Cub Killer!!!: Season 4 MDMM, Episode #1

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I was eight years old trapping muskrats on lightning Creek when something came alive inside me I promised myself I would somehow live like the mountain men of old [Music] since then I've guided hunters in Alaska for more than two decades in counting all poll eight years of my life has been lived out of a tent in the wilderness [Music] the majesty solitude trials endure and tribulations overcome the endless wonders of nature and divine orchestration of everything in it keep calling me back [Music] may 6 8 30 am i got into Anchorage last night overnighted and waiting for plane to hit the sand point and the 2010 season begins for brown bear 16 day season for sure have one hunter if I get a guy my first time gets done soon enough so I get a second guy great to be back in Alaska weather has been cold real late spring so bears should be out there so definitely be able to probably human hibernation school looking forward to getting back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 12:35 [Music] I'm at nach de candolle Reno and I laid a bet down whoever gets the smallest bear the other one gets to give whoever gets the smallest bear has to get a mohawk that's the bottom line here's the plan you know my skull size Billy's gonna lose and he's gonna get a mohawk I highly doubt that that's the dead probably got a loser 6th of May 3 o'clock that way [Music] [Music] Oh firing all [Applause] let standpoint I was hot not no more [Music] she's windy and this the air is bumpy that's the first time I've got a little bit sick in an airplane in quite a few years - definitely bumpy so four o'clock six the babies until the tenth so I definitely got some time to kill [Music] I love this country well it's seven o'clock the ninth season starts tomorrow I'm gonna call in to base camp let's give them a weather report and find out the status hello it's Billy yeah it's pretty much a repeat yesterday clear wind 10 to 15 miles an hour out of the north they have visibilities 30 miles okay good yeah I got I got everything okay all right well I'm I'll be ready okay very good yep said I got a guy coming to you this morning he's a pain in the butt but get him a marriage that so he wants to been standing right there yeah it's cold this morning 30 degrees it's broke frost just barely a frost but but that's colder than than what it normally is this time in the year I'm a good deal good weather get a hunter in here and try to find a bear tomorrow if we get weather like this shouldn't take more than four or five days shouldn't guy should be able to get a good bear [Music] [Music] decent little crosswind not a problem for Curtis [Music] I'm Billy not Billy I'm Bobby Bobby nice to meet you good today's Mother's Day called my mom to wish her happy Mother's Day she said it froze last night in Wisconsin and down to 28 colder in Wisconsin it is in Alaska on Mother's Day at least here in Alaska they'll be taking off right over top feet of Bobby he'll be up and away before [Music] [Music] opening day season a little after 7:00 who'd have thunk it it have been bright and sunny for six days in a row and then opening day of season rain wind and fog actually it isn't too Rania's and two in the isn't too foggy but wasn't the bright sunny days we've had it actually just started here in the last couple hours but we're gonna get some breakfast dinner gullets climb to the hill and sit there and take it hopefully find a bear well or the past four days before season only glass maybe four or five hours total probably seen a total of ten bears which is pretty darn good but blasting for bears before seasons opened about like taking your sister to the prom I don't care how good of a dancer she is the only time it counts is when the seasons open today is opening day about 9:40 we've been here for our hour and a half now North we're tucked out of the wind pretty good but it's been snowing pretty well non-stop since we've got here welcome to the Alaska Peninsula a beautiful day in the neighborhood wouldn't you say yeah it is I'm from San Diego California where it's about 82 and sunny right now and I'm wondering what the hell it might be out there 25 years I've been hunting all I ask you in every year I say it will never come back but I do I don't know why I guess is did I enjoy this somehow we've had about six seven days of bright sunshiny whether we should have known that opening day would be about like this it usually is yeah pretty typical so you're you're in the computer business am I retired yeah pretty much retired difference between that and not being retired as I just don't get paid now still do the work yeah yeah that's just the way it goes how could you pass on a beautiful country and weather like this yeah what a beaut I do number one three o'clock I spotted our first beer of the day what