Grizzly Bear Charge Story: Trust The Guide, Episode #4 "When THE MAN Makes You The Man", Man Church

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i do believe i'm gonna have to get a some type of indoor option for this pretty windy in case you haven't already guessed i can keep my computer from blowing into the fire but welcome to the campfire tonight we're going to be sharing one of my best bear stories and on this hunt i was guiding a father his name was mitch and his 17 year old daughter maddie we were hunting for moose and grizzly bear and we were hunting in western alaska not very far from the bering sea awesome moose country mostly open rolling hills good footings windy much like this lots of berries yellow and red lots of willows great moose habitat not a ton of uh swamps and spruce so the moose you can see you're seeing moose all the time a 10-day hunt a good hunt you might see maybe 40 bulls awesome awesome country and with me on this hunt was a fellow guide by the name of john anderson john was born and raised in the midwest like me uh illinois not too far from chicago and his dad always took him fishing and hunting i always took him in the outdoors his dad was a businessman but uh really valued the outdoors and john just loved he loved it he ate it up when john was about eight years old he started losing all of his hair and then he discovered that he had alopecia so john eventually went totally bald and of course john's about my age so back in the 80s bullying was a pretty big thing uh i myself was a bit of a bully not that i'm proud of it i was kind of a miserable little prick back when i was a kid some might still argue that i still am i don't know but uh john got bullied a lot and uh john learned pretty quick that the best way to stop a bully from picking on him was to beat his mouth shut john said that before he graduated high school and he had to go to three different high schools because he kept getting kicked out of him for fist fighting so before he graduated high school he said he was in no fewer than 40 fist fights so john was a pretty tough dude and i had guided mitch before and so john just said hey there can only be one chief here so you've got a relationship with mitch so he said i'm just here to help you so whatever i can do to help you out you let me know and and i'll do it otherwise you're in charge so said great and uh off we go first day uh we'd run across a real nice bull uh 66 inches real nice bull matty shoots this bull called him in within no i don't know 120 yards something like that i can't just remember between 100 and 200 at 120 yards something like that spent uh we butchered him out that afternoon spent the rest of the next day packing them out and then the following day we we get back get up on the glassing knob and i don't even know if we had just sat down and this bear comes over this ridge about two miles away looked like a pretty good bear it was all alone wasn't sure if it was a boar or a sow but it was definitely a big bear and we were trying to get two moose and two grizzly bears if we could in 10 days so i figured you know here's a good opportunity and just decided that uh you know we should go after it and john just said hey i'll i'll stay here and spot for you guys and we kind of had a hand signaling system in place so john and maddie and i we took off down through the valley we were going to be out of sight of the bear for quite some time and so that's largely why john stayed up on top just in case the bear moved a lot while we were on the stock that hopefully he could help us find the bear again and it went pretty good uh we got in pretty close within a couple hundred yards we could still see the bear the bear hadn't gone very far it was just feeding on berries out in the open tundra but there was some willows and alders not very far from the bear so we snuck up into one position about 300 yards away and the bear was feeding right towards us so we sat there and waited a while but then the bear changed direction changed his course so we decided all right we got this isn't going to work here we're going to have to get a little warm we're going to have to alter our course and so we decided to get up on this side hill we were cutting the margin on the wind pretty close and we got set up just as we were getting set up i don't know what we were a little over 100 yards you know you got three people mitch was mitch was there kind of largely as a backup but when you get three people obviously it just triples the noise and you know doubles the movement more or less but i had just set my pack down to get maddie prone and just as she was laying down prone the bear kind of turned as it was feeding and it caught our movement so now the bear has has us more or less pegged doesn't know what we are but it's watching us pretty close and maddie's getting into position i'm getting in position i just throw my rifle off to the side get mitch more into position he was gonna back her up if uh you know it wasn't a good hit so maddie gets all nestled in the bear is quartering towards not perfect but it's wide open and i just told her hit her right right in the you know in front of the front shoulder and make sure it feels good and don't shoot what i tell everybody when you're hunting bears is you got to kill them with the first one because you're never going to rarely are you going to get a better shot than your first one because bears they rarely stop to look back particularly if you hit them they're like an atomic bomb going off so maddie sets up boom she takes the hot the shot boom there's there's definitely a hit and the bear takes off running and the way the bear was running it didn't appear like it was hit very hard so i told mitch to take a mitch maddie was had borrowed that was probably a mistake but maddie had borrowed mitch's 300 weather beat and i believe mitch was using maddie's i think it was a 7mm08 boom mitch shoots he misses maddie's rifle head jammed and so she's trying to work the bolt mitch's first shot was an air