Do you Need Carry Insurance? Lawyer Andrew Branca shoots us straight

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it's you will spend whatever it is you can bring to the table to avoid spending the rest of your life in prison lawyers are expect wait are you billing me for this how much are you per minute I'll send you a bill I'd hate folks a lot of you guys have asked me the question of hey John should I have carry insurance and it's really a path that I've put off a little bit I haven't really done the mental work there and checking out all the options seems like a good idea but instead of me just leading you down that path I'm not an expert at this type stuff and insurance just kind of makes my eyes roll back in my head as I think about man just another piece of interest I pay an incredible amount in insurance whether it's health or life or real estate and it's kind of like adding one more piece of insurance I feel like a little part of myself would die so in in anyway I ended up reaching out to a subject-matter expert who's gonna help us Lee go down this path just a little bit his name is Andrew Branca and he is an attorney practicing for around 25 years he is he should be near and dear to most of our hearts in the community because he is a shooter and a pretty good one back in the past he's not shooting as much if I understand anymore but he competed the master class in IDPA so pretty a great shooter and his entire practice in law is dealing with self-defense so he is literally a subject matter expert on this issue and rubbed shoulders I think it was a minty of Massad Ayoob as well so anyway great dude to know so Andrew welcome I'm very glad to be here John thanks for having me on yeah so anyway as we're talking about insurance and all the things that could go wrong what is your first answer of do I need carry insurance well I mean it's like asking if you need any kind of insurance right that's not mandated it's a personal decision people have to make based on their risk tolerance you know is it worth the money to pay every month in insurance given the risk now in one sense the risk of us as individuals being involved in a self-defense event is is not that hi for most of us if you live in a decent neighborhood but of course if it happens then the risk is suddenly a hundred percent and the cost associated with these self-defense cases is is absolutely staggering so four people need to keep in mind that the moment for example that you make someone else aware that you have a gun in an effort to change their behavior which is what you do when you put your hand on your gun and you tell someone to stay back right the moment you've made someone aware that you have a gun in an effort to change your behavior you've met all the legal elements for aggravated assault you've put someone in fear of eminent death or grave bodily harm that was your purpose right that's why you made them aware you have the gun well if you're charged with aggravated assault you face the possibility being convicted that can easily be 10 to 20 years in prison so it's a very serious felony and if it involves a gun as for many of us in the in the gun community it would that can easily result in a firearms enhancement sentence that could add another 10 or 20 years to the cost of that time so the the penalties are very severe even for conduct that you may believe was done in lawful self-defense you can still faced a criminal charge and be expected to now defend yourself in court on an aggravated assault charge you could expect your lead counsel your attorney to require a retainer of 30 to 50 thousand dollars and that's not to go to trial that's to get to trial at if you're actually going to have to go to trial it could easily be a hundred thousand two hundred thousand dollars and if it's a killing charge if you've actually shot someone in self-defense than they've died and you're facing a charge or murder or manslaughter just multiply those numbers by three or four yeah conservatively so it can easily cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to have to defend yourself on a killing charge Wow and that's even if you're a completely innocent completely justifiable clean shoot you could still rack up there's legal fees absolutely because how is it determined that what you did was actually lawful self-defense and in many states it's only determined by a final adjudication by a jury coming back with a not guilty verdict which is awesome that's a win right if that happens but guess what you're still out all that money so if you've had to you know sell your house and sell your business and cash out your retirement and cash out your kids college fund to get together the resources to fund the kind of legal defense you're going to need even if you get acquitted you've you're devastated right Angela you've lost everything and it's not like you're gonna try to save pennies on your legal defense you will spend whatever it is you can bring to the table to avoid spending the rest of your life in prison lawyer sir expect wait are you billing me for this how much are you per minute I'll send you a bill we need to talk a life after like this no you and I pick it up like it's ours on an auction block all right very good that was as fast as I could talk and I'd really get very fast so uh anyway stupid joke all right so um is that doomsday ax stalker or let's say I got in a shootout you know defending myself all was justifiable I didn't do anything really really stupid let's say that I was innocent what are some likely courses of action what would that process look like real quick well one of the difficulties in the self defense community is we tend to learn things from anecdotes from stories some things we hear in the news are on the internet and we're human beings human beings love to learn from stories and we'll read about cases in which someone used force and in purported self-defense and they didn't end up getting arrested they didn't end up getting charged he didn't get up end up getting prosecuted and we think to ourselves well that didn't work out so bad for that person but I can tell