Joe Dakota (Western Movie, Adventure, Romance, English, Classic American Feature Film) full movies

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello hello [Music] [Applause] hello imagine my not seeing you what kind of a town is this anyway it's a small town oh I can see that where is everybody else or are you the only one who lives here everybody else is working and they left you here to run the time did you want supplies no wind always blow like this around here sometimes sure you just won't vanish the minute my back is turned I'll be here I live here I'll be back [Music] I [Music] arigato [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right take it up oh let her go now hold it up again hold it cow we got company hi something I can do for you oh I just riding by and I noticed you were drilling an oil well yeah looks interesting thought I'd stop and watch for a while if you don't mind no no I guess he'll be alright thank you musica I don't know just ridin through I guess wants to watch if you want him to keep on going just say so no no I don't think you're getting away [Music] pull it up again now let her go [Music] look mister just because I said you could watch doesn't mean you have the run of the place this is private property you know where's the fella lives in the shack nobody lives there Oh where's the fellow owns the property I own it if it's a job you're looking for I'm afraid we can't use you this is what you might call a small private operation and as you can see white how old body ah how long you fellows been digging as well I don't think you got a good look at that no trespassing sign we could read it to him yeah hey mister excuse me let me give you a little tip friend people in a small town don't like strangers very much at anytime and when these people are digging an oil well they don't like strangers at all you know I I think you better get on your horse and ride away from this small town you understand yeah all right take it up bring that drill over here I thought you were leaving how long do you say you've been drilling this well I didn't say that jack up there did you build it or was that here before I don't think that's any of your business what about this pool of oil what about it well it doesn't look like you've hit oil yet so it must have been here before you're just full of questions aren't you made it pretty simple for you to figure out where to put this well down it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] ah you tell us shouldn't have done that well you seem to be having a problem about our oil fool yeah we want you to get to the bottom of it [Laughter] [Music] see you boys around [Laughter] oh there now don't try to be fun it's me who is he cow I don't know from the questions he was asking about the oil well my guess is he's a wildcatter well isn't that a pretty rough way to treat him Cal best thing to do is get rid of him Frank I know these wildcatters once they smell oil and start asking questions they try to figure out a way to cut themselves in myrna you don't suppose Jodi told him what we were doing when he came through town she wouldn't talk to a stranger dad she hardly talks Dawson maybe she did but don't worry about it I don't think you'll be back alright boys get the drill [Music] if I'd known where you were going I could have told you they don't like visitors thanks thanks a lot this your store my father's if I had some call all I could clean some of this stuff off got any money this is money it is will be after I clean it up some you it's not gonna help your clothes much I think you need to new ones I think you're right you find my size I'm pretty dirty to come inside sure at large pants mom yeah better make the pants medium socks large your could use a bath it's a public bath upstairs you can use that [Music] you know it sure is a funny thing what is oh you're being so friendly and so helpful for the way they treated me how come you're so nice I'm not as interested in that oh well as they are [Music] that's good neither am i you're not then why'd you go out there came here to see the old man the undead Joe Dakota who the Indian what did you call him Joe Dakota came out here to see a man and don't even know his name it's nothing I don't know your name eat it Jody Weaver Jody well Jodi I know that's Jewish a cot there but one of the men told me was his property nobody lived there at all that right the farm used to belong to Jo Dakota but he doesn't live there anymore hey where you going hey Jodi wait a minute [Music] hey Jodi you can't leave me out here like this what about my back I wanna love so sweet and tender the dearest love I'll ever know my heart she'll bloom forever so far from seventh oh hey get over Blacky get over get over come on get over there boy you know buddy hi what do you think you're doing taking a bath you shouldn't be taking it in there you shouldn't have locked me up there's the only place that Eleanor was open you'd better get out of there why did you run away for you're in trouble now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what in blazes is he doing that man taking it back Jody get away from that window Rosa take money inside right away that fellow's got a lot of gold you gotta get him out of there thinking like that should give this town a bad name come on since that's nothing for you to be looking at scandalous well you don't have to keep looking Ethel [Music] [Applause] Myrna take the women kids into the store keep off the street we'll handle this [Music] I guess maybe I better explain this huh go ahead make it good well it'll be truth pool on I didn't expect you to get back sister and it took me a lot longer to get this stuff off and did for you to get it on me