We just get more adorable: Gutfeld on 1-year anniversary

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well happy april 5th america where's cat calls it cinco de april but do you know what day it is besides max gale's birthday he was wojo and barney miller emily it's our first year anniversary our birthday this show turned one yes it even outlasted kamala's staff one year old just a baby but what an amazing baby we are the type of baby who skipped the crawling phase hell we ran out of the womb and we never looked back and we're certainly better than a real baby those things suck literally it's a thumb not your mom's breast you dope learn the difference baby grow up already and they never get cuter like an adult alcoholic only uglier and uglier until puberty when you can't even look at them at least until they're over 18 according to my probation officer but what does he know he's 12. but this show's different we just get more adorable or in my case hotter look at this chart you see as the months go on i just get more and more gorgeous i'm like a male version of caitlyn jenner could this explain why the show was so successful that i defy aging and put other gross male talk show hosts to shame well let's look at this other graph created by the national association of facial symmetry or nafs yes my face is more symmetrical and therefore much more attractive it's not even close but there are other reasons i'm great and we'll get to that in our upcoming special greg gutfeld is great hosted by brian kilmeade with special appearances by gallagher weyland and madam and joel osteen [Music] joel and i go way back in just a few short months we steamed past the competition handily beating those hyped up late night shows without even breaking a sweat hell i'm the leah thomas of late night but with a better ass we were told it would take years but it took mere months kimmel fallon the daily show seth what's her face like my pants during mardi gras i'm not sure they're still on we even beat colbert which wasn't hard given how depressing depressing his show has become it's a little known fact the colbert show was on in epstein's cell [Laughter] we also crushed our news rivals too we forced brian williams to retire we were so brutal cnn simply crumbled chris cuomo jeff sucker one could say they'd still be there if we weren't here and that one would be jesus christ in just one year we've accomplished so much but so many in the media had to hate it at the start they trashed the show they said we'd be underwater like a kennedy date until they saw the ratings then the haters hid where did these critics go well just follow the scent of fruitless masturbation that's calvin klein's latest fragrance but at least one cable network is covering us tonight on the chess news network david brooks with the chess news network covering america's national nightmare day 365 of the gutfeld show as you can see these streets are thick with protesters oh here's one now miss miss uh you don't know anyone who watches the gutfeld show do you actually i do number one well you're you're just one person no i don't think you understand my dad watches it with my brother and my grandma only says he videos joe thank you get out of here well congratulations on your stupid show back to you gus yes you know a lot of people would say greg you should take credit for this yourself you really did it all you're amazing and i love you well thank you a lot of people but it's unfair other people were here to help put this show together like cat where would we be without her we'd probably be fine she's like a toothpick skinny sharp and easily fits into dark disgusting places she's the girl of your dreams if you want a blonde freddy krueger she's like last week's christmas tree out in the street after covering your floor with needles he always has the last laugh because anyone who hears it immediately wants to die she thought a a was byob she's like an alarm clock will not stop making noise until you pay attention to her everyone at the bar yells cheers when she finally leaves fox news contributor cat tip ah yes also there's tom chalu he's been here since the beginning like adam eve and nancy pelosi he does a better joe biden than joe biden come on man i don't need any notes and you can take that to the bank your lion dot facebook take it easy take it easy don't let the sound of your own wheels let's go brandon you know when a problem comes along you must whip it before the cream sets out too long you must whip it when something's going wrong you must whip it whip it good and i am ready to go i am ready to dance man i love that beautiful and what can you say about our angry black male what it is gut phil well here we are it's been a year how are we doing and when we started they treat us like we stole something hated us would never work we're not talented enough well they were kind of right we did steal something we stole the number one spot we even spotted him 25 million 25 million and we still put hands on you and now we're running stuff so special shout out to cat tim tom the whole team gene everybody who makes work both gabrielles or gabby's whatever they're comfortable with it was a team effort and we're kicking ass and taking names so gutfield i guess you are the luckiest leprechaun of all time [Music] and no surprise fox has been grateful our ratings translate into dollars and we're making the top brass very rich as we become addicted to pills [Laughter] here are some workplace well-wishers you can feel the love [Music] dana are you excited about the one year anniversary of the gutfeld show it's only been one year it's like dog years it feels like seven hey jesse it's the one year anniversary of gutfeld anything you want to say i'm sorry i gotta get to a meeting susan lee anything to say for greg's anniversary yeah he owes me money gray who's craig yeah what's up bill himmer anything to say about the one year anniversary who's this for greg gutfeld got filmed i'll pass well anyway the show became the talk of the industry like my random explosive diarrhea people either loved it or hated it but they couldn't stop talking about it there is a new king of late night and his name is greg gutfeld fox news found a good thing they they can make fun of liberals and they are doing it to great success so true but even better when he had quentin tarantino on and they both got high and then they tried to analyze this show i've heard you talk about on your show the gut filled show but talk to me more in detail what do you think about him per se i i mean we did a bit on that i don't remember talking about it because honestly i don't know it oh have you watched a couple episodes of the show no but what no you haven't watched not even two not two seconds not two seconds no i that's why we didn't do a bid on i i i issue on it wreck gutfield is working now there's something to work from but the left is goofy in a lot of ways so there is material now for someone like gretch gutfield to work with maybe he's doing it and i'm missing it but i'm going by what they say in my writer producer meeting it does have a feeling of the which i'll call it uh the wally george show all right that's but that's actually insincere because there is a we're not going to talk about his show for that much on the show oh i don't care no but i don't i'm like i'm much more concerned that we're out of pot oh that was amazing i wish tarantino had completed his thought but it's kind of nice to see them chatting about this show it means we punctured their bubble and we're not done we should also thank our producers who make me look better than i really am if that's indeed possible but the biggest thanks go to you dear viewer you checked us out and like a serial killer dismembering a victim