Sumerian Mysteries DOCUMENTARY Noah and Gilgamesh Reveal Anunnaki Mythology

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Noah the first story biblical daily stories are not original the Hebrew authors of the Bible are credited for discovering and deciphering the 11th tablet of the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh by the British Museum's George Smith the Babylonian Deluge myth originates from Sumerian mythology Arno pobl published a fragment comprising the lower third of a six-column Sumerian tablet in the Nipper collection of the University Museum in 1914. its contents are primarily devoted to the story of the flood although Scholars have been looking for additional Deluge tablets no further fragment has been found in any Museum Private Collection or excavation even though purple is our sole source the translation he prepared is still rudimentary in standard a lone tablet containing the contents of a flood episode is notable not just because of that episode but also because it is primarily about flooding the same holds for the passengers preceding and introducing the deluge's story these passages impact Sumerian cosmology these texts contain several telling statements concerning the creation of man the origin of kingship and the existence of at least five prehistoric cities the following is practically the entire extant text of the myth with its tantalizing obscurities and uncertainties cuneiformists face many challenges and are in for several surprises in the future no date can be given for the appearance of myths there is a break of about 37 lines in the lower third of the preserved tablet a deity then addresses other deities he is probably declaring that he will save Humanity from Extinction and that as a result man will construct the cities and temples of the Gods the address is followed by three lines that describe the deities actions to make his words effective but are hard to relate to the context four more lines follow beginning with the creation of man animals and plants overall it reads like this I will destroy my humankind in its destruction I will return there to nintu by my creatures I will return the people to their homes they will build the Divine laws and I will Comfort them with my shade their bricks will be laid in pure places for our houses places of Purity will be the places of our decisions there was a pure fire quenching the water rituals were perfected and divine laws were exalted he accomplished this on Earth he put the law in place then the Earth sprouted Lush vegetation after n enlil enki and ninhasag fashioned the black-headed people creatures with four legs of the plane were created creatively approximately 37 lines later we learned that the kingship was lowered from heaven and five cities were established following the Throne of kingship were lowered from heaven after the exalted Tiara and Throne of kingship were lowered from heaven by perfecting the rights and the exalted Divine laws establishing five pure cities they were referred to as cult centers and given names he gave eridu the first of these cities to nudumud the leader and bad tabira the second he gave the third laraque to Ender bilasag flood Ark and Sumerian Noah the only document of this myth is Arno pobel's handwritten copy of the flood tablet in the University Museum the fourth sipah gave the hero utu the fifth shirupak he gave to sud once he named these cities he assigned them as cult centers then he brought established the cleaning of small rivers program after a break of about 37 lines the gods decide to bring the flood and Destroy humankind some gods are unhappy over the cruel decision when the text becomes understandable again the counterpart to Noah in the Bible is zeusudra he is a Pious God-fearing King who constantly seeks Divine Revelations through dreams and incantations ziu sudra appears to station himself by a wall where he hears the voice of a deity communicating the decision taken by the gods to send a flood and to destroy the seed of humanity the most extensive part of this passage reads during the flood nintu wept like a baby pure inanna penned a lament for its people enki consulted with himself enlil enki and neither sag Heaven and Earth uttered the names of Anne and enlil then ziyu sudra king of pashishu did giant size Construction he acted with humility obedience and reverence constantly attending he he brought forth all kinds of dreams he uttered the names of Heaven and Earth the gods built a wall standing by its side zeusudra listened stand by my left wall take my word and listen to my instructions by the wall because of our efforts a flood will sweep over the cult centers to destroy the seed of humanity this is the decision the word of the Gods enlil and Anne obeyed the command its kingship and Rule will end ziu sudra must have received detailed instructions in the text about building a giant boat to save himself from destruction sadly this is missing because of another 40-line break upon re-reading the text we find the flood had already raged in all its violence over the land for seven days and nights as the sun god utu returns bringing his precious light everywhere zeusudra prostrates himself before him and offers sacrifices read the lines below violent wind storms and floods swept over the cult centers After the flood had swept the land for seven days and seven nights storms on the mighty Waters had tossed the boat about he shed light on Heaven and Earth Zoo sudra opened a window to the vast boat as a gift ATU brought his Rays into the giant boat King zeusudra protested before uttu the king Slaughters a sheep and an ox again there is a break of about 39 lines here the last lines of our text describe's deification he was given eternal life when he prostrated himself to Anne and enlil and was transferred to Dillman the city where the sun rises Anu and enlil uttered Breath of Heaven and Breath of Heaven the breath stretched from the earth vegetation Rises the king zeusudra he protested before Anne and enlil sudra was cherished by Anne and enlil it gives him a lifelike appearance the god they bring down for him will breathe forever afterward zeusudra The King The Keeper of the names of vegetation and the seeds of humankind they caused to dwell in the land of crossing the land of dilman the place where the sun rises we do not understand what happened to the transfigured zeusudra in the home of the Immortals since the rest of the tablet containing about 39 lines of text is destroyed we now turn to Hades from Paradise to the mighty below or as the Sumerians referred to it the land of no return this descent to the netherworld is one of the best preserved Sumerian myths a Restless goddess descends to the Land of the Dead to satisfy her unbridled Ambitions this provides a rare parallel with one of the most significant New Testament themes in recent years many historical and scriptural findings have been revealed that were not included or misrepresented in the canonical Bible when historical texts like The Book of Enoch nag hamadi gospels and the Book of jubilees are synthesized and correlated with existing documents they provide a profound understanding of the beliefs shared in modern Western culture our knowledge of Middle Eastern history is enriched by ancient writings not part of the canonical Bible this has had a powerful effect on Western thought in the deserted Plains of Mesopotamia lie hidden Scrolls hidden in remote caves cuneiform tablets covered by the sands of time and monuments aligned perfectly to the solstice and Equinox documents from this period predate the canonical Bible for thousands of years the story's Origins and influences are exposed here it is surprising to learn that Noah lived in shirupak the Sumerian capital of the city of Noah he was reasonably well educated in his account of the period he lived the king of Uruk visits Noah in the Epic of Gilgamesh one of the longest known stories involving the king of Uruk during the conversation he discusses some matters that concern both of them Suma is a Land Between Two Rivers the Tigris and Euphrates at the southern end of Mesopotamia Abraham was born there once the Covenant was made between Abraham and the Lord he became Abraham he had been called Abraham before that the Lord told Abraham in Genesis chapter 12 verses 1 to 4. the time is near for you to become the father of many nations Genesis follow me to the Anunnaki land leave your Anunnaki country your people and your father's household I will show you you will become a prosperous nation and I will bless you your name will become famous and you will be blessed those who help you will be blessed and those who curse you will be cursed and all Anunnaki on Earth will be blessed through you when the Lord called Abraham to go to the land of Canaan he was in the Sumerian city of haran Abraham was born approximately 1433 BCE in the Sumerian city of UR Terror his father was an artisan and a priest in the local temple his brothers narho and haran also lived there Abraham is preparing to leave for Canaan when he is in the city of haran the Lord brought you out of UR of the Chaldeans to give you this land isn't the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob also the god of the Israelites the god of the Old Testament Abraham's God also had another name in Sumer besides Jehovah Yahweh and El Shaddai which he used in one of his temples in a city of UR another notable document from Abraham's region and era the etrahesis mentions Abraham's deity by name the Sumerian deity also worshiped brother and sister gods in Mesopotamia and the surrounding regions according to the cuneiform Anunnaki tablets found in ER and many other pre and post-diluvial cities along the Tigris and Euphrates including sipah and Nineveh as well as Abraham and Noah these deities had a close relationship with them can we identify them considering Abraham's God's history as a Sumerian deity with a Temple dedicated to him in Ur of the Chaldeans what should we make of it early church authorities particularly the Roman Catholic Church Controlled and channeled funding for early archaeological studies in 325 A.D the same institution issued a mandate to only fund archaeological Explorations consistent with the story told in the canonical Bible as curiosity grew secret books and artifacts codices cylinder seals Sumerian Tablets and monuments inscribed with cuneiform gave up their secrets to disenfranchised Seekers Darius the first commissioned the historical marker commemorating the Persian ruler's suppression of rival Uprising between 522 and 486 BCE Sir Henry Rawlinson a British Armed Forces officer training the army of the Shah of Iran began studying the inscription in 1835. Sir Henry Rawlinson who recorded and decoded three distinct languages he discovered in 1835 chiseled into the Cliffs of behestan modern-day Iran as behestan's name was anglicized as behestan the monument became known as the behestan inscription rollinson could copy the old Persian inscription despite its inaccessibility by climbing the cliff elomites were across a Chasm and Babylonians were four meters above both were out of our reach and we are left with later after obtaining a third of the syllabary Rawlinson began deciphering the Persian text through grotfund's work herodotus's list of Persian kings appeared in the first section of this text Rawlinson cracked the form of cuneiform used for old Persian by 1838 by matching names with characters he presented his results to the Royal Asiatic Society in London and Paris following decoding the tablets major Rawlinson copied the strange wedge-shaped writings etched into the sheer rock face for the British museum the ability to translate old Persian Anunnaki elamite and Arcadian scripts from one to another led to the rediscovery of Mesopotamian sites in modern-day Iraq buried beneath the desert sands examining the first-hand writings and evidence left by the Egyptians Sumerians and early church authors sheds new light on the historical truth which seems Stranger Than the most improbable fictional Tales many Secrets have been revealed by discoveries in ancient cities across Mesopotamia from Nineveh to eredu in the south our society's civilization foundations rest on the Genesis accounts that historians and scribes of the past compiled from the actual evidence the dedication sweat and blood of the pioneer investigators from the past have Unearthed various Clues which have been laid down for all to see when recorded history's texts are linked by those in power often placing truth on the sidelines the intention is to perpetuate the controlling influences of the ruling party through a story flagrant Acts were further obscure by chipping away carved hieroglyphs to subsume the names and ranks of rival deities and creating lists which are also known as lists of names for thousands of years first-hand authors have deprived Humanity of truth-telling books such as Enoch's book The Truth was left to those appointed because historical accuracy was unreliable throughout history most people did not read so this happened readily throughout history scribes and Priests were often trained in the lingual Arts so they had their fingers on the pulse of Truth archaeologists recently discovered and decoded tens of thousands of cuneiform tablets buried for thousands of years beneath the silt and sand of the Anunnaki Mesopotamian Plains buried for thousands of years guarding recorded secrets because of discovering tens of thousands of clay tablets written in cuneiform a cuneiform digitization project was launched to extract the tablet secrets several prominent museums in London Paris and Berlin display Sumerian artifacts and cuneiform tablets marriage and trade are documented in Sumerian records found in ancient cities like Uruk the biblical Erich as well as Anunnaki records of births and deaths they provide more critical accounts of decrees sometimes Sumerian records predate the canonical Bible by thousands of years the differences between the first-hand historical records and those composed by societal Victors allow one to compare the current basis for cultural and social mores with their antecedent counterparts from different cultures toward a synthesis of those perspectives as described in specific detail in The Book of Enoch Noah's mystifying birth was Stranger Than Fiction According to some sources Noah's father was not lamech as described in Genesis chapter 5 verse 28 but one of the Mesopotamian deities who saved him from the deluge the Bible tells the same story eliminating no Sumerian details Zaya sudra AKA Noah lives in a reed Hut in the old Babylonian flood story where the deity speaks to him the Mesopotamian Plains are warned of a flood by this deity an exciting Epiphany is revealed by analyzing birth records genealogy tables and deities venerated in Mesopotamian temples our present-day knowledge base reveals a cultural lie that has such a profound impact that everything we previously believed is relegated to obscurity as if it were a conclusion we would not have reached when westerners are asked who is Yahweh they do not know the answer it usually includes Jehovah at the end followed by God's statement as taught explicitly in the Old Testament and canonical Bible the truth is revealed when one realizes Yahweh was none other than the local Anunnaki deity of the Sumerian Citadel of UR enlil for enlil was mentioned in many Sumerian and other historical accounts in various Annunaki temples from Nineveh to Asura to the Sumerian city of UR enlil and his relatives were revered as Gods his brother enki and Nana and inanna also built temples at prominent cultural and Trade Centers within the region unlike the Anunnaki and Lil was not acting alone he acted with others known as the Nephilim or Elohim in Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 where this confusing statement is made Genesis let us make a dapa in our image in our likeness says God Noah or atrajesus is a mythical creation story that links the same Anunnaki deities venerated in the temples of the near East with enlil Yahweh of the Old Testament and his brother enki Adonai the hidden Us in Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 enki and his half-sister ninma produce Homo sapiens A Primitive worker in a genetic experiment reading texts that predate the Genesis account over 1 700 years such as the atrajesus clarifies the confusion caused by the plural statement us our in the biblical creation account extensive details are given regarding the results of clinical trials involving the archetype of the human species and Little's half-sister 9 hasag or ninma and his arch rival and more scientifically inclined brother enki conducted the trial in an African Laboratory researchers recognized the level of knowledge required to discuss a topic such as genetic engineering in a document nearly 5 000 years old which contains a much more detailed account of man's creation one that makes much more sense in terms of Technical and historical aspects as opposed to the accurate description in the Bible which is often complementary additionally similar documents shed light on King up napishtim of shurapak the biblical Noah 600 years old when the world was flooded different names also identified many deities which appeared to span long periods arcadians named the excellent God sin after whom the Sinai Peninsula was named Nana the moon God Son of enlil after various Sumerian cities including Ur and Harang inanna his sister wore a crescent moon symbol and had symbols throughout Mesopotamia she was known to the arcadians as Ishtar Herodotus was a Greek historian from Ionia who lived in the 5th Century BCE it is still used today by egyptologists to classify Egyptian civilization into dynasties Egyptian priest historian manitho seems to have agreed with herodotus's division of Egypt's rulership into three dynasties except that he included an additional era ruled by the gods alone instead of three according to manitho the first dynasty of Egyptian gods ruled for 12 300 years once again we find astonishingly long Reigns of the first Egyptian Dynasty rulers the Sumerian texts reveal Anu assigned the regions of Egypt and Africa to enki a high-ranking deity from iridu by 3860 BCE it just so happens that the Jewish astrological calendar whose Anunnaki Origins are in the Sumerian city of Nipper began counting in 3760 BCE perhaps you would think it is coincidental but it is not according to ancient cuneiform texts according to manitho the second Egyptian dynastic period was ruled by 12 Divine rulers for 1570 years Thoth also a son of enki was the first god of the second Dynasty Egypt was ruled for 3650 years by 30 demigods scholars believe the pharonic dynasty began around 3100 BC and lasted 350 years it had its capital in Memphis or men nefer in Greek where did these deities come from the Sumerian Kings list further complicates Clues to the mystery according to the records some of the First Kings of Suma ruled for up to 28 800 years that is almost unimaginable the deities worshiped in Mesopotamian temples taught all aspects of civilization to the Sumerians by the deities worshiped in Mesopotamian temples besides creating the Zodiac Sumerian deities knew the Earth's Equinox orbital plane tilt access and saferical shape during the Middle Ages Europe possessed less detailed knowledge than Suma did despite this Suma and his surrounding region produced many of the first inventions and advanced achievements of civilizations including mathematics meteorology and law codes various Traditions describe sin including those associated with Assyria and the crescent moon symbol found on flags and mosques associated with Islam the Sumerian goddess inanna was also known as hathor in Egypt and her name is well known and memorialized in many temples including the Temple of hathor found in the wilderness of the deity Nana sin Mesopotamian people recognized Nana sin as the moon God and the Egyptian people had inanna also known as hathor the authors readily inscribed in baked clay the genealogy accounts of Nana sin as the son of enlil in the Sumerian records and he was known as the moon God to the people of the ancient Middle East history shows that Nana's sin had a large following in his cult centers spread throughout Southern Iraq to Syria turkey and Iran what is the meaning of Nana sin Nana's sin might be the deity that Muhammad encountered in the wilderness a sacred center for the religion of Islam the Kaaba Stone in Mecca Saudi Arabia was initially dedicated to the Moon God called Allah there the mere Act of replacing one proper noun results in replacing another especially with a deity's name a new epithet replaces the old one comparisons between the Sumerian storm God enlil in Lamentations of UR and the god of Vengeance in the Old Testament proved this being witnesses to the Sumerian deity enlil whose Origins were mysterious but whose daily existence had been recorded and witnessed by the biblical patriarch Abraham and people of the city of UR become the Annunaki City one of the mountain El Shaddai in the end Jehovah became a fantastic Discovery to the people of Israel that connected the gods of Sumeria with at least one of the Gods of the Old Testament better known gods were worshiped elsewhere in the region like enki akka aharu Mazda as he was known as the God of Light and wisdom Allah replaced ahura Mazda AKA Nana