Gun Gripes #272: "ATF Goes Hard On Braces | ACT NOW!"

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welcome back everybody this is eric and chad here with iraq veteran 8888 uh today we've got another gun gripe episode for you and we're going to be diving into this fiasco uh involving braces uh you guys know that we've already made a couple of videos talking about this this year but right now we are literally on the heels of the release of this document that's been floating around that's in the federal register now in fact it went live today because according to this says it's supposed to be published in the federal register 12 18 uh 2020 which is today okay so this document is now out there and it involves you know basically the atf wants to reclassify stabilizing braces on pistols and there's a lot of things that uh that go into this and we're going to try to dive into some of the minutiae behind it um we've kind of seen this coming uh many people within the industry have have sort of seen the writing on the wall that eventually the atf was going to move on this sort of thing and of course i i feel it's very very important to mention here in the beginning we don't agree with any of this stuff uh we don't agree with uh braces being treated with any uh extra attention uh you know obviously we're 110 pro 2a and we uh we don't agree with any of this stuff okay but we want to lay this out in a way that people can understand it uh before we get too uh deep into this i would like to say uh chad is wearing this really attractive hoodie look at that and they're available over on ballistic ink on our shop so check it out uh if you love the channel and you wish to support us go pick up a shirt a hoodie a beanie a hat or the paraphernalia over on ballistic ink and we would graciously appreciate that very much shameless plug ding so let's uh let's dive into this now uh this this document is multiple pages and we're not going to attempt to read through all of it although chad has highlighted some uh areas of interest and we'll go over it a little bit there's a lot of interest are y'all braced for this before we get too uh involved in that i just want to mention though i don't want people to panic saying that there is a ban on braces guys nothing has nothing is official yet no break pistol braces have not been banned pistol braces are not illegal okay there's a lot of misinformation floating around uh within the 2a community and it just comes down to not understanding the facts and it's worth noting as well before we get too deep into this that this letter does not carry the weight of law this is not law all this is is the atf saying this is what we want to you know propose that we look at it in this way this way this way basically what it is is a proposal uh to have a defined set of standards to determine what constitutes and there and remind you this is not me talking this is what they ate the way the atf is looking at it in their mind what constitutes potentially uh creating an sbr uh with putting a brace on a pistol the issue becomes and what we've discussed in many other videos um especially the one that we did on uh the issue with the q honey badger and all the stuff that q was going through was that when the atf issues an opinion letter it's not a holistic solution okay because a brace is not a firearm they can only apply an approach to each configuration so the problem is is you have an unlimited amount of configurations that an ar pistol lower can be put into or a pistol can be put into involving a brace and what the way the atf is looking at this is that there's only so many configurations that have actually been approved with something like an sba 3 or whatever so the issue definitely comes down to them basically what they're saying is there's thousands of ways that they can arrest you and they don't know which one they're going to arrest you over so that's the issue and and i want to just clearly make this clear because i feel like i have to i have to say this we don't agree with this okay we're just trying to give you an idea of uh you know trying to at least look at both sides and try to figure out why they are approaching this in the way that they can now i've got some other things to say but i'll shut up and uh take us away let's say here with a nightly news don't take it from me all right so look the messenger yeah please don't kill the message of that all right so with with this entry into the federal register if you guys don't know how this works all right this has been the case with uh the the seven and six band okay that we we had all right a little while back during the obama years uh this was the case with uh the proposed m855 ban okay uh this was the case with bump stocks all right this was the case with 41p all right if you guys remember if you were in nfa okay and buying suppressors and things like that and making short barrel rifles and shotguns and aows and all that happy fun stuff that the atf uh you know likes to regulate into oblivion remember the video we did in front of the alamo yeah that's what that that had to do with m855 that day right so um with 41f you know this thing went into the register and there was a comment period okay usually the comment period is supposed to be 90 days from from what i understand from what tim said it seems like they're breaking that law as far as the the time period that comments need to be accepted uh they're only accepting comment period or the the comments uh for 17 days so you can go on the federal register and you can submit a a protest okay uh against this uh pending ruling or you can submit a comment in in uh you know in agreeance with it if you would like please don't please don't all right but comments have to be formatted a certain way they have to be arranged a certain way they have to be addressed a certain way and just so you know if you submit an electronic comment okay which is the easiest form of submitting a comment your information will be published in the federal register all right and a lot of people don't like their name address and telephone number and everything being out there the only way to get that uh you know redacted from your statement is to send either a um yeah they let's see they need to send yeah submit comments by mail or facsimile along with a separate cover sheet containing their personal identifying information both the cover sheet and the comment must reference this docket number right they provide the docket number there so they're making it increasingly difficult