Amish WARNING about Chickens and Eggs!

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all right you guys welcome back to the homestead today I gotta mess with the Sheep but I'm going to tell you what my friend Noah who's Amish who does chickens big chicken man around these parts and he's got a warning for you guys I hope you're paying attention to this stuff now so I'm gonna walk up here get inside the barn and then I'm going to share with you guys what he said I'm gonna show you guys all the babies we've been having and yeah you got to do your farm chores no matter what some of them we're counting on you especially now we got a bottle feeder her name's Abigail all right I got everybody I threw out a little bit of hay of everybody that gives them a little something to do while I beat Abigail here she's all at my feet here I'm over here [Laughter] oh you're just so precious what are you doing little black face huh we gotta come up with a name with you huh that's the only Ram in the whole joint that guy right there [Laughter] he's a good boy what are you doing big boy huh say hi to the people I don't really like those markings I try to get 100 good white ones but I'm just in that lineage now where you possibly it's kind of like redheads and twins where you possibly will get a little bit of color and then it'll fade back out and you'll start getting more white hold on a second here I gotta give this lamb a break you don't want them to just suck the whole bottle down you and let them get some and then shoe them away and then walk a little bit let them get some kind of mimicking nature and while I do that I'm going to tell you guys what Noah said come on now when you guys are feeding your your sheep and your cows and your goats if you have to bottle feed them right you want to keep that bottle up a little bit see how that neck is see how that's kind of up in the air because that's how they would hit the tee they come in from underneath and they get that neck up and if you don't get the neck up while they're eating you can cause a lot of gas a lot of other problems with them so just kind of kind of do everything you can to kind of look and see how they do everything naturally and then just kind of do the best you can with that so always keep your bottle slightly tilted up there keep their neck kind of stretched out and then take it away that old pig look at her knocking that thing out my goodness huh aren't you just so cute you are yeah we gotta take a break you got to take a break so Grant uh was taking care of her and she he started the bottle feed on her and he named her Abigail so that's her name and it's good to bottle feed use uh Lambs okay if you have girl Lambs But It's tricky to bottle feed the ram Lambs because as they get older they're going to come at you and it's going to mess you up so can keep a u that you bottle feed I'll be able to keep her and she'll have babies and she'll always be friendly but the RAM if we had to bottle feed him that's not so good so you want to probably send him off to freezer camp it's a lot trickier you know to do it so you always remember your safety what are you doing little fella you are so cute you are what are you doing little fella huh what am I gonna call you are you an on an unusual fella so Noah he's my Amish buddy he runs a lot of chickens okay and he goes to the sale Barns and all that stuff now here's what he said about the chickens he's getting eight dollars most he's ever got for wholesale a dozen eggs at the sale barn right now just this last week eight dollars at the sale bar chickens are going high dollar right and he said that he knows somebody in the chickens you know that does them real heavy that says you're going to be paying 25 per chicken coming up so just get for your homestead you know what I mean like when you go to the farm at home and you guys see all those chicks and chickens that are laying eggs are going for high dollar so I'm just trying to give you guys a little heads up you know so it doesn't catch you off guard and maybe you can start thinking about how you're going to approach all that maybe get an incubator if you can and start incubating some eggs you could turn this into a pretty good side Hustle but just like all Commodities you know the stuff goes up and down but this is going to be [Laughter] and there's more stuff about the food uh food system right and everything and I'm going to be sharing with you guys in future videos all right we're in the home stretch we almost got her tipped off I got a chicken up there laying a 20 egg oh here's cotton you remember cotton she's having a nap and abdales done with her bottle boy he's a friend of mine I mean I was that's my adopted dad I call him here in Amish land and uh we've been doing chickens a long time he's always had lots of chickens he always gets pullets in he sells chickens every year he sells feed for everybody and that's not even including how much the feed has gone up for you guys so we were talking last night in our live stream if you missed it that you guys have to learn how to not feed so much feed there's one of those little peas happening see how make sure you're always watching their bowel movements and everything's flowing good just some healthy stuff right here the Abigail you can hear Mama she's making her special call nope not mine nope not mine yep mine and then he gets a drink [Laughter] so yeah not even counting how much the feed has gone up and we were trying to express to you guys that you should be learning to use more table scraps and let your animals open range and uh depends on your program too like here's our philosophy okay so my philosophy is a little bit different I gotten you get all your little cameos My Philosophy is a lot different than most okay my garden does not want to walk around therefore I put a boundary around my garden to keep the animals that have legs and I like to walk around and it's good for them to walk around and they get the muscle tone-ness and they get you know juicier actually you can actually look into this but the more you let your animals move about though they might get a little you know the meat won't be as tender but it'll be way more succulent okay so we let everything with the legs move about so all of our chickens are open Rangers and we just we have spots like in here where we'll find Stacy found a dozen eggs yesterday it was like