GTA 5 Online: The Contract BUYER BEWARE - What NOT to Buy in this New Update

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so today the contract dlc was released into gta online and in this video i am going to be doing a buyer beware for hopefully everything this dlc has included if you want to know if it's worth it to purchase this is the video for you now wasting no time i want to get into the four agencies first a lot of people were asking me which one is the best you find them on the dynasty 8 website here these are the four locations the one i'm in at the moment is this one which is the most expensive one but you do have these three other options over here on the western side of the city we have the little soul one that one is two million i think that was the cheapest the vespucci canals that one's 2.1 mil and then the rockford hills at 2.4 mil the one i'm at it's not going to show it but i believe it's like 2.8 or 2.9 mil what i'm gonna do is show you guys the views from these four locations so you can determine which one you think is better the first one is of course what we're in the hallway and this is the view you're gonna get from the bedroom area so there's the bed this is the view out into the city it's a pretty nice view actually of the city nice openness over here on the left the one downside to this is that well when you go down the stairs there's no view because there's just a giant building right there so unfortunately that's something that you're gonna have to deal with if you end up getting this one here's the same view just from below so a pretty solid view also for this building or this is the building and this is sort of the area around it there's a bunch of other big buildings the front is pretty nice uh the entrance is that door right there the garage is right there not the prettiest building but you know it is what it is the next one i want to showcase is this one the rockford hills this was the 2.4 million dollar one here is the outside of it it's next to the movie studio it does have a helipad on top i believe all of them will have a helipad on type and as for the entrance it looks like it's down here so the entrance is basically just right there in the middle of our screen and then the garage it seems like is actually down below so if we go down here if i can fly this right there is the entrance to the garage so it is underground it's kind of like the arcadius in that aspect it's not that big of an area underground but i guess maybe it provides a little safety now as for the view in the rockford hills agency it's not that great there's that ugly building i mean there is the movie studio that you kind of get a peek into there's also this giant building here that's in your way obstructing the view of the city i think fortunately though you do have a decent view when you're going up the stairs of the ocean in the distance and i guess also of the movie studio but unlike the first one this one's view is i think definitely not as good the third location we're going gonna take a look at is the little soul one this one is the cheapest one and we get out we can take a look we go back up here it's this giant building we just sort of slammed into so as far as the area surrounding it it is sort of the only big building in the immediate vicinity the entrance you can see the blue little circle is right there a little ways off from the street so it could be annoying to get to the garage however is down here actually kind of a little ways away from the entrance so if that's something that matters that could be an annoying thing as for the view this one is actually not bad it's pretty nice it's nice it's a nice view of the mountains and the observatory and even the vinewood sign you can kind of see this one is a lot higher up than the previous one and i think even the first one so you do get that nice elevation and if you're wondering what the second view you get when you're walking up the stairs it's actually a nice view of the city so this one might have some you might run into some issues with the the entrance the two entrances that might get annoying but at least the views for the cheapest one are very good the fourth and final location is the vespucci canals one and it's the one we actually knew about going into this dlc it's this building to my right the one that is actually sort of just by itself i personally think this is the best location because it's sort of away from everything at least there's nothing too crazy around it the entrance is right here right next to two pretty big highways or two two pretty big streets the garage is just right around back right off the street as well so you're not gonna run into any problems or you're not gonna have any annoyances going in and out now as for the view of this one i guess it's probably not as good as the first one or even the little soul one but i kind of like how it looks down upon the skatepark it's a different maybe vibe is the right word i i don't know but it i personally just like that a lot i like the look of just looking down into the you know seeing what the npc's are up to if you were curious about the secondary view it's actually probably one of the better ones just nice view out into the vespucci canals area even the beach out there in the distance kind of towards the airport in the far distance i i really like that view but here is the main view yet again it's not as high up but it's maybe a little bit more intimate if that's your style so those are the four agencies hopefully you can decide which one you like more again personally i like this one although my second choice probably is the little soul one so the two cheapest ones are probably the best to go with now there's a bunch of other things you can buy in this dlc especially actually with the agency so let's go back into the website and if you go ahead and renovate or try and purchase something there are a couple of options here that you might want to be aware of so wallpaper and highlight these are just going to cost whatever it costs it's just cosmetics if you like a certain look but the ones you're going to want to spend maybe a little bit more money on are these three right here the armory the accommodation and the vehicle workshop the armory is basically just the ammunition but in your office it's got some very cool features which i'll go over to in a second this is sort of up to you because i do believe it costs 720k it's a lot of money but i personally like what you get out of it so that's something i think is worth it the accommodation it's probably not worth it but it's not that much all it does of course is at a bed and a place where you can like change clothes and stuff if you have a million of those already you probably don't need this if you want to save the cash but i will say one cool thing