Gutfeld: The Whoopi Goldberg saga

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[Music] part of the week it's almost over for me i'm almost done it's wednesday clap stop clapping they'll do whatever i say happy wednesday everyone well not if you're whoopi goldberg aka karen johnson yeah who knew whoopi was a karen i thought that was only for white people like toyota priuses and skiing roll it francis good morning and welcome to the view um you all saw the news whoopi will be back here in two weeks okay oh it's so cute when one of their side gets punished they sulk like they ran out of raw cookie dough in the green room yeah abc suspended whoopi for two weeks because she said the holocaust had nothing to do with race she said this on a show called the view which makes everything about race except now the holocaust isn't about race no no it's not about racism it's about a different race but it's it's not about race it's not about race because it's about man's inhumanity to man yeah that's heroically stupid even for the view what did she think hitler meant when he said master race the 100 meter dash at the berlin olympics so for the first time in the views history it's not about race just some whites exterminating six million other whites so what's the big deal her reasoning reminds me of the guy who looks at black on black crime and says that's just them doing what they do of course it's that if that callous person were me or you we would be canceled faster than a tinder date with andrew cuomo but thanks to liberal privilege whoopi hangs on which is fine since she apologized but not before digging an even deeper hole than the one in her head here she is on colbert which is french for crushing boar besides i feel being black when we talk about race it's a very different thing to me so i said that i i felt that the holocaust wasn't about race people were very angry and they said no no we are a race and i i understand i understand i i felt differently this wasn't based on the skin you couldn't tell who was jewish they they had issues with ethnicity not with race because most of the nazis were white people and most of the people they were attacking were white people so to me i'm thinking how can you how can you say it's about race if you are fighting each other well talk about putting ben gay on a sunburn and i guess colbert was too enthralled by whippy's logic to push back he gave about as much resistance as brian stelter at the cheesecake factory so what to do next well you go on the view again and read the prepared boilerplate apology straight off the prompter and barely pretend you believe it yourself it is indeed about race because hitler and the nazis consider jews to be an inferior race now words matter and mine are no exception i regret my comments as i said and i stand corrected i also stand with the jewish people that's a flip so even though whoopi wouldn't ever defend me i'm here to defend her first anyone going for deep political or her story is historical analysis from the view they deserve what they get that's like watching the real housewives of atlanta to learn more about the civil war calling the view a lively show of opinion is like saying jeffrey dahmer was on the keto diet but this is a country of free speech and that includes the view remember free speech is about the worst kind of speech not the best and the view is without fail the worst it's the show that makes gloria steinem think maybe women should have stayed in the kitchen they make the jibbering homeless on your street corner sound like the first continental congress of course the media is way more offended by joe rogan's thoughts on kovid than this rewriting of the holocaust and hilariously it was the view that wanted joe rogan censored hasn't he been also chastised and corrected and then he just goes back to his craziness again i mean i don't know that he can be reformed and that's from a fright wigged clown that's had more offensive crap fly out of her pie hole than a busted sewer pipe but it's interesting how many allies whoopi has to save her here's another bozo everyone knows whoopi goldberg she's been on tv for decades if you don't know her heart then you haven't been watching this cancel culture is getting so out of hand oh now it's out of hand you shut up you only care because you know her for once try defending someone you don't like or agree with which is what we do and what i'm doing with whoopi i don't know her i don't agree with her but i'll defend her even if she won't ever defend me but whoopi actually did a great service because what she said is exactly what critical theory is saying remember that stuff that the left denied was in classrooms but was in as many schools as frozen pizza and tick tock users and remember how few could actually explain it well whoopi did a bang-up job articulating their premise and it's that whites are incapable of being victims they live to oppress and therefore they cannot be victims even of each other when the nazis exterminated jews it was just white on white crime who cares especially if you're black as researcher christopher ruffo says crt points out that whiteness is already racist by its very color which seems pretty racist and it allows you to lump jews in with the rest of the evil whites like the nazis serial killers and the cast of seinfeld and when they're in when you become inconvenient to their cause blacks asians and hispanics become white too just ask larry elder or any black person who