winning the jackpot in Vegas uh so that's how we do it and then most of the time the chickens are going to lay in the nesting boxes in the chicken coops and you'll have your Rogue little Nest here and there so it's just something to think about right so like I said we lock our vegetables up because they don't have legs they don't want to walk around it's not natural for them to but there's stuff here like the chickens and the deer and everything else that come around here that like to go eat the garden so that's why we protect the garden but all of these animals here they have their big paddocks but they're able to use their legs and move about and you know scratch and forage and get bugs and then we feed them table scraps and Stacy showed you guys last night uh how she even made a little extra rice for them and you know that's just how the Pioneers did it and that's kind of our philosophy we live the Pioneer lifestyle but in the 21st century and luckily we're in the 21st century uh so we can share all this information with you guys a lot of the stuff like lost information this is the first Barn I ever built by myself up here big barn too pretty good here's a hot tip for you I see that I put that fabric down there that's the you know the billboard stuff or a tarp you want to put a tarp down and separate the 10 from the inside because the 10 always sweats so wherever I keep my hay you can see I have the tarp and that way the water won't sweat down onto my hay and I put that tarp up first um you know when I first put the building up so save you a lot of headache that way keeping moisture out of your building but yeah everybody's doing really good one more look around hi Abigail she's looking good doing her thing and you can notice too like the Sheep are already eating hay it doesn't take them long and they're already eating hay of course I meant Lambs the Lambs are already eating hay just after a couple days it doesn't take them long they'll start nibbling and then they'll start adding more fiber into their diet and then that's when they'll start taking you know a little less milk but more often if you will okay and Abigail's just kind of nudging up against me because you know I'm where the food comes from for right now I mean I grant started her off and then Stacy fed her and then when it turned rainy and cold and nasty they tagged me poor dog again [Music] but I'm the shepherd anyway so that's just what I do and they were just helping me out I really enjoyed my time with the Sheep it's been the best uh Homestead animal we could have got for us you guys have to do your own homework but they're just easy Keepers these are called katahdins they're hair sheep so there's no shearing like that that's one reason we got the hair sheep we did not want to Shear any animals we love off-grid electricity is a big deal for us and uh you know if you guys put the math to it with the wool prices now it's not really advantageous there's you know some people that like them and if that's your thing that's cool but for me it just doesn't make sense so all right rain's coming down now the hardest part now is ditching Abigail so let's see if I can get out of here it's going to take a little bit of maneuvering this is the part that's pretty tricky ain't very much noise first she'll run out the front door and run back around here and I gotta bribe the horses too to kind of be quiet so they got a little hay out of the deal now we're gonna see if we can get out of here all right I did it well that's what I got for you from the homestead today we're doing really good we got Abigail on the bottle thanks Grant good job on that it's rainy day oh if you were in the live stream too Mom hit another deer she thought it was a lot worse on the car than it was it was a lot of front-end damage on the bumper and stuff I don't know I'm so loud I guess she's okay thanks for asking don't forget about the warning from Noah about the chickens you guys got to get more self-sufficient stop thinking about buying everything in Tractor Supply start thinking about incubating right start thinking about growing start thinking about before the store you know what I'm saying like don't try to go to the store to get everything start thinking about how you become the store I like that one all right and uh follow this unusual fellow for more tips and tricks I'm making that a t-shirt I swear it right now all right you guys don't forget we're giving away a Ford F-150 four-door XLT right 150 000 miles I know I showed it the other day and it looked like the steering wheel was on the wrong side but that's just the trickery of the camera but there it is right there it's all super clean I even spent money on it to have it detailed for you guys so I'm gonna put new tires on it you know it's not a brand new truck no this is going to be a blessing for somebody so you guys just stay vigilant out there make sure you're sharing our videos subscribe make sure you go to offgood with Doug and to register and as soon as the rain stops I'll put the bed in here I got a bed liner for you and I'm going to show you how that goes in but it's like 12 days away and we're going to draw a winner and it's pretty cool stuff and if you guys just stick with us and keep watching the videos and help us along we're going to really bless a lot of people in 2023 we're gonna turn the whole two years backwards on everybody and we're gonna start blessing people and try to get people unstuck from this mess we've been living in from this mess we living in yes capsized from all the lies we've been living in hey there you go that's a good one and that's a step back off that ledge my friend and I would be your friend yeah that was a good one all right you guys make sure you uh hit that thumbs up leave a comment down below if you knew about this uh 25 per chicken coming up oh my gosh and that's on the you know that's walking around I don't know what's gonna happen at the food store and uh leave it down below and let me know how your chicken feed prices are going okay leave that comment down below we'll see you guys on the next video
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 2,629,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, cooking from scrtch, self sufficient, growing food, how to grow food
Id: ay74Qt14QIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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