11 Cool Command Line Programs You Need to See

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Many people are missing out on really cool free  software tools just because they are command   line based instead of having a graphic user  interface. But in this video, you'll see it's   not so complicated. And some of the most useful  tools are like this, yet still easy to use. And   I think you'll be surprised at how cool some of  these are. Oh and of course, all of these are free   and most are open source too. So let's get into  it. Alright, so I want to start with this first   one because it will make our lives easier for all  the rest, actually. The tool is called Cheat. And   the idea is you create little "cheat sheets" to  remember how to use other command line tools.   For example, say you want to convert a video with  FFmpeg, but can't remember how. You can just type   "cheat ffmpeg" and it will show a list of examples  to help remind you. And you can customize this by   editing a corresponding text file. The default  list for FFmpeg is pretty complicated. So what   you saw was my own list. There's actually a big  collection of community contributed cheat sheets   you'll have the option to download when you first  run it. Also, you can filter for commands that   mention a phrase, for example, by doing "cheat  ffmpeg -s convert". And it only shows ones that   say "convert". I also made a batch script, which  I can link to that makes it so I don't even need   to use the -s. It builds the command for me. So  I can call that "c.bat" and then can just call   "c ffmpeg convert". And that works too. Cheats  also has a whole tagging feature, but I'm not   going to get into that. To add your own cheat  sheets, you just go into the "Personal" folder   in the cheat sheets directory and create a file  with no extension with the name you want to use,   and just add text however you want it to appear.  I might even create some cheat sheets for some   of the programs I mentioned in this video. So  if I do, I'll put the links to those in the   description as well. Now, speaking of really cool  things, let me tell you about a brand new set of   products from today's sponsor, Ugreen, and their  upcoming line of network-attached storage devices,   the Ugreen NASync series. For example, here I have  the Ugreen NASync DXP4800 Plus which sports four   SATA drive bays and two NVMe drive bays, allowing  a maximum storage capacity of up to 96 terabytes.   This one is also equipped with both 10 gigabit and  2.5 gigabit ethernet ports and can reach transfer   speeds up to 1,250 megabytes per second when using  fast enough storage like the pre-installed 128   gigabyte SSD. And with its 12th Gen 5-core Intel  Pentium Gold processor, it has no problem with   multitasking and fast data processing for more  responsive operations. With Ugreen NAS storage,   it's like having your own private cloud on your  local trusted network, so no worrying about cloud   service companies spying or them having some data  breach. And with the built-in Security Manager   app, it protects your data in real time and does  scheduled scans to prevent malware intrusions. And   for speed, you can see here how much faster I can  transfer files with my 10 gigabit local connection   to the NAS compared to my gigabit internet plan to  some cloud service. Oh, and don't just think of it   as only a big storage drive. The operating system,  UGOS Pro, allows a huge variety of functionality   through the all-inclusive App Center. Such as file  syncing and backup with devices, photo, video,   and music with content searching, and a bunch of  other apps. There's even an AI Smart Assistant   that runs completely locally and can intelligently  identify photos based on places, faces, and text.   And again, the AI model is all run locally without  connecting to the internet, so no personal data is   sent anywhere. So if you want your own private  cloud storage solution with the Ugreen NASync   series, check out the link in the description  where you'll get a whopping 40% off the regular   price for a limited time. Definitely check it  out. And with all that being said, let's continue.   Okay, so now we can move on to cool tool number  two, which is YT-DLP, short for YouTube Download   Plus. Like the name suggests, it lets you download  videos from YouTube, but also a whole bunch of   other sites as well. Now, normally the commands  for this can be cumbersome, but fortunately for   you all, I created yet another script for making  it way easier. This one happens to use Windows   PowerShell. When you run it, you just paste in the  URL of the video and it outputs all the possible   video and audio qualities, and then asks you  how you want to download it. For the most part,   you'll just want to choose either one or two, and  then it will start the download and put it in a   folder called outputs. It also supports playlists  and allows you to change what other parameters   you want to use with YouTube Download Plus, but  that's more advanced. Now keep in mind, YTDLP has   way more features than what my script supports.  