Getting to Hades with ZERO boons to get secret dialogue! /Hades/

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uh let's sum up what we're doing here we're doing is the new zag aspect bow which has 15 critical chance we're using the new shattered shackle which went from 80 percent to a hundred percent damage bonus i'm gonna use kelly's rib because apparently he has more health um uh we're using faded authority we're gonna try to do zero boons we we're gonna be forced to take boons is the thing at times and there's nothing i can do about it uh the goal here is to only take boons that i'm going to eventually sell uh if i pick up a boon for let's say the attacker special then i'm not allowed to use that move while i have that boom that's the best i could do does chaos count so here's the thing like i used to think that chaos did not count but according to youtube comments chaos definitely counts i was very wrong apparently according to youtube comments uh family favors cancelled i guess it doesn't matter which one i take why am i listening to youtube comments that's a good question all right so i probably i'll try to do 20 heat let's get rid of forced overtime this is actually quite challenging by the way this is actually going to be quite challenging i don't know what hammer i'm going to get oh god i'm already frightened i'm convenience for you maybe we're gonna have so much gold i think yeah let's do one conveniently we're gonna have so much gold em4 boonless we got those boys i still owe over 500 push-ups but how no that's that's stupid i did a bunch what happened customs customs is on customs is fine because uh turn family favorites off but it doesn't matter right privileged status or family favorites all right we got this which am i going for when shot triple shot anything like that really get the five percent bonus while you have a boom with family oh so you're saying family favorites is cheating you guys are saying family favorites is cheating all right all right twitch chat you win this round fine all right here we go boomless i don't know what hammer i'm gonna get i don't know what's even in the start here perfect shot why why perfect shot zanger oh we start with a hammer that's good well these are probably the three best i mean it has to be the twins right it has to be the twins triple is actually really good but i mean the twins what aoe hmm it's possible to get screwed and stick still as long as i save some rolls it's extremely unlikely that i will be forced to take uh boons and stuff welcome twitchers big ball alien all right i'm doing twins come on two hundo out of the gate here i do have the right things on all right so i try to roll this away right to not get a boon on my authority bam easy game boys ripple is one of the worst hammers gasps all right i'm gonna avoid chaos to be fair in the text it does say boons of chaos yeah godzillion see you soon uh like in the box when you pick up uh chaos it does say boons with chaos all right since i split welcome yui what's up quick recap we are trying to do a boonless run on the recently buffed zag aspect bow recently buff shattered shackle i'm gonna guess that shatter shackle doesn't get taken very much huh here's the thing though what about like deuces keepsake right what is it the feather duster or something do people take that do people use that does that not need a buff am i wrong here love the feather duster starting out i honestly don't know maybe it's okay when you're starting out i would want some track push-ups no nobody wants to add or subtract push-ups because it costs so much now we're experimenting with the channel points you could say all right so i have to take a boon here so i'll just take afro i just want to not get anything that i i'd have to use so like the special i can avoid using they nerfed errors okay okay so this is all the test branches not in the live version of the game they're trying out some buffs and some nerfs basically some balancing all right so just don't cast for a while right that almost screwed me actually that was kind of close to screwing me over i mean it was pretty good right we have to admit it was pretty good man thanatos keepsake would have been so good for this run but then i wouldn't have the shackle see the dilemma i'm probably not gonna need money i'm gonna go this way pretty good for beerus this is usually a heal to per room keeps from losing a death defiance early okay okay that's fair that's fair yeah the game doesn't offer too many ways to heal i was watching uh i only watched for like 30 minutes probably the switch version not get patched it will eventually they're trying to finish the cross saves first um i was watching uh a new player play the game you guys probably know him uh and a streamer grand poo bear plays mario maker mostly or a lot i guess we're gonna palm this or something um but it was kind of interesting because i hadn't watched a new player play in a long time and see the choices that were made you know and it's just kind of remind me that it's not always obvious how but uh the correct choices are and stuff and even like his chat like sometimes give questionable advice too what was it no i didn't say anything really i wasn't gonna i don't i don't backseat [Music] nothing onward uh what was it they said something was bad and it was funny to me they said something was really bad oh no no no no no wait wait wait wait they convinced them to take crystal beam uh saying it was excellent against bosses and then he lost two death defiances to the furies and to be fair it actually worked pretty well for him against learning but against like the sisters it's not gonna do much right or the heroes it only works on learning if you don't get the duo boons yeah so they told him to take it like super early what other decisions were interesting um so he kind of fell into this trap where when he he picked up a palm i have to sell the cast now very good more skelly he