if this is this is just the process the government makes everything difficult all right so if you want to submit comments there is a very specific method you have to follow otherwise they will not consider your comments all right so you guys get fired up so get fired up submit a comment guys we have got to comment on this just like we shot down the m855 thing the reason seven and six was banned was because not enough people were affected oh no nobody cared about seven and six seven and six so the poor little old seven and six tens went the way the dodo and m855 stayed obviously we still have m855 ammunition so guys don't sit this one out at 17 days is not a long time and they did this over over christmas break knowing dang well that people are going to be distracted see all of this stuff that gets swept under the rug this sort of thing happens usually in late december all the time because they know people are going to be distracted they're traveling they get back and they go oh what's this and then it's too late yep absolutely so this all comes down to the atf being able to regulate what you do within your own home with your own property okay that's ultimately what it comes down to that you already possess that you already possess um you know but it the the reasoning that they give for for this clarification as they call it is due to the use of braces in other ways that they were not designed or intended for okay and this actually comes down to some of the manufacturers advertising and everything which is mentioned in this docket which is quite interesting like a manufacturer will submit an item in question for like approval which the atf really doesn't approve anything they just clarify whether or not it meets the standards of the gaca or gca the gun control act and the nfa you know or one of the two um and what we're dealing with here is is both of those laws are on the books um but you know they'll advertise it being used in a way that was not really clarified by the atf or you know portrayed to the atf is like the the end use they'll have a guy you know shouldering it or whatever you know naughty naughty with you know a vfg on the front of it with a sling with a variable power optic and they mention all this stuff in there is things that they are looking for on a case-by-case basis and remember this is not a blanket determination this is not like all pistol braces are banned okay this is this is like they're gonna look at it individually okay and we don't know yet everything's ambiguous we have no idea what pistol braces are looking at we have no idea what brands models you know or the actual specific configurations other than the the main highlights are okay if you have a braced ar for example all right with something that is very reminiscent of a stock that is on the market although it is not a stock it is still a pistol brace by design and you have a variable power optic with a very short eye relief you have you know they mentioned like a drum magazine or other heavy accessories on it to basically hinder its performance when being uh you know fired with one hand and my battery's about to die on my laptop um you know anything to hinder the the the ability to fire with one hand as is what's designed or what a pistol is is designed to be used as yeah that's what they're getting at in this in this letter but it still comes down to the fact that the atf is wanting to sneak into your door and peek over your fence or whatever the case and say you shouldn't be doing that all right there's some there's some difficulties in all of this okay difficulties for one for one is why have we allowed rogue government agencies to create situations where you're a criminal and you don't know it yeah where they can say you're a criminal and you have there's nothing you can do about it and you didn't even have a say in it they can create situations where you're criminal by bypassing uh the checks and balances that we have in place for creating laws right so if what they're proposing is all right this this pistol is actually x y z this pistol is a short barrel rifle this pistol is this this pistol's that then they have to change laws right you don't just get to say well i woke up one day so regina lombardo woke up one day on the wrong side of the bed and said well i'm anti-gun i'm visibly anti-gun i work for the atf and i'm going to interject my personal and political opinions into my job and that's not how that works right so the issue is these people aren't elected they're appointed so it definitely raises a few questions well one question is donald trump in 10 minutes time could issue a statement saying uh yeah you get right out of here you're fired you're fired right so he could totally just fire these people right obama appointed her right so why hasn't trump appointed somebody to the atf that actually cares about her rights right so it all becomes this political minutia that unfortunately we're just subject to and we're not actually represented in the way that hey we elected this person or hey the people that we did elect chose people that would that would cater uh to our beliefs and our values as gun owners right so there should be no political bias in these situations but there clearly is and that political bias has existed the entire time during trump's administration so there's a lot of people that would say well trump's done a lot of things against the second amendment and he has because we've got the bum stock ban and then now the situation with braces now the situation with 80 percenters all of these things that are trickling down the pipeline that have been there the whole time and they've had the willingness to want to do but now the question you have to ask yourself is could they not do it because they didn't have trump's graces and now they're emboldened because of a potential biden harris administration and now they go all right the big guy told us we could do it and told us that this is how we should be directed to do this so now we're going to do it so now they've got the political landscape necessary for them to carry out what they've wanted to do all along now is that the case or is trump who is still president for the next 30 days by the way is trump saying yeah i don't give a crap just do whatever you want because i'm going to kick and scream on the way out if that's the case yeah now there's another thing that that chaffs me about this that i want to mention before we move on good is the original um gun control act of 34 no or and i'm looking at yeah