you in many of those cases when I look at the facts what that person did was not in fact lawful they broke the rules of use of force law but they got a lucky break the cops or the prosecutor decided to use their discretion not to arrest charge and prosecute this person but for much of the community they hear that story the guy didn't get prosecuted they think what he did must therefore have been lawful that's not necessarily the case at all he just got a lucky break but we can't count on those lucky breaks right we can't count on a prosecutor using his discretion in a way that's favorable to us because that's outside of our control we could run into a very aggressive prosecutor we could run into a prosecutor who just thinks our case is interesting has some interesting legal issues he'd like to get sorted out in an actual trial and that's why he's taking us to court we could run into a prosecutor who has political ambitions that I see plenty of cases where prosecutions are brought in in cases of self-defense where there's literally Zee evidence inconsistent with innocence and keep in mind to find you guilty they have to prove you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt they have to disprove self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt so there's no evidence inconsistent with innocence and they bring the case of trial anyway for obviously political reasons so my caution to people is always don't put yourself in a position where you're vulnerable to that put yourself in a position where you're prepared for the best-case scenario after all many of us carry guns around for personal protection it's not because we think we're gonna be able to talk that rapist out of raping us it's because we're prepared for the worst-case scenario I think that's what the self defense insurance puts you in that position as well because now you're in a position where you can find a finance that legal defense if you need to so insurance may be a good idea for the individual based on two things one is eat prove your innocence keep you out of jail and two to help mitigate the astronomical legal fees that will accumulate whether you are guilty or whether you are innocent it's going to be very expensive and it could financially ruin you without it and and there's another factor here as well that I think many people might not realize and that is when a prosecutor prosecutors don't like to bring cases to trial that look like they're going to be hard to win they like to bring cases to trial it look like they're going to be easy to when most prosecutors offices have conviction rates of trial in excess of 90% federal level in excess of 95% well that's not just because they're great lawyers although many of them are it's because they get to choose the cases they take to trial it's like if a sports team could choose the teams that was going to play they'd have a 90 percent win rate - so when a prosecutor is looking at your case it's not just a matter of the law and the facts it's also a function of what kind of resources can this guy bring the bear that's gonna complicate my ability to get a conviction and I consult on plenty of cases where my typical consultation delivery is a very extensive expert report on the legal issues in the case and they drop this expert report on the prosecutors desk and he's like holy cow how many lawyers you have working on this case right that's intimidating sure whereas if they know you don't have resources they know you only are gonna be able to scrape together 30 grand for a legal defense well that's not going to be much of a legal defense that looks like a much easier case to win if they know have several hundred thousand dollars in insurance to fund your legal defense well you're a pretty well resourced defendant at that point gotcha so it's hedging against getting a lawsuit in the first place it's a factor in their decision-making of whether or not they want to take you to trial in the first place you look tougher to win very good yeah so for the common man insurance good idea it's a must have should have or you could possibly get by without it do you have it I do but first of all I should disclose upfront that I've worked with a number of these insurance companies so I have relationships and many of them I used to be on u.s. CCA's legal advisory board I'm no longer doing that but I am currently partnered with CCW safe and we're working on a few projects together and as part of that partnership they provide me with their version of self defense insurance so I'm covered by a CCW safe but it's I don't explicitly pay for it they just gave it to me as part of the partnership so I just want to put that up on the table and I've worked with a number of these the other groups as well so that all that just in full disclosure and now I forget oh so should it be absolutely required I think it's probably a good idea if you can afford it but it's not the most important thing the most important thing for one is to be able to defend yourself in the physical fight all this legal stuff is very important I spend my whole career working on it but nothing's more important than being positioned the win the leak the physical fight if you don't win the physical fight everything else is rather less pressing right sure so you have to win that first which means you have to have expended the resources already to be armed or learn how to defend yourself and be safe with a gun and all that practical stuff to win the physical fight the next step in my mind and once you're comfortable where you are there is no what the legal rules are you know self defense insurance it's not a get out of jail card it doesn't turn something that wasn't in lawful self-defense into lawful self-defense it's not alchemy all it does is pay your legal bills if it turns out that you and most people like us who get jammed up on a use-of-force charge and the conviction it's not because they acted out of malice it's because they acted out of ignorance and I don't mean that in a derogatory sense I mean it in technical sense they were technically ignorant or where the legal boundary was