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foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] YouTube Welcome Back to the channel now today I am trying still Timber Sports now this is a professional sport and I'm with the British Champions Glenn and Jack you're the pro British champion I thought yeah and you're an amateur Rich Champion yeah that's correct so talk me through the three disciplines a bit like the Olympics you have you know three or four disciplines that you've got to get on with what are your three disciplines that we've got to do so the three disciplines you're going to do today we're going to start off with the stock saw um Dark Souls that's a normal chainsaw normal chainsaw is still ms661 chainsaw yeah we're then gonna do the underhand so that's one with the ax where you're going to be stood on top of the block you're going to be cutting in between your feet yeah so we're going to be watching them toes a little bit as well yeah and then we'll do the single back as well um these three disciplines are the disciplines that every category does so from the women the rookies and the pros all three of us do those right so the first one is the the chainsaw so we've got this log here so what is so literally you've got to soften that as quick as you can as you've got to do some certain length for to start moving hands on the wood yeah and then they'll count you in and then you pick it up do one cut down and then another cut up in 100 Mil of Timber or actually got to do within 100 ml two cuts yeah yeah right and then and then that's it once you finish time to start yeah that's it okay and then the second one we're going to be stored on a tree trunk with it in between the legs and you've got to chop it that's it yeah and again just just time to put the axle up and chop and until it's disintegrated yeah that's correct okay and then the third one was the hand saw is that on this one again that's it yeah it's going to be on the log like this um that's one cookie should just do one cookie and that's in the fastest time but it is very hard to use it's a lot more one cookie so what we call the cookie cookie yeah so the the slices you cut off are called cookies oh okay so you'll hear that a fair bit today so I'll make it wrong okay so you just got to do one slice with the big them saws are ginormous yeah so they're um how long are the six foot uh up to about six foot four so like two meter long saw that's it yeah and you've got a wow okay and then again time just as fast as you can get that's it yeah okay well let's uh are you gonna trade me up a little bit first then I'm gonna turn you up a little bit and then we'll do a little bit of a head head against each other sounds good I have brought some uh lumberjack attire with me so I'll go get changed I'll be back [Music] I think you're too gents are a bit underdressed what's going on I thought this was like the standard Lumberjack attack onto the wrong place I'd watch first well I like the effort with the outfit but um I think we're gonna have to get you dressed up in some proper safety stuff so we're going to put some chainsaw chaps on you and some ear and eye protection and then we'll go from there right then I am all health and safety at all and I know these these Lads said me attire wasn't uh wasn't very suitable but um I'll just point out this what what's going on can you show them yours why why have I so you'll have the chainsaw running on the floor yeah so you get 15 seconds to warm the chainsaw up okay that's starting it giving it a bit of a warm up so it's nice and ready for you yeah yeah and you'll have you got to make sure you've got your ears and eyes on that's part of the rules yep then you'll have your hands on the wood that saw be running you'll pick it up then on the go you'll cut one down and then you'll cut one up it has to be in that order this will be down there line that up yeah and both of the cookies have got to be complete so if you if you were to say when you cut it out you could you could still go back and cut another one obviously if you run out of the wood and you want to set yourself and put it in there you want to take about like a thumb width there okay take that one cookie down you want to try and just keep that soil nice and level down there when you get to the bottom then you're just going to step across again and then you're going to bring that soil nice up and nice and even right okay what about pressure you just use the weight of the soil you put in some some well in there you kind of try and listen to the sauce so if it's really high pitched revving and running then it's not cutting enough but you don't want to hear it die and be like bogging down so there's some technique to how much pressure yeah how much to put in and I like so you might put not enough then you're trying to put more and then it'll bog and then you'll hear it so it's a lot of listening well hang on it man because look it's just turned up very well yeah right I've just Googled that on my phone these chainsaws are 91 CC so that's quite powerful 7.3 horsepower now you taught that in terms of like bike power that's probably equivalent of a one two five cc bike so these have got some big horsepower so it'd be interesting to see how fast they get through this wood [Music] thank you [Music] I was up that's it third place all right yeah what's the time I don't know we didn't have the stock watch out on that one it was that fast you couldn't time it [Music] two cookies there they're complete so right so so when you say complete you're not allowed to say if one like like went Finn at the end that would be it might be a fail yeah and then they're both within