Guess Who: Assumptions Only (Board AF)

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- [Courtney] Does this person look like they are a predatory improv teacher? - [Shayne] Oh my God. - [Damien] Yeah - [Saige] Yeah. (everyone laughs) - Yeah, yeah. - [Shayne] What? (Courtney laughs) (epic title music) - Hello friends, welcome back to "Board AF". Today we are playing 'Subjective Guess Who?' It's very exciting. Everyone's very excited. You've probably played "Guess Who?" at some point, but we're playing it with more opinions. That's the only difference. You can only ask questions that have entirely subjective answers, that are mostly just judging the faces of the people on these boards. That's it, those are the only rules. We're playing in teams, of course. There are two boards. We're starting out with me and Damien versus Shayne and Courtney. (soft clapping) Let's get into it. (intense clapping) (ominous ambience) - Like and subscribe. - Okay. You're gonna draw your card. It'll tell you which is your person. And as you figure out people that you think it is not, you will knock them down. - [Damien] These people look terrible. - [Courtney] Knock 'em down! - [Saige] They're wild-looking people. - They're all clearly based off of famous people, (beep) every single one of them. (beep) (Courtney laughs) - [Damien] Yep. - Can you guys start with the questions? Just so I get a better idea. - Sure. Do we show the audience who our cards are? - Yeah. - Without you all seeing it. - Sure. Yeah, we won't look. Don't look, don't look. - Our secret person is: Their secret person is: - Our secret person is: - [Saige] Okay. - Okay. - You're gonna ask the first question? We'll take turns asking questions. - Yes. Let's see here. Is your person very disappointed in their grandchildren? - No. - [Damien] Okay. I agree. - [Saige] Interesting, okay. - [Damien] I agree. - [Saige] Oh. - [Damien] Yeah, oh very. - [Saige] Absolutely. Okay, that was very informative, thank you very much. - [Damien] Thank you. - All right, I've got one. - Sure, sure. - Does your person drink IPAs? - I would say no. - No. No, I don't think so. - They don't drink IPAs? Okay, so definitely knock off that guy. - [Courtney] Yeah. Yeah, this guy, yeah. (Saige laughs) - [Shayne] I think that guy as well. Er, I don't know about him. This guy, maybe. - Can we all just agree that Joe is Jeff Goldblum? (imitating Jeff Goldblum) "Hi, hello." - "Hello, hello there." "Well, I'm trying to figure out who I am, ah." - Claire is the one who's was dating the guy from 'Glee' You know. - Oh, Emma Pillsbury. - Emma Pillsbury. - Yeah, they're all famous people. - Okay. - All right. Your question. - Okay. Um, do they look like they go on Reddit? - No. - [Saige] No? - I don't think so. - [Saige] Okay. - What do you think? - Yeah, I don't think so. - [Damien] Yep. Oop! Uh, this person (mumbles). - [Saige] Yay, thousand percent. Okay. (Damien mumbles) (Bell clicking sound) Yeah, absolutely. Okay. - Okay. Does this person look like they are a Predatory improv teacher? - [Shayne] Oh my God. - Yeah. (everyone laughs) Yeah - What? - Yeah. (Courtney laughs) - Oh, okay. So, who's... - We have a lot of predatory and prompt teacher - [Shayne] I think, I think probably. I would say no on that. - [Courtney] Yeah. I don't think, I don't think.. - [Saige] like, I, I, yeah. (Bell clicking sound) - [Courtney] I don't think he's either of these. - [Shayne] Okay. - Wow. They narrowed it down. A lot. - Does your person watch 'The Real Housewives' reality TV series and find something in the show enviable? Like it could be the locations. It could be the way that people like. There's something about the show they're like, "I love this." - No, no, no. Sorry, no. - No. - [Saige] No, Okay. - [Damien] Actually, Yes. - [Saige] Yes. - [Damien] They love dramas. - [Saige] Yes, absolutely. - [Damien] They love dramas. - [Saige] Yeah, yeah. - [Shayne] Oh, wait. I've got, I've got one. is your person, do they look like they're a Fox News anchor. