Apocalypse survival with the lads.

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[Music] hi lads and lasses mutters Pelican here with Daisy if you enjoyed this video please hijack a cruise ship and only return to port if each and every passenger subscribes to me if they don't then sell them to Somali pirates as this really helps spread the good word of my channel all right so welcome back I hope all of you legends are doing well if you don't know Daisy I think this 30 second thought-provoking movie will help set the same and so here I am running through post-apocalyptic Eastern Europe and I'm feeling a little peckish aka I'm rapidly starving to death I start hunting down a beast that I can only assume the developers modeled off my ex-girlfriend so I can hopefully have some dinner I do successfully slay the big girl but then realize I don't have a knife and so I can't cut it up to cook and eat on the verge of death I spot some zombies chasing another player and I know exactly what I have to do this young man is in a real predicament and seems to have got himself trapped on a ladder so I do the noble thing and save him with my fire axe he descends to thank me and then I proceeded to start swiping at him because I need his supplies this does not go as planned as he attempts to flee the vicinity but I'm pretty good at parkour so bad luck chief but nice backpack I literally break my axe on him which is unlucky but eventually knock him out with my fists because real men use violence not words he has one piece of food on him a fresh plum which I wholeheartedly enjoy it just doesn't seem like the plum is going to give me the sustenance I need though as I begin limping around there's no class in collapsing on the sidewalk so I take things into my own hands to maintain a little dignity welcome to Daisy unfortunately that footage was from a while ago and since then I have built up a much stronger character who's never felt the need to kill themselves my mate stealth I motto is also jumping on for his first time ever which should be quite funny as he has no idea how brutal this game is I'm pretty rough for his first time as it's raining and dark but he consented to there so let's go I take a swig of water as it's literally crucial to stay hydrated in this game which I love and then roll out to find boy I've got to be careful not to get sick as I'm phrasing right now but I do have night-vision goggles I don't mean to flex a kiddin that was a flex days are very rare Amato tells me he's at toga and by what I can only assume is some kind of divine intervention I am also at toga unfortunately motto is being swarmed by a horde of zombies but at least he's staying calm cool and collected don't die shut the door where are you I'm inside it's me outside running run away get inside shut the door what do you need everything died in front of me so yeah as you can see we'd be totally fine if there was a zombie apocalypse in real life on the bright side the Sun is rising and on the not so bright side we now have a long hike to find each other again hiking is for young Christian couples not epic gamers many motto deaths and about one hour later we reunite I then pour water directly into his mouth in what is surely one of the more beautiful bro gaming moments you'll witness in your entire life I give motto a gun which can only go well and then we set off to find our other friend Crosby who says he's been fighting a small army of players who attacked him at a town a few kilometres up the coastline and to add a little spice into the mix motto is sick and is coughing and sneezing all over the place and therefore we have to social distance on the hike so I don't contract it the immersion is almost too real anyway this goes very poorly and we are both now quite unwell a we mate up and sure enough there's bodies piled up all over the place and Crosby reckons there is about eight people in total and he got a few of them but some fled there allegedly Poli armed with bats and hammers meanwhile we have assault rifles so I like our chances more importantly he hooks us up with some Tetris Aileen pills which should cure the cough and hopefully give us a bit of a high so that we can vibe while we shoot we need to secure this location as it's far from safe we all put on vibrant and honestly extremely trendy armband so we know who's friendly and then I see a player looting one of the corpses utilizing an effective RMP a risk management plan I do thousands of calculations in my head to weigh up the probability of this player being hostile and then opened fire to circumvent a partial treatment of the danger and instead ensure that the threat of this player is that of zero and now kidding I just shot him as crosby said it was one of the guys who attacked him earlier he did confirm that after I had shot and killed the man but I guess that's just intuition anyway we've got to be careful here as players keep coming to investigate or potentially they are part of the original crew coming back for revenge I tend to try and help the fresh spawns if they're just chillin but I guess motto doesn't follow that same philosophy it is unbelievably dangerous to trust anyone in this game because they'll almost certainly betray you it's a breeding ground for paranoia while he's busy not respecting the dead he gets sick again probably from this human contact the more you get sick the worse it can get so he's got to be careful take off your clothes and do a little dance I'll not ask again take off your clothes and do a little dance I