the 34 nfa the national gun control legislation yeah the nfa the nfa and 34 right so it's so confusing because there's so much of the crap they've done over the years but if you go back to 34 okay the reason i mentioned the 34 ban is because the stuff that it deals with right they were concerned about gang violence they were concerned about like extreme criminal activity they were concerned about like the mafia and the mob and organized crime and people using various forms of firearms to commit crimes crimes which were the result of terrible terrible terrible policies that were in place at the time you look at the prohibition era and all of the crime that was sort of caused uh the the crime was a byproduct of terrible legislation and terrible laws more than terrible people right and i think it's worth noting right you look at things like this and this whole situation that we're in right now all right we're arguing about what makes an sbr and what doesn't and we've created this draconian crazy system to determine oh well if you alright if you're a foreigner and you look at our gun laws it's confusing as crap if you don't live within it and deal with it all the time because it's like that's a pistol yeah that's a short-built rifle like wait a minute it's so confusing and unclear for the average person the issue i have with it is this the entire standards by which we're even arguing about right now were created almost 100 years ago so these are different times those times aren't happening anymore you don't have people in the streets getting machine gun battles left and right with the police with tommy guns you don't have situations where crimes are being committed with these types of devices whether legal or not whether you agree with someone having it or not all of those things are irrelevant right we have much better crime statistics and data at our fingertips now than what they had back in 1934 right and there's a lot more people now than there was in 1934 so as as a result you have more people which means you have more data which means you have more potential for crimes being committed it's just a known fact that the more people are there are the more people that can commit crimes the more guns that are out there the more that all these jurisdictions and everything have lots of things going on they need bigger police forces and all of these things just compound upon each other the more people exist especially within a smaller area you look at like chicago you look at these big cities you look at new york where they have really draconian gun laws and the more people you cram into a tinier area the stricter the gun laws are and the reason i bring this up and i've been thinking about it for ever since this document dropped i've been thinking about it always thinking i want to get it off my chest the thing is right with all of this is the difficulty in it is that we are following procedural guidelines that are almost 100 years old that don't apply to this modern day and age anyway right we have the data if the atf is being honest with themselves and the american people right never mind what you know if we're passing laws through congress or if the president signs an executive order or any of that never mind any of that just the atf even just regina lombardo if she is really being honest with herself can she look at the situation and go all right there is a merited reason for us approaching this and trying to kind of get that extra chip off the block right is there a merited uh reason for this based on the data right so all right out of all of the gun crimes that are committed in the united states every single year okay how many of those crimes are committed with the type of item in question here okay and then out of the items in question how many of them have braces on them and i guarantee you that you have a much higher chance of being killed by gravity than you do by any of these items in question so it is so non-issue that it now becomes a politic politicization of a politicization politicization it becomes they are politicizing our rights and turning something into an issue that not only isn't an issue but there's no data to back it up anyway and if the data is there it's so non-conclusive that if this is just political saber rattling this has nothing to do with the interest of public safety at all hey can i borrow your soapbox well but but but it's true i mean you're talking about the the anti-gunners always want to approach this thing well the second amendment was written back when there was muskets right well it's easy for them to say well the second amendment was written back when there was muskets but then all right a hun almost hundred-year-old law we're still living there's not al capone and guys in suits with freaking tommy guns look you got to remember okay these laws and everything are written uh to encompass the lowest common denominator of society i mean that's how all this kind of stuff works all right if if there's criminal activity that is an iota of a tenth of a percent using a particular item in question then oh lord we gotta put some legislation through congress to get these things banned because they are a threat to public safety what i was gonna say earlier is don't forget trump and red flag laws okay guns first due process later yeah i don't like suppressors yeah i don't like suppressors all right this is the kind of crap that we deal with with this administration okay specialist republicans too rhinos yes all right and we won't we won't go there all right so look this is just looking at this very objectively okay i'm just reading out of the document okay this is what the atf is getting at here all right so the gca and nfa generally regulate firearms and not individual components and as such the atf does not classify unregulated components or accessories alone however components or accessories can affect the overall classification of a firearm because of how the component or accessory is actually used and may be relevant in assessing the manufacturer maker's intent with respect to the design of the firearm and the design of the component or accessory may result in a firearm falling within a particular statutory definition stabilizing braces are one such component or accessory the atf has encountered all right and this is partially because so many freaking manufacturers and so many people out there would write the atf and say hey is this okay uh is it okay if i do this if i put this item here on this gun with this stuff is it okay under