sin when Arab conquerors overthrew the Persians in 633 BCE headquartered at their spectacular Capital at persepolis in 644 BCE the Arabs invaded and caused the zoroastrian faith to decline Egyptian and Sumerian cultures frequently subsumed names and epithets to solidify power and authority several names were merged into a single name tailor-made to fit the worshiping subject's culture and language the purpose was probably to facilitate referring to Rivals and aggregating data during convenient times considering that what one culture terms a deity another culture terms another name the idea of an Anunnaki myth takes on more significance especially if the name is traceable across cultures likewise the authority of political and religious beliefs in a society is determined by the ruling forces that select the purveyor of Truth in history according to the ruling party or superpower religious truth originates from subordinated cultures classified as Pagan or occult the Winner's beliefs and what others believe is politely referred to as myths rather than as the politically incorrect label of the LIE the armies of Earth's generals have gathered once again in the Middle East be it truth or fiction Dogma or doctrine in the Anunnaki Gods Trilogy by Zechariah sitchin enlil and enki and their offspring are described as having battled could this explain the current conflicts involving Iran Iraq Syria and Israel will enki's Offspring disturb the destructive plan of his arch-rival enlil Zeus to the Greeks and his warmonger son ninerta Apollo to the Greeks Jesus is rejected as the Messiah because he was The Offspring of enki Jehovah's rival this is the term an sumerologists interpret una K.I means Heaven to Earth the critical point is the connection between the term Heaven and the planet of Anunnaki origin sitchin wrote about niburu in 1976 as detailed in the 12th Planet additionally according to Mesopotamian literature such as the Epic of Gilgamesh Anu the father of the critical players enlil and enki served as head of the onaki Council of twelve may be constructed from the digital cuneiform script using three syllables therefore the Anunnaki came or was sent from Anu to the earth when enlil met zeusudra on Mount Ararat he called his race anunna therefore anua is an alternative spelling of anuna similarly as shown in the previous example of Nibiru the cuneiform script is assigned a unique set of uniform hexadecimal codes it is imperative to look at the planet Nibiru with the word Heaven as used in the Bible when re-examining prayers Like Our Father Who Art in Heaven which sheds new light on the Father in Heaven namely Anu so the prayer had to originate among his Descendants on Earth and Lil enki ninma or nainasag why did the Anunnaki leave Nibiru to come to Earth naveru orbits the Sun in an elliptical retrograde orbit 3600 years Beyond Pluto according to Maps found in Anunnaki lands and reports from the IRAs Naval Observatory Sumerians lived on a brown dwarf in Nibiru Mount Graham's intense Catholic Focus uses the Lucifer scope to watch for nibiru's arrival Nibiru has already arrived why would an advanced civilization on Nibiru send a team of scientists to Earth political struggles for power were ongoing and environmental pressures attracted the attention of the ruling Council of Nibiru Brown dwarfs do not receive enough solar radiation to maintain a habitable surface temperature as the Earth does given its optimal distance from the Sun nibiru's atmosphere was created artificially or by gases and steam released by its geothermal heat a planet in its outer orbit is frequently exposed to shallow levels of direct solar radiation during the close peregrity the atmosphere receives the most significant radiation dose sichens published history timeline states that approximately 450 000 years ago life on Nibiru faced extinction because of a deteriorating atmosphere and radiation exposure the situation was Dire during nibiru's close pedigree with the sun in Nibiru Anu rests control of the kingship from the unjust ruler alalu which led to his Exile alalu Escapes in a spacecraft and discovers gold on earth in anticipation of his Exile sentence during allalu's veiled attempt to save nibiru's atmosphere he uses his precious metal Discovery as a peace offering the ionized Shield will shield the planet from solar radiation by dispersing ionized gold particles into the planet's degrading atmosphere enki anu's scientifically minded son is dispatched to assess the chance of recovering lalu's reported gold from Earth enki departed for Earth approximately five thousand Earth years later 455 000 years ago noting that an Iberian year equals 3 600 Earth years according to Sumerian records the first city colonized by the Annunaki was eredu in the Persian Gulf headquarters including the Sumerians Kings list enki and a small group of support staff began prospecting for gold in the waters of the gulf soon after arriving on Earth Anu sends his younger son enlil to help enki speed up the gold recovery process enki and enlil invited Anu to Earth to guide the arduous mining task given the infrastructure required to crush Rock and process gold-laden or and she moved the mining operation from the Persian Gulf to the Zambezi River in South Africa where the ore was mined Anu arrived on Earth approximately 450 000 to 360 000 years ago and his son enki informed him of the current status of gold mining on Earth the brothers argued over which of them would take care of the mining operation in Africa and oversee the command headquarters in Mesopotamia specifically Nipper in the atrajesus story Anu enlil and enki Drew lots to determine which Mission they would pursue separately creating a space between the two half brothers that were often at odds according to Sumerian accounts enki was Anu and antu's first-born Son an endel was the rightful Heir according to nibirian inheritance rules the rightful Heir is the male's child and half-sister the Anunnaki did this based on their scientific knowledge it is important to note that the female contribution to the genetic material includes mitochondrial DNA that the male contribution does not which predisposes the genetic bloodline toward maternal descent enlil governed the Mesopotamian region where Terror and his son Abram would ultimately serve him in the temple at UR the Indus Valley region was given to anu's favorite granddaughter inanna while the Anunnaki kept the Sinai Peninsula to restore nibirian's degenerating atmosphere enki was sent to abzu Africa to speed up the gold mining operation enki returned to Nibiru to run the kingdom in 3760 BCE the division took place and was completed ninhasag enki's half-sister and a medical officer traveled to Earth approximately 415 000 years ago and established a medical clinic at shurupak nibirian astronauts needed medical support during their space travels the Anunnaki complained about aging effects that were not noticeable on Nibiru on Earth they experienced faster circuits than Nibiru which had a much slower circuit 3600 years Sumeria became home to several cities adding to the eridu built by enki upon his arrival the mining operation and subsequent all processing were carried out of these cities and the infrastructure needed to stay in touch with Nibiru ancient astronauts historical event is contextual to the account's background information the Anunnaki Council of 12 met approximately 300 000 years ago in the southern African domain of enki to discuss how to increase gold production rates several subservient workers were brought to Earth by the higher ranking members of the Anunnaki Council supposedly enki himself even though they were called working-class agents they were highly Advanced compared to humans a trahasis refers to the miners as ijijai but the Lost Book of Enoch calls them Watchers were assigned labor-intensive tasks including dredging Rivers digging and constructing aqueducts building cities and Mining goldor in southern Africa during their alien deployment to Earth they were not provided with female companions measured in Liberian orbit lengths as 3600 Earth years Ryan Mohan translated the first tablet from the etrahesis the old Babylonian version a trajesus tablet number one when the gods did the work and bore the burden the load was too heavy the work is too challenging the trouble too great ichigai was made to carry a seven-fold workload by the mighty Anunnaki their father Anu was the king their counselor Warrior elil Chamberlain ninerta the canal controller anuji as soon as they gained Anunnaki lands they after casting lots the gods decided Anu ascended into the sky elil also took the Earth for his people elil also took the bolt that bars the sea enki was assigned a two far-sighted task after Anu ascended to the sky the gods of the aspu had descended below the Anunnaki of the sky the workload was put in ijigai ijigai Doug canals The Itchy guide Dugout canals the lifelines of the land to clear the channels clearing the land's lifelines the channels was necessary the gods dug the Tigris riverbed then the Euphrates were dug up settling down in the depths the absu of the Anunnaki inside it raised its highest point of all the mountains They Carried the excess burden for 3600 years arduous work night and day grumbling and blaming each other they groaned they groaned under the weight of the excavated soil I would like to engage the Chamberlain get him to relieve us of our tedious work as well the ichigai summarizing the key points of the first tablet surround enlil's encampment and demand to be relieved of their excessive workload on Nibiru and Lil and enki's father Anu are summoned for advice and counsel n key is also invited to help find a solution to the unrest in the minds the ijigai gold miners are temporarily appeased with Promises of work relief as a replacement for the ijigai gold diggers enki and ninhasag his half-sister designed a genetically engineered primitive worker we will introduce the reader to evidence that supports annunaki's presence on Earth Anunnaki evidence on Earth are there any physical signs the Anunnaki were here on Earth the categories of evidence examined include astrological technical documentary and biological evidence on the inuma Elish clay tablets displayed at the University of Pennsylvania Museum the Sumerian creation tale is represented as an allegory of Celestial Warriors whose skirmishes and exploits led to the planets of their hosts forming circuits around the Sun in the Babylonian version cuneiform inscribed clay tablets contain the tail approximately between 1936 and 1901 BCE approximately 2000 BCE was the height of marduk's Reign according to Sumerian records the first son of enki and the national deity of Babylon the creation tale of Nibiru is said to have existed in an older version in which Nibiru was named the Homeworld Marduk replaced Nibiru as the Homeworld in obv there are exceptions to the accurate representation of planet names and their orbital distances from the Sun the Babylonian creation account reveals an advanced knowledge of our solar system which was only recently confirmed by modern science we may be only now reaching the point where we can validate the Babylonian epic of creation based on current scientific knowledge the Sumerian records refer to 10 planets compared to our understanding and acceptance of only nine today instead of nine there are ten planets in the Sun and Moon's account below I summarize the Epic of creation Mercury and the sun conspire to destroy Tiamat as the story's start Mercury is shielded from the radiation of the sun when enki learns of the plot Mercury is put to sleep by enki as is the Sun Mercury is in a Sleepless days enki another name for ear unfastened his belt removed his crown took off his Radiance mantle and put it on himself this means Mercury's orbit has temporarily been altered because of the solar radiation from the Sun as enki's planet is Neptune for 900 years Nibiru rested on top of the sun captured in the sun's orbit this was during the reign of enlil solar radiation affects ear damkina and their firstborn son maduke as the progeny of the high-ranking Anunnaki council members Marduk establishes his right to be born with this account Tarsus Pisces and Capricorn are signs of the zodiac in the heavens Earth's Moon kingua held the tablet of Destiny which was aligned with Tiamat in response to tiamat's Fury stirred by the sun Neptune turns back and reports to ansha Saturn as a result Tiamat veers off its orbital path maduk Nibiru volunteers to help disband tiamat's forces nibiru's orbit captures a constellation of planets stars and remnants of Tiamat Saturn's gravitational pulled Nibiru into its orbit providing a calming effect Mercury and Venus are ancestors of Saturn which is alluded to by sending a satellite or Moon from Saturn to Mercury and Venus in Halu wind is a whirlwind that releases seven winds against Tiamat an asteroid Arrow strikes Tiamat splitting it open the result is the destruction of kingwa one half of tiamat's mass is trampled sending it to the roof of the sky drawing a thunderbolt across it and a guard to hold it in place the water was arranged so that it coagulated into an ocean after correcting nibiru's course the location was affixed to the stands of enlil planetary affiliation zupata Zodiac symbol Taurus and enki zodiac affiliation Pisces planetary affiliation Neptune formerly the Earth's Moon belonged to Tiamat the reader should read the enuma Elish in its original form to understand the detailed creation epic according to this allegory at the point of Creation in our solar system Tiamat Uranus had an established orbit between Mars and Jupiter Earth had not yet been created the origins of Nibiru have been the subject of various hypotheses regarding its capture in our Solar System's orbit as a result the battle for the orbital position began as Nibiru until its orbit around the sun passing the outer planets introduced gravitational forces that tilted Uranus Pluto was dislodged from its orbit around Saturn by these forces promoting it to Planet Hood before it was demoted on its path to solar perigree one of nibiru's satellites strike Tiamat and on its following orbital path Nibiru hits Tiamat directly a large portion of Tiamat broke off to become the Earth with the remnant debris becoming the asteroid belt currently positioned between Mars and Jupiter when the Earth was in its present orbit it congealed into a solid Planet capturing nibiru's Moon as its own the yanunaki creation account read every spring in Babylon seems to corroborate some Modern scientific analysis of Earth's Rifts in the Pacific and its colossal Moon it is an accidental panspermia instead of the one proposed according to him intelligent beings intentionally ceded planet Earth with alien life forms the seeds of life could also have been transferred to Earth by an impact from Nibiru another planet in our solar system is the annunaki's home planet of Nibiru whose apogee is beyond Pluto in a 3600 year retrograde orbit around the sun Dr Robert S Harrington the former Chief of the U.S Naval Observatory Pluto and its Moon Karen were discovered by tombau in 1930 and 1978 respectively IRAs an infrared astronomical satellite was launched in 1983 in response to wobbles in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune scientists used the satellite to seek the planet suspected of causing the wobbles researchers concluded that an object four times the size of our planet had been detected by the IRAs in 1992 Harrington and Van flandern of the Naval Observatory published a newspaper article they used all the information available according to their observations they believe a tenth planet has been discovered in our solar system this planet is called an intruder planet Dr Harrington and Zakaria sitchin both familiar with sichin's writings about a tenth planet met to correlate iras's findings with the enuma Elish an ancient Babylonian creation epic according to the IRAs other space probes like pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 Harrington agreed with sichin that Nibiru was every 3 600 years a planet as immense as Nibiru would pass between Mars and Jupiter because of nibiru's Passage pole shifts and reversals have occurred causing changes in Earth's procession Additionally the perihelion may be responsible for potentially dangerous meteors and debris carried by asteroids building evidence and Technology it is easy to find unusual artifacts around the world especially those that seem to contradict the known capabilities of the civilization hieroglyphs found in the Egyptian temple of abidus depict Rockets airplanes submarines and even an advanced helicopter similar to the United States ah-64 Apache helicopter bulbic Lebanon has the trilithan stones for building materials why choose the most challenging one large blocks of stone weighing a thousand tons or more likely they did so because they could and it was easy for them among fascinating discoveries was the Temple of hathor atop the biblical Mount Sinai the temple contained a strange substance created by smelting gold this find was the rediscovery of monoatomic gold by David Hudson the massive stone blocks used in Temple construction may have been moved using these anti-gravity superconductors furthermore there is evidence that the Anunnaki of a chosen bloodline consumed the monoatomic gold as conical breadcakes depicted on hathor's Temple walls the short orbital Cycles on Earth damaged the Anunnaki DNA specifically the telomeres were damaged by proximity to the Sun because of the multi-pass annealing process applied to the smelting gold ingestion of monoatomic gold acts to light up the human energy body and serve as a bridge to other dimensions antimony and other ingredients were added to the gold to turn it into a white powder and cause it to lose Mass besides model airplanes incredible solar and lunar temples aligned to solstices and equinoxes along with tens of thousands of Anunnaki tablets and written accounts of advanced beings teaching civilizing Technologies to indigenous peoples there is overwhelming evidence that the Anunnaki were here on Earth Anunnaki astronauts left behind impressive remnants in ancient Mesopotamian cities such as eredu Babylon and Uruk where Gilgamesh rained the following evidence is listed balbach defies current engineering methods gold mines carbon dated to the period that enki was said to have been in Africa approximately 200 000 years ago Sumerian baked clay tablets described the Anunnaki their mission and personalities at the University of Pennsylvania Museum pneuma Elish has a very sophisticated and technically accurate description of celestial collisions it describes our current Solar System's composition the Romans knew about Pluto in this depiction but it took NASA until the 1980s to identify it positively what made them realize this in 1973 the University of Chicago photographed the city of eredu with its baked bricks protruding from the Sands of the Iraqi desert the Sumerian Kings list confirms the city and King this is where Earth station one is in the early 1850s we understood the reality of those living in the ancient Middle East archaeological digs in Mesopotamia have brought the sophistication of the Sumerians to the world's attention anunnaki's records of marriage birth and legal contracts were mixed with evidence of anunnaki's History Sumerian mythological entities were not invented but found in those records that the Sumerians knew that the Anunnaki astronauts were not from Earth and were elevated to godhood in the various cities where they lived and built ziggurat temples in the Suma civilization the aliens were Flesh and Blood who interacted with the people and their underlying genetic Creation in Nineveh Asha banapal's library was burned preserving many clay tablets for antiquity sipas Anunnaki Spaceport recently found a sealed 9x6 foot room anunnaki's unbroken record of Earth's journey is detailed in nearly 400 chronologically ordered clay tablets within the sealed chamber during his time at sichin Sumerian records of the Anunnaki were made public the information has only recently become accepted tablets have now been digitized to increase speed and accuracy hrase's text and Sumerian records point to Anunnaki gold mines in South Africa Anunnaki gold was mined in Africa according to the Sumerian a trahesis document carbon dating has proved that those ancient Minds may have been used by 200 000 year old miners related to our biological ancestors evidence based on biological genetics genetic evidence suggests that the Anunnaki developed primitive workers in South Africa near gold mines purchased by anglo-american PLC a mining Corporation shimti nki's genetics lab is precisely where the genetic Eve study tracking mitochondrial DNA specified it should be the genetic Eve study also tracked the mutation of the Y chromosome leading to the same area and time frame as the genetic atom study the etrahasis describes how animal DNA was mixed with Anunnaki DNA until the ultimate solution homo sapiens the anunnaki's intelligence claimed that Humanity had received accounts of our technological advances leading to Advanced space travel after only two hundred thousand years of evolution this contradicts how tool Improvement iteratively occurred over millions of years instead of Rapid Paradigm shifts like the Sumerians enki the scientist the