right or even worse in our community you know most subjects when you when someone walks into a classroom and you're going to teach them something they start at basically zero knowledge and you try to get them to a hundred percent of the knowledge the class is supposed to teach unfortunately in our community when it comes to use of force law most people are in at zero they're at like negative twenty right they've learned so much stuff that's wrong that's not true that they believe to be true they conduct themselves consistent with that Mis knowledge and it turns out their use of force was not lawful self-defense and if that's the case self-defense insurance it's not going to keep you out of jail great we'll just pay your legal bills on the way to jail that's very comforting great so what I want to get into is hey how much does this all cost and can you point us in the right direction of what are the key companies and what you would kind of try to push us to so I'd like to go there and ask that question but before I get there what are some kind of examples of anecdotal wisdom that's floating out there through just different narratives that it get passed around that you would see yeah it looks a lawful but man if somebody pushed you on that you would get a pretty big bloody nose from that or just maybe some myths out there can you speak to any of that Wow well there's literally there's tens of thousands of ways that people screw this process up and the truth is that self defense law is not complicated there's there's five elements to a self-defense claim that's it like there's four rules of gun safety there's only five components to a claim a self defense it's not hard to know unfortunately if you don't know what it's not hard to make a mistake I actually do a weekly show every week where we have a case of the week where I take a case that's happened where people made poor decisions in self-defense and they find a hundred different ways to do it typically for example one of the requirements of self-defense is that you were not the aggressor in the fight you did not start the confrontation and people often assume that that means that that means they can't have been the physical aggressor they can't have thrown the first punch and that's true you can't have thrown the first punch you would lose self-defense but almost any conduct even otherwise perfectly lawful conduct that can be reasonably foreseeable leading to a fight like having an argument with a parking space in a parking lot if that leads to a fight that otherwise lawful conduct could look qualify as provocations sufficient to strip you of self-defense as a justification for your use of force because you've contributed to the fight happening right so there's a thousand examples like that it's people live in a stand your ground state which under normal circumstances means there's no legal duty to retreat before you can use force in self-defense that's about 36 of the states the large majority of states or stand-your-ground States and people think well that means I don't have to retreat before I use force in self-defense that's what it sounds like but you can still get jammed up by not retreating because what the prosecutor can argue to the jury is not that you had a legal duty to retreat because you don't but he can argue to the jury sure this defendant had no legal duty to retreat but he could have an a reasonable person would have and therefore his conduct is legally unreasonable and he should deny himself defense because Act conduct and self-defense has to be reasonable so it's a backdoor way of attacking your failure to safely retreat from the fight even though you don't explicitly have a legal duty to back away from the fight so every one of those five elements has those kinds of vulnerabilities in them most of what we teach is we teach people with those five elements are we showed them where they are in their state's laws and then we explain to them the various methods by which people jann themselves up by getting those elements violated and therefore losing self-defense and making themselves an easy target for conviction here man I got so much I want to ask you so uh here's another like on the spot question but how much faith do you have in our judicial process I was speaking to uh you know a lawyer friend who was helping us out and he says man there's there's not a lot scarier than being judged by a jury of your peers and it was under the context of even if you're innocent being judged by a jury of your peers it can be really really scary because you can be have a I guess what he was saying is the Clinton the case is clearly laid out you truly are innocent but just because of the way the prosecution spun it and the you know uh I don't know the jury you could still end up in really really big trouble what do you think yeah absolutely I put you in front of a jury there's at least a 10% chance you're getting convicted and I don't care if you're the most innocent client who's ever come into my office really there's a lot of ways that trials can go sideways there's a decision-making by the prosecution maybe you're not dealing with an ethical prosecutor I hate I hate to say that but there are unethical prosecutors out there who will if not just bend the rules but break the rules will hide exculpatory evidence for example from the defense will bring charges that have absolutely no merit on the law but they're just hoping if they bring enough charges the jury will agree to settle on one of them rather than have to continue deliberating another day the judge can make outrageous decisions about what kind of evidence is allowed into the case or not allowed into the case and that those evidentiary decisions that's remember the evidence is what the jury bases their verdict on so if they don't see a piece of evidence it doesn't exist for legal purposes all right so if exculpatory evidence is excluded from the trial the jury never sees it if they never see it they're gonna make a decision on other evidence that was admitted into the trial and that verdict could be a guilty verdict there's and when it comes to