Growing Up Amish Amish Church Lunch, Amish Church Sweet Peanut Butter

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[Music] Lord [Music] [Music] all [Music] Welcome to our Channel we are the mullet family in this episode we talk about our Amish Heritage how it was growing up so glad you can join us we hope you enjoyed this content if you do don't forget to give us a like subscribe and leave a comment we love hearing from from [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to my channel my name is Mary mullet and we are the mullet family this is one of the dresses that I wore when I was still Amish if you've watched us for any length of time you may remember that both Marvin and I grew up Amish until we were in our 20s and this is one of the dresses that I wore I still kept it all these years it's been now over 20 years since we left the Amish I never was good at sewing but my sister Esther is a great seamstress and so is my mom and some of my other sisters this dress was made by my sister Esther it has the cape this is what we would call the H right here and with that came a shots or an apron so right now I'm ironing it so I can wear it and show you guys how it looks like I remember so well when I first wore this dress I was so proud of it and I thought it made me looks so nice one of the things growing up Amish we were not allowed to have any prints and they had to be very plain and there were some colors that we were not allowed to have I I was born in a very conservative old order Amish community in Bowling Green Missouri and that church is still going and I have cousins there today but As I Grew Older we moved quite a few times and by the time I was a teenager my parents moved to a community we were still old order but more liberal we were allowed to have running water no electricity but we had running water Indoor bathrooms and we had a lot more modern conveniences this dress is actually more modern than a lot of old order very strict old order Amish communities as you can see this dress has puffed sleeves and when I was growing up that was a big deal now in our church puffed sleeves were kind of frowned upon you know that you shouldn't have it it's too fancy it's too fancy and you can imagine I have five sisters and my dad was the pastor plus he was an ordained old order Amish Bishop us sisters we would always be looking for the newest material that came out that we could make ourselves some dresses we were always pushing the limit as to what we were allowed to do and my poor dad he just had a lot on his plate people would come and complain to him that our caps weren't quite right or you know your girls's dresses are too fancy we were the preachers kids so we were supposed to to be the ones where everyone looked at and followed so I've got my dress on and the next thing I'm going to show you is how we used to put up our hair I used to have a clip and somehow I lost it but I'll just use a rubber band that works just as fine and what we used to do is pull up our hair in the back put it in a bun and then I would always put a net over my bun along with these hair pins would always have these hair pins every Amish community has a different set of rules so I wanted to show you some communities their coverings they had to have a little bow in the back and they had little pleats we didn't have that our Cup this is my covering I had didn't have to have bow and it didn't have any pleats in the back but this is the covering that I used to wear now my hair is not quite as thick as it used to be that's CU I've thinned it out some and I've cut it I used to have a big hair ball in the back and how I did that was I'll try and show you if I can do it without a mirror is I just gather my hair put a put it in a ponytail then just kind of make a bowl like that and then I just take one of these clips put it in like this now like I said my hair bow used to be a lot bigger then I would just go like that like this cover it in and go like that there you go and then I would put on my cap if you see this little pin we would use these all the time we would put it in our cap like this so that when the wind blew or we ran around our caps didn't fly off so there you have it when we would go away I I would always wear my Bonnet it was very important you did not leave the house without your Bonnet now when as we got older we went to a more liberal Church where we didn't wear bonnets as much anymore but when I was younger you didn't go anywhere without your Bonnet and this is still the Bonnet I had growing up and if it was slightly chilly you would wear your Shaw you wouldn't wear your coat first but you would wear your Shaw if it was really cold you would wear a coat underneath and put your Shaw on top you would always want your Shaw to hang just right and I would put my pin in this brings back so many memories you put your pin in maybe underneath so you can't see it we were always trying to be discreet hide our pins make everything just as tidy and as perfect as we can and then comes the Bonnet because I was not married at the time I was Amish so I would often go find my friends often it was after church after church lunch I would go find my friends and we would take a long walk and we would wrap our Shaws around us and go walking I just remember those times and those are very sweet memories for me community that I grew up in had church every other Sunday so we had Church twice a month and then we had an in between Sunday and some Churches have Sunday School in there in between Sundays and other churches we would maybe go visit another church but As I Grew Older we had Sunday school