you liked what you saw you stuck by us you spread the word and now we're the most successful late night show in the history of all television that's probably not true but are you gonna fact check it really yeah right after you clean behind your refrigerator but that's the beauty of tv and the beauty of me thank you america on to another year of us let's welcome tonight's guest he's so white he has to wear sunscreen to the planetarium fox news contributor tom chalu she talks so fast she makes me feel like i should be placing a bid on a cow outnumbered co-host emily compagno if his audience member busts a gut it's because they have appendicitis actor writer and comedian jamie lisao and april showers is her reminder to bathe this month fox news contributor cat tim now i believe because this is such a special evening uh we should have some cake do we have cake some oh look who's here all right gene brought us some cake um it's so nice of you to get dressed up you're also a bike messenger apparently um can you slice it up for us and then get it to all the guests and um don't take your time or anything my goodness you think you take more you know emily how are you i'm so excited for you you guys happy birthday honestly this is awesome this was this is awesome i'm really thrilled for you it's it is kind of amazing how many people i could fit on my coattails especially you you're welcome that i'm sitting next to you no i'm genuinely so excited for you and so thrilled i think this is an amazing accomplishment really and i know i i definitely represent millions of people and that support and that love and just seeing you shine i think that i'm truly thrilled to be here tonight to support you in the anniversary everybody i mean i speak for the whole team um in terms of my respect and admiration and just not so fast i don't i don't know if you speak for me but i show support and gratitude for the whole team oh there you go jamie i mean you must be incredibly grateful because i'm able to get fly you out of alaska to come here and change your sad and lonely life it's really amazing i just wanted to point out that cake thing was less organized than bill maher and quentin tarantino it was which i didn't think was possible you know we rehearsed it someone should tell those guys that they're recording i don't think they knew that was amazing okay let me ask you this yeah what did you think quentin tarantino was about to say that's what i'm i'm i'm like trying to find it's obvious he's watching it he's watching it and it's like you couldn't say if he was gonna he mentions wally george which was a kind of a satirical pro thank you uh satirical perform that's a parodic parodied he pretended to be somebody maybe that's what he thought i was or he's but or in that it was insincere but i got the feeling that he liked it i think so and i think you would know because i think you have like the most context do you believe that bill maher only watched two seconds no that was that was baloney but then again he might not watch anything that's true if i were bill maher i wouldn't watch anything i'd go i'm almost going to die soon that's true i think it's amazing that quentin tarantino watches the show i don't have to say that i think that's amazing everybody watches so i'm just saying i was halfway through that video uh the bill maher thing and i thought it was like you and gene doing silly voices on a video really yeah i i was like in your face you were looking you look completely confused i was like i thought this is a hilarious parody and i was like wait a minute this is those guys actually getting stoned and talking about greg it's hilarious yeah i thought tom was playing the microphone so um kat take the stage talk about this you have been you've been on this show since the start yes i have this is more exciting than probably my my birthday and that's not just because so much bad stuff happened on my birthday um but yeah it's obviously like i wanted to be on red eye like way before you knew i existed that was my goal that i wanted to be on red eye and so now for this to happen it's really amazing and i'm really busy so i've like never drank less but i've never been accused of being drunk more that's true you do put up with a lot of my crap yes people don't understand though at home that she writes half of the interview yeah she's writing the ones that you go please let some woman where are you at that bar we were at that bar oh yeah yeah started yelling at us and he was like stop being so mean to cat i was like i'm right here i'm right here and we're hanging out we're friends we're friends and i go look i go she writes them yeah she writes the insults and she goes i don't care and she said she was a big fan and she was upset so people write but they don't understand this is what we do this is what all of us if you can't tease somebody then you don't like them right i also think that's why tarantino and a lot of hollywood people i don't know if they get it greg because in hollywood everything is about production and budgets and they they make everything very slick but there's nothing behind it obviously there's not a huge budget for this show but what's behind it what i'm saying on the show this is what i'm saying greg obviously yeah i think he watches it and he says wait a minute how is the show getting such high ratings when in fact it's just a bunch of people having fun and it does have the feel of something thrown together when i used to watch red eye i was like am i the only one who loves this show like i didn't i couldn't believe that other people loved it as much as i did and then when i saw the ratings i was like oh i'm not alone yeah that would the thing is a famous person once said about this show that we don't let professionalism get in the way of the product that's perfect i don't have any of that yeah but i mean it's true it's like it was like a throwaway comment and it's like for people for people who'd noticed we don't even have the music anymore we took it away because of the war and it's like it's something that is endemic to a professional show but it doesn't feel like we need it right it feels like you could just have a conversation you don't need to have music there's a lot of things you don't really need in a show to make it great and and to that point a lot of shows that are are seen as great are only just simply professional right yeah it's all slick there's nothing wrong with it and anderson cooper there's nothing interesting about him but there's something professional about him everything about him just oozes professionalism and you can almost say that about it like even seth meyers his show looks nice but there's nothing there you don't have rules to follow that's a that's a good thing right i play but you know what i play by my own rules i'm america's bad boy don't get in my way i'll crush you i'll crush you like a bug all right including actual bugs of course you too bugs you bugs if you're on another person i'll crush the person and the bug all right up next a city that drove people away now begs them to return if they're gay hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our 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Channel: Fox News
Views: 595,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fox news channel, fox news gutfeld show, fox news media, fox news voices, tyrus gutfeld, breaking news, joe biden speech, greg gutfeld reacts, greg gutfeld, fox news network, greg gutfled monologue, dana perino, president biden, kat timpf laugh, joe biden press conference today, jesse watters, gutfeld! tonight, fox news, kat timpf, gutfeld panel, gutfeld monologue tonight
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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