HACKINTOSH EASY USB Port Mapping Guide! - Usb 3 ports not working?

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[Music] hello everybody technoli here back with another video and we have got the USB port mapping as you already know from the title of the video we're using the gigabyte z490 Vision D motherboard to do this video and uh doing the port mapping on it you guys remember this from a couple years ago uh by the way we'll be doing um newer motherboards in the next couple weeks um hopefully be doing the 7 Z 790 Series so any of you guys that want to get into newer stuff that'll be great we also have some very cool broken computers coming in and being fixed so uh as you remember on my website I have free PC repair and I've got a couple of guys that have sent me some stuff that we're going to get fixed and uh that'll be fun so back at the gigabytes so this is the z490 and uh this was a great board because this had Thunderbolt on it and so we're going to go ahead and do the USB port mapping on this now I will have the EFI folder for this z490 on my uh downloads page at technoli.com for you guys to use now it will have the port mapping already done for you so you won't have to worry about it so this is just showing you how I do Port mapping there are different ways to do Port mapping this is the way I do it this is what I find is uh easiest so we're going to go ahead and get started with this so let's assume that you have built your own EFI and it is now booted up you've got the computer done it it was successful and you've got the EFI folder transferred over to the hard drive on your new Hackintosh and you've got to get the USB ports working because let me show you with hack and Tool you can download this tool on my website on the download page or just do a Google search we click on USB and as you notice here all we show here are USB 2s and one USB 3 Port so we're missing a bunch of us-3s we're also missing the two Thunderbolt ports on this board so we got a lot of work to do now since all we can see are usb2s what I'm going to do is take a USB thumb drive just a USB 2 thumb drive and that typically will be black on the end of it not blue so if you're trying to do this make sure you have a USB 2 device to test all of your ports so all we're going to do is we're going to take that USB stick and plug it into every single port USB port on this motherboard including the front um we're not going to worry about the Thunderbolt now because we can't even see them we just want to find out which HS ports which are usb2 are the ones that show up from the motherboard so I'm going to go ahead and do this and when I come back we'll see what was filled in here and we'll continue okay so I'm back now as you'll notice every place that it turned green means that there was a USB device plugged into the port so what does that mean it means we're going to eliminate some of these USB 2s so we have a maximum of 15 USB ports because that's all that is allowed by Mac OS so what we have to do is add USB inject doll into our kex folder on this EFI and we also have have to make a check on the uh config.pless so let's go ahead open up OC auxiliary tools and we'll go ahead and click here and we're going to mount the EFI all right there it is and the first thing we're going to do is go down here to Kernel and then click on quirks and put a check right here on this xhci port limit go ahead and turn that on we'll go back over here and we need to add this text into the EFI folder so let's go ahead and do that real quick go over here to computer go into the EFI and we'll add it to our quirk archx okay there we go now normally OC auxiliary tools does pick up something when you plug it in or when you put it in the folder so it did find it so we're good we have to save now and then we're going to reboot the computer and we should be able to see our USB 3s all right let's go ahead and reboot okay guys we're back up let's go ahead and log back in and let's check with hack and Tool and see if I'm right okay so now we click on USB and we can see all kinds of stuff here that's a bunch all right so where are my Thunderbolt ports okay because they're not showing well let's go into the BIOS on this board and make sure that Thunderbolt is turned on we'll start tapping the delete key to get into the BIOS all right let's go over here to settings i o ports go down here to Thunderbolt and it is disabled so let's enable it now for Hackintosh Thunderbolt to work we have to set this to no security and then go ahead and come down here to discrete Thunderbolt configuration and let's enable gpio three forced power okay and then let's save and exit we'll come back up and we should be able to see our Thunderbolt ports okay coming back up all right let's log back in see if we have everything we need there we go and right here sspi uh or P1 and ssp2 those are the Thunderbolts all right so this is great now we can see everything now that we need to to figure out what we're going to be using well we know we're going to use all of these HS ports okay so um we we're just going to leave that alone but you say why don't we just put this in and turn on the xhci port limit in the config.p list from the beginning if you do that then when you put a USB 2 device in one of these ports it won't show up because right now as far as this Hackintosh is concerned right now these ports don't work but we know because it turned green that these are the ones that we selected before so we know we're good but now we're going to take a USB 3 device and plug it into every USB 3 on this board and we're going to plug a device into the Thunderbolt so we can see ports we're going to be using okay so I'll go ahead and do that and I'll be right back okay we're back and as you can see I got a bunch of new green things here so these are ports that we know we want to use so let's go ahead and get rid of all of the ones that are not highlighted so you can just click on them and then hold down alt I think it is and just get rid of them like this and then hit this minus button okay I forgot this one here at the top all right now we can have a maximum of 15 ports so we want to make sure that all we have is 15 here let's see one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen so we need to get rid of two ports so when you're plugging in your USB 2 Port it's a really good idea to have a picture of the back of the motherboard so you know which ports were which I know there's two ports on here that I really don't care about they're two black ports on the back of the board and they're just USB twos so hs09 and hs10 I can get rid of now those black ports now will be turned off so you won't be able to if you plug something in you're going to be like why aren't they working because we turned them off so I'm going to click there and now I've got 15 ports all right so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen so we're good so all we have to do now is Click right here to export and we're going to grab our USB ports dot kecks but we have to open back up our EFI so we can add it so we'll go ahead and click open it up password and we'll just go over here real quick um and now we can get rid of we can get rid of the um USB inject all text so let's get rid of that let's add this one in all right go back out of here we'll go over here to Kernel and notice that this wonderful program already saw the USB ports dot text and it took out the USB inject all so we're good there now let's don't forget to click on quirks and uncheck the X HCI Port limit okay we'll save it go ahead and close out of here restart the computer and we'll see what we had left all right coming back up let's log back in uh we'll use hacking tool and we'll see everything is fine let's do a clear all and then a refresh and here are our ports so we're good now we got 15 ports uh Thunderbolt is turned on everything is good to go we can use USB 2 3 or whatever we want I'm going to go ahead and plug in a USB 2 stick so you can see that these are working all right let's see here and there we go hs04 just popped up and um so we've got our USB ports we're good to go so there you go guys it's not a horrible process and sometimes you run into problems and I will warn you that it is even possible that some motherboards would be so difficult to do or would not this this particular um way of doing it may not work and what you may need to do is install Catalina do your Port mapping and then you'll have your text and then install Ventura okay or Monterey or Big Sur whatever you like so there you go I hope this helps I really appreciate you guys watching Please Subscribe if you haven't already we're trying to build the channel back up as you well know and uh we want to get to uh you know 50 000 pretty soon I would love all right guys we'll talk to you later
Channel: TechNolli
Views: 24,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: technolli, usb port mapping hackintosh, usb port mapping opencore, usb port mapping guide, usb 3 ports not working hackintosh, how to map usb ports hackintosh, usb fix hackintosh, hackintosh usb 3.0 fix
Id: 2hZPMHSfkS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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