She puts the GREAT in Great Pyrenees

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today we are giving Zella the Great Pyrenees a much needed makeover okay Zella I'm going to get a bath you are in far better shape than your sister was so zella's sister is Zen for those of you who already saw her video she had a pretty insane transformation she was extremely dirty covered in ticks very compacted now Zella here is definitely going to blow coat we'll see if she has ticks as well her nails are also very long but she is not nearly as dirty as Zen good girl good girl good girl the experiences that I have had with Great Pyrenees have all been wonderful except for maybe one that I groomed they just seem to be really chill sweet dogs right good girl good girl Zella you're really pulling on that leash you don't have to the owner is actually away and his dogs are at a boarding kennel and the boarding kennel asked me if I would be willing to groom these two dogs while he's away he is aware and he did give permission for me to groom and film them but it'll be interesting to see his reaction when he comes to pick them up because they will be very clean and beautiful so the boarding pennel actually drop them off for the owner which is really nice your dirtiest spot seems to be underneath your chin here why are you pulling so much you don't have to pull you don't need to choke yourself it's okay okay good girl it's okay Zella I see a lot of comments from people um specifically groomers asking me why I use this setup to bathe my big dogs because I have to do a lot of bending and stuff like that I find using the walk-in shower to be easier than using my bathtub because when I'm grooming a dog of this size if they go to sit in the bathtub I am very short so it's hard for me to lean over the tub and then lift the dog up um to prevent them from sitting I will be using my back entirely to try and do that where if I'm in the shower sometimes I can still bathe them if they're sitting and if I do have to force them to stand I can use my legs to lift as opposed to using my back so me personally I just find that my shower is easier to work with with large dogs like this as opposed to using my bathtub ideally if this shower was designed to be open so I didn't have to be cornered in the shower with a large unknown dog it would have been best but I didn't have the ability to do that in my current shop because I just don't have the space for it which is the reason why I built the shower like this but if I were to build another shop which I hope to do one day I definitely have some different designs in mind that would be better for working with large dogs in a small area are you going to have ticks on you like your sister I guess we'll find out when we blow dry you I'm going to give you another shampoo cuz this one won't be enough I'm going to rinse her down and then I'm going to give her another shampoo and in some whitening shampoo you look so worried it's okay you're fine I get a lot of comments from people in regards to me grooming for free and I just wanted to point something out the reason why I mention it in a lot of my videos is because not everybody sees every video so not everybody knows that I groom for free and the reason why it's important that people do know that I groom for free is because of a couple of reasons the first reason being people that can't afford grooming um or simply don't want to pay for it a lot of their animals are neglected and being able to provide my Grooms for free means that those people people will get their pets groomed which is obviously beneficial to the animal so that's the reason why I mention it a lot so that people maybe that didn't know that might refer a friend that whose dog or cat maybe should desperately be groomed and maybe they will actually do it because they know they don't have to pay for it that's the first reason and the second reason why I mention it so much is because I want the viewer to know that their views are going towards something that's important so by watching my content I'm able to groom dogs for free and I just think that that's really incredible that as a community we're able to do that it's not something I ever thought in a million years I would ever be able to do and I am really proud of it and really happy for the amount of pets that otherwise may have gone without care so in case you're wondering why it's mentioned so much that's why it's mentioned so much it's not me bragging hey look at me I get to groom for free it has really nothing to do with bragging at all but yeah I see a lot of your negative comments about it and it just really makes me sad because I thought I was doing something great for the animals and then it gets turned into something else which is just stupid in my opinion but yeah like you right you're getting a nice free groom maybe you wouldn't have if it wasn't free so now you get to be clean it's okay even though it's quite early to mention this I do want to mention mention it because I'm really excited about it and it's going to be really difficult for me to keep this a secret for a really long time so in July we're not 100% sure on the date yet but I will be throwing a huge fundraiser for a local dog rescue and it's going to be a really large event that is familyfriendly that's going to have a lot of fun activities I will give you guys a little insight that we are probably going to have a dog fashion show and different types of contests