creator of man almost 432 000 years ago the ichigai colonized the Earth with enki later the ijigai were accompanied by lower Echelon workers dedicated to gold ore mining with the mining operations in South Africa the Anunnaki were in a difficult position the mining operation was moved to abzu Africa along the Zambezi River after landing in the Persian Gulf building eredu and failing to glean adequate quantities of gold from the ocean after working in the mines for long periods under what seemed to be harsh conditions the miners rebelled around enlil's Fortress and demanded relief according to the account the miners worked for 3 600 years one Shah coincidentally equals one niberian solia before retiring a trahasis tablet number one elil let us go together Allah the counselor of gods made his voice heard from the throne additionally he spoke to the gods of his brothers welcome let us carry a little with us from his dwelling the counselor of gods the warrior cry battle his speech caused the gods to set fire to their tools their bolts for fire their weapons for the god of fire the flare-ups began as they approached the Gate of warrior Ellis's dwelling it was night the middle watch the house was surrounded by nusku and kalkal and Little's guards alerted him to the rabble surrounding his house and Lil brought weapons to his dwelling when he discovered the ichigai miners were surrounding him enlil's vizier nusku ordered the miners to surrender his father Anu advised him to fetch enki and seek counsel from him Anu anenki had an impromptu council meeting to discuss what to do about the revolting lower echelons of the Anunnaki Anu lord of the sky and Anki lord of the apsu appear on the atrajesus tablet these are the most powerful Anunnaki elil spoke up she got up and the case moved along as she spoke to the mighty gods have they risen against me shall I engage in battle Anu spoke to elil saying let nusku go out get the word from ijigai who have surrounded your door new school fully armed approached the mob and asked on behalf of Anu enki and Lil and the energy who was governor and what the problem was the Anarchy of the miners instructed nusku to tell enlil every single God has declared war we have stopped digging we are suffering under an excessive load hearing nisku's issue on behalf of the Fed Up Miners and Lil wept and then turned to his father Anu and asked that one minor be made an example of by being fired publicly Anu raised his voice he also asked his brothers what are we complaining about their work was indeed too strenuous their trouble was too great the Earth resounded every day we kept hearing the warning signal it was loud enough why are we blaming them enki IA asked his brother's gods the work was too strenuous the trouble was too much a womb goddess bellet ili is present let her create primeval man he must bear the yoke to Bear the work of elil beret ili the womb goddess is present that the womb goddess spare Offspring and let man bear the work of the Gods and into AKA bellatilly spoke to the most powerful gods and made her voice heard making him is not appropriate for me enki makes everything pure through his work I will use the clay he gives me enki addressed the gods and made his voice heard I will wash on the first 7th and 15th of each month thus one God should be slaughtered in addition the gods can be purified by immersion nintu must mix clay he was Flesh and Blood he was also a God and a human King it will be mixed with clay I want to hear the drum beat forever let God create a ghost from his flesh and Proclaim it to be his living sign furthermore that the ghost exists so that the slain God will never be forgotten yes yes yes said the assembly the powerful Anunnaki assigns the Fates as a result the Anunnaki Council led by Anu decides that enki and nintu the medical officer also known as ninhasag should develop a primitive worker to replace the rebellious ijigai miners now crowned as Mistress of all gods and into addressed the Anunnaki Council after eventual success multiple genetic experiments failures and mishaps are recounted in length in the Atria hasis even the mother of humans has to submit a TPS report to justify her accomplishment to her boss I did a great job I completed the work you ordered from me by destroying his intelligence you have slaughtered a God thanks to me you no longer have to do the tedious work man has been subjected to your will genetic manipulation is understood in modern civilized societies but it is so common that it is not a big deal it is possible that the Anunnaki who lived at least 450 000 years before our civilization and had conquered space travel could do in vitro fertilization the atrajesus account says they certainly could this is a severe challenge to the idea of man as a creator it makes me wonder if the biological scientist of our Century performs any different functions than enki did in his African laboratory observe the Anunnaki concept of transferring a spirit from a sacrificed being to another this is like stories of Underworld energy Soul maintenance according to the enuma Elish creation story The collision between Nibiru and Tiamat which became the Earth could have contaminated the Earth with the seeds of life from Nibiru according to enki's writings those Seeds of Life came from the creator of all so even the ijigai who were sometimes called Anunnaki had a concept above a god based on nibiru's evolutionary process enki regarded the bipedal hominids found on the African plains as a species as a result The evolutionary boost provided to early hominids was not a permanent change but a temporal Head Start humanity is indebted to a creator of all for the seeds of Life the genetic seed of enki was the archetypal adapa the first human to carry the Annunaki mark a hybrid Anunnaki genes contain the ancient astronaut identity and intelligence given the exact age of the atrajesus tablets dated to 1 700 BCE an important point is brought to the reader's attention having attempted to eliminate all references to the other members of the Annunaki Council in the Torah narrative especially any reference to enki the endlalite perspective describes the background scene of a historical biblical flood the Sumerian flood account was copied and changed to create the Genesis account Hebrew priests held captive in Babylon wrote The Genesis account during their captivity they learned the truth about the biblical flood and Lil however became the monotheistic ancient astronaut God they worshiped they were terrified of enlil's Wrath after all the sons of God saw the beauty of the daughters of men as the number of men increased on Earth the sons of God who could choose whom to marry the Lord replied my spirit will not contend with man forever because he is Mortal his days will be 120 years in those days and afterward when the sons of God married the daughters of men and had children with them the Nephilim was on Earth their Renown was legendary Genesis refers to the destructive flood caused by a different Catalyst than the atrajesus account the Sumerian account describes enlil as furious at human noise and wanting to silence them according to Genesis chapter 6 verses 1 to 8 the Nephilim took human wives potentially breaking a galactic law by marrying a genetically enslaved person enlil ignores this and bases the extinction of humankind on how evil men were man's wickedness on Earth had become so severe that the Lord saw that every thought in man's heart was evil all the time having created man on Earth the Lord was grieved his heart was filled with pain therefore the Lord said I will wipe Humanity from the face of the Earth whom I have created the Genesis account and the atrajesus account can be compared a casual Observer should readily detect two bald-faced lies in Genesis 6 5 and little does not have created humankind according to the atrajesus enki enima was solely responsible predating the Genesis account by 1 700 years our humankind's thoughts continually evil including when they toil in the minds for Endless gold ore the genuine complaint in the atrajesus account was that humankind was noisy and could not sleep was it too much trouble or were the ideas of his arch-rival brothers prolific Offspring Rising against his authority more likely than the facts using terminology in Genesis 6 5 suggests that the biblical Ghostwriter enlil was not a trained scientist the Anunnaki knowledge of Good and Evil was present in Sumeria the Eden and was used by the Annunaki this plant had a transformative effect at the DNA level changing human consciousness and little tells a Dapper in the Garden of Eden that if he eats it he will die this lie is counted by enki who assures a Dapper that he will not die but become one of us one God enki tells the truth and is ostracized and symbolized as a snake whereas enlil lies and proclaims himself to be God enki's stated outcome of Adam not dying but realizing his nakedness proves a lie enlil did not want the seed of the knowledge regarding good and evil consumed for this very reason his view was that access to higher Consciousness should not be controlled unexpected genocidal acts followed enlil's genocidal actions according to the first man breeding program humans became prolific and Loud after 600 years less than 600 years have passed since 600. Additionally the country became too large the People Too Many there was much noise in the country elil was forced to listen to their clamor as God grew Restless in his address to the gods he said there is too much human noise I am losing sleep over it the shirupu disease shall break out this seems to be the beginning of the all-out conflict between enki and enlil enki created Humanity with the aid of ninhasag freeing the gods from the toil of the African gold mines he promised he would be offended if he heard his half-brother enlil ordered the release of a disease on the populace whose obvious intent was to wipe out the source of the noise namely Humanity the book will explore other deep-seated sources of conflict between the two they included Birthright inheritance and official rank the Bible corroborates the timeline from the creation of the adapa to where enlil wanted to end them namely 600 years later Noah was around this age at the time of the flood the floodgates of the heavens were opened on that day in the 600th year of Noah's life there were 40 days and nights of rain a trehasis contradicts The 40-day Continuous reign in the Sumerian account stating only seven days also interesting is the age shown in Genesis 5 from Adam to Noah age is 895 years and Jared's age is 962 years would it be possible that the Ages were just exaggerated or could the Anunnaki bloodline in a more pure State before dilution after generational mixing with Humanity account for the exceptional ages noted it is also worth noting that the Anunnaki had a genetic age constraint on their primitive workers therefore they had the intelligence to follow instructions in the minds and a short lifespan to prevent overpopulation humankind was given a maximum lifespan of 120 years in Genesis 6 3. the atrajesus account agrees with this the oldest person recorded in history was Miss Jean cullmore a French woman who lived from 21st February 1875 to 4th August 1997. she was 132 years and 184 days old it appears she broke the Anunnaki genetic mold by a small amount namely two years and 164 days despite the multitudes of species that have lived on earth the 120 year genetic design Target appears to have worked well atrajesus establishes a close relationship between Atria hasis and the Mighty God enki near the end according to the genealogy in the Lost Book of Enoch a trajas was the son of enki and batanesh the wife of lamech in biblical times a trahesis enki's son coordinates a rebellion among humankind instructing it on how to perform a peaceful protest and shame the powers enlil into ceasing the punishment by shurupu disease whatever it was enki's intercession has worked much to enlil's dismay as he clenches his Jaws to prepare for the next attack on human fodder and little orders a revolutionary genocidal tactic elil and Lil addressed the most powerful gods I am losing sleep over humankind's noise I am losing sleep over their racket stop supplying food to the people let the vegetation be too scarce to satisfy their hunger our dad should wipe away his reign is envel Sun let no flood water flow from the Springs below let the wind sweep strip the ground bear and let the clouds gather but no rain nisaba should stop up her bosom if the field yielded a diminished Harvest they will never be happy in the same way enki runs into session on behalf of the people teaching them how to manage the ill will of his half-brother enil enki demands the people resist by not praying to their goddess and shaming iska adad to prevent rain on the crops enki's intercession again works but only temporarily in his multi-pronged assault on Humanity enlil persists he sends other diseases to silence them Humanity was afflicted with sickness headaches shirupu and asaku diseases nisaba turned away from her breast as the yield of the field decreased as the dark Fields turned white as the broad Countryside bred Alkali the Earth clamps down her teeth nothing sprouted no grain grew a baby could not get out of the womb because it was too tight the people were inflicted with asaku by the end of the second year the storehouse was empty during the third year the storehouse was still empty is this correct starvation changed the looks of the people after the fourth year their well-set shoulders slouched their upright shoulders bowed often people walked out in public hunched over as the fifth year approached her daughter would watch her mother come in even a mother would not open her door to her eldest the eldest daughter would watch the scales at the sale of her mother when her daughter turned six a mother would watch the scales at the sale of her daughter they served up a daughter as food they served up a son a trahasis again seeks his Lord enki to protect himself and what is left of humankind from the genocidal Onslaught that enlil has brought this request for help once again leads to conflict between the two brothers and Lil unhappy with the destruction and disease he has brought to humanity orders enki to manufacture a flood to wipe out the remaining humans but enki refuses the Anunnaki could manipulate the weather with technology like harp but it is not clear in these circumstances that the Anunnaki caused the flood but by gravitational forces wrought nibiru's passing Earth on route to a 3600-year solar perigray a tsunami generated by slipping ice sheets at the poles potentially to wipe out Mesopotamia was to be kept from Man by enlil the Anunnaki caused the flood by using a flood weapon or expecting its arrival based on perturbations in the heavens but enlil took credit for it to increase his perceived power to punish the strange deeds and attitude specified in the atrajesus account of enil and his crimes against humanity should strike a chord with wrath and vengeance because enki was concerned for his son a trahesis in anticipation of a planned or accidental flood event he changed the oath he was asked to swear to the Anunnaki Council not to warn humans of the impending floods and disaster instead of warning a trajas directly enki oversees his speech to the wall of the Reed Hut where his son has taken Refuge etrahesis is instructed to build a boat listen to me constantly wall read Hutt pay attention to everything I say demolish the house build a boat save living things instead of possessions your boat roof it like an apsu so that the sun cannot see inside build upper and lower decks and the tackle must be robust bitumen is thick to provide strength you will receive rain here he filled the sand clock the amount of sand needed for the flood was seven nights worth as noted previously it rained for 40 days in Genesis versus seven days in the etrahasis it looks like enlil is trying to blame enki for the flood symbolically in order to achieve this he changes the rain day's number to the same number of days assigned to enki I.E 40. it would be uncharacteristic of the brothers to act in this manner either way etrahasis is the real nautical savior of humankind the biblical Noah King shurupak was 600 years old and served as a medical center for ninhasag nintu belletly Mami many names for her she later became known as Isis in Egypt atrajesus recounted the tale people left behind would buy once he left their beloved City according to him enki and enlil were at odds and since the city was in enlil's region Mesopotamia it would be best to leave the region and go to Africa absu to find safety in enki's domain we can find a very detailed account of Noah's Ark on the tablets complete with full-blown Sumerian details according to many cultures the great flood occurred at the end of the last ice age approximately 11 000 BCE with the aid of an Anunnaki pilot enki had placed on board the vessel a trahasis landed on the highest mountain peak in the area Mount Ararat following the flood the Anunnaki spotted atrajesus's boat from the Airborne craft and the Anunnaki landed on Mount Ararat to investigate the matter further elil saw the boat and was furious with the ijigai the mighty anuna agreed together on oath no form of life should have escaped how did anyone survive the catastrophe enki shouted to the mighty Gods I did it in defiance of you I protected Life by making sure it was preserved enki created humankind from his DNA and rebelled against his brother enlil's genocidal order to wipe out the Primitive workers saving his son a trajesus from the flood that wiped out the Mesopotamian civilization here is the story in black and white okay baked clay to start with enki created Humanity from his genes and rebelled against an order by his brother enlil to wipe out the Primitive workers saving his son atrajesus from the massive flood that decimated the Sumerian civilization primitive worker according to the atrajesus if the Primitive workers received intelligence from one of the ichigai what would prevent the humans from exercising their intelligence realizing that they were enslaved and revolting as their predecessors had the Anunnaki designed primitive humans as enslaved people intending to control manage them for Mining and construction work stating in the atrahasis that intelligence was built in as part of their design one is not making a robot with a limited command set which creates a challenge for the Creator an entity with intelligence can gain a sense of self or a center of gravity instead in the end this will lead to rebellion and Independence the Anunnaki and the ijigai were confronted with this dilemma as the Anunnaki in charge needed general labor to build cities and mines because of the ijigai we Face the same issue on Earth as we do today their primitive Consciousness was most likely instilled deliberately at a lower level than the Creator effectively relegating them to being enslaved workers Evolution never stops the Primitive worker eventually develops enough self-identity over time especially if given the intelligence to handle more complex tasks just like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and Lil knew that self-consciousness was antithetical to slavery so he realized enki had plans to create a Workforce like them a symbol of power as well as allowing for Rapid population growth to meet labor needs breeding capabilities ensured a productive Workforce over time on Earth the iju guy enslaved people became conscious of themselves and revolted against their slave taskbasters the Anunnaki Elite demanding a replacement slave Workforce EG enki's primitive workers anatomically modern humans it took some time for this to happen the ancient astronauts who were less accustomed to Earth's shorter solar cycle may have helped in finding their identity by the difference in time experienced by the iju guy Shahs are equal to 3600 years according to the ijigai Lord enki surely knew this since he intended to jumpstart The evolutionary process that was already underway on Earth enki recognized that the seeds of life on Earth came from Nibiru and Neanderthal humans were present on Earth already which he mentioned finding in Africa and reporting to the Anunnaki Council the Anunnaki Council approved the genetic intervention with the local Neanderthal species since in their minds that was a way to jumpstart the Primitive earthlings to a higher state of evolution neanderthals to the Primitive worker no harm no foul right because of the dice roll between his brother endel and enki over who would stay in Mesopotamia enki was assigned the African gold mining operation enki then established himself in the abzu region of Africa to oversee the gold mining operations the Anunnaki reportedly faced environmental and Atmospheric threats on their Planet as well as a result the mission to Earth to obtain gold for the anodized lair in the atmosphere was very urgent enlil was Furious over the subversive tactics and knowledgeable beings that enki had created and which enki marveled at just as enki himself was Anki must have outdone himself playing genetic God given his lustful reaction to the Primitive workers in Mesopotamia early on Marduk brags to his son about finding beautiful earthlings bathing in a stream and their encounters with him Marduk laughs and remarks on