Ryan's World Island Adventures|Episode 3

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welcome back to Island Adventures my Big Brother's in trouble we you know Ryan let's check it out when the volcano turned a fearsome red it will erupt no Temple over here nothing this way either same here hmm it's supposed to be around here the temple holds the secret to saving the island we gotta find it fast so you're saying that the whole island is about to be wrapped there is only one way to stop it you must obtain the treasure hidden in the sacred Temple only that treasure can shave the island a treasure that'll save the island here I've bestow upon you the secret key to the temple oh thank you but even if they leave the temple now they'll never make it in time the volcano is gonna erupt moment what don't worry there are others who have already reached the Temple Run [Applause] please but they're so far away how are we going to get this key to them it'll never make any time wait I have an idea oh I think I get it yeah KOA did this earlier and it worked for him but maybe my finger whistle is broken a little more patience young ones I hear something coming this way wow you called wow Mr bird we have a big favor to ask you can count on me huh hello what's this huh Ryan take this a key huh it's a gift from Emma and Kate to open the temple Emma and Kate is everyone okay your friends and family are safe thank goodness yes so that's the key to the temple oh yeah I know just what to do with that ah I bet you're right Gail [Music] um it fits what whoa okay look whoa how far awesome the temple was inside the waterfall this must be why so many of us who live on the island have never actually seen the temple oh yeah Gill gang for the win expert Finder right here ah we have to hurry the redder The Rock get the closer it is to erupting okay way to bring down the mood dude we don't have much time come on let's hurry but I wonder what is this treasure that will save the island you stop a volcano one way to find out oh we have to get to that treasure oh yeah whatever it is we're gonna find it expert finder coming through [Music] Ryan looks like it's after you go what a fast game okay we got this let's go oh it's getting even better Ryan what is it a dead end what is this picture the treasure hidden ahead is the Hammer of the Earth the Hammer of the earth it is the treasure that once split the sea and gave birth to the island that's amazing but it's a dead end to go on you need to whoa whoa the treasure must be just up ahead oh I don't think it can get much better what if the others don't make it in time wow the Hammer of the earth must be up there we have to get to High Ground fast yeah when my fur gets wet well yeah that and we don't want to drown that too come on let's hurry this way I don't think we're gonna make it it's okay yes I got you oh thank you hurry [Music] there it is wow the Hammer of the earth so this is the treasure that'll save the island whoa I can't believe it the hammer that split the sea and created the island how far awesome can I see it sure wow how does it work foreign [Music] oh no let's get out of here this way we can climb out whoa whoa we can't get out you come on get in quickly I went and found pack to tell him we needed his skills uh yeah expert finder does it again great job guys here we go [Music] just in time yeah perfect timing pack oh the whole thing is red this is it it's going to be rubbed
Channel: Ryan's World
Views: 1,125,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan's World, Ryan Toysreview, Ryan Kaji, Ryans World, Ryan Toy review, Island Adventure, Island, Animation, Kids Animation, Ryan's World Animation, Adventure
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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