picked up a palm and he got um he got kind of locked into this place where he saw a bigger number and decided to palm uh that's fidel uh like sort of the what i would consider the wrong thing hey arctos so like he palmed like a special and he's using like chaos shield which is fine but it was like demeter on the special and just wasn't really working for him and again that's not really like it wasn't chad's fault either and until you like you get to know the game like a lot lot more like he's only played for i don't know probably not even 10 hours no chaos allowed oh these are boons so i think he palmed the uh demeter special when he probably should have pawned something else oh [ __ ] i got distracted i don't know about another oh it's fine side hustle that's a boon hey deliask edge beast thanks for that switch prime boldy says thanks your father i think you can beat me there's one way to find out it does just kind of remind me that there are so many things in the game that just like sound way better than they are i managed to jump right into that and it's just like such a trap when you don't know the ins and outs now i have so much health come on let's go man see you at home but you just not allowed to take boons for attack and special slot i'm just going to avoid boons all together because apparently there's a special dialogue if we get to hades without any boons so that's what we're hoping for all right to avoid that boon best i can gonna visit right sorry key the key doesn't give us a re-roll if i buy it in the shop it'd be kind of cool if it did it's unfortunate all right skelly mate oh i can't summon skelly i forgot oh ships oh see skelly's just continuously letting me down oh whoa okay i don't know how that worked but i'll take it ah dude put whale on on me trying skelly versus caron again i forgot instead of making it not possible they should just have it have a funny dialogue try to get me there karen didn't you good thing i have all this generosity poppy keepsake buffed or nerfed it's nerfed on the test branch do i skelly here please kelly out it's the only way skelly no [ __ ] keep hitting him wow i can't really oh i almost got him well rip skelly all right i have to take a boon please don't screw me over here all right well i can't crystal beam for a while that's annoying why couldn't give me a stupid boon more health guys that's the only way all right so i'm not allowed to cast if i forget then i owe 10 push-ups not that it matters we could just you could just add an erroneous number of push-ups really at this point oh i guess i'm going this way can you get rare crop with no boons probably not why would i buy that i'll buy the health cheese for the discount one more health yes you can find the notes and uh a discord super giant i know i saw miss kelly here i do summon him but i don't know when is it possible skelly's actually best for non-boss chambers maybe maybe not best but better kelly faire biscuits i've heard that i can't even put in a cast because the crystal beam he's getting murdered over there ow still managed to get hit by things he's alive we'll kill these guys in the meantime he's still alive no now he's not oh jesus he's murdered by learning over here got him give us something for bat for daddy got it no more heads box box who don't know [Music] not the learning death anything about that cause i'll buy that no crystal right right okay let's go beautiful you always have learning for the hydro fight yes me a learning keepsake that'd be fun we had a learning romance while we're at it all right no boons hey quincy hello oh [ __ ] fine whoa so far we're doing pretty good right extreme measures four might start to get a little dicey all right second hammer this could be important hammer boon well we can't we have to get hammers a lot of times like i started chamber one with it and i can't get rid of this what can i do right so we're gonna have to say that hammers are okay i am avoiding chaos though what do we got oh that perfect shot that sounds nice i i didn't remember that you could get explosive i haven't taken explosive in so long all three of these are actually kind of useful explosive shot probably sucks though right and though i kind of like perfect shot closest for memes [Music] also too slow i kind of agree with that uh hey crappy boy hey ben closer top makes it worse i agree explosive shot would be the meme take i think it's kind of you could take either of those but i think we'll be shockingly surprised by how much uh damage this is gonna do i'll just honestly well i can't avoid this boon so i take aphrodite i don't know whatever i don't think it really matters by the way oh nice he soaked one of those things and then i killed him immediately totally worth six hundo on the crits it's so weird to me when they buffed wow i almost extra killed him bring best boy oh he's hard to not hit oh i aphrodite i couldn't avoid a boon here so we're taking crash oh wait no just take the special because i'm not going to use that oh thank god because i want to be able to use the cast all right so i try to roll away from that i'll just take whatever oh [ __ ] i did not attach where i thought i would how did that miss next so chain shot for the bow there is a downside when you think about it because it no longer penetrates enemies um payment in full whatever i have so much money and it just um i would do the arab escape but like why uh so that's like a slight downside you do get the bonus damage from it chaining and it kind of adds this like uh what would you call it it's the term i'm looking for here i don't know homie homing type of thing to it but it doesn't always work that well honestly we do a lot of damage the thing is though like when does shatter shackle really fit into a run anyway there are it's like almost in a place where it's just like i'm gonna take this if you don't know like how the run's gonna start but it's still only almost time to fight wow hey