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - [Courtney] Okay. - [Shayne] I'm not Sure. (bell clicking sound) - [Courtney] We'll leave it just in case. - [Shayne] Okay. - Oh, y'all are really narrowed down. - Yeah, but we could be so wrong. - Cause, like it's so much easier to play this game when it's regular 'Yes' or 'No' question. So I love that we could get this wrong. - That's when it's made for children. - Yeah. - And this is when it's made for real cool people. - We could knock the correct one out forever, again. - Yeah. - A hundred percent, Okay. I would love to know, do you think they're like a boss babe? Like a girl boss regardless of gender. This is an energy. - Yeah. - Oh - Yeah, no. No girl boss energy. - [Shayne] I'm not reading that. - [Saige] Okay, they don't have girl boss energy. Okay, great. Boom. Yay. Yeah. - I just think everyone has a little bit of girl boss energy in the board. - Everyone has a little bit girl boss energy in your hearts. Don't forget it. - [Saige] We're just gonna roll with this. Okay. - I have a bad feeling, we knocked down the correct one forever ago. - Who knows? Who knows? - "Who knows?" (Damien imitating Courtney) - Who knows? Our table. Does this person look like they have a timeshare in Aspen. - Funny. That's a good one. - [Damien] Yeah, I could say yeah. - They do. - I'd say yeah. But what do you think, Saige? - See, I would say no. - You would say no? - Like they have, Okay. Let's just say they have a, they have a second home in Aspen. - [Damien] Yeah. - Do they look like they have a second home in Aspen? - Okay, Yeah. - We'll go with yeah. - I think that's fine. Yeah, yeah. - [Courtney] I don't think so. - [Shayne] No, I don't think so either. (bell clicking sound) I'm not, I'm not positive on that, but this is my front runner. - I've got one. - Okay. Yeah, it's your turn. - Is your person proud about how much they know about wine, but they don't actually know that much about wine. - Yes. - Yeah. I would say so. - Yes. - [Saige] I'm going to say no to that. Yeah, Okay. (bell clicking sound) Yeah, I think that it has to be one of the five. - [Damien] I still, I still think this one is really possible. - Really? - I think they would say like, "all right, I brought out a nice murrelet." - And this one looks like they'd actually know. - They actually do know, that's right. - Tip top. - They do actually know. - Okay, they're down to four, we're down to five. - Okay. Is this person at least twice divorced? - Yeah. - I was gonna say no. - Oh no. - Oh no. I was going to say no. - Okay, that's fair. No. - They're not twice divorced. - Can you guys like close your eyes real quick? (Courtney and Shayne mumbling songs) - No. - No. - They're not twice divorced. - no, not twice divorced. - Okay, come on. - Yeah. (bell clicking sound) - [Courtney] I think we have to go with this. - [Shayne] Yeah. Okay. - Let's try and narrow it down once more. If we can knock out a couple of these, that would be really, really helpful. Did this person like go through something and maybe buy like an expensive car about it. - Yeah. - Yeah, I would say that. - Like the answer was like a convertible Corvette, - I think that's fair - And potentially a young woman with it. - I think that's yeah. - [Saige] Okay, so. - It's doable. - [Damien] I think we got to say goodbye to that. - [Saige] I think we got to say good bye to that one too. Well, we definitely gotta say good bye to this one. - [Damien] Let's say good bye to that. I think we're down to our three. - Okay. I feel good about that. - [Shayne] So, we're both down to three? - Yeah, you can make a guess or you can ask another question. - Do you wanna guess? - We both, we're both feeling pretty solid about that. I'm not feeling super confident. - Let's see, though. Let's see. I'm really just excited to see what tonight is. - I know, me too. All right. Here's our guess. we're going to go with is your person, Robert? (buzzer buzzes) - It's not! - It's not Robert! - [Saige] Okay, I'm feeling this. - Yeah? - Yeah. - Is your person, Joe. (Saige and Damien shouting in excitement) (bell clicking sound) - You guys brought up Joe earlier on and I was like "What the hell?" - Oh my God. - Wow. - Nice - The secret person is: - Don't look (Saige and Damien making silly sounds) - Our person. - All right, you guys will start. - Alright. Does this person look like they own a motorcycle? - No. - No. I don't think so. - They don't own a motorcycle. - Yeah. - [Shayne] That's tough. - [Courtney] I think he does. All right. (Bell click sound) - Will I let this person hold my drink at a party. - I think no. - [Saige] No? - It's like you would at first, but then you realize it was a mistake. - Interesting. - It wouldn't be like glaringly like "no, don't!" (ominous atmosphere) It would be kind of like "ah.." - Yeah. - So we're knocking down the people that like you might think. - Are spooky. - Yeah, Yeah. So