at our church all my years growing up every church Sunday we would have a meal and it would often consist of lunch meat cheese on a cold day I remember having noodle soup we would always have Amish Church peanut butter when we made it my mom would get this huge Bowl we would have like a massive bowl of peanut butter everyone loved peanut butter and to this day I love taking peanut butter to church and if you're trying to lose weight or if you're trying to stay away from sugar or unhealthy ingredients this is not a recipe for you but the way my mom made it she would always put in carot and marshmallow cream and of course with the sweet peanut butter we would always eat it with red beets bread and butter pickles we would always have white and brown bread and we would stack them together on a plate will [Music] faith it will come true you can trust in me let your heart rest in I [Music] will your heart for all of God's promises are true [Music] will and here I have it omish Church sweet peanut butter oh god father on Welcome to our Channel and welcome to the Amish Church launch like many of you who follow us for any length of time know that both Marvin and I grew up in the Amish culture the song that I just read is sung at every church Sunday now we had Church twice a month and whenever we had church we would sing the L uh when you went to church what were what did you have for lunch well this is pretty much what we had our day would start out about 5: in the morning go out milk about 60 cows do all the chores be in the house eating at 7:00 and depending on how many miles we had to go we'd be on the road at 7:30 uh was just started at 9:00 and being late was really a humiliating event even if you got there five minutes if you got there at 8:55 you were late yeah my dad was always on time so a lot lot of times Sunday morning that that was our routine we did our chores as fast as we could went in ate breakfast and then headed off off the church and most times we'd be there 30 40 minutes early and that's what you see in the morning um all the L ladies the women go into the house the men stand you know put the horses away unhitch the horse put the horse in the barn then they stand around and talk yep nami's church services are all in German this is the high German all the songs is singing High German and also they read out of the German Bible I learned German going to school uh English is my second language I in our house we spoke a Swiss dialect in your house you spoke a the Pennsylvania Dutch Pennsylvania Dutch or German dialect yeah and uh then service was would start at 9:00 a.m. and they lasted 3 hours on hard wooden back lust benches and the benches were too low for a full grown person yeah we would sit on those hard benches then we had and that's a whole other story we'll maybe cover that some other time but yes yeah imagine um within two Sundays the ministers trying to preach everything that happened in the Bible yes sometimes they even want to start earlier than 9:00 and yeah we would sometimes it would um um the communion would sometimes go till 6:00 at night so maybe we should give you a little bit more of an idea what would you say they call it uh what was that all about so is it twice a year or once a year spring and fall twice a year so we had uh twice a year the Amish have communion but before we have communion we have what they call which is in preparation for communion and that is when we would go through all of our church ordinances what is allowed what isn't allowed and so forth to prepare us for the next time we would have communion yeah and then when we would have communion uh the ministers there's quite a few ministers that get up about three right it's been so many years I it's the opening and then the one who reads the scriptures and then the one who has uh the main sermon now that's for a normal church service the G I'm not sure but communion didn't they have like at least three they may have anyway they start from Genesis and they pretty much go all the way to Revelation and it it can last I remember when I was little our church it went up to toward evening from early morning till evening yeah uh I grew up in the community I grew up in in the earlier years most of them were farmers and so they pushed if they needed to be home in time to milk cows um and occasionally it would go till 5:00 at night 9:00 in the morning till 5:00 at night 8 hours of church service and so this could be a really long day depending on who the speaker was if it was a gifted speaker and he was a good Storyteller the day usually went pretty fast the guy had a really loud voice and he animated the stories I remember times when the whole day would go by and it's like wow is it over already and there's other days that the guy was maybe a quiet speaker you couldn't really hear him microphones loud um PA systems were non-existent yeah mhm and those days were just pretty long when you have communion in the the middle of the church service uh some person will go out and row by row they will feed the people yeah they don't break for lunch so the ladies are out somewhere else prepping the food and then there's like x amount of benches let's say there's 50 people or so that can they can see 50 people and so like the oldest the ministers etc those will all go out and eat and they'll come back and then the next group will go and depending on how large a congregation was I mean it might have been 10 groups that went out and then came back in and of course the youngest got to go the last like the boys um the unmarried boys the unmarried girls they would get to go last yes because when you