none of that would turn turn them away from Al Islam but here's what's very interesting there is a range of emotions that Kabab is speaking to it's anger why is this happening to us and we want to be able to do something back to them it is frustration right that when is the nusle of Allah going to come there is there's a range of emotions there's despair that could come as a result of that as well right that are we are we ever going to get out of this and what did the prophet sallai wasallam choose to speak to he said s he said Sall wasallam I swear by Allah Allah will see this matter through meaning at the time where Victory seems most unlikely I swear by Allah Allah will see this matter through for the community for the umah to the point that a person will be able to ride from to may Allah bless our brothers and sisters in Yemen from to from to only fearing Allah and perhaps that maybe a wolf would attack their sheep what is the prophet s speaking to fear in Mecca you had to look over your shoulder because these people were crazy they spared none of the the prophet s is saying there will come a time where not only will you not fear the effect of the you know fear in your own vicinity but a person will be able to travel wide Slots of the umah in complete safety fearing no one but Allah subhanahu wa taala but he said you're too hasty be patient with Allah subhana waala someone says you know when it's been this many days the months are going on when when when if could hear from the prophet wasallam don't be Hasty with your lord who are we to become Hasty with Allah subhanahu waala so I wanted to start with this Hadith for a reason that the prophet Salli wasallam his hikma always spoke to the root and for us today I think that I speak for everyone when I say also that when something is out of sight it's easier to reason with it meaning if you did not see what was happening in Gazza today if you didn't have the imagery of it but you knew the facts on the ground then maybe it wouldn't be as paralyzing right maybe it wouldn't be as paralyzing you'd be able to be a little bit more rational a you know you'd be able to maybe analyze the facts look at the political winds see the light at the end of the tunnel but when you're looking at it fear anger rage despair all of those things can sip sit in and there could be a fear that there won't be victory for the community and that the individual will not be paid back in the way that they should be paid back this was never more apparent than in and I want to take you through some of those scenes in because thisi I thought of in particular describes his unle who ran towards the battlefield on the day of and he saw fleeing or or leaving the battlefield and he said where are you going oh I can smell coming from and he dove into the battlefield and he was killed now look at the rest of the Hadith Subhan Allah because it gives you perspective he said when they were trying to identify the bodies of the people of they couldn't figure out who this was because of how badly he was murdered because of how badly his body was desecrated until his sister was able to identify him by his fingertips or by a mole on his body Subhan Allah think about that so when you see the scenes of unidentifiable human beings the Liv thisam lived this with his companions where people were completely desecrated top to bottom where nothing was apparent of who they were to where you'd have to look at the fingertips and find someone who was most intimate with that person to be able to tell who this person is in the same moment they go around and there's a hikma from the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam which is the prophet s alaihi wasallam was trying to stop some of the loved ones from seeing their family members in that state it's also it's also wisdom and it's also Mercy who says my father was brought forth on the day of and his body was made an example of they chopped they cut off his nose they they poked his eyes they did things to his face but they they wiped him right he was one of the chiefs of Medina and my people stop me as they should right to not go and see my father in that state because what's what good is going to come out of seeing your father in that state and he said but at that point when he was eventually seen that there was this loud voice that came out a woman shouted and it was his mother or his I'm sorry his sister or his daughter his sister or his daughter the prophet Sall asked who is that and he said it's his sister or his daughter the prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam responded he said so I swear by Allah that the angels have shaded him with their wings until he was raised up is the prophet just giving generic advice as he just you know throwing something out there that might land with her as the prophet s speaking again to the root of the problem you see what you see you see a body that is missing some of its natural Parts I see an extension that Allah subhana has given to it you see ja without arms I see him with the wings flying around Jen you see your father laying on the ground the blood flowing and seeping into the ground barely recognizable I see a man that is ascending to the heavens with the angels shading him how do we deal with this dear brothers and sisters Subhan Allah there is a a Divine scheme and there is a wisdom to how we approach the Divine scheme and it comes down to two things time and value the Hereafter is better and everlasting time and value and the reward of the Hereafter is better and longer lasting meaning anytime we are struck with a situation like this if we're struck with a pain in this world we remember that it is a limited time and that the reward from Allah subhana T will be greater than the pain that was felt here when we Face some sort of a worldly trial we remember how temporary it is when the body is devastated we remember that the soul will go on and that what happens to the body is limited whereas what the soul is rewarded with is greater and so how do we deal with all of these situations it is a consistent methodology from the prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam that something has to be better than this in order to deal with what's immediate in front of us this isn't it you are seeing with a very particular lens but this is not it and every single time we see a body that is desecrated we have to remember that and every single time we see someone who seems unrecognizable we have to remember that what would the prophet wasam had said to us if he was walking