he... (Saige and Damien laughs) - I have such a hard time in this game and I know it's silly. I know how it sounds. I understand core concept of why I'm wrong, but in the moment it's like, it's like "say the color that the word is" "not the text it says." - Yeah. Yeah. So the person who there's is, I might think would be cool with holding my drink and then I would regret it. So the people that are glaringly obvious gotta go or the people that are completely trustworthy got to go. You know what I mean? - [Damien] Got it. - [Saige] So like glaringly obvious, right? That's everybody from me. (bell clicking sound) - [Damien] I can't believe I did it again. I was like "Great. Got it." So, the people that here, yes. - [Courtney] It's fine. - It's so hard. - Is your person a member of a book club? - Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I'd say so. - Yeah. I'd say so. - [Courtney] Maybe knock down too many. - [Shayne] Yeah. (Bell clicking sound) Because I'm pretty sure it happens and it's like, "yeah." - Does your person lie about things to get discounts such as age or veteran status? - I don't think so. - No, I don't think so. - [Saige] No. Okay. (Damien mumbling to Saige) - [Saige] A hundred percent, I agree with that. (bell clicking sound) All right. - Okay. - Hm..Interesting, interesting choices, okay. - If you walked into this person's house, would you see "live, laugh, love" anywhere? - No. - No. No. - Okay. I do not think that you would. - Okay. - [Saige] I do not think that you would. (bell clicking sound) Okay, um.. Do you think that your person actively has a subscription to any magazines or newspapers? - Yes. - Yeah. - [Saige] Yes. - [Damien] Okay. - [Saige] Okay, So, - [Damien] Absolutely not. - [Saige] Absolutely not. - [Damien] This person is not.. - [Saige] Yeah, absolutely not. Honestly, also well could be a newspaper. All right. (bell clicking sound) I feel pretty good about that. - Okay - Your turn. - Does this person look like a seasoned producer? - Yeah. - Yes. - Yeah. - Okay. - [Damien] That's a great question. - [Shayne] That's a really solid one. (Bell clicking sound) - [Saige] Interesting, Okay. Do you have a question? - Does your person have a very mediocre theater career, but they're still extremely proud of it. - Yes. - [Saige] Yeah. Okay. This is not it. (Bell clicking sound) - I agree with that and I think this is not it. - Okay, I think we know. Okay, go ahead. - Do we get to have one more question or do you have to guess - You can do either. You can't do a question and then guess. - You know, say, if we do a question and then you, cause you're about to guess. - Yeah. - It depends. Cause we could get it wrong and then you would get another chance to guess, but it's taken the risk. - Do we want to guess this One? - Sure, let's just do it. - Okay. Is your person, Peter. - [Saige] It's not peter. (buzzer buzzes) - Is your person, Herman? - No, it's not. (buzzer buzzes) - Oh, God. - Let's flip back up a couple of them. - I don't think we can. - We can't? - I don't know. - [Courtney] No, I mean, I don't know. - I don't know. - I've got a question. Is your person one of the golden girls? - [Damien] No. (Buzzer buzzes) (Shayne laughs) - [Damien] I wish it was Anita. - We have no idea. We have no idea. - [Shayne] Yeah, I don't... - [Courtney] Is it Joe? - No. (Buzzer buzzes) (Beep) - I wonder what question steered us all the wrong way. - I know, right? Cause I want to know what question made us put it down. Okay. I here I'll tell you ours, Yeah? - [Courtney] Yeah, sure. - Okay, we are Philip this time. - Oh, I flipped him down very early on. Cause definitely not. I didn't think he was part of a book club. - I thought he look like he has been in a book club. - [Saige] Yeah, he's definitely in a book club. Who were you? - Sam, the Bernie ass (beep) - Him - The theater career, the theater career, I for sure. - We flipped down Sam before the theater. - That was a tough one. Cause he's like a very innocent looking old man. (dramatic music plays) - He's a completely neutral looking man. - He is such a tough one. - He is such a Bernie sanders, so you wanna trust him. - A perfectly neutral old man. - Wow. - That's just an old man. Okay. Cards are shuffled. - I'll take ours first. - Okay. - Everybody close your eyes. - Well I have my eyes closed. - This one: - Ours is: - Okay. - [Courtney] You guys want to start? - Yeah, I think it's, you're trying to start again. - Oh God, that's