juries themselves I mean most of us know people who've tried to get out of jury duty right right who do you think that leaves in the jury pool and there's this phrase we've all heard called jury selection well I can assure you lawyers don't select your jury okay we don't select a jury if we selected a jury we'd win every case we have a modest ability to deselect individual jurors but we're largely stuck with the jury pool that community gives to us and if we get a crappy jury pool that's where your jury's coming from Wow so those are all common ways in which cases can go badly sideways the last thing in the world you want to do is I caution people about this because one of the one of the things that the phrases I'd like to share with people is the moment you get involved in that physical confrontation you've just incurred two risks you were not incurring a moment before a greater than zero risk of dying because you could lose that physical fight I don't care how good you are things go sideways and a greater than zero risk of going to jail for the rest of your life because you could be as innocent as driven snow and still be found guilty in a court of law you can't get those risks down to zero now we trained in self-defense because we try to get the risk in the physical fight as close to zero as possible I teach people self-defense law because I'm trying to get the risk of losing the legal fight as small as possible but it's never zero it could happen the worst case could happen and I tell people to think in themselves under what circumstances if if you did lose a legal fight and you got sentenced to 20 years in prison under what circumstances on the last day of that 20th year would you be able to look in the mirror and say you know what it was still worth it right I would still press that trigger again and there are circumstances that are worth it right the life of your wife to life if your kids your own life after that it gets to be a pretty short list of things I'd be willing to go to jail for 20 years for so just a cautionary tale and I have plenty people they go through my classes they read my book and they'll email me afterward to say oh my god I'm so scared now the legal process I've decided not to carry a gun and that's not what I'm trying to encourage people to do I carry a gun I've carried a gun every day of my adult life for personal protection well you can wouldn't think it's currently I'm carrying a Sig 320 okay all right just keep going just just wandering with an arm are on it I can't see any more cuz my eyes are are bad sorry that was an important aside you know I had to interrupt you there I mean obviously alright keep going so I'm certainly not trying to encourage people not to carry guns I do myself I think people need to be prepared for self-defense and if that horrible day comes when you do have to use force against another human being because they've compelled you to do that you want to be able to win that physical fight but you don't want to do it in such a way that you've won the physical fight only we'll spend much of the rest of your life in prison you want to know what the rules are to make yourself hard to convict and one of our phrases here at law self-defense is you carry a gun so you're hard to kill know the law so you're hard to convict that doesn't mean learn some legal tricks we don't teach tricks it means know where the legal boundaries are because once you know where they are it's not that hard to stay well within them and make yourself look like a hard target for a prosecutor while still being able to effectively defend yourself and your family right great what's this stuff costs give me a range and then we'll talk about what's out there and how I can navigate and figure out what I need to get and what folks tuning in may need to look at for themselves this stuff in terms of the self defense insurance yeah what am I looking at per month so it varies typically every one of these companies offers several levels of plans usually anywhere from 25 to 50 bucks a month would be a pretty typical range they're actually quite difficult to compare to each other because every one of these companies offers a different basket of products and services so they're not really directly comparable they vary a lot in the things they covered like some will cover a trial but not an appeal others will cover both some of them will cover your bail others won't but there are general characteristics I use to describe to people the plans to at least be able to identify plans I would not encourage people to get okay so and those general characteristics are these are characteristics to avoid okay or I could reverse them and say to apply but any one of these programs that's entirely or largely a reimbursement program if you're acquitted it's totally useless as far as I'm concerned yeah because if they're only going to reimburse you after the fact that means you don't still don't have the resource sort of resources to actually fund your legal defense good points like somebody saying well we'll give you an army after you've won the war no no you need the army to win the war you need that money to get acquitted and there's a huge difference between the $30,000 legal defense and a $300,000 legal defense so if if you're stuck with your own limited resources and by the way what's their incentive this reimbursement type plans their incentive is actually for you to get convicted because if you get convicted they don't have to reimburse you Wow so it's in their interest that you not get acquitted if you get acquitted they have to pay you all your legal expenses I don't know about you but when I partner with someone I prefer that our interest be aligned rather than be contradictory so you want to you want a plan that will definitely pay your legal expenses as they're incurred the course of the process alright the other characteristic that people need to be sensitive to is any plan that does not allow you to choose your own lawyer is one that should be avoided if they tell you well we have an affiliate network of lawyers and we'll provide you with the lawyer of