go to church it's all by age the oldest goes in first and and followed by those that are just younger yeah absolutely yeah and they're they're segregated the men sit on one side the women on the other side uh families don't sit together at all and you always sat beside the same person every Sunday well we had service every every other Sunday the Amish do not have church every Sunday they have every other Sunday yep and so yeah it's all about age it's not like you just go in and just sit where however you happen to come through the door it is all about AG when I went to church I had my spot right between the two girls one that was older than me and one that was younger and we would always single file in to the place that was designated for for the youth girls yeah and I I think that stems from the Jewish culture about honoring your elders and it was a big thing I remember going to weddings um in Caston Wisconsin I had an uncle that lived there large family and I just remember it was always this big thing and I was just a little Tau so I most Amish communities they'll sit the boys and girls will sit with their mom or dad until they're probably 10 or 11 old enough to know how to behave themselves so to speak yes and uh it was time to go into the services you know a wedding you would think they could just lay it down and just say kind of the older ones go first in the middle-aged and the younger one oh no I remember times when these old guys would start to go in and this guy would stop oh no I'm not going to go before you I think you're like two days older than me there's no way that I'm going to go and I'm like good grief yes is it that big deal and what I have here is what we often ate yeah sweet pickles and then pickle be these are red beets and these are some that I can and we almost always had bread like that brown bread and white bread for the most part it was well it maybe for the most part most of the people bought the bread were in the community group in yeah yeah well maybe some but I remember often it was homemade yeah and the peanut peanut butter is Amish style sweet peanut butter this is the main thing I think it is a staple and almost every Amish church service yep and then there's the lunch meat and the cheese and I remember sometimes we had CH the way I made it was a more healthier version but I will put the recipe in the description if you're interested in making Amish peanut butter uh you can go check it out it's interesting because at our uh potlucks sometimes we'll have this and all the people who grew up in that culture who were used to the the Amish style sweet peanut butter just they'll dig in and go for and then the people who don't they're like yeah like what is that I've noticed that you either just absolutely love it or you don't really like it and yeah people who are not didn't grow up in that I noticed too they just oh you know it just doesn't you know they don't really like it so this was the only peanut butter I ever had I was probably I'm going to say 10 or 11 before I knew people ate peanut butter out of a jar sticky stuck to your mouth The Taste was different they're like the English folks that's how they eat their peanut butter I like man that is weird when it was cold outside in our community we often had chicken noodle soup and in the summertime the Amish often have large Gardens they had tomatoes for church lunch with mayonnaise and apple butter is another thing that we had most of the time um prunes prunes is something that some people would some of the people also would put out just plain prunes no they were soaked okay really yeah they were that must have been in your community cuz I know I just remember that there was these dishes of prunes they were so like oh my goodness you know uh they better have that's oh my did they have the bathrooms open I don't know now that would be some dish we you know my memory I don't recall very many times that we had soup Sundays unless it was communion then we had soups but soups was something that I just if we had soup Sundays I don't recall well uh we did not every Sunday but when it was like really cold winter we would have some soup and yeah cheese was something we had a lot of I grew up in Wisconsin and we used to get it through the milk companies that uh that we sold the milk to and we hardly went to the store to buy cheese we just tell the Milkman hey we need a 40 lb block of this and yes the next day he bring it out and they would either deduct it I think they had a system where they deducted it from the wage of the next uh the next month's milk check or you could pay for it either way but yeah cheese was always plentiful at our house and another thing that we always had was tea and coffee and I don't have it here but often we had a tray of homemade cookies like chocolate chip cookies peanut butter cookies oh boy chip peanut butter cookies cookies and also we had pies occasionally mom I remember when we had church at one time mom made pies yeah pie was also a common thing that we ate another thing about the cookies is imagine that you you grew up Amish and your cookies were always except for the Ginger Snaps they were always like the homemade I don't know what it is about the chocolate chip and the peanut butter an oatmeal but they were always like the bigger ones they were homemade and they weren't you know petrified and mummified I with all kinds of ingredients like the store bought cookies you buy are dry and hard I was I was like how do people eat these cookies yes that's true in our family growing up I don't remember my mom being very health conscious but I also don't remember eating a