Guess The Character Challenge with Ryan's World!

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do you have an idea do you have an idea oh no is it even a Ryan's World character I think it looks like a clown oh I'm gonna guess good idea good idea all right one two three wait what I just guessed that Titan because it has bread you know welcome to Ryan's world [Music] hi so what are we doing today Ryan we're gonna do Guess the Character so we're gonna see like different colors and you guys play along with us to see if you can Guess the Character faster than us okay all right here we go number one there it is color on screen let's see if Ryan can Guess the Character this is super easy because it's pink it's obviously Alpha Lexa are you sure uh-huh I think it's combo okay Ryan's right next one I'm gonna get a point okay all right number two okay oh okay all right let's think about it for a few seconds I think about it okay what is blue and what is red wait combo's red combo's red right oh yeah oh yeah do you think it's combo okay okay I want to count to three we say it together okay I'll give you the point I'll just get a skill are you sure girl yeah I'll just get skill shoes it's combo right I wouldn't say that yeah you can just all right okay let's guess yay we're tied one two three I don't know let's see who's right got this it's actually good okay so two points for Ryan and zero for Mom if it's okay I'm gonna catch up next hmm purple with green okay which character is purple and green and black hair black hair is the key wait wait who has black hair kind of looks like red Titan but with different colors all right you sure it's not by Titan all right because there's no red yeah how could it be I'm so confused is it Daddy maybe it's Daddy like superhero daddy I think you're right okay ready count to three ready one two three let's see yeah I'm not good at this game okay next huh oh wait wait I'm so confused it's red it's red Titan because it's red red but then what about the green what is the green oh but it has yellow yellow and red is red Titan and maybe green is like you're wearing a cool hat and a cool boots like really cool head Titans change is hair color to Green oh yeah maybe okay I'll guess right okay okay all right one two three red Titan better be red Titan oh yeah oh my gosh oh I can't believe it oh we both missed it but it's okay you have three and I have zero um okay game's not over game's over how are you guys doing how are you guys doing oh oh it looks like a pencil that's true which of the rice World character looks like a pencil do you have any idea oh maybe I think so maybe but first it's eating it's a superhero or villain I think it's a villain it's a villain oh um I think I know but I forgot anymore what is it it's like a little mold like a little mold yeah isn't it pack rat use me I'm a hamster yes wait he's a rat are you a hamster he's a hamster but he's a hamster but it's named a rat yeah so it's pack rat you give me a point okay let's see ready one two three yeah we got it yes Mommy got one whole point what am I doing here well I need out of here dismiss me now okay next oh it's red and black what's your yellow top what is the yellow I'm so confused do you have an idea do you guys have an idea oh no is it even a Ryan's World care I think it looks like a clown oh that's I'm gonna guess that good idea good idea all right one two three wait what I just guessed that Titan because it has red you know [Laughter] sorry combo what come on how can you not get that has my signature yellow highlights and favorite red headphones oh my gosh she's so disappointed in that I'm sorry I didn't know you really didn't know I didn't know either I thought it was a cloud geez how can you forget about me already you were just talking about me next huh oh I think I think I got it you sure there's only like one person one person two people love purple oh dark times and he was purple like earlier like he was purple yeah he was purple okay dark titan all right ready one two three [Music] are you sure Peck is purple Okay click on it oh yes pack hey Ryan I'll get to see you I already got lost track of points I think we have the same points so I have like six and you have like one oh okay thank you okay next next what oh that's so easy have you seen this one no I'm so confused it looks like a pen then it's so easy wait I know this one I know this one here's how I know you guys ready okay [Music] power I got it I'm so confident yes it's Ryan ready one two three ready [Applause] red Titan racing to the rescue do I get a half points okay okay the answer is red Titan 1.5 1.5 next huh it's okay views okay so we know anything that's white is combo but then why is there pink yeah it doesn't have pink oh it's too hard I thought I know my Rhymes World character hey what Ryan it's in your world