Amish Church Peanut Butter / Two Recipes!

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growing up i remember us making just a whole bunch of sweet church peanut butter like in a huge bowl like this just heaping full even more because we'd have it every sunday in church right and the way that the uh amish have their meals is what depends on what community of course that you come from but the way that we grew up is we would sit on the benches actually the benches you put two benches together that these special slots that they went in with legs on it and elevated uh the benches and then they became tables so you put the benches together and then they were a table and then did they put cloth on them of any kind or you just ate off the i don't remember if there's any type of like a runner it seems to me maybe there's a runner down it sometimes they do yeah anyways and what would happen is there would be this pile of peanut butter and then a dish of peanut butter and then some of the other things we're going to tell you about just in the middle of the table the way you do it is you you know help yourself to whichever one was closest either that one maybe it was this one over here or you'd have to like you know reach way over there and so that's how it's just like these narrow tables and that's how we we would sit down on a bench and the two benches would be our table and then we'd have our meal every sunday with this delicious sweet peanut butter welcome to monsant haven [Music] and today what are we doing today young lady we're going to show you how to make traditional amish church peanut butter and it is good you're going to love it if you make it you're going to love it and we're actually going to do we're going to show you how to do two different kinds and this is over here the um marshmallow cream peanut butter and the light corn syrup is the very traditional amish peanut butter that you would see anywhere in amish churches although the recipes vary a little bit and then over here i'm going to make my version of sweet peanut butter that is healthier with maple syrup and whipped cream so we're going to do this and then we're going to have our children come up and taste it and they can they don't know who made what but they're gonna pick what they like the best right and i'm gonna make one and and priscilla's gonna make one and they're gonna let the kiddos decide without us telling them yeah what they think is best then you guys can decide which one you want to make yeah and about this peanut butter i have no idea where this originated from it's it's weird because every amish community across the board that i know have this peanut butter for their sunday lunch it's a tradition very traditional yeah and it's actually really unhealthy it's like this corn syrup a whole bunch of corn syrup marshmallow cream it is peanut butter but it is really nice all right let's get started okay which one are you gonna make uh you do the unhealthy one fine bromine okay we'll watch him make um we'll watch him do his first okay so i don't know how to make it so you have to tell me i'll tell you what yeah we're just making very tiny batches okay here we go so babe what you do first is put a half cup of peanut butter in that bowl with this yup i gotta figure out what a half cup is even i have no idea okay ounces there's cups one half right there okay boom got it i'm sure this is gonna be the winning combination because usually junk food is huh taste beats the taste test for kids at least [Applause] okay let's see what we're at there um right and there's half a cup i think that's pretty close not that okay now i just scrape it out of here yeah okay put it right in there well that was a waste of time putting it in here first i should just put it straight in there and guessed okay [Music] all right what's next okay next is 1 4 cup of marshmallow cream okay we can handle that i used to love uh eating this stuff when i was a little kiddo um still good it is stringy okay now we put that in there yep okay now you can't touch it this is all my baby okay what are we supposed to do with that supposed to scrape that out okay priscilla can't touch this otherwise she gets some of the credit for the best peanut butter i just can't help but try and help him okay looks like i'm doing it the hard way here but [Music] certainly amish will make it do it just a little bit faster than this we used to make these huge bowl fulls of just mix it and mix it all right now what do we do now it takes a whole cup of carrots yeah what do we do with this just throw it down or what yeah it's messy okay let's see what we got here one cup one and a half wait that's that's not it i'm at the wrong place here again okay right there get this figured out ah this left looks unbelievably indigestible all right now what do we put it in there and stir it together now you put it in there and stir it together all right i just think that's a lot of carob that is what we have not had this in i mean we i hardly ever make this anymore this way but every once in a while we'll have some in church just for the anyhow okay let's see now i need to do this and scrape this off or what okay should be sufficient all right now let's see what we got here now for the mixing order when i need one a little beater work no how about a little coffee for author would that work i think it would break the froth i'm a typical man trying to figure out a way to do this a little bit easier and faster without having to work as hard this is too much work like the real deal right there it's not totally mixed up but it is sticky got that nice creamy color really smooth texture it's looking good i think we're about there babe okay i think that's it okay call it good one more good stir here okay done okay now let me just show you here this is how this is how it's supposed to look like just a little runny yeah a little bit runny where you can just very spreadable to put on your piece of bread okay wow ooh i got it on my finger okay we'll set it aside and i'll make my my version of it okay now it's my turn and i don't actually have measurements for this you just have to kind of mix it until it's the right consistency and until it tastes sweet enough to you so i'm just going to put in some peanut butter approximately half cup right there and then this is real maple syrup and i use this instead of carroll that should be tasty right there i gotta take this and then i also put in some whipped cream hi boys did you just get home yeah hey there they are what were you guys doing uh we went to a singing class yeah they're doing a music class right now to learn shape notes which i think tonight was the last night right yeah okay here we go again and i put some whipped cream in here i'm almost afraid this is gonna be too thin i might have put in too much oh actually it won't be the texture of this is not as smooth as the other one okay let me taste it a little bit more maple syrup now that looks a lot more like chunky why does it look that chunky i know it's not it's really soft but it's not as smooth it's not as smooth as the other one so that makes there it's a difference to it but it still tastes really good so now we're just using two ingredients here instead of three