like that so oh I just got purple shampoo all over me great so if you guys are interested in meeting me or meeting my pets because my dogs will be there or simply supporting the cause and having a really fun time plan a trip out to Niagara Falls in July I will give you guys more information about that as it comes but I am super excited to raise money for this well-deserved dog rescue that is close to where I live and yeah I'm just really excited to give back and have a lot of fun at this event it's going to be kidfriendly I know that kids are going to have an awesome time at this event and it'll just be a lot of fun so if you guys want to come out stay tuned watching my content for more information I'm going to use this whole bottle of purple of shampoo on you well I got to keep turning H okay I'm going to let that sit while I do the face okay normally I would rinse the face first but I don't want to rinse off any of the purple shampoo yet so I've just diluted the tearless and I am going to pour that on and scrub it in hey stay there let's get your head in the shower so we can try to prevent water from going everywhere NOP NOP good girl altogether the bath took 50 minutes she got three shampoos one in nasty Critter deep cleaning another in fluff off deshedding and a third in purple shampoo and then she got a conditioner in fluff off conditioner right now we do going do a first towel dry with a towel then I'll use the absorber and then it's off to the blow dryer you are going to blow a lot of coat do a good brush oh yeah you are definitely going to blow coat now she stood the entire time that she was in the bathtub so I'm going to let her sit for a bit it's going to be difficult to dry her with her sitting but I will eventually have her stand with the belly band but I'm going to give her a bit of a break and let her sit cuz I do think that she's tired I got to be prepared to find ticks on you hopefully none of them fly off onto me that would be great yeah I can see some spots where she has scabbing from ticks that have already been pulled off [Music] see this I'm just giving her a little bit of a break before we blow dry the other side just because it does get warm in here I'm going to open up the window get some cold air and offer her some water I don't really want to take her off the table to give her a break just because I had a little bit of trouble getting her on the table and once she knows what the table means she might choose not to get on it and because she is so large it would be kind of hard for me to lift her onto it dogs hold a lot of heat around their ears as well so I'm going to take this off give her a bit of a breather I'm going to give her about a 10-minute break window is open she'll get all cooled down and then I will start drying this side go I think I found a tick got to use the dryer to find [Music] it in total she took me an hour and 10 minutes to dry so I'm going to let her off the table now I'm going to give her a break I'm going to clean up the shop a little bit then I'm going to try to put her back on the table to brush her out if she doesn't want to go back on the table I will let her lay on the ground and I will finish her on the ground okay girl you going to do some brushing I know you've just about had enough of me her head and face is still a little bit wet she really didn't like the dryer in matter what dryer I used on her head and face so we're just not going to finish blow drying it it's pretty dry it's just a little bit damp on her ears right she has mates behind her ears which I need to shave out oh you have a lot more matting than I know noticed when I was blow drying you what the heck okay can we try to stand come on stand up come on come on buddy come on come on come on girl we got to stand okay thank you good girl off this side is brushed out hopefully she lets me clip these nails do claws I know it'll be easier for her if I do this without lifting her paws so while this paw is in a position to be shaved without lifting that's what I'm going to do see this one good girl it's okay this side is done let's turn and do your other side okay she about this matting again that's really the only matting this dog has had on her whole body is just behind the ears which is really good for a dog that who knows when the last time this dog got groomed or if this dog has ever been groomed I'm not sure when you see me holding the ear like this when I'm brushing it's not me pulling on the ear the reason why I hold the ear is because if I don't I run the risk of grabbing it when I'm brushing and sometimes that can be really uncomfortable for the dog so I just like to hold it out of the way while I brush look how pretty you look you're going to go outside and run around in the snow you're going to look really cute out there in all the [Music] snow she has some fluffy hair on her paws I think I'm just going to tidy up a little bit she doesn't really have Grinch feet like the average fluffy dog so in total she took me 2 hours and 45 minutes to groom I'm going to let her outside to play in the snow I'm sure she's going to look really pretty with her fresh clean white coat running around in our fresh snowfall thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you again in a few days
Channel: Girl With The Dogs 2
Views: 466,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KcSFupPscjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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