the law instead of just doing it all you're doing in that case is giving them a reason to go well we didn't think about that but now we have all right so look um and look there's something very specific here right accordingly uh the atf must evaluate whether a particular firearm configured with a stabilizing brace bears the objective features of a firearm design and intended to be fired from the shoulder and thus subject to the nfa on a case-by-case basis like i said this is not a blanket determination this is not something that they're saying oh all braces are banned if you've got a brace pistol you know you're you're bad all right but we don't know we'll know what and mind you uh adhering to standards that are almost 100 years old just putting that out there not only that but like the the the things i'm about to get to in this are are somewhat ambiguous okay and it literally is going to be in the eye of the beholder if the rs and didn't exist in 1934 well yeah neither did the internet so you know we talk about we talk about the first amendment all the time if freedom of speech is protected then uh you know what you say on the internet is just as protected as what was written on a piece of paper several hundred years ago uh what you use uh to defend yourself and your home your family and community these days is protected you know uh just like anything else okay it's not a musket all right all right so all right here we go all right these are the design features that the atf considers uh when determining whether weapon with attached stabilizing brace has been designed or redesigned made or remade and intended to be fired from the shoulder include but are not limited to all right type and caliber all right let's see a large caliber firearm is impractical to fire with one hand because recoil and other factors even with an arm brace is likely to be considered a rifle or a shotgun weight in length all right so they're going on you know too heavy you know again too heavy to be impractical uh or you know impractical to fire or aim with one hand uh it's difficult to balance the firearm with one hand it could be considered a rifle remind you they're not telling you what the standards are simply ambiguity simply that there is a standard they're considering yes and you won't know until they arrest you for it yeah that's and i'm not i'm not even sure if we're gonna know exactly what these measurements weights calibers what this all entails even if this document becomes final okay we have no idea of telling it everything right now is speculation all right length of pull all right um let's see because an arm brace need only reach the forearm the distance between the trigger and the back of the brace is generally expected to be shorter than the distance between the trigger and the back of a stock on a weapon designed it to be fire from the shoulder all right so they're going on length of pull attachment method all right let's see the method of attachment of the stabilizing brace to include modified stock attachments extended receiver extensions and the use of spacers um let's see and they also mention some of the parts that are shared with rifle stocks okay that are used on certain braced items all right anyway go ahead go ahead length of pull okay that it doesn't make any sense what they're saying because all right the way that you the way you fit a stock okay to a person is you put the butt of the rifle stock right here and the turn of the arm and you reach forward see actually this length of pull for me is maybe just a little bit too short right so that length of pull is based on the length of the shooter's forearm okay so a properly fitted stock will be longer or shorter based on each person's individual uh body characteristics and you know all of those things so that's why properly fitted shotgun or rifle is going to be much more comfortable for you because length of pull is an individual aspect right so the reason the reason being is because the length of pull like when they say that the stock or brace length would be a determining characteristic there's no way that it could or couldn't be because the thing is is if i were to strap this gun to my arm somehow it's not going to change what the length of pull needs to be for me to point it you know what i mean so i i don't see how they really have that that holds any water well i think the pull is a very individual all right so the length of pull thing i i believe the way the atf is looking at it is from the aspect of as you mentioned okay it's it's the length of pull is in relation to a stock on a rifle or shotgun length of pull has nothing to do with an arm brace okay or a pistol so pistol you hold in your hand or whatever that's the attachment method uh we already kind of went over that all right stabilizing brace design features all right this was kind of a hot point the design of the stabilizing brace compared to known shoulder stock designs this is this is things that the atf is looking at when they are going to go by on a case-by-case basis and determine whether or not a braced firearm in question is or is not in violation of the nfa all right the amount of rear contact surface area the material used okay any shared or interchangeable parts with known shoulder stocks and any other feature of the brace that improves the weapons effectiveness from the shoulder firing position without providing a corresponding benefit to the effectiveness of the stability and support provided by the brace's use on the arm oh man i mean god forbid that someone shooting a pistol be able to actually hit what they're aiming at and put the rounds in a safe area you know what i mean like why wouldn't you want someone to have better control of a smaller firearm right yeah it's just what are the my question all right you know if you're watching you probably shouldn't but if you are why what do you what do y'all have to be afraid of why do you care how long a gun is it think about it why does it matter it doesn't matter like what do you have to be afraid of all right if the government has daniel defense mark 18s with giggle switches on them and grenade launchers why do they care about this it's irrelevant well because we're not the government all right so look they work i want to i want to interject that's when it works for you it does all right i want to interject something in here before i continue with this um sorry this video might be a little bit long but there's a lot of points to cover and we still have some things to cover you know