Guess the Cartoon Character from Shadow Challenge!

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any idea what is that before I play before it's revealed what do you think what do you think looks like a chicken a chicken we don't have any Ryan's World character that's a chicken I think I might guess Gus but let's see there's an egg see it looks like a chicken I really don't know who it is I'm so confused red is it combo let's see if you guys can guess it before us welcome to Ryan's World [Music] hi guys what are we doing today we're gonna do Guess the Character that's right so we're gonna see 10 character all you see is their Shadow okay and you guessed the character based on the shadow all right let's go here it is here's the first Shadow we got here you ready all right any gas on the shadow huh I think that it could either be me or Alpha Alexa all right because this this little part in the back look kind of looks like a tail it does okay let's see let's see all right so it's transforming we're gonna see how it goes oh okay and my legs are kind of like oh and Ryan's yellow cat color right you don't have yellow maybe oh oh it's pink pink so definitely not Ryan yeah not red type who else has pink that should be either Alpha Lexa or uh combo's little sister oh you're right you're right purple pants blue what is that tail tail who has blue tail blue and pink tail do you think it's off Alexa for sure how sure are you before you you review 100 sure what about you guys 100 sure it's off Alexa let's see let's see it's coming it's getting a little bit more oh the hands a little heat Okay pink so it's definitely a pink skin okay let's see what else here green eyes oh yeah wait very nice very nice so not combo right yeah just making sure claws let's see okay this is yeah ninja version okay Ryan got it right good job okay number two okay any sort of guess before we you know I think I'm gonna guess Karma's little sister combo little sister okay let's see come a little sister name is you guys know Coco okay look so okay all right okay but wait what is that is that like a ballerina shoe or is it flip-flop looks like sandals oh sandals cute okay I think we're correct so far yeah what is going on there I'll let hippos wait does combo little sister have headphones I don't remember sorry okay so definitely not combo because it's blue headphones what color is combos headphones uh red right so that's not combo for sure duh great odd okay so this is not their typical clothing this is more like a ninja outfit or something like that let's see cool pink oh I didn't know combo little sister has pink little hair bangs so far I think Ryan's correct yeah two points for Ryan what you guys you guys guess it correctly number three any idea what is that before I play before it's reveal what do you think what do you think looks like a chicken a chicken we don't have any Ryan's World character that's a chicken okay let's play if you give us more food I think I might guess Gus but let's see there's an egg see it looks like a chicken if we don't have a character like a chicken it must fit in a costume I think it's in it's wearing a costume oh Easter basket Easter Bunny okay but look at the little hair oh yeah the character have a little hair like that I really don't know who it is I'm so confused huh red is it combo no this combo on red hair no no okay um it does look like like a chicken but you don't have a Ryan's World character chicken I'm so confused let's see if you guys can guess it before us is that a headphone or is that an ear a little ears okay ears great legs it might be a combo in a chicken suit maybe let's see let's see oh yeah it's a combo let's see Ryan's gonna get it right combo combo combo combo combo hey as long as you guessed it before the whole thing is revealed then you win okay good that's super cute there's a chicken soup yeah all right next any guess uh is it able to be a monkey could be it looks like a witch I think maybe Emma okay Emma look it looks for you or me I don't think so it looks short hair so it looks like a character on a broomstick for sure looks like a witch of some sort oh you think Emma okay so so far that's a broomstick I can see at home she loves stuff with like witches that's true Wizards okay A little witch hat that's cute all right purple okay oh purple Emma loves purple let's see the little Feet's going here you guys see it okay still not really that much helpful but it's going hello hello oh eyes Okay one eyes oh here oh is it one little pigtails or gonna be two little pigtails that's gonna be a little bit different the other one would be under the half oh you're right you can't tell let's see Emma okay one or two I think that's that one yeah oh look at her vampire toothpick all right Q we got three okay next oh I think I know who this is because look at the bottom oh it's pretty obvious okay let's see let's see how obvious it is so Ryan thinks is Gill in the arms too that's true let's see colors always good and it uh certainly can't hurt at this point oh and the little headphone sticking out do you see it oh yeah okay let's see okay that definitely is Gill color gillish blue so so far we are correct but what outfit is he wearing yeah maybe he's wearing some sort of like gloves okay do you think he looks I think he looks like a pirate like a pirate Gill or a pirate or like a knight oh that's true that's true let's see okay Gil does have pink reddish headphones so that's same but