enki's previous reputation with the opposite sex a mere mortal was also irresistible to Marduk who gave up his rights as a God on Nibiru to marry her and Lil also led a raid on the Primitive enslaved people returning them to Eden and Lil may not have appreciated enki's genetic progress but the enslaved people were helpful for labor needs for security and control issues for primitive workers enki certainly had the bases covered because of the tension between the brothers according to the initial records there were also 600 ijigai after they arrived on Earth the idea of creating an indigenous Workforce with a higher level of intelligence than even the ijigai had certainly alarmed enlil from a command and control standpoint if the workers were to grow a number how would he control them to the small Anunnaki Elite present this would pose a revolutionary threat wouldn't a mob of angry miners be able to destroy it quickly this information is provided to set the context in which enki persuaded the council to create a primitive Workforce security and control would be the primary concerns enki was probably always looking for ways to undermine his brother's facade hinder his command Effectiveness and antagonize his brother and rightful Heir Commander enlil given the advanced abilities the Anunnaki possessed genetically one must consider what communication methods they had integrated into their primitive workers so they could be efficiently commanded and controlled communication methods were necessary to control large numbers of enslaved people the commands were related to assigned group tasks such as pulling a rope in unison what would one do with a slave worker who suddenly stopped communicating it would be too risky Thoth is the son of enki the Creator he advocated for humankind to become sons of God through Awakening their energy bodies chakras and consequent Consciousness which he designed to be sensitive to the various frequencies associated with the radial distance and frequencies caused by a spherical resonator such as the Earth those who read The Emerald Tablets can get a sense of the Advanced Energy knowledge Thoth possessed as evidenced by his staff he was an expert geneticist the caduceus a function of human consciousness connected to DNA was the knowledge of energy matter and the pineal gland Noah Gilgamesh and eternal life gilgamesh's epic is the most extensive literary composition written in Arcadian cuneiform script in the ancient world King Gilgamesh is known for his famed quest for immortality a quest that has become a worldwide recognizable theme in present-day Southern Iraq the narration follows the heroic King of the Sumerian city of Uruk the Anunnaki Gods ordained kingship the only form of early governorship in Mesopotamia a king was an exemplary Shepherd maintaining order military leadership and security and Performing Priestly functions such as creating laws and conducting large-scale building projects he also served as the link between the gods and the people in ancient times kings were likely demigods a hybrid mix of pure niburian blood and the genetics diluted for the slave species adapa according to the Sumerian King's List local Banda the shepherd king ruled Uruk for 1 200 years an ancient Sumerian text describes a romantic relationship between lugulbanda and ninsen a full-blooded Anunnaki goddess in Gilgamesh and huawa the hero consistently says under my mother ninson and my father holy lugulbanda king Gilgamesh was therefore three-quarters pure Anunnaki blood Gilgamesh may have been the king and father of lugubanda but he was merely a human ninson as a full-blooded Annunaki female would contribute mitochondrial DNA to her Offspring making 344 Anunnaki according to niburian inheritance rules the rightful Heir will be born from the father and his half-sister perpetuating the dominating effects of mitochondrial DNA the table below depicts the first dynasty Kings of Uruk the lineage data shows Gilgamesh did not follow in direct succession after his father localbander even though he was King Circa 2600 BCE and ruled for 126 years he succeeded dumuzi a son of enki unog Was Defeated and the throne was given to urim ur in the late second millennium BCE many tablets relating to the Gilgamesh epic were found throughout the Middle East some tablets were found in megida written in Arcadian While others were in imar along the mid Euphrates there are versions in Arcadian hittite and hurion discussed in hertusa the capital of the Hittites in Northern Anatolia Nineveh was discovered in the 7th Century during the cassite kingship of sanakarib there is no record of the origin of the famous epic but it presents the Contemporary gods of Mesopotamia in the same way as the atrahasis including the members of the Anunnaki Council enlil enki and Anu during his reign as king Gilgamesh knew humans created by enki had a limited lifespan of only 120 years for centuries gilgamesh's heroic and emotionally charged quest for eternal life appealed to the audiences in the entire region just as it did to his Anunnaki predecessors the sensitive King grieved over the loss of life and dreaded his death as a genetically defective individual as evidenced by the long lives of the lucky King in Genesis 4 and the many Deeds he performed in ancient Mesopotamia demigods like the lucky King probably lived much longer than 120 years Anunnaki was partaking of Life prolonging Starfire gold to mitigate the effects of the rapid solar Cycles experienced on Earth to prevent the degradation of telomeres therefore the Anunnaki appeared Immortal or to have everlasting life it does not appear that King Gilgamesh had access to the same life prolonging luxury because of his diluted Anunnaki blood Gilgamesh knew he would not have the same Eternal lifespan as ninsen his mother Gilgamesh yearns for eternal life The Perks of Being King are many Gilgamesh had access to otherwise Forbidden Knowledge kept by astronauts in his backyard of Uruk which must have been tantalizing for him inanna and Anu both had temples in Uruk Anunnaki guarded the Emmys which were reported to number 94 in total the information stored on me tablets likely contain details about genetics and related to what appeared to be eternal life spans for the Gods from this information ancient astronauts developed civilization on a distant planet Gilgamesh was well aware of the role genetics play in a long life as evidenced by the longevity of the Anunnaki enshrined as gods and deified in Mesopotamia and sought to obtain it for himself zeusudra AKA atrajesus Noah and his family landed on Mount Ararat aboard the ark instructed by enki following the last apocalyptic Deluge to hit Mesopotamia as enlil soared Aloft with several other Anunnaki key figures surveying flood damage he spotted zeusudra and his ark he was Furious that some humans had survived the catastrophe the truth of his bloodline was revealed to zeusudra later that evening while he conducted an offering at an impromptu alter he built on site so you sudra's father was enki saving him from the destructive Deluge Zoo sudra who was only 50 pure in his Annunaki lineage was given eternal life during that meeting with enlil it is not completely clear what transpired on the mountain but according to the Anunnaki writings most likely it involved a council decision to provide access to a specific plant of life for the transformed and newly renamed Anunnaki Club member or to not pushed him Anu visits adapa in heaven a nibirian host offered the bread of life and elixir to the enslaved mortal adapa when dumuzi and ningish zida led them to meet Anu in heaven Nibiru as part of the ritual encounter adapa refused the bread and The Elixir following enki's instructions more than likely these concoctions restore the DNA of the Anunnaki perpetuating the natural renewal process considering the rapid aging of the Anunnaki who worked in Africa's Minds for long periods the renewed process appears to have been copied or re-engineered on Earth Gilgamesh sought a plant that would produce the same life-extending effects after failing in his attempt to meet the gods who were seen taking off and Landing rockets on the massive Stone platforms at balbec Lebanon King Gilgamesh devised a plan to find enki's son Gilgamesh could discover the secret given to him by enlil atop Mount Ararat and Achieve eternal life for himself if he could find the king of shurupak known as zeusudra to the Sumerians and Noah to the readers of the canonical Bible AKA Noah was renamed UT napishtem following his changed longevity status and allowed into God's private Club on Mount Ararat Gilgamesh had 75 percent pure Anunnaki blood zeusudra however only had 50 percent thus it seemed only fair that ninson's son Gilgamesh should be treated the same way about 2600 BCE this is the Catalyst for gilgamesh's epic tale and the background situation in Uruk Noah meets Gilgamesh King Gilgamesh finds the mighty flood Exile or to not pushed him in his quest and gets him to reveal the location of the plant of life he seeks which is harvested in the shallow Waters of the ocean Gilgamesh Epic Tablet 11. Gilgamesh spoke to him the far off Gilgamesh looked at upnapistin furthermore your limbs are precisely the same as mine you are not different from me at all spoke to him to Gilgamesh saying I feel the urge to prove myself against you Gilgamesh let me reveal to you a secret that has been kept for a long time from this point on Noah tells Gilgamesh a detailed account of what happened before during and after the apocalyptic flood compare this account in Genesis 7 to 9. this is a comprehensive account of humankind's Origins Gilgamesh Epic Tablet 11. you know shurapak a city in the Euphrates when the most powerful Gods caused a flood in that City it was already old their father Anu was there the warrior elil served as their counselor ninerta as their Chamberlain anuji as their Canal controller a far-sighted ear swore an oath of secrecy to them he repeated their speech to a reed Hut man of shurapak son of ubara tutu dismantled your house and build a boat Reed Hut Reed Hut brick wall brick wall listen to me read Hut and pay attention rather than possessions look for living things save lives by rejecting cattle put the seeds of all living things in the boat when I realized and spoke with my master IA by Master I have listened to the words you spoke in this way and I will act accordingly how can I explain myself to the city to the men and the elders elders elders enki spoke up and said I his servant was told to speak to them elil has rejected me so I cannot stay in your city additionally I cannot set foot on elil's land again my master ear must stay with me in apsu according to this tablet 11 snippet would not pushed him attributes his fate to enki who warned him about the impending flood and endel who blessed him with eternal life Gilgamesh travels home with his prized prize plant by sea after hunting for the heralded life plant with utnaprishtem and uruk's King considering the symbols alluded to in the Epic those officially attributed to enki Lord of the waters Gilgamesh is taken away with the plant in enki's original genetic design humankind was restricted to a finite lifespan of 120 years Gilgamesh was more than likely to live beyond the Mortal lifespan limit Yeti's Destiny was not to be immortal like Noah and the gods two demigods perished here on Earth Heroes of old men of renown described in the Hebrew edited version of the Bible New International Version Alexander the Great of Macedonia a similar old hero suffered the same consequences as Gilgamesh Genesis in those days and afterward the Nephilim lived on Earth when the sons of God had married men's daughters and had children by them they were the heroes of the past the men of renown gilgamesh's mother ninsen would be an excellent candidate to study the Anunnaki genealogy since she came from a pure bloodline her mother was an ancient hero a king of renown and fame Genesis as the father of nimrod Kush was a mighty warrior on Earth he was a mighty Hunter before the Lord because of this it is said like Nimrod a mighty Hunter before the Lord his first centers of power were Babylon Erich Uruk akkad and kalner in Shina Suma sitchin dreamed of genetically analyzing an ancient astronaut's body from Nibiru the discoveries would validate his theories about the Sumerian gods correlating our Missing Link Origins with the archetypal entwined serpent strands of Anunnaki DNA perhaps the junk DNA of the Primitive workers which 95 of it has been deemed useless by scientific research was the original Annunaki DNA that had been inactivated When comparing the original Anunnaki DNA with human DNA any doubts regarding the Anunnaki origins of humanity would likely be dispelled the DNA analysis has long been accomplished as grave sites have been Unearthed and physical anthropology has focused on the Suma region since the century its outcomes are unknown to most people the District of Iana and the District of Anu were the temple complexes of Uruk both dedicated to the Anunnaki gods and council chambers inanna and Anu respectively as one of the oldest and most noteworthy cities in Suma erudu was in the Anu District besides their religious functions temples were also used for State functions uruk's impressive temples are home to living beings who regularly visit and live there it is even more enjoyable to read gilgamesh's story because of his direct knowledge and interaction with inanna and Anu it is said that Saddam Hussein's desire to rebuild Babylon marduk's Gateway of the Gods was motivated by his belief that he was a Reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar during the first Gulf War he hired a team of Germans to run a magnetometer over the ancient site of Uruk a massive bypass Canal was built to divert the water where the famous Reeds grew away from the Uruk area to access the site the canal dried the area allowing archaeologists to access the site compared to being overthrown by the world's most powerful military the United States of America this archaeological digging activity seems illogical William Henry is an independent archaeologist who argues that the Old ET influence in Suma and the U.S focus on Saddam Hussein is William Henry Henry's Central thesis is that a Stargate used the Anunnaki Nephilim to travel between Earth and Nibiru in Sumerian times using sitchin's interpretation of a cuneiform tablet of an Uric ritual text Henry describes the following scene images have been found that depict Divine beings flanking a temple entrance and holding poles to which ring-like objects are attached the divine nature of the scene is revealed by the Sun and Moon symbols depicting enlil and enki flanking a Gateway through which Anu is entering Gilgamesh the famous King of the Epic of Gilgamesh was born in this ancient city of the Sumerian civilization Anu and his two sons enlil and enki were the Anunnaki of the Sumerians Henry proposes that the above scene depicts the elite anunnaki's transport device it is most likely that such a device exists in Uruk the Sumerian city would this explain Saddam Hussein's interest in mapping the city of Uruk Saddam had a secret agenda involving Sumerian artifacts and we may never know the truth lest Anu or some other high-ranking Anunnaki reactivate the portal in Uruk or Jerusalem with news media Crews present and introduce themselves to the world via some talk show zoroster's winged disc God over a thousand years ago in ancient Persia a religious philosopher named zorroster simplified the pantheon of early Iranian Gods into two opposing forces ahura Mazda Illuminating wisdom and angra mainu destructive Spirit zorosta's ideas have influenced many religions throughout history including Judaism gnosticism Christianity and Islam a stone inscription on the Cliffs of behistan in modern-day Iran depicts the deity Aura Master flying in the winged disk of King Darius the first this is the same symbol used by enki and the flying disc symbol on the old Persian capital of persopolis according to Wikipedia The inscription was authored by Darius the great between his inauguration as king of the Persian Kingdom in 522 BC and his death in 486 BC darius's autobiography including his ancestry and lineage Begins the inscription Darius later recounts a lengthy account of events following the deaths of Cyrus the Great and come by sees II in which he won 19 battles in one year finishing in December 521 BC to put down multiple rebellions across the Persian Empire according to the inscription the rebellions around the time of Cyrus's death and that of his son come by sees II were orchestrated by several imposters and their co-conspirators in various cities throughout the Empire who falsely declared themselves Kings during this period of upheaval Darius the great declared himself triumphant in all battles attributing his success to the grace of ahora Mazda the zoroastrian religion describes ahura Master as the creator of God of Light and wisdom angra mainu the creator of all destruction was his arch rival readers should be shocked to learn that ahura Master was enki and his half-brother enlil played the role of the demon Destroyer the precursor of the Christian devil angra menu as a result the Christian devil portrayed himself as God and demonized the actual Creator ahura Mazda a Satan or a snake the latter biblical Canon reflects the influence of Isis for centuries sir rostrian served as many Iranians National or state religion Invasion by Alexander the Great led to the collapse of the akhmed Empire with the decline of the sassanid empire in the 7th Century Islam further marginalized it the new state religion in Persia is Allah's Islam instead of ahora Masters Zoroastrianism it was not long before the endless lights rooted the remnants of their Nemesis and kiites from Mesopotamia after the Mesopotamian territory had been assigned to enlil various Middle Eastern countries including Iran turkey and Syria display Crescent Moon adorned Flags showing that Emma lights are gaining strength as the Chaldean Dynasty took over much of their Northern relatives Empire Babylon enjoyed a brief but influential period of power and influence the last king of Babylon the assyrian-born bonadus paid scant attention to politics preferring to obsess over the worship of the Moon God and leaving the day-to-day Administration for his son belshazzar good Allah sin and Lil sun and thus the god of the Crescent Moon since the Mesopotamian territory belonged to the enlil his descendants including the moon god Nana would have been welcomed there in 3760 BCE Nana was also a member of the Council of the Anunnaki he is the one who led the ijigai miners rebellion in Africa under enlil's supervision as evidenced in the atrahasis according to historical sources Nana sins cult centers were prolific in southern Iraq to Syria turkey and Iran one of the most sacred centers of Islam is Mecca Saudi Arabia and the Kaba Stone was initially dedicated to Allah the moon god Nana sin might be the god Muhammad met in the wilderness was nanasen Allah let us recall what atrajesus says a trahis's tablet when Allah made his voice heard he spoke to his brother's Gods we must carry elil from his dwelling the counselor of gods the warrior cry battle now after hearing his speech the gods set fire to their tools they put aside their Spades of fire their loads for the fire god and they flared up according to the author Allah leads the Rebellion to his father's residence enlil ichigai miners was stirred up by his fiery rhetoric it mirrors the behavior of the followers of jihad in the Middle East with spiritual leaders encouraging warlike activities from followers affiliated with the moon God Allah Nina also known as Sin was the moon God Son of enlil and ninlil father of uttu Sun God and inanna according to genealogy tables and Sumerian records enlil had Nana's sin sun on the Anunnaki Council this book aims not to prove that Allah referred to in the atrajesus is the same God worshiped by Muslims today however it would be an exciting research project for those inclined to seek the truth what were the results of such a study be like today after learning that enlil was the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob The God Who Killed the enslaved people of Mesopotamia and The God Who created the great flood to wipe out all the Nephilim on Earth mankind lived in Paradise for a long time God said to unnamed colleagues is it possible that he may also take from the Tree of Life and live forever having eaten the fruit of knowledge but forbidden from reaching for the fruit of the Tree of Life following Adam's eating of the fruit of knowledge since then man has sought immortality withheld by God yet throughout the Millennia it has gone unnoticed that while concerning yahweh's tree of knowing Adam became a part of us after eating it no such statement has been made regarding from the fruit of the tree of life we can live forever was it because the promise of immortality made to mankind has a distinctive attribute of the Gods was nothing more than a Grand Illusion a king of Uruk Gilgamesh son of ninsun and local bonda was the first to try and find out while the tales of En Mecca and Luol Bunda are in chanting and intriguing the post-diluvial Luger has to be one of the most compelling Gilgamesh was the demigod who ruled Uruk from 2750 to 2600 BCE and had the longest and most