GRTDC Sunday Morning Worship Experience - September 12, 2021

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] praise the lord welcome to greater refuge temple dc on behalf of bishop michael fields and lady melissa fields we are so happy that you chose to join us today we're expecting a mighty move of god and we believe he will do it right now while you're waiting for service to start please feel free to hit that share button let your family and friends know that grtdc is the place to be also please hit the subscribe button thank you i'm elder byron wilkins and i'm sister shawn wilkins and we hope that you are blessed by the service today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i won't let no rocks [Music] me [Music] let us [Music] [Music] let it rise [Music] [Music] [Music] gonna [Music] is [Music] ready [Music] i can't hear you let the glory of the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] let him fight for you let him heal you [Music] somebody ought to lift your voice right there [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah to jesus i feel like god is arise and his glory is filling the temple i feel god i feel the lord i feel the lord and every time i feel him i feel strength added to me [Music] he's my strength like no other thank you he's my strength like no other anybody needs the strength of the lord this morning have you ever been in a place where you you feel like you can't make it and all you can do is call on jesus [Music] and he reaches me oh shall i ever you are my strength strength [Music] yes you are straight like noah reaches to me you are my strength [Music] strength like no other strength like [Music] and i thank you for reaching me you are my strength you are [Music] come on slip your hands in the air [Music] [Music] like [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you are my joy i can depend on jesus [Music] [Applause] straight line when i'm weak [Music] like a river [Music] [Music] you are with peace like a river [Music] [Music] reaches [Music] reaches [Music] reaches to me [Music] my [Music] can we just worship the lord right here [Music] he will not [Music] he come on come on upon that right hand [Music] you shall preserve our souls [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] [Music] all of my help [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] [Music] higher [Music] hallelujah hallelujah thank you for being my help thank you lord [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everything you need [Music] all of my health all of my help come from [Music] of my help come from the lord [Music] [Music] hallelujah say all of my help coming from the lord hallelujah if jesus is your help hallelujah we need to worship him as he is your help hallelujah all of our help comes from the lord thank you jesus [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah can we worship him like he's our help can we just give god glory for he being our help can we just lift up the name of jesus for he is our help hallelujah hey glory hey lord we thank you jesus all of our help lord jesus hey no one can do us like you jesus nobody nobody hallelujah oh glory hallelujah oh we thank you jesus we thank you lord jesus be [Music] patient hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah at this time we're gonna go before the lord in prayer hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh god let us pray father in the name of jesus lord we come before you thanking you jesus a for waking us up this morning oh for your mighty power and your mighty works for we just thank you lord hey god for being good to us lord hey we praise you lord hallelujah god hey god for you being in control of all things hallelujah thank god hey we praise you this day lord jesus hey we ask father god that you continue to look upon us lord bless the servants today lord we welcome you into this place lord lord that your will be done here lord jesus have your way lord bless everyone that's gathered here oh bless those that's light on the live stream lord oh lord we ask that you meet them where they are lord you have your way god and we'll praise you lord oh bless the man of god that's bringing forth your word lord lord bless him and fresh give him a fresh anointing lord hallelujah lord have your way in his life lord oh bestows that's all gathered here the lord oh heal the sick among us lord oh touch right now lord god hey have your way if there's somebody lord hallelujah seeking you lord lord acts that you save lord fill with the precious gift of the holy ghost for have your way in this place lord we need you today lord oh no one can do us like you can lord and lord we give you glory and praise and honor lord have your way lord bless right now as only you can do lord hallelujah send your anointing lord hold the stroke every yoke of bondage to sin lord have your way in the name of jesus lord oh god we praise you right now oh we need healing in this land lord oh lord we ask that you heal the lord oh we need deliverance in this land lord oh we have lord that you deliver in the name of jesus oh have your way god god will give your name to praise the glory and all the other have your way in jesus name we pray amen and amen hallelujah oh glory i will be reading the scripture for this morning and it will be coming from hallelujah it'll be coming from [Music] second corinthians the 10th chapter hallelujah ii corinthians the 10th chapter hallelujah second corinthians chapter 10 starting at verse 3 hallelujah and it reads as for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds hallelujah casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of god and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of god hallelujah obedience of christ may the lord add a blessing to the readers and hear his holy word