around the way he did in if he was walking around and he was comforting those families he would have reminded them sallallahu alai wasallam that this is not it that what has happened to them is temporary and limited and the reward of Allah subhana wa taala is comprehensive and forever Everlasting but with that being said and I want to come to this at the end of the day at think we're all human we're all human and the prophet s lost someone so beloved to him on that day ham and we know how Hamza was desecrated and the prophet sallallah Al wasallam he told he told Zu to stop Saia the sister of Hamza from coming forward because he knew that if safia saw the body of Hamza that it was going to be absolutely devastating to her so even though the prophet is in his pain standing over the body of he says go stop your mom and she wouldn't stop until Zu said that the prophet orders you to stop otherwise if it was just her son she kept on walking towards the body of H now with the prophet sallallah wasallam one of the things one of the that's narrated from the prophet wasallam is as he was standing over you'll find it in the books of that the prophet wasallam said I will mutilate 70 of them in your place it's one of the things that we find in the books of now again Hadith methodology is a little more stringent in fact a lot more stringent than the books of s because they say that an Ayah came down after this now whether the prophet s was said these exact words or not you can imagine the sentiments right that what was done to us we will do to them however what is more authentically narrated in the books of Hadith about the a that they say is related to this because we don't find you know a particular narration that completely checks out in terms of authenticity tracing back to the prophet s even though we know the anger and the hurt of the Prophet Salli wasallam that day is indeed what narrated that when the sahaba finished picking up the pieces they looked around and they said to themselves that if we have a day upon them like they had upon us we will show them what they show to us we're going to double it we will do to them what they did to us we will mutilate them like they mutilated us we will do to their bodies what they did to our bodies and then guess what that day came and that day was the day ofat and you know when you've been through something like that you don't forget for a person who would have lost his loved one in in that brutal way walking into Mecca now and having these people at his Mercy is like yesterday it's not years ago it's not a decade ago it's yesterday right this is the day I was waiting for to do to you what you did to my loved one to put you to the sword the way you put my loved one to the sword to wipe your body to do to your face I mean Subhan Allah it's human to think that way it's human to feel that way and this Hadith is authentic this is where Allah subhana tala revealed on the day of that if you are struck if you have been punished or if you punish them then punish them with exactly what you were punished with but if you show patience and in this Ayah here patience means Grace then Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has certainly prepared a better reward for those who are patient meaning Allah is telling them on that day when they have that power that they swore that they would one day take revenge don't do it the reward with Allah subhana is better and who continues in this narration he says there was a man who said There is not going to be any after today is done and the prophet sallallah wasallam said leave them except for four and we've already talked about who those four are in the first leave them except for four so the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam did not do this nor did he allow the companions to do this and of the instructions Subhan Allah that we find in authentic Hadith that the prophet Sall would give to an army when he dispatched them he would say Sall alhi [Music] wasallam he said sallallah alai wasallam when he would send out a military dispatchment do not mutilate do not mutilate it's not who we are we don't mutilate people's bodies we hate when it's done to us it's disgusting and the first thing you tell yourself when you say is may Allah protect me from becoming a like that alhamdulillah we're not the that we see on the other side alhamdulillah we're not these people because these people on the day of judgment are going to have a long eternity they're not going to be dancing on tick tock on the day of judgment they have long eternity ahead of them of punishment and may Allah allow us to see that punishment with our own two eyes but may Allah protect us from ever becoming that evil how sick how evil may Allah protect us from ever inheriting that evil or and justing that evil ourselves so the first thing he would say was is don't mutilate then don't be treacherous subh Allah we see the lies the treachery the ceasefire agreements we see the treachery constant treachery the lies the treachery don't be treacherous and he said don't steal from The Spoils of War and he said and don't kill a child these are our ethics as Muslims this is who we are so dear brothers and sisters in conclusion once again does it feel like you want to shut down when you see the bodies being mutilated absolutely but you remind yourself this is temporary this is limited what Allah has promised is forever and what Allah has promised is better as for the umah that's where the Prophet Sall alaihi wasallam said Allah will see this affair through some of you saw that I got to meet brother I could do a t of that entire lesson of two hours I'll just tell you this Subhan Allah he didn't say a word of complaint and what he said he said alamah Allah chose us to be one of the of his one of the means by which he brings Victory inshallah and even if I don't live to see that Victory I know that my entire family was chosen to be one means of the means of Victory may Allah make us of the means of Victory and may Allah subhana wa taala not deprive us of the reward and may Allah never allow us to be paralyzed by what we see in front of us and may Allah allow us to be focused on what we believe is ahead of us
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
Views: 121,247
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Keywords: yaqeen institute, islamic research, islamic lectures, islamic studies, islam, faith, iman, omar suleiman
Id: UrD2HjsQRLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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