why don't you know what's the blue for um the headphones the blue headphones this looks like a pencil and this is okay you ready I actually know this one I actually know this one do you know uh do you know what do you know the muffin I mean it looks like a panda ready one two three one two three one two three [Music] yeah of course I am combo's sister I mean come on come on both of our last names are panda I'm pretty sure that isn't that common of a last name okay that's half a point for Ryan he did help me out a lot so we'll help each other out but it's a half a point yeah okay next okay I really don't know this one I really really don't know I'm so confused do you no this is for super hands if you guys are super much I mean everybody's a super fan but this is like super mucho Dupo hupo Lupo fans that watch all the other channels I really don't know this one I really don't know okay I'll just make a guess okay ready yeah one two three McGill's mom [Music] okay somebody help me out with this name okay it was a Punchy floaty guy yeah let us know I don't know by name you're lucky that was mean you have all the fun that is Mr zorg boy am I glad I haven't seen him in a while who's to say I don't enjoy ruining everyone else's fun if no one else is having a good time then I must be having the most fun of all okay we did not know that so so sorry we don't know our villains they're wearing different outfits okay that was already hard [Music] three two one yeah foreign we just have to guess using the colors they're known for yeah wait I don't see no purple [Music] yeah okay we see purple lines where the purple line who created this where are the purple line thank you good catch okay next uh it looks like a glass it has green yeah so and it got green has got yeah it better be two one [Applause] okay that was easy okay next time the hamster guy it's a hamster I forgot or is that a wrap [Music] spout no it's a mold it's a mole okay mold ready yeah his name is um okay one two three [Music] yeah call my sister okay three two one [Music] I actually got this right yeah well that was really hard she's super cute okay it's red so it has to be red Titan right what do you guys think are you guys thinking red Titan like us okay or astronauts [Music] okay but as long as it's Ryan yeah Ryan three two one Ryan yeah okay I don't know what the points are but it should be up there okay and I'm catching up okay we are ready Coco so this one Coco again I want to say Coco again three two one alpha Alexa Coco oh good job it's blue yeah but it's too dark to be Dill oh maybe it's Gill in um winter gear oh yeah okay you know what I mean you think you guys think it's skill too what do you guys think yeah Gill okay three two one oh because of the white I guess so oh okay we didn't get that point okay all right now okay I'm so confused who has who has a green belt I mean dark titan but if there's no there's no purple color dark Titan's purple right that's the main focus color yeah I want to say red Titan in a different way I'll just say dark okay too dark titan and red tie three two one right time small mode we both got it wrong oh my go back is it Orange in there oh orange is Moe where's the green oh I see that's hard that's all that's a hard one I I also I forgot about love I'm so sorry Mom you need to appear in more of our episodes so we know we remember okay next you just need to appear more so we MO that was a good one that's good okay and this is I I'm gonna bet double or nothing double or nothing okay three two get one yeah yeah fat double or nothing yeah okay so done more points here a double more points there um very tight as red and yellow right right and white that's your color what do you mean yellow I mean kind of like a gold oh but then what happened why is there orange maybe you have a bandana or something I don't know what do you guys think red Titan I'm Gonna Save Our time we'll get red sizes three two one right tight ten ah Samurai Ryan Sam Orion Samurai that was a good one does that help yeah yeah okay right yeah Ryan yeah it counts all right guys so that was our points up there let us know who won obviously I was really really close to when they make though yay so good job Ryan for winning all right so if you like this video give us a big thumbs up let us know how many did you get correct did you beat Ryan did you beat mommy let me know okay all right thank you for watching bye boys [Applause]
Channel: Ryan's World
Views: 1,740,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan's World, Ryan ToysReview, guess the character, guess the character challenge, color bars, games, guessing games, guessing games for kids, what's the character, characters challenge, what is the characters
Id: L2ZlQr1rCdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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