The Quiet Gun 1957 Western Movie Forrest Tucker, Jim Davis, Lee Van Cleef

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The Quiet Gun (1957)

Western [1 h 17 min]
Forrest Tucker, Mara Corday, Jim Davis, Kathleen Crowley
Director: William F. Claxton

IMDb rating: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ 6.4/10 (108 votes)

Hired gun Doug Sadler rides into a small Western town and immediately provokes the local sheriff, Carl Brandon, by tormenting a simpleminded local named Sampson. Brandon is further provoked by a visit from city attorney Hardy, who announces that the town council is charging local rancher Ralph Carpenter with violations of morality for living with an Indian girl. Brandon, who is in love with Carpenter's estranged wife Teresa, realizes that there is something sinister behind both these events, but he is unsuccessful in preventing calamity from erupting. Eventually he must stand against his entire town in order to protect it and the law he represents. (IMDb)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MovieGuide 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2015 🗫︎ replies
hey skinny my name's Sampson water rubbed down the horse again you see what you got some cyclones time bad hits riegner I'll take care of him maybe you didn't understand me I said I wanted my horse taken care of no need to rough him up mister he would have taken care of your horse Oh didn't think he wouldn't when seems to be the problem I'll take the saddle off of him and we can have some more fun yes sir [Music] [Applause] kara the stranger diode Eaton's giving Samson some trouble you better get diner he's a pretty tough looking hombre it could get real me all right back after a while Jim [Music] you come on Samson bendeth I can't mister know how your name is Samson isn't it yes sir well then bend it that's it that's it you can see it Ben I ain't gonna try no more pick it up no sir do like I tell you leave it BAE back out mister pick it up Samson favorite I told you to back out how are you I'd mind my own business that's exactly what I'm doing minding my business who is he sure I don't know sample [Music] [Music] open video show [Music] you [Music] Karen Karen friended I gotta talk to you there's something going on in this town you ought to know about it a minute you want to talk I'll be in my office did you get out there yes sir that I did and you saw what I told you about I did now do you believe me I certainly do because I didn't get a close whew you understand well as long as you know isn't that enough I'm very glad you brought this to my attention mr. Raleigh I'll follow your suggestions step-by-step on your mind Artie a matter of common decency you heard right call common decency it's been brought to my attention and the city attorney I fear the best to anticipate and prevent it now why would the city attorney want to prevent common decency I'm not joking call this is very serious Ralph Carpenter has poised the problem directly at us Ralph come now call that Indian girl he has out there on the ranch if there's an Indian girl in his place she's hired help that's no problem hired calm she's our problem and you know it are you serious Hardy why it's the morality of the theme the effect it will have listen I got enough problems in this job without inviting them you are new out here this is not the East if I were you I wouldn't let Ralph carpenter hear me talking like that man out here have to fight quicker and they'll talk something up it's a good thing it isn't the East where I come from we to run cognate out of the country overnight all right this is not where you come from I don't know why you're trying to make something out of this but let me tell you something you go around butting your nose in other people's affairs like you're doing now you're gonna wind up full of holes remember that hearty people will not stand for it confounded call I'm told this girl is just 60 16 or 60 it's no one's business if she's on his place you can believe that she's hired help and to my knowledge that's not a violation why this is creating a fear all over town young girls on the roads won't be so talk sense will you Hardy if you want to start a reform program why don't you go over to the Rileys Whitsett house that ought to keep you busy for a year he won't even drink the stuff he sells and I'm not reforming anything I'm an attorney not a preacher well I'm glad we got that point cleared up you won't even speak to him that's right all right god you're quite subtle in your mind about this what do I have to do hit you over the head with it I wouldn't go near Ralph with that story and let me tell you something lawyer you'd better do the same only you stay further away hmm I'll call the four o'clock stage today from Wagon Mound mrs. carpenter we'll be on it goodbye Hardy [Music] Oh always some home aren't you yeah sure is hot yeah been doing really riding no you all ready to start getting at Carl yeah come on in have a chair Carl thanks row Wow hurt and Dreiser no no I haven't you know that she was doing on the four o'clock stage today didn't she as a matter of fact I did in Carl didn't you know why she went away we have been getting along for quite some time that's why she went to visit her family this doesn't come as a complete surprise to you does it all right you're still in love with her aren't you Carl what Teresa you love her don't you ah it's a little warm for coffee how