that can happen chop can hop on your bed and you don't get that anywhere else and then the third thing the vehicle workshop of course this is something that you probably want to add just because it's nice to just customize your vehicles in the same garage instead of going in and out so honestly all three of these are i would say pretty good buys if you are buying an agency which will of course as you see add that price up now if you're wondering what that armory adds it's this whole little wing right here we can talk to this dude and this is actually where you can buy some of the new weapons like the uh the emp rifle i believe that's right here the emp launcher you also have i think in pistols the stun gun you might be able to purchase those at the ammunition but you can get them here as well you can also purchase any other weapon even mark 2 stuff one of the things i hate is that you can't ever just buy ammo for the mark ii weapons unless you go to your moc well you can do that here so that's fantastic you can customize them all you can also very easily max out your body armor slots so if you're going to like a mission where you need body armor you just go here boom we're full now you can also get parachutes here so that's cool as well and then you get these little benefits you can pick up ammo if you don't uh have it and you can actually pick up little health packs you can also browse for night vision and the rebreather and i guess these other earpieces so just i think this is a very useful little addition i would highly recommend getting the armory now of course besides the main reason of buying the agency you know to actually play the dlc missions you get a 20 car garage that's another very nice benefit and if you do get the vehicle upgrade the vehicle workshop which is right there you can add these amani tech options so if you go to the workshop there's this new section on only a certain vehicle or a couple of vehicles from this dlc it's a little weird i don't think any of the supercars have this but the buffalo here does it's this amani tech and this is actually where we can put the missile lock on jammer and i want to talk a little bit about these two options because unfortunately you can only have one at a time on a vehicle and i'll just show you guys right now if you want to switch you have to re-buy the other thing and 400 000 is a lot if you want to re-switch like constantly so just pick one of these and be done with it the one you should always be picking is the missile lock-on jammer and actually you can only get this by purchasing the vehicle workshop in here so that's probably another reason you'd want to buy it but for sure the missile lock on jammer is something you want to purchase and put on every vehicle what that does is like it says protects your personal vehicle from homing missile lock-on this protects it from oppressor mark twos jets basically anything that can lock on well now it can't and it always is happening like nowhere can you get locked onto the remote control unit is a little different it basically turns any personal vehicle into the rc bandito it is 235 thousand dollars and honestly i don't think it's worth it it basically is only in the game to troll people it does have unlimited range you and the car i believe are off the radar so that's cool but the problem is it's only in first person and you can't turn the camera so you don't actually know really what you're where you're at where you're going if anyone even is in your vehicle because you can't look the only option you do have when you put this remote control unit on is to blow up the car you can detonate the car which i guess makes it basically a faster rc bandito the problem is you have to pay for the insurance unlike the rc bandito so i don't think the remote control unit is that good i would definitely recommend just staying with the missile lock-on jammer now in a couple other vehicles there's one other thing that you can get you can get these primary weapons a couple of these vehicles have these mounted machine guns which i think just go like somewhere in the grill i don't know they're 300k don't put those on these probably the most worthless things in the game these things do no damage just keep it at none you want you can maybe put on a proximity mine it's a slick proximity mine i believe it's only 135k not too bad it's a little extra thing you just plop it down that's not a bad purchase now actually i do want to talk about the vehicles since we're here quickly running through them i'm not gonna this is not gonna be a very in-depth breakdown because this that would just make the video way too long let's start with the buffalo here the buffalo i would say is probably one of the better vehicles that was released so far it does have 28 different categories for customization so it does have some very good customization it looks incredible it's almost like a recreation of the irl car which is weird i don't know how rockstar pulled that off but it does look amazing and like i showed you guys it is one of the few vehicles that you can put the amani tech on that you can put the missile lock on jammers and stuff so that of course is a huge benefit you can also put this armor plating on which makes it look a little probably a lot uglier than you would hope however that makes this car survive i think about 8 to 10 homing missiles which is quite a bit so if you do want to have the ultimate just like survivability car this is a very good option there is one weird thing hopefully rockstar fix it and that is the lights at night i don't know what's going on here but you you can almost not even see they're just the lights on the back are just so bright i mean i guess you can just turn them off and be fine with it but it is something i figured i'd point out that might get annoying all in all though i would say this is a fantastic buy you can get the trade price at 1.6 mil i think just simply by playing some of the missions and i would say that is a great purchase for what you get in this vehicle it is i do want to point out real quick a muscle car you can see at the bottom right so if you were wondering if this was like a sports car that's four doors unfortunately it is a muscle car so maybe if that affects your decision it's possible but again i still think it's a good purchase now a couple of these other cars i'ma be honest there's not a whole lot to them i guess we'll just start from right and then work our way to left we have the pipster astron this is actually the porsche suv and it does look like the porsche suv from the front the back however i think is a little weird and if you do drive in third person that is something that you probably want you want the back to look good right so it just looks a little weird you can see from this angle it kind of just like juts