Gutfeld: This is truly a man-made disaster

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[Applause] he looks like alvin from the chipmunks all right it's time once again for great job there joe so within hours of the taliban season control of kabul the stories of ghoulish behavior toward women erupt they make andy cuomo look like andy williams turns out surprise they aren't an enlightened bunch they're not only stuck in the dark ages they prefer everyone else joined them there so they have that in common with the green new deal but it may get worse their idea of women's rights is letting her air out her burka once a year however we've been told by the press this is a kinder gentler taliban so what does that mean exactly they only partially behead you they only throw gays out of an eight-story window not a 12-story one did you see how one taliban leader freed from gitmo by then president obama is back on the job and i don't mean as a tenured professor we held on to him and then let him go we probably fed him better than his fellow fighters he's the only terrorist in the group with type 2 diabetes compared to the hell on earth they created back home gitmo's a spa weekend on our dime all that's missing are the conjugal visits from his favorite goat it's not like the goat's gonna write letters and they don't get this in afghanistan so you've seen this picture of hordes of evacuating civilians packed into a cargo plane you're staring at that in disbelief how is that even possible meanwhile spirit heiress say you know we're getting some ideas here so here's an analogy there's a pack of wolves outside your door waiting for you to leave so they can devour your grandmother maybe before you leave you kill the wolves you don't just go see you granny best of luck with the wolves unless maybe she stiffed you this year on that five dollars in your birthday card but this ain't armchair quarterbacking i'm not tall enough to be a qb and secondly what's an armchair but given it was american blood and treasure lost we need to hear the truth here's one vet unleashing reality on a soggy brian williams he owned his decision he owned the fact that as he put it the buck stops with him i hope he gets to hone their deaths too i i don't i feel like i watched a different speech than the rest of you guys i was appalled there was such a profound bold face lie in that speech the idea that we plan for every contingency i have been personally trying to tell this administration since it took office i've been trying to tell our government for years that this was coming we sent them plan after plan on how to evacuate these people nobody listened to us of course brian really did need to hear that he's been in kabul this whole time training the rebels [Laughter] after he killed bin laden but there's still some in denial like this witless water cannon 95 of the american people will agree with everything he just said 95 of the press covering this white house will disagree and for an american president to finally be completely aligned with such an overwhelming majority of what the american people think about afghanistan is probably a tremendous relief to the american people talk about brain dead they should change change the name of her show from deadline to flatline you know i'm not bashing the decision to leave it's how the atrocious exit negated so much sacrifice this is truly a man-made disaster in biden's speech yesterday he defiantly defended his botched exit as if we were critical of leaving but we weren't we were critical of his incompetence in carrying it out timing is everything in life joe if anybody should know that it's a man who probably starts his day with fibricon and a pot of black coffee people over 60 get that my core audience imagine imagine if captain sully had bailed and let his plane crash into the hudson technically it's still a water landing but only one gets you played by tom hanks but even if i wanted to defend biden i can't i mean i do have a nagging question in joe's defense if 20 years made no difference on the exit you think taking another few months would make any difference but still it's on biden remember as president he said that the number one threat to america wasn't the taliban al-qaeda or isis it's millions of white voters so screw him he didn't see the taliban resurgence because he was too busy indulging fabricated adversaries in between photo ops of him licking ice cream cones and as for the democrats it's par for the course in afghanistan just as on the border or in law enforcement the dems always embrace what undermines order they're like a hooker deciding what bra to wear they choose what comes apart the fastest [Laughter] i got that from charlie as for those documenting the horrors of the taliban ask yourself this would they have supported an all-out fast annihilation of taliban in a world where every attempt to fight radical terror was met with cries of islamophobia you have been called a monster or worse a trump supporter to suggest such a thing taliban leaders were in the president's palace one missile would have ended that photo op but how would the chattering classes take to that sorry that swift brutal action should be reserved only for the insurrectionists at the capitol over here our f'd up media focused on plastic straws mean tweets racist halloween costumes misgendering refusing a vaccine or appropriating another ethnic group's food in the school cafeteria and of course social media galvanized mobs to cancel people for bad jokes and bad memes an entire news network smeared the police nightly and chose to inflame racial tension for ratings for years our priorities as a nation were deliberately undermined even as our troops toiled the war became less than background noise we spent years letting our attention to afghanistan grow flabby to paraphrase harry chapin the war learned to walk while i was away hell the war is now old enough to drink and too old for anthony weiner to date and in all that time we still hadn't prepared for this moment that's amazing imagine you got 20 years to plan on your exit and it's this bad what were our leaders doing too busy destroying this country i guess very serious welcome tonight's guests he's so brave the national anthem stands when he plays former navy seal rob o'neal he's got the views of a senior republican strategist and the looks of a high school junior political editor guy benson he's been a guest more often than hunter biden on a crack pipe fox news contributor and washington's opinion editor charlie hurt and she's like a line of coke thin white and clings to your credit card fox