did you have to know she was coming in on the four o'clock stage old word gets wrong I guess they sent a passenger list ahead well I guess I'd better be getting back to town Ralph hi Carl thanks for dropping by Carl yeah [Music] you might pass word around town that if I hear any talk from anybody about me and an Indian girl well I'm sure you know what I mean Karl [Music] under permit right and so then I ran into a little trouble but don't worry you have it yeah when plenty of time for your heard two days two days you mean you got that herd running already when you're still running you go by a timetable you've already had enough time all right what do you expect me to do when a man doesn't want to sell just got him and take his ranch just keep up your end of the bargain and get me clear passage to Hells Canyon I don't care what you do I just don't want anybody around those cattle come down I'll worry you'll get clear passage there won't be anybody on that property I'll see to it as long as called Brandon and Carbonero old friends I think I can come up with something to discredit the local lawman least enough to get me out of our operation I want that ranch in two days really I told you you'll get it over there I got a stake in this too but I don't want any trouble you almost started some of the minute you got in town never mind what I do just remember no gunplay not for a couple of days anyhow [Music] you went out there I see I guess you didn't hear me sheriff you went out there I see and just how did you see I saw you right out on Hell's Canyon after I left you you've got something to say get it said and then get out of here will you we gotta act like grown men call alright I went out there how old is she if you haven't got anything better to do or something else on your mind will you get out of here I see you're not planning to take a hand and that's right but I shall on what grounds on the grounds that is detrimental to rock rivers standards of conduct Oh standards of the conduct don't laugh why are you trying to put Ralph in such a bad light there's no problem out there there was a meeting Sheriff action was authorized by the town council against Ralph carpenter is a definite threat to the community's morals do you mean to stand there and tell me that Harold Mercer and the others got out a complaint against Ralph correct and as soon as I pick it up I'll take action so out of the clear blue sky the city fathers decide that rock rivers morals or slipshod huh they tell you something where you bring that paper to serve on Ralph's around to me and so help me the town council will have this badge the minute you bring it in I understand there's an old friend of yours how'd this get started what's it all about hardy my all of a sudden the ladies committee went on mass to the council hall maybe it's that you seen that Harold had to call a special meeting right then and there that's about all there was to it Arnie I'm gonna give you one last warning you're making something here it's going to cause more trouble than a range war not without ample reason [Music] Oh oh wait a minute what's crawled into that muscle-bound brain of yours to let that committee Stampede you into this thing now wait a minute Carl it was all hard he's doing he had it all down in black and white all legal with such listen don't you know that there isn't a law in this country that allows Hardy to walk in on Ralph's and change his way of life well he had a real good name what Ralph is due it's uh oh yeah Marathi that's it he only said it twice I never get a chance to repeat it to myself then women was making so much noise parties right about this Carl Ralph is making a spectacle sort of you know that you just pull the cork out of Hardy's mouth don't you I want to tell you this could be a buzzards day you remember that kama-nak kama-nak this is the city attorney come out many we've sought enough [Music] what's the matter Hardy you lost your city manners the official nature of my call will not permit me to do any more you got something to say say it and clear out it's been brought to my attention by the outraged citizens of Rock River oh stop your jabbering what do you want the Town Council is authorized a complaint against you for what for there there's the reason you're both a definite threat to the community's morals here take it now you take this paper I suggest you get out off that horse and make me take it take it take it and get rid of this little [ __ ] shut your dirty mouth and don't think you're clean in this matter I said shut up and get out of here don't you dare threaten the city attorney here give me that no no mister you don't want no gun [Music] outside of them no sir I meant get come on [Music] Thanks Oh Sheriff oh wow better up kind of a no hello how can I do for you and talk to you about Hardy yeah honey you know I don't know what's gotten into that man that's why I want to talk to you oh by the way this is done Sadler we met mr. Sadler setting himself up in the cattle rancher here oh honey yeah yeah sure set up a big commotion to me Sean you had a chance to sit on that Town Council why didn't you you might have prevented this whole thing oh now let's be practical I got a business to run out there I don't need me prestige huh that's all anybody joins one of those silly organizations where you know that those poor guys was begging for a little bit of officialdom to be stuck on their collar whatever you