detailed records throughout gilgamesh's long epic he searches for immortality believing that since two-thirds of him are gods and one-third are humans he should not peer over the wall as a mortal genealogically he was more than just a demigod more than a 50-50 god king Lugo Bunda son of Lanana and high priest of Uruk possessed the divine determinative Gilgamesh was described as having the essence of ninerta enlil's foremost son because of his mother nin lady who irrigates was the daughter of ninuta and his spouse bhatu Anna's youngest daughter Baul was of a noble family gilgamesh's genealogy was not complete Scholars have called utu shamash gilgamesh's Godfather since he was born in the presence of uttu twin brother of inanna and Grandson of enlil moreover Gish Bill garmesh his full theophoric name was also welcomed by the enchiites because it linked him to gabil a son of enki and the god of metal foundries according to a version of the Epic of Gilgamesh in hittite he was lofty and endowed with a superhuman size attributes undoubtedly inherited not from the father King shorty but from the mother since nin's son's mother the goddess bow was true to her nickname Gula plain and simple the big one several Gods had gifted him with talents and prowess tall muscular and shapely Gilgamesh had been compared to a wild bull and Untamed in spirit he constantly wrestled with the city's youths which he always won after Gilgamesh started to demand first rights with Brides on their wedding night the city's Elders appealed to the gods to stop him from leaving no Maiden alone created gilgamesh's double was designed to walk in the shadow of Gilgamesh and force him to change his ways her City's Elders realize they have an uncouth primitive who eats raw food and is friends with animals so they Place him outside of town with a harlot to learn the ways of man she also cleaned and clothed him and curled his hair so that when he finally entered the town he looked just like Gilgamesh in response to an incredulous gilgamesh's wrestling call enkidu wrestled him down and taught him humility they became Inseparable comrades Gilgamesh began to ponder the questions of aging and life and death after losing his haughtiness and prowess in my city man dies my heart is oppressed man perishes my heart is heavy Godfather Gilgamesh told utu will I also appear over the wall will my fate be like this he asked his mentor's response did not encourage him what's the point of roving about Gilgamesh the life that you seek will not be found God created mankind but he left it in a state of sin mankind was assigned death and enduring life they kept for themselves utu shamash advised Gilgamesh to live day by day and enjoy life but many dreams and Omens convinced him that he could avoid the end of a mortal if he joined the Gods in their Heavenly abode and kidu he learned knew how to reach the Anunnaki Landing place in the Cedar Forest a great platform with a launch tower that served as the Earth terminal for the egiki hege took Gilgamesh Aloft from there and Gilgamesh asked his mother for advice and help when enkidu warned Gilgamesh of the monster huawa guarding the place and told Gilgamesh that only Gods can scale the heavens and only gods live forever Under the Sun Gilgamesh replied with words that still resonate today in the case of mankind their days are numbered whatever they achieve is but a fleeting wind I will go there first I urge you to shout Advance fear not and should I fall please help me up a name will have been given to me their response will be Gilgamesh huawa has been defeated against Fierce opposition seeing that Gilgamesh was undeterred nin Sun his mother pleaded with utu shamash to give Gilgamesh Extra Protection nin soon was wise and wise in all ways and she was also practical she made and kedu swear that he would protect Gilgamesh bodily to ensure his loyalty she gave him an offer that no one could ever refuse a goddess with a young wife tablet 4 line 5 partly damaged in the Epic ninsoon discusses which one of his daughters should be the bride with higher the spouse of um shamash by the time Gilgamesh and nenkidu arrived at Cedar Mountain Hutu shamash had given them Divine sandals that enabled them to reach the mountain in a fraction of the time and they began their Adventure despite the lack of a map alongside the ancient text it is clear where the comrades were heading there is only one Cedar forest in the near Eastern Asia in the mountains of Lebanon where the gods Landing place was located while reaching the mountain range the comrades were awed by The Majestic cedar trees and camped for the night at the foot of the forest however during the night Gilgamesh was awoken by the shaking of the ground and was able to see a sky chamber taking off the vision that Gilgamesh saw was truly awesome though the sun was Rising Darkness descended Flames erupted it rained death as the sky swelled all that was Fallen turned to ashes as the glow of the fire faded as Gilgamesh saw and heard the rocket ship launch he knew they had reached the landing place of the Gods at dawn the comrades sought the entrance making sure not to walk through weapon trees that kill a coin from a much later time shows the site with a rocket on the platform ankidu found the gate but was thrown back when he attempted to open it he lay paralyzed for 12 days as soon as he could speak and move again he begged Gilgamesh to give up trying to open the gate Gilgamesh had good news however he had found a tunnel while in key to his immobilized it might take him straight to the command center of the Anunnaki a tunnel seemed to be the best way for enkidu to chat trees and bushes overgrew the tunnel entrance blocked by soil and rocks as the comrades began to get rid of everything the guardian of the place huawa became angry when he heard the sounds he had the teeth of a dragon the face of a Lion and came as a flood his most fearsome feature was his radiant beam emanating from his forehead this devoured trees and bushes none could Escape its fatal the comrades had no way out when utushamash spoke to chem the king told them not to run away from huawa instead let him get close to them and throw dust at him following the advice of the comrades huawa was immobilized the monster was knocked To The Ground by inkidu and kedu then put to death the Beast having gained access to the secret Abode of the Anunnaki the companions relaxed and safered their victory taking a bath and refreshing himself Gilgamesh took off his cloak by the Stream they were unaware that the goddessinana was watching the entire event from her Sky chamber inanna was attracted to the king's powerful physique as she addressed him become my lover Gilgamesh please give me the fruits of your love I'll take you as my man you shall have me as your wife Gilgamesh was sure that inanna would entice him with offers of a golden Chariot a magnificent Palace and lordship over other kings and princes but he reminded her that what she promised him a goddess was nothing and that as to love where did her former lovers end Gilgamesh describes how inanna tossed them away one after another as if a shoe pinching its owner's foot the bull of Anu the bull of Heaven who roamed in the Cedar Mountain occurred to Gilgamesh to insult her inanna was angry at being rebirth she complained to Anu and asked him to let loose on the bull inanna insisted that annual let the Beast open despite warnings from Anu that its release would lead to seven years of famine as Gilgamesh and kidu fled they forgot about the tunnel and Landing place they covered a distance of one month and 15 days in three days using utu's sandals Gilgamesh rushed to Uruk to mobilize the Fighting Force enkidu faced the monster outside the city walls hundreds of Fighters fell into a pit when the bull of Heaven snorted as The Bull of Heaven turned to face and kidu he struck it from behind killing it inanna to Anu initially remained speechless demanding that the Slayers of huawa and the bull of Heaven be put on trial a cylinder seal depicts an ancient artist depicting enkidu gloating over the slain bull of heaven and a winged disc symbolizes inanna addressing Gilgamesh the gods views differed after deliberating enlil said that Gilgamesh did not kill inkidu only let him die he let both inquito and Gilgamesh die after he had slain huawa and the bull of Heaven Hutu said no one should die because his comrades were attacked by the monsters the land of Minds was the punishment for enkidu Gilgamesh was spared Gilgamesh did not give up on his quest for the celestial Abode even though his attempt at the cedar Forest had failed new landing and takeoff facilities were constructed in the sacred fourth region of TI Moon Place stroke land of the missiles in the Sinai Peninsula to replace those destroyed by the deluge as part of the grand plan the pre-diluvial landing platform was created in the Lebanon mountains two great pyramids were built in Egypt as guidance beacons and a new Mission Control Center was built in Jerusalem in addition to the landing place in the north the Spaceport was where the gods Ascend and descend Tillman was a forbidden zone for Mortals but Gilgamesh thought he might be exempt from the prohibition because utnapished him the person who is famous for the Deluge was taken there a second attempt at immortality was conceived by Gilgamesh due to his plan to avoid losing in kiru Gilgamesh came up with an idea let him sail to the land of Minds while on route to Tillman and he will drop in kidu off there nin soon appealed once more and utu once again gave grudging assistance so it was as their ship made its way through the narrow strait leading out of the Persian Gulf now called the Gulf of Oman that the comrades were still alive and together there was a watchtower on the shore at the Narrows using a beam similar to huawas a Watchman questioned them uneasy and kedu cried let's return Gilgamesh replied onward the ship's sails were torn and overturned by a sudden wind hurled by the watchman's beam enkidu's floating body was discovered by Gilgamesh in the still darkness of the depths and he dragged it to shore hoping for a miracle until a worm was coming out of enkidu's nostrils he sat by his Fallen comrade and mourned him day and night Gilgamesh wandered aimlessly through the Wilderness Alone lost and despondent when I die shall I not be as inkidu he asked after making the decision his self-confidence returned and he turned to utna pistim son of ubatutul he kept heading west Guided by the Sun the moon god Nana sin taught him at night in one instance Gilgamesh grappled with two desert lions with his bare hands while reaching a mountain pass the pass was the habitat of desert lions with their skins he clothed himself eating their flesh as raw meat in a low-lying area outside the city Gilgamesh spotted an inn and he began walking toward it as he approached siduri the alew woman made a bowl of porridge but when he wore skins and a lean belly she was frightened after a while she believed that he was a famous King searching for his long-lost ancestor now alew woman Gilgamesh asked what is utnapistim he said it was beyond the salt sea I have never seen a Crossing Gilgamesh as early as the dawn of time only shamash a violent Warrior crossed the Sea The Crossing was painful the Waters of death that surrounded our Baron the paths to them is desolate Gilgamesh how are you going to cross the sea Gilgamesh remained silent without an answer siduri continued speaking a Boatman named ushanabi comes across from time to time to bring supplies to utnapistim from the sea just let him see your face he might be willing to take you across on a low craft Gilgamesh had to tell him the whole story of his search for immortality the adventures at the Landing Place enkidu's death and his wanderings in the wilderness ending with his encounter with the alew woman emitting nothing like the alew woman he too was unable to believe Gilgamesh that he had once been the king of Uruk in order to come and see utna pistim whom they call the far away he wandered across the lands crossed the mountains and crossed the Seas The Boatman eventually convinced him to proceed in the direction of the great sea Which is far away but he had to take a turn when he reached two Stone markers and go to a town called uluya in the hittite version for permission before continuing to mount Marshall in following the directions but without spending much time in uluya Gilgamesh proceeded to mount Marshall discovering that it was more than a mountain rocket men guard its entrance the terror in their eyes is unimaginable they sweep the mountains with their glaring beam as shamash ascends and descends they watch over him the illustrations prove it upon seeing them gilgamesh's face darkened in fear Gilgamesh was just as surprised as the guards as the rocket Moore beam swept over him with no apparent effect as he watched he called out to his fellow guard the man coming towards us is the Flesh of the Gods two-thirds of him were gods and one-third were a human we need to know the reason for your visit they asked Gilgamesh regaining his composure and approaching them the question of death and life was something Gilgamesh wished to ask his forefather utnapished him who took part in the Assembly of the Gods having told him about Mount Marshall and the underground passageway the rocket man said there has never been a mortal who achieved that there have never been Travelers on the Mountain's Trail for 12 leagues its interior extends darkness is dense and light does not exist but Gilgamesh was not deterred and the rocket man could pass through the gate after advancing in the tunnel in darkness for 12 double hours Gilgamesh felt a Fresh Air Breeze only at the ninth hour a faint light appeared in the 11th Hour after that he stepped out into bright sunlight and saw an incredible sight an enclosure of the Gods with a garden made entirely of precious stones among its fruits are carnelians and among its Vines are beautiful sights lapis lazuli is used for its foliage of stones are made grapes that are too luscious to look at it is made from white stones Reeds made of social stones are found in it waterstones are made similarly to trees of life and trees of angug as the description continues Gilgamesh was found in an artificial Garden of Eden composed entirely of precious stones he marveled at the site when he saw the man he had been searching for the one of the far away gazing upon his ancestor from Millennia ago Gilgamesh said these words I see no difference between thee and me I am you as well even as I am you after describing utnapistim's search for life in denkedu's death he then said I would like to know when in thy search for Life how did you come into contact with the congregation of the Gods well according to utnapistim it was not as simple as that here's how it went he said the Anunnaki the great Gods once gathered the maker of Fate mamatum with them fate decided shurupak a city you are familiar with a city on the Euphrates the city as well as the gods within it were ancient the Lord of pure foresight air was with the great Gods when their hearts led to the deluge the following words were repeated to me through the read wall man of shuropak son of uber tutu demolished a house and built a ship live for the present not for the future take the seeds of everything that live support the ship described the ship to Gilgamesh and its measurements and told him that shurupak's people helped build it because they were told that their God would be rid of his who was fighting enlil recounts the whole story of the Deluge in which enlil discovers air enki's duplicity and how enlil changing his mind blesses utnapished him and his wife to live the life of the Gods As We Stand Together our foreheads were blessed by him utna pistim has been humans so far from now on he and his wife will be gods it is far away that uttam pistam will reside at the mouth of the water streams putnabisdem then asked Gilgamesh Who Shall Gather the gods for the sake of thy sake so that the life that thou seekest may be found by thee at that moment Gilgamesh fainted lost Consciousness and collapsed realizing that his search for eternal life was in vain as only the gods inner simply were able to Grant eternal life ished him and his wife stayed awake for six days and seven nights as Gilgamesh slept Gilgamesh awoke and was bathed and dressed in clean clothes by ushinabi who helped him return to his City Gilgamesh was about to leave empty-handed when utna pushed him stepped forward pitying him as he did what shall I give thee as you return to thy land he had a secret of the Gods to give him Gilgamesh I address you I'll reveal a secret I will tell thee a God's Secret as with the Buckthorn its root is a plant there are thorns like those on a bryavine you will have pricked hands but if thy hands obtain the plant Thou shalt find new life Gilgamesh was shown where the rejuvenating plant grew according to utnapishtim Gilgamesh opened the water pipe as soon as he heard this message he tied heavy stones to his feet and plunged to his knees seeing the plant he grabbed it cutting the stones from his feet he was cast up by the shore of the well Overjoyed Gilgamesh spilled his future plans to The Boatman or shinabi while holding the rejuvenating plant a scene that may have been depicted on an Assyrian Monument there is a plant here unlike any other ushanabe with which a man can regain his life's breath the ramparts of Uruk will receive it to become young in old age I will cause you to eat the plant man becomes young in old age it shall have the following name I will eat from it myself my youthful state will return to me Gilgamesh was confident he had accomplished his goal so he set out to return to Uruk with ushinabi after 20 leagues Gilgamesh and ushanabi stopped for a meal after another 30 miles they saw a well and stopped for the night filling with Rejuvenation Gilgamesh put down the bag with the unique plant to take a refreshing swim and while he wasn't looking it began to bloom the serpent smelled the plant scent the plant was carried away from the Water by it Gilgamesh wept as he sat down tears ran down his cheeks Gilgamesh the demigod cried knowing that fate had robbed him of success once again one believes that mankind has called ever since for this was the greatest irony of all the serpent invited mankind to eat the forbidden fruit without fear of death but it was the serpent who deprived man of the fruit of not dying again was this a metaphor for enki the Sumerian king list states that Gilgamesh ruled for 126 years before his son called urluga succeeded him on the throne his death was even more mysterious when it came to his burial as his life was a puzzle even if man is partly God does that mean he is exempt from mortality his death leaves unanswered this central theme of his tragic story in ancient times from Gilgamesh in the third millennium BC up to Alexander the Great 4th Century BC and de Ponce de Leon searching for the Fountain of Youth in the 16th Century A.D people have striven to avoid or at least postpone death is this Universal and ongoing Quest contradictory to what man's creators intended is there any evidence that the gods intentionally denied immortality to man in the cuneiform texts and in the Bible the Epic of Gilgamesh gives the following answer which amounts to a yes creating mankind death for man the gods allotted everlasting life to themselves which they kept when Gilgamesh began to learn about life and death matters his Godfather Hutu shamash told him about it and again after Gilgamesh told utnapistim the purpose of his journey it's a pointless Man Who Cannot Escape his mortality as the whole long tale of Gilgamesh suggests in re-reading the tale however the apparent irony in the evident answer is that gilgamesh's mother told him the way to become immortal was to join the Gods on their planet then it makes sense why the same uttu shamash who said forget it then helped Gilgamesh twice he tried to ascend and descend the rocket ships the attempts were in vain because both were unsuccessful during gilgamesh's lifetime the gods told him a secret right here on Earth we have a rejuvenating plant of life this raises the question of whether the gods themselves were also Immortals were they also nourished with such a nutrient in ancient Egypt the Pharaohs believed that they would live forever if they joined the Gods on the planet of millions of years elaborate preparations were made to facilitate the pharaoh's Journey after he died the King traveled to the Duart in the Sinai Peninsula beginning with the exit by his car a kind of afterlife Alter Ego from his tomb via a simulated door a trip to space awaits them there The Book of the Dead describes underground facilities rocket pilots and the breathtaking liftoff of such an underground facility in the Sinai based on a tomb depiction showing a multi-stage rocket ship similar to the Sumerian din gear symbol however the trip was not just to reside on the gods Planet an ancient Egyptian incantation urged the gods to take this king with them so that he might eat what you eat drink what you drink and live on the land you live on give Pepe the Tree of Life on which you are sustained was the appeal in the Pyramid of King Pepe which was painted on its walls in bright colors a colorful drawing on the walls showed the king accompanied