ingredients over there is that right no you had three ingredients i had three ingredients okay so what's your three ingredients i missed it i had the maple syrup the whipped cream and peanut butter and you had the marshmallow cream and the carrot yeah so this well you can't look because you're you're going to be testing it later so you there's a contest you can't you can't tell which one we're using so this definitely is like more like the church peanut butter this is a lot it doesn't look as good but you know what if you would use like cool whip um it would look better but i just used whipped cream because that's even healthier than cool whip but it doesn't look as the consistency it's not you know it doesn't run as well but it's still very soft and spreadable it probably tastes better as i might guess i'm not sure we'll see well yeah actually i'm going with mine we'll stick with that okay is that it yep that's it okay it's time to get the kiddos up now what do you have right here this is um red beets and bread and butter pickles we would put on sweet sweet pickles on our peanut butter bread and eat it like that and believe me it was actually really good and one thing that's even just one touch better than that is hot tea and then dipping your peanut butter bread into the tea yup you'll see us do that i made some tea oh let's do it okay one two three are the girls coming four there's gotta be one more five there they [Music] okay we're gonna have a taste test children so we can't tell you which one mom made and which one dad made then you have to decide you have to taste and decide which peanut butter is the best okay sound like a plan no no there it goes on the bread this is just perfect spreadable peanut butter here just almost perfect just like i remember taste test number one right there exhibit a okay i kind of got a lot on here that's can't have that much a little s for wyatt [Music] exhibit b okay there's for abby girl here's for who's this ethan because it's a taste of which one is special that i want to special okay did you should give it to jester he passed it on it's all right because he was so kind and get ethan up an extra big chunk oh my forget oh wait next one hey chloe okay the taste testing has begun okay you taste one bread and you just and you eat it or eat some of it and then don't don't decide which one you want first eat both of them and then think in your mind which one is the best and then when you're all ready then you can tell us which one you think is better okay you don't have to eat the whole piece of bread you can go to the other one try out both pieces and then justin tell us which one is better what do you think okay wyatt what's your opinion can't tell huh which is best wyatt which do you think is better all right so far we're zero to zero okay avalon which one do you think is better i don't know yeah you don't know yet they must be close what's your opinion i know probably this which one exhibit b so why why would you say you like that one better because it's more soft really okay justin what about you this one which one is that one the light colored one the traditional one okay and chloe what do you think chloe which one do you like oh so that's too traditional and now avalon where are you gonna what are you gonna say are you gonna break the tie oh two and two and wyatt thinks they're both the same one which one did you like the best that one that's the traditional oh okay three to two okay dad's winning now i guess mom and dad can't vote because we're gonna vote for ourselves so i win right yep dad wins the unhealthy stuff wins [Laughter] now it's our turn to decide what we think is taste the best this is so good wow the trick is dipping in tea oh so oh yeah i just couldn't wait for for lunch time after church because we knew we were going to have hot tea with sweet peanut butter bread wow they're actually both really really similar yeah i actually i'm going to go for this because i know that it's healthier for one thing but it is does take a lighter consistency this to me is too sweet this this is sweet i guess you could put in less cara but then you need it to make the it is more the texture of honey right and this is actually kind of light and fluffy probably because of the whipped cream right but i really like this i mean they're both really good but to me this is not as sweet and to me so i like that a bit better it's got that maple syrup flavor versus the carrot flavor right that's good but i just i like this but yeah i wouldn't miss this if i have this right so it's very similar actually and what i would often do too is put a i know it sounds funny but i would put a sweet pickle on my peanut butter bread and eat it like that and it just tasted amazing and once in a while for church it depended you know who had church but we would also have some ham and cheese maybe or occasionally occasionally and then i sometimes i would put ham and cheese literally we would put ham and cheese and pickles on our sweet peanut butter bread right and i really like these pickled beets i loved growing up these are like my favorite i ate these like crazy this was something we always had for church was pickled beets and pickles and the sweet peanut butter and then we'd often have a noodle soup too and then cookies for dessert cookies or bars that is so good i love these pickled beets are these for a garden yeah wow so hey i know this video was maybe a little bit random but we had fun and you guys got to try this peanut butter it's actually like it's worth it it's delicious i think you've got some pickled beets in your teeth don't don't look at me [Laughter] hey you can tell we're just a regular family that likes to do things together so yeah we're not different than any other human being on this planet this is a treat this is late evening actually right it's like what time is it it's 9 9 30 at night and and believe it or not tomorrow's friday the kids have to go to school and we're still here eating peanut butter there's a problem with that children what are you thinking why didn't you tell dad mom it's bedtime i feared you'd be in bed by eight o'clock like you're supposed to no we've got some wonderful children they don't they don't usually encourage themselves to go to bed and then they but they can go to bed pretty fast when they're and it's not really good that we're feeding them these sweets before bedtime this is not normal anyways thanks for watching montana haven yes we hope this was a little fun little video for you and uh until next time yeah and i'll have the recipe for the traditional peanut butter i'll have the recipe down below and i'll also tell you what i put in which you know i showed you but i'll just write it in the description box below for you so i hope you enjoy and i hope you try it out until next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Montana Haven
Views: 26,245
Rating: 4.9639854 out of 5
Keywords: Miller, Joas, Amish, Farm, Family, Homestead, Montana, Montana Homestead, Homesteading, Amish church peanut butter, Sweet peanut butter, Church peanut butter recipe, Amish peanut butter recipe, Montana haven
Id: ZO2_PXzMLx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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