isn't to the left of karl marx who if i remember correctly was white but crt is designed to place people in only two racial boxes white versus black where jews asians latinos and other lighter-skinned non-whites may find themselves shoehorned into the oppressors box if they don't act right and especially if they reject crt true if you don't fall in line then you're as bad as a nazi or worse a white guy race according to crt is only important to the color line between white and black and everything else is irrelevant and that's how the holocaust gets whitewashed so goldberg a jewish name she appropriated said on tv what crt experts have been expounding for years that in the hierarchy of oppression whiteness sits alone at the top like the fats and sugars at the top of the food chart and you can never judge success struggle or failure any other way and to maintain that hierarchy you equate nazis with jews under the umbrella of whiteness now really i don't think whoopi meant all of that but given that she's a goldberg you know she should have known better [Applause] hilarious welcome tonight's guest she's killed more deer than interstate 80 editor and fox news contributor katie pavlich it took him just over 10 years to conquer the comedy scene in alaska now he's set his sights on new york actor writer comedian jamie lissau geez burn more bridges than an arsonist with an easy pass fox news contributor co tube and he once stubbed his toe on a pyramid my massive sidekick in the nwa's world television champion tyrus so tyrus i go to you first for no gee i wonder why you and i shall never part no no okay uh i love color purple yes you know greg i i agree with you about 85 right really in it as always i'll take that um two things that were on the view one you cannot have conversations with people you're not comfortable with right and what we saw on that show was whoopi was going down her own personal beliefs were coming out and her peers said she's hanging herself let's enjoy the fire really you think that bayer said ask her a question again to get her repeated then you saw when your friend has been suspended she's gone okay where whoopi was coming from i understand whoopi is coming from the older the older african-american perspective on racism which american has when america has dumbed down race to one thing either you're black or you're white which is demeaning to black people because they don't care if you're jamaican or you're african or you're from australia you don't get that right you don't get that identity you're just black so the way she was describing it was she was trying to from the american african-american perspective is that you're white so you get a pass but where she's wrong is the jews are the one group because of their religious beliefs that they're still separated and they get it from both sides and there's also this resentment especially in the 60s 70s and 80s so when she was giving her perspective she was wrong because she didn't think about and she said it ethnicity yeah because the the racism in the world is far more direct it's about dna it's bloodline that's way of scotland ireland britain it's not whiteland yeah you know they're all different and they have horrible names for each other right and they know the difference between this and that and you know what i'm saying and african americans would always relate to that but she's been around the world enough to where she should have known better but when you work for a show and this is a reliable source remember bodyguard for life yeah that during the breaks they all go to the green room they don't speak to each other right they're not friends crabs in a bucket and the one thing we know about the other side well crabs is a bucket one tries to crawl out get your ass back in here you've been with us and the other thing crabs do is they eat each other and that's yeah you should crabs got it rough i don't know i don't know a lot about but that's what they do they are didn't look upset yeah she didn't say i've known her for this and then she's a good person she said she's gone for two weeks you know that okay but that might have been a legal thing though don't you think because like whenever we've done that we all do the thing like oh well i'm sorry i missed her interview where she came out and was talking about what be the person and how good she was and yeah you know and that and here's the deal there was a moment for redemption she could have said whoopi you're missing the point yeah it's about ethnicity i understand your struggles but here's this but they didn't do that they were like ooh watch her burn they did that's what you do on tv though jamie you're white and you're in the whitest state in the world alaska um did this story reach alaska so i'm going to be honest with greg i would like to never hear from whoopi again and i think the view should be canceled oh i just want to get that off my chest do you have a lot of what did you ask me that was unrelated to what we're talking about i want to hear any of your latest view jokes so i did look up i knew whoopi goldberg had to be a fake name yes isn't it funny when you hear like a serious story and they're like then whoopi said you're like they should use her real name this sounds insane you know you know how that's how you figure out your view name you know that thing was going around it was like to get your porn star name yeah you take like the name of your first pet and then like the road the street you grew up