World First No-Hit Hades Run | Haelian

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gosh darn it [Music] oh dude [ __ ] archer it's fine we'll get there ptsd from the archers right please no dionysus all right we'll be selling that there we go it's weird how often we've gotten denver's attacking these runs like it's it i'm not really going out of my way restart no it's not that big of a deal if we get like a completely useless hammer then maybe the rails hit in power rocket bombs the only usable one here kind of bad i don't really like rocket power with this hey b dude brimstones all right american why would i not want rockets an extra button to manage piercing fire explo even explosive fire ricochet fire are just kind of better and easier to manage not that i don't want it but there are better options huh i don't think i'm gonna skip the shop to get poseidon as good as it could be i'll settle for afros attack here's defeat roll for the dash it's not that big of a deal we don't need something amazing on the attack we do it we do enough yeah triple is pretty pog i mean cluster rockets is good but we need range rocket bomb you have a longer freezing animation when shooting it's a bit scary especially with triple bomb it's just the attack is uh very good so there's no reason better i think the spamming the attack is better than using uh rocket bomb really get better control no need to try to one-up it with rocket bomb not even a sound effect when they did that it's scary anything i need oh the attack here we go god's currently strength boy rockets are amazing just not for this particular challenge exactly there's not a clear uh indicator when you can fire the rocket again whereas with hestia and the reload it's a bit more clear it's not like we need more damage or anything we just need to knock it i'm taking more effort eddie the only thing here that does anything i'm pretty sure sweet surrender uh dying woman is still pretty good very scary sequence there hello thank you oh we almost got that bug again remember that bug not what i need right now it's not normal for the boom many to open so quickly like that i already want a zelda special buying a mint is quite good here sweet render is okay but i think it's worth rolling again here we already have a dash how about a different set of choices then well we got jammed none of these mean anything so i guess i take the bigger rarity i don't know not that we need the money usually should be useful this all the green guys i don't need money no go away take purple i have like three boons worth selling you really think i'm worried about money i can take this because the deflect only triggers if i get hit in which case the runs ruined anyway so technically it doesn't matter but i don't like that we have athena in the god pool now please be nice alecto here come the projectiles [Music] jesus oh that that's the move that i hate and more to sell right tell them all baby so much my keepsakes oops sure give me uh i probably shouldn't buy those might mess me up butterflies at 24 it's higher than normal i don't think we got a fountain or boulder so actually a little bit more than average sally or only boone from a god do they then leave the god pool make room for another nope they're still gonna be there so i'm still going to be offered athena boone's hey ronnie does the run take my elbows right you bet against i can see that son of a [ __ ] what a liar hope there's no okay there's another way to make her not now that's cold it's possible i should have kept differently because like i said i don't need the money i don't think i wanted to keep the special because it easy could put more damage maybe i should have gotten hermes there i don't know it's not that big of a deal this room sucks please dude what did i miss seriously i only have one roll left what's the best thing i can get now probably something from poseidon so i don't i think i just take the special strength and beauty leave a role for poseidon if we can no no save it for hermes stuff another uh shitty room holy god i lose it here honestly oh i was worried that laser would hit me after the fact oh rip the fish down the minor switch render finally please now we didn't get lumen this fight's easy enough oh no i just don't i just need to not try to get fancy with meg really [Music] okay oh projectile got destroyed by poseidon stash there god damn we're just getting jammed over here i don't take crusher it makes things worse dash gives iframe so if you're wondering how we didn't get hit by like that little projectile it's just because of the dash race really uh i don't know it might be worth it i think it's worth it welcome ellen don't let yourself get hit or else so purple guys i don't take boons just to sell them in this run let me make that clear we have 700 in six gold you really think that it's wise to just keep taking things and hope to sell it what am i gonna buy with all this money that is poor advice yes dude here we go here we go here we go here we go diamond and sticks oh well that's true would look nice this room is garbo still the attack can't do that oh yeah yeah yeah i have plenty of money just buy it another hermes maybe i should try to spend some money i don't know should i take the trade [Music] there's nothing else from hermes that helps really all right maybe now i can get something useful let's buy this first why not all right please surrender or die lament i think it's actually dying in here i think that helps more all right bless the run caron [Music] 36 afro legendary no definitely not charm makes things really weird you don't want it yourself just resets enemy patterns makes things much more unpredictable this is a fine main head here and these ones are fine too honestly this is possibly the easiest uh learning pattern because this is basically the one that just summons ads like all the same clavicles are a little annoying but could be worse all right we're gooch guaran's sexiest man in the game that's down dude he's he's gotta have some serious guns under those robes to swing that ore like you do am i right have enough for now i presume the wave of despair i guess i get more aphrodite keeping that means we have higher chances of getting sweet surrender i probably don't need the money i don't it really doesn't matter on the hips the fields of elysium nice shot there zag i wonder if i should do the dash once probably over five percent more attack but it's probably only once let's fight so this being an isometric game ideally whatever's off screen we only want we want them coming from the left or right instead of from the top or bottom because you get see way more from the left and right not always easier to do given certain rooms i didn't recharge just like alien connie don't make me come over there teddy i wonder if i hit up the special once probably please surrender yikers uh i don't want these to they make things worse we're faring give me that jerk boys oh i could just take something that doesn't matter how to read boon so quickly i'm familiar with what they all do so i see the name and i know what it does honestly already so we already have patty so skipping the a mini boss