by his wife arriving in the afterlife at the celestial paradise and sipping the Water of Life out of which there grows the Tree of Life Egyptian representations of the Gods food and water of Life are reminiscent of Mesopotamian descriptions of winged Gods Eagleman flanking the Tree of Life with a pail of water of life in one hand and the fruit of life in the other the same Notions underlying these depictions are based on Hindu tales of the Suma a plant from the heavens whose leaves juice conferred inspiration vitality and immortality on those who ate it all this seems by the biblical take on the subject which is best known from the tale of the two particular trees in the Garden of Eden the tree of knowing and the Tree of Life whose fruit could make Adam live forever but notes that a Divine effort was made to keep man from eating that fruit to prevent the earthlings from regaining access to the Tree of Life God expelled man from Eden lest he try and placed the cherubim and the Flaming sword at the east of the Garden of Eden guarding the way to the Tree of Life the Sumerian tale of adapa depicts the Creator trying to prevent man from having divine nourishments here we see the creator of man himself enki treating his own Earthling Sun adapa as follows the wisdom he had given him he perfected his understanding knowledge had been given to him he hadn't given him his last life then enki puts his own efforts to the test adapa the child he has with an Earthling woman invited to Nibiru by Anu is offered the food of life and the water of life but he is warned to avoid them since both are fatal to him the warning God gave Adam and Eve that eating the fruit of the tree of knowing would result in death turned out to be false would Adam also have lived forever if he had eaten from the Tree of Life what if God is only concerned with the possibility of their death but not their death risks means and he ate and lived for Olam it is also possible for Olam to refer to a geographical place in which case it is translated as world in this context Olam is the Hebrew name for Nibiru which is also the Hebrew name for the longevity place God was afraid that Adam would acquire nibiru's life cycle if he ate from the Tree of Life everlasting life was deliberately withheld from him when Man was created so enki tricks a dapa into not receiving the divine nourishments there is no doubt that a food of Life exists but it is not immortality but lasting life longevity deliberately withheld from the human race although they may have similar short-term results they aren't the same how long was life of Olam life on Nibiru an eternal Immortal existence or simply a great longevity that omnibiru is measured in shy units 3 600 times longer than Earth's life we first learned that gods or even demigods were Immortals through Greek mythology the discovery of Canaanite myths at ugarit on Syria's Mediterranean Coast in the late 1920s revealed where these myths came from the Canaanites however the Anunnaki didn't state that they would never die in Mesopotamia nibiru's listing of earlier Generations says those were our ancestors who have passed away tamus the anniversary month of dumuzi commemorates the death of demusi a recorded and mourned death even in Jerusalem at the time of the Prophet Ezekiel among the punishments for their crimes alalu was sentenced to die in Exile anzu was executed Osiris was killed and dismembered by Seth the god Horus died from a scorpion sting but was resurrected by thorth when inanna entered the lower world without permission she was seized and killed but later revived by enki the Anunnaki did not claim immortality nor did they claim to be immortal there was a false sense of immortality created by extreme longevity as a result ninsoon encouraged Gilgamesh to go to Nibiru to gain the life of a God and not just nourish himself with nibiru's unique nutrients otherwise what purpose did ninsoon have in encouraging him to go there first modern science should contemplate an interesting question is the extended life cycle longevity on Nibiru or anywhere else in the universe an acquired trait or an evolutionary genetic adaptation according to the statement associated with a DARPA NK deliberately excluded a gene or genes associated with longevity from the human genome when the genes were mixed can it be found that a key to unlocking these genetic Secrets might be available is where our search for gods and demigods is leading life spelling translations of the Hebrew Bible by the King James version and those who followed have sought to evoke in the creation stages described in Genesis a sense of divine Spirit a sense of awe in a creator of all Nibiru stroke marduk's winds satellites the Elohim breathed the breath of life into Adam's nostrils and gave him a soul the spirit of God hovered over the dark chaos in this book we have stopped to clarify misconceptions caused by mistranslations and identify instances where the Hebrew is the literal translation of a Sumerian word helping Define the verses word by word Samuel Noah Kramer an eminent Sumerian scholar pointed out that in the tale of creating Eve from Adam's Rib to Salah in Hebrew the Sumerian word t actually meant life as in ninti lady life what was done was to extract the life DNA from Adam and manipulate it to produce a female genetic line when one reads the actual Sumerian text used by zeusudra to describe enlil's gift to Gilgamesh the following instances spring to mind how are t and Z different life is usually translated as these two Sumerian words T represents the physical aspects of God Wazee represents the functioning of life the Sumerian adds Dari duration to Z to make his point more precise in addition to physical attributes of godliness zeusudra was gifted with durability usually the two lines are translated as life like a god he creates for him a soul like a god he gives him this is a masterful translation but it does not capture the exact meaning of the Sumerian writer skillful play of words using T just once and Z as in zeusutra later on Zia sudra's life now had durability instead of a soul 13. goddess of dawn bring me to you Gilgamesh few other words can sum up the unintended consequences of the post-diluvial relationship between gods and humans as those spoken by inanna as the Anunnaki realized they could simply pick up all the gold they needed in the Andes staying in the old lands was unnecessary Zia sudra claims that enlil changed his mind about wiping mankind off the face of the earth when he smelled the aroma of roasting meat a Thanksgiving sacrifice of a lamb presented by Zia sudra however the change of heart happened as soon as the scope of the disaster became clear to the Anunnaki leadership the gods cruised around the Earth in their aircraft and shuttlecraft as the Avalanche of water swept everything away below the gods coward-like dogs and the Anunnaki sat thirsty against the walls in hunger Ishtar cried out as a woman in labor the Anunnaki wept with her alas the old days have turned to Clay ninma was most affected I don't know why when she saw the goddess wept her lips were covered in Fever they looked like flies to her the rivers are filled with them like dragonflies a rolling sea took away their fatherhood and little was shocked to discover the survival of Noah when the tidal wave retreated Mount Ararat reappeared from the Endless Sea and the Anunnaki began bringing their craft down the long verses were late the accusations made against enki as soon as his duplicity was revealed and his defense there are also long verses that tell of ninma's vehement reprimand to enlil for his let's wipe them off policy they were created now they're our responsibility and Lil changed his mind after talking with her plus the realities of the situation Shakespearean ninma had played significant roles in the Affairs of Gods and Men before the Deluge and she did so afterward too though in a different manner her mother Anu caused her two half Brothers to fall in love resulting in one of them having an out of wedlock Child ninota by enlil after she was prevented from marrying her beloved henki her significance was that she was granted one of the first five pre-diluvial cities shurupak But ultimately created ameluti Workman for them earning her the titles ninty mummy nintua and many others she saw that her creatures had turned to Clay so she screamed at enlil as a result she arbitrated between the Rival half Brothers with the respect of both sides she negotiated the terms of peace that ended the pyramid Wars and received the sacred fourth region the Sinai Peninsula with its Spaceport as neutral territory she is described in a long text as having been given a comfortable residence by her son dinuta amid the mountains of the Sinai Peninsula resulting in her Sumerian name ninhasag lady stroke Mistress of the mountain peak and the Egyptian epithet nestir mofquat goddess of turquoise or Mothra meaning Mistress of the turquoise Egypt worshiped her as hathor literally the Abode of Horus and in older age she earned the nicknames the cow both in Sumer and in Egypt for her claim to be responsible for breastfeeding the Gods however no matter what title was used for her it was always reserved for her she never married the original maiden of the zodiacal constellation we call Virgo but in addition to her son due to their lovemaking on the banks of the Nile several daughters by enki were born on Earth the tale which has been misnomered a paradise myth ends with ninho sag and enki engaged in matchmaking pairing off young goddesses with inkyite males prominent among them were spouses chosen for ningi zida enki's science knowing son and for Nabu marduk's son Mighty matchmaking Feats to be sure but as we shall see not the last of ninhasag's powerlinks and string pullings through births and marriages in which she was joined by her younger sister the goddess Baul and by Bo's daughter ninsoon one of the Anunnaki great Gods was Bao who came from Nibiru her spouse was ninuta making her a daughter-in-law of ninho sag still Bao herself was Ono's youngest daughter nonetheless these connections served as a bond between the two goddesses especially since Bao also gained a reputation as a medical doctor credited in several tales with bringing back the Dead inerta was given a sacred Precinct built by King gudair King of lagash in which she and ninerta settled the idea of caring for the people and not for Gods is a unique aspect of the love for humankind that Bao picked up from ninhosak affectionately known by her nickname Gula the big one she was invoked in prayers as Gula the great physician and in incursions was asked to put illness and unhealing sores on an adversary whatever the case her nickname accurately reflected her sight unlike ninma who was always a bridesmaid but never a bride nin sun was always a bride in a way since Gilgamesh among others was said to be one of her sons after his father's death she outlived one mortal spouse after another until the end of the third dynasty of UR in her family album should she have one she would have 11 children with the deified demigod local Banda and her own sumer's God esses had a hand in guiding its Royals both in life and death including the most challenging female mystery we shall soon see that inanna stroke ishta the fourth prominent female activist had her own agenda following the Deluge the Anunnaki were committed to making the Earth habitable again after sharing it with mankind everything they did was driven by their vision of becoming interplanetary benefactors ninota created habitable areas by damning mountain passes and draining the water overflow in the Euphrates Tigris plane because enki Pata created dams with sluices in the Nile Valley to drain flood waters enki and enlil likely oversaw Feats of genetic domestication of plants and animals in a chamber of creation which was probably situated on the great Stone platform that the egigi used as a landing place no matter how you view it ano did create earthlings as laborers in mines and Fields so when he visited the planet around 4000 BC he established several new cities exactly where the pre-diluvial ones had been and rebuilt pre-diluvial towns her God nidaba was in charge of writing overseeing both regular and specialized tools or nin Kashi who was in the order of beer brewing another of sumer's firsts and a significant part of the people's social lives or nin are who superintended the land's Water Resources based on archaeological finds many have written of how cities became cult centers for this or that particular deity where priests provided the resident creators with the leisurely life of privileged overlords nisaba is also known as ninmul Mula Lady of the solar system an astronomer whose job included providing Celestial orientation for new temples in Suma and Egypt where she was worshiped as sashetta nanshee another female deity is the goddess who determines New Year's Day with the addition of the traditional Medical Services provided by the group of Suds one who gives sucker who arrived with ninma the services overseen by the goddesses encompassed every aspect of civilized life the expansion of the role of God s is in the Affairs and hierarchy of the Anunnaki is expressed graphically in a sacred hittite site called yazilikaya in central turkey where two equal groups of male gods and female goddesses are carved on Rock faces as they make their way toward each other the actual power and authority that the second and third generations of Anunnaki wielded on Earth led to an increasing feminization in relations between Anunnaki and Earthlings the nurse sued was renamed nin little when she became enlil's spouse her title as Lady of the command did not make her a commanding leader the spouse of enki Dom Kina was renamed ninke Lady of the earth when he became enki but she never became Mistress of the Earth while ningal had official portraits of equal status with enlil's earthborn son Nana sin she had no known Authority or powers differed from goddesses born on Earth as soon as inanna was made Divine head of Arata she demanded that it be given full status as the third region Marduk was capable of choosing Kings and ordering them when Marduk killed her bridegroom to muzi she launched and led an InterContinental War was crucial to Scientific observations regarding the Deluge and in later times the determination of the zodiacal ages in exchange for her disdain for marrying enki's balding and limping son nergareshkigal was promised to become Mistress of the lower world the southern tip of Africa text after text describes ereshkigar's ruthless decision to wield the resulting power the issue of demigods was one of the key areas where all these changes manifested themselves the Sumerian civilization which began some six thousand years ago laid the foundations for all of what we call civilization today as a rule it resulted in growth technological advancements and prosperity as a king Lugar big man took on the role of administrator promulgator of laws dispenser of Justice builder of roads and canals and maintainer of relations with other centers the best Lugar could only be akin to the demigods who existed before the Deluge and afterwards too because they were endowed in fact or by assumption with greater intelligence physical strength and Longevity than the average Earthling demigods were the best choice to serve as the bridge between gods and Mortals mainly when the king also served as the high priest authorized to approach the god however where would these demigods come from in post-diluvial times from various texts we can deduce that they were made to order with a few exceptions but the Sumerian king list does not directly mention the demigod status of the Kings who made up the first dynasty of Kish the one that began post-dilophual kingship under ninota in the same way as king list we have focused on etana and his legendary spaceships concluding that his Reign length 1560 years and eligibility for space visits to Nibiru contribute to his demigod status which is confirmed by the fact that etana was of the same pure seed as a dapa the names of some later Kish Kings such as enmenuna 660 years and in me baragasi 900 years suggests the presence of demigods in between the non-divine successes after the enlil group and ninerta listings in tablet 1 of the great God list 14 names start with D Lugal Divine lugolgista Divine Lugal zaru Etc in quiche these individuals were either not known as Kings or had other epithet names it is unknown otherwise but they are demigods who possess their Dengue determinative there is a significant change in demigodness where data is provided demigodness resulted from the pure seed of a male parent in the pre-diluvial era and for some time afterward the accession of messalim also written messilim a name whose significance we will examine soon to the throne of Kish was a significant change this Tell-Tale inscription can be seen on the silver case discovered among the artifacts missalim king of Kish beloved Son of Dean in Cossack may cause the king proved correct by his other inscriptions would not have dared present the case to the goddess if it were not true a birth involving ninhasagas the mother must be taken into account despite her Advanced age this could even include artificial insemination as was claimed in another instance in which ninhasak was involved by writing an inscription regarding a king named eonatum in the city of lagash whose Patron God was ninerta here renamed ningusa after the sacred Precinct of the town the Anunnaki are known to have established the demigod qualifications of a future king during his Reign around 2450 BC Ian Autumn gained Fame as a fierce Warrior whose Feats were recorded in texts and on monuments establishing his legendary status he claimed Divine ancestry on a Steeler currently on display at the Louvre through artificial insemination and birth involving several deities the inscription reads the warrior of enlil implanted aeronautum with enlil semen we celebrated ayanatum as he sat on the holy lap of ninhosag inanna named him worthy of the Temple of inanna in ibgal she gave him the breasts of her love anatom rejoiced at ningisu's news implanted semen in the womb according to the inscription heyonatum is the size of a giant Dyke as if in response to a future question the extent of ningesu's attack was as follows he sent his forearm on him for five forearms he measured the length of five forearms for him in guess who was delighted King lagash gave him the throne in Autumn's span of five forearms means he was over eight feet tall or about 100 inches tall the term forearm corresponds to the distance from the elbow to the end of the middle finger which is on average about 20 inches we understand that semen of enlil in the opening statement refers to ninerta's own semen which carried the seed of enlil as in Sumerian tales of the Gods the Egyptian god thorth ninja zidane Sumer extracted the semen of the dead and dismembered Osiris and impregnated Isis with it who later gave birth to the god Horus a depiction depicts thorth combining two separate strands of DNA to attain the feet a similar instance is described in Sumer of the foremost son of enloe's involvement and we have an example of that in the case of aonatum there are reasons to believe that all nine Kings of the first dynasty of lagash were demigods somehow they belonged to the first dynasty of lagash established by ninota in reaction to kingship being transferred from quiche under his ages to Uruk under inanna's patronage despite being referred to in inscriptions as the son of ernatum and timina succeeded in Autumn on the lagash throne is the patron god of the revered Kish Dynasty as a result of how he was born Ian artem claimed he assumed the title of king of Kish blinking him genetically there is no need to guess how other kings of Kish qualified as demigods as the capital of Sumer moved from Kish to Uruk when miski agashi's father utu was named the first king in keeping with that fact it should be remembered that utu later known as shamash or the sun god represented the second generation of great Anunnaki born on Earth and that his fathering of the head of a new Dynasty represents a significant change from the Alden Gods who came from Nibiru to an earth born and bred deity local Banda the third king of Uruk followed this generational change which also had genetic implications the mother in this case was identified as the goddess inanna the twin sister of utu she too was a second generation Earth baby of the Anunnaki her mother ninuta and her spouse Barrow were also Earth babies a second Divine maternal involvement took place in Uruk with the naming of the god S ninsoon as the wife of lukobanda and her recognition as the mother of Gilgamesh with her name clearly engraved on a stone portrait found in logos ninsoon appears elegant and Serene she was a master of Court intrigues as she was the mother of 11 children local Banda an example of her matchmaking can be found in the Gilgamesh epic where she discussed with Aya the wife of uttu her choice of a young goddess as a wife for enkidu to reward him for risking his life to protect Gilgamesh nin soon lived long enough to Mother several subsequent Kings retaining some of her parents longevity and heroic stature genes the drama of her life and death during the first dynasty of UR will highlight our story after