not good. - What? - All right. Does your person, are they behind on child support? - Yeah, I'd say no. I'd say no, they're not. - So there's some questioning in there. - I don't want that answers for us. Okay. So anyone that looks like they would I mean who would be maybe, maybe, I think this person would be. - [Damien] okay. - [Saige] Maybe it's just, I think that is all I personally have for that one. (bell clicking sound) - [Damien] Okay. - [Saige] Okay. - Does your person smoke cigars? - No. - No. - No. - I think that's, I think those that's (Bell clicking sound) yeah, play it safe. - [Saige] Okay. Do you think that your person understands blockchain? - [Shayne] No. - No. So there a person. Anyone who does? Yeah. Okay, so we put that down. Oh yeah, totally. (Bell clicking sound) Absolutely. - [Damien] Okay, cool. - [Saige] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Courtney] Does this person verbally abused a kid and then go to church praising the Lord. - (beep) - No - No - No - No, they do not. - [Courtney] Cool. (Bell clicking sound) - Did your person go to private school? - Yeah. - Yeah - Yeah. - [Saige] Yeah. I don't, I don't think this one necessarily gives me strong private school vibes. - [Damien] I agree. This one also same. (Bell clicking sound) - [Saige] Yeah. Okay. - Does your person use Reddit? - I don't think that they use Reddit. - I would agree. - It's not the hardest no, but like.. - [Shayne] oh they don't, they don't. I'm falling to the Damien trap. They don't use Reddit. - [Courtney] They don't use Reddit. (bell clicking sound) So, you put down all the people that definitively, what could they do? - Do you think that your person has ever fought with a manager of like a Chili's? - No. - [Saige] No, He has not fought with a manager of a Chili's. - [Damien] Maybe that one has. - [Saige] That one absolutely has, a hundred percent. I don't think so. I don't think at Chili's. - Yeah, oh, you're right. - It's a Chili's. Okay. - I do like those boneless Buffalo wings, it's good. - Does this person wash their ass? (Shayne laughs) - Absolutely. - Yeah, yeah. - They wash their ass? - Some Would say too much. (Saige laughs) - [Saige] It is. - [Shayne] I don't think he washes his ass. - [Courtney] It is crystal clean. - [Shayne] This guy does not was his ass for one second. - [Courtney] Squeaky clean ass. (Everyone laughs) - Slick as a seal. (bell clicking sound) I've got a very specific question. - [Saige] Okay. - Does your person take people to museums on a first date and then never again go to a museum on their own? - I'm going to say no, no to that question. - Yeah. - Does your person go to museums all the time? - I'd say so. - Okay. - Does not. Does not. Does not. (Bell clicking sound) - Okay, Is your person to lead singer of queen? - Yes. (everyone laughs) - The squeaky clean ass. - Okay, lets think about these questions, right? They don't understand blockchain. They do go to museums. (beep) um.. they - That's so good. - I loved that it was true. - They never fought with the manager of a Chili's. Is your person, Claire? - It is not. (buzzer buzzing) - Okay, alright. - So, is your person, Alex? (Courtney and Shayne cheering with joy) - Yay, we got one. - Ours was Peter. - [Damien] Peter? - Peter, I thought it was too old to be like blockchain, but doesn't get in fights with Chili's. Definitely went to private school, I think. - He's behind on child support, I think. - I didn't. - He was like he's too well off. - I think he's, I think he's, I think he complains about it nonstop. I think he (beep) hates his ex wife. He talks (beep) about it, but he pays it. - Yeah. - But, he just talks (beep) about it. - That's amazing. - It was either that or Chili's I don't know, old people. So let's see, we've done three rounds. - We beat... each team has a point. Do we want to do game point? - Yeah, let's do game point. Okay. - Our secret person is: - Our secret person is: - Okay. - Okay. - [Courtney] Do you want to start us off? - Does your person.. I'm not, I can't think of one. - Does your person look like they studied abroad and won't stop talking about it. - Yes. - Okay. - [Courtney] He might have, he looks like he might've gone backpacking or some (beep). Don't think it was that person. - [Shayne] No. - [Saige] It's a big knockdown first round. (bell clicking sound) Good luck y'all. - [Shayne] I'd say no. - Does your person look like if I was wearing like torn jeans, they would be