our choosing no would you let someone pick your spouse for you you don't let someone pick your lawyer for you that that's insane and because your life is in this lawyer's hands right if they don't do a good job you get convicted you go to jail for much of the rest of your life so you need confidence in this guy or girl plus there's somebody you're likely to be living with for a year two years maybe if it's a killing trial it can easily take 12 to 24 months so you need to have confidence in this person that they're fully committed to your case every single day of that period and they're not just going through the motions and I'm sad to say there are a lot of criminal defense attorneys out there who go through the motions I mean they're not really committed to those cases they take your retainer they crank the handle they do the minimal amount of work they have to do and if you get convicted they're not going prison right you're going to prison if you get connected you get convicted they don't give you the money back that you paid them you get to they get to keep that money whether you get convicted or not so you really want to pick an attorney who you have a high degree of confidence in plus what's the incentive of those plans that say they'll provide you with an attorney to provide you with a $500 an hour attorney or $100 an hour attorney it's their interest for it to be cheaper right so again that's a conflict of interest in my mind okay the last thing to watch out for is plans that don't actually provide an adequate level of resources so there are some we call them self defense insurance plans really it's more like a prepaid legal services plan but what they do is they establish a network of lawyers and they they tell their lawyers well if you get a referral from one of our members we'll pay you a flat fee to represent that member and the flat fee is in the range of say $50,000 well if you're charged with an assault or an even an aggravated assault $50,000 might be enough to get you up to that pretrial hearing where they might decide they're not actually going to take you to trial so you don't have any more expense but $50,000 is not enough for a murder trial or manslaughter trial or even an aggravated assault actual trial so what happens up happening is there's members in these organizations where they they might have to shoot somebody they kill somebody in self-defense they call up the group the group says all right we'll reach out to our network of lawyers and all those network of lawyers and saying well you're only gonna pay me fifty thousand to do a murder trial I'm not doing a murder trial for fifty thousand dollars so in effect you can't get a lawyer under the land you still have to go out and get your own lawyer and of course they won't pay for the lawyer you picked right because he's not on the network and they're trying to limit their exposure to that flat fee $50,000 so it just it just doesn't work shady business I'm you can say no to this but is there any big company or small company that people may stumble upon that you would say yeah you may want to steer away I prefer to do the reverse okay and then let's do the reverse I was just wondering if something's are so in a Thema that you might just throw a stone but let's go ahead and do what are the big companies out there that we should at least take a look at now the ones I'm I'll name three that I'm comfortable recommending to people I don't recommend just one because none of them are perfect all of them have advantages and disadvantages and as I said offer different baskets of products and services so whatever what would best fit a particular person's needs I can't know that person wouldn't have to decide but three companies that I find reputable that I've worked with that I am comfortable encouraging people to take a look at would be CCW safe who as I said I'm partnered with so people should take that in some keep that in mind but they have they're very well resourced several things I like about them they're very well resourced and they're self-insured so they have a independent captive insurance company that provides their coverage for people the reason that's important these days is because of all the political pressure being brought against the Second Amendment and against gun rights and a lot of insurance companies are being pressured if they insure if the self defense insurance company's not independently insured not self insured if they're dealing with a third-party insurance company those third-party insurance companies are dumping the self defense insurance programs so for example the NRA carry guard program is insured by an insurance company called locked in and lock didn't inform the NRA we're not we're not covering you anymore we're not gonna partner with you anymore I did this day I don't know what the NRA plans to do about that but it's a real problem because now they don't have any underlying insurance for their program unless they've since arranged something else but whatever else they've arranged again they're subject to that next insurance company also being pressured not the partner with the NRA so the fact that CCW safe has its own independent captive insurance company means they're not subject to that kind of pressure they don't have to worry about their own insurance company dumping them because obviously that wouldn't happen Roger the other thing I really like about them is they have an attorney who's their national trial counsel that's attorney Don West he was one of the attorneys in the george zimmerman trial and he is fantastic i think the world of Don West so any case that would have him advising on is a much more defensible case than if you didn't have him so and obviously CCW states the only company that has Don on their staff so that's a that's a huge plus in my mind as well so CCW safe is one the other is USC CA very well financed as well I'm not sure what their insurance situation is I know they work with a third party insurance company but I don't know if that's under any threat from political pressure I've consulted on several cases for them and I love the