gilgamesh's death sumer's Capital remained in Ur for a little over a century before shifting to several other cities in approximately 2 400 BC lugosage a vital King made uh his capital for the third time the goddess nisaba was claimed to be his mother in several inscriptions son born by stroke 2 divine nisaba pazi narsag the Divine in asag feeds you holy milk it is well known that nisaba was the goddess of astronomy her father is Anil and she is sometimes referred to as ninota's sister however in the great God list she was described as Divine nisaba a female from Divine ninlil's pure sacred womb this meant that she was the earthborn daughter of ninlil and enlil a full sister of none are sin and a half-sister of ninota whose mother was ninma from the nine Kings of Kish lagash and Uruk whose demigod parentage has been established here is what emerges in probable chronological order atana son of adapa enki's mesquia Garcia utu is the father and mercar utu is the father of etana ionatum ninerta's seed placed on ninhasag's lap for breastfeeding Miss Salim beloved of ninhasag local Banda mother of ninhasag Gilgamesh sister of ninsoon lugosage mother of nisaba two three punches reveal the significant double shift in the Affairs of gods and demigods post-diluvial time first the earthborn generations replaced the founding fathers progenitors who came from Nibiru then with the help of the Sacred breast milk the last change is introduced the feminine womb replaces the earlier male womb and the pure semen the implications of these changes are long term so it is essential to understand them as the role of parenting demigods was taken over by earthborn gods and goddesses was it simply a matter of nature taking its course or was it because Earth not Nibiru was their home planet that genealogical succession through demigods became more vital According to some theories the changes from Nibiru to Earth affected both the longevity of the Gods and demigods and their physical appearance making them less giant-like over time in their records the Anunnaki acknowledged that those who stayed on Earth enki and Lil ninma aged more rapidly than those who remained on Nibiru and that those born on Earth aged even faster now genetic advancements allow us to know that the switch in Parenthood from the male fecened seed to the female goddesses Divine womb resulted in the demigods adopting the general DNA of the goddesses but also her mitochondrial DNA as well throughout the Sagar of gods and demigods the significance of these changes will become clear as we see it in the Bible the significant change between pre-diluvian and post-diluvian demigod times can be summed up as follows before the sons of the Gods chose whomever they wanted from among the daughters of mankind now the daughters of the Gods choose whomever they wanted from the sins of mankind through sita's six words Sita encapsulated the goddesses role in all of that in cases when the mother was the deity referring to her as the husband of the male no longer held true the companion of the Goddess was the male father Gilgamesh was brought into the goddess era when inanna said come be my lover after the death of Gilgamesh uruk's heroic age ended with en mercar local Banda and Gilgamesh utu his son took uruk's place the combined reign of Kalama and the five Kings following him was 95 years according to King list only mishe was accorded an extra word because he was a Smith All In All King list notes that 12 Kings ruled in Uruk for 2 310 years its kingship passed ahua it is recalled for their progress and stability but not necessarily for their peaceful eras that the dynasties of what is now called Kish and Uruk I've ruled the expansion of cities into city-states led to Armed conflicts over boundaries arable land and water resources on the national level the end of dumuzi affected inanna the most emotionally so much so that it even led to her death due to dumuzi's death and inanna's fierce war against maduk the Hoops placed on the inanna domusi union were dashed internationally the story is told in the text called inanna's descent to the netherworld misleadingly titled inanna's descent to the lower World by Scholars inanna went to ereshkigar's lower World domain after damuzi's death had suspicions about inanna who came Uninvited and met nerga her sister's husband thus eresh gigal ordered inanna to be seized killed with death rays and hung as a carcass as punishment enki was the only one who could help when inanna's handmaiden who remained in Uruk raised the alarm having constructed two clay Androids that could withstand the death Rays he activated one by giving it the food of life and the other by giving it the Water of Life they sprinkled the Water of Life and the plant of Life on inanna's corpse and sheer Rose when they found her lifeless body according to Scholars inanna went to the lower world to search for dimuzi's body however she already knew where the body was since she had ordered its mummification and preservation in Divine encounters I suggested that she sought fulfillment from nergal of a custom related to the Bible in which a brother as nagar was from dumuzi sleeps with the Widow to have a son who will carry on the dead man's name but ereshkigal would not allow it a notable change that resulted from this unhappy marriage with dumuzi was the introduction by inanna of the sacred marriage ritual on the anniversary of the unhappy marriage with dumuzi she spent the night with a man of her choice usually the king often this man was found dead the following day the transfer of significant Capital to uh may have been an attempt to gain respite by shifting responsibility to none our sin inerta's younger brother and inanna's father it was a cult Center for enlil's son Nana meaning the bright one a reference to the Moon established post-diluvial Suma was destined to play a significant role in the Affairs of men and gods its story crossed paths with Abraham's in the Bible but that would not occur until Ur would serve as sumer's capital for the third time during what is known as the uh one period following Uruk one Ur according to King list had four Kings who reigned for 177 years is the most distinguished of them While uh's most glorious and tragic period came later in the earth III period the archaeological evidence shows that ur's first nearly two centuries were a period of high culture and significant artistic and technological progress in Sumer no one knows whether the rain was cut short by mounting pressures at the borders or by internal problems King list itself suggests some turbulent events had taken place causing the record Keepers to list five names not four amend one of them and confuse rain lengths however troubling the events were the record shows that the national capital was abruptly moved from Ur to a small town called arwan then to hamasi and Adar then to Kish Uruk and Ur shifted to Mari and Akshay and then back again to Kish in approximately two centuries a strong man named luga zage was then appointed as uruk's King by the gods for the third time was his mother so presumably this should have been sufficient to ensure his Blessing he used his own troops to remove Troublesome rulers as part of his effort to restore order among the quarreling and warring city-states lugosage punished Umar for serving as a cult Center for inanna's son Shara therefore Lugar zagessi was gone soon after that and the next king of kings was a man of inanna's own choosing a man who answered her call come be my lover having been in charge for Millennia a goddess now held no matter what you call him he's a hero two of uh's names are significant because they share a prefix of mess with uruks mess Bay he equals fullness plenty as well as that of Kish Miss Alim Alim equals Ram claimed to have been in herzog's beloved Son did the prefix miss or the suffix mesh as in gogamesh designate the person as a demigod in fact the Sumerian term Miss meant hero in the same way the Hebrew term gibor defined the demigods in Genesis 6. this conclusion is supported by bm56488 an Acadian text concerning a specific Temple that contains the following statement missanipada built a temple it was Nana the seed Giver who destroyed the world by referring to none our sin as the seed Giver misanipara is simultaneously assigned the determinative Divine and indicating what God created this demigod we must also wonder in light of other similarities between the Sumerian mace and the Egyptian myths masses as in dothmis or Ramses meaning issue of inferionic claims of divine parentage whether the Sumerian mace and Egyptian messes do not derive from the same early source we believe the conclusion that Sumerian royal names beginning or ending with mist indicate demigod status will serve as a clue to unlocking various enigmas 14. empires of Glory Winds of Doom Someday My Queen inanna crosses Heaven crosses Earth having crossed Heaven and Earth having crossed ilam and shubhur upon Crossing weary he fell asleep as he approached she was standing in my garden she kissed me and we made it a gardener later known as Shadow kin Sargon in English described his chance encounter withinana in this way due to the exhaustion of the Goddess from flying about one cannot say that love was at first sight but from what followed it is evident that inanna liked the man and his lovemaking Sargon wrote in his autobiography that Ishtar granted him her love while he was a gardener and for 4 and 50 years he ruled and governed the black-headed people Anunnaki leadership is never clear how inanna persuaded them to trust Sumer and its people the black-headed ones known by their nickname sargigga to the man whose kiss Changed History his name was charulkin truthful ruler in the Semitic tongue of the amuro the westerners of the Semitic speaking area Northwest of Sumer his features are preserved in a bronze sculpture figure 101 confirming his non-sumerian background known by the Semitic name arcad he built a new capital city for himself in a Ghadi from which the language is named arrives as a result of the importance of this King the Sumerian king list indicates that kingship to agade was carried by lugosagesi and mentions that shahrukhin a date grower and cut bearer of urza Baba biltergarde and reigned there for 56 years in ancient Mesopotamia Egypt and elsewhere cupbearers held high ranks and great trust it will be remembered even on Nibiru where anus served as alalu's cupbera Scholars believed that some of the earliest Sumerian depictions referred to as libation scenes depict naked Kings serving the gods as cut barretts apparently Sargon was a royal prince in quiche under uza Baba the king of Kish Sargon himself chose to keep his origin a mystery in the legend of Sargon the autobiographical text in which he wrote his autobiography our God is mighty king Sargon I am I did not know who my father was my mother was a high priestess as a high priestess my mother conceived me in secret as in the story of Moses's birth a thousand years later in Egypt Sargon continued the basket of rushes was sealed with bitumen and she placed me in it I did not sink when she threw me into the river carried me to the river as Aki the irrigator Drew water he Lifted Me Up he made me and reared me as his son Aki the irrigator as his Gardener Aki the irrigator appointed me in time the position of high priestess for the god none are sin in or seen as one of great honor to sargon's own daughter enheduana might explain sargon's odd avoidance of claiming Prince Hood by claiming the same status as his mother Sargon implied that his unknown father might be a god thus making him a demigod considering the pressures on Sumer by migrants from the West and Northwest sargon's Amorite Heritage might have been regarded as a factor accordingly establishing a new neutral national capital named Union also meant incorporating territories called arcad north of Oldham Sumer so that a new entity was called Sumer and arcad henceforth inanna became known as the Acadian name ishta a few centuries later Sargon set out from that Capital to establish Law and Order starting with the defeat of Lucas agesi who the reader will recall assaulted the city of ishtar's son the god Shara the king turned his prowess against neighboring lands as he conquered old cities after old towns in the era of Ishtar shahrukhin king of agadi became the ultimate ruler he ruled over all the countries in his territory and crossed the sea in the East he conquered the West in its entirety from the upper sea the Mediterranean to the lower sea the Sea of the East the entire first region was firmly ruled by a national capital for the first time since its formation Millennia previously sargon's Empire was the first historically known Empire to extend to the Mediterranean Coast in the west as well as the Persian Gulf while Sargon acknowledged when necessary the authority of enlil ninota Adar and Nana he did so through the khabor river in Asia Minor in the North the conquests of Hutu were carefully accomplished by order of my mistress the divine ishta it was in fact the era of Ishtar as the inscriptions claim it was a grand sight to see a guardi as the imperial capital in those days a Sumerian text stated a guardi was rich in Precious Metals copper lead and Lapis Lazuli slabs its granaries bulged at the sides its old men were endowed with wisdom its old women with eloquence its young men with weapons and its children with joyful hearts an impressive new Temple in a garden clarified which goddess ruled all of this in the glittering Temple her throne her shrines had to be built throughout Sumerian cities outshining even the sacred Iana in Uruk that was a mistake growing arrogant and overbearing Sargon made grave errors including sending troops into cities beholden to ninuta and Adat his next Act was to desecrate Babylon near Alden Sumer in the territory designated arcade lay Babylon the very spot where Marduk attempted to build his own launch Tower the Tower of Babel incident he made another baby Line near our garden after removing soil from the foundations of Babylon to understand this unauthorized activity it is essential to remember that babilai as Babylon was known in Acadian meant Gateway of the Gods a sacred place and that Marduk upon learning that the site must remain undisturbed was persuaded to give up moreover Sargon took soil from babylon's foundations to build another Gateway of the Gods adjoining the one at agathi Marduk was enraged by the sacrilege and The Clash of Clans was reignited in addition to Breaking the taboo regarding Babylon Sargon also planned to create his own Gateway of the Gods at agathi and this angered enlil as a result sargon's rapid removal and death did not end the era of ishta her son Remus became king of agade with the consent of enlil but he was replaced after nine years by his brother Manish tushu who ruled for 15 years inanna ishta had asked once again the son of Manish tushu naram sin whom sin loves was not on sin's theophoric name he used the Acadian name sin rather than the Sumerian word nana the King was able to build on the foundations laid by his grandfather with military Expeditions and commerce establishing trading posts for Sumerian merchants in distant places and creating trade routes on a global scale which reached as far north as the hittite domain of Nana's brother ishko not on sins two-track policy could not quell the rise of cities particularly in the west supporting marduk's renewed ambitions with his wife sarpanied and his earthborn son Nabu also marrying earthlings named tashmetum Marduk gained support among the masses the expectations for marduk's ultimate Victory reached Messianic fervor in Egypt where Marduk stroke ra has been worshiped as the hidden Amin Amon and Egyptian pharaohs began to push northwards seizing control of the Mediterranean thus guided and blessed naram sin to launch against the sinning cities in the west which was the most significant military expedition in history having captured what was later called Canaan he continued South to Magan ancient Egypt his merciless approach and capture of Rivals are commemorated by a stone plaque depicting a glowing Ishtar offering him a wreath of victory among his inscriptions is a statement that he personally captured the king of magon defined himself on a victory Stiller astride a rocket ship in the heavens after crossing the Forbidden fourth region with its Spaceport he hailed himself as a god as a hero accustomed to high-handedness he placed a restraining hand on the Acura enlil's sacred Precinct nippua Anil was not present so he demanded Anil endorse him as king of the four regions and Lil describes his reaction to these unprecedented acts of Disobedience and sacrilege in a text known as the curse of agadi he called all the gods including enki to summon the Anunnaki leadership to an assembly but inanna didn't show up as she remained defiant inside the venerated Temple of Ayana in Uruk she demanded that the gods declare her as the Supreme female deity a woman has seized the Heavenly kingship the ancient text noted in amazement inanna has altered the rules of holy Arnold the gods decided in their assembly to wipe out a guardi and all that goes along with it gutium a land across the zagras mountains was occupied by any notice troops who systematically destroyed a guardi no one is even sure where agari was indeed the gods decreed that its remains will never be found in the wake of the city's demise naram sin too disappeared from the records none our sin brought Lanana Ishtar back to Uruk from Uruk she told Nana that she had had enough so she would live in Ur with her mother's family the era of Ishtar ended in 2255 BC her Empire and the challenges to ancient Authority left their mark on the ancient near East for generations to come the kingship of Suman and arcad did not exist for about a century according to the Sumerian king list who was King who was not King was a way of describing the situation governed the country de facto from his cult Center in lagash a city whose historical records artifacts and sculptures have provided essential information about Sumer the Sumerians and the Sumerian civilization the archaeological evidence from the telosite reveals that dynastic rule began in logos with a ruler named Lugar Shu engur dynastic rule was established in lagash in about 3000 BC by King Lugo shu engul this dynasty was responsible for the artificial insemination of ayonatum more than a half Millennium of uninterrupted dynastic rule in lagash indicates a country's stability during turbulent times the list of lagash's Kings includes 43 names lagash is an ancient language lagashi's Kings preferred to be called patissi Governors instead of luga luga Left Behind countless votive inscriptions and other pieces of evidence the textual evidence indicates that they were enlightened Kings who sought to shape their people's lives according to their God's high moral and ethical standards the most incredible honor a king could attain was given the epithet righteous Shepherd by ninerta the code of laws of orokinga a king who reigned about 4500 years ago prohibited abuse of authority raking away of a Widow's donkey and delaying wages of the daily workers a king's personal Duty was to construct canals for irrigation and transportation and construct communal buildings some of the best Sumerian sculptures were created two thousand years before Classical Greece festivals involving everyone such as the Festival of first fruits were introduced literacy was encouraged as evidenced by some of the most perfect cuneiform Scripts lagash was not a national capital nor is it mentioned in the Sumerian king list with the transfer of the seat of federal rule from Kish to Uruk in religious political terms ninerta established what were then the best trained troops in the land to protect his own redoubt outside the reach of inanna's whims and ambitions after the inanna naram sin upheavals ninerta restored enlay light Authority and brought Sumer A Century of respite however asgar continued to put Relentless pressure on Sumer and arcad which led to the fall of Sumer and arkad into ruins around 2160 BC enlil commissioned ninerta to build a unique temple in Lagos that proclaims an inerta's Supremacy inerta the next enlil had the rank of 50 just below anal and his Temple would be called Hey ninu house temple of 50. a king named gudia the anointed one built a temple in the gisu the sacred Precinct of lagash as detailed in the extensive inscriptions found in the excavated remains of lagash it all started with a dream that gudair had recorded on Clay cylinders on display at the Louvre museum in Paris a man wearing the headdress of a god appeared to gudair Bright and Shining like heaven and he ordered him to build him a temple she pointed at a particular star while holding a tablet with a Celestial map her head was shaped like a temple then another deity appeared with a tablet in one hand and building brick the building brick was lying in a basket by his side and the tablet with the design was lying on gudair's lap completely confused by The Experience commemorated in one of gudair's statues good air went to the goddess Nina's cult Center sirara the house of face solving and asked her to solve the dream and determine what the objects were Nina said that the first God was nin first Lord of The Guess Who Helios ninerta He commands you to build a