moving forward but um i want to mention something all right sbrs okay at this point in time you know may have been they may have been on the chopping block for removal from the nfa okay we had the ability during the first two years of the trump or trump's presidency to push through the share act we worked long and hard okay and we advocated for this legislation all right which would have removed suppressors from the registry okay that would have been a stepping stone in the direction of abolishing the nfa as a whole okay but we did not get it because you know we had spineless politicians in office that did not stand behind the american people and stand behind their promises okay even up to and including the president you know and some of you trumpers out there can really hate us for but we're calling it as we see it i mean you have to be you have to be critical of everyone in government you can't just pick one side and say oh yeah i'm going to support them no matter what they do no no trump owes a great debt to firearms owners and he has not made good on his promises well oh no he owes a great debt to the nra right [Music] the fact of the matter is give me a freaking break fact of the matter is is that the gun owner as as they exist right now in this day and time right here on this day december 18th 2020 well the day are some of the most disenfranchised people on this entire continent we have been treated like redheaded step children and we have not been represented in government fairly and all we have to show for it is finalist republicans who are too afraid to stand up to the anti-gunners and the american people are freaking tired of it we're tired of this [ __ ] and we're tired of trump skating over this issue and he needs to freaking do something about this if he gives a crap about gun owners and he is not the end-all do-all messiah to gun owners no he is one and the nra is definitely not the end-all do-all group of people that that we trust as gun owners at large to protect our rights they have played pocket pool with our rights and now again without going too far down this rabbit hole how do we know that because the nra is in trump's pocket and that the nra you know gave him an a plus rating tried to convince gun owners to vote for him based on his pro-gun status or a supposed pro-gun uh viewpoint yeah allegedly how do we know that the nra hasn't said hey don't do this don't go against this because we want to chalk up some fear to have reason to collect membership dues so see it's all about padding pockets and pocket pool and playing political uh pocket hockey or whatever with people's uh you know freaking rights and it in this day and age with the free flow of information and ideas it's become quite clear that these people are not our friends that they don't care about gun rights and we have to hold them accountable spineless republicans are why we have we we have to see this yep all right so i'll leave it at that another consideration is the aim point okay like where your optic is placed or where your iron sights are on a given firearm in question uh secondary grip the presence of a secondary grip may indicate that the weapon is not a pistol because it is not designed to be held and fired with one hand all right you have a secondary grip on there what if it's just incidental to the use of the firearm in question how many people shoot a gun how shoot a pistol in one hand i know design and intended all right sights and scopes all right this was an interesting you know factor okay incorporation of cycloscopes that possess eye relief incompatible with one-handed firing all right we're talking about variable power optics that have a short like three inch high relief acogs things like that that aren't red dots that have a long eye relief or a specific you know pistol optic like you would put on a revolver okay in question with long like 18 inch eye relief to be used when extended from the body all right again this goes back to what i said in the beginning of the video why is it the atf's job to regulate what you do with a given item in your possession at home when you are not harming anyone or anybody uh you know people put you know crazy optics on handguns and stuff like that all the time uh so what does it matter and they don't shoot them with one hand either no um and then peripheral accessories this is where we talk about like bipods inclusion of a magazine or drum that accepts so many cartridges that it increases the overall weight of the firearm we're talking about impractical and practicability in practical impracticability is that a word apparently practicability no i just made that up i think all right but anyways um like i said it's just case-by-case basis and all right now this is this is something to this like hey we're not out we're not the bad guys okay uh like atf is publishing this list of objective factors it considers when classifying such firearms including uh an explanation as to why those factors are important to aid industry and the public in understanding atf's interpretation and application of the nfa and gca definition of a firearm when evaluating these types of firearms configurations although there is no requirement that a guidance document be published for notice and comment atf has decided to publish uh this in the federal register for a brief comment period given the public interest surrounding those issues atf will con consider the comments it receives before finalizing this guidance um so well all right so the next line uh atf recognizes that before issuance of this notice there was a misunderstanding by some that a pistol assembled with any item purported to be a stabilizing brace still would be considered a pistol regardless of other characteristics okay while some this is another important thing too while some stabilizing braces may be lawful to be used on pistols without bringing the firearm within the purview of the nfa that is not necessarily the case for every pistol because some firearms are configured or have characteristics such that they meet the statutory definition of a rifle or shotgun also the atf understands that most individuals who acquired affected stabilizer equipped firearms did so in good faith reliance on representations made by those selling the stabilizing braces or the firearms that those firearms were not subject to the nfl right but those people manufactured those items marketed those items and sold those items under guidance received from you in the first place um all right so you can't kick that can