Gutfeld: This is why I'm a pissed off American

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[Music] [Applause] happy thursday everyone so did you hear the latest news yep charles payne accepted my friend request but also according to npr the january 6 hearings are now extending into july yeah i guess they're using the same calendar as two weeks to flatten the curve but thank god because the stuff i've watched so far has been so riveting to hell with that summer vacation to key west i know what i'm doing the first week or two of july yeah apparently they're going to pursue more witnesses and say they're going to get lots of new evidence i guess they're not happy with the witnesses they originally cast in the show what a disaster huh yeah she made the hindenburg look like a fender bender she made pompeii look like knott's berry farm that's a weird comparison apparently they're going to subpoena trump's white house counsel pat sipoloni i don't know who already talked to these clowns and what for well obviously to salvage the mess they made with their big star the good news at least she didn't implicate two bodybuilding nigerians [Laughter] seriously haven't they been through enough just wish they'd move out of my apartment they take the longest showers apparently the committee committee didn't bother to reach out to the secret service before it aired the crud about trump lunging at security so i guess they're doing that now which means new witnesses become responsible for repairing other witnesses hearsay but maybe they'll find out that trump didn't just lunge at the secret service he did a double backflip off the trunk of the car and landed squarely in the lap of abe lincoln who knew trump can drive an suv from the back seat you won't see that in a bond movie of course the media will say come on look it's not a court of law which is true but how's that helped you hutchinson's testimony has now been ruined and by connection so is the hearing you'd think they'd be experts at framing trump by now they've had so much practice but damn if i wanted to watch a show trial i'd go to north korea at least none of the actors there are fat it's not by choice though yet it still goes on and why because the incentives are in place first of all you're paying for it like a night out with kill mead you thought you foot the bill that's not true we go dutch yes leave them out of this two the media wants it to go on forever because it feeds their bias and it feels like they're reporting something when they're just democrat stenographers here's one tweet from abc's jonathan carl it just says thank you cassidy hutchinson that's a reporter i guess he's referring to her testimony but who knows maybe she shared her netflix password with him but that's the media i'm just happy they left their pom-poms at home three the dems are in control at least until november this propaganda machine can go on till then so don't be surprised if it does because like joe on the steps of air force one there's just no balance without legit pushback you see that democrat politics is actually stalinist politics show me the donald and i'll show you the crime so one wonders what's really worse that a rally got out of hand for one day a rally in which people who never broke the law before broke the law then got arrested and are serving time which they should because they broke the law or an open-ended one-party media protected tribunal paid for by you to save their party's chanters chances in november while persecuting anyone they can in this unfettered witch hunt well the answer is easier than me after three daiquiris or two ah one meanwhile our government ignores people illegally intimidating supreme court justices how's that so is this america where they offer unsubstantiated allegations that fall apart like a slow cooked pork shoulder then use that to compel more testimony testimony by reluctant participants in front of grim partisan hacks we now see how duped everyone is to fall for the insurrection lie it was all to create a spectacle to divert from their failures so if you bought this bs you got chainied and you thought her dad only shot friends in the face she contributed to a show trial that would make joe mccarthy blush did you see right after testifying the star witnessed rushed to embrace liz what's that mean are they old friends no they're just part of the play they're hugging like cast members of snl when the show's over how would liz cheney even know this low-level executive branch employee unless of course they met at rehearsal so what's this mean for you that you gotta vote the only way to stop this is to vote every brained democrat out of office and then and then let the real hearings begin because now we have the smoking gun the laptop the messages the big man admitting he knew what his corrupt son was up to roll the voicemail your chance give me a call no it doesn't i just want to talk to you i thought the article at least has been on online it's going to be printed tomorrow in times is good i make you clear i think you're clear talk about real first-person evidence of all sorts of multiple felonies right on tape which was buried by the press compare that to this show trial full of mind reading and hearsay that's amplified by the press it's crazy i just hope there are more there are more phone messages from joe to hunter hey pal it's dad again uh [Music] i was just thinking um you know that the voicemail i left you the one about the uh you're all clear uh you know to delete that right yeah you're a smart kid all right and um just call me a big guy from now on right no one's gonna know what that means all right love you bye you know what i i think there's one more right hey pal it's dad again um hey look um i was just thinking while we're deleting things i was thinking maybe the uh 1400 videos of you with the hookers and the cocaine [Laughter] yeah i think you can get rid of those i know it's it's fun to look back i think it's time we give those the old scrub-a-dub huh the old scrub-a-dumb this is gonna be great because these people should pay for wasting our time with these hearings while ignoring crime inflation border atrocities it's our turn for justice and i'm going to be here for it not because i'm a journalist not because i'm a republican pretty sure i'm neither it's because i'm an american a pissed off one too and you should be as well let's welcome tonight's guests she's so bright we're all wearing sunscreen for protection fox news contributor laura trump unlike baby formula his book is still on the shelves boxing friends coast and host of the great new show what made america great on fox nation brian killme he's living in alaska pursuing comedy next he'll probably pursue snowboarding in florida actor writer and comedian jamie lisa she's got a lot of skeletons in her closet and most of them are squirrels fox who's contributor cat tim brian how you doing there champ good you've been so nice to me and i'm really worried yeah yeah i'm saving it all i guess so saving it all maybe you're just looking forward to the week yeah i felt bad yeah i feel bad for you i know things haven't been going well i didn't say that no no it's it you know it's it's the scuttlebutt in the kitchen really yeah at the fox kitchen people people know the problems we have a kitchen yeah we have a well they don't tell you about it but you know it's amazing to see lynn cheney