want to those four men make the ordinances you too lazy to attend the meetings you're laying yourself wide open anything they may decide what are you driving at we doing a barn somebody kicked hardy off on this morality campaign who knows how far it'll go oh sure nobody will pay any attention to him well it goes much further we're in trouble the whole town is he's well within his legal rights anyone who opposes him won't find himself in hot water that's nonsense mr. silver mr. silver I got trouble real troubles I'm down Samson here have a drink oh thank you no I never touch it where's the sheriff I gotta find the sheriff is it there oh thank you [Music] sheriff he's dead dead who's dead hardy Hardy is mr. carpenter shoddy you come along with me Samson it would appear that Valve carpenter took Hardy seriously wouldn't well I certainly worked out a lot better than I figured it we had nothing to worry about now Cobb will have to take off Carl have to go after him no carbonate no law no just be sure I don't want anybody around when we start cutting fences and changing brands you still got two days Hardy he give me $5 to ride out to the ranch with him I didn't know he was gonna serve this here paper you're on well sir next thing I know hot words started going between him Hardy got madder and madder and then the Indian girl come out of the house I reckon he must have been sold her cuz mr. carpenter got real mad Hardy grabbed my rifle and then mr. carpenter shot him party grabbed your rifle yes sir Samson you wait right here for me would you you ain't arresting me are you sure no I've got to go meet the stage but I still want to talk to you so you stay right here as long as you need arrested me sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh trees I gotta talk to you right away lady before Allah let me tell you about it me off my left oh yeah Harold howdy miss carb during my dad back would you look after mrs. carpenters luggage for us thanks a lot I'll talk to you later [Music] hello mr. Cockburn hello Samson Oh Samson I wonder if you'd wait in there for me you gonna lock me up Sheriff no I I just want to talk to mrs. carpenter yes sir sit down Tracy not a very good host did Ralph send you to meet me no Teresa people make mistakes all of us do there's there's something going on in this town I can't exactly put my finger on it but someone got Stephen Hardy all up in arms the town council passed an ordinance party he went out to to serve in on Ralph I'm sorry to have to tell you this trees Ralf killed him I did have two accounts wanted to serve the paper on him from for being immoral oh that's ridiculous yeah I know the only thing is it was an Indian girl living on the ranch I'm in need and now wait a minute the thing that makes it look bad is it you and and Ralph are separated people talk you know care whether it's true or not you know that where is he I don't know did he kill Hardy in self-defense I don't know that either seems that party went for Samson's rifle bow shot him it's for a jury to decide Teresa she pretty yes Teresa very pretty why don't you uh why don't you stay mrs. Merrick sporting house at least she'll leave you alone for the time being good girl I'll come by the first chance I get Matt would you help mrs. carpenter along the Rex boarding house with her luggage please just a minute Sara we came here to that island your mind sure I'll talk to you later mr. carpenter good day gentlemen today now look here Carl but here we'll see you Carl yeah I know you want to tell me that Hardy was killed by her own right don't you want me to hit the trail that's right Ralph fired the shot kill card even he didn't cause his death you know that don't you if you're implying I had it you're just the same as killed one man and ruined another when you allowed Hardy to get away with this whole thing why I heard a pretty good description of you boys today you're little men longing for prestige and finding it in jobs that aren't anymore we all got jobs roping wild horses Harold that's you the top of your thick fat head to the soles of your boots I'll bring him in that's my job just for the record you know as well as I do that Hardy wasn't worth one tear from Teresa not one drop of sweat from Ralph carpenter and neither is the man who put him up to it just a second or nobody put Hardy up to this he was a good lawyer doing his job I hope that got you all of you lose a little sleep over what you've done fasten your wait here for me yes sir [Music] steady boy [Music] Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow don't touch it Irene let's get up it's your boots on Ralph nice and easy you see Teresa Karl I'd rather not talk about don't either one of you make a fool move I'll shoot [Music] come back you're a fool Irene he fights me he's gonna get killed so might you he'd gone back we might have had a chance when the rest of his life in prison [Music] well out there he's gonna die might as well stay here till sunup he can't go far on foot [Music] [Music] is she pretty huh his wife is she pretty she's beautiful you're in love with her [Music] then you must understand I love Ralph and he loves me [Music] who tell me what good friends you were before when you let him go please let's go [Music] [Music] let's tie up in there [Music] you want to stay here or go to him you [Music] Eirene tell him I won't shoot unless he shoots first try to make him come in with you [Music] well hurry oh yeah