out looks a little awkward also if we look at the price it is 1.6 million for an suv i just personally don't think that's worth it it is fast for an suv it does perform pretty decently again for an suv but 1.6 mil is a little ridiculous for an suv and that's sort of the theme with with some of these vehicles before we get into those three we'll go to this one this is the enis jubilee and again it's an suv that costs a lot of money that's just not that good the interior cannot be colored so you can't change any of that it's got this pretty i mean i guess it's subjective but i think it's an ugly roof window on the top it doesn't really sound that great either i haven't driven it a whole bunch but the few times i have driven it it's not the greatest handling so i would say pass on this one like the the last one the astron i just personally don't find it necessary to buy an suv for 1.7 million dollars unless you have a billion dollars just just stay clear of this one even for the trade price it's not that great but for the trade price you have to unlock 20 security contracts so it's going to take a while to do that just skipped it then we have the enis deity it's a fine looking vehicle at least from the front if you go into first person it does look good from the front but much like the uh the porsche suv over there the back is where it just gets a little ugly like it's hard to tell because this wall is so close but the tail lights are huge and it's a little obnoxious when you are driving in third person again it is a four-door as you see we get in it's in a sedan class so you know maybe that might be something you grab if you want something for the from the sedan class but the problem yet again is the price this deity is 1.8 million with a trade price of 1.4 mil i just don't think it's worth it for this particular vehicle that brings us to the lampada cinquamilla i'm saying that correctly i believe this is a maserati in real life this one honestly it's just i would say it's just okay this is nothing special it's a four seater i believe it's also a sedan let's go ahead and hop in and check we're in the sedan class again i haven't driven it too much so again the in-depth is not gonna be the greatest but it's just it's an okay vehicle it looks good it's got some okay customization nothing great the model it's just it's very plain interior's okay if we take a look at the price it is 1.7 basically 1.8 mil and for a sedan it's not even a sport or a supercar it's just i would personally stay away maybe buy it when it's on sale in a couple of weeks but then that brings us to probably two of the better vehicles from this dlc we have the ignis and the dubachi champion now these unfortunately even though they are the best they're expensive let's just take a look at the price real quick so look at this the ignis 2.7 2.8 mil basically and then the champion actually the buy it now price doesn't show it here because i completed the missions to unlock the trade price but the buy it now price is 3 million dollars of course here 2.2 makes it a little bit more reasonable but still 3 mil is a lot so these are very expensive cars are they worth it this one right here 100 yes this one is like 90 yes but maybe wait for a sale because it does lack a couple of things this one right here though the ignis it's a fantastic model honestly probably one of the best models rockstar's ever made in this game and i know i have it customized terribly here because i haven't actually gone through to like customize these things the way they should be but it just looks so actually you know what here's a picture that makes it look way better than what i have in this garage it looks phenomenal i would spend the 2.7 mil simply just for the model no customization nothing like it that's how good this thing is but in addition to the model it's actually very very good performance wise i don't know specifically if it's like top two top three or whatever but just driving it around it's very fast it is very grippy so you're not sliding around the handling is very good and the customization is actually pretty solid as well there's also a spoiler that it's an adaptive or whatever it's called spoiler where it will go up as you go faster overall it's just one of the best cars i think rox has added in recent memory the rams look great you can even paint those there i think are some glitches you have to do to do that but you can get stock these stockrooms painted so 100 and look at that interior too 100 purchased this even for the 2.7 mil i would say so this one on the other hand i love the look the look is phenomenal the front that is a beautiful looking car the problem is that it's also a supercar so i think it falls a little bit behind performance wise compared to the ignis the interior is nothing special either the customization is okay i mean it's got some decent stuff but nothing crazy i would say unless you're like a super hardcore fan of like this particular car i think it's an aston martin in real life more than likely just wait for a sale because it's a great car but not for the three mil maybe for the 2.2 mil if you can get the trade price but even then i'd probably just spend my money on the ignis here so with that being said that i think is going to do it for this buyer beware i might it might have been a little longer of a video uh sorry about that but i do just want to help you guys out save your money if you can in this dlc let me know your thoughts in the comments if you guys disagree with anything for sure let us let me know i'd be curious to hear you guys opinions on some of these things overall i think while this was a fairly expensive dlc it did bring a lot of great products and great features it's just unfortunate that the actual way to make money in this dlc is not the best but maybe we'll find out a more efficient way to uh to grind that to see if it's as good as the kyopurico that video though probably won't come until tomorrow so be a lookout for that but anyway that's gonna do it for this video thank you guys for watching this was my buyer beware for the contract dlc in gta online thank you guys for watching hope you guys enjoyed and as always i'll see you all in the next one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Saintsfan
Views: 55,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta, gta 5, gta v, gta online, Grand Theft Auto (Video Game Series), Grand Theft Auto V, gta 5 online, Dat Saintsfan, trailer, NEW GTA 6 Release Info! - EXCLUSIVE PS5 LAUNCH TITLE Coming Holiday 2020?!, gta 6, ps5, gta 6 ps5, gta 6 release info, gta 6 info, gta 6 details, gta 6 ps5 info, gta 6 xbox, gta 6 release date, grand theft auto 6, gta online 2, gta 6 exclusive
Id: cgLvXoslvqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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