like, "Hey, there's holes in your jeans." "You should get your money back for those." Or like, if I was wearing a crop top, they'd be like, "they charge the whole price for the," "for the, for half a shirt?" - Yeah. - I think they would say that. - I think that's the energy. - I think they would have a reaction. - [Shayne] Yeah, I think, yes. - [Damien] I don't think this person would. - [Saige] No. Okay. All right. (bell clicking sound) - Does your person (beep) love history? - No. - Do you think him? - Oh wait, you're right. - They love history. They love history. (bell clicking sound) We can wait. We can wait. - Shayne, I was inspired by the first half of your question. "Does your person (beep)?" (Saige laughs) - They (beep). - I actually think yes. - Yeah. - I think they (beep). - So not (beep). Not a (beep). - [Shayne] That is a tough question for this board. - [Damien] No, no, no, no, no, no. (bell clicking sound) I think we got an answer. - [Courtney] Okay. Cat person? - Yeah - Yeah - Yeah. - [Shayne] I would say.. - [Courtney] Yeah sure. You don't think... - [Shayne] I don't think so. I honestly don't think so either. - This is fine. - Yeah, I feel fine. (Bell clicking sound) - All right. Does your person seem like they're with someone, the age of their children, like their oldest kid is incomparable age to potentially the person they're now seeing? - I don't think so. - No. - No. - No. - [Saige] I think that's him. - [Damien] That's a shame too. - [Saige] I know, I was thinking it was that one. - [Damien] I was really thinking was that one. - [Saige] Yeah. - [Damien] So we don't believe that this... I feel like this person could be with someone that are our age. - Yeah. Okay. All right. Okay. That's it. (bell clicking sound) oh God, they have only six left. - Is, is your person... have they fallen for a multilevel marketing scheme? - I would say no, like it's possible that they attended a meeting at some point, but they are not actively trying to sell it to you. They did not buy it. - They did not set it up. - Yeah. - Yeah. - [Saige] They are not going to sell you to leggings... - I was hoping for a yes. - [Saige] ...Or vitamins. - I thought it was gonna be a yes. - But if it's not a yes. If it was a yes and who would you knock down? This person has fallen for it. For sure. - [Shayne] Yeah, I think you're right. - [Courtney] This person has. (bell clicking sound) - So for clarity, this (beep) that they are doing - Is it freaky? - Is it Freaky. - [Courtney] Yes. - [Shayne] I think that is freaky. - That's not freaky. That's not freaky. - [Damien] Are you sure? - [Saige] That's not freaky. (bell clicking sound) That's not deeply not freaky on that one. Like, I think it's one of these two. - [Damien] Okay. - Because they were like, "yes, it's freaky." It's definitively freaky. - But if that's the case, then look at that, Look at that. - But that's also.. - So it's definitely - All right, we'll obviously guess next time. - I think yours is just funny. - Does this person look like they have a persona? A furry persona? - You think so? Oh, oh, we're aware, we're aware - For the kids at home. - For the kids at home. - It doesn't affect you. - Actually could you get a little more into it for the kids at home? - Can you really get into the persona? - So this (beep), right? Just kidding, it's so not okay. That's a bad stigma. Yeah, so do you think, no? - I think could. I think could. - I don't think they do, No. I don't think they do. I don't think they know what it is. Maybe it's deep within them, but they don't know. They've never heard that as a thing. - Yeah. Like if they met a group of furries and the furries like include them and invited them.. - [Damien] They'd be like "Oh, that sounds like fun." - [Saige] I think they would be open to participating, but I don't think they have in one. - They haven't heard about it - [Damien] No. - Okay. I mean. - [Saige] They're just not in the culture. - [Damien] ] Yeah. - [Saige] They're not exposed to the lifestyle. (bell clicking sound) Are you all ready to guess next turn? - No, I, I, I have no idea. - We have three, I think we could. - How to differentiate between these two people. It is, they are the same. "corporate needs to find the difference" "between these two pictures." - Okay. I actually have, I'll give them a question. - Please, by all means. Cause, I want us to get this right. - Sure, I do too. Do they look like a, like a like a super villain? Like maybe