sanctify in our hearts that we may grow thereby in the name of jesus hallelujah give god another praise hallelujah [Applause] so [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] right is all right [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] right now this morning [Music] everybody clap [Music] the lord is blessing me right now the lord is blessed right now the lord is blessing me right now the lord is right now [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hello [Music] the whole house it's running over [Music] lay your hands on yourself [Music] [Music] right [Music] tonight [Music] hallelujah [Music] yeah everybody clap your hands put them black hands take out [Music] i feel like you love jesus i feel like you love jesus clap him like you love jesus pop him like you love jesus clap clap your hand [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah if the lord is blessing you right now you ought to lift up a sign to god and say lord i thank you you ought to put your hands together and say lord i thank you you want to lift your voice and say thank you jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] a proper response to the blessings of god is praise i said a proper response to the blessings of god is praise hallelujah if the lord has healed your body [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] peace come on and give god a praise on this morning [Music] the church ought to be the loudest place on the block hallelujah because we can see his goodness while we are in the land of the living we bless the name of the lord and amen we give him glory we thank god for the choir amen ushering us into praise hallelujah the bible said i'll come into his house with thanksgiving and i will enter to his courts with praise i will be thankful unto him and i will bless his holy name for the lord is good his mercy is everlasting and the truth of the lord endureth forever how many know his truth and do us forever i don't care what you're going through right now but the lord's truth endures forever and the blessing of the lord it maketh rich and it adds no sorrow with it if you're blessed of god amen you ought to have a praise on your lips you ought to have thanksgiving in your heart why because the lord is blessing me right now come on and clap your hands and give god a praise on this morning truly the lord is good and we always want to make sure that his house is filled with praise and thanksgiving amen it is offering time amen come on and put your hands together i thank god for being able to give and i just wanted to read the lord laid on my heart the scripture amen that is so befitting to us as a people of god as we come and we give of our substance the thing that god has given unto us the bible says the lord hear thee in the day of trouble the name of the god of jacob defend thee send the help from the sanctuary and strengthen thee out of zion remember all thy offerings and accept thy birth sacrifice grant me according to thine own heart and fulfill all thy counsel we will rejoice in that salvation and in the name of god we will lift up our banners the lord fulfill all thy petitions now know how that the lord saveth his anointed he will hear him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand they are brought down and fallen but we are risen and stand upright save lord let us all stand in the presence of the lord let the king hear us when we call we are privileged to have amen the attention in the ear of our lord jesus christ as we call upon him he hears our prayers and let us remember all of our offerings our burnt sacrifice that we want to give unto the lord that special gift that you want to show your gratitude to the lord the bible said bring ye all the eyes into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and he said and probably here with if i will not open to you the winners of heaven and pour you out a blessing that you will not have room enough to receive amen so we want to amen amen invite those that have joined us virtually amen to follow the instructions on the screen amen that god will bless you to be able to give up your substance and bless kingdom bless kingdom work that the kingdom will continue to live on and thrive in this earth in the name of the lord jesus christ let us bow our heads as we bless the offering father in the name of jesus we thank you for substance to be able to give in this offering even in this dry season even in this season of need oh god we thank you for substance to be able to give lord we ask that you would bless some 30 some 60 and some 100 fold blessed now we pray as we put our faith and our trust in you in jesus name let everyone say amen amen at this time even you can follow the directions of the ushers they're in the back they will lead a menu in order to come around and bless the lord in jesus name [Music] so [Music] praise the lord everyone i'm deacon basil here at greater refuge temple dc thank you for all of your support with your support we've been able to keep ministry going and we thank god for your support and we pray that everyone is being blessed in this now there are several ways you can give and we ask that you look at the screen and choose one of the ways that you can give thank you for your support and we pray that god will continue to bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] put those hands together once you give the lord some praise come on give him praise open your mouths and praise the lord he is worthy to be praised oh give thanks unto the lord for he is good and his mercy endureth forever the lord has been good to us i said the lord has been good to us i say the lord has been good to us i see the lord has been good to us amen so grateful to the lord jesus christ and yes as the praise came saying he woke me up this morning some folks