Chip Roy Explodes At Witness During Hearing On Border Security

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19 2020 refuting claims that acting secretary wolf was acting or was appointed unlawfully and providing the legal justification for his appointment without objection uh chair now recognizes Mr Roy for five minutes I think the chairman um Mr Reichel Melnick let me ask you a question is Joe manchin senator from West Virginia is he a racist I can't comment on that okay what about Mark Kelly from Arizona similarly cannot comment on that Maggie Hassan New Hampshire okay can't comment on there being a racist or not how about Senator Raphael Warnock from Georgia similarly I'm not familiar okay how about Catherine cortez-masso from Nevada likewise Mr okay can't comment on whether they're racist or not I don't have an opinions as to the matter okay because you called me a racist and you called me a racist because I said that title 42 should be enforced something by the by the way that this Administration did to the tune of over a million people I believe it's about 2.5 million people uh right so this Administration is racist I believe this Administration has made a number of failures in the racial Justice front so the bite Administration is racist I I can't comment is the interesting good to know good to know that the bite Administration is racist and get that on the record uh the fact is people who want to enforce title 42 believe that there was a reason that title 42 was put in place but they also recognize that title 42 was in fact a Band-Aid on a very broken system where the laws were not being forced otherwise but to throw around words like racist let me ask you a question is my friend uh Henry Cuellar is he a racist I can't comment on that right because Henry cuer said the Border Community is very concerned about title 42 being lifted this message of lifting title four is going straight to the criminal organizations he stood up and said that title 40 who should be enforced the administration stood up the Senators I just listed said that title 42 should have stayed in place now my personal view is the title 42 wasn't the thing that needed to stay in place then what ought to be in place is an actual border security that secures the Border Mr Wolf in your position at the head of the Department of Homeland Security notwithstanding what my colleagues want to throw around with the ad hominem attacks uh you were in fact to charged with securing the Homeland right that was actually your task securing the Homeland at the Department of Homeland Security that's correct right and did you do that yes right and as the current Administration securing the Homeland no no in any measure in any way shape or form is the current Secretary of Homeland Security carrying out his duty Faithfully under the Constitution to secure the homeland of the United States he is not as I've outlined in my written testimony in oral testimony there's numerous instances where he has not Faithfully executing the law I think I thank you secretary wolf what I would say is uh if you go back to April of 2022 in a Judiciary Committee here I read word for word the statutory definition of operational control under the secure offense act I read it sitting right over here there was a chart and I put up the chart I put up the text and the text says operational control means the prevention of all unlawful entries into the United States including entries by terrorists other unlawful aliens instruments of terrorism narcotics and other Contraband I asked secretary mayorkas do you have operational control and his response was I do and Congressman I think the Secretary of Homeland Security would have said the same thing in 2020 and 2019. in March of 2023 however in a senate hearing secretary Marcus said quote with respect to the definition of operational control I do not use the definition that appears in the secure offense Act and the secure fence act provides statutorily that operational control is defined as preventing all the lawful interest in the United States by that definition no Administration has ever had operational control just two weeks prior United States border patrol Chief Raul Ortiz answered no sir when asked by Homeland Security chairman Mark Greene does DHS have operational control of the entire Southwest border so the United States border patrol Chief Raul Ortiz says we do not have operational control of the Border he answered straight up truthfully no sir why was it that the Secretary of Homeland Security when I asked him that question he said yes we have operational control he said I do to be more precise but then in the Senate he comes back and says oh but no I'm sorry if you use that definition you know the one in the statute uh no no one has ever had operation control what is your response to that how would you characterize having operational control of the Border as you uh would say in the previous administration compared to current well I would certainly talk about my time in the Trump Administration and if I were to get asked that question whether we had operation control the answer was no we did not uh neither was the border secure and I think words matter here those are very definitive statements I always talked about how we were making the Border more secure or it was the most secure In Our Lifetime but to say that you have complete operational control to say that the border is closed to say that it is secure you're hiding the ball from the American people you're not being transparent and it's for a purpose I think you can only guess so political purpose but it also defies what the men and women of the Border Patrol and others are doing down there when they see their political leadership make these sorts of statements it it it's it I it's so bad it's hard to find words they don't know what to think because they are on the line they are on that border every single day watching the hundreds of thousands of individuals walk past them that they have to process and they see that someone is saying that this border is secure or you see the 200 known or suspected terrorists that have come across this Border in the last two years but somehow that border is closed it's secure I don't understand it yeah kind of like accusing people of whipping migrants at the border I yield back time's up
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
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Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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