these bears do on windy days everything the minute I left the bear a half-mile maybe a little more away yeah we're within 400 yards he stood up there yeah he's a he's a young boar eight and a half nine foot at best we just snuck how we were nine hundred yards away we just got a little closer just in case we were a foot bigger we'd have something Bobby no he's on all fours I just didn't want him to get up and get out of Dodge and us to be out of position on him so we snuck a little closer just 12 more inches yeah yeah he's got that young bear face definitely not a first-day bear by any means oh then this snow slide we got three bears so on a couple of dubs they're about Oh three four miles away and well over three miles five and evening this was just their second bear sighting open for something a little closer than them is day two gonna be the lucky day Bobby got your gear all dialed in we might as well get her done today am i beautiful yeah you looked great but hopefully this wind will stay died down and if it warms up it looks like the sky is brightening up so if it warms up in this win ways we should see some bear activity today a day to about six o'clock you're spotted one bear this morning pretty good ways off this is bear number two I think pick him up there just on this side of that saddle I saw a bear there just for a couple seconds yesterday in that same saddle so it might be the same bear you get the scope on him but maybe this rain might let up here a little bit hopefully it does rich pretty much ran right into us now and one of this year's Cubs they started going at it for about 30 seconds then the cup ran away over the hill trying to get it to kill it greet the sow if more is able to kill the Cubs South come into season [Music] Reince Paulson looks like about a night well that bore he did he did kill one of those Cubs the one got away I saw the one and got away right away I saw it go up over the over the ridge I couldn't see it in the skyline it's one of this year's Cubs they're just little little basketballs more or less a little bigger than basketball and this all got away with the one cub but yeah he's got one there I saw him stepping on it and falling down with his teeth and he could just see the red flesh and snap back like a rubber band and he's got a little perch up there where he's eating it picks it up once in a while moves around with it so so yeah he got one but yeah it looks right around 9:00 low nines but he still a pretty good ways away way up on the hill wind isn't very good to get him anyway but got him on the lower scale would be looking for at this point but we'll keep an eye on him [Music] about 10 minutes later the Sal came back with her second cup I think to see if her other cub was still alive [Music] now this mountain is every bit as steep as it looks these bears are incredibly athletic I've seen Boris fight cells and digging dens for Cubs but never actually get one [Music] at one point the board just misses this cup before the South grabs her from behind as luck would have it my camera runs out of tape and I just missed the board getting hold of this Cup [Music] I couldn't help but feel sorry for the Cubs and the sow is she paced back and forth as the boar stood on her cubs and ripped their flesh this was a harsh look at this untamed wilderness where there is one rule survival of the fittest well we did see two other bears that day one was too small and the other was a 10-footer but was three miles away and working up the mountain as we walked home that night we could still see the sow on top of the ridge watching the boar eating her four-month-old cubs I figured this bear would be right there in the morning and Bobbie and I had made up our minds we're going to go after the cub killer I just called base camp and let him know we were sand they said yeah everybody's saying the same thing they're just you know one or two bears a day so so we're not the only ones that it's kind of slow and this seems to happen you know all of a sudden boom everything will be just right and you know four out of the eight camps they'll shoot bears one day so hopefully this weather clears and the one will be a better day I had the glaston knob Bobby decided he wants to give this bear go it's about two-thirds of the way up the mountain the screen our and do it bear still sleeping right in that dark patch above the snow no 1,200 yards away yes whoa Oh what did you think Bobby but I think we just got a Guinness Book of World Records on our hands right there ugliest antlers on the head of any caribou in the world almost looks like a long horn yeah it does yeah they're only I don't even 100 yards away on our bear right there taking a nap it's pretty close 500 yards [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] be safe with the gun just be ready yep as an alaskan guide it's my responsibility to back up a hunter if