Hades Walkthrough: Part 1 (No Commentary) [Full Release]

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[Music] few tales are told of hades whose very name inspires fear and penitence reminding us of the inevitable fate which we all share i however mean to tell you such a tale listen carefully goodbye father to hell with this place i'm leaving try and stop me [Music] oh back to dust there she is it's got to be her then here goes nothing um in the name of hades olympus i accept this message hail noble cousin now let's get you from that miserable place i'll see that all of us upon olympus do our part beginning here with me i know you can't hear me all the way where you are goddess but thank you [Music] hello mates [Music] look [Music] have a nice death good good surprise battle this one was bound to show up i guess in the name of hades olympus i accept this message you've got quite the fighting spirit in you there i have to say most intriguing and yet no surprise for someone born in hell itself you come on out there and tell me all about it i'm a fellow student of death you see the will to fight [Music] loud next look what i found each exit has its own reward so that sound that was revelry people having a good time well sure then in the name of hades olympus i'll accept this message hey there zag man how's it going look you have got to get here with the rest of us already we've been saving you a spot let me see what i can do make life a little sweeter for you in the meantime [Music] leave it to the god of wine to liven things up around here [Music] [Music] so [ __ ] the underworld's power nice which path [Music] wretched [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] can't heal myself but i can fight [Music] oh uh i don't know [Music] in the name of hades you're dead wonder where i can use this food true do your worst huh they absorb my blow i think the gods should come in handy numbskulls [Music] huh oh oh damn it i'm home oh yes carry on everyone don't mind me welcome to the house of hades where wait i know you guess that means you died out there huh well don't be sad though pretty much everybody dies sometime [Music] some of us more than others back already boy i told you nobody gets out of here whether alive or dead so how was your want and ransacking of my domain greetings father my ransacking was a delight thank you for asking so i'll just be on my way again be on your way indeed what do i care you shall never reach the surface go see for you have come home do not despair child such setbacks are inevitable and may be overcome with effort and with time he made contact with the goddess athena she shall be true to her word i believe it next i'm grateful that you put us into contact i know you took a considerable risk in reaching out the risk is not to me i expected the olympians would involve themselves in this eventually reveal to them no more than they already know are we understood yes we are then go there's a good boy infernal watchdog surprise regards the underworld prince with mixed emotions from purest joy to deepest melancholy you watch over things for me won't you boy you know i'd take you if i could you've returned good to see you lad despite the circumstances remember your training out there the pain of death is but another obstacle and fear is for the weak take care achilles the house of hades that dark and lavishly appointed layer of the underworld's king is home not just to him but to his willful brotherny you know i can hear you old man hey room i'm back night and darkness guide me good to go the bed chambers of prince zagreus lie in a perpetual state of utter disarray despite his lord and master of the house repeatedly insisting that he pick everything up oh come on it's not that bad is it okay empty for now i like the necessary keys there we go color knocked the heart seeker let's deal some depth over here i can escape through that pink window there nice place you got here boyo named skelly how's it going but enough with the small talk already i'm here to do a job so let me have it give me everything you got i don't remember having you on payroll mate who's your supervisor oh i'm not about to wrap my sources pal just try and beat it out of me if you insist yeah that's it oops bet i got you pretty good i can do this first get past the wretched shades of tartarus easier said than done and doubtless i'll be running into meg the river flame up to be just beyond find a way up to elysium from there and after that all right let's give it another shot again thunder is that is this really him okay in the name of hades olympus i accept this message greetings there young man look your father's always been rather difficult and he's not so much as cold in quite some time he'll have a better home where you belong here on olympus and to help you on your journey have my blessing lord uncle zeus lending his support never thought i'd see the day or night whenever you wretches crushed yes what do we have here [Music] i always come back that was close uh [Music] wow this can unlock something back home come on in yes oh it's her that must be a mess let's see here hi there in the name of hades olympus i accept this message why hello hello there little godling i have to say you're quite the specimen and so i've decided i shall aid you for the moment you interested interested in the power to break hearts sure i don't see why not let's see what's in here get dead no you don't duck first they got me no way to patch up got to keep going i think i hear the river [Music] karan's shop my good to see you care on mate just minding my own business taking in the sights and hey what's that you got some sort of whales for sale and i'll just have a look around young the infernal wares of the stygian boatman carry on lie sprawled about available for sale whomever would be willing to quench the boatman's great thirst for riches that would be me [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] true [Music] [Music] i can use this to unlock a weapon witches [Applause] [Music] just out [Applause] [Applause] did you happen to know my kitten that you have slain more than 100 foes since you began your quest you have for i am keeping count and i am most impressed which way oh no no need to be in such a hurry boy okay now die like a mere mortal that was too much
Channel: NeatPick
Views: 89,902
Rating: 4.8584728 out of 5
Keywords: hades, hades game, hades gameplay, hades walkthrough, hades no commentary, supergiant games, roguelite
Id: xhy_2ZSJuLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 9sec (1989 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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