look he's he's holding a scroll doesn't it look like he's wearing a scroll so maybe a pirate I think like a belt let's see yeah oh yeah like a treasure map Maybe going on a treasure hunting mission definitely Gill Gill you sure are you sure no changing mine double or nothing is it girl yes so far we are all correct what about you guys you guys guess it next oh this is hard I think I'm gonna say Gus because of this little like part of it do you think this is on a dinosaur um okay so Ryan thinks it's Gus because of the tail but let's see Ryan's correct what do you guys think but Chris doesn't have hair unless he's wearing a costume or thick hair or a wig which is fine and there's a pouch is that a pouch blue I think he's wearing maybe he's like a pirate ghost or something you know what does ghost have all your fingers yes oh maybe it's not a pirate maybe it's a like a fur hat because maybe he's in the snow in the cold so he needs to wear like a fur jacket oh yeah a hoodie you know up here yeah oh oh green tail green tail okay that's definitely Gus so far fingers crossed but watch the eyes yeah let's see oh now it's shrinking so now it makes sense let's see if we wanted to go and it's that little ball right there Gus's eye the other eye maybe okay what is that wrapped around you still wrapped around oh definitely Gosh guys wow you are so good all right halfway through and Ryan got all of them correct this one [Music] you sure love the feet the feet yeah looks like penguin oh I also think it's probably packed too because if you look on the side looks like glasses oh yeah do you see it and it's purple it looks like a little heart isn't it oh okay yeah that's definitely so cutie cute okay yellow little feet okay that's Peck right guys yeah it has to be okay so far we're doing great okay let's see this is like a scroll in the back right yeah can you tell me that you think it's a pirate or a ninja ninja oh wait that might that might not be a scroll that's holding so like a sword maybe some sort of like hammer or something oh a hammer all right Islander guys oh yeah he's going on an adventure in some sort of you know Island yeah yeah four more whoa it has a tail so think about that so Ryan thinks this Ryan's World newest addition friend it's a monkey do you guys know the monkey's name it's let me give you a hints ready it's one of these fingers anything no all right this one yes pinky that's the name of the monkey but we'll see if it's an actual monkey but it's Pinkie's color tail but what is he wearing you think it's like a pirate pinky seeing it's like a ninja Pinkie do you think it's a I think island adventure pinky I live Adventure I'm an adventure you think so I want to see it has a bandana it looks like doesn't it you think so [Music] pirate Pinkie did you guys figure that out super cute all right okay I'll give Brian that point even though he didn't know the name kinky it's the name super easy okay all right next combo alrighty are you sure are you sure it's not combos Mom combo's Dad combo cousin I don't think they'll hold a katana oh okay let's see okay oh yeah definitely could uh combo so far and look the ears and the headphones okay my combo floral sister have ears and headphones but these ones are red oh okay all right let's see if it's true let's see and you can see the little hair poking out like that the little bangs it's up oh okay sorry looks like some sort of robot a robot combo Robo combo okay so far so good oh but why did his eyes look like a robo combo eye oh yeah is that RoboCop that is Robo combo did we get that point wait did it get that point what'd you guys guess oh okay well that that got us yeah you know we still have plenty of points this is your last one what do you say before I press play there's like bats yeah maybe if I'm gonna play while we guess here maybe me because we haven't got me yet that's true we haven't got red Titan yet but it doesn't look like a red Titan character yeah right oh maybe it's a zombie it was like a mummy a mummy oh yeah you're right but what is that looks like ice cream scoops on top oh definitely a mummy because of like um going down from the hands the little Band-Aids oh let's see oh pumpkin okay so definitely Halloween theme but we don't know who the character still is I think it might be me you think so there's no tail so cannot be cocoa or pinky or anything and there's no giant ears so not combo let's see if it's Ryan definitely me you think so who do you think it is it's Mommy definitely I haven't had Mama yet either look at the hair that could be Mommy's hair like I like I sometimes Spike my hair up oh wait they put the smile who has a huh I really thought it was mommy I'll get it mommy mommy mommy yeah not Mommy so it's Ryan good job [Music] thank you so much for playing along the Guess the Character challenge how many did you guess right Ryan got nine out of ten I got eight out of ten because I thought this was Mommy it's just not so all right thank you for watching bye remember [Music]
Channel: Ryan's World
Views: 615,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan's World, Ryan ToysReview, guess the character, guess the characters chllenge, guess the cartoon character, cartoon quiz, guessing game, Combo Panda, guess the cartoon character game, kids games, guessing kids games, cartoon silhouette, kids quiz games
Id: elxAJS56Z9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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