that's no reason we're making a public bath out of our watering trough it is a little more public than I figured at that you ought to be thrown in jail Jalen you got to feed him horse weapons cheaper I thought we made it clear before that you're not welcome here oh you made that clear enough may need a little help just what kind of help do you think you'd get from us well now the way I see it we got two choices we can wait here till it gets dark or you fellas can make a tighter circle I can get up out of here would you please throw me the towel off my saddlebag I think you've stolen long enough money for the new clothes is over there on the bench how'd you get the stuff anyway just go in my store and take it nope your lovely daughter got them for me you mean my Jodi was out here with no of course not we were over there talking about the ending Joe Dakota she ran inside and locked the door [Music] onie I'm afraid I got the water pretty Sophie are you gonna get on that horse are we gonna make other plans for you [Music] I don't suppose any of you boys like to tell me where the old man went which [Music] nope didn't think you would [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't think we'll be bothered with him coming around here again he's sure don't discourage easy I'll say that for I don't feel right about it count I think we handled that fell all wrong Jim you worry too much you know if you go on like this you won't be able to shave yourself let alone your customers I don't know cal rosin me has been talking it seemed to us our town has it changed used to be a nice and friendly place but no more nah we used to be a friendly people open the kind we're still the same people but we're not the same people look at what we do to that man today and look at what we do the town just a little while ago when he's come and we say come in sit down have a glass of wine we shake his a hand we listen to his to talk a nice and friendly life and because you were friendly and because you did listen to me when I told you about the oil on Dakota's farm we're all partners in a venture that'll make us rich that's why we have to be careful about outsiders you know no other stranger would walk in and give you an oil well he's already tried to take it away from you but that is not the reason we throw this fellow out today it's because we're scared we scared somebody's gonna find out the truth about what we do we so scared we we don't even want to talk to each other we're not scared of that market we only did what we had to do I don't think any of us should be ashamed of it we did it to keep this a good town a friendly town but it's nobody else's business and we have to see that it stays that way forget it mark you'll have plenty of time to be friendly when that welcomes in we get our hands on some of that money that's a day I'm waiting for I might even buy me a shave you have to talk to my sister way even without help Jim you're the unbusy astound how much longer we gonna have to wait cow says it could come in any time mark let's have around the drinks on that how didn't realize it assess soon it's just like I've been telling Bertha little farmers like me ain't gonna get rich no matter how many times we pick and move on but this time I think we're located to stay it's gonna be real nice for sis to Ethel never was pretty enough to catch herself a husband mm-hmm she deserves something out of life I think maybe I talk too much come on in your glass white is on the house [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on you go on I'll be over it daddy honey I saw you outside him I need to go did you go for a walk today Jody wouldn't you feel better if he came out the well once in a while I'd stay here Jody this is ridiculous you can't go I'm not talking to me what's that I'm Eureka would you say I know a good man he told you that no I didn't tell me I just knew well he's going to be sorry he did you stay here [Music] there is quite a time it's always empty except for one pretty girl you're a different pretty girl where's Jodi never mind about my sister if you think this town is empty you're in for an unpleasant surprise wait a minute I'll go with you [Music] wait a minute mark thank you I don't think he'll be around long enough to drink that maybe I wanted that he'll answer a couple of simple questions for me maybe I can leave here for good let's hear the questions all right where's the Indian the old man you know it's Joe Dakota the Indian doesn't live here anymore you mean he left town yeah he left when did he leave Oh two weeks ago maybe maybe more where'd he go he didn't say do you know where I could find him no does anyone know where I can find well it looks like I just have to stick around for what for what maybe I like it here it's a pretty little town nice people friendly why not all your folks have a drink why not let's have a drink with it do you remember what Mark told us last night let's show him how friendly we really are Oh Aaron why don't you an Adam see if our friend would like to join your club right sure yeah that's a fine idea of course it's a pretty exclusive club yeah but we're always looking for new members and if you plan to stay around here you'd better join it's the only Club in town sounds interesting who's in your club just us mean Aaron what do you do Oh weed drink mostly yeah it's a drinking Club I'm in favor of that only we play a little game first see you buys the drinks but I already often to buy no that'd spoil all the fun ends against the rules I figured there be rules it's real easy goes like this first I try to knock out him off his stool but I only get one punch that's your rule and I can't hang onto nothing with my hands that's really if Adam falls