GTA but it's Soviet Russia..

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[Music] hi lads and lasses mutters Pelican here with Daisy if you enjoy this video please write to Marvel and have them create a modest Pelican hero whose superpower is disappointing his kids as this really helps spread the good word of my channel so Daisy in a nutshell it's a hardcore survival game based in Russia featuring zombies and other players you have to eat drink not get sick and sometimes after you spend 45 hours getting geared you get taken out by a sniper who you didn't even see and you die forever it's called great gameplay as nothing says fun like experiencing the closest possible thing to actual real-life death anyway I need to get geared up again because today we are hunting down the most dangerous game possible other epic non-virgin gamers a great way to find powerful weapons is to build a car and drive it to the military bases as I'm pretty sure this map is bigger than actual Russia the so part 1 building a car the kidding my friends already have a car I wouldn't spend hours scavenging for specific wheels car doors and a radiator and call it quality content actually now I probably would the guy in the pink capri pants is my mate Dom who opts for a vibrant summer fashion look over anything practical a bold choice in an apocalyptic wasteland but I think we can all agree he looks fantastic and this is actually my first time in a car on Daisy and it's all thanks to Maddie she built it if I go into first person it looks like I'm sort of snuggling her with my legs which makes this the second most intimate experience of my life the most intimate experience of my life was last week when the checkout girl asked if I wanted to pay by cash or card so I took the hint and just kissed her it turns out she wasn't actually wanting a kiss and she wasn't actually a woman but still pretty hot she got a kiss for you thank you I love gifts we lose the big boy military base and we're now ready to begin the hunt well I'm finishing up a pack of wolves find me and I can't stress how bad this is wolves and bears are far more dangerous than zombies so I locked myself inside Maddy then comes to save me and I watch on from the safety of my bunker it's brutal to witness she really is getting carved up out there she should find a bunker of her own eventually I do go and save her well I guess she was only here to save me but what I'm getting at is I think that we can all agree I'm the hero here I'm happy with my gear but one thing I'm missing is a pair of night-vision goggles being able to see clearly at night in this game is so valuable also if you get a pair in real life it makes watching people sleep through their bedroom windows effortless if you're into that which if you're not I can highly recommend hobbies are important Crosby says he saw a player base earlier and so we decide to break in and see what we can find it takes a long time but eventually we get in and I kid you not there is a pair of goggles in one of the crates I have spent so long looking for a pair of NV Jays and then someone just leaves them in a crate a questionable decision but good for me I turn them on in the day and permanently sear my retinas I couldn't be more ready to hunt Rob oh and I'd jump in the most populated server we can find and then meet up when you change servers it drops you in a random location and it takes us literally 40 minutes to find each other gameplay it's what makes PvP so intense though that if you die you might literally cry all your gear all that effort the stakes are high we decide to head to electro one of the major cities where we'll surely find a fight the plan is to immediately kill anyone who looks dangerous and if we find a fresh spawn we'll make them swim out into the freezing Russian ocean and that might sound brutal but swimming is great as it builds muscle strength endurance and improves cardiovascular health also look at this staying hydrated in the dark with night vision this is the future as we approach electro starts to get a little suss someone's died at the water pump and there's another body in the house right next door it's hard to tell if they starved got sick were gunned down or simply taking a well-deserved a nap but we're getting close rubbie then finds a fresh born and this is great as we're right near the beach and can make her take a dip he then discharges his firearm into her chest which just so happened to be a 12ga buckshot shotgun needless to say I don't think he got the memo that we weren't murdering fresh bones I have a long chat with Robbo about power and the consequences of exploiting it in conclusion I'm like 70% sure he's a direct blood relative of a Dolph Hitler we then noticed a campfire up in the hills which is almost certainly bait there's probably a sniper with a night vision scope posted it up somewhere but we decide to check it out anyway we get close and I attempt to make contact hello this - dude lives to have killed one Robbie makes me look like the nicest gamer of all time I swear anyway given we've already engaged we now have to treat this encounter as extremely hostile so I move in to finish the job I choose to third-person aim which is extremely inaccurate but way more cinematic and I'm all about style points I realize hey or Shay was actually friendly genuinely not sure if this is a 13 year old boy or a 25 year old woman so let's just call them a gender-neutral name Steve it turns out Steve and friend were just cooking in the forest which is extremely wholesome but might be the dumbest thing I've ever seen in my life I steal some food from the barbecue and we make our way down towards the ocean as I told Steve that was loot there we'll hook you up with the complete setup if you really don't care that's the thing let me rephrase this I will shoot you in the head if you don't but I'm gonna die anyways if I go out there so either way I'm gonna die so it doesn't matter you like a hostage eventually we convince Dave to swim by saying that will help them with their dream if the swim happens and also I won't kill them I also give Steve a multivitamin which basically makes you invincible so yes Steve goes for it what a strong man or woman anyway Steve's dream is reuniting