Apparently calling people racist is a ‘good career path’: Gutfeld

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[Applause] pretty pretty insane happy thursday everyone it's almost the weekend and i can't wait emergency room here i come so a few days ago we played tape of the incoming white house press secretary calling all of us racists roll it clarice fox news was racist before coronavirus they are racist during the coronavirus fox news will be racist after the coronavirus so there is nothing new here so true now this this should upset me i mean what did i ever do to her well other than oppressor by my very existence since i'm a middle-aged white guy middle-aged but we've never even met i don't even know where she lives unlike the supreme court justices by the way i'm mowing brett kavanaugh's lawn on saturday he pays me in beer but once she becomes press secretary and is asked if she still thinks fox news is racist will she have an answer ready will it be an honest one like hey that was just tv or will she dance around it like liz warren does at a bonfire to celebrate the end of winter for a hint let's take a look at a past democratic debate featuring old joe when he still had a working brain in control of his bowels and is now vice president before she wasn't hiding like a serial killer on the run it was hurtful to hear you talk about the reputations of two united states senators who built their reputations and career on the segregation of race in this country you also worked with them to oppose busing and you know there was a little girl in california who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day and that little girl was me i didn't see that coming harris calling biden a racist it was her only memorable debate moment besides getting crushed by tulsi gabbard but did she mean it she seems so sincere and it's hard for her to seem sincere cat's hair is less fake but she looked him in the eye and she twisted the knife into that old white racist you could feel it but could she feel it did she mean it it's quite an accusation so i hope she took it seriously it was a debate not everybody landed punches like you did though it was a debate so you don't mean it it was a debate that the whole reason literally it was a debate it was there were journalists there covering the debate it was a debate now i happen to think colbert had her on because he heard she'll laugh at anything including him but you get it collie biden racist was purely a theatrical device you know like a gun on the set of an alec baldwin movie nothing will go wrong to her it's totally acceptable during a televised debate whether it's true or not it's okay to smear someone as racist if they make you the second most powerful person in the world after dr jill he's got the prescription pads she's a doctor but it's the political equivalent of slamming a folding chair over the back of a competitor in pro wrestling it looks devastating but it's just part of the game accepted politics it can ruin you with harris the chair's real but the personality is still phony so what does that example tell you well if jean-pierre is ever asked by our very own dumb sob peter ducey if she thinks he's racist she'll likely say that was in the past peter let's move on to real issues which will reveal how little these flaks take their own opinions seriously it's like if one of your friends started a rumor that you beat your wife and then said hey lighten up just a joke but here calling people racist is a good career path it's quite a racket claiming everything's racist to get a really good job i believe we're leading the world in really successful oppressed people so how many people who use the word racist are actually seriously thinking about it at the time has anyone ever responded to them hey could you please give a specific example of my racism and don't bring up slavery and jim crow on light joe biden or davy crockett i wasn't born then my guess is they'll be quieter than the set of who's talking to chris wallace ah just gonna stew in that so now the word racist is meaningless because the people thrown around throwing it around made it meaningless it's the semantic equivalent of the fed printing too much money the more they put it out there the less value it has remember when white supremacists used to mean kkk now it's larry elder and what happens when you end up running into someone you smeared as a bigot well just like me interviewing a naked nba player it could get awkward the heights is a problem roll it hi uh i will have the cruelty free potato chips a extra vegan milkshake and a side of the free-range kale yeah hey deb you don't remember me you told hr that i was racist in that zoom call oh that doesn't count zoom is not real i was in line for a big promotion stop getting mad at me don't you know that getting mad at a woman is sexist you know what you ruined my career take your chips i'm not paying for these cause these potatoes were grown on indigenous land see you later racist wow that was amazing congratulations we're making you vice president of the company amazing you're fired racist thank you for holding me accountable appreciate your time [Music] dirtbag dad a crowd favorite meanwhile the wright once again learned from the left and found their own smear to drive them nuts what came from the disney controversy in florida one word groomer before that i always thought a groomer was the guy who did my bikini wax shout out to julio but now every lefty is a groomer because it's a mirror of what the dems did with racist or do every rich person racist every white person racist every trump rally racist everything on fox races every dead president every monument every name of every school every podcaster every comedian racist racist racist so fine then every left-wing teacher is a groomer every left-wing disney employee who wants gender studies talked to toddlers is a groomer everyone who defends the medicalization of confused kids you're a groomer everyone who owned their own island and named their private plane the lolita express is okay that's a bad example but you get it groomer is the right answer to racist you call us bigots we call you a groomer but it's gonna get hard for the left to figure out who's left to call racist meanwhile real racists get off scot-free so ultimately what should you do when you end up running into somebody you labeled who labeled you a bigot well you sure as hell shouldn't reward them by making a vice president that would be stupid that would be very stupid you groomer let's welcome tonight's guests he's got the face of an eighth grader in his glove department host of the guy benson showing boxes contributor guy he's so shredded i use him in the kitchen to grate can't cheese rob smith rob smith she's like a paper straw thin white and she'll decompose in two months fox news contributor character and the last time he slipped and fell the grand canyon appeared my massive sidekick in the nwa real television the best it's like guy town plus guy town so it's guy town with a guy yeah it's guy town guy guy town what does that mean i don't know it sounds like a fun place to go this weekend yeah yeah town it was a group of dudes but now it's just one guy and his name is guy talking about news watching baseball and going voting he's an assertive [Applause] how much did you spend on those graphics it was amazing 200 280 we had to let go three people from the cafeteria to make it worth it oh it was worth it they didn't do very much and they always