off he's got to buy but I didn't so now it's my turn to try to knock Aaron off his stool but neither one of you fell off yeah that's a tie so we keep on going until somebody wins I understand why you have a limited membership where it's a small time we don't get visitors very often well I don't join many clubs when a visitor dust comes to town he's too busy trespassing there poking his nose into somebody else's business or taking baths or maybe he's just yelling yeah could they just buy a round of drinks for the house not a good thing now without joining the club no we couldn't drink with you if you're yella well sounds like a harmless little game I'll join your club please mister why don't you just leave town huh what do we do first first we have the initiation and you just turn around and face out my younger brother still growing boy Bobby doesn't have his full strength yet I thought he did pretty good for a young cub I turned on looks like it I guess it is ready yeah we're ready who's first I guess I [Music] it's like you fellas buy you boys really like to fight yeah we sure do I'm gonna get awful tired fighting each other [Music] that was a very impressive demonstration Thanks doesn't mean a thing there isn't any place for you to stay in Arbor Vale and that includes the street we have don't worry about me I own a little piece of property around here it's got a Shack on it I'll spend tonight at my place [Music] wait a minute mister it's about time you stop bluffing we know every piece of land in this area and who owns it which piece do you claim is yours you're drilling an oil well on it you're getting unfunny by the minute who do you think you are thought you'd never ask me the name is Joe Dakota that's right and it's recorders office the county seat shows clearly that the property's registered in my name since I don't remember selling it to anyone I figure still belongs to me you're wrong mister that's my land the old Indian sold it to me Frank get my envelope out of your safe Turkel we can put a stop to this mighty quick Joe Dakota how could his name be Joe Dakota could be the old man's son no he could he's not an Indian could be a half-breed he looks enough like an Indian to be a half-breed sure fights like a savage here I'll kill him this papers worthless worthless just because I haven't had time to get a record it doesn't mean a thing it's legal here as it would be in the county seat except at the end in didn't make this mark I say did I doubt if he's ever seen it he saw it and he made the mark and there's only one way to settle this let's get him bring him back here find out from him we told you the old Indian is gone that's your problem and you can forget about any more drilling out there until we get this thing settled I told you we don't know where he went well then we'll just have to wait until you find out or until one of you remembers Frank you better put this back in the safe [Music] what counts I'll do about this what does it mean what's he trying to do oh it's just some wildcatter trying to bluff his way in I had him spotted right the first time how can we be sure he's bluffing Cal that's right he seems to know more about this Indian than a stranger should look I didn't say he wasn't smart he's proved that with one quick trip to the county seat he gets just enough information to make it sound like he knows more than he really does maybe we should ask him prove he's Joe Dakota hmm my guess is that he could do it and a lot easier than we can prove that he wasn't right now you think he's telling the truth no of course not but you can be sure that he took the trouble to get some kind of evidence just in case we did ask for it could have been anything with Joe Dakota's name on it phony letter or something I don't know Cal he seemed awful sure of himself wait a minute Jim what are you getting at well nothing Cal I was just thinking that maybe thinking what that he's right because if you are you know what that means means you think that I'm wrong he as much as said that I stole that land from the Indian is that what you believe oh no Cal no nobody thinks that Kevin nobody here believes anything that fella told us we all know about the paper Jim you saw it go into the safe yeah I did thought you were here in the store yeah I remember learn to open the safe I put the paper in and locked and we all know when it was done nobody doubts you Cal not after what you've done for us for all of us I know Murph I know what that's not what concerns me what is it then yes something I should have thought of before there is a chance that the Indian sold me a piece of land that he didn't really own something he had no right to sell I think such a thing as possible though the well was close to coming in and him sitting out there I gotta find out and go on the county seat [Music] I'm scared Cal I'm afraid it's all gonna fall apart I couldn't stand that I want to walk down the street that isn't dirt where everybody's different not always the same means a lot to me - honey that surface oil pocket shallow as it is will be the stake to get us started on the next one the one after that I don't wanna lose that stake I don't wanna lose you you won't lose me I used to pray that somebody like you would come here I was so grateful when you did even before I knew you ever since you've been here it's been wonderful and exciting I I don't want anything to happen to our plans go nothing is gonna happen murder if I find that the Indian really owned that man will have very little trouble with a new Joe Dakota boy thing you find something else the worst that I can find out is that this fellow really owns the land I figure that if he does he's the only one that knows [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hold