ball and so i go to grab my rifle because i'm i hadn't even loaded my my rife my 375 because you know i thought it was a sure thing and you know sure things in life go usually that's when things just blow up in your face right so this bears carry in the mail and by the time i get loaded up boom mitch just as i was getting my scope on the bear boom mitch shot i didn't i didn't know if it was a hit or not and the bear is going away and he's just about to hit the alders at this point it's at 200 yards or more running dead away i don't have a rest because i wanted to get myself far enough away from the hunters that there was no safety issue and so i'm just kneeling and my scope is everywhere but on the bear and so finally i just realized man that thing's gonna be in the brush at any second so i just finally settle i got a trijicon accu-point uh scope so i just settle that post right square in the center of its rump boom and touch it off whack smacks the bear the bear goes down rolls out of sight into the brush gone bear disappeared so i knew that i had had a solid hit on the bear on the last shot i was thinking maybe there was a chance we were we were thinking maybe mitch hit the bear on one of his shots maddie only shot the one time so we regrouped and i just told mitch and matty you guys stay here i'll go look see if there's blood because i definitely knew the bear made it into the brush so i go over there into the brush can't find any blood i could see where the grass was bent over going into the willows and the alders and i get in there and it is so thick i mean for the most part i couldn't i could put my hand out in front of me and see my hand it was so so thick and i get to follow in the trail again there's no blood at this point but i could see where the bear had gone and i get in there about five ten feet and at the most at the very most i could see ten feet at the absolute most this is september and the trees still have all their foliage i get in there and i could smell bear and at that point i realized man this this is pretty dicey here so i get back out glass back up on the hill and there's john glassing down at me and i give the old wave for johnny boy to come on down and save me you know so right away he throws his pack on grabs his rifle and he starts charging down the hill so i go back up to mitch and maddie and tell them what the situation is and i had videotaped the first couple of shots and so we replayed the video and maddie's first shot clearly hit the bear in the foreleg you know just low kind of on the forearm wrist whatever mitch's shots didn't hear any report i had thrown my camera on the tundra when i shot and you know i knew i hit the bear but you could definitely hear the report on my shot so we had one shot in the forearm and one shot in the rump you don't have to be an expert bear hunter to recognize that's not where you want to hit a grizzly bear but that's what we had so we ate some lunch drank some water i grabbed their water bottles went over to this little creek kind of wanted to meet up with john anyways for us to have a little pow wow there just the two of us and i could see he was gonna head up this draw because there was no brush in the way there so i went to the crate fill up the water bottles meanwhile john comes steaming up the hill and of course he's got no hair so the sweat's just rolling right off of him as he gets closer he starts smiling bigger and bigger as guides we got a pretty sick and twisted sense of humor and he starts laughing and i start laughing and he's like well here we go and i said yeah he gets up to me and he's well how do you want to handle this i said well i figure we'll leave maddie up on the hill you know 17 year old girl's got no business going into the brush 17 year old and a boy or girl for that matter but i figured we'd leave her up on the hill john and i and mitch we'd go in together i i trusted mitch he had a lot of hunting experience and i figured mitch could kind of go in mark last blood and i told john i said all i'll take the blood trail you guard my flank and you know we'll just see if we can shag this thing out of here and see how it goes john just kind of nodded his head said yep i i agree with you all sounds good he said but i'm taking the blood trail i said no john this is this is my mess you know i'm taking the blood you guard my flank and he's like no way man you got a wife and kids at home he said i i got nobody if i die today nobody's nobody's really gonna miss me so what what we're arguing about is the guy taking the blood trail he's gonna be obviously looking for spore for sign his head's going to be down and he's going to be taking the lead that job is the most dangerous because obviously the guy in the lead is going to be the first guy that the bear is gonna come eat you know but the guy guarding his flank the guy right behind him it's his job his job isn't nearly as dangerous but it's perhaps most important let's see if i can adjust this to get better focus so the guy in back he has perhaps the most important job because it's his job to kill the bear before it kills the guy taking the blood trail so john and i are going back and forth about who's going to take the blood and who's going to guard the flank then after a time i remembered john's been in over 40 fist fights and i decided all right john let's do it your way so we get back up to mitch maddie we grab mitch we go in our chambers are loaded i turned my shirt inside out so it was white john had a white t-shirt on he wore his pack frame just in case a bear did get a hold of him that he would have a little bit of protection and we start sneaking through we get in pretty close and we're finding blood pretty much right away we had a decent blood trail it wasn't that hard to follow the blood but it's so thick we were we were duck walking through it so i had a gopro on my head at this point mitch is kind of following behind videotaping it things were going along pretty smooth and with bears if you don't find them within 400 yards maybe