a wounded animal is in danger of escaping or if it poses any kind of safety risk now I thought Bobby's second shot was good but I wasn't a hundred percent sure and after his second shot I could see that he lost his footing on the side hill and I figured he could probably just barely see the top of the bear I was about 5 yards above Bobby and standing up so I was able to see the bear and get a clear shot just to be sure the bear didn't get into the alders but as it turned out Bobby killed the bear with the second shot but over the years I've learned the lesson better to put one too many shots in a bear than one too few the first shot was just whizzed right by his head he didn't even flinch you blew about yeah just to the right of his head you blew about three yards of gravel he didn't even flinch my lips are both pasted together yeah he just must upload the chamber we'll get on safety Bobby Bobby I knew you could do her that was a pretty long pull yeah that's the glass enough right there yeah he's eating that Cub we waited for what five minutes he was ma probably all of five minutes well he was eating that cub the cub killer that's exactly right congratulations yeah on this hillside there's no footing and then we every time we'd get up where we could see him there's alders in the way or it's so steep but it worked out 1:00 1:00 o'clock we started at 15 minutes to 10:00 I think all right well I ain't heard or seen nothing of them yeah I think I think he was spying that first shot he wasn't wasn't he dropped out of sight right away and I had to get up and order to see him nice ready to take a gander at him holy cow now you can see all steep that Hill is I always do that this is all that's left of that Cub in idea there's my foot here's his liver and gallbladder and intestines that's all that's left I don't see any fur careful coming down that sucker it's slick yeah he had a good old he built himself a nest right here go check him out I think he's dead you can get an idea how much ground he dug up pulled that stuff all the way from up here hey what's up and heads down yeah he ain't he ain't gonna bite you that's for sure oh yeah that's a good bear yeah he's gonna be nine and a half anyway there stay no or roll there was no way we could do anything with him there well congratulations Bobby thank you nicely I'm nicely done a good bear and what this morning we saw I think three bears in first hour you know and that was more bears than we saw all day yesterday so you just you just got to get the right weather and get lucky enough to to see him yeah good bear not not a real old bear but yeah definitely over nine and a half feet well I think time to get to work I guess so this is the first animal that that rifles killed and you might retire her now you think yeah he's retired I built it special for bear huntin and it did the job so he's retired now you know 375 is taking down a lot of bears over the years that's for sure you know what's a big bear when without the skull just my clothes it's sticking out the top what did you think that skin and job fighting the olders yeah that wasn't bad could have been worse it's easier than doing a buffalo yeah yeah we're gonna we actually got it we got a trail right there so we're going to take that get it out of the alders and probably get down into the creek and then drop our packs and I'll just leave the hide there and come back and get it tomorrow are you ready for this we're ready the leg home what's gonna be easier the leg home or the leg there the whiskey when we get there going see I think that's the plan make it a little easier and Bobby going home here we got about a mile and a half and it's kind of soft an uphill hole hopefully or nothing in their eyes in their own [Music] set him right there and I got the skull now Bob you brought this all down hole six your rumor is you're gonna be trying to hop a plane tomorrow morning probably get back to what is the Sand Point so Ralph and I can drink some whiskey check the airlines see when I get back to San Diego where there's some sunshine and some washed this may be great weather for here but this sucks so we'll see well we got to stop in Anchorage Joey Jordison roundels I got for pizza pies on order I got to take back to San Diego so you know they'll be expecting their pizza pies and from there so hopefully we'll have time to lay over and get them all all picked in what they need so Cheers you've never had a guide that can do what they can't see where they can till distance you know you know it's you know I can't see that bear no bears only a hundred yards it's just just another hundred yards right there yeah well I got ten part binoculars they can't even see him in your eye sight force and most [Applause] [Laughter] snow squalls have ended and ceilings lifted not much wind so Curt should be here any time pick Bobby up and far as I know there'll be a