it right there and I don't think you'll have any neat that right I didn't come out here for any trouble but I think you and I better have a little talk what boy nothing to talk about unless you found the ending you know when you first came in town I had a feeling and I've seen you someplace before I don't think so I spent a good many years around the oil fields maybe it was Pico Canyon I saw you was that where you from nope well sooner or later every Wildcat orion's up at new home is that so well it's the only oil refinery in the state isn't it Newhall you say yeah never heard it you're an oilman aren't you you know what I think I think you ask an awful lot of questions for a man who says that I'm bluffing hold it just a minute friend guys trying to be nice to you I know we were a little rough on you I'm sorry for that I'm even willing to overlook the fact that you're trespassin till we get this thing settled as I understand it possession is nine points of the law and as you can see I'm in possession of this place so until somebody changes that one way or another it looks to me like you're trespassing let me give you a friendly tip people in a small town don't like strangers prowling around their places at night so why don't you just climb on your horse and ride away from this place [Music] are you listening Jolie sure this is important I don't want you to talk to him again I think he's nice well he's not nice he's that Indian son or any relation at all it's not safe for you to get near him you know why now we should stop talking about it well I'm only doing it for your own good cow says he's dangerous Cal's afraid of him cows not afraid of anybody he's not no he's not [Music] [Applause] [Music] come in the shave I guess huh miss P wanted talking to Warren yeah shame you said she yeah cash customer would be something different to time we get a sack potatoes maybe a chicken I'll have to use cold water [Music] what's your name yeah juh last name him blowing and annoying Jim I guess you know my name yes you do [Music] Jim Oh smell account around here for a long time oh no my love addressed us have he seems kind of like one of us now oh yes see people were pretty lucky to have an old expert here just when you found out that there was oil here fortune yeah I guess we were only you said he wasn't looking for a while when he came I thought wildcatters were always looking for a while that's what I figured too only according to him he just looked for a nice piece farming Lin said he's true with all I won't settle down that's why I wanted to buy the Indians place farming yeah what a figure yes Jim let's talk about the ending didn't really want to sell this far isn't that right and when he couldn't persuade him to sell his place he tried to force him into it even threatened him he don't get me talking about that no siree yeah yeah [Music] hello I thought I might be having all kinds of visitors out here I sure didn't expect you not this time of night it's almost morning I had to come out while everybody was a sleeper I wouldn't get a chance to talk to you at all coming [Music] [Applause] well when we talk about I want to know who you are thought you weren't interested in the oil I'm not but there can be other reasons well as I said my name is Jody quarry that's not true isn't it and you're not his son like they say in town Joe Dakota didn't have a son how do you know that he told me I used to come out here to see him lots of times we talk he'd show me how to make things or would tell me stories about when he was a scout for the cavalry sounds like you're doing pretty well I did he was my friend if you came here just to steal his land why did you have to steal his name I didn't steal his name matter of fact he borrowed mine you're making that up you didn't even know his name until I told you what it was I just didn't know he was using him I came up here because the old man sent me a telegram asking me for help he sent for you he was my friend too that's why I came you came to ladies can I was afraid that might be do you know killed him everyone behind him thank [Music] why because he wouldn't sell his farm what kind of a town is this they hang him for what he did to me [Music] or what he did to you I came out here one night and Joe was drunk he grabbed me tore my clothes and hit him I got away from him and ran off and they heard what he tried to do they came out here and got him and hanged him [Music] who sent you out here to tell me this fantastic story it's not a fantastic story it's the truth I don't believe him he couldn't have done a thing like that drunk or silver what makes it so hard to understand maybe it was my fault I don't believe that either your story just doesn't make sense it didn't take an expert to figure out there was oil on this land almost anyone who saw that surface pool out there could make a pretty good guess well somebody made that guess now there's an oil well here an Indian is dead the whole town's trying to hide behind a phony piece of paper but Cal put that paper and my father's safe two weeks before the hanging why was the old man still here Cal said he could stay until he was ready to take possession they gave you all the answers didn't nobody told me what to say I'm telling you the truth I'll go back and tell him it didn't work sorry that's the reason you came out here I'll tell you the real reason I came out here because I thought you were nice and because I hope what they were saying about you wasn't the truth that won't work either Judy you're a lovely looking girl sorry you're not as honest as you look I hate you [Music] what are you doing getting dressed surely you've been crying again wait for me honey let's have