even 300 your odds of finding them are almost zero so we're moving through real slow real cautious like you know john and i had never tracked bears together but john had a ton of experience if he didn't have 20 years it was close to it so we both had roughly 20 years of a bear hunting experience going into it and anytime john was looking off this way i'd be trying to look off this way and the biggest thing probably the most dangerous thing in that situation more so than the bear or or maybe equal to the bear killing us is us shooting one another so that is of paramount importance we're sneaking through and all of a sudden john goes i got a bear billy and i stepped right up alongside him and just as i didn't see the bear but all of a sudden the bear just pops up boom boom john and i both take two shots as the bear is kind of coming up as we shoot the bear turns and runs away we're about maybe 100 yards into the track at that point and the bear crashes away and it sounded like it went i don't know maybe 50 60 yards and then it just stopped so we sat there we gave it about a half an hour and so at this point this had taken us probably 20 minutes to a half hour so we waited for a good period of time we took up the blood trail we saw where the bear was bedded it was only not even 10 yards away when when it got up when we shot at it there there was a decent amount of blood in in the bed but not a lot but the bear the blood trail was better at that point so clearly we had hit the bear at least one of us you know would have been kind of hard to miss but it was very very brushy so at this point the blood trail is easier to find to follow we go about another 100 yards and we knew we were gonna find the bear and there's an old adage adventure begins when things go wrong and on an alaskan hunting adventure there's always things going wrong that's that's what that brings on the adventure that's what it's all about is you're always experiencing something new and as we were going along i told mitch i said we're going to find this thing but when we do it's not going to be dead because we had gone too far for it to have been mortally wounded you know we would have found it by then and at this point we're only going we're just crawling or duck walking three or four steps and then we're pausing for a minute or two and just sitting there and listening and what's what that's like everybody says oh it must be an adrenaline rush tracking a wounded bear it is 180 degrees the complete opposite of an adrenaline rush it is it goes beyond adrenaline i dare say tracking a wounded bear is one without a doubt one of the most peaceful calming things that i've ever done in my life because you can't be scared i mean if you're scared you know you are are definitely a danger to yourself and those around you if you get scared in a situation like that and even bear hunting i've i really never get never have knock on wood gotten buck fever because it goes beyond that but when you're tracking a wounded bear and you know at any second that puppy could come out because we all hear those stories they're a smart animal very smart animal smartest i've ever hunted how they like to leave a trail they know something's trailing them they'll button hook back around so they can watch their back trail but the reason why it's so peaceful is because you are so in tuned to your surroundings the rest of the world doesn't exist absolutely nothing else you and the people you're with in your environment and where and that bear are the only things that exist and almost this whole time we can smell grizzly bear you're so your senses are never more heightened your sense of smell your hearing your your thought process is crystal clear you are listening for a twig to snap a bird to sing a squirrel the chirp any any clue any evidence any sign that nature will give you to tip the scales in your favor to kill the bear before it kills you that is you're like a radar that's just pinging for information and as we're just taking slowly step by step i look back at mitch and his viewfinder on his camera was closed and i told mitch i said you might as well just turn that thing on and leave it on because you know you just have that sixth sense i mean john and i we both knew it i mean we never talked about it we were talking very quietly but we never mentioned it but i mean i could see in john's eye i mean it's like telepathy we both knew that hey this bear is in here somewhere close and we both knew it was going to be wasn't going to be dead and i told mitch just leave your camera run because when it happens it's going to happen fast and it isn't gonna take long and we're gonna we're gonna jump this bear and so we'd duck walk a couple more times and at one point we we heard something and so we stopped for about 10 minutes maybe we ease forward couple feet at a time we'd sit we take a break and then we go up one more time and john sits down and he's kind of peering off into the brush and i'm peering off from the brush at one point we're just more or less shoulder to shoulder not saying a word we're just looking and listening and then john after a minute or two john turns and he looks back at me and he just gives me the nod that i'm ready and i nodded him that i'm ready and then john just kind of leans off to the side and grabs this alder bush and just kind of leads with his rifle just to go through this little tiny hole what definitely wasn't a hole in the brush but just as he did that all of a sudden here comes this growling noise and the brush just comes alive all hell breaks loose and john just throws his rifle up and i kind of there was brush right in front of my rifle so i pull my rifle back and i take about a step and i'm right shoulder to shoulder to john john isn't shooting and that bear seems like it's right in front of his barrel and at this point john had two rounds in his 458 lot which if you don't know what a 458 lot is it's basically two sizes down from a cannon but he's got open sights 458 lot i've got a one and two one and