were looking as though they didn't know what to praise team was talking about but he woke you up this morning hallelujah proof of that is that you're sitting here right now no wonder the psalmist said let everything that has breath praise the lord it was hezekiah after receiving an extension to life says death cannot celebrate you and the grave cannot praise your name but the living shall praise thee hallelujah everyone that's alive or to lift their hands and tell the lord thank you right now hallelujah yeah just slip those hands yes all week long we've been dealing with the pressures and the hustle and bustle and the lord has brought you into his house on today lift those hands one more time won't you and worship the lord i know we are told that we have to keep the mask on but i don't want some of you to hide behind that mask and feel as though it's an excuse not for you to open your mouth hallelujah i may not be able to see your mouth but god can open your mouth even behind that mask and thank him for all that he's done yeah could have been the other way it's not a cliche it's true you could have lost your mind and some lost it and the lord picked it up and gave it back to you yes hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] to god hallelujah put those hands together one more time won't you [Music] father we love you today and we're so grateful you allowed us to be here another time brought us through another week so many things have been happening lord but in the midst of it we can say that you have been keeping us watching over us thank you thank you thank you hallelujah we had ten thousand tons we could not thank you enough for all that you've done bless us now through your word speak to us give us what we need please lord touch every person here under the sound of my voice even those who have connected with us via live stream i pray that you sit in their living room minister to them even in their cars in the office space touch us all speak to us all we pray in jesus name say it with me in jesus name amen the book of philippians chapter 4 philippians chapter 4 one verse very familiar verse here's what the lord placed in my heart to minister on this morning philippians chapter 4 verse 11 you have it say amen not that i speak in respect of want for i have learned in whatsoever state i am there with to be content may the lord had a blessing to the reading of his word sanctified in our hearts that we may grow thereby not that i speak in respect of want for i have learned in whatsoever state i am there with to be content want to use briefly as a subject today i won't complain i won't complain just lift your hands and say i won't complain the lord bless you you may be seated the older i get and when i say that i'm not just speaking chronologically but i'm i'm speaking spiritually as well the more i see the need to depend on god more and more it comes clearer to me that there are many who have looked the other way and felt as though they can make it without the lord and i'm scratching my head trying to figure out how could they think or even attempt to think that without god they can do or be anything looking at what's going on and seeing what's happening to the minds and the hearts of people around us in society around the world it has to make you wonder why so many instead of holding on to god or walking away from him now to some what i just said might seem broad it's a broad statement and perhaps it's just that but when you think of all of the many things that have happened and that are still going on around the world anyone that has five minutes of a relationship with god would be able to raise their hand and say i thank god for keeping me yeah i thank god i thank god good things have happened yes it hasn't all been bad bad things and i'm convinced though that it is how we react or respond to the situations in life it can either ruin us or make us it could either push you further away from god or bring you closer to him now right here in this conversation i could pivot into many directions but here is what the word of god says the just shall live by faith faith is it merely a statement is it just a cliche with many i have faith i believe you've heard me say it many times it's it's the application of what we say and here that really makes the difference there have been people who have sat in church for years still and not living according to faith still have not come to a place where they truly lean and depend on god and thinking about what i was going to minister on today it came to me that even the good things that have happened to us in life can ruin us if we forget where our blessings come from yeah all those seasons may change we are admonished in the word of god to remain consistent and faithful to our praise and worship and our commitment to our god the walk isn't easy don't don't don't let anyone trick you into thinking that because you speak in tongues the walk is supposed to be easy or because you go to church every week the walk is supposed to be easy no and just by the fact that the bible tells us that the just shall live by faith it indicates that they're going to be some issues that will rise some situations that may occur in our lives that no matter what and we've been saying this from time to time all this year during this no matter what good or bad we are to put our trust in god i'm reminded of what david said on one occasion they that trust in the lord shall be as mount zion it cannot be removed but abideth forever and as the mountains surround jerusalem he says god surrounds his people we should never allow the good things in life the good things that have happened the job money the car that relationship to cause you to forget god don't allow the bad things that have occurred in your life the disappointments perhaps you've been sick