down the road that's not how that works so now this is where it comes into the the mass like registration scheme okay this could certainly be construed as such because if you have a brace equipped pistol okay and you have these objective features that they have laid out here and detailed you know with with ambiguity okay detailed with ambiguity that's details with no details about that that's an oxymoron but they are going to the atf is going to direct the doj or the at the doj is going to direct the atf to um waive the 200 registration tax okay if you wanted to turn your configure your your pistol that's configured and what could be construed on a case by case k uh basis as a rifle or short braille rifle under the nfa you can register it for free okay but like oh well here we're just letting you register your items okay that's one option the other option how kind of the other options are permanently removing the stabilizing brace uh and disposing of it replacing the barrel of the firearm 16 inch or greater for a rifle 18-inch or greater force shotgun surrendering surrendering the firearm to the atf or destroying the firearm um but you know there's not going to be like any paper trail or anything crazy like they're not going to go back and look at 4473s or or trace you know private sales and things like that to make sure that oh you purchased this beforehand so you know it's okay for you to do this it's in good faith i mean i get it i get where they're coming from but it's still it's still something that comes down from a draconian head of the atf who is inserting her bias against gun owners and against firearms in general into her work okay and into the organization that she heads you know it's not like everybody at the atf isn't out to get you but this lady is this lady is i mean it's just it's a sad state of affairs for sure until that process is separately implemented the atf will exercise its enforcement discretion not to enforce the registration provisions of the nfa against any person who before publication of this notice in good faith acquired transfer made manufactured or possessed an effective stabilizer equipped firearm but again we don't know what exactly is affected the contents of this document this is important yes it is the contents of this document do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way this document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or department policies this guidance does not alter in any way the department's authority to enforce federal law and is not intended to does not and may not be relied upon to create any rights uh substantive or procedural enforcement at law by any party and other any other civil matter or criminal any other matter civil or criminals what i meant to say so and it goes on to talk about the public comment period um yeah that's why i mentioned that earlier you know about the the specifications for leaving the comments and such so i went over this in the beginning of the video that's right um but yeah it's just so we don't know like this this reminds me a little bit of like you know the the obamacare okay when it was rammed through okay the newly appointed congress by nancy pelosi we have to pass it before we can tell you what's in it well right now mitch mcconnell was talking about you know this next run of coronavirus stimulus checks and all of the uh you know all of the stipulations that are gonna be you know put on uh in order for that to be approved right and pelosi has purposely played political pool with stimulus checks right oh yeah uh now no matter how you feel about that i fear that what's gonna to happen is on the first legislative session of of 2021 right when congress you know comes back after the holidays and reconvenes how do we know that this is not going to be part of the pork that's added in they're going to go oh well people need the cove relief and everything oh well i'll tell you and the left goes all right well give us this right give us this ability and we'll we'll go for it and that's the problem each side plays against each other and each side tries to add all the pork in there that they can to try and that's how politics have gone now you know two wings of the same bird and i have a big problem with that and i am totally against this right when we look at all of the problems that we clearly already have right and i'm not going to go down this rabbit hole but look at all the things that are going on with foreign interference in our government you know all of these yeah all of these foreign governments that are meddling in our affairs right and we have all of these clear and present dangers that are here right before us that affect the people much much more right than something that is just some made up boogie man they're trying to to make this situation seem as if there's some crazy you know crime you know running rampant as a result of these items being out there when it's just clearly not the case braces have been around for almost eight years now so it's not a new thing right and if the atf truly thought way back when that these braces would be a problem it's not like they haven't seen all the thousands of different skews of firearms from dozens of manufacturers coming out that are equipped in this way why didn't they stop it then why didn't they see the first one go out off the shelf and go whoa whoa whoa whoa hold the phone this is not okay right they didn't have a problem with it then so now that there's a political environment that is conducive to them having their way as an agency and regina lombardo being able to interject her political beliefs into her job now that she has the political environment to do so now it's a problem please give me a freaking break as such a crock of bull crap and anybody with half a brain sees right through this we have to hold them accountable right the government works for us okay the the constitution is a document that limits what the government can do okay this isn't about telling us what we can and can't do it's about limiting the powers that the government has over us right and there are many many many millions of law-abiding gun owners that own the stuff in question that is in this document and go about their business and protect their families and go out and have fun and shoot and do their thing and they aren't bothering a dang soul and to put them under this crazy nfa purview which to be honest the majority of americans are intimidated as heck by nfa they don't want to have the government snooping in their