Guinness World Record Museum Hollywood

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Holly Holly what Holly whoo Oh Hollywood hey you all carpetbaggers here coming to you live from the fabulous lights of Hollywood California look at those guys at the scooters behind me we're actually in front of the Guinness World Record Museum here in Hollywood now the Guinness World Record museum kind of the little brother of Ripley's if you have been to the one in Gatlinburg they've actually changed it over time a frigid Lee it was a you know just a normal museum with artifacts the different World Records but then it evolved in a more an interactive exhibit where you try to break her world records I'm not sure what's in here where to point out follow [Music] this is gonna seem weird but it seems like the smallest wah blow I've ever seen doesn't look doesn't look like doesn't look like he's 8 foot 11 this giant globe of the earth let's see if I am powerful enough to move the earth with one hand there there the earth goes there these record processing robots looks like that one is doing the robot cutting through this corridor this vault like we have a sumo wrestler I don't know what record this particular sumo wrestler holds but most Grammys won the year Michael Jackson the gold record here it's actually held by like these scary monster hands because it was thriller and there he is the man himself and over here is his father-in-law Elvis Presley what's even more impressive than Elvis is levitating what is this record weather [Music] Oh Kelly uh I was answering questions and I didn't even realize it here's some of the record holding structures we got the Golden Gate Bridge the world's tallest monument the gateway arts the most jumping jacks in an hour was done at the White House did not know that world's tall statue statue of liberty and the largest by volume is the NASA Vehicle Assembly Building never been there the human fly up there and it's like he's wearing nothing at all nothing at all nothing at all there's old Simon the younger old Simon the younger that's confusing but anyways he set the record for sitting on a column which is 45 years it's a life well spent remember always getting really excited seeing the the new Guinness World Record books at school that scholastic reading program you could order the new book if he that thick and then all sorts of cool facts inside as I read those books I remember being particularly interested in this man's story it's a ranger Roy Sullivan he was struck by lightning the most times of any person seven time oh my goodness seven times he's holding his hat that he was struck by lightning in the head and actually did not die from lightning believe it or not he died from suicide which is really sad there's longest beard versus longest mustache TV faced policeman writing me a ticket got a question for me press a button on the parking meter begin okay what question we take a first spin that's probably it Oh see racing with the Domino we're going with a hey I was right I do it we have amazing human oddities the world's most tattooed woman that is a lot of tattoos indeed the world shallowest dive was 37 feet diving into 12 inches of water that's insane don't don't do that world hungriest sword swallower look at all those swords let me see 24 swords at the same time I don't know if he was hungry or if he just like jamming swords down his throat I don't know that necessarily equates to hunger this is the world's greatest firewalker you walked 597 feet on fire which doesn't seem like that long but you know it's fire the world's longest naked will woman we got all sorts of ridiculous records in here this woman's belly dance for 106 hours I bet her hips were lying all right we have the world's heaviest man Robert Earl Hughes he weighed 1000 69 pounds how do I compare let's find out let's see who's fatter the carpetbagger or Robert Earl Hughes the world's fattest man 250 250 even 250 remember I was 299 don't tell any what most literal legal act design Lou Jean Schneider cut his house in half with a chainsaw to give to his wife and yeah I'm sure he was just a rational joy to be around message for our Wadlow wait a minute are Wadlow it's Robert Oh look who's hanging out on Roberts porch the smallest woman never Pauline musters this is the oldest man that ever lived Siddiqui oh is Zoo me you know I just I lived 120 years I feel I feel like that is not accurate if anyone knows if that's true live a comment heaviest baby 22 pounds where's the exhibit on the world's most regretful mother all right hey dinosaur of some sort bursting forth from this wall rocky and Barco the two greatest drug sniffing dogs and look they they're dressed like like they're dealing drugs instead of sniffing them asking even more ridiculous questions is a gorilla with a TV for a head there's the world's smallest dog so small that it could be shoved into a drinking glass but I'm sure the poor dog enjoyed and so walk but have it with the largest ears these animals do not look happy to be a world record holders talking about some of the eating records over here but I'm distracted by this giant mouth it's being shoveled food into it there's a big shovel full of spaghetti and burgers and cockroaches that's nice some replicas are the world's largest vegetables either world's largest oranges fight we imagine it'll be fun just eating a five pound orange not as fun eating a hundred and twenty four pound cabbage all right we have a collection of sports records this high jump is even more impressive giving the low ceiling of this building it's Barry Bonds scary-looking baseball guy here we have tall basketball man the world record for golf balls stacking look that nine balls and they're still stacked to this day and here is the king of video game records mr. Mario himself all right we have a monkey stacking competition here alright let's see some stacks some of these monkeys okay there's to do today to do I don't think I don't think I'm gonna break the world record today dang this is hard there we go [Music] that's that's all what I always do I look to the camera instead of my own eyes maybe maybe that's my problem maybe maybe you nailed it right oh dang gotta get back to the monkeys the most destructive chase sequence of a car in a movie I thought it was gonna be the Blues Brothers but it says that it's a film from 1982 called the junkman which I've never heard of it I hope I hope the movie made back that money says database it's not entirely sure what is going on in there got a little dancing skeleton and hope there's this guy's Calvin's gone and then we have a CD from the Beatles which is just random what are we getting in next we're gonna get next Oh a Beatle Henry F McGrew is literally an electrocuted man survived three hundred and forty thousand volts and look he seems fine seems like these electric bolts have not affected him in any way shape or form old Charlie Chaplin there guess it is time to head through the exit all right joining me here is the Guinness World Record Museum here in Hollywood California it is very different from the one in Gatlinburg stuff is still in existence here that's interesting to see so I appreciate you guys watching please check down in the strips a knife interactive map will show you where I've been then you can tell me where I need to go also he'd like to contribute to the channel please consider buying a t-shirt for contributing to patreon all that is down in the description but for now this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 92,347
Rating: 4.9239683 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, guinness, world record, museum, fun, hollywood, ca, california, oddities, wadlow
Id: ivABl9Wq5N4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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