way they do their work now again they're not perfect all these companies have have their strengths and weaknesses but when I consult on a case for USC CA basically you know they call me up they said we have a member he's got a lead counsel we'd like you to consult on the case I tell them what my charge is they overnight me a check and I start my work they don't ask me what I'm doing with the money they don't ask the work product they don't interfere with the lawyer client relationship they just hand checks over and I love that about them because it lets the lawyers do the lawyer work and we've had extraordinarily good outcomes on those cases in fact every you SEC case I've done we've gotten the charges dismissed Wow so that's been very beneficial they also have a major training component that I think CCW safe may now be developing but for example USC CA has a very extensive almost like an NRA instructor program equivalent us CCA instructors throughout the nation where people can get certified as instructors and I've never taken one of those classes but I seen the materials and they look pretty good so if people are interested in instruction as well as insurance then that might be something that might particularly attract them to us CCA very good the third group is the armed citizen Legal Defense Network this is a this is a slightly different structure they don't have a third party insurance essentially what they do is they take a percentage of their members fees that they pay to be members and set it aside in a Legal Defense Fund and then if one of their members gets charged or is facing criminal liability they're entitled to some fraction of that Legal Defense Fund in order to cover their legal expenses one of the nice things about the armed citizen Legal Defense Network is I believe they're substantially less expensive than some of the other options and they have a board of directors that's really very prestigious so Tom Gibbons if you know yeah yeah yeah prolific great guy dude amazing thinker lots thought leader in our industry yep Massad Ayoob is on their board of directors for people who've ever heard of the tular drill I imagine everyone in the gun community knows a tool or drill was that that was developed by Dennis tular who's on the board of the armed citizen Legal Defense Network the only caveat with them is they reserve the right to review your case and decide if it looks like self-defense to them so if they decide it doesn't look like self-defense they reserve the right not to cover your legal expenses which is not a judgement call either us CCA or CCW safe makes I understand why they make it they don't want someone to become a member and they commit a murder and then expect to get their legal expenses covered but it is a factor people should take into consideration but those three I think are ones I'm I've always been comfortable encouraging people to at least consider if they're in the market for self defense insurance got it very good hey guys if you've been listening along thanks so much and Andrew thank you so much for giving us all this amazing information all the links for the different insurance companies I'm going to go ahead and put below in the what you can count on in the future is I'm gonna have Andrew back on and we're going to review his book in a different in a different YouTube video so look forward to that I've been poring through the book recently and it's really really good so I'll interview him on that and also I'm gonna make another video as I sort through all the different insurance companies out there regarding concealed carry I'm going to make a determination on what I get and I'll go ahead and let you guys know what I went with and why so that's what you guys can look forward to in the future make sure you subscribe to this channel and Andrew you have places where you're putting out free content twos well for folks where can we find you other than getting your book right so for purposes of self-defense insurance if people are familiar with recoil magazine they just did a very nice article with lots of details on these different policies so if people are interested in the details I would encourage them to take a look at that and they can access that by pointing their browser to law of self-defense com forward slash recoil I don't have anything to do at recoil magazine that's just a short easy to remember URL that I set up to redirect people to their site in terms of free content from us at law self-defense we do a weekly show every week where we examine some self-defense case and explore the legal issues it's totally free people can access that at law self-defense com forward slash show we have a patreon page where we have lots of free content as well as premium paid content and we have free samples of all the paid stuff so people can get a sense of what they get if they do become a patron and if they do become a patron even at 5 bucks a month they can get a free copy of that book you just held up the law of self-defense third edition as our thanks to them for becoming a patron and they can learn more about that at law of self-defense com forward slash patreon very good hey thanks so much for being with us please be very very gentle when you invoice me for this yeah it's been an absolute pleasure John fantastic thanks so much hey warrior poets train hard train smart and get some good insurance and protection because when in the fights just seemingly the start of the battle isn't it take it easy
Channel: Warrior Poet Society
Views: 515,901
Rating: 4.9479136 out of 5
Keywords: should you get CCW insurance, which ccw insurance should you, law of self defense, Andrew Branca, massad ayoob, Recoil magazine, Carry Guard, CCW insurance, USCCA, USCCA insurance, us concealed carry, CCW, concealed training, self defense insurance, expert witness, use of deadly force, In the Gravest Extreme, Sportsman's Channel, Armed Citizen's Legal Defense
Id: Wilf_R5wlNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 28sec (2008 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2018
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