kinda.. - Yeah. - Kinda. - Kinda, only kinda? - I don't think it changes anything to me. - No, its only kinda. - Oh. - [Shayne] Yeah, a little bit. - [Saige] A little bit. Like that is definitively a super villain. - [Damien] I would have thought the opposite. - [Saige] That would be hell yeah, to a super villain. this isn't literally a series of unfortunate events. - But that, but that see, okay, this is the difference though. This is villain in a story. He's swishing ancient wine in a goblet that was stolen from a tomb being like, "well, you've done well to get here" - This one was literally in the locker robot, neck. I'm putting it down. I think it's this one. - It's gotta be something we so refused It's gotta be going to be this. We're gonna be like, " yeah, definitely" - [Saige] Okay, y'all give your next question. - Does your person hate their husband? - No. - I was going to say, yes. - Really? No, I don't think at all. - No, Okay. - I don't think they do. - I don't want to confuse you. Let's just say no. I could see a world where that definite no. (bell clicking sound) - Okay. Is your person, Richard? - No. (buzzer buzzes) - Is your person, Herman? - No. (buzzer buzzes) - Is your person, Bill? - [Courtney] No. (buzzer buzzes) - Okay, okay. - Is your person, Maria? - [Saige] No. (buzzer buzzes) - [Damien] Well, now we know that. Is your person, Anita? - [Courtney] No. - Ah. (buzzer buzzes) - Wow. It's a tie dude. It's a tie game - We do one more guess. One more guess. - Well, we could just keep guessing it... - Is your person, Anne? - Yes. (Bell cling sound) I knew she was a gone for anyone younger. Ah. - She's a widow, if Anything? I do think she's freak. Cause she's, she's like the golden girl in my mind. I do see a villain. Cause I see like a '101 Dalmatians' like villain. - [Saige] I do see her being villainess. - I do think she's freaky. - Very (beep). - I think she's a little bit of a Cougar as well though. - [Courtney] Yeah, chains and whips. - Yeah, sure. - Yeah, I think she's freaky and (beep) and she's a cougar. - I thought that on the back of my head. But for me it was like, I don't know. - I think he hates this husband. - I don't think he hates his husband - [Courtney] We knocked him down a while ago. - We knocked him forever ago... - You wanted him to be a dog person. I personally felt a little bit cat person-ey... - I didn't see cat person. - He's very hairy. - He only wears black turtlenecks. - He only wears black turtlenecks. And I think he's very, very hairy. I think that he's spiritual but not religious. I think he like loves a drum circle. - I think my problem is I got more, I got more like construction worker vibe from him. - Really? - I see. I see more, like I see more like Idaho from him. And I think you guys are seeing more California. - Yeah. - You know what the difference is, With the red and the blue, like turtlenecks there. It's not so much of a black turtleneck. - Interesting - Theater guy. - Yeah, See for us that it's a different vibe. - It's such a different shirt on. - Well. Congrats to us for being awesome in 'Subjective Guess Who' Good work, everybody. I mean, it was technically a tie. And that's fine. - I mean, Damien did throw up five guesses, then you eventually got it. - "But faster than you threw out two." "Don't you get into fool, I've trained for this day" And one of those times, it's right. - I mean, hey, we technically gotten to the end, but it's fine. I think we are very well evenly matched. Good work today, everybody. Like the video, if you haven't already. And if you enjoyed it, subscribe. Click that notification bell to get notified every time that we post a new video, we do these a lot. We do all kinds of games. You like games? Oh my God, do I have videos for you? Bam! There's a video over there and you should watch that one, - And another one, another bad boy video over there. - Wow, how'd your collar get so powerful? - It's bad. - Anne (beep) tonight. - She does. - Anne (beep) tonight. - And she has her sex playlist and it's one song and it's 'S&M' by Rihanna. Over and over played. - I think Anne (beep) the most on this board. - I can agree with that actually.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 606,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, guess who, guess who assumptions only, board af, board games
Id: xM_M8GDCYdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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