store doesn't really we already saw the patty and the shop so skipping the medium down store the mini boss door doesn't really matter i guess so this is fine hey neck gain how you been yes at the archers please oh god [ __ ] archers [ __ ] me huh oh don't need that hermes really we'll be doing well i am nick game thank you all right a butterfly ball this time don't [ __ ] it up we're good why didn't i just do that last time see how easy that was butterflies i got all fancy and did stupid [ __ ] i still want to save my role for a potential poseidon boone kinda all bad dionysus he's in the pool i only own two gods right now i want the calls pretty good could add iframes for us i guess i could do it and i'll settle for vintage or strong drink would be slightly better probably i guess i'll go poseidon uh namely breaking wave oh no the arch uh what else there's something else even like razor shoals is fine i'm always worried that the jank terrain will be the end of me some in some way you know what i mean archer will shoot through the terrain or some [ __ ] whoa there's archer somewhere apparently jesus santa is doing some work to me here yeah i'll take the calls right i don't plan for it to do a lot of damage but it when you use the call it gives iframe similar to how a dash does so it's fine you feed me once again go on yeah thanks bad because you get more enemies i don't have a second hammer do i if i get cluster rockets do i want it that's that that's kind of tough to say archers wow that guy almost got me dude he was waiting for me on the other side of the bridge there's an archer oh or a swordsman whatever that from god damn we had some tough rooms victory okay you got it [Music] uh i mostly want to palm the attack i guess palming the call once is just as good i don't know it's hard to say oh my back oh don't get old guys the call charge is too slow i still have sweet surrender right i'm not crazy right holy [ __ ] all right all right oh wow dysterus he planned to reach 30. don't say that andrew we need your presence you have work to resolve do shaken whoa with that quick leap dude the minotaur giving me a [ __ ] run here for gooch the race would be great if uh crater if uh whose side is she on i didn't if my body didn't age right do something here we go [Applause] that ought to make theseus shut it for a bit that wasn't an easy fight for us here we go guys here we go we got it now believers arise we got this might be able to use that money so i'll do that butterfly at 52 come on baby believe we need to believe in the no hits we also need you to believe in the two sacks so i don't have to do any more than necessary here i'm sure the saints are back hot take boston should give higher damage bonus with butterfly mean if you clear without a hit i could agree to that sounds good i guess i buy this beside it now are you my daddy huh tre thanks for that prime typhoon's fury good enough it might be i want hydraulic mite i don't think so oh maybe mike's good yeah i kind of like it let's make some waves god what's that sneeze i think it's fine it's i don't know it's not a big choice honestly all right i need to pause buffer no more reading chat oh safe okay easier room okay that thing's gone okay not necessarily needs a room just because it's very compact unlike the attack rocket bomb does stagger enemies at least focus no dude are you my daddy can't see yeah thanks for that prime well he says thanks come on baby that's fine kind of scary fight though dad watch out little rats mostly i have to be careful of that was uh okay okay okay one down come on baby that's that's actually the toughest mini boss i think too for this the moment's rest there's a hammer here vermin i think vermin would be easier with this build with the long range build come on two sack baby are you my daddy okay fine there it'll be thanks for that prime daddy's home a little nervous about the positioning there if you're worried about your isp giving you the proverbial 5 sack get around them with surf shark vpn using promo code helion for 83 off i gotta i gotta get away from these rats i gotta get away oh that i i won't lie guys i got a little lucky got a little lucky on that one i think we can say jesus man hey shadow word come on please please game yes dude come on we're back back on track baby refreshing here we go this is it believers arise karen he ain't getting a scent the monsters thank you boy leave believe chat 80s wouldn't hit a guy with glasses so that's the only way no archers please no archers please i'm going to get you back the last time you know i thought you might arrive right about now then let us have our [ __ ] maybe i save meg for a later half of the phase one i think i do oh you don't have meg i don't have mag that take my money and win [Music] what is that shield man shield man scary guild man has ranged not as bad as the archers though [Music] only using the call to try to avoid hits if i panic basically oh okay we're gonna want to make soon probably another shield oh right i don't have meg i don't meg too many skulls there's one on the left i didn't kill [Music] okay let's finish this focus out of my sight fine used to call it it added a little bit of scariness he not phased yet i think he's not there he goes oh [ __ ] there's a skull bad spot man's butt it's gonna spin at the end of this [Music] safe safe here she is getting high come on come on done challenge complete me have you come up with more impertinence believers arrived in a cold one dad you deserve it god damn [Applause] [Music] [Music] so many close calls holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] so many close calls perfect clear baby oh my god oh i'm so glad it's over have you come up with more i'm so glad it's over thank you surf shark believers rise up man oh i'll thank everyone in a second god that laser phase holy [ __ ] when he did the lasers oh my god i couldn't believe i got out of that appreciate that that was insane i can't i couldn't believe i got out of it bad spot bad spot right bad spot man's foot 54 of the butterfly about to be 56. have you come up with one pertinent to spouted me probably the most intense i have ever seen on your stream i was holding my charles dickens the whole time [Laughter] oh all right let me catch the fish and then i want to thank everyone for being so generous to me we'll celebrate a little bit come on i ignored my meeting for it we're at the godzilla oh hey didn't see you there you won't find this kind of unbridled entertainment here on youtube you'll have to come see me on twitch instead every sunday monday wednesday and friday starting at 12pm eastern time come on over and don't forget to bring your friends
Channel: Haelian
Views: 607,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hades, build, aspect, update, new, gameplay, op, game, version, 1.0, launch, persephone, ending, secret, hidden, no hit, no damage, challenge, hard, perfect, clear, title, rail, hestia, let's play, commentary, world record, wr
Id: RbHt6WlOqJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 20sec (2180 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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