on yes yes mine doesn't even make sense i grew up on tool avenue and i had a cat named gigantic it doesn't even make any sense um but your view name is your favorite childhood prank followed by your favorite jewish name so i would be like hand buzzer horowitz um to be serious this was crazy to me because the the colbert thing was where she doubles down right and you get to see the truth which is fine but then it was almost like sad to see like the coerced apology right like what what what is the point why i haven't bothered it's not cancelled culture it's take two weeks off and come back culturally yes they will see they get to take off two weeks culture we get the cancer culture because joy behar if any of us did anything like that they they all of them would come after us especially tyrus i would assume but also you because you know you like going well of course obviously i'm surprised i'm even on the show because you know be very careful if you come on show greg your career could be great jeopardy no you're right i mean we can forgive her right she did apologize the suspension after the apology maybe was too much but this forgiveness and move on and learn and grow and this kind of behavior doesn't work one way yeah so if we're going to engage in that the left has to do it too and the left has been waging a war on anybody who strays from any kind of line of what they believe in and have destroyed people's careers their lives they don't care if you're homeless now on the street that's their goal actually and it this incident i think proves how shallow the conversation on the view has become the book they were talking about on the holocaust if she would have read the first page it's a quote by hitler that says the jews are undoubtedly a race but they are not human right page one so she could have prevented all of this by just doing a little bit of studying but it's all about her world view and the critical race theory thing yeah critical race theory and this idea of seeing everything through this new prism of intersectionality on the left leads to a gross distortion of history whether it's the holocaust or the foundation of the country it forces you to kind of push your own ideology into history without context or the facts and that's exactly what she tried to do final point there are black jews yes there are ethiopian jews so not all jews are white uh so you know we're talking a lot about white jews think that we should acknowledge the rest of the soul would probably have something to say about that yeah yeah cat is not a black jew really no but i want to ask you i i'm sad because whoopi is my favorite person on the view she's the only one i could probably hang out with he has to be right yeah it's like being that it's like being the tallest dwarf you have her on here yeah it's two weeks off oh that'd be great but she's she's uh they say that she's claiming that she might quit yeah look there's a few things where you know like if you're on tv and you have to talk about it you're like well gotta be really careful right and like the holocaust is definitely one of those things so it's wild to me that someone would get out there and be like hitler actually not a racist but that's that's wild but again everyone says dumb stuff in conversation not everyone converses on television about a bunch of random stuff every single day so stuff like this is gonna happen and i don't think she should have even been suspended not because she wasn't wrong because she was wrong but if she wouldn't have said that she would have never known she was wrong or why she was wrong and she apologized so we should forgive because it's impossible to not say something we're doing it we do a show every night and i've been doing this since red eye days i mean it's going to happen that these things will happen it could be a short circuit in the brain or a casual throw-off line or an emotional moment or an emotional moment and i mean or you know and it's like and then all yeah you wish you could do a better job but the difference is we're being audited as we're talking like what amazes me is that people can't tell the difference between like an expert and people having a conversation right it's like going after rogan yeah it's like it's like that literally talks for 18 hours so no one allows redemption yeah yeah there's no redemption there's no forgiveness but we're going to change that right because oh we've got a huge announcement jamie is getting a hysterectomy no i'm kidding we are taking the show on the road again i'm so excited february 21st to the 25th we are headed to texas yeah we're leaving the country we'll be at the iconic ghillies in dallas all week long to get your free free tickets you go to gutfeld and look for the link on the side of the page and i don't mean sausage link hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 2,531,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whoopi goldberg, whoopi goldberg suspended, joy behar, whoopi goldberg holocaust, whoopi goldberg the view, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news gutfeld show, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, greg gutfeld, greg gutfeld reacts, greg gutfled monologue, gutfeld, gutfeld monologue, gutfeld monologue tonight, gutfeld panel, gutfeld!, gutfeld! tonight, kat timpf, kat timpf gutfeld, tyrus, tyrus gutfeld, tyrus murdoch
Id: 0HOZYaM9dvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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