a quarter power scope trijicon scope with 300 grain barnes triple shocks john's got 400 grain bullets so i've got four rounds in mind i can't see the bear but i can see the brush moving i can see brush being mowed down and then there's a gap where there's nothing and then there's brush flying up you know popping back up into the air not a bright cat but i figured that bear has got to be in between the brush that's being mowed down and the brush that's popping up so this bears no more than 10 yards away but i can't see it but i got four rounds in my gun and i'm like screw this i'm shooting boom boom john shoots boom i shoot boom jon shoots boom i shoot once more john's out of bullets at this point mind you and all of a sudden boom right alongside me just right at our feet this bear falls down and we can actually see the bear for the very first time and so i realized i got one more round in my chamber boom i just take one more shot and just knock it right out of its misery and the bear was done at that point we knew that and so we clear our chambers make sure we're all clear i don't know if i reloaded or what i had some more rounds in my my uh sling and just then mitch kind of comes up from behind us mitch in the excitement he dropped the video camera so he's got the bear charging well then he drops the video camera the viewfinder slaps shut but he grabs the camera and he gets up and he's like holy smokes we just got charged by a bear you know that was that was awesome that was intense you know so he gets his camera he's getting it all ready making sure it was on and everything he's like hold on just hold on a second guys and mitch videotaping us john and i is like hey you guys hold your cam your hands out to the camera and john and i both hold our hands out in front of the camera and mitch says i don't know whether to be comforted by this fact or even more nervous that your guys's hands are stoned still we joke yeah you probably should be comforted and more nervous by that but again you just you can't be nervous in a situation like that it goes beyond nerves you know i still get nervous i shot a couple of does this year for me deer hunting at home and i still get a little bit of buck fever you know and i got to make a shot but that that's just a level of intensity that you just have to experience you know i could only imagine what guys go through in war i'm i'm sure it you know i i'm sure it's somewhere along those lines probably nothing like that don't get me wrong but you just feel this peace and clarity that it's unlike anything that i've ever experienced but after that fact you know we're skinning the bear out we're taking care of it we pack it out but it just really struck me what john did for me in that scenario taking the lead john put himself in harm's way for me and for my wife and my kids and that's that's why he did it because in his mind the way he put it i had more to lose than john and so he went in when it definitely was not his responsibility like i told him that was my mess i should have been the one going in front but he persisted and he wouldn't have it and that reminds me of john chapter 15 verse 13 which says greater love has no one than this to lay down his life for one's friends and that's what jesus christ did on the cross and that's what john did for me and john said as he put it as we were skinning out the bear he's like when it comes to tracking bears i want to be the guy i want to be the man that when there's a wounded bear i want him to call me he's like i i i love it you know i john's a bit of a thrill seeker to be to be honest and i don't think he'd have any problem admitting that i i'm maybe a little bit but you know john just takes pride in that and you know he's done it before he's hunted bears in southeast where it's really thick so he's he's done a fair bit of that but john wasn't doing it out of ego at least not entirely you know i mean he was doing that out of selflessness you know he was putting me and my kids a front of in front of himself and as a christian there's times when god will call us to be the man to step up to risk our well-being our safety our security for others and that's what's called taking up your cross just like jesus did when he was crucified he had to carry his own cross well eventually uh i believe his name was simon he ended up carrying his cross for him but to get him up onto the uh to golgotha to where he was ultimately crucified but that's what the cross means that's why it's the christian symbol because jesus willingly went to the cross to die for us for you for me for mankind to be the replacement the atonement the sacrifice for our sins and jesus calls it us dying to ourselves he says jesus says that we are to take up our cross and he says that in luke chapter 9 verses 23 to 25 and he said to all if anyone would come after me that is to follow jesus let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me for whoever would save his life that is our earthly life we'll lose it but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it so that is if we're willing to lose our flesh our earthly life we will gain eternity life in heaven for what does it profit a man verse 25 for what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself which means by taking up our cross we you'll hear a term it'll be we die to ourselves which means our own selfish desires or our flesh our our sinful human nature is to worry about ourselves only or worry about ourselves more than others and then that that ultimately that that's sinful that that leads to if we're selfish we're not giving to others giving to the world which is what nature does that's that's what everything of nature does that's not what we're put on earth to do another different people call it the old man and the new man the new man is who we become in christ jesus it's it's what we learn as we uh repent and turn from our sin from our selfish ways that's the old man and we become the new man and at first carrying up the cross i don't really think that it