news contributor cat tim so obviously we're talking about afghanistan i want to go to the person who knows the most about this who killed bin laden cat a lot of people don't know i know i know the way i you know the way that you hid this so well and let rob take all the credit yeah thank you for that by the way yes i guess i should you're probably seething right now let me ask you who are you mad at you know what i i was mad at first then i was sad and now i just feel gross yeah because uh that's ring on a friday night yeah so there we are but i i mean a prime example of of where the country's gone i don't know if you know this i've been banned from an airline for not wearing a mask i saw 800 people on a mat on a plane yesterday not one has been banned yeah from the country and i can't get you know i'm not gonna i'll make up a name we'll call it delta airlines but like i can't even get back on that you know how ironic it's just delta airlines delta variant 20 years after 9 11 i'm the one on a no-fly list i'm just asking am i crazy something tells me though that you can get a little you can get a little wild out of here here's the here's the problem you see the problem the problem is people always say to me you kill bin laden so it must be nice never paying for a drink again right i'm like yeah it's nice until this guy in the airport buys me a drink and then he wants it all 15 guys had a shot and i've had 15 shots yeah that's how you get banned it's better this way that you got shot than the way bin laden did yeah yeah well i he took three i took 15. the jokes are just riding themselves yes there's a joke about a bowling ball in bin laden's head but you know why go there especially after you've dropped the goat one yes exactly but you know what there is footage of that of the goat once i have it back in my apartment i don't like unsubscribe or later unsubscribe so um okay is it all joe biden's fault 100 okay if there is any silver lining in any of this it is that there is nobody in washington who deserves to own 100 of this catastrophe more than joe biden and it's not it's not a three-day catastrophe and it's not even a 20-year catastrophe it's a 50-year catastrophe this guy has been the the the smartest person when it comes to foreign policy the smartest person in washington for decades right it's why he was vice president he was vice president over operations in afghanistan longer than dick cheney was and he he has been the genius in washington when it comes to foreign policy and when it comes to coming up with uh ideas like this uh more than anybody else and it's it's a reminder that washington is the only place on earth where you can be this dumb and this bad and have this much failure and face no consequence you're so right and i'm trying to remember who i had this conversation with but they but guy we always assume that when there's important things going on the people involved doing the important things are somehow better than us smarter than us but when you end up in that arena you find out they're just as dumb as the people you went to high school with or you're currently going to high school with i'm in college [Laughter] or worse right so this is the thing not only are they institutionally stupid and they all sort of feed off of each other and the bubble gets very very thick what is very frustrating to watch and experience is their contempt for us thinking that we are equally stupid or even dumber so we watched the president yesterday we watched the national security adviser today literally tell us we planned for all contingencies yeah while the country is going absolutely to hell people are clinging onto airplanes and plunging to their death they are that afraid of the terrorist organization that took over in four days which they themselves told us wasn't possible last month and then they say oh don't worry we had all the contingencies covered it's like my first job was babysitting the neighbors if my neighbors came home from their date night the house is on fire the dog is dead the kids are missing i'm like well i plan for all contingency right i wouldn't i wouldn't want to be congratulated for it but that was the tone that biden took right congratulations to me you're welcome america i have done this and it was just head spinning i bet you were a good babysitter i was very responsible yeah i could tell you do you just look so responsible if you're watching girls they probably had a crush on you didn't they i would really die i would read the wall street journal at night and drink uh warm milk yes of course you would then you'd like defecate in a closet because you're a sick little man wow yeah i went to a dark place that went really sideways yes i know sometimes it happens with me i don't know what's wrong with me guy cat i don't know what's going on right now what is your take on this we we've you are um i would say half a veteran but probably won't say that yeah but uh you are married married in afghanistan yes every day you hear how bad this was he is so upset and it's so pervasive and i did a lot of research today looking at all the things that all these generals were saying for 20 years they're all saying oh this is going great this is going great all this progress all this progress all this progress and if you look at you know washington post 2019 obtained documents they knew that wasn't true right and what i don't understand is how so many of these same people are still being you know lauded as foreign policy experts like david petraeus everyone's know what does he think the only thing he's an expert on is and that wrong that often or lie that often i'd be fired and when i'm bad at my job nobody dies it's disgusting every veteran i know is so upset about it and i'm upset watching them be upset and i'm upset for them and by the way kat if you were ever a super failure at your job you could just go work at the view hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 660,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Afganistan, Charlie Hurt, Charlie Hurt Fox News, Guy Benson, Guy Benson Fox News, Guy Benson Townhall, Kat Timpf, Kat Timpf Fox News, Rob O'Neill, Rob O'Neill Fox News, biden administration, biden afghanistan, biden policy, joe biden, navy seal, president biden, president biden afghanistan, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news gutfeld show, fox news media, fox news voices, greg gutfeld, greg gutfeld reacts, greg gutfled monologue, gutfeld, gutfeld monologue, gutfeld!
Id: f4kh20-oZWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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