in your body perhaps your heart has been broken you've been troubled don't allow that to cause you to forsake god he is faithful i said he is faithful yeah he is faithful and now i know because in the midst of the bad things that happen people struggle to say those words god is faithful but even in the bad times he's yet faithful to us we have some senior saints seasoned saints that have been through enough who could tell you that he's just as sweet when things are good as he is when things are bad he's just good i don't know how he brought me through the things he has brought me through i can't even find my mind and some of you understand exactly what i'm talking about the knot that was tied in your life was too tight for you to take loose yourself the mess that you weigh in it was too messy for you to clean yourself yet the lord saw fit to bring you out he untied the knots washed you up from the mess that was made and it's through that that i learned to depend on him i had exhausted all of my strength all of my thoughts didn't even know what to pray for anymore but the lord had a way of bringing me out victoriously i know there's somebody who's watching us even somebody in the temple who understands exactly what i'm talking about if i'm talking to you lift your hands and say god brought me through yes the midst of this but you have to be careful when you're going through that you don't allow yourself to be tempted into a place of complaining and murmuring and it dawned on me while we were meditating and thinking about what the lord wanted to minister on today that how there are times perhaps when we come to the house in worship and praise but when we leave his house we go into a place of complaining and murmuring because we're not satisfied or because of the struggle because of what's going on around us israel would do that they would come and make their sacrifice but go back to their tents and murmur and complain and then they got bold with it they would complain openly and they should have been worshipping and praising even while the prophet would prophesy even while the leader would lead them they would complain about where they were what was going on the worst thing any child of god can do is become a complainer come to a place where you say hallelujah one moment and then complain the next moment you have to decide am i a worshiper or a complainer can't be both you you can't say god is good one second and say the next second he's not gonna do anything about my situation i don't know why you're taking no you either believe or you don't believe it's either yes or no it's either lord i'm trusting you or hallelujah i don't want to deal with this anymore you've got to make up your mind either am i going to worship him for who he is am i going to complain about everything i see every feeling that i have the other thing i need to just plainly tell you that if the enemy ever tricks you into being a complainer so much so until you complain more then you worship you you fuss more than you pray then you need to understand plainly that god hates complaining yeah first reason i can tell you because he hates complaining because it poisons your attitude it brings you out of a positive faith attitude knowing that god is able trusting him and believing him and it gives you an attitude that makes you more negative than positive how can we serve a god that is all-powerful god that can open any door and sit in his presence and still be negative yes it's even open along the expressions of some of the faces hallelujah you may be singing hallelujah but on your face it says i really don't know if i can trust god in this situation hallelujah questions of unsatisfaction hallelujah you can't even smile anymore or even crack your lips to say lord i thank you even in the midst of all that i'm going through when we are told in the word of god in all things give thanks for this is the will of god christ jesus concerning you hallelujah the other thing about complaining is not only does it affect your attitude but it's contagious it it affects you also but it affects those who you sit around who who you worship with hallelujah look down your row and say complaining is contagious yes hallelujah remember 12 spies was sent out hallelujah and they went out and it would seem as though they would have all came back with the same report only two out of 12 holiday which tells me somebody in the camp had to open their mouth and plant a negative seed now there were 10 complaining and saying we are not able to take this we are not able to do this only 2 out of the twelve hallelujah were willing to stand up and say we are yet able to do this hallelujah they said we should by all means go up and take possession for we shall surely overcome it the bible says the other man who went with joshua and caleb gave out to the sons of israel which means they went around the camp hallelujah telling folks we don't need to do this you know how folks do i just got through saying hika messiah the first conversation they have is a negative one according to the word of god hallelujah they went out with joshua and caleb but when they gave came back they gave out to the sons of israel a bad report number one their instructions were to come back to moses and bring their report to moses but instead they went around the camp and reported to the sons of israel this is what they said the land devours its inhabitants all the people whom we see in it are men of great size as this small group continue to complain and grumble the infection was planted in the cap now you got folks coming out that camp saying i heard it's a mess over there hallelujah i heard that it don't make sense for us to go in there because there were giants in the land they grumbled so much until the bible says the people wanted to rise up and kill moses