anyone can deny it that you know it's hard to do and at times it seems like a burden and definitely at first it's it's almost for sure gonna seem like a burden we're not going to want to do it it's kind of like well basically we have the world the world value system is telling us to do to do things one way and god is telling us to do things another way and we have these these strings these chains of the world are connected to us or pulling us towards the world that we should you know make more money find fame find ego uh just have all the fun that we possibly can and then there's god telling us to love him above all things and love our neighbor as ourself and our flesh our old man doesn't want to do that you know we want to follow the world and that's that's that's difficult to decipher and the challenge of a christian is to ignore the world or walk away from the ways of the world their sinful sinful desires or inclinations and follow and trust god and as we do as we follow god those chains those strings will slowly break away it's kind of like you know you shoot an animal and you butcher the thing out and every everybody's happy and you know life is grand but then you got all that meat sitting there and you realize okay we've got to pack this thing out okay well that ma that animal is now a burden and so many of us we often have a uh a tendency to kind of just sit around and twiddle our thumbs hoping the next guy grabs the biggest chunk of meat you know but that's a burden that we we have to it has to get taken care of it's staring you in the face sooner or later you have to address it you know you can ignore it and if you do it'll eat at you i mean that's that's been my experience when god tells you to do something and you ignore it you'll never have any peace because you'll get more sensitive to this as you're walking a christian because you'll recognize that that you missed an opportunity to do what god wanted you to do and maybe that that opportunity will pass by or maybe it's something that you can do at another time but god wants us to to follow him and to trust him and have faith when those opportunities arise he wants us to to follow him and when we come to uh opportunity to carry up to pick up our cross and carry it it'll often times seem like we can't do it but like a good guide jesus knows exactly what we need to carry and how much of it see we're like the clients that i guide we're usually carrying too much crap that we don't need you know in our earthly life we're worrying about things that we don't need to worry about so often we're doing things that we shouldn't be doing that they feel good at the time in the short term but they're not good in the long haul and they're selfish they're they're good for no one but ourselves those are things that god doesn't want us to be wasting our energy on and in life when we're overburdened when our pack is too heavy jesus will offer us a new pack that is our cross it is something that may look worse than what we're carrying right now but when our pack is so heavy we have a tendency at least me when the only time i really focus on on god and what he wants me to be doing is when i just can't carry my burden anymore and so i look and try to figure out what god wants me to do what's my cross at this time because your cross mate will most likely change throughout your life what god wants you to do will change where he wants to be the people he wants you to help the things he wants you to do that will constantly change and it always looks big and heavy like you can't do it but if we take it we will soon find out that that load is perfectly balanced and it fits it fits us it's a custom fit made for us and over time you'll recognize this i hope this is making sense because i believe that this trust the guide series i believe that this is a cross that i was supposed to pick up maybe not this necessarily but like i mentioned earlier i know i've been sandbagging i haven't been carrying the cross that that god wanted me to carry for some time now and it was eating at me and finally i just got to the place where you know i just i kind of really decided to do this quite quickly because i realized that it was the only way that i was going to have any peace and now that i've done it man it just feels like the weight of the world is off my shoulders i mean this this is not a burden for me this is this is light jesus said my my burden my yoke is light and so to do that to pick carry our cross the biggest step like any step in life is just the decision and the commitment to do it all we got to do is lace up our boots and put one foot in front of the other and start carrying that cross and slowly one by one those chains as we walk away from the world and walk towards god walk in his direction and follow him those chains will slowly break away and our burden will become lighter one by one our fears our doubts our worries all of our insecurities they break off and we find peace and we discover life as it is life that god created us to live and we will never discover that if we don't break away from that bondage those strongholds of the world whether it be addiction or fear or worry or you know maybe you're just going through a divorce and you know worries a big one that i've struggled with you know just as a husband as a father i just man as a man these days we're just there's so many things expected of us you know and and it's kind of like you can't do anything right you know one minute they're telling you to open the door for the ladies and pay for the ladies and then then no you're not supposed to do that you know just the world is a it's very complicated and god's ways are very very simple and it's so refreshing once you start heading in his direction life becomes way more simple and what i'm slowly learning and discovering is that that's the only way to live is to follow god's path and the only way to find it that that i found in this life is to trust jesus to study his word follow his example and then slowly you'll become it's