Hades - Wish I Knew Sooner | Tips, Tricks, and Game Knowledge For New Players
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Channel: Legacy Gaming
Views: 471,552
Rating: 4.6890364 out of 5
Keywords: Legacy Gaming, hades, hades tips and tricks, hades gameplay tips, hades beginner, hades beginners guide, hades beginners build, how to beat hades, how to get better at hades, hades new update, hades update, hades new, hades guide, hades walkthrough, hades switch guide, hades pc guide, hades game guide, wish i knew sooner, guide, walkthrough, hades review, should i play hades, should i buy hades, hades beginner tips and tricks, hades beginner tips, hades supergiant, tips, trick
Id: KGl6S0OoLl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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