new hunter coming in at least one new hundred coming in so any final word before the plane comes and takes you back home no I have left my words of wisdom on the wall the wall says it all I was keeping on the hide all afternoon and it started to rain and it started to snow so I went back into the cabin take a little break yes was I was falling asleep I heard the plane wouldn't you know it nobody's here away goes Bobby [Music] two more guys are coming in I think Jerry Tyrell I think is the only hunter who just got in so he'll be looking for a big bear I know he killed a 10-6 bear here about four years ago so he's gonna be looking for ladies and gentlemen Stan Lancaster Oh Jerry Tyrell ray what's your last name for bourbon heroin yeah very good you got a couple of Canucks and a Washington feller here is gonna be an interesting huntin well it's a quarter to 11 as you can see I got my hands full this week great guys I have a character spent I've been laughing non-stop so we're just going to bed I set up a tent and Jerry and stander in a tent and raised sleeping in the cab in there so we need a lot of room to you know store our gear and that sort of stuff so it'll work out pretty good so Jerry and Ray both have bear tag stands just just there he's gonna videotape just to preserve more or less Stan's an outfitter and BC and NWT so yeah we got lots of experience good hunters and yeah it should be a good hunt Jerry's killed a monster bear up here over ten and a half feet and so he's gonna be looking for just a big bear I think radius - I don't think he's gonna shoot anything unless it's small so hopefully we can start seeing some bears everybody it's been pretty slow everywhere yeah I guess they have I guess everybody's thinking there must still be quite a few bears in hibernation still so which on the north side of these mountains here there it's still winter so we knew there was still definitely some bears in in their dens but they got to be coming out here soon and we're on the south side here this hill on the other side of where Charley shot Dhirubhai be shot his his bear it's a real good Hill right on the beach facing the south and bear seems really like especially want to get sunny and it greens up about first and anything around here so we should be in a good spot so yeah should be it should be a heck of a hunt no doubt holed up in the Sun like a sow Stan spotted a great big bear way down on that flat there it drops off right to the ocean headed the other way I want a cup and a number one about a thousand yards blowing Stan spotted I'm coming right over that Ridge so maybe a boar will become more gonna be on her tail Stanley but 630 art is just coming in the range for me to say the least I got the shakes a little bit I fired two warning shots and I only li shot at her twice at 30 yards the only thing that actually made him run is they went right there it smelled way that's the airstrip that's my tent it's an ugly crew but they're fun to have in camp boy it's a great deed he will be he took and got us in on a kind of a little bit of not charge Minh confronted a couple bears here he said he didn't want didn't uh get really close to bears and I thought thirty yards you get today Stanley won't let me shoot until he gets some really good footage so that's a wrap for day one we saw five five bear sightings one for sure shooter but far away so hopefully as weather holds and give her go tomorrow o'clock on the hill a little bit today windy get up on top of the knob is just in the 50s so hunker in this afternoon hopefully hopefully she won't and bitter day tomorrow when I tend gets to rocking like this bugger is pretty much got to have your plugs are all the way can't sleep you know you get a good wind gust and pull that thing things starts rattling around and wake you up all the time if you don't have your plugs yeah I'll just launch the earplugs in here nice and tight and get in the middle so the sides ain't beating on me I'm in here by myself so that's kind of nice you get do guys and the sides are beating in the face all night pretty tough to sleep but yeah that's the way she is and I'm protected in the alders here so they were calling for 50 50 mile an hour in Sandpoint so we're probably getting all that right on top of this hill here so I guess that's the way she is so let's ride her out we got a good beer got a big butt yeah that's a bore pretty decent bear good when did us or what probably one or the other probably just right over this knob just got to the knob nine o'clock Kurt came in dropped us a little extra grub and other stuff figuring he's gonna get off the ground pretty quick he's got a pretty good head wind it's about 12:30 day number three so we came to meet him make her go to the cabin and get a little soup head back to the hill how many feet how far did he take off in he's going to pick up another hunter got a beer beer