become a hero to the liberals now the liberals are now neocons she said i i look forward to the day and we can disagree again on issues and i just think it was so i thought the most telling thing was actually came from jake tapper when he said he's talking to jamie raskin and he just said you know it would be great if we had some corroboration like a second sewer so he's like oh that's not a trial we just thought it'd be good for you to know yeah we're starting to say stuff we have no idea if it's true or not but isn't it exciting to get together with everybody in the audience and everything like that this is impeachment three it's the same thing it's the same thing except for there's no cross-examination this is the key though if they don't sit those secret service agents down to tell their side of the story they can't even pretend that they are trying to get the other side of the story because these guys go excuse me i got a huge problem with that story and it's the fact that it didn't happen and i'd like to go sit there and go under oath and tell you what happened and the networks just froze in the headlights they have no idea how to handle it when they come back in july which i'm concerned is going to go right into the new season of ted lasso wow and that's my big worry when they come back in july i want to see secret servants guys with earpieces on there saying not true no one grabbed the wheel no one assaulted me uh and i think what else what else did cassidy say that needs to be i love can i love the uh i'm i'm so shocked lara i'm so shocked he threw his lunch who hasn't thrown any like the whole point of lunch is that i have not you haven't yeah we don't even eat lunch you get an extra lunch to throw i haven't i always order two sandwiches laura one to eat and one to throw at my assistant it's are you watching any of this uh absolutely not look we all saw this movie the first time it was called russia collusion right so we've seen it we know the goal we know the whole point of this and yes they're extending it what a shocker into july do we think it'll extend i don't know into november maybe the midterm elections this whole thing honestly it's kind of insulting to the american people because people have real problems out there and this is where our elected officials are putting their time energy our money as you just pointed out in your intro greg it is insane but i love all the memes that came out of the other day with cassidy hutchinson the ones of my father-in-law driving the the presidential limo and taking down secret service agents it wasn't too long ago that they were asking could donald trump hold a glass of water exactly and now he's taken down secret service agents you gotta hand it to donald trump he's really one on this one i gotta say [Applause] good to see you jamie you too i'm lying are you where i felt like i wasn't um can i say real quick i saw an article today that you're crushing in the ratings i want to take one second and say congratulations oh why thank you and um we are we you know uh just a side point do you know that the five has more democratic viewers than anybody on msnbc and this show has like more has more affluent viewers than any show i saw that and if you're free later i'd like to buy you three daiquiris all you need is one apparently just one another okay i want to make sure [Laughter] so that was all a big setup you big jerk and i fell for it but honestly this whole thing you said you said it killed me that it's they don't want to hear the other side of the story yeah this whole thing is hearsay like the whole thing is here like it'd be like on the way here like a homeless guy said something to me he was like oh this guy is falling i can't come in here and report that to you yeah he wasn't under oath he was under bridge and it's getting crazy out there by the way people should be careful yeah there's just it's some crazy people i was in line for a pretzel yes and this guy i'm just having trouble telling the difference between uh businessmen and crazy people because the ear pieces are getting smaller right so have you ever i'm i'm buying a pretzel and this guy he look he's right in my face and he goes listen man if we don't get those reports by tomorrow we're all screwed [Laughter] and i go what are you talking about he goes listen i don't want your excuses i just want a report and i go dude i don't even know what you're talking about and he points his ear and i go i can hear you i just have no idea what we're talking about and i started thinking how drunk was i last night that i somehow got a job and now i've missed my first assignment but enough with the hearsay it's a joke i'm not watching one second of this yeah you know it's funny what i don't even know what hearsay means cat hear it say i think you do oh do i they should call it the january hear saying yes not hearing right but here's saying i it hit me you know he's trying out material on your show are you a little insulted i mean he's going to take what works he's going to go on stage he has been on every line he's been on every day this week it's okay it's okay yeah to do that you can't do it all right it's all right but he can do it okay you can't what about you cat and your different glasses yeah yeah i am wearing different glasses yes which you've mentioned to me three times that you don't like yes which is so disappointing because when i get dressed every day all i'm thinking is i hope greg likes this uh any okay you want me to talk about the the hearing yes all right sure i can do that okay uh i i just i don't think it's going to be effective for what they want it to be effective for and you know the bachelorette is you know starting in july and it's the first time with two bachelorettes it's two yeah so it's like will their friendship withstand them competing over men yeah they were eliminated the previous season and so i'm definitely tuning in and also twins no they're not twins no see i would watch if they were like siamese twins and then and we actually see this cat siamese twins and one like gets what do they do if one gets rejected i think you should talk to fox nation that's a great idea yes yes um but also i think anyone who's watching it already agrees with the what the point of it is and i don't think anybody who's a like a big trump supporter is watching it right and even if they like you know they're not sitting there like all right that's it i'm taking off the hat yeah right i don't think it does make any difference no it's not it's oh it's this is a this is masturbatory theater for people with trump derangement syndrome they need to watch us to tell them that everything and they can't let go that's the thing which is probably a poor analogy but anyway hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,363,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cassidy hutchinson highlights, cassidy hutchinson jan 6 hearing, cassidy hutchinson fox news, cassidy hutchinson white house, cassidy hutchinson testimony fox news, january 6th hearing recap, january 6th live coverage, january 6 committee, greg gutfeld, fox news, fox news voices, greg gutfeld reacts, fox news media, fox news channel, fox news gutfeld show, greg gutfled monologue, gutfeld! tonight, gutfeld panel, kat timpf, greg gutfeld show
Id: qzcOL24rbFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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