Match the Dog to Their Owner | Lineup | Cut

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Hahahaha! As soon as I saw that hipster douche canoe “dog trainer” I knew that hot mess of arousal and lunging would be his. And the “demo” of his “panic attack” with his dog excitedly seeking attention was just GREAT- yes, nothing says “calming” like a dog unsure what to do so it gets anxious itself 🤣🤣 Also? For needing an ESA for “anxiety” he sure seemed comfortable being in a super confined group with probably 8 hours of filming and reshoots.

👍︎︎ 208 👤︎︎ u/GSDGIRL66 📅︎︎ May 23 2022 🗫︎ replies

"task trained dog" that is a complete utter bull in a fucking china shop around people and other dogs.

👍︎︎ 113 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 23 2022 🗫︎ replies

What is with the woman saying that dog looked “rough and mean” and then immediately picking out the Black woman who was smiling and cheerful the entire time? Disgusting

Edit because honestly there is so much wrong with this when you put into context the argument that Black people and pit bulls receive the same unfair sentiment regarding racism. That woman really paired the pit bull with the Black woman due to bias and probably also make that point. What the fuck???

👍︎︎ 93 👤︎︎ u/ALIENPLANTFARMER 📅︎︎ May 23 2022 🗫︎ replies

Wait so the guy who claims to be a professional “dog trainer” was the one with the absolute worst behaved dog in the group? And of course he has a pit bull that he is incapable of training. What a fucking joke. That pit bull was so out of control and poorly behaved. You can see a few times where it was seconds away from going into nanny mode

👍︎︎ 100 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 23 2022 🗫︎ replies

Someone commented: "You could tell Jack was a service dog cause when the lady fell down he checked to see if she was ok" and it got 19k likes. Some of the responses to that comment include: "great observation! what a sweet dog"; "Oh true! So cute😍😍"; "You're so right! He seems like such a sweet boy!"

Wtf is wrong with people?

👍︎︎ 89 👤︎︎ u/alsn 📅︎︎ May 23 2022 🗫︎ replies

lol see how the pit lunges when that lady falls down ... and that owner stands so defensively with legs spread and arms crossed ... so he's both a dog trainer with a super badly behaved pet and that's also a 'service dog'

👍︎︎ 57 👤︎︎ u/Major-Drag-4457 📅︎︎ May 23 2022 🗫︎ replies

That guy is really a dog trainer?! What a fucking joke. Anyone can call themselves a dog trainer these days so I’m not surprised.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/wheremuhdogsat 📅︎︎ May 23 2022 🗫︎ replies

Owner was a dog trainer and his dog was still the least behaved. Shocker

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/spelkingerror 📅︎︎ May 23 2022 🗫︎ replies

As always, collie is best dog!