breakfast together we can talk I don't want any dad I think you better have a talk with Jody she was crying this morning it looks like it's starting all over again man I I don't know what to say to him well you'll have to say something she won't even talk to me where is she out front hello Frank kind of nice to have a day off from the oil well if that isn't it gives us all the chance to catch up on things myrna's inside hello folks Oh Frank has anybody seen him yet today Oh him you know uh no no not a sign huh if I don't watch that boy who I was handing your candy jar don't you worry we'll count the pieces miss Jude breakfast this morning Jody I wasn't hungry honey I hate so you get like this again you were so much better was that I suppose that fella coming into town asking about the Indian I just start thinking about it again is that it something like that I know it's no used to say don't think about it at least we made sure nothing like that'll ever happen here again did the oil well have anything to do with it dead well what do you mean by that did you hang Joe Dakota to get the oil on his bond Jody that's a terrible thing to say you shouldn't even have thoughts like that what kind of people do you think we are it's what I'd like to know Jody I don't think there's one person that knew there was oil on that farm the night Joe Dakota was hanged I didn't know it the two things just aren't connected at all what Jay would get such an idea from him that's what he said you mean you talk to him again I went out there this morning Jody that was dangerous and stupid don't you care what happens to you I had to talk to him and you told him what happened to the Indian yes I just don't understand you what made you do a thing like that I guess because I had to talk to somebody about what happened because I feel like it's my fault he died and if he's related to him or even just a friend I could try to explain because it just didn't seem right that he was looking for Joe Dakota and nobody was gonna tell him he was dead you're the last person to go telling a story like that to a stranger if there's nothing wrong I don't see why it makes any difference you have a responsibility Jody to me and to the others because of what we had to do I didn't ask you to do it I didn't want him to be killed neither did anyone else Dakotah had to be punished we did it because it was our job I don't know what I'm gonna say to the others they were helping me protect my family and it turns out my family isn't very grateful Jody go to your room stay there to let a little come out [Music] what's he trying to do I don't know [Music] doesn't have to mean anything maybe he was just fishing hoping we'd give something away did you see the cross a hanger from the saddle I'm a wonder what he's gonna do with that he knows all right he's going out to mark the grave that's where he's going yeah it looks like that's where he's going we can find out he's you know [Music] I know who you are I do that's a cavalry pistol belt isn't it yes I should have known before but I thought you were lying about your name so I didn't believe anything listen that makes us even I didn't believe you either there was only one person Joe Dakota would have asked for help I mean one man he ever called his friend that's who you are isn't it his captain that's right Judy I wonder why I never said your name probably because he was using it himself but why well he put my name on his land deed the only reason I can figure is because my name was the only one he knew how to write I didn't think he could write at all he couldn't really but he could write your Dakota I thought it and that's how your new cows paper was no good that's why the story you told me didn't make sense but now that I know who you are you've just got to believe me well that's pretty big order Judy either they hang the old man to get the oil for themselves they didn't even know the oil was there and then for some reason they did it to cover up for calf no they did it for me well that's the part I can't believe I didn't make up the story it's true you have to believe me maybe there's a way I can believe you and not believe your story what do you mean it's like that paper of cows you and I know there's no good there's long as the people believe in and they'll believe anything he tells them and what can I do to convince you I'm telling the truth tell me what happened that night Jodie everything little details anything that comes into your mind [Music] all right was it dark yet very Jack where did it happen right outside there my father didn't like for me to go out to see Joe after dark sometimes I did anyway when I was almost to the door some somebody grabbed me I couldn't see him at first he held me so tightly I couldn't turn my head I remember his breath it's hot on my neck I could smell the wine II been drinking and I remember his face was rub against my cheek when I tried to get away he hit me so hard that everything went flat [Music] when I can't do us I saw Joe standing there I can see him clearly it was Jo Dakota bending over me reaching out for me with his hands [Music] Jody you said that his face was rough against your cheek what did you mean it hurt scratched his whiskers I guess his whiskers Jody [Music] so when he was bending down reaching out for me he was only trying to help me wasn't he yeah [Music] [Music] hey that's a cow what's the matter he found out about the Indian he hung this on a sign who told him nobody we don't even see him until he come in town with a rope well somebody must have told him Jodi Jodi did it Jodi why would she do that some strange reason of her own where is she she's in her room Tom I'm beginning to wonder if something didn't go wrong in calories