Ryan Plays with Giant Doll House Superhero Story

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this video features ryan's world toys that ryan helped create hey guys we're the superhero family i'm dirty and of course i am really awesome mommy i am ryan um and i'm baby sister twin and my aunt k hello we're moving into a new neighborhood [Music] all right family we're at a new home let's go in oopsie i failed oh all right my turn you okay there yeah i'm okay oh new house let's go yay [Music] [Applause] [Applause] what about we share okay good idea kids kids what did you fly up here flying is not allowed in the house flying is for outdoor activity only not in the house you got them well i'm um i'm outside you're inside you breaking the rules get down here young man get down no no get down get down let's go in the house the proper way through the door hey daddy are you sure you're okay because uh you still haven't got up and it's been like five minutes okay let's go in daddy are you okay you've been there for a long time oh i'm just taking a long enough on the ground it feels really nice all right well while you lay there let's go check out the house um okay so this is our living room here with a cozy fire that nobody turned on the fire adults only ryan are you are you hungry a little bit yeah i'm a little bit hungry all right let's check out the kitchen and see what we have daddy um i want to check out the kitchen and uh you take your time getting up but don't take too long getting up all right kitchen time okay well there's stuff oh there's some bacons anybody wants eggs and bacons anybody anybody ah no okay well i'm just going to eat then oopsie well mommy's eating i'm gonna go check out this room over here i call dibs on this room let's see what's inside here there's cats and dogs inside uh oopsies i think i'm gonna go check to see if they're okay [Music] are you guys okay [Music] did i hear dogs and cats at the house ryan what did you do mommy that's not me it came with the house they were in the closet okay let me check out what's going on uh all right using the stairs of course no flying in the house that's the rules okay well uh what do i do oh okay i'll i'll hold you okay thank you there's no sneakers in this house but uh we use you use your flying power ryan don't don't tell mommy okay did i hear you guys fly uh no that was probably the wind y'all yeah wind though oh open up you okay there ryan okay oh cute doggy and cats we are not ready for pets we don't have time to take care of pets yeah we do okay fine you convinced me okay bring your pets over here okay i have i know just the spot come here pets come here there's your house there you go there you go there you go go into doggy go into your dog house here you go and then the cats can go into the cat's house let's see and then we also have a rabbit here so yay we have three pets now three pets brad i hear noise what's going on i don't know i'm gonna go check on the house all right hmm i'm gonna go check on the roof i'm flying outside okay there seems to be nothing here wait a minute there's somebody over there i'm dark side and i'm here to take over the world but first i need to take out these superheroes is that dark titan i knew you would come here dark titan my mission is to take over the world but the first step to do that is to take over the only superheroes aka take out your family that was close i need to assemble my family to get dark titan everybody in the house go to the bathroom dark titan is here oh dark titan i'm ready for you this time i have a meatball launcher uh daddy that's not a meatball launcher that's a pie launcher yeah i knew that i was just i was just testing you wait did i hear dark titans oh no okay pets you stay here where it's safe okay all right go and go into the house where it's safe all right mommy's coming guys oh wait dark titan is here yes mommy dark titan's here look down huh your family is no match for me i have been training kate wake up wake up kate somebody i keep hearing so many noise something about a dark is something about a titan wake up kate okay let's go all right wait did we accidentally step on somebody's head who was that kids who dared child [Music] um dark titan we're up here where are you shooting your blaster dark titan is not even a cool name like my brother red titan is better red titan is way cooler than dark titan oh yeah then come down and fight me it's like taking candy from an older person twin girls they're the worst maybe i'm not ready for twins but red titan calm down all right then i'll come down i have waves and a blaster you are no match for me giant duck come over here no rainbow ducky get the other title guys giant duck we gotta go high let's go family let's go come on let's go join ryan hurry oh ryan's over here [Music] let's go let's [Music] don't tell anybody don't tell the duckies we're here ducky they're over here quack quack quack quack quack quack quack gummies stay where you are i have an idea guys i'm too weak for the diet duck i need to lift my weights to become big oh [Music] okay there i think that i can fight the duck now let's go wait how did you become so big my one thing wait duh it's me with my weights and a blaster versus you oh oh i think the ducky's going crazy wait a minute i have an idea to convince the ducky to get dark titan instead stop i'm dark titan go get red titan over there huh yeah i'm dark titan red titan's over there go get him okay okay okay okay ducky you want the wrong guy i'm dark titan maybe i need a train to become super big too oh look it's so hard to carry this it says it's 1 000 pounds okay i'm going to get you guys whenever i come back oh no that's my waist [Applause] [Music] [Applause] finally only a real superhero can wield these weights family you can come out now are you sure it's safe to come out yes it is okay [Music] oh thank you so much ryan ah you're so tall look at you um can you come back to normal size ryan now please okay just give me a second i'm sorry guys i'm small now again okay i'm just glad everybody's safe and that weird giant duck and dark titan is gone everybody okay yeah i'm okay i'm okay too daddy are you resting again yeah i i was just trying to nap okay all right guys well together this is our exhausting first day thank you red titan for saving the day but look at this mess the duck made look everything is chaotic everything is all clean much better okay guys thank you for watching our video remember or stay happy and rise up bye thank you for watching our first day of the new house video this video featured ryan's world toys that ryan helped create
Channel: Ryan's World
Views: 35,114,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan's World, Ryan ToysReview, doll house, pretend play, giant doll house, doll story, funny pretend play, Kaji Family, doll pretend play, playhouse, kids playhouse
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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