can't do it but he's not dancing Oh Crosby then go down this town is actually just getting weird there are bodies absolutely everywhere it seems fresh spawns or attacking other fresh spawns as well as us it's guerilla warfare and I'm surprised we're still alive I even try and help this guy in a bucket hat by bandaging up his wounds so that I can be a good person I'm trying this new thing called paying it forward where I do random acts of kindness and expect nothing in return after I've finished helping him he flips me off and I'll tell you one thing big fella it's not wise to flip off the guy who just bandaged you up and is also holding an assault rifle here's yet another example of why you just can't trust these fools Here I am offering this guy some food and he just picks up a hammer and runs at me swinging I mean you've got to respect his ambition but not exactly the smartest melaka i've come across on my travels again i visibly have an assault rifle what were you expecting a platonic [ __ ] I do at least have some pretty wholesome experiences with players which is nice I give this guy some fresh fruit and he was appreciative I also opened this guy's can of food for him and I didn't even eat that much of it so yeah he was also pretty appreciative I don't hold much hope for these two though as it seems not many that entered this town make it out alive so what are we doing here I'm sick I need some tetris styling cops done I'm going 360 coughing public as funny as infecting people is motto and die both now again need medication or we'll die Crosby refuses to give us any more of his we've both lost a packet or two and he's only got one left so understandable I guess I also find a naughty nurse dress that I plan to make a player wear because I figure it'll make the lads laugh there's nothing more precious in this world than the lads laughter while Matos refilling his water the guy he trickshot coughed comes back for a revenge but luckily I'm there to clean up the mess and I proceed to gun them both down somehow they both survived the shooting which is a minor miracle a bit yeah no one beats my loved ones but me so he gets what he kind of deserved we begin the long trek to the closest city so that we can loot the hospital and hopefully find what we need to recover unfortunately the Sun is going down and it's getting increasingly colder and darker I'm pretty sick but motto is on the verge of death and I'm tempted to just leave him behind we arrived at the city of berezino which despite looking rundown decrepit post-apocalyptic is actually just how Eastern Europe looks all the time unfortunately the hospital must have recently been hit as there's no loot here and this could be all she wrote for my boy Maude while we are filling up our water canteens and rehydrating motto symptoms really escalate and either he's pregnant which is potentially exciting as bringing new life into this world is spiritually life changing or far more likely his moments away from death I decide it's time to step it up and save motto without medication just like the olden days I'm pretty sure most people died when they got sick in the olden days but hey at least I'm getting in a little cardio here we get a fire going to stay warm and apparently resting like this can cure illness sometimes on the other hand it's pitch black in this house is a massive light beacon so we could just be killed by another player who sees it then like an angel descending from heaven Crosby decides to come and give us his last packet of tetris Eileen what an absolute legend we made up and keep our distance in the room to recover and I've got to say this is some unbelievably insane gameplay lying on a mattress recovering from illness it doesn't get any better with everyone recovered we initiate operation make a player wear a naughty nurse dress the Sun is rising and we're ready to go a moments later we find a potential target plant if that's on me up yeah the top is dead all right chief we saved you now you need to put on this dress and we'll give you some food and some cuddles I'm not putting it on mate you're going to put on that dress do a little dance for us and you're going to be pleased about it all right dresses that's my fetish dude please just throw it and can you give me your gun I'm s what that looks a bit interesting yeah you look good and senior effort man please just kill me could you please just kill me good chatting with me you guys hope that was you that was me right talking so yeah that Irish voice was just Crosby talking pretending to be the guy who put the dress on said the actual player who put the dress on it didn't have a microphone and would have been so confused as to why someone was talking for him pretending to be him and not only that but instructing us to kill him well played Crosby while I'm editing this it's so obvious but in the moment he got me good motto then gets sick again and honestly I think it's probably a good time to end the video I hope all you legends are doing well and staying safe otherwise thanks for watching and a huge thanks to those who support the channel on patreon until next time and as always the stay classy [Music]
Channel: Modest Pelican
Views: 629,160
Rating: 4.967627 out of 5
Keywords: funny gaming, gameplay, funny video, gaming, funny gaming video, funny gaming moments, satire, funny, dayz xbox one, gamer, modest pelican, modest pelican gaming, video game, dayz
Id: iHnAlBHKqXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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