business they don't want to register something because they feel that it's an invasion of their privacy for a government bureaucracy to know what they have in their home or to even know that you're a gun owner right if you have an item registered in the nfa then they can go all right well this guy's obviously a gun owner because look he has xyz a lot of people have a problem with that and we shouldn't be creating an environment where it's okay for a bureaucrat to go well we'll let you register it for free but we get our registration and see it's all about registration it's about control right you look at the nsa you look at all of the surveillance you look at all the facial recognition software and all this intelligence that the united states government has at their disposal and you mean to tell me that you want me to believe that the ambiguity of my brace on my pistol somehow has you scared of me and you don't know who is a legitimate threat and who isn't based on your intelligence all of this you know billions of terabytes worth of data that you have at your disposal all the screenshots you've kept from people all the text messages you read all the emails you read all of the camera feeds that you that you access on people's phones and you listen to people's conversations on their phones and you somehow still can't get through your mind who is a threat and who isn't too late for that and no amount of registration or trying to convince the public that some boogeyman exists as a result of this proposal is going to change that fact if you don't know who the bad guy is by now you're way past that mark buddy i want to extend a thank you to organizations like the fpc and goa who are on the forefront of you know fighting this egregious legislation and um you know they're the only ones who are really doing anything i mean you have some other grassroots organizations that are out there doing some work but the nra is silent the nra's been silent on even the polymer 80 deal um they're complicit yeah jared jared and eric covered that you know uh last week but um the thing is the atf is certainly emboldened in this current time with the prospect of a biden harris presidency okay and we're still in right now as of this time we're in late december uh we're still in in runoff okay here in georgia to determine control of the senate and we still don't know what the results of that will be by the time you see this video it may be after january the 5th and we have results from that but the atf is certainly emboldened just this morning i read a report that the atf rated a manufacturer or actually well they rated a business who sells silencer form 1 silencer builder kits because not everybody has access to a mill and lathe and these are kits that are not drilled they don't have apertures drilled through them they are not assembled they are meant for you to be able to form one okay your your silencer in question and then when you receive your form back uh then you can drill those out and assemble it into a completed silencer without having to go through and pay a machinist or buy them buy a mill and a lathe and everything like that well the atf has raided that individual okay and seized all of his assets pretty much uh no criminal charges at this current time but the atf is definitely emboldened and with a biden-harris presidency you're going to see more of that and you know it's it's up to you know us gun owners and just people in general out there to protest this this fervent government intervention in our lives and in our livelihoods as business people um you know and just with covet it seems like the government is emboldened i mean you have a disease that kills point zero zero one three percent of people under fifty uh per the most recent cdc statistics that i saw under 50 years old point zero zero one three percent chance of perishing from covid and magically you gotta stop dying from the flu so yes but you have an emboldened government as a whole because of the pandemic okay and then that just trickles down to these other bureaucratic agencies who are emboldened under the prospect of an administration who is fervently anti-gun and will do everything in their power against gun owners to further regulate our rights when a shark smells blood in the water they start circling exactly the bottom line is that there's never been more blood in the water the government is bloodthirsty and they are smelling the swimmers and they are circling around and they're just finding who they're going to pick off first listen i'm just i appreciate you guys that have stuck with me this long in the video but i'll just end by saying this republican leadership that's out there you need to then get out there and lead be stand up to the anti-gunners we put you in place for that purpose okay many many voters that vote republican are one issue voters there are many gun owners that are not satisfied with your performance okay if you do not start growing a pair of testicles and leading we are going to vote you out and replace you with someone that will or maybe we start up an entirely new party that actually gives a crap about the constitution all right look real quick um i hope that with i hope not the libertarians yeah because they're too busy arguing about who's the most libertarian please now look i i really hope that this this new influx of new gun owners okay at the the current time the the the count was getting close to six million i believe estimated new gun owners maybe more than that at this point um but i hope a lot of these people are in democrat strongholds okay and i hope that they hold their elected representatives feet to the fire to get on board with the the pro-gun side of things because gun ownership is not a one-sided uh right i mean it's not just oh gun ownership is only for the republicans no i mean there are plenty of moderates democrats libertarians independents you know they they all own firearms firearms are a universal right in this country okay and it is endowed by your creator it is not endowed to you by the government all right so why is it that it's always such a two-sided issue or i said i guess it's a politicizing issue definitely a polarizing why is it that oh the republicans are the only ones that support your your your right to own a firearm well in recent years we've seen that that's not the case with all these rhinos that are in office uh they talk a big talk but then they don't walk the walk but democrats really i don't really understand just why it's just so polarizing