for bringing them to the promised land could you imagine god brings you to the promise and because you allowed someone to plant a negative seed in your mouth all of the in your mind rather all of this negativism comes out of your mouth when you should be confessing the promise of god when you should be talking about how god is going to make a way hallelujah so you've got to be careful of the infection of complaining it's dangerous it's destructive [Music] it'll put a gap between you and the blessing god has in store for you and finally it implies that you don't really trust god hallelujah because in order for me to complain i have to speak against what god has already spoken concerning my journey hallelujah he said i'm going to bless you he said hallelujah in multiplying i'll multiply and blessing i'll bless you he said that every piece of lamb hallelujah that you mark i'll allow you to have it god said that anyone that blesses you i will bless them anyone that curses you i will curse you hallelujah but when you complain it implies that you do not trust what god has planted in your life hallelujah god led them to the promised land that place that flowed with milk and with honey but when things got tough they started complaining and lamenting which means they didn't just complain they started singing songs about it whining even in their prayers instead of worshiping fervently and giving god all of their praise there was a mixed voice in the congregation hallelujah is not this the word that we told you in egypt they started talking back to the man of god moses is telling them how blessed they are how strong their god is they had already seen god open up the red sea but when they get to the dry place they opened their mouths and said leave us alone don't say nothing else to me about what god told you i don't like what i see i don't like how this feels and they said it would be better for us to be left in egypt the land you see what complaining does it puts you in the place now where you start speaking against the blesser and the one hallelujah who's responsible for your existence in the first place hallelujah so when i complain in difficult situations or circumstances i'm telling god that i don't trust him you remember job hallelujah he's rich one day and loses everything the next day but this is what the word of god says about job and all this job sinned not nor charged god foolishly in other words job came to this mindset if i don't have nothing positive to say i'm going to keep my mouth shut hallelujah as a matter of fact i know what the devil wants me to do he wants me to feel sorry for myself he he wants me to come to the conclusion that there is no hope hallelujah but job rips his beard he rips his clothing and he lays on his face and he worships the god of his salvation hallelujah and it was solomon who said i've got the antidote to complaining you've got to be fearful enough of god when you don't speak against his way or his word hallelujah i don't know why god brings me this way all i know is he knows the way that i take and after he's tried me i shall come forth as gold hallelujah but solomon says it's the fear of the lord it's the fountain of life that one may turn away from the snares of death and the spirit of complaining is a snare it will pull you out of your praise and pull you out of your faith and put you in the place where all you see is what's going on and you forget that god has his way no matter what you see god has his way no matter who's against you god hangs his way i hear the holy ghost patting me on the back tell him again i'm gonna have my way it doesn't matter how many stand against you how many conspire against you it doesn't matter how many at work say you can't have the job if i've already given it to you they've got to hand it over the promotion has already been established i already saw you sitting in the chair i already made arrangements and told the enemy that not to put his hands on you and if i let him touch you don't kill you and he can take your stuff but i i have your soul in the palm of my hand i'm in control i want you to understand this don't do all this speaking in tongues and forget i'm in control don't don't do all of this dancing running and jumping and then get in the midst of the realities of your life and forget that if i brought you this far then i'm able to bring you even further you want to know enough about me by now to know that what i say i mean and what i mean i say you want to know enough about me by now to know that i am fully capable of bringing what i say to pass as a matter of fact if i share it it cannot return unto me void and there are things i haven't even said i just fought it in my mind and it has come to pass you are here because of the thoughts that i had in my mind and the breath that you're breathing now it's because i put it there hallelujah and i'm god yes even when things have gone wrong i'm still your god even when there's no money in your pocket i'm still your god i'll let you lift your hands and say he's still my god [Music] so i'll fall about all of this because for some reason i'm hearing too many saints complain and murmur and talk as though they are not satisfied i'll hallelujah with god it's one thing to be disappointed because you didn't get it when you thought you should have gotten it but it's another thing to hallelujah choose to speak against god to forget about he's in control even even when you testify you say more about the problem than you do about the god that can solve your problem even when you testify you told everybody how sick you are how much medicine you take and then you hang up the phone or you sit down as though to say that's the end of my testimony but what about where he said thanks be to god who has given us the victory why why did you stop there look down