Mine is just to make it easier for basic use,   but you can look up on the GitHub repo for all the  other options if you want to get fancy. And there   is a lot. Alright, next up we have an extremely  powerful tool called ImageMagick that lets you   do pretty much anything imaginable in regards to  image files. Yes of course, you can do the basics   of converting from one file type to another,  like by doing "magick input.jpg output.png",   or you can resize by adding the parameter "-resize  50%" for example. But would you believe that there   are over 300 total command line options? And they  can get super advanced. For example, don't you   just hate it when you find yourself needing to set  the drawing transformation matrix on an image? And   I don't know about you, but it seems like every  day I need to apply a Kuwahara radius to one of my   photos. Well, of course, ImageMagick can do that  and more. ImageMagick includes several separate   executables, but you mostly just need magick.exe.  Previously specific operations required dedicated   commands like "convert", but now you can just do  "magick input.jpg output.png" for example. For   certain functions, direct tools like identify.exe  can still be used, like "identify input.jpg",   or equivalently through magick.exe, "magick  identify input.jpg". This simplifies the process,   though awareness of both methods is beneficial if  you see examples with the older methods. I could   spend hours on all the possible uses, but here are  some common things I use it for. If I need to make   a jpeg file smaller, I can use the quality  parameter which goes from 0 to 100, and try   lowering it as much as I can while making sure the  visual quality doesn't drop too much. You can also   check to see what quality a jpeg file was saved at  by doing "magick identify -verbose" on an image,   then looking at the quality value. This also shows  you a whole bunch of other info you probably don't   need, but it's there. Next up is another extremely  powerful tool that you probably have heard of,   which is FFmpeg, which is extremely popular  and used by a ton of common software behind the   scenes. To put it simply, FFmpeg lets you do all  sorts of stuff to multimedia files like video and   audio. This includes converting video and audio  formats, extracting or attaching audio tracks to   a video, applying effects like pitch shifting  to audio tracks, and really anything else you   can think of. That really doesn't even scratch  the surface. Again, because it can do so much,   that means there's a ton of commands. So you'll  often find yourself googling stuff like "FFmpeg   how to convert stereo to mono", but because  it's so popular, it's usually easy to find   instructions. And funnily enough, there's actually  an online tool called FFmpeg Commander, which has   a GUI where you can specify a bunch of stuff  you might want to do to some files with FFmpeg,   and it will give you a command you need to use for  that. So that can come in handy. On to number 5,   we have a useful tool by Microsoft for looking  up error messages called Err.exe. If you've ever   gotten a weird error code in Windows with no  description, this can help. I actually made a   whole video about this before that goes into way  more detail, but basically you just run the exe   with the error code, and it spits out a bunch  of info about it. Now hold on, because yes,   this looks like a mess, but what do you know, I  also made a batch script to improve this too. You   just run the batch file instead using the same  error code. If you haven't seen my other video,   this might not look any less confusing, but if  you don't have time for that, you can just look   through these possible descriptions and see if any  of them might be a clue to the problem. Next up,   number 6 is a program called ExifTool, which gets  its name from Exif data, a type of metadata. This   lets you view and change the metadata on a whole  bunch of different file types, and not just image   files, which are normally associated with Exif  data. The full list of file types it can handle   metadata for is huge, even including stuff like  EXEs, Word documents, zip files, and a ton more.   And actually there are various GUIs people have  made that work with ExifTool, which are linked   from the official website. Some are more general  purpose, like ExifTool GUI v6, but others are GUIs   for more specific purposes that just use a certain  feature of ExifTool. Anyway, for the average   person, ExifTool has a few practical uses, such  as removing all metadata that isn't absolutely   necessary, which can be done with this command.  Or you can manipulate metadata tags on different   file types if you need to. You might not need to  do this very often, but it's very handy when you   do. Alright, for number 7 we have a tool called  Pandoc, which is able to convert between basically   any kind of document file type. I don't mean just  word documents and PDFs, but also other data types   like JSON files, ebook files, and well, you can  see the entire list for yourself. And of course,   it can do a lot more than what it just seems on  the surface. The documentation is miles long,   because it supports a bunch of different options  for each file type, some of which are unique to   that file type. Pandoc can be installed, but I  prefer the portable version, which you can get   from the GitHub releases page. Then just look for  the Windows zip file option, and you can extract   and run it from anywhere. Next up, numbers 8 and  9 are both sort of related, both having to do with   PDF files. And those are PDFCPU and XPDF Tools.  