lot of chips and things like that we did have a lot of homemade breads a lot of homemade things at home mom baked and cooked from scratch most of the time right our bread at home was always homemade the only time we got to eat white store-bought bread was that Sunday at church or if we had an exchange a lunch Exchange in school I later figured out that store bought white bread is just pretty low on the list of being healthy it's not even good yeah I think I had more bought and bread at home than probably you did cuz Dad would buy it occasionally yeah like school lunches too store bought bread was something we didn't have potato chips was something we didn't have we rarely had potato chips growing up and store bought ice cream was something that we did not have at our house every time we had ice cream it was it was homemade we often had homemade ice cream too mhm and that just reminds me before the snow melts I would love to make some homemade ice cream going to have to hurry cuz it's going to be gone this week 50s and lower 60s this is what we normally had after a long 3our sermon church service sitting on Hard hard wooden backless benches bread butter peanut butter cheese um balone or lunch meat lunch meats yeah we'd lather on you know multiple layers and uh I never was a big fan of the pickles oh I was and I should spread a bread like I used to what we would do is we would either put butter on first or then just put the peanut butter on then I would put some pickles on top of the peanut butter and then on top of the pickles would go meat and cheese and oh that was so good if I eat this peanut butter I almost have to have sweet bread and butter pickles on top and then just to put some cheese and meat on top of that oh that is so good I should just show you how I did it so I would take a piece of bread and then I would take some pickles and I would just layer the pickles on like this next goes some cheese and meat and there you have it that's how I would eat it it was so good so let me iterate before you eat you don't to show up at the table and eat there's Grace oh yes so everyone sits down and you don't eat yes until there's a silent prayer and the bishop gets up and you know the boys are always in the back corner and then you hear this you know you you be talking or whatever but you be listening for the queue yes and you'd hear something like this when the dish Frozen but are still HED some beit that's mean the tables are filled let's pray and it was a silent prayer and then of course the boys are always had stuff they wanted to do and go out and play ball or volleyball or whatever and we'd be sitting there and there's Grace after you get you don't leave the table until you pray again and then he'd say if we're Phil if we're full let's thank god well it has happened the boys wanting to go sitting there for 10 15 minutes and the old guys are you know taking their good old time talking and eating and nobody they're just not done they just not done and all of a sudden they'll mimic the bishop and everybody prays and they go out the door all of a sudden somebody realizes it wasn't even the bishop that said it well that stuff does all go on once in a blue moon yeah very rarely but I'm sure I never I I never it never happened that I was I never had it happen where I was present at the setting but I did hear about it um from different communities and pretty sure somebody who did that was not a member of the church because they'd probably get reprimanded pretty bad and uh probably have to make a confession up front that's just something you don't do my experience growing up as an Amish girl I have so many many beautiful memories I would never trade it for anything I learned so many life lessons and so many beautiful things anyway this is the first of a little bit of a a few episodes that we're going to do about the homage whatever so stay tuned for the rest of those so now to get to just a few of your comments Christine Schwarz best wishes on your pro your project starting hope all goals as plan all congratulations on your little chicks your sisters probably called you the Cookie Monster thank you for sharing this mama you posted when I saw the thumbnail for this video I just had to make a first comment he is the cutest George I've ever seen love your channel and love seeing your precious family the root to 1957 do any of your children have missor as a teacher yes they both do so miss horse is the teacher here um and she's good we love her it's her first year you would never know she's a natural at it wow we're just so grateful for everything she does [Music] y well this is the end of this video I hope you enjoyed as Marvin and I feminist about our life growing up Amish if you like this content please consider giving us a like subscribing and leaving a comment we love hearing from you goodbye till next [Music] time [Music] all [Music] oh
Channel: Mullet Family Montana
Views: 38,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: growing up amish, amish country, amish food, montana homestead, ora miller, my fathers story, my father’s story, my testimony growing up amish, amish people, libby montana, Amish church lunch, amish food cooking, amish church service, amish church, amish church spread, amish peanut butter spread, amish peanut butter recipe, how to make amish peanut butter, amish food recipes, amish peanut butter, amish recipe, amish cooking, amish church service video, amish recipes
Id: bRwgnoYRejY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 44sec (2084 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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