your room and say why would you stop there hallelujah we know you've been sick we know you've told it so long until we can tell you what medication you've been taking but what about the blood of jesus what about the stripes that were laid on his back i need you to finish your testimony i'll open up your mouth and say there's more to my testimony than what i said the last time i get so upset when all you can talk about is how much it hurts it bothers me in my spirit when people testify and all you've said is they hurt me they they destroyed me hallelujah give the impression that people that hurt you are more powerful than the god that can heal you you give people too much power you better change the testimony you better open up your mouth hallelujah and let god hear you say though he slay me yet will i you better open up your mouth don't sign off don't ever sign off your testimony on a negative note you better open up your mouth yes i told the truth i've been sick but i'm going to close my testimony like this god is a healer [Music] [Applause] [Music] some of you don't even know how to testify how have you all you have developed is a strong sense of complaining i'll tell you even in your prayer all you do is complain god i'm tired of this god god told me to tell you stop whining and learn how to pray stop whining so much and talk to me like you know i can do it stop whining so much i told you to come to me boldly speak to me like you know i'm a healer [Music] speak to me like you know i can open doors hallelujah i know you can move it i know you can pull it down i know you can make a way i know that's why paul said and we know hallelujah look down your row and say what do you know about god sitting there pouting what do you know about god sitting there acting like he ain't able what do you know about god if you know it baby then lift your hands and say i know he can do it he can do it he can do it he can do it that's why i praise him the way that i praise him and even if you don't do it the way i think you want to do it even if you don't touch it the way i want you to touch it any way you bless me [Music] i gotta go to the text thank you lord within the book of philippians and it's a letter that paul writes it perhaps is considered one of the tenderest writings that he writes the most delightful letter and this is despite the fact that while he's writing the letter he's in jail he's in rome now first time he's been put in jail and they put him in jail because he refused to stop preaching the word of god he opened his mouth and preached jesus crucified risen again on the third day he would preach the indwelling of the holy ghost hallelujah baptism in jesus name lives were being changed and the more they told him to shut his mouth the more he opened it and preached jesus and said i am not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ for it is the power of god unto salvation lift your hands and say i'm not ashamed of the gospel so then he's in jail writing this letter and he writes because he wants to thank them for their recent generosity to him during his missionary journey they were known for being generous to the men of god they would send ephraditis hallelujah to update him on their circumstances perhaps he would have some parchment some some food most of all financial help along his journey and he wanted to assure them that everything they had sent to him through ephratas he had received he also wanted them to cheer up i don't want it to bother you that i'm going through the things that i'm going through you've never heard me complain about my situations not one time have i said to anyone that i don't want to do this anymore i'll tell you i have remained true to my calling and i want you to understand that things will happen hallelujah to me the more hallelujah if you live for god things will happen in your life also i believe paul did not want them to only be able to sing and praise when things were not going well hallelujah in their life he did not want them to shut down or give up on god hallelujah you remember when he was in jail with silas hallelujah they could have laid there and bled to death and complained about their situation but at midnight they prayed and sang praises unto their god but paul had learned some things about how god moves in our lives and he said you may not believe what i'm about to tell you but i am convinced that the sufferings that i'm dealing with in my life is for the furtherance of the gospel hallelujah i thought about that and this is what dropped in my spirit every time something is taken away from me god brings back more every time i shed tears god brings back more every time i go through pain god brings back more i remember his word when they said if i sow in tears i reap in joy i heard him in his word where he said for all of your trouble you shall receive double and for everything that was taken from you you shall possess a double even on one occasion moses said hallelujah i'm paraphrasing god will give you more than what you can count in your hand so don't worry about what you lose don't worry about who says you can't have it god will use that to give you more let me make it even plainer have you ever been broken over a job you lost upset about how they treated you on your job only to come to a place where god flipped it and ended up giving you better job better wages why did he take me this way i've got the answer so when i get there i won't forget that it was god that made a way for me to have it i bear somebody to open up their mouth and say then it's all good i'm hurting now but it's all good they lied on me but it's all good i know some of you looking at me like i'm crazy how could my pain be good they lied on me how can that be good they mistreated me how can that be good it's good because god's gonna take