easier to identify things that lead to destruction that are no good that are sinful that are of the world and things that are of god that lead to life that lead to peace that lead to happiness that leads you to helping others that's the only way to live and john's example is one that i'll never forget i will never forget john anderson for what he did for me and my family that day in western alaska when we were tracking that bear absolutely will never forget it so with that i'll uh i'll offer us a prayer here heavenly father we we thank you for the birth of your son jesus we thank you for making him the man we thank you that he carried that cross he bore our burden our sin was on that cross every mistake we've made and every mistake we will make was on that cross and he willfully gave up his life here on this earth because he knew the destination he knew where he was going he knew that he was going to a better place and he knew that that's why he came to this earth and he fulfilled his purpose to be our example and to set us free from all the temptations that will come to you come to us in this life so that we might have peace and to give us the strength to carry our own cross so that through jesus we might find life and be a blessing and a life to others lord i thank you for those who are watching this video for the men that have been joining us those men that are that are praying for me those men that are ministering to others in this community lord i'd ask that you come to them lord give them your peace answer those prayers for those that are are seeking you and lord i'd ask that you give them the strength and the faith to seek your will to discover their cross and to take up that cross and follow your path so they might know your love your peace and be blessings to others in jesus name we pray amen and that that hunt that i just described that is the subject matter of my shadow of death dvd if you're interested in that check it out i consider that one of my one of my best great hunt uh i just want to thank everybody for your prayers and your support the last uh four weeks that uh since we've just i've decided to put this together uh the response and the encouragement has really been overwhelming and i i appreciate it immensely i really do and i also appreciate again the community um you know part of the christian walk is you know we're all in valleys and peaks and valleys throughout our walk and so if you're going through something i would say leave it in your comments if you received jesus by all means leave your comments any ideas that you have i i greatly appreciate them in fact uh thank you to the viewer who actually gave me the idea for this title because he told me he said as he put it you never know when the man god is gonna make you the man and what he was saying is that in our walk we're gonna have opportunities that come about where we need to be the man where we need to pick up our cross do something that maybe that probably isn't good for us or at least not just us but it's good for god's kingdom god's glory and when you do that and you feel god's peace he is going to step up and he is going to help you and he is going to be there for you in ways that so often anyways that you just can't imagine and and that builds your faith and it just makes you that much stronger for the next time you need to do that so again thank you uh for that for that idea i like it when the man makes you the man so again please leave your comments subscribe to my channel if you haven't and if you would share this i mean this is as grassroots as it gets if you watch my stuff you'd see i'm not a you know heavily sponsored i'm not huge on social media or anything like that this is a grassroots thing you know i've i was i had a television show for years and i hated it after two years i got burned out on the marketing and the sponsorship and it made it absolutely no fun for me and so and i'm just a simple guy i just want to focus on reaching and inspiring as many people as i possibly can and in you i mean if you're looking for some way to to help out in this ministry and this cause and do me a solid is uh yeah just share this any way you can whether it's on social media or with a friend or whatever you can do i'd greatly appreciate it and i want to leave you with this challenge and that is to be the man to do something outside yourself that you maybe wouldn't ordinarily do jesus calls us to love our neighbor as ourselves he said the bible can be summed up into this basically love god before all things love your neighbor is yourself so if you're a husband love your wife like you've never loved her before do things for her that you wouldn't overly do ordinarily do shower her with love shower your kids with love if you're a child do things for your parents that you wouldn't ordinarily do and the bible promises that we we reap what we sow and and see what happens in your life if you do that consistently man i guarantee you your life will improve so with that uh just a couple of days from now it's christmas we're celebrating the birth of jesus and uh i just want to wish you and your family a very very merry christmas i apologize for the snafu in the middle there um it's not ideal scenario here but it was gonna snow tomorrow and be really cold the next day and then it was christmas so i wanted to get it in tonight but i love you i i i truly do i know there's a lot of men out there and i i appreciate the all the comments the direct messages that i've been getting um i just feel that god's anointing is on this and i appreciate you tuning in and so until our next campfire let's spirit lead god bless you
Channel: Billy Molls Adventures
Views: 65,700
Rating: 4.8295283 out of 5
Keywords: Christian hunter, hunting testimony, hunter testimony, hunter christian outreach, Wild game speaker, The Gospel, the good news
Id: VEfAEna7j08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 1sec (2821 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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