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hey everyone row here today we're discussing the appointment of tribune kolkwan and his misgivings of the returned primark robute gilman general spoiler warning to begin as today we will be discussing events from across the warhammer 40k universe so you have been warned but with that said let's just jump straight in when it comes to factions within the 40k universe it's pretty undeniable that few if any can share the sheer gravitas of the emperor's custodies the grey knights may be run them close but in truth there's just no matching the ten thousand they are the embodiment of the master of mankind's will the second one of these guys turns up in the law you can just feel the weight of the moment that's the next few pages you're going to be reading are just going to be good this aura really reached its nine mythical status largely in part to the ten thousand becoming enchained to the imperial palace for ten thousand years their reputation was locked behind closed doors however of course thanks to the removal of the edict of restraint we've finally been given the opportunity to see them once more unleashed now all the custody's actions off the throne world itself fall under the charge of tribune maldova kolkwan while originally there were 10 positions of tribune acting as advisers to the current captain general it's stated within the current law novels that by the time of the 13th black crusade there are now only two the other tribune being the master of the hater on guard the elite custodian attendance of the emperor himself tribune kolkwan was appointed his rank in the aftermath of the battle of lions gate and with the formation of the indomitus crusade he assumed part of gilman's own fleet primus and it could well be said the bulk of all off-world custody's forces were a part of this indomitus fleet making it a truly formidable force indeed the curious thing for me however when it comes to tribune culquan is his open mistrust and dare i say disdain for the returned primark robute gilman while perhaps this might not be quite so shocking if it was in the days of the heresy with constantin valdor himself for example being fairly wary of the primarks to begin with in the current 40k timeline however this is quite a unique viewpoint however kolkwan's viewpoint isn't something that's radically changed it's a view he's quite clearly had before and after gilman's return which means it was a view expressed before his elevation to tribune and there are rumors abound that it's actually this mistrust of gilman that made volaris not only appoint kolkwan as tribune but even assign him to gilman's fleet primus he was to be velores's eyes and ears on all the returned primark's actions now this on one hand could be seen as quite surprising considering trajan velores has seemingly worked hand-in-hand with gileman since his return for all gilman's might as self-appointed imperial regent and lord commander he couldn't have removed the edict of restraint without velores's approval it was even veloris himself who was by gilman's side within the throne room and the two worked hand in hand in preparing and removing the rebel high lords of terror on the other hand however perhaps it's only right for veloris to appoint a tribune such as kolkwan as much as the time of the heresy may have become a myth as much as most records have become lost to time it's undoubted that those that remain the most accurate ones too still exist are within the imperial palace and the custodies never looked upon the primarks favorably whether rightly or wrongly it's undeniable the primarks were responsible for the heresy the destruction of the emperor's dreams so close to his accomplishment the very reason for his internment upon the golden throne would velourist truly be doing his job if he simply had blind trust in gilman it could well be said heretically mind you that the emperor had blind trust in horus and look where that got him while the current wider imperium may have been raised on the notion there was only nine primarks the custodies know the truth they know the truth of the fallen primarks those who betrayed their father they even know the truth of gilman's imperium secundus to them they are the only beings within the imperium entire who could never betray the emperor who the mere notion of it is completely impossible and honestly as much as we love our primarks they are technically right for the primarks it's a choice to remain loyal to the emperor while for many of them it may never feel that way that their love and loyalty is undeniable is unbreaking the truth is at its core it is a choice that's a choice the custodies do not have they live and breathe to protect the emperor of mankind anything else is simply inconceivable and really with all this in mind it does raise the question of is kolkwan right the guy undoubtedly has a bit of an unlikable personality which at times can automatically sway your opinion against him however should we really be looking past that to the core of his argument now being by the primark side throughout the first stage of the indomitus crusade the tribune is present throughout the dark imperium trilogy and the dawn of fire series thus far and for me the most revealing and interesting piece of law on his opinion so far comes from the dawn of fire novel the gate of bones there's a particularly interesting