For PDFCPU, this lets you manipulate PDFs in all   sorts of useful ways. For example, you can use it  to extract all images or attachments from a PDF,   as well as stuff like merging or splitting PDFs,  adding a watermark to a PDF, and a bunch more.   You can look at the full list yourself. But  I think one of the coolest abilities is for   when you come across some PDF that you want to  print or edit, but you can't because it has some   dumb permission restrictions and it stops you.  Well, with one use of the "decrypt" command,   you can just remove that protection without  even knowing the password. To be clear though,   there are two types of PDF protections. One  is the kind that requires a password to even   open and see the file, and unfortunately you can't  remove that because that's legitimately encrypted.   But for the kind that just restricts you from  editing and printing, that's just a paper tiger.   And even when you go to save a file like that,  Adobe Acrobat will warn you that other software   might not respect these restrictions at all. So  that kind you can remove. Another major caveat,   apparently there's a new PDF standard called PDF  2.0, which uses a different encoding scheme for   protections that PDF CPU doesn't support yet. So  if you try to remove a password on a more recent   PDF, it might say that it doesn't support PDF 2.0  encryption. They are adding more support for PDF   2.0 features over time though. So I'm sure that  it will be able to eventually. In the meantime,   if all you need to do is print a protected PDF  though, you could use something like Sumatra   PDF Reader, which I actually use myself. And  that doesn't seem to care about restrictions,   at least for printing. As for the XPDF Tools,  this is a set of a bunch of different tools,   each with a specific purpose, which their names  describe. Several of them are for converting PDFs   into something else like PDF to HTML, PDF to  Text, PDF to PNG, as well as these other less   common formats. PDFInfo shows you info about the  PDF, no surprise. PDFImages lets you extract all   the images from the PDF. PDFDetach extracts  attachments, and PDFFonts extracts fonts.   And of course for each of these, you have several  options, like if you want to only extract certain   pages, that sort of thing. To download these,  you'd go to the download page for a program   called XPDF Reader, but they have a separate  download for the XPDF Command Line tools, which   are these ones that I showed. All right, we've  still got a couple more and we're up to number 10,   which is a tool called Tokei. This one is simple,  but cool. And it lets you generate statistics   about source code you've written or just have.  So if I run it on my Spammer Purge app directory,   I can see that there are about 6,800 lines  of actual code, almost 900 comment lines,   and it also breaks it down by language too.  There's also other options for how to format the   output and gives you control over how it counts  everything too. So just a neat little tool. Okay,   finally, at number 11, we have an interesting  tool called Hyperfine, which is for benchmarking   the speed of other command line tools. So say I  want to see how long it takes to run Err.exe as an   example. I do "Hyperfine" and then put in whatever  command you'd normally use to run the other tool,   like the path to it and any parameters, then hit  enter. It will run a whole bunch of times and   then spit out the results, in this case saying it  averaged out at around 20 milliseconds, as well as   how many runs it did. I'm not sure I can think of  when I'd use this beyond curiosity, but it might   be helpful if you want to optimize some other tool  that you use often that takes up a lot of time,   by trying different settings or something.  At least it's cool to know that. And that's   about it. I'd be curious which of these is your  favorite and how many of these you already knew   about. And of course, if I missed any really good  ones, let me know down in the comments and check   down there in case someone left a good suggestion.  Thanks again to Ugreen for sponsoring. Definitely   check out the new Ugreen NASync Series through the  link in the description, where you can get up to   40% off for a limited time. If you enjoyed this  video, be sure to give it a big giant thumbs up   for the YouTube algorithm. And if you want to keep  watching, the next video I'd recommend is where I   talked about a whole bunch of cool portable free  programs. Everyone loves those. I'll put that link   right there you can click on. So thanks so much  for watching and I'll see you in the next one.
Channel: ThioJoe
Views: 118,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: technology, tech, command line tools, free programs, windows tools, free software tools, cmd tools, cmd programs, Ugreen, UgreenNAS, UgreenNASync, NAS Storage
Id: K0v9hnn24y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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