get out quick [Music] shouldn't have come here we wanted to Rao give it up stay here I don't know Ralph drop your gun and come on down I'll make a car don't you worry from the first time I saw you I loved you with all my heart it only caused you his trouble you don't understand Sean Riley sent me to you Sean Riley I didn't do what Rani wanted me to do I couldn't and I know he's the one that sent Hardy after you Karl yeah I want [Music] Carl yeah your friends coming to back yet oh don't be a fool cost on your gun you can't keep that mob off of me and you not on it it's a sheriff Brandon now hold your fire like talk to him [Music] you got to get out of your RV a lynch mob believe me [Music] I get going cramp fun are you men doing here who authorized you to form a posse we're just doing our duty as citizens what duty to see that you uphold the law I suppose you would sit House boys are outraged citizens to mount up move out Tom oppose willya Carl he's your friend how about it Carl backing up who made you judges who gave you the right to take the law into your own hands I semi [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] robert's bradford and thompson sure hardware up on the bar top you're all under arrest now wait a minute Carl shut up Riley you intend bringing in the whole posse lynch mob not posse and I intend doing just that starting with these three I wouldn't be hasty and make a mistake if I were you these men did just what the rest of the townsmen did you condoning what they did you didn't get carpenter the posse did they finished what you started out to do there was no crime committed these men have not been deputized hanging carpenter was murder now either but out Riley or you can join them you ain't taking me in don't be a fool Rob let's go with him he can't do anything to you put your gun now Bradford Thompson what's it gonna be with you you can't get away with this Carl shut up Riley one more word out of you and I'll take you in with him I'll put your guns up nice and easy [Applause] silver stole more solemn er do whatever you want to it because they won't be needing yes sir move Oh [Music] where's Robert go on you know the way fashion yes sir use that if you have to Samson you want to go to work for me I sure do sure now you're working for me well you know don't let anybody come through that door deputy over my dead body Sheriff over my dead body complicated but safe and sure you're real funny yeah you got yourself a bull by the tail sending that Indian girl out to the ranch was real dumb what are you talking about you got your ranch didn't you okay what about the carpenter woman we was doing our duty you got no right to do this to us I'll talk to the whistle house get away at its cost Anson go ma come up yes sir oh come in alright put yourself down right there Carl Brandon and I'll pitch Theresa for you thank you man oh here give me that thing you know she's got a lot of spunk what with a lot of nosey busy bodies coming in wanting to make chatter with me just to take a peep at her but don't you think for one minute I tolerate the nonsense no sir I turned the wrath of Mariga on them Oh Sheriff you be good to her she's a fine woman yes ma'am I know I believe you do hello Carl Tracy sir I've heard about it there's nothing to say he's dead it's all over hi I sent for the circuit judge I'll be tried tomorrow afternoon mrs. Merrick tells me have half the town upsetting and the other half in jail they took the law in their own hands that's a crime that can't go unanswered I wish you wouldn't be the one to stand up against the whole town can't help but think there's something behind this who playing against Ralph hearty being so eager to serve it and lynch mob I can't help but think how the three of us were four years back whoever would have thought livid would have thought it would turn out like this Theresa uh well I wish it had turned out differently I know what are you gonna do now I don't know I guess I'll go back to the ranch please just a few days yeah yeah that's the best thing to do be pretty uncomfortable for you here I will send for you if I need you for the trial or anything all right well I guess just better get back to the jail can't Braille watch it from here Kenny you be careful hmm yeah I'll do that [Music] what do you want city father well frankly Carl you got to let those men loose you hear me Carl if you got a turnip loops up in there you gotta turn him loose Carl listen I was elected to this job and I'm doing it those men are accessories to murder and the more they're gonna be tried before a circuit judge for that murder you sent for a circuit judge that's right the moan of a deputy just in case those townspeople want their friends out of here now Carl you shouldn't have done that those Posse measures he'll get the word right will ya lectures well you were carpenters friend and folks around town wondered wondered what helped well if you do your duty I did didn't I let's think this thing out Carl we don't have to keep those men in jail let's forget what happened not on your life somehow someway I'm gonna find out what's going on in this town I'll get to the bottom of this mess Carl if you don't let those men out I'll take the keys and do it myself yeah you do that Harold you got a choice you can get yourself killed join them or back down what'll it be dogs call it Carl what am I gonna do the whole town's up in arms the council had a meeting and