with the French Robo killed going to the middle of electro and then using the town's PA system to play cringe songs to anyone in about a one-kilometer vicinity now that's a dream I can support the PA systems in this game are hilarious the Steve swims for way longer than we asked for which was a really questionable decision who the hell swims at night during a Russian winter Steve will almost certainly get pneumonia the friend comes back and Robo apologizes for shooting him for no reason they're both pretty hungry and thirsty as it's hard to stay nourished when you first start sorry man I don't have everything spitting so I go there we had some spare drinks to give you something but I don't have any at all that's okay I know your frame so we make a move for the PA system as DJ Steve wants to bring music to the good people of electro out of nowhere a fresh born appears and proceeds to punch Steve in the head I really need to stop third person aiming like this but somehow it works out well as I gunned down the freshy and don't harm anyone else I then steal his plum but finally the Sun starts to rise and we can now move around a bit more freely I'm going to be honest I really wanted to hit my first collateral head shot but I chose not to as I may get to see them spin some beats for everyone also ethics or whatever we find the house that has the intercom and they get ready to MC now what you're about to witness is both the highest of highs in dayz as well as the lowest of lows I hope you're ready gamers yes a man ran in with the shovel and I gunned him down as well as half our team in a panic spray I can't not laugh when I watch this part I'm actually so incompetent who gave me an assault rifle all of a sudden I see them breathing somehow they've both clung to life despite being absolutely lit up i bandaged up Robbie's gun wounds and also learn a valuable lesson do not spray and pray in a tiny room where most of the people are your friends a lesson I probably shouldn't have had to learn in this way and not all bad news though I did get this guy and he had a garden shovel so he was clearly a massive threat to us what would we have done if he'd dug a small hole outside the door and one of us had rolled our ankle you're welcome with half the squad limping around due to severe bullet wounds their immune systems are low and they get sick so we need to move over to the hospital this is proving easier said than done as both zombies and other players are now flocking over to the house to end us it's almost as if going to the town's PA system and playing sick beats in a game we're both zombies and highly aggressive players who are both attracted to noise is a bad idea the silver lining though I'm in great shape seriously no complaints at all on my end and can't say the same for Steve's friend here's just a Limpy McCallum face at the moment definitely not his day he could be looking at his second death in about 25 minutes both of which will have been caused by rubble and I so yeah super questionable decision choosing us as travel companions I give him one vitamin tablet which probably isn't going to help but hey sick Red Hat bro we decide these to adjust dead weight and so we say goodbye and wish them the best luck for the future and that actually turned out into quite a wholesome little adventure just imagine if I had connected some of those bullets when we first found them my poor accuracy is making us friends literally less than two minutes later Steve messages Robbo and says they've died wow that was fast apparently some guy murdered them with five of his boys all fully geared with them for assault rifles immediately after Robbie raids these messages we hear this on the PA system so yeah probably one of the more terrifying moments in my videogame career of this Batman villain sounding melaka is literally hunting us with a small army so we decide to just keep heading for kami show though you see Robo really wants to take out these clowns that always camp out at the police station also the fact a Batman villain guy even knew we existed means Steve and his friend ratted us out so thanks for that I regret giving them one of my vitamins we get to kami cheveux and sure enough there's a squad to bunker down in the police station but I can't seem to get a shot the sniping is seamless on this game the rendering doesn't even make it hard to tell what's going on at all there's also a corpse in the hill it looks like this one's been chopped up and half-eaten I hate it when people waste food a starving child would happily eat that the guys in the police station are being careful not to go near windows so we decide to just move in for the kill and the content immediately we are swarmed by zombies which is just awful as it makes it incredibly obvious where we are I'm now low on blood to Robby then gets sniped from God knows where and a follow-up shot hits the fence behind me now no one kills my mates it's time I get revenge and kidding I run for my life there's a squad of six angry boys boys boys out to kill me a sniper in an unknown location who knows exactly where I am I've got night-vision goggles I don't want to lose I'm low on blood and not particularly good at this game sometimes you've got to read the room and I can tell if I spend another second in this town I'm a dead man if we're going to successfully take over Cammy show though I need to come back with my own boys boys boys and do it properly I mean I'm happy I made someone swim that was my goal but next video we are taking over kami and making it our own also stealth Oh Robo has a YouTube channel now so if you're hunting down some fresh videos to watch I know he'd love to see you there link in the description and thanks for watching you absolute legends and a massive thanks to those who support the channel through patreon until next time and as always stay classy [Music]
Channel: Modest Pelican
Views: 1,096,953
Rating: 4.9411831 out of 5
Keywords: funny gaming, gameplay, funny video, gaming, funny gaming video, funny gaming moments, satire, funny, dayz xbox one, gamer, modest pelican, modest pelican gaming, video game, dayz
Id: dEwCkoGFNaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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