new Temple the goddess is nisaba build the temple according to what the holy Planet instructs you the other God is the brick he gave you will serve as a mold the carrying basket means that you have been assigned the task of construction the tablet with the design is the architectural design of the seven stage Temple its name she said shall be hey ninu it was a rare honor for gudea to help build a brand new Temple from foundations up when most other kings just repaired existing ones having mobilized the entire population for the project he made it he learned that the architectural requirements were far from straightforward there was to be a doomed Observatory at the top for determining star and Planet positions after Nightfall and there were also two Stone circles in the four court for determining constellations on Equinox day additionally two sunken enclosures were required one for inerta's aircraft the Divine Blackbird and the other for his awesome weapon good air writes in his clearly written inscriptions in perfect Sumerian script that he had to go to the gods repeatedly and that he could not sleep until the task was completed at one point he was ready to give up but in a command Vision he was instructed to begin building the engine a cylinder known as gudea cylinder a records the preliminary events and details of the complex Construction cycle B is devoted to elaborate rights tied to the temple inauguration specifically on New Year's Day and the ceremonies surrounding ningesu and Bauer's arrival at the gisu and their entry into their new Temple the book closes with a recorded blessing of gudair by Bo in appreciation of his construction efforts as his reward without explaining how it was granted was namti Muna sood his lifetime sustained stroke prolonged cylinder a introduces himself in cylinder a gudea repeatedly called Nina his mother a daughter of enlil and ninlil and a half-sister of ninota additionally Baul twice referred to him as son of Nina in the blessing at the end of cylinder B these texts also provide some insight into his birth in a sacred place he spoke to Nina thou didst bring me forth from the seed implanted in thy womb by the goddess bow he said he was a child brought forth by Bow dare claimed to be a demigod born of the enlil ninota clan through bow and Nina ininu's challenge to Marduk was compounded by the role of Egypt's ningishida and nisaba thorth as the deity and sashita as the goddess it was especially significant that ningish zida thorth actively participated in the project since he was the son of enki patar and the half-brother of Marduk ra interestingly his other half-brother nergal who was married to enlil's granddaughty naresh kigal also often sided with the Andy lights maduk and Nabu gained adherence and conquered territory despite all that the presumed heir of enlil and Anu had ties to Nibiru but mardok and Nabu belonged to Earth this posed a growing problem for the endley lights after announcing the ninerta strategy the enderlight switched to the syntactic transferring the seat of National Power from ninerter to Nana whose Acadian name was sin unlike ninerta the city of UR situated between eredu to the South and Uruk to the north along the Euphrates River was by then sumer's prosperous commercial and Manufacturing hub its very name meaning Urban domesticated place came to mean not just City but the city and meant prosperity and health Sumerian people loved the gods none are sin and ningal nikal in Acadian however they did not participate in the gods War people everywhere even in the rebel lands were meant to perceive his leadership as the beginning of an era of peace and prosperity in or a ziggurat served as the deities Abode rising in stages inside a ward sacred Precinct served as a residence for priests officials and servants within the walled section of the temple was the Gipper nighttime Abode which contained the gigunu the Chamber of nighttime Pleasures for the Gods despite being monogamous and having only one spouse ningar Nana sin was able and did to enjoy concubines through whom he had children in Nagita behind those Wars lay a magnificent City with two excellent harbors and a network of canals connecting it to the Euphrates a thriving city with a king's Palace administrative buildings lofty Gates avenues for promenading a Marketplace multi-level private dwellings many two stories high schools workshops Merchants warehouses and animal stores more than 4 000 years after it was built the ziggurat and its Monumental stairways dominate the landscape in more detail in the wars of Gods and Men We Tell how Abraham's story intertwined with events and the fate of Sumer in Ur the UR of the chaldees in which the biblical story of Abraham the Hebrew began as the starting point of his migration to haran and then to Canaan Abraham was born in nipua but grew up in Ur where his father was a table an omen priest skilled in astronomy kingship was restarted in and from Sumer with the careful choice of a new king in enlil's selection and anu's approval the new king uranamu the joy of UR was a demigod not a mere mortal he was a son of nin soon the mother of Gilgamesh born in Uruk a birth approved and witnessed by Anu enlil and Nana it is reasonable to presume that this Divine genealogy including the claim that ninhasa grazed him was part of uanamu's Reign in the presence of Nana and other gods as a result urnamu held the same status as Gilgamesh whose exploits were well remembered and whose name was revered thus it was a signal to friends and foes alike that the Glory Days under enlil and his clan were back inscriptions monuments and archaeological findings attest to uranamu's Reigns extensive Public Works restoration of River navigation and repair of the country's highways schools and arts and crafts grew and social and economic conditions improved in addition the priesthood of nipua and Ur were combined for the first time in Sumerian history resulting in a Revival of religion by our calculations it was at that time that Terror Abraham's father was transferred from nipua to uh despite agreements with neighboring rulers to the East and Northeast the enmity stirred up by Marduk and Nabu to the West spread prosperity and well-being in 2096 BC Ur namu launched a military campaign against the rebel lands and sinning cities bordering the Mediterranean Sea in response to the situation although he was a great Builder and economic Shepherd he did not succeed as a military leader in the middle of battle uranamu fell off his Chariot and was crushed like a jug the tragedy was compounded when the boat returning uranamu's body to Sumer was sunk the waves sank it down with him aboard it upon hearing the devastating news of uranamu's defeat and tragic death a great lament resounded throughout UR people couldn't understand how such a righteous Shepherd and God-fearing King could be a demigod it was an ingenious death why did the Lord Nana not hold him they asked why did inanna Lady Of Heaven not surround him with her Regal arms why did the Valiant utul not assist him there was only one possible explanation the people of UR and sumac included and little deceitfully changed his decree these great Gods went back on their word and faith in them was deeply shaken it is likely not by accident that the shocking death of uanamu in 2096 BC led the father of Abraham to relocate his family to Haron the caravani the central city that was Sumas linked to the land of the Hittites haran was surrounded by fertile Meadows that could be used for shepherding as it was located at the headwaters of the Euphrates river and at a Crossroads of international trade and Military routes Merchants from Ur settled there and brought wool skins and leather from the region metals and rare stones and their renowned Woolen garments and carpets from UR besides the second largest temple To None our sin after Ur the city was often called the second UR 's most tragic era for before the century was out Sumer was gone the Ascension of uh namuta was thrown in 2113 BC marked the beginning of Earth III the Sumerian culture peaked during this period when monotheism the belief in one Creator God had its roots died his son shulgi inherited the Throne of War his inscriptions assert that he was born under the auspices of the Gods as was his father who claimed the status of a demigod through a union between uh namu and enlil's high priestess none are arranged for the child to be conceived in enlil's Temple in nipua a little enlil a kingly child shall be conceived he acquired the habit of calling ningar Nana's spouse ningali my mother and my brother were uttu shamash their son then he asserted in self-lauditary terms that he was a son of ninsoon but in another Melody he claimed to be only her adopted son he claimed to be a demigod in various and contradictory versions which cast doubt on his claim immediately following his accession to the throne shulgi launched an expedition to the outlying provinces and the rebel territories but his weapons were offers of trade peace and his daughters by avoiding the fourth region he reached the two destinations of the still revered Gilgamesh the Sinai Peninsula where the Spaceport was in the South and the landing place in the North as he traveled he stopped to worship at the place of bright oracles also called Jerusalem once he venerated the three space sites he followed the Fertile Crescent the East-West trade routes determined by geography and water sources returning to Sumer Upon returning to urge was given high priest of Honor priest of Nana utu shamash befriended him and then inanna Ishtar gave him personal attention whose Abode had been in Ur since the demise of naram's sin as a result of shogi's Peace offensive he turned from state affairs to become inanna's lover after a while he boasted that inanna had given him her vulva in her temple in numerous love songs that have been found in the ruins of UR however unrest grew again in the rebel lands as shogi neglected state affairs in favor of personal pleasure as a result of his unpreparedness for war shogi relied on alamite troops to fight and build a fortified wall to protect Sumer against foreign invasions scholars believe it ran from where Baghdad is today north of the Euphrates river to the Tigris River and was therefore known as the Great West War due to that sumer's Heartland was cut off from the northern provinces 2400 years ago the gods bled by enlil decreed for shogi the death of a sinner significantly it was then that Abraham left Haron for Canaan Marduk also arrived in haran during that same year 2048 BC and made it his headquarters for the next 24 years according to a well-preserved clay tablet his arrival represented a direct challenge to enlist hegemony along with its military significance the move cut Sumer off from its economically vital commercial relationships as a result Sumer had shrunk the chess move of marduk's establishment of a command post at haran enabled Nabu to Marshal his cities heading toward the great sea and setting his course among them were the all-important landing place in Lebanon and the mission control city of shalim Alias Jerusalem then Marduk announced that the Spaceport region was no longer neutral it was to be considered a Marduk and Nabu domain he now controlled all the space-related facilities in Egypt his original Dominion obviously such a situation would not be acceptable to the endley lights as shogi's successor Amar sin embarked on a military Expedition after an army tour culminating in an ambitious campaign to punish the rebel lands of the West the biblical Canaan the seventh year of his Reign was when Amar sin LED an alliance against the Sin Cities in the west including Sodom and Gomorrah in an attempt to regain control of the Spaceport in my book the wars of Gods and Men He was the amafil of Genesis 14. the Bible describes the clash as a war between the East and West Abraham participated in the first great International war of antiquity commanding a Cavalry of camel Riders called ishna a literal Hebrew and Sumerian rendering of lunar cavalrymen prevented the Invaders from reaching the Spaceport he then pursued the retreating Invaders to Damascus nowadays Syria to reclaim his nephew lot who was captured in Sodom the gods war was clearly evolving into a far-flung conflict involving many nations Ma's sin was killed by a scorpion bite rather than an enemy Lance in 2039 BC following his death his brother Shu sin took over his Reign records two military Expeditions northward but none Westward mainly defensive measures he primarily built new sections of the wall of the West however the defenses were continually moved closer and closer to sumer's Heartland and the territory controlled by Ur diminished upon EB's sin's accession to the throne in 2029 BCE Invaders from the West had broken through ur's defensive wall and fought alamite troops in the Sumerian territory the westerners were directed and prompted by Nabu in haran his Divine father Marduk waited for babylon's recapture Marduk added a new Celestial argument to his old reasons for seeking Supremacy beginning with his father enki being stripped of his succession rights he said that Anil zodiacal age of the bull Taurus was ending and his era the age of the ram Ares was beginning the irony is that his own Brothers pointed out that according to astronomical observations the zodiacal constellation of the ram had not yet started ningi zida said as much Nagal from the station in lagash and Nagal from The Observatory there are no lower Worlds the brothers Discovery only enraged Marduk Nabu intensified his recruiting of Marduk Fighters anil's frustration and Desperation grew he convened the great gods for an emergency assembly the assembly approved extraordinary steps that altered the future forever various written records from Antiquity are still available providing us not just with an overview of events but with detailed information about battles strategies conversations arguments participants and their moves and the critical decisions that led to the most significant worldwide upheaval since the deluge as well as the date formulas and diverse other references the principal sources for reconstructing these dramatic events are the relevant chapters in Genesis marduk's statements in the Marduk prophecy the kedola Omer texts a collection of tablets in the British museum the era epos is a long autobiographical document dictated by nergal to a trusted scribe it is similar to a movie usually a crime Thriller where particular eyewitnesses and principles describe the same event differently but from which the true story emerges so are we able to reconstruct the actual facts in this case those sources tell us that Marduk did not personally attend the emergency Council summoned by enlil but instead sent them an appeal in which he repeatedly asked until when 24 years had passed since he had been in haran and he wondered until when would my days of wandering end the year 2024 BC marked the 72nd anniversary of his life on the run one degree of the zodiacal cycle has passed since then having been called to present the analyte case ninota accused marduk's followers of defiling enlil's Temple in nipua even accusing them of attacking it on our sin primarily blamed Nabu Nabu was summoned by the gods and his father's son came he pointed the finger at ninerta he denounced Nagal who was present and he showed disrespect to enlil evil accusing the lord of the command of Injustice and condoning destruction what are madok and Nabu actually charged with enki and quiet exceedingly enraged was Nega why do you keep fighting he asked him enki shouted at nagar to leave him alone after arguing so much with him then enki consulted himself and concocted the idea of resorting to the awesome treason after being vilified by Marduk and Nabu in a secret underground location somewhere in Africa in his brother Gabriel's domain he did not know where they were hidden but he knew they existed on Earth with today's technology they are equivalent to seven nuclear devices clad with Terror with a Brilliance they advance they were accidentally brought to Earth by a Lalu fleeing Nibiru and were hidden in a secret place long ago enki knew where as did enlil the gods overruling enki met as a war council to decide to punish Marduk the gods made it absolutely clear to nergal and ninota that the mission was limited and conditional the ancient records state that Arnold lord of the Gods on Earth had pity Arnold to Earth the words he spoke Earth to Anu the words he spoke he made it clear that his approval for the unprecedented step of using awesome weapons was limited to depriving Marduk of the Sinai Spaceport but that neither Gods nor people should be harmed Anu lord of the Gods on Earth had pity the Epic ishum begins in 2024 BC the two kings ninota called the scorcher in ishum and nergal called the annihilator in Era Unleashed nuclear weapons which destroyed the Spaceport and adjacent sinning cities near the Dead Sea as described by the Bible Abraham who was then encamped in the mountains overlooking the Dead Sea was notified of what was to come by three malachim translated as Angels but literally meaning emissaries earlier that day Abraham's nephew lot lived in Sodom and Abraham's two other nephews followed him the era epos tells us that is set out in his Divine Blackbird to mount the most Supreme night arriving there the mount was smashed when he raised his hand by the mount most Supreme plane then he annihilated not a single tree stem remained in its forests by two pinpointed nuclear drops ninota obliterated the Spaceport First Mount most Supreme also known as Mount Marshall in the Gilgamesh epic and then the adjoining plane that served as a landing and takeoff area an image taken from space shows the scarring in the cyanide peninsula where the plane a mid-white limestone mountains is still covered with crushed and deeply burnt rocks the destruction of the sinning cities was a complicated process Nagal was dissuaded from carrying out the mission by ninerta in Sumerian texts according to the Bible Abraham pleaded with one of the Three Angels who visited him to spare Sodom if ten righteous ones could be found there a mob seeking to sodomize two angels sent to Sodom to verify whether the city should be spared attacked them that evening they agreed to delay the upheaval so lot's family could escape to the mountains as soon as possible a little before Dawn era emulating ishum uprooted the cities making them desolate he wiped out Sodom Gomorrah and three other cities in the disobedient land the Bible affirms that as the sun rose over Earth from the skies those cities were upheaval with brimstones and fire that came from Yahweh Abraham arose at dawn and went to where he had stood with the Lord as he looked towards sodoment Gomorrah he looked in the direction of the plane and lo and beheld like a furnace steam arose from the ground Genesis 19 27-28 the Bible says that happened when the annihilator Negal dropped five nuclear devices annihilating the cities of the plain after the nuclear Holocaust the law of unintended consequences was demonstrated on a catastrophic scale the death of Sumer itself was caused by a poisonous Airborne nuclear Cloud carried Eastward by unexpected winds evil wind a storm the evil wind tossed the skies causing the cities to become desolate causing houses to become desolate causing sheepfolds to be emptied causing sumer's Waters to be bitter its cultivated fields to grow weeds so every text from that time described what had happened the texts claim that a catastrophe erupted on Sumerian soil one unfathomable to man in the streets and unseen death roamed letting loose on the road it cannot be seen when it enters the house it Glides like a snake through the door and blows in like a breeze through the hinge the highest wall the thickest wall can't protect from this evil which terrorizes the world as a ghost flooding occurs behind doors Those Who hide are killed those who fled to the rooftops perished there it was a horrible gruesome death whenever the evil wind reached the terrified people could not breathe or their mouths were drenched in blood evil wind made the faces pale as the heads writhed in blood Arnold decreed the great storm from enlil's heart it came it was triggered by nuclear devices from Seven weapons it came in a lightning Flash it came from the plane of the Dead Sea from the plane of no pity it had come the gods fled Sumer in panic after learning the evil winds Direction various lamentation texts such as lamentation over the destruction of Sumer and Ur list the cities and temples abandoned to the wind and describe the haste Terror and grief that each deity felt when they fled unable to help the people I was forced to run from my temple like a bird inanna lamented behind them were standing temples houses animal stalls and all other buildings but everything that lived be people animals or vegetation was dead the day when the skies were crushed and the Earth was smitten its face obliterated by the Maelstrom such were the words written even centuries after the event an emotional ninga wrote in a lamentation over the destruction of UR and its people were given over to the wind
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Length: 203min 44sec (12224 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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