stared at me and you know they're not supposed to look me in the eye they're so close to retirement but now they're getting their pension next time don't look at me okay where am i guy scott here's the deal the kamala thing and the jean-pierre thing both have something in common in the sense that they're just playing a game and when the game when they when they cash out of the game it's like no hard feelings but you do call people racist so is that just part of the game we're just supposed to laugh it off because we're in the media or there are people that can't come back from that yeah and i think what was telling was the very last thing that we played in the clip from the incoming press secretary where she went through the whole racist litany she said there's nothing new here that's true they have like three moves and this is one of them there's nothing new in smearing a bunch of people as racist and like they're running out of real estate here the american people aren't really buying it the new poll tested thing is ultra maga or whatever that is right it's like it's like a fundraising level for the rnc silver gold platinum and ultra right right that's sort of they're going to lean into it and if you donate now you get a free trumpy bear or something yes but they really have virtually nothing left and so they throw out a very loaded word that is very offensive and a lot of people just shrug and roll their eyes and that's their fault ultra mega sounds like something i get at the pharmacy you know you know what i mean no no no not making eye contact rob yes is it a fair correlation like when you saw people when they got when they reacted to the phrase groomer it was like this like a couple a month ago whatever and they all freaked out it was i found it highly entertaining because now they got a taste of their own medicine i don't believe all liberals are groomers of course that's ridiculous but it was just fun no it was fun because they were so triggered right this is the thing um back to the kamala harris moment that may be one of my favorite moments ever in kamala harris history it's just like the camera goes in it gets really quiet it's like a telenovela like the music starts and she says i was that little girl yes and then the t-shirts remember the t-shirts of her as a 12 year old they go up on the website like immediately yeah she said that that's so fed the fastest t-shirt company ever no it was insane and so the thing about calling everything racist is the best grift on the left that guy that wrote uh ibrahimovic's candy the how to be an anti-racist award 20 000 an hour to call white people racist i really want that job like i would love that job well god you're racist fox pay me 20 thousand dollars i'm not paying you i'll pay you to call him a racist he's stealing my sweater from the five not allowed in guy town yeah guy town tyrus what's that question what do you think the next smear is going to be have you thought about that yeah actually i did the next time you make a shot at wrestling like that you're going to be a smear in the bottom line have you ever taken a chair shot gut felt no but i got mike your point was it was fake i didn't say that i i i carefully edited that line i never said anything about fake yeah it that's one of the realest things as it gets there's no nice way to hit a guy over the head with the steel chairs he takes this very personally i have to be have you ever been hit with a chair especially when you're the big guy they think you can take four or five of them because you're a big guy are those real chairs you know what no what no you know what they're not and i'm going to bring one tomorrow night on the show [Music] i was racist yes you get twenty thousand dollars [Laughter] but with inflation that's what six bucks yes or half a bitcoin yeah oh yeah i know me too they're saying everybody's racist right and it's a shame because it's it's usually people right now it's people in the black community who are getting these great jobs who are attacking everyone calling buddy racist i think but sunny from the view remember her yes she recently tried to tear down a black woman for being a republican she said a black republican is an oxymoron right that's about as racist as you get when someone's skin color determines the way the way they're able to think of their ideals because apparently wanting small government and to keep most of your tax money you can't be black and do that i mean the i taking ideologies away from a group is the definition of racism yeah and it's not coming from the right not gay's not guy's not walking in and making a comment about me going what are you doing here go outside and park my car yeah i mean but that would be that is racist and horrible and obviously we wouldn't see him anymore guyton will be destroyed but they're doing it live on tv yeah in your face and no one can question them on it because they just that they use that blanket to say whatever they want there is racism but it's coming from the left attacking other minorities who have a different set of opinions right and that's ten times worse than someone putting a cross outside your yard in my opinion you know uh dirt bag another great turn is dirtbag dead i think that's not her i mean i don't know who that ugly lady is it's like uh instant classes yeah i cannot look like that what should if peter ducey which he should do asks um uh jean-pierre like hey am i a racist what's what should she say i don't think he should ask her if he's a rape man i think that the question would be you know can you can can you be fair right and she can't so obviously she can't i mean i i just think this is it's go it's just gone so crazy because obviously like you said the word doesn't mean anything anymore but it's obviously completely unserious throughout if you look at kamala i'm actually starting to get jealous of kamala because like if i wanted to just sit around and like not work and like just laugh at stupid stuff like that i would have to do so many whippets and you mean the drug not the dog no i meant the dog most people like she gets to do nothing just sit around giggling like moose that describes like every stoner who works in the back of a kitchen right but she's the vice president right that's true that's the dream it's just again remember this was supposed to be the return to normal yeah we have the president a guy who doesn't know where he is yeah and then we have the vice president who just sits around laughing she doesn't know what a joke is at least no she figures if she just keeps laughing at everything it'll match a joke yeah yeah it's like joe like laughing on cruise control exactly that's true that's true no foot on the pedal there do they make that anymore i don't know i'm talking to myself because we must leave just for a short break up next it feels like we're getting punked when the disinfo czar tweets stuff that's debunked hey dave hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,959,546
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Keywords: fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news gutfeld show, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, greg gutfeld, greg gutfeld reacts, greg gutfled monologue, gutfeld, gutfeld monologue, gutfeld monologue tonight, gutfeld panel, gutfeld!, gutfeld! tonight, kat timpf, kat timpf gutfeld, tyrus, tyrus gutfeld, tyrus murdoch
Id: Sn3Y5CrNRG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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