that they have to be anti-gun otherwise you're not a democrat well i mean don't democrats own firearms many of you out there or democrats may be watching this video you own guns you don't want the government to take them away but then we have people in the nra oh well uh i own guns but or i don't think you need that but i mean dude come on come on people i know all right anyways i'm done i'm done i'm telling you i'm so i'm so pissed i can spit it just it makes me so angry oh man i gotta calm down i think i'm gonna have to go do some push-ups or something and calm down a little bit get my you wanna go for a run you can do that i'm not gonna run all right i don't intend on running or what running for me okay i'm gonna stand in i'm gonna stand and deliver it okay that's what i do okay look guys it's not the end of the world all right we have each other and the people when they're united are a force to be reckoned with and i think it's important for us to remember that we outnumber them greatly they know that they're afraid of that and they may have the appearance of authority and they may want you to think that they are your betters but we all know that we have them outnumbered thousands to one to their one and they are going to do what the people want they're going to adhere to our will they work for us they are our representatives we are not a zoo and they are not the zookeepers okay and we will have absolute freedom as we are we have it enshrined in the constitution okay i mean that's just the bottom line it's like if you you have to live that way right so if life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a mantra but it simply doesn't mean anything if you don't actually use those rights as they're intended use them or lose them use them i'd lose them so you know there's definitely a slippery slope that we constantly find ourselves on uh not only as a channel but as a country or us as a youtube channel and as personalities which i don't know i don't think you really want to look at it like that i don't think of myself that way but when you look at our view but then just the the holistic view of our country and the way that we approach firearms ownership there's a heck of a lot of us okay just uh this recent black friday there were yet again enough firearms sold more more than would be required to arm the united states marine corps in one day so who has the guns there are so many firearms in private hands in the united states okay we have the highest per capita amount of gun ownership for in the world and out of all of the firearms and private hands in the world we're on the top of the list we own i think america billion well no i think america owns 46 of the world's firearms as as a whole and i think the per capita rate right now is just over 120 guns per 100 people all right i believe before i let you guys go one more little tiny piece of information i want to put out i want to brag okay but eric sorry guys all right listen to this all right here we go the czech senate ah czechoslovakia the czech senate has passed a constitutional amendment incorporating the right to keep and bear arms being the first european country to ever do so this was a necessary measure to protect the country's gun owners from anti-rights advocates in the eu who have been pushing for various authoritarian policies most uh predominantly a ban on all lead ammunition the new legislation circumvents the eu magazine restrictions and legally legalizes silencers and night vision sites yeehaw all right which were previously banned for no good reason it also creates a national militia system which can use hollow-point ammunition otherwise banned by eu laws additionally government gun-free buildings have to provide safe storage and there is a reciprocity process to recognize carry permits from other countries in europe and uh says that this bill is soon expected to be signed into law congratulations czechoslovakia for joining the the the free world okay and all right so those little tiny victories right when firearms ownership is looked at from a holistic approach in terms of human rights protecting the human condition right understanding that we need to be able to protect ourselves as people right i'm really happy to see those types of things happening and i hope as more and more people understand how commonplace firearms ownership is in the united states and how safe it is here it's very safe united states is an extremely safe country i hope to see more countries follow suit with czechoslovakia so congratulations to them have a have a drink on me i'm sure that in the in the next you know few decades we're going to see a lot more countries leave the european union i mean maybe in our lifetime the european union would be dissolved as a whole i mean you know only time will tell guys have a great day we appreciate you tuning in today's gun gripe um definitely go over to ballistic game pick yourself up a nice snazzy hoodie or a t-shirt or a beanie a beanie that could cover that mess right there anyway or a hat and we definitely appreciate that also definitely would love to thank our patreon supporters who support us monthly on patreon there are many ways you can support the channel if you uh like what we do and you wish to support us thank you very much many more videos on the way i appreciate your time have a nice holiday uh christmas have a merry christmas okay uh over the holidays well there's other holidays merry christmas shift we celebrate christmas but if you celebrate kwanzaa or or or or uh what is it whatever you whatever you celebrate you just enjoy yourself and you have a great time and uh don't let this get under your skin but do but do do let it get under your skin but do comment please do register a comment do it it's important we have to get fired up about this have a great day see you guys next time see you guys [Music]
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 97,675
Rating: 4.9273276 out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, ar15, ar, ar-15, ar 15, 2a, freedom, liberty, gun rights, gun control, top 5 guns, top 5, meltdown, guns, gunsmithing, gun gripes, life liberty and the pursuit, atf braces 2020, atf pistol braces, atf banning braces, atf arm braces, atf on pistol braces 2020, atf brace clarification, federal register, atf comment period, brace comment period
Id: 91dmmD0agCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 13sec (3193 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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