and telling us about it so am i sure she was awful worried about something cow nobody likes what's been happening here today oh you mean about the news not only that he's make a wooden cross put it on the Indians of grave then he ride down the middle of town with a cross and the Rope a hanging from his saddle for everybody to see just like he's are trying to be the conscience for the whole town conscience we've got nothing to feel guilty about you said that yourself Frank I know I said it Carol I hope we're having you hope so what's the matter with all of you people a man comes riding in goes through a lot of hocus pocus about a cross and a nuisance you all start to fall apart well you know he just did it to scare you he's not interested about the Indian being dead or how he died he's interested in but one thing that I oh well I only wish we could believe that girl we can that paper that we have is just as good as gold the old Indian really owned that land a clerk the recorders office remembered him we can prove it any time we have to now wait a minute now you will listen to me that's my land but your money is invested in it our entire futures are tied up in that oil well that's what he's trying to take away from you you gonna let him what are you waiting for cows found proof of our rights he's only asking us to stand up for what's ours you can't let him down now you can't let yourselves down we look up the wagons this time we're running out for good after here with the children go if it weren't for me you'd still be alive Jody what we've just discovered proves it wasn't your fault you mustn't blame yourself ever the well [Music] oh there we gotta get out in there and stop that gusher what about him first we gotta cap that oil well what they carry him later [Music] Joe what are you gonna do have a little talk don't go out there Cal me have a gun he'll shoot you I don't think you will Joe [Music] [Music] you stay inside you stay with the women Kenny top it down don't worry about him [Music] go ahead get the ports of the switches coming down kill that's far enough you wouldn't shoot anybody count you get other people who do your killing for you like you did with the old Indian I figure any man who use a girl to frame an old man hasn't got too much daylight courage if you had to get rid of the old Indian by having a whole town hanging for something you didn't do then you're not gonna shoot me you wouldn't shoot anybody not in front of witness not when there's poop the old man didn't sign legal papers with an ex and you found that out of three quarters office didn't you your waste our time mister and open I believe that story everyone here knows what happened to the Indian and why no you don't want Jodi I know something that proves we're all wrong plenty been telling this girl Jodi don't talk anymore I thought about it all over again step by step don't man if Ted stories told her what to say I remember a man's hot breath on my neck I could smell the whiny bit drinking and I remember his whiskers scratching my cheek well mr. Weber do I have to explain to you what Jodi just told you the old man like most dentists didn't have a beard we just goes to show that there was somebody else out there that might do someone who had a beard his whiskers scratch Jodi's face someone who got there long enough ahead of her to get the old man drunk was already back in town waiting for her to come in to make sure that you'd hang you you're a little higher someone who had to get rid of the Indian because he had a forged document planted and Frank Weaver's safe you don't believe that fantastic story to him I don't know what to think now I'm beginning to wonder think what does he think about I gave you toil well money look at it go to waste didn't I give you a murder he's got an old Indian nobody's hurt the girls all right what's an Indian against an oil well alright mister let me have your gun I'll show you who's a coward and I'll show you something about killing two if I have to Hanna Marin forgot that plug Sam time give a hand to smile lol and we're gonna cap it mark get the sledges and prank you're gonna help too don't think I won't use this gun remember it's all I got left now mo sure I said move come on come on get it in there easy job he's gonna get him stick them in the Armco stick it in Iran you cannot erase cow no wrenches that's a rule [Music] [Music] this time we're handling legal right Frank yeah well turn them over the county [Music] [Music] I had to do it now maybe we have our friendly town back again if God will forgive us for what we have done container Adam don't you ever talk me into an ordeal again that's a new room Joe Dakota we can undo what's already been done it's not really a bad town and we're not bad people I know that mr. Weaver I kind of like this town too maybe that's one of the reasons I'm coming back [Music] he borrowed my name Judy this is just let him know it's alright [Music]
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
Views: 1,889,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: western, western movies, western feature films, full length movies, cowboys, wild west, full length, western movie, entire movies, full movie, watch films online, full movie youtube, classic western movies, western movies full length, cowboy movies, western movies full length free, classic western movies full length, cowboy movies full movies, bad-guy, claim-jumpers, cowboy, drilling, good-guy, mineral-rights, Native-American, oil-man, oil-town, scout, free movies, full movie western
Id: sx7--tol1U0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 29sec (4529 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2018
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