that 100 meter line 100 millimeter line that you've got there and it's a little bit skew what is the record for doing this so the current British record is 10 seconds Dead who holds up young Jackie 10 seconds on the dot yeah 10 seconds that is uh what's this happening what's your secret do you think I think because I've just been doing it for so many years and just used to it you know how much pressure to put on yeah just know how to read the wood read the wood s i could mean this one I wouldn't know it would be if I beat your record very annoyed so I'm going again it's the British champion let's go the Beast versus Jack the Giant we go [Music] [Music] what I'm saying fortunately I mean that's that's why you can't let it go today yeah it's marginal all the times because I was just behind him you were 13.88 yeah let's go one more there's one thing I want to do before we start she's got some suspecting a bit of dodginess writing he's got his favorite chainsaw Auntie sharpened this one I'm not [Music] warm up the sores [Music] yeah I think I swapped it it was times 14.04 slower again slower I'm obviously getting thicker water something oh man something's all right [Laughter] then mate so that's the that's the still saw contest what's the next one the one where you chop between the legs yeah and the all right mate we'll get set up and do the underhand trap there yeah let's get it so you stand on the log like so yeah you'll have foot holes and you've got half the log turn around and cut the other half right okay right and where's the action we'll get you all uh chainmail there and Little Timber chain mailed off yeah so we've got chainmail mesh like this on our legs right I don't mind our feet to keep us protected so we'll put the same sort of fish on you so I don't chop your phone let you have a go okay let's do it Cinderella lovely dots oh I feel like a first class tit Le so we'll draw a line through the middle so that's where we know where our halfway is we're then going to find the middle of the stand we draw another line at the middle right so okay and when we're marking them up we measure the log so that one's about a foot block yeah do you do all this for the contest yeah this is all pre-dense when's your next contest my next contest is the 17th of June which will be the still Timber Sports British championships so you've got one coming up on 17th of June that's it yeah and where can they watch that that'll be it there in Malvern at the three currently show yeah so we're all about online like a Facebook still online officials still Timber Sports you can say special still Timber Sports YouTube and Facebook so some people too make sure you watch done in every auction it's gonna be fun I might even be in it the competition looks it's a nice app how sharp are these extremely Sharp what's extremely sharp could I shave with it could shaver it yeah really if you want me to shave my name right we have a piece of papier you reckon that's gonna go straight through thank you fair play that is not a toy take it off me before he dropped me hand off or something wow that's a shock yeah that is a sharp ax the wise man once said if you give me four hours just chop down a tree I'll spend three hours sharpening the ax don't know who the it was but it's wise words is it Abraham Lincoln uh yeah I think maybe are you just saying yeah yeah okay it was maybe I'll link [Laughter] oh [Music] crap with that so how does it lose make it look effortless just it just to clarify this is like in their rules and regulations we've actually got two paramedics on site with an ambulance ready to rock no joke there's an ambulance outside okay and the ax wants to come up right up the middle of your head yeah when you pick it up and drop it back down so just up just want to do a few little hits in the middle see that you've got what's up buddy all right it's getting a bit hot in here it's very restrictive as well okay you cool off and uh I'm not as restricted now I've got my favorite t-shirt aren't sure you'll then turn yourself on your feet yeah you always want your feet more or less point in the same way the ax is going to go get that up [Applause] after you do that without breaking a sweat that's hard work man okay now what we do is we'll turn around and we can we cut them aside you're not in here is it just me Jesus it's a workout yeah absolutely I left weights for an hour or two hours three hours go swimming this in five minutes I'm done one in the bottom yeah did you see that what's the time something like that what's a good time so the British record is 18.79 seconds 18.7 seconds to chop through that that's it and then the world record is 12.01 so basically 12 seconds dead 12 seconds 12 seconds 12 seconds to cut both sides of that block that is insane we've got any footage of that let's put the footage to that 12 seconds that is insane here you go very quickly taking out huge chunks of wood come Rick now comes over the other side oh my goodness it goes to show it's not about Brawn it's not about strength is it it's about technique it's technique accuracy and um putting that blow in getting that ax straight out as well and just keep them Rhythm and everything yes so much more attention accuracy and speed probably the three things I'm most lacking right so we're having a little bit of a competition man me versus you this time yeah Jack got lucky Glenn's about to see the real beast what's coming out running for this okay so 18 seconds for the British record 12 seconds for the world record what's your TV 27 27 seconds it's down to your Timber three two one go foreign [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] time to do that 23 seconds 