number 2 day 3 up 2 o'clock and selling a cub to be slow it's fairly warm today one of the warmer days we've had no sunshine yet we should see some bear activity pretty quick I would thanks [Music] there's some in there ray can i buy the rights to your stories yeah a little downtime blame some crib oh yeah and listen to read stories don't judge a book by it's cover there's a perfect example of that right there the boys morning a day for looks like we got a little break in the weather rained quite a bit last night the wind let down I don't know what the temperature is but low forties warmer than it has been that's for sure I'm heading to camp you guys catch up that way well we spotted this bear about two miles from camp and as soon as we started the stock it started sleeting snowing and I was filming some of the stock and I got moisture in my camera and so my camera quit working and after we got to it and started skinned in and out Sun came out I was able to dry out my camera but yeah I missed the kill shot ray made a good shot 250 yards this bear was moving up in the hill away from us and bear was just under 9 feet are they all as tough as him in Canada ray thank you guys a bear packing machine he'll ever over 2 miles when it's all said and done you wouldn't let me stuff it in my pack well raise bear won't go boone and crockett but I bet all Stanley would have a pretty solid melon there there's one tough man you ain't human Stanley Knowles got hurt oh by golly I think there's the airstrip did we get a little wet Stan we got wet 4:30 the day the kill we're gonna try to get back on the knob try to find Jerry a bear yet Stan and I are just Stan's gonna tape out the head 37 years a guiding experienced you're gonna whip her out and I'm gonna get at the feet and clean the skull up and we'll have this bear ready to go to town and see if we can't find Jerry ever called base camp they might not come get it today yet but tomorrow weather permitting they should be here here we are in 85 about 11 in the morning we've seen two bears and both are up real high Valter real far away so yeah it's it's slow this is the slowest I've ever seen in the spring I'm just just too many bears in hibernation [Music] [Applause] [Applause] 6:00 p.m. day number 5 I think Kurt's got a guy in the back of the plane from another camp we're filled out he's coming in to pick up rays I'd been raining snowing off and on all day Kurt told us at another outfitter right nearby has 11 hunters and only two bears so far and all their guys I'm guessing have been hunting since opening day of season and so right now we got 5 out of 10 so yeah normally by now we're just gonna one or two guys that don't have bears on it just too many bears still still in their dens pretty much the story was delayed late spring this this birds been squawking at us every time we walked by and we've been wondering where the nest is and we finally found it the Larkin fox had just as soon find that nest - yeah quit doing so the cam apology yeah yeah that's pretty amazing sure my matches in without long ass stuff then yeah I'm not liking yeah I'm not sure what kind of bird this is but we found her eggs last night marked it with the rocks we want stuff on where she's camouflage so perfectly believable everybody go buy her another day down and no bear to show for it Jerry that's hot sometimes it's easy sometimes it's not just not been easy we will get there day number five draws to a close what three bears I think today and a wolf for more information on other DVDs books and modern-day mountain man apparel log on to Billy moles here you'll also find information on Alaskan hunting opportunities with Billy for doll sheep caribou moose brown bear grizzly bear as well as white-tailed deer hunting in Wisconsin much of Billy's offseason is devoted to public speaking he travels across the country sharing his knowledge and passion for the wilderness at corporate events schools conservation organizations wild game dinners Christian outreach events and much more Billy is a master storyteller attendees are sure to be entertained educated and inspired log on or call for more information [Music]
Channel: Billy Molls Adventures
Views: 333,524
Rating: 4.7205729 out of 5
Keywords: Billy Molls, modern day mountain man, grizzly bear hunting, Alaska bear hunt, Alaska bear hunting, alaska peninsula brown bear hunt, alaska peninsula brown bear guide, alaska peninsula brown bear outfitter, kodiak bear hunting, kodiak island brown bear guide, kodiak island brown bear outfitter, grizzly charge, bear hunting, best bear hunting video, boar eats cubs, spring bear hunting, Alaska spring brown bear hunting, Alaska hunting, alaska hunting video, bear hunt
Id: ynkUl0itVgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 34sec (2734 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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