teleports oh you bastard getting a call i get like five spam calls a day ever since i took that one spam call where there was nothing said weird how that works now oh come on i thought there was a well over here ap2 runs why would we ever do that many projectiles it's wound up being a max health run without life affirmation we haven't done one of those in a while oh god the price sure be fine nothing to worry about it was actually kind of nice it's kind of weird how it's still okay even here all right just one moon to sell then we're good baby looking saucy you think that you can get through me all right so do i save skelly for when theseus is down or something i don't know maybe oh i really didn't think he'd hit me the damage is good this is spicy i don't know where my cast went okay they're all right here apparently ow come here stop getting hit got him all right now we put skelly behind the pillar there used to be like lots of cheese strats with skelly but it seems like those are mostly over there he's soaking up all the hits boys oh that was kelly's gone he's dead that didn't last long he had one purpose don't know if that skelly sprite is worth it okay we're good [Applause] all right okay right so that all stays the same sell that know what you're going to anyway buy everything sure i'm not going to really need the money for promised mandatory emotes that was never promised oh i see where you're saying majin i don't know what combo attack they're talking about i'm not sure what they mean have you guys seen what a palm does when you have no boons man this is a really unlucky shop boom baby i just lost money stocks we have big health here so this way first maybe it's in here i kind of forgot we had underworld customs on we didn't really get to find out hey sergio we didn't really get to find out uh what happens if you have underworld custom font and you don't have a boon to sell but nothing i can really do about it i'm still curious like it probably just doesn't make it do anything it's pretty unlikely that it soft locks the game like they didn't consider it right all right i can use the special since i don't have any bones i'm gonna re-roll the other mini boss door after this to hopefully get to that oh wait no i gotta take health second shoot probably i guess i don't skelly here because this thing's just going to be dead he hit me oh the rat hit me it's pretty good for this mini boss since uh the seder doesn't just poisons you more than anything okay i'm into the cheap uh oval message highlight messages you know inflation is crazy what can i tell you the nasdaq like you know all over the place you know wall street is uh you know it's a mess up there no way let's see here this might come in i don't know buy some things not yet all right well i guess we just go if you insist game hold on can i afford that titan's blood in the shop i really want it oh man really that's quite a stash there caron bruh paradigm man now let's just go i don't i don't need titan's blood i don't need titan's blood i just felt like getting it to karen's discount i also have convenience fee on because the palm if i didn't buy the palm we would have had enough money you're right you're actually right hey godspeed he's hard hey cnv crisp cold air what if titan's bloods titan's blood needs me good question mary a whiff about olympus on you this time how is it that you clattered all this way without the generous support of your dear family doubtless you merely purge their blessings for some coin damn right why is he smelling me hey i resent that father i'm more than capable of getting here all on my own now thanks such arrogance has led to many immortals downfall and many a gods that's it that's the whole thing i don't have a defensive keepsake uh maybe i skelly after he starts summoning ads or something depends on the ad organ head that sounds like a pretty good idea actually well the gorgon's gonna die hey bro maybe the next wave of enemies oh surprise that did not hit me honestly [Music] all right what are these enemies maybe i do skelly now put him in the corner i wish i just couldn't target skelly you know what i mean not that i can't hit him but i just don't auto target him that'd be nice honestly kelly no but the thing is you can auto target skelly ow is he dead kelly dead rips kelly he's too beautiful for this world bad yeah this justin skelly still sucks oh would be cool if the pods hurt dad or something like that like there was another mechanic for it no oh i hit that [ __ ] [ __ ] dad if i say dog okay okay here we go where's my where's my cast at jesus here we go boys special better breaking pots good point [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] god whoa dad ow [Music] he's dead rip it we're fine do you hear me um 100 shattered shackle seems pretty good it's not bad got you all right it's all right by my father's name mentor's toughness hammers carried whatever b would have been fine run with no mirror that's terrible no i hate them jackal buff 20 didn't even put it on here crying out loud boom hundred percent now that's 100 percent aspect of zag on the bose now 15 critical chance welcome cosmic uh so yeah two small buffs this is on the test branch so it might not hit the live version of the game honestly and yeah that was uh no boons you know i believe it mark oh hey didn't see you there you know while you're still here maybe should go on over and check out what's going on on the stream come on over and say hi to us
Channel: Haelian
Views: 524,371
Rating: 4.9142299 out of 5
Keywords: hades, build, aspect, update, new, gameplay, op, game, version, 1.0, launch, persephone, ending, secret, hidden, bow, zag, zagreus, no boons, zero boons, boonless, shattered shackle, keepsake, buff, patch, changes, crit, gods, dialogue
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 35sec (2015 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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