23 plus a PB for you Jesus okay what's next we're gonna go into the single lot now so that'll be the last event for you today what's that called a single back single book and that's the big two meter long shot two meter long saw and that's just go for a trunk as fast as you can that's it yeah okay that is a blade that is a saw how long is that so these are around about two meters long are they hotly sharp they aren't sharp these are very sharp yeah yeah it's taking the skin off my nail as sharp as the the actual so it's not sharper yeah so these are like you know these are proper racing swords this one's more of a training sword but then later on we've got a racing saw for you to use as well you've got racing Saws and training saws that's it yeah so the aim of this one is to get the cookie off in the fastest time okay um there's no real real rules as in what size cooker you have but again if you cut out or you break the cookie off then that's a disqualification as well okay so that's gonna be a complete as fast as you can get one [Music] foreign [Music] that was about a minute love all right there's a minute about there no so was it after 20 seconds no yeah what's your PB on this 17 seconds well that would doubt that was way more than 17 seconds that was over 30. got to be so this is why this is a training tour right so so a racing saw is a lot sharper lighter [Music] same sort of weight yeah harder to run cuts a lot more okay I guess it's just me versus you now talk me through the technique of it first though if you want to be in here like this it's got more power you don't look too close to your body okay it's gonna be a bit there okay so you want to be in here obviously you don't want to bend the blade so the nickname oh that's it just sticks yeah so your PB on this is 17.13 seconds yeah what's the world record world record is 11.42 11.42 seconds really really strong in this discipline and you can see already he's gotten that going he stance for him I mean I literally that that's how long it takes me to set up out of my chair at home takes me 11 seconds to get up out of my chair someone's cutting through that entire log in the same time it takes me to get up at this year let's go and what shoes have you got on [Music] in that fascinating just like strong I like any sport there's little one percent margins where you gain there's a little bit more grip on the floor where you can gain it you will beat Japan [Music] three two one go [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] 47.87 versus 19 death so literally twice as long foreign would come in wouldn't you be a strand for whacking it back and forth would help a lot but obviously not as I say it looks so they make you look so easy it really isn't giving your all for 40 plus seconds that's a bit like that the under chop two minutes a solid chopping wood it's hard really hard fair play to you let's just it's tougher than a four a lot tough right Glenn thank you very much sir Jack thank you you have well and truly put me down a pack of two I thought I was going to come in today and absolutely smash this but you just proved to me it's not all about strength it's about technique agility speed brought bronze as well you're also strong lines as well um I don't think you've been doing this for I've been doing it for about 15 years so 15 years you know it's about 60. yeah I was lucky that my dad started when I was young so I've grown up in the sports how old are you inside I was um 14 15. okay what about you and I've been doing about seven years now okay do you do it a long time yeah I mean seven years is it like it's professional so you do it you compete for money and you've got the contest on June 17th there's still some sports British champ you're both going in that yeah so I'll be in the prayer and you'll be in the rookie soon nice and then when do you move up to the pro uh after the age of 25. oh it's all right so it's an age thing yeah what like what category would I be in I'm 35. should be yeah you'd be looking at the intermediates to starting them building into the pro so okay but seriously like big props to the both of you both British champions in the still Timber Sports and got British Champions coming up he wins the world championships the World Championships is in November the fourth and fifth where's that that's going to be in Stuttgart in Germany in Germany so you travel travel over to Germany in Germany yeah over there hey everyone knew their sport exist it's all about a year ago and here we are trying to out hanging out with two two British Champions that are going to the worlds and everything it's incredible again thank you gentlemen thank you big appreciation brilliant right and guys hope you enjoyed that strongman tries Timber Sports I enjoyed the day it was an eye-opener for me to see how hard the timber sport says as I say I thought I was going to come in and boss it and there's nothing to do abroad at all this is all technique for niece agility speed probably all the things that I have not got so uh there you go if you like the video hit that like button and don't forget to hit that subscribe button and I'll see you next time Big Love the Beast take care [Music]
Channel: Eddie Hall The Beast
Views: 2,238,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eddie hall, Larry wheels, Brian shaw, worlds strongest man, deadlift, world record, strongman, giants live, history, hathor bjornsson, mattdoesfitness, strength, strong, official strongman, Arnold Schwarzenegger, nile wilson, martins licis, sidemen, ksi, Logan Paul
Id: jQnowcDgvQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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