both of those men out of jail and what if I refused what did they vote about that the town wants those men out that's all I know tell you what you do Harold you go round up the Town Council bring him over here Oh what do you have in mind got an idea maybe I can solve this whole thing fine fine I'll bring it back Carl I knew you'd come through yeah sure deputy yes sir pull up a chair I got a job for you yeah you ready yes sir well we're all here let's have money Carl who like I do that's it by the power vested in me by the city of Rock River you are duly authorized to uphold the law Sampson yes sir sit down all of you go on take a chair I don't think the people of Rock River are going to tackle the town council and the sheriff all duly sworn to uphold the law an arm to do so now look here that I'm doing sit down here and brought us all quite a headache today especially you and I'm not gonna forget it the interests of law and order you men are gonna see to it that the townspeople don't do anything foolish oh this is retake we don't get that tape they don't try to run out of me because I've got the right to shoot you and I'll do it I'll sit down and relax keep your ears open I'll be ready for [Music] mrs. Carmenere I don't imagine mrs. Cardin does in do you have free just what are you doing here you come to make a madness to the wife but you come to me Ralph Ralph isn't coming Irene he's dead dead from swinging on a tree what about mr. carpenter obviously she's not here the half-breed woman that's for a job you didn't do [Music] [Music] open up open the door we'll break it down we're out don't make this any worse by obstructing the law either you open that door will blow the wall off that's an order we've come for those men they hung a murderer and not ain't no crime hello sir six armed men in here you break that door down in there at least six of you that won't see tomorrow now get who you got in there the city fathers deputized and armed ready and waiting for you you're lying he'll call out your name loud in each one of your follow suit this is Harold uh sir Matt Matt Harper Jackson McCready Frank Townsend this is Samson now you all clear out of there you get out of there Lester all of you the chef's got into some in jail you force a fight now arrest every one of it have you tried when the circuit judge gets here our shooters shut up Jasin you want it prestige Harold go out and show them your badge go on we better do like the sheriff says voice Quan home well that's it for now now you've learned right from wrong well right or wrong Carl I admire your guts I hope you're right this time thanks Matt I'm wrong the judge will tell me if I'm right you'll all have been right for a change I'll get out there and try to keep the peace until the judge gets here I'll relieve you of those badges as soon as it's safe well Samson you want to be a sheriff someday not unless I was you and you as me want to stay the night I'm deaf I'm deaf tired a night that's right right now you're double typing I'll make some coffee yes sir [Applause] [Music] what happened [Music] Shawn John Riley [Music] hey what about Riley [Music] [Applause] [Applause] one more such outbreak now fine everyone in this room $50 now sit down all Oh I've read the testimony of the witness the sheriff do any of you have anything to say there on it go ahead we only did what what we thought sheriff Brandon wouldn't do that's right sir he was friends with the man we didn't know yet you took the law in your own hands you restrained the authority of the law and you lynched a man not yet convicted there's no more for this court to witness no more testimony sentence will be passed prisoners will stand turn around face the people in this room overhead turn around for the crimes you men have committed and been found guilty of you shall all serve three years in prison it's a pity that the jurisdiction of this Court does not encompass the guilty ones who now sit in front of the prisoners those of you who mentally and verbally urged them on to do your bidding those of you who are so willing to purge your community of two so-called immoral people and in so doing let loose death and lawlessness this Court wants the prisoners to look at the faces of the people before them remember them well they are the faces of those who are narrow-minded people who feel they have the right to criticize others even though they themselves are as guilty as you who took part in this murder you are serving their terms or they are as guilty as you everyone in this room should feel proud today the town of Rock River is on the map pink and black speaking very poorly for the civilized frontier of the West this Court is dismissed [Music] hold on don't move show yourself that's it yeah Riley do you hear me you just ain't listenin yeah you're in this - Sadler both of you I'll come out Riley I ain't never to talk to you about Carl I want you for murder not are you crazy there's a dead Indian girl with your whip cuts on her and your bullet Sadler you just haven't got a chance yeah cuz I gotta pull it here for you I'm waiting to gun Sheriff three I'm ready [Music] [Music] crazy fool [Music] you you you
Channel: Diy Crafts
Views: 1,429,517
Rating: 4.5560803 out of 5
Keywords: The Quiet Gun
Id: k6ljTVuOsNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 41sec (4601 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2015
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