that and give you more than you imagined exceedingly abundantly more than i can ask oh thank you i asked god for 200 he wants to give me 2 million i asked god for pencil he said i'll give you the whole forest i ask god to make me the manager he said i'll give you the whole business that's what god wants me to have so why should i allow the enemy to tempt me into a place of worry and complaining lift your hands and say i better watch what i say because he's able i better watch what i say out of my mouth i'd rather use my mouth to worship i'd rather use my mouth to praise than to complain hallelujah god will see about me so paul speaks to them about joy in serving god joy [Music] one word he could have closed the book hallelujah you mean to tell me that's all they really needed to hear yes they could all he really had to say is joy here i just lost my job i can't pay my bills all i really need to say is joy i don't mean organ joy i don't mean drum joy i mean jesus joy when you remember who you serve when you remember his power when you understand that his ways are not your ways or your thoughts his thoughts then you can lean back even with tears in your eyes and say lord the only thing that's left for me to do is to give you praise i feel my help now so the final thing paul needs to do sitting in prison he said they need some counseling i need to talk to them about how to keep it together how to hold it together in the midst of their adversity and not allow whether it's good or bad [Music] and their commitment to their faith in god he deals with them concerning but i need you to unify stay together see a need for one another and don't let your brother cry by himself don't let your sister cry by herself didn't the bible say rejoice with them that do rejoice hallelujah [Music] i don't care what you heard [Music] don't let nothing come in between us we gotta be able to touch and agree i know we're social distancing but we can still touch maybe not with my hand but i can meet you eyeballs and just give you a signal and let you know you got to pray for me and i'll pray for you look at somebody just give them the eye [Music] let them know i got you [Music] that god strengthens you i'm gonna pray that god keeps your mind until you get your breakthrough i won't let the devil mess with you when i see them bothering you i play the blood of jesus i know when i pray i'll call your name look at somebody else and let them know i got you back he said i want you to grow in humility [Music] don't get the big head when god blesses you cause he didn't just bless you for you i blessed you so you could bless somebody else lift your hands and say the word out of your mouth had it not been for the lord who was on my [Music] [Music] i so open your mouth and tell somebody not i [Music] but christ in me he did [Music] i want you to grow such a way that when you come together the spirit of the lord will move among you it doesn't matter where you are you could be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and i want you to grow in peace that passes all understanding and peace even in the midst of all that you see peace in your mind it ain't time to run [Music] i [Music] [Music] jesus that's why i sing that song just another day i feel like preaching has kept me has kept me [Music] with my mind [Music] thank you it's not been a good journey [Music] always but i want to thank you for helping me when i needed food you sent me food when i needed money you sent me money hallelujah but he was careful not only to remind them of what they did for him but he's reminding himself that god made it possible [Music] listen to what he says i rejoice in the lord that now but the last care of me have flourished again in other words it was a time when you couldn't send me money it was a time when i had no food to eat and nobody was able to help me i believe god did it on purpose he made me hungry on purpose i was by myself and god did it on purpose he said i realize that if you could you would you didn't have the opportunity and i'm not saying this because i want you to go in your pocket [Music] [Music] there was nothing in there i had to learn how to praise him the same i had to come to church hungry and praise him like i had food on the table i learned how to be content when i didn't get the job i still gave him the lord [Music] lord i just wanna thank you hallelujah thank you lord god has brought me through too much for me to just give glory to man oh no i give the way to god lift your hands [Music] take god gets home hallelujah i thank you for calling me when i needed income i thank you for putting money in my hand but all the glory belongs to god i've been through too much for me to mess around i'm not giving praise i'm not giving gonna [Music] i don't look like what i've been through you'll be surprised if i told you how many lives they told on me you'd be surprised if i told [Music] and shouted in the temple of the jews five times receive thy forty stripes save one three times i was beaten with raw satin i was stoned i left a dead [Music] three times [Music] it hasn't been an easy journey scream down your road i tell him you'd be surprised if i told you the whole story it would blow your mind i was in trouble in the water danger i was my wrong countrymen did me wrong people outside of the church and people in the church stabbed me in the back i've been in trouble [Music] [Music] i had the and it wasn't because i was spiritual i had to fast because i had no food to eat i've been cold cause there were no blankets holes in my shoes and i didn't have the right clothes to wear hallelujah and beside all of that i barely care of the churches in other words the trouble didn't stop just because i speak in tongues the trouble didn't stop just because i sang a song the trouble didn't stop just because i