conversation he has with one of his more gilman favorable custodians named akalor and it actually begins with akalor bringing up the rumors of ko kuan not trusting belisarius calls primaris marines and kolkuan doesn't make any bones about it here he lays it out as a matter of fact he does not trust them and when akalor mentions the emperor's blessing gilliman's actions kolkwan even then questions that remarking that we only have gilman's word for it which akalor counters with and lord volorus's and this is really interesting because we've actually seen gilman's recollection of his reunion in the dark imperium god blight novel now admittedly gilman does reflect that he remembers it differently each time but in the recollection that we see gilman felt the full might of the emperor turning its attention on him as he was pleading for his father to speak and the force of the emperor's psychic words pounded him to his knees however it goes on to mention quite specifically that veloris didn't see any of that it states that velores saw only light and gilman speaking as if he was in a deep discussion however veloris could not hear what was being discussed and this is absolutely fascinating in itself and i really want to have another discussion about just what could have been discussed here sometime soon but for this conversation in particular it does make you wonder how velores could give his word if he couldn't hear what was being discussed we know for a fact the emperor did not speak to volores because not only do we have voloris not hearing anything of their conversation but he mentions the emperor hasn't spoken to anyone since his internment so maybe that could well be the reason behind kokwan's appointment velores is simply attempting to cover all his bases supporting gilman's actions but having that safety measure of the custodies in place should the worst begin to manifest a safety measure in place for the sins of the heresy however continuing on with kolcron's opinions he then goes on a bit of a tirade against gilman declaring him a new war master in all but name leading legions he himself banned thousands of years earlier and this is the common argument we hear against gilman from the various political positions and it was very much a factor for the ending of the indomitus crusade stage one the simple truth is there is a point to the argument gilman has appointed himself lord commander and he is leading legions of astartes you could quite easily see that as a war master position and a bit of a hypocrite when he's going against his own rules yes we know it's in truth very much needed but it certainly adds credence to kolkhwan's viewpoint and he also has a pretty good logic behind his argument the primarks were made to balance each other out and when there were 20 of them or 18 as it became they counteracted each other now gilman is alone he doesn't have that the imperium doesn't have that and so to coquan the custodies are the only ones who can possibly be that counter-measure and for all the disagreement of kolkwan's personality for all the disagreements of his position for me if we're being honest here you have to say he is pretty close to the truth far closer than many may like to admit we as the reader who are privy to giliman's thoughts and actions know he is acting in the imperium's best interests doing whatever he can to save the race of humanity however the key to kolkrun's argument here is he is not questioning that he believes gilman is doing everything he feels in the best interest of the imperium colquan is simply questioning where it may all lead and his argument about the primarks being the counter to one another is also spot on as well for all the tragedy of the heresy it was the fact that many of those brothers remained loyal which stopped horus from achieving a clear and absolute victory it was rogul dawn's defense of terror which stalled horus's assault it was sanguinius's sacrifice which led to the emperor's ultimate victory if horus was alone the only primark there wouldn't have been anything in his way and that is the situation that gilman is in and now so maybe as unpopular as his vocal opinions may be with his fellows the truth is tribune colquan may actually be right maybe it does fall to the custodies to fill the gap the fellow primarks used to take maybe only the custodies can be the check to counter gilliman should he go too far but as always guys what do you think do you see the logic in tribune kokwan's argument and is he right are the custodies the only possible countermeasure should his actions lead him against his father and really the question must be asked if this situation were to ever arise do you think the 10 000 could possibly stop gilman could they bring him to hill as always guys leave your thoughts in the comments below i love to read them huge thank you to all my subscribers your support truly means a lot to me it really does and if you're new please consider subscribing to help the channel grow if you enjoyed this particular vid then why not drop a like on it too but with that said i am off and i'll see you all again real soon
Channel: Wolf Lord Rho
Views: 53,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Custodes, Roboute Guilliman, Emperor of Mankind, Primarch, Space Marines, Primaris, Warhammer 40k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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