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/Positive-Mud-4397 📅︎︎ May 23 2022 🗫︎ replies
- Oh, he wants the treat. Oh, oh! (laughter) (mischievous music) - My name is Tom Conquergood. I'm a bartender and a filmmaker. - My name is Madison. - My name is Shakira, and I do that for a living. - I have no idea why I'm here today. - Kinda, yeah. (laughs) I was asked if I'm allergic to anything, so I wasn't sure what element that added to it. - I mean, yeah. Are there dogs here? - No, not dogs. - How's it going? Hi. Okay. - Oh, I'm so good at that! Dogs always look like their owners. - Oh my, oh, look at you. - I think he's so cute. - [Tom] Chip looks like he's probably a couch cuddler. He's a little sausage-shaped. - He'll do anything for a treat, it looks like. You look like you'll do anything for a treat. (laughs) - Jabroni. - Okay. - What do you like to do on the weekends? - I like to hang out with my dog. - He looks like he might sit on the couch as often as this dog does. - Oh, uh-oh. - [Man Holding Leash] Let's go over here. - [Madison] A hard no. (laughter) - Oh my gosh, it's a Frenchie, so cute! Walter, what's up Walter? - Hi, oh hi. - We are very fashionable dog, Walter. So I think that you've gotta go with somebody with a chic look, but I'm gonna go with the young lady on the end here. - I think his owner's a dad. - I don't know, he's very persistent. And men are usually persistent when they want something. Oh, I feel like it's you. - Me? - Yeah. - What do you do for a living? - I'm actually a dog trainer. - Are you? - Yeah. - He kinda fits the model of maybe somebody, at least in my mind, that's a young urban professional at the moment. Cute little puppy, and it looks so good in selfies, so. - Yeah. - I'm gonna be terrible at this game but I don't care. The puppies are so cute. - Oh, look at this one! Ooh, this is really hard, actually. You're a little hesitant, okay. Maybe kind of shy? Maybe the owner's a little shy as well? - Just a very Christian family. - I don't know, I'm gonna go with the gentleman in the hat here. He looks like he's got caring eyes, and I think that a puppy like Riley would fit somebody like that. There you go. - I think that looks like your dog. - She looks Christian, and looks like she'd have a nice home. - Oh my gosh, hi! - Oh my goodness, what is this one's name? - Hi Jack. - Whoa, oh man. (dog barks) - [Madison] Oh, you're so fierce. They're rough. And mean. Oh, you're mean and rough. - Me? - Yeah. - He definitely has a male owner, because he is too excited. - I think a really playful person, somebody that probably spends some time outdoors, probably a very social, extroverted person. - She just looks like a tough bitch. (laughter) - Oh, and he's just really waggy, and yeah. (dog barks) I think that's his dad right here. - Moose. (dog barks) Uh-oh, he wants the treat. (laughter) - Come here, thank you for that. That's definitely Moose's mom. - I'm gonna go with the young woman right here with the shawl on. - He doesn't know about all these dogs. Let's see. I'm gonna go with you. I don't know, she seemed a little shy. - This is definitely your mama, Moose. It is, huh? - Oh, you are so cute! - Leo. - Leo's personality is very... (dog barks) He's feisty. - I'm gonna go with the playful. She looks playful. Oh, oh, oh. I think I got that one right. - She's very petite and so is Leo, and I feel like she's petite so Leo has a petite mama. - Mocha, hi Mocha. - What kind of dog is this, do you know? - It's a poodle mix. - It's a poodle mix? - Yeah, not purebred. - Oh, okay, how do you know that? - I mean. (laughter) - Because you're the mama? - I think Mocha probably goes to a pet salon, maybe twice a month. - I go to the barber shop. - Okay, okay. - That's your dog. Alright, how'd I do? - (cheering) I got them right, I got them right! - Oh wow, I did way better than I thought I did. - (laughs) Yeah, absolutely completely a hundred percent wrong. - What? - Oh, actually these all make much more sense. (laughs) - Yeah. - Polite dog, polite. That was a solid, solid guess. - My dog only understands Chinese commands because we bought him in China. - Can you show us some of the commands? - (speaks foreign language) - Oh, it's so cute. - Did I get you right? - You actually did. - I did, wow. - How long have you had Riley? - 12 years. - 12 is old, right? - That's super old for a collie. - Yeah. How did you get your dog? - My mom wanted to breed collies, and so that's how he ended up in our family, but then she was diagnosed with MS and ended up taking her own life, but I still have him, so he was always there for me. - Oh. - He's in my bed when I'm sick. I get to give him a hug when I'm sad, and he's always there. - I feel like we don't deserve dogs sometimes. - Right? - That's so sweet. - Jack is definitely also settled down in your presence. - What kind of dog is this? - He's actually an American Staffordshire Terrier. - Really? - Which is a cousin to the pit bull. - Okay. - He's actually a service dog. - Really? - Yeah, he's task-trained to help me with my PTSD and anxiety. Mostly he'll guide me through spaces that if I get agoraphobic in, he can do light switches and the electronic door handles and all that stuff too. - Make sure that you can get through when you need to. - Yeah. Like if I have a panic attack, he'll respond to that. Good boy, thank you. - [Shakira] That's so sweet. Good boy, Jack. - Oh, did I get you right? - Yeah, you did. - I did? - I rescued him when he was a little puppy. He wasn't going to be purposely my therapy dog, but he did end up, I don't know. He just really helped me a lot. - [Tom] What makes an emotional support dog different from another service animal? - So Moose kind of, he's more of like a, he brings me comfort, and so he knows when I'm anxious, like right now. So that might have been why he actually... - Came over to you? - Yeah. - There you are, you look much happier now, too. - The little one. - I don't think I've ever seen a dog like that before. - Oh, he's so cute. What is your favorite thing about Leo that you love a lot? - He just loves me no matter what and he's always there for me. He does have a lot of energy, though. - Aw. - So I do have to take him out quite a bit. - Tear around the apartment. - Yeah, yeah. He'll get into anything, or just do little wiener loops. - Loops. (laughs) - Around the apartment, going crazy. - What's the story? What's the story with this guy? - I have always wanted a French bulldog. I just kind of pulled the trigger on it, because I was making decent money. They're not the cheapest dog in the world. - Why are these dogs expensive? - Because they can't breathe on their own, so you have to artificially inseminate the female. - I know a lot of rich white girls that have Frenchies. - Yeah. - So that makes sense. - And last but not least, Chip. - I found him on Craigslist. He was lost and almost got hit by a car, and a family picked him up. I was actually at a very dark time in my life, and I just needed something to take the attention off of all my issues. - [Madison] Yeah. - And so I just figured I would get a dog. It was just really great, the days when I didn't even wanna get out of bed, didn't wanna take care of myself, I knew that I had someone else to take care of, so even on my worst days I was still able to get out of bed. Yeah, but he loves to lounge out. - That's what I was thinking. He looks like a chill. - Yeah, definitely a couch potato. - Netflix and chill. - Exactly. (applause) - Yay. Come here. (mumbles) - Hi! (laughter) - [Female Voice] Alright guys, you can walk off set.
Channel: Cut
Views: 24,368,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lineup, line up, People Guess, guessing games, Cut, WatchCut, WatchCutvideo, wouldyourather, beerpong, storytelling, relationships, Dating, Interviews, Firsts, couples, exes, love, KidsTry, games, challenges, Dares, TruthorDare, 100ways, blinddates, 100people, experiments, strangers, TruthorDrink, HiHoKids, Hiho, kids, kidsvideos, 100YOB, 100YearsofBeauty, FearPong
Id: rYzLh2QuraQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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