joined the church hallelujah i learn how to trust in god i learn how to pray [Music] i learned my stomach was growling but [Music] them i learned how to pray through it i learned how to praise through it i learned how to dance through it i learned how to worship through it [Music] [Music] my soul [Music] i don't have time to complain i got too much to praise him for i don't [Music] what he's done [Music] how many worshipers do i have in the temple today how many have worshippers with us this morning i dare you to raise those hands and open up your mouth and just praise god [Music] but i'm gonna praise you i will bless the lord at all times and his praises i shall continually [Music] and be glad [Music] come on praise him [Music] [Music] i'll turn it around him and i hear him say i'll open the door praise him praise him i will praise him praise him praise him right now praise him right now praise him right now praise him right now praise him right now praise him [Music] he says if i [Music] if i must need glory i will glory in the things which concern my infirmity he said if i if i can only praise him when my body is feeling well then i just don't need to praise him at all he said but if i'm on glory [Music] i'm gonna do it in the things concerning my infirmity i think it was because the pain brought him closer the hurt brought him closer [Music] the problem made him stronger i need you to add these three words to your testimony i feel a breakthrough in this house just just three words i need you to add to your testimony i need you to look down your own just scream at somebody and say i'm better now [Music] um now i know [Music] some of you that went over your head but that's okay because no one really can understand it better than the person that just said it i'm better now i couldn't pray this way until i started having problems in my life i couldn't phrase him like this [Music] before but i'm i'm praising him a whole lot better now oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i'm not gonna lie it hurt but i'm better now i'm not gonna lie to you i didn't like what i went through but i'm better now [Music] [Music] everybody clap those hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll kill the praise in the house [Music] everybody [Music] god [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you better release a praise in here you better release that phrase [Music] don't just clap your hands release a praise out of your mouth release a praise [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] i'm better down so [Music] [Music] for fundamental [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] put those those of you who have connected with us via live stream i want to minister to you first you have a special need in your life the word of god has touched you today just put your name in the comments section we're getting ready to pray for you you have not been baptized in jesus name have not been filled with the precious gift of the holy ghost let us know send us a request say preacher i want to be baptized bishop i want to be filled with the holy ghost send it to admin at someone from the staff will reach out to you tell you what you need to do we'll arrange baptism for you and even during this pandemic while people are distancing the holy ghost is still falling god can fill you with the holy ghost hallelujah yes he can as a matter of fact we believe that if you lift your hands right now and just worship him right in your living room why didn't your call he can feel you with the holy ghost hallelujah touch lord father in the name of your son jesus christ you know their names one by one you know their address i pray oh god that you would step in their space sit in their car rest upon them touch heal set free and deliver you know the situation we pray oh god that you'll make ways for our brother make ways for our sister hear their cry do it for them we ask in jesus name say it with me in jesus name everybody put your hands together we're praising the lord jesus along with you right here yes the altar is ready here in the temple those of you who desire prayer come come you want to be baptized in jesus name come we'll baptize you today [Music] [Music] praise the lord pastor fields here and i hope you have enjoyed your worship experience with us on today thank you so much for connecting with greater refuge temple here in the nation's capital washington d.c i want to thank you for connecting with us being a part of this worship experience and we also for those of you who may just be meeting us for the first time wanted to tell you a little bit about ourselves we are part of a great organization that great reformation churches of our lord jesus christ was founded in 1919 by bishop r c lawson and this beautiful oedipus that we're standing in built ministry founded by bishop william lee bonner i have the honor now being the pastor we have been growing the lord has been blessing us tremendously souls have been saved and blessed and set free and we're continuing the work yes even in the midst of these trying times we are determined to continue the work i pray that you continue to connect with us i pray also that as the lord delivers and set free that he will not leave you out you'll be blessed along with us as well until we meet again shalom shalom [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Greater Refuge Temple DC
Views: 312
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: GRTDC, COOLJC, Jesus, preaching, gospel, save your